Starting from Zero

Vol 7 Chapter 95: Surrounding and anti-surrounding

Eagle said: "This is also to worry about you, save you always say that money is not enough."

"Isn't that enough!"

"Are we not helping you make money?" Su Mei said.

Gold coins also said: "Everyone contributes together, we will always solve the funding problem. When the fulcrum city is completed, our hard days will be over."

别 "Stop talking, watch the show, the people on both sides are fighting."

The preparatory stage for the artillery fire on the battlefield has passed, and neither side has negotiated a cheap deal. Now the official siege battle has begun. The number of offenders has an absolute advantage. The problem is that the cooperation is often messy, and they often interfere with each other. The defensive side is obviously not as many as here, but it has a good cooperation and the city wall has not completely collapsed. The remaining part can still effectively block the flow of attacking people. All the attacking forces must start from a ten-meter-wide gun fired by the city gun. The mouth of the cave rushed into the city, and it became the focus of competition.

"What do you think of this operation?" I asked Su Mei.

Su Sumei said: "The key is the hole in the wall. Whoever controls it is the winner."

Wu Ying asked, "What if you command the attack?"

Su Mei said without thinking: "This issue must be considered comprehensively, first of all, our military strength. If it is a guild battle, I will postpone the attack for two hours, and we will be in the ruins after the cannons have flattened the city. Come up to a decisive battle. Anyway, our target is ore and not a city. If the current combat effectiveness of these stray fishes, I would simply abandon the hole and make a surprise copy from the side. "

I shook my head: "I'm sure your plan will definitely fail."

"Why?" Su Mei had the same confidence in herself.

I mean over the city: "See?"

Xie Ying looked at the telescope and exclaimed, "Thunder Eagle?"

那就 "That's the all-weather unmanned reconnaissance plane. It's impossible for you to be a surprise."

Su Sumei looked at the thunder eagle: "What if you destroy it with a sniper cannon?"

"Do you think the reconnaissance post will be killed and the other party will be indifferent?"

"It really is cunning!"

"It's better to be well-prepared than to be cunning. If you don't guess wrong, the opponent must still have an ambush. There shouldn't be only this defense force in that city."

Su Sumei nodded and said, "I agree with this point, the city's defense force is too weak, than it should be. Unless said ... Damn, wouldn't it?"

Wu Sumei's words woke me up too, and a thought that might not have come to mind might have appeared in our minds. Originally thought that others would not use such a bold plan, but looking at the current situation, it is clear that the other party has already begun implementation. "Eagle, inform the whole bank that it will take off."

"What about those guns?"

"No, anyway, if someone breaks it, someone else will pay for it."

"I understand."

Xie Ying informed the members below that everyone on the guild channel heard that I had ordered to immediately summon their spears and quickly lift off. The high welfare benefits of this guild made the players thank me especially, so my prestige in the guild is very high. After all, you have received practical benefits, can you not respect me? I didn't summon the birds, but took the night shadow to the sky. Black night shadows are particularly noticeable in the air, especially when there are long silver guns around. Everyone consciously followed my night shadow and climbed upwards. The second major feature of the guild is its high mobility. If you have any problems, you can turn around and run. Anyway, the guild has air transportation capabilities.

Almost immediately after we entered the clouds, the grass behind the attacking forces outside the city suddenly turned up. Many ambush players jumped out of the grass, and large cavalry appeared on the periphery. The attacking side was instantly surrounded by a counter-defense. The people on the periphery began to compress inward, and the people in the city also cooperated with the ambush to attack outwards.

Su Sumei shook her head and said, "What a terrible thing!"

I looked around and said, "Should we go down and help?"

Wu Ying glanced down and said, "Wait a minute, there are still a few cannons that have not been damaged. We will go down when they dismantle the cannon. This is the best use of the material."

I waited for a while and the last gun was finished. I waved down and said, "Offense."

More than 3,000 players dived down from the clouds riding their spears, and my magic pet also began to dive. Since it is a state of war, using a few magic pets alone will not work. The first time after landing, the space gate was opened, and the bell knight accompanied the Yalong cavalry and killed from the space gate. Taking the Bell Tone Knight as a vanguard, the black torrent of steel launched a charge with a thunderous potential.

As soon as the guild players landed, they also summoned their guardian steel claws. These big guys are cavalry busters, messing around in the horse team and messing with the cavalry camp.

My cavalry rushed out of an open space to regroup and then began to rush back. When the cavalry on both sides collided, the bell-tone knight brought down a row of enemies with sharp marksmanship. The opponent did not expect such a big difference in strength, it was like an egg hitting a stone, and as soon as it came into contact, it was smashed.

