Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 85: Undersea refugees

The old slipper of the North Star King finally couldn't withstand the huge temptation of China Everbright Taoism, and he agreed to cooperate with us. Once Taoism has become stronger in the world, the status of the North Star King will follow the water ship. In the future, he will be the ancestor of Kaishan. This position may even be jeopardized by the heads and minds of Tianting.

"Where is he now?"

Wu Zhenhong said: "This time you should still be studying your two foxes."

I nodded: "Since that's the case, I won't bother him. The next time you talk to him, let him come to Isinger as soon as possible to discuss the expansion. If I am not there, I will find Red Moon or Eagle, if everyone is not there Look for Ziyue or Rose. "

"I see, I'll tell him next time I see you."

I stood up and said, "Since the Chinese weapon has been given to you, you will be responsible. We will find a way to technically collect the back parts, but you must protect it and don't lose it."

这个 "Of course, how can I make fun of Chinese instruments?"

"Are you free this time?" I turned to ask them.

"What are you doing?"

"Go to the United States." I take it for granted: "Now things are piled up like mountains, I can't keep dragging on, right?"

Wu Ying said, "I'm not free. Now Essinger and Gangcheng are both in Zhang Luo, how can I still be free!"

Wu Hongyue saw me looking at her and quickly waved her hand: "Don't look at me. Things are not old and young over Tianyu City, and I have to be in charge of personnel work. Do you think that millions of laborers worry about it?"

"What are you going to do?" Zhenhong asked, "I'm free. I just don't know what you want to do. If you work hard, it's fine."

"No, no, I want a few self-defense."

"That's okay." Really brightened his fist. "My boxing, palms, and swordsmanship are first-rate, and I'm good at fighting."

看 I looked at Yingquan, and she quickly shook her head: "I'm doing a task, although I have to do it, but I have already taken it. If you really don't have enough people, please contact me.

Xun Ziyue just walked in from the outside. "Are they all there?"

I hurriedly said, "Exactly, will you accompany me to the United States?"


"Mother Earth said that the US produced jade jade, I'm going to get some back. The transnational transport array can't do that!"

"Okay, I'll go."

Su Ying suddenly said: "Zi Ri, please wait first."

"what's wrong?"

"I have a question."

"what is the problem?"

"Are you planning to stay out of contact or do you want to have long-term relationships with the US?"

"Of course it has been a long-term relationship." I looked at Eagle strangely, not knowing what he meant.

"Since you want to develop in the United States for a long time, I suggest you wait a few days."


"It's not very cost-effective to run in several runs. The United States is too far away from us. It is a waste of resources for you to run around like this."

"What do you want me to do?"

"I suggest you wait for us to learn about things here, and then everyone will go to the United States. Since you decide to go, simply build a city over there, will it be more convenient for transportation on both sides?"

"Building a city? Is this project a bit bigger? That's going to happen, but we can't keep it."

"That was before. With our current strength, if the city is not big, we can still defend it."

I thought about it carefully. "It makes sense, but this project is too big, I have to think about it carefully. I have some money now." The money given by my dad is useless. "The problem is to buy materials in the United States and build a city. This must be carefully considered. Finally, there is the issue of address. Where is it better to build?"

Hongyue Road: "I agree with the eagle's opinion, just go and build a city directly. I have one place."

"you have?"

Wu Hongyue explained, "Do you know Lake Erie?"

知道 "Know. It seems not too far from Detroit. You won't let us build the city in Detroit, right?"

Hongyue shook her head. "What are you doing in Detroit? I mean fixing it directly on the lake."

"Repair on the lake?" Everyone cried.

Hongyue Road: "Don't we have a floating device? Anyway, that thing only consumes energy during the ascent and descent. We just need to set it at a suitable height and float on the water?"

I shook my head: "No. There is a fleet at Lake Erie. Is it not an American target to float on it?"

Wu Ying said: "Wait until the city is built directly above the mine, because it is floating, isn't it convenient to be close to the mine?"

"This method works."

Ziyue said: "Your plans are in vain so early, your plans cannot keep up with the changes. If the Americans strongly oppose the city we are building there, maybe you can't even buy the materials."