"Rush into the city." I issued an order using the guild channel, and our members immediately rushed to the city with other players. Those who were originally attackers quickly understood our strategic intentions, and everyone began to rush into the city together. .

The enemies who were originally in the city certainly understood our intentions, and they immediately sealed the openings on the wall from letting us in. Before the troops behind rushed under the wall, I took the magic pet out of the wall first. "Tank, knock it out." I ordered the tank to attack an intact wall to open another hole.

城市 The city was built temporarily. The walls themselves are not very tall and they are very thin. The huge body of the tank was almost as high as the city wall. When he sprinted at full speed, the huge body was almost like a siege hammer. A bang slammed the tank against the city wall sturdyly, and the whole wall shook violently, and the people on the wall fell one after another. The tank stepped back a few steps and then slammed into force again. Several cracks appeared on the city walls this time, and some weakly connected bricks fell to the ground. The tank retreated again and hit the city wall for the third time. This time with a loud noise, the entire wall of that period of deformation deformed and collapsed, and the tanks entered the city as the masonry flew across.

"Tank, continue to widen the cracks, Rose Vine, to help. Plague, Crystal, Little Three, Little Dragon Girl, to prevent the enemy from approaching the gap. Xiaofeng, Prodigal, go to the city to disrupt the enemy's troops."

战斗 The battle became clearer after the division of labor. Under the joint destruction of the rose vine and the tank, the city wall collapsed, and the attack of several dragons completely disrupted the enemy's plan. No one could approach the wall, and of course, no one could stop the tank and the rose vine from destroying it.


The Beth Goth commanded the cavalry to rush under the city wall first, at this time the city wall was almost gone, at least the front section was gone. A large number of troops rushed into the city and drove the guards in the city. Although the Yalong cavalry is only level 500, it is a level 600 small hunting dragon. The chance of a Yalong cavalry and a small dragon hunter singled out a level 700 player is five or five, but the Yalong cavalry rarely acts alone. The cavalry in a group is definitely better than a single use of the battle, so the Yalong cavalry team The actual combat effectiveness is basically equivalent to the 750 cavalry team, which is still the case when the numbers on both sides are basically the same. At this stage, most of the players are between 670 and 720. Although some powerful players are superior in strength, they are two fists and four opponents. They are often beaten to death. If the super-powerful character is unsure, the Yalong Cavalry will take the initiative to retreat, and the bell knight who is notified will immediately rush there to deal with this senior player. At this stage, there are two masters who can take two moves under the ringing knight.

The large troops outside the city quickly retreated into the city, and those ambush soldiers stopped chasing and regrouping outside the city. The original attackers have now been broken up, and now they need to regroup. We counted the losses of the guild, and none of them died. Everyone said that their steel claws cooperated well in combat, and their tentacles always protected the riders on their backs at critical moments, so no one player in our guild has hung up until the battle. However, those miscellaneous soldiers were miserable. The loss of strength was more than one-third. It was really a defeat. If we were not standing behind our guild, they would be dead.

I was in the whole team while I was inside, and I stood on the only short section of the wall to observe the enemy situation. Rushing into the city at least guarantees that we don't have to face the enemy.

Wu Ying stood next to me and said, "Why do they stop?"

"They are hesitating."

"What's the hesitation?"

I didn't have time to say Su Mei answered: "There are a lot of hesitations. The most important thing is that they are hesitating to continue the offense."

I nodded and said, "That's right. They were going to come together to kill all the attackers in one go. This can create a strong illusion and make others think that this city is not easy to deal with."

"Do you mean they want to knock on the mountain tiger?"

"Almost. But the situation has changed a bit. Our sudden joining made the siege plan a bit omission. Now that we have entered the city, that is to say, the city has fallen out, and the inside and the outside are no longer there. Although they just played beautifully, There are still more people than them, and the significance of the assault no longer exists, and they are hesitant to continue the offensive value and feasibility. "

Su Sumei said: "I don't think they will give up in general."

摇 I shook my head and said, "I don't agree. At least they won't attack immediately, and they will probably be around for a while before starting to attack."

"There is no advantage, they will definitely take a break and then attack immediately."

Wu Ying looked at the city and said, "Where is this city? It's just an open-pit mine!"

看到 I saw it when I first came in. There are only a few dilapidated buildings in this city, and the best repair in the city is the city walls. "Although the opponent's offense is difficult, I don't think it is easy to defend. Now the city wall is finished and everyone's morale is relatively low. If we fight for a whole army and annihilate, we have nothing to make a profit?"

"Aren't you trying to talk?" Eagle and Su Mei looked at me together.

I look outside the city: "Peace talks are not possible, but we can consider moving on to bad ideas."

"What are you doing?" Eagle looked at me.