"That wouldn't, I have an inner response."


"I won't tell you."


Neiying I said was actually Terry. His guild seemed to be called the Temple of Neptune. He heard that he was still a little famous in the United States. If he can help, you should be able to build a city, but I am really not assured of this person. Do n’t be overwhelmed by the time I ’m in trouble!

Wu Ziyue asked, "What else is in our hands now?"

Hongyue took out this notepad and turned it over: "The long-term work of the construction of Noah, the expansion of Steel City and Tianyu City is not urgent. The construction of two cities in Europe and South Korea must wait for Mo Yu from the United States. At the beginning, it can be postponed. The red ruby ​​spar mine in Europe needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. In addition, the reconstruction of Atlantis, which was taken down by Ziri, and the issue of reconciling the white shark and mermaid clan, and Investigate the mysterious race under the sea, these are things. "

Xun Zhenhong said: "Forget to say. The two foxes of Zi Ri are still waiting for you to provide the monster Nedan!"

"Dizzy! Accidentally there are so many jobs waiting for us!" I have never noticed. There are so many things here!

Hongyue Road: "So much work? If they weren't for Woma, they had all the scientific research stuff, the navy had the full authority of the king, the high-level NPC in the city was more efficient, and my brother in Yunxiao City would help you manage it. Most of the players are girls who rarely cause trouble, and the two main heads of the Light Temple and the Dark Temple are so worried that we have no time to take care of us. You still have time to go around in the sea? It has exhausted you. "

Ying added: "A few more are needed. One is that Rose's economic management ability is too good. Although we are short of money, we have not slowed down the development rate. Also, the veteran players in the guild worked very hard to help you block a lot. In addition, the generals and three think tanks such as Su Mei and Xiao Yao often come up with many good ideas. By the way, there are also city walls. Isinger is so high to save a lot of trouble. If it is like an ordinary city, we I don't know how many guild battles have been fought. People are afraid to attack our walls because they are afraid of our walls. "

"I know I'm wrong, I'll get things resolved immediately." I didn't expect everyone to be so hard. I decided to be busy right away to ease everyone's burden.


Wu Ying stopped me: "Don't hurry! Plan to do things."

I told them confused, but now I remember that I haven't assigned a task. I can't do so many things by myself. "Let's do this! All construction work here is handed over to Wei Na."

"Ah?" Eagle and Hongyue were startled.

"Don't be so nervous, Wei Na is a bit fierce and is still good to me. I will ask her for help and she will definitely help. The system just limits her to not allow us to fight directly unless the temple is threatened for self-defense. But the system does not stipulate that she cannot help direct the construction of the city. "

"Why didn't I think of it!" Eagle nodded.

Wu Hongyue said: "It's useless to think of you. Except Ziri, who dares to tell her?"


I interrupted them and said, "Let's start with the business. All the construction here is managed, and we can spare it. Hongyue and I ran around Atlantis, let's see what the reconstruction work over there How is it? By the way, let them help find the thing that dropped on the Japanese shipwreck, and also directly facilitate the peace talks. The eagle and Ziyue went to Germany together to help Ashurford get the red-grained magic crystal mine together, remember , We want ore instead of money. Do n’t miss all the red ruby ​​spar. ”

"What if it was Ashford?"

"Consult with him, we want as much ore as possible anyway. Normal magic crystals can be given to Ashoford, we only need red-grained magic crystals."

Wu Ying nodded and said, "I understand what you mean. Don't worry, I'll try my best."

"Well." I nodded. "So let's get started?"

I really do n’t know, I was shocked. We did not expect that our guilds would work so much. These are all disadvantages caused by too fast development, but in order to dominate the future and have to accelerate, it is really a unity of contradictions!

Out of the conference hall, everyone went their separate ways, and Hongyue and I went to the port to get a speedboat. Ariana has never returned to Isinger. Probably there are more things in Atlantis. I let her take full charge of the communication on both sides. Now it seems that she is not enough alone.

This time we set off besides me and Hongyue with one more person, she is the sparkling princess of the white shark tribe. The hostage is necessary for peace talks, otherwise this matter is a bit mysterious. It was almost noon when I ran to Atlantis, which was a real delay. Next time I will consider whether I will also build a transnational transport array in Atlanta.

When we got here, we only saw the Great White Shark stopping next to Atlantis, and the mermaids were really busy moving down. The waterproof barrier of Atlantis has been repaired. The thing was not damaged much at first, and it was closed only because of exhaustion of energy. Now that we have the magic spar, this thing has been restored. But Atlantis is still a wolf, and in addition to cleaning up house debris, it also has to get rid of mud. Reconstruction can't begin until the cleanup is finished, and now here is just transporting materials and clearing rubble.

I found Emperor Atlantis, and I briefly discussed the reconstruction problem with him, and asked him to help find the ball-shaped object falling from the Japanese battleship. Anyway, the mermaids also need to collect building materials nearby, and by the way, it is not troublesome to find things.

In addition, the great Atlantis provided us with some amazing news. The black octopus found a large number of Shemo passing by, but did not find them. The Turtles were attacked, basically annihilated by the entire army, and the magic crystal was robbed and cleaned. Our response to this unexpected news was not very large. It was not ourselves who lost it. Secondly, I guessed that the Shemo tribe would not only attack Atlantis.

We only stayed in Atlantis for a short time, and then gave Princess Sparkling to Atlantis the Great for temporary care. We took the ocean map painted by Sparkling and proceeded to the gathering place of the White Sharks. This map is very detailed. We quickly found the gathering place according to the map, but the scene in front was a bit unexpected.

We saw pieces of wreckage and corpses before reaching the city. It seems that the White Sharks have fought against someone. Suddenly, a strange creature suspended in the water caught my attention. At first glance this looks like a lobster, but it has a slender tail like a dragon. From its appearance, I only think of one kind of creature-the Shemo tribe.

舍 Shermo, suspended in the sea, had a large hole in it, which seemed to be hit by something. There was a body of a white shark guard floating in the sea water next to him, and it seemed that the two guys had died together. Farther away are more corpses, some from Shermo and members of the White Shark clan. Discarded weapons can be seen everywhere, like a scene of battlefield ruins.

As we continued to move forward, we finally came across alive. As soon as the guards saw us alert, not everyone in the White Sharks knew me. But fortunately, I know it later.

"It's you!" A soldier swam over to salute very respectfully.

"What's going on here with you?"

The soldier paused: "Yesterday this group of creatures suddenly attacked our city. Fortunately, the magic crystal you provided came in handy. Our defense facilities worked and we successfully defeated the enemy. But our army The losses were heavy and a more peripheral city was damaged. "

I nodded: "I probably understand the situation, what about your king?"

士兵 The soldier immediately said: "The king was seriously injured and is now being treated. Would you like to see him?"


"Come with me then!"

I followed this soldier towards the residential area. After the periphery, there were not many dead bodies and debris. The white sharks were really strong, and they resisted the attack. The intact main city shows that the enemy only broke the outer defense line. It is really hard to imagine how this white shark tribe did it. Atlantis was almost a one-sided massacre!

Only when I saw the White Shark leader did I know how serious the matter was. The old guy had broken an arm, and her wife was lying on the bed next to him, with a bandage on her head as if in a coma. Seeing me enter the room, he immediately struggled to sit up.

"Don't be excited, lie down." I hurriedly stopped him.

He remembered, but he lay back after trying for a long time. I walked to his bed and crossed him to look at the white shark queen over there. "Isn't it convenient to speak here?"

He looked at his wife and said, "It's okay. She has been in a coma from yesterday until now, and you can wake her up well."

Since I'm not afraid to affect the patient, I directly said: "I was here today to talk to you about negotiations."

He moved his body and said, "I'm afraid it's no longer possible, you have seen it, here we are ...!"

I nodded and said, "I know. When I first came in, the outside guard told me about the situation."

The old guy lay down on the bed and looked at the ceiling. "The old guy in Atlantis must laugh to death if he knows that we have become this virtue."