"It seems the Iron Crusaders did not participate in this operation?"

"Yes. The two of us are the acquirers. This battle is between these players and the city's original owner. It doesn't matter to us. At the beginning, it wasn't a joke with you. We really came to visit and fight. It ’s not that the other side suddenly came out of the ambush and we will not participate in the war. As long as these players can win, in the end, both sides will die and we will not lose anything. But the attacker must not fail, otherwise our upfront investment will be wasted . "

所以 "So, I want to call the Iron Crusade to help."

"Will they come?" Eagle was a little worried. "The forced entry into the war was a mistake in our plan and should not be part of our cooperation plan, so the Iron Crusades may not participate."

"I know, but they also have a share in the output of ore. If he doesn't want to lose money, he will definitely come."

"Then try it." Eagle nodded.

接通 I connected to a private chat and Ashford was online. Briefly speaking, he immediately agreed to send troops, but he could not assemble too many troops in a short period of time, mainly just for harassment, and it was up to us to break through.

After ten minutes, the outside enemy suddenly started to attack, but Ashoford's troops did not catch up in time, we had to carry it. Fortunately, there are a lot of people here, offsetting each other's cooperation with the number of people, and then using our guild's superior combat power as the backbone to play the role of forward, barely playing with the outside forces. Ten minutes after the battle began, Ashford's troops finally arrived. This boy actually reached more than 7,000 people, and a charge from behind the opponent completely disrupted the opponent's formation, and then there was no suspense. As soon as the team dispersed, half of the combat power under normal circumstances could not reach.

The entire front collapsed within 3 minutes, and the opponent was completely broken. Then there is nothing for us. All aftercare work is given to those free players. We just need to wait for production to resume here and then buy mine. Asheford saw us complaining endlessly. For a long time, he was engaged in a guild battle with other guilds. After the fight there, he quickly turned around and ran towards this place, just like rushing to the scene. These are the big guilds of ours, so many things!

Finally, the mineral dispute has ended, and the future work will be handed over to the players who are in charge of economic activities in Europe. We can concentrate on preparing for the United States. Everyone first returned to Isinger. After arranging things, we decided to wait for tomorrow night to start. During this time, we must first gather people and prepare some things to carry.

过去 To build a city this time in the past, we alone may not be very reliable. After careful consideration, we decided to bring more players to the past. The main person in charge of the guild left Red Moon to be responsible for the guild. All others had to pass. The player chose 7000 with more combat power to accompany him. This is the limit we can move now. After all, the Frost Rose Alliance is a big cause. , The lack of people is a problem!

The NPC guards are not allowed to leave the city due to system restrictions, and the same is true for Wei Na's troops. Although free NPCs can go out of the city, they are useless and they are useless. Hong Yan is the only one who can go with me, but I have scruples. Would it be a problem to take such a big guy to the United States? After discussing with you for a long time, we finally decided to bring Hong Yan on board. With red inflammation, it is equivalent to getting double insurance. In case the player really can't stand it, there is at least a big backer.

After the incident in the city was explained, it was a question of the accompanying fleet. This time, it was absolutely necessary to go to the U.S. fleet. Especially the big guy Hongyan, there was really no way to transport ordinary ships.

"How many warships do you think we should take out better?" I asked for opinions.


Wu Xiulao said: "The American fleet is also more powerful. What if the battleships are short and they are killed halfway? Americans are famous for being bullied and tough. I think it is best to dispatch them all."

Wu Ying said: "No. What should the fleet go out of here? What about Isinger's coastal defense?"

Wu Hongyue shook his head and said, "It's not necessary to worry about this. Isinger's defense is not ordinary, and it cannot be attacked by warships alone."

Chuang Wang Wang: "But this is not enough! The Japanese fleet is not rested for a day. Our fleet now often fights with Little Japan here. If we are suddenly absent, the Japanese fleet is not up to earth?"

Ziyue said: "Then transfer the ghost fleet back, anyway, the blockade task no longer exists."

"This is a solution. The question is whether they can deal with Little Japan alone."

Su Sumei said: "You can't rely on the Ghost Fleet alone. Their combat effectiveness is mainly raids. It's always bad for them to come forward."

"Then we stay?" Chuang Wang asked.

"That's not good either."

Xiaoyao said: "In fact, you do n’t have to be so troublesome. Just leave the submarine forces behind. The ghost fleet and the submarines should be able to handle the Japanese fleet. Besides, we are not coming back, at least a week or as many as a month . Little Japan is not going to be skyrocketing in a few days, and Koreans aren't pretty.

最后 I finally decided: "That's the decision, the whole fleet is dispatched, leaving the submarine troops, and then recruiting the ghost fleet."