I answered with a smile: "He has no time to laugh at you now. Atlantis was also attacked a few days ago, and it is the same kind of creatures that attacked you. As for whether it is a group or not, you do n’t know. Keep it, Atlantis ’s defense is completely finished, and the main city has fallen. Those guys snatched all the magic stones and also broke the waterproof passport! Now Atlantis is hurrying to repair and rebuild It is estimated that no one or two months will be impossible to restore the former style! "

"It was unexpected, even they were attacked."


"Not only them. The Turtles are also the same, but I didn't see them at the scene, but the Atlantis the Great told me that the Turtles suffered heavy losses. I do n’t think you are here for a long time. Although those guys did n’t succeed this time, But I don't think they will give up. "

"I know what you said." The White Shark clan reluctantly said, "But what can we do? Is it necessary to move the family? Here is our home, how can we give it away at will?"

"In fact, there is important information you don't know." I sold Guanzi: "But I'm afraid you don't believe me."

"Hurry up! What time is it? You just say they are afraid of kelp, I believe it."

"All right!" I explained: "First of all, I want to tell you that this is just a guess, and I can't be sure. In fact, the number of people who died after Atlantis was broken is not large. Most of the dead appeared at the beginning of the battle. In the current resistance. The purpose of those guys is very clear. They only need the magic crystal. It may sound strange, but it actually makes sense. And according to the description of the residents of Atlantis, these things seem to know the magic crystal instinctively. The specific location of the stone, and the closer they feel, the stronger they feel. That is to say, these things are chasing the magic stone in time, not intended to attack a civilization. "

"what do you mean?"

Hongyue explained to me: "Our meaning is very simple. Let us collect all your magic crystals and take care of them for us. You only leave the parts you need to use and add them once you are not enough. Anyway, there can not be a lot of idle Magic crystals are piled up here, it's a time bomb. "

I thought for a moment, and the white shark patriarch said, "How do you know that they are following the magic crystal?"

"It's very simple." I pulled my fingers up and said, "First, after Atlantis was breached, they only took the magic crystal. Second, the attacked marine races were all races with a lot of idle magic crystals. Third, the Black Octopus saw that the Shemo tribe was not attacked, and according to Atlantis, the Black Octopus had not received the magic spar we had to pay. The only one of the races that had contact was not attacked. The attacking race is the black octopus clan without magic crystals. Isn't this a problem? "

Hongyue added: "In fact, a more detailed speculation is that Shermo has a strong magic crystal sensing ability. No matter where it is hidden, as long as the magic crystal is difficult to escape the fate of being attacked. On the other hand, She They are not completely fighting creatures, they have some intelligence. The black octopus clan is not really without magic crystals, we have given the first down payment, but the amount is not large. This shows that Shermo will be based on the number of magic crystals and The enemy ’s strength is worthy of action. The fighting power of the black octopus is not worth the death compared to their magic crystal reserve, so they are let go. You fought with Shermo and successfully stopped them, they I must know that you are not easy to mess with, if you take the magic crystal away, they will have no motivation to fight, and I believe we can keep the city. "

Although very reluctant, the White Shark patriarch nodded: "This can only be the case now! Although we successfully blocked their offense, our combat effectiveness has been lost by 75%. If we fight again, we will definitely lose."

I said, "You don't have to be so downhearted, I don't want you, but just move away temporarily, and you will use it or not give it back to you." Actually, I said this intentionally. I know the real reason for the sadness of the White Shark patriarch. The magic spar is their lifeline. If all the idle magic spar is pulled away from us, his lifeline will be stuck in my hand. In the future, as long as he is a little bit wrong, we can take their lives by stopping the supply of magic crystals.

"How are you going to transport?" The White Shark chief asked frankly.

"I have super space storage capacity and can take it away at once."

"Will not be attacked halfway?"

"Assault me? Are you kidding me? I'm not a submarine race, I don't need to swim with you below. They really are coming, I just float to the surface. These guys can't come to heaven to kill me? They can come out of the water and go ashore to find mines with their strength, so they won't rob you! "

"That's it."

I went to the window to see what was going on outside, and saw that many wounded people were being carried to the treatment place on the street. "You seem to be very busy here, but I am also very busy. I will be on a business trip soon. I may not have time to arrange your peace talks. So ..."

The Patriarch of the Qiang didn't let me finish. "I know you are not assured, but I think your worry is unnecessary."

"Oh? Listen?"

"Our ore is stuck in your hands. We really need to fight and see your face. Besides, both of us are attacked by that mysterious race. If you want to fight like this, you must have the ability! The remaining 25% of the Sharks are even having problems defending their own cities. How can they attack others? "

"Although you are saying so now, things that have not been settled will change."

"What do you want?"

"I think mixed living is a good choice."


"The city of the mermaids is basically finished, and their young mermaids are now with me. If you are willing to bring together the children of the white sharks, I think this will be enough to ensure your sincerity. And this proposal you and Do n’t suffer. Without these children, you can rest assured to be bold, even if those mysterious races really strike again, you have no worries, it really does n’t matter if you retreat, you do n’t have to worry about the safety of young individuals. ”

"But what do you want our children to do? Is it just for hostages?"

"This is not a hostage, I am just hosting. I think the best solution is to let the offspring of your two races grow up together. No matter how good the agreement is, the offspring will complete it. If these little guys live from the beginning, Together, there will be no separation between the two of you. "

"Did you keep things simple?"

"It's you who make things complicated." I walked back to his bed and said, "You decide? If I agree, I will start the transfer immediately, if I don't agree, then it's fine. I'm very tight, and I don't know the guy When will they visit again? Maybe they're gathering troops not far from your city now. "

The last intimidation was very effective. The white shark patriarch weighed the pros and cons or decided to accept our suggestion. Although it is psychologically unacceptable for them to reconcile with the mermaids, in fact they have not lost nothing. There is no necessary conflict of interest between the two races, and reconciliation is fine. He was mainly afraid that in case the city was really breached, those children would be hurt by these monsters. Although it seems that these guys are targeting magic crystals at present, no one can guarantee that they will not attack anything else.

"Okay!" The patriarch shouted outside, "Captain."

A white shark guard rushed in. "His Royal Highness?"

"Come down, and bring all the under-age children here together and take them away to Master Ziri. We can't let the children stay and take risks."


相信 "Trust me, your decision is correct. Then we won't bother, please cultivate yourself."

I left Hongyue with Hongyue, and Hongyue said to me, "You are so cruel!"

"Don't be blinded by appearances. It seems that we are standing against the white sharks in an absolutely strong position. In fact, our binding force is unstable. After all, the white sharks have unparalleled water fighting power ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ It is the best evidence to be able to repel the Shemo. Once they really get out of control, we will have a hard time ending. In case they are against us, we may lose our combat power at sea. Even if we can fight them With a tie, we ca n’t deal with the Japanese. So in order to avoid crying in the future, I think it ’s better to be more credible now. Besides, the white sharks have not lost anything, but have gained a lot of benefits. "


"We removed the magic spar to give them a relatively safe guarantee. Regardless of whether Shemo would attack again, their magic spar was kept anyway. Is it ransacked like Biatlantis? It ’s not that they are taken away, but the things are still theirs, but they are temporarily stored with us. There are those children. Taking them out can guarantee 100% safety. If you stay, you do n’t have to attack, what if you attack? ”

"It really makes sense to say so. But I still feel that some morals can't be justified."

"Isn't my red moon lady always cruel and hot? Why are you suddenly kind?"

Tong Hongyue joked: "Yeah! I thought I was dark enough, and with you I realized that I was so pure and kind."

"Am I so bad?"

Wu Hongyue suddenly said: "Actually, I understand what you mean. No one will go to the poor who is crying in the corner, and will be eliminated without effort. But I don't think we should build our success on the failure of others."

"I agree with your point of view, but there are difficulties in practical operation. I can't do such a profound command art for the time being, but you have to believe that I will not change the basic principles. Those who do not sin against me will not be harmed. To revenge. "

"That's hard to say!"

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