"What about Hongyan? We don't seem to have such a big ship?" Ziyue asked.

Wu Hongyue immediately said: "The Great White Shark is big enough."

"But does Atlantis need it?"

"Then let the other submarines top for a while."

Everyone kept arguing. I interrupted them: "The repair plan of Atlantis cannot delay our development. We must separate our priorities. We will use the crystal communicator to bring the Great White Shark back, but we must make it clear to them. It ’s our urgency. ”

"The ship is settled, is there anything else to decide?" Eagle asked.

Wu Hongyue flipped through the minutes of the meeting: "No, it's almost done, it's the convening of personnel."

I stood up and said, "That's the decision. Let's split up. Eagles and Ziyue's responsible staff convened, and Chuang Wang and A Wei were responsible for the maintenance of the battleship formation. This time it was a long voyage. Shura Ziyi is responsible for convening the guild technicians. By the way, the international transport team must first prepare a set, and there is no need to work hard to find Mo Yu there. Also, bring more artillery, and build a city over there It's up to the cannon. We don't have many people. "

"Do you want to bring an antigravity device?"

"Bring it on too."


"Well, dissolve."

After finishing the arrangements, there will be nothing for me. I just happened to go offline. By the way, she called Rose to tell her the meeting decision. She did n’t know that we were going to the United States.

After searching for a long time, I didn't see Rose, and asked the central computer to know that she was in the computer center. As she ran there, Rose was sitting on the operating chair of the mind extension computer. I was not good at disturbing her at work and had to wait while she finally opened her eyes after ten minutes. She was very surprised to see me standing next to her.

"What happened to you?"

"I have something to tell you."

"What's so urgent?"

"Tomorrow night we will go to the United States to build a new city to collect Moyu."


"What? Do you have anything?"

"No. I just feel like it's too fast."

"I know I'm in a hurry, but Lei Chuan's loss is too serious, and the problem of Mo Yu's output has severely restricted the development of our guild. If it is not fast, the loss will be even more serious."

"I didn't pay attention to this. Since you said so, let's do it as soon as possible, sooner or later."

Rose also has a lot of work. I didn't delay her time much. It's hard to marry me if I want to come to Rose. I'm busy with perfecting the economic model every day, and I can't help anything.

After leaving the computer center, I went to visit the lucky family, but luckily made a strange request with me. "Master, can you let my wife and my baby also play games?"


"We are in jail every day at this base. Although we can go out and walk around, we have to worry about being discovered. Last time the baby was seen by a passenger on the plane. Thanks to only a few people seeing it, others did not believe them. However, we are still worried about this, so I think it would be better to enter the game. There is a lot of space without worrying about being found. I used to play in it. "

"What you said makes sense, but this matter is not my decision, and I have to discuss it with others. But I think there should be no problem."

"Can you hurry up? We are really upset."

"Okay! I'll help you ask."

外部 "Zero" data is not a trivial matter to make external adjustments. The system does not manage automatic adjustments. External adjustments must pass through the monitors of various countries. This project can be large. But there are always ways to solve the problem. Correctly modifying the data is not enough. We can find ways to bypass the security system. But these are not things that I can do. I have to talk to my dad first.

Dad is not in the base right now. How many laps did he make a phone call to find him ~ ~ Dad. "

"What's the matter?"

"Fortunately, he wants to let his family enter the game, can you open the back door?"

"Lucky?" Lucky is my name. At the base, he has his own R & D code. Dad doesn't remember this name anymore. He usually uses the code. "Oh! You said that dragon, right? ... This is a little tricky!"

"I know it's difficult, so I'm looking for you! Fortunately, since they can use the helmet to go online, they should be able to?"

"This is different. That dragon was originally a creature in the game, and now it is very troublesome to rearrange an outside creature to enter."

"What then?"

"Let's go. Go to the network department to find Dr. Lin and let him think of a way. I'll call and talk to him first."


I ran to the main server area and Dr. Lin was already waiting for me. "Shenlin, your dad has told me everything and I'm trying to figure it out."

"Isn't it possible to pick up the luck last time?"

"Lucky? You said that the first dragon is the one? Of course, that method is not possible. The NPCs in" Zero "all use a specific thinking unit to simulate intelligence. At that time, we only used the opportunity of the main server to repair and replace accessories, and took the The thinking unit responsible for the thinking operation of that dragon was dismantled. We re-soldered and extended the line connecting that thinking unit to your experimental area, and then received the special dragon game helmet. This way the main server looks for thinking When accessing the address, you will visit your dragon ’s brain, and in fact, the ability to connect to the Internet will allow him to return to the game. But this time the two dragons have not been registered in the game, and there are no two in the game. Dragon! "

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