Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 18: Strange task

"How's it?" Wolf asked as soon as he came over.

Xiao Xiaoying didn't raise his head: "Isn't it all? Take it quickly. Don't count 10 per person."

The five of them started collecting moonlight grass separately. I could only watch it from the side. I wanted to try to use my super space to help them install it. However, I found that as soon as I got close to this grass, it would wither immediately, presumably because the task setting did not allow others. bump.

There are quite a lot of moonlight grasses on the yamen, and after collecting a sufficient amount, they start to open the door. The agency is right next to the door, and quite obvious. Gently pulling the handle, the stone gate automatically fell outward like a suspension bridge, and all moonlight grass became vegetable puree. There are a lot of fluorescent stones in the cave, so the light is quite sufficient.

"What's that smell?" I smelled the strange smell in the air.

Bear said: "Probably the closed time is too long, the smell of animal carcasses."

"What are you waiting for, go in?" Kitty was more impulsive.

刚 She was about to go in but was pulled by me. "and many more."

"What?" Kitty looked at me strangely.

I stopped the wolf and spirit that was entering. "Wait, I remember, it's a marsh smell."


"Xiaofeng." I beckoned, a black crack appeared in the air, and Xiaofeng landed on my hand in the form of a bird of paradise. "Take a feather."

Xiao Xiaofeng gave me a feather. I took it and walked to the entrance. Have them all lean to the side, then walk to the cave door against the rock wall, and throw the feathers into the cave. I saw a small group of blue flames floating in the air like a ghost fire, and then the flames began to float into the cave.

They were both pressed by me on the mountain and didn't know what was going on. The wolf asked anxiously: "How's it going?"

"Wait. One, two, three, four, five ..." Boom! A sudden big explosion occurred in the cave, and a flame flew out of the cave.

"It's awesome!" Big eyes looked at the burnt hole: "Fortunately, we didn't rush in."

The bear stood up and said, "Yeah! It's dangerous. Can we get in now?"

The others looked at me immediately, and I shook my head: "Not yet."

I called again, but this time it was a tank. They were all startled. "Do you have such a big pet?"

"Hey, I'm an animal trainer. I don't have a lot of magic pets!" After standing, he stood in front of the tank and pointed backward with his right thumb. "Fill some air inside."

The tank immediately topped the hole, and six feet extended into the ground to fix the body. I saw his chest suddenly start to swell, and then suddenly compressed. In addition to attacking, air cannons can also be used to blow air. The guy banged in the mouth of the cave, and the tank flashed to the side immediately, and another flame burst out from the mouth of the cave.

怎么 "Why is there a second explosion?"

I smiled and said, "There is not enough oxygen in the cave, and the explosion is not complete. However, the remaining heat of the last explosion was stored in it. As long as there is enough oxygen, a secondary deflagration will occur immediately. But there should be no problem now. The air is blowing out. "

幸 "Fortunately, you come with us to participate in this task, otherwise we will be finished if we can't even enter the door."

"I just took more authentic tasks. Okay, let's go in."

After entering the tunnel, I discovered that this is not a tunnel excavated artificially, but a natural cave. The road is very complicated and some places are quite narrow. The most annoying thing is that many places are too narrow to pass. I'm pretty good, taking off the armor can barely drill through those small holes, but auspicious and Ruyi is troublesome. Pandas are really small, but they are too fat to get through. Auspicious was simply stuck in a hole, his head was inside and his back was inside, and he couldn't get out without getting in. The four small claws could not get through.

Kitty shouted in it, "I'll pull here, you push behind."

"Okay." We helped push it back in the back, but the auspicious stomach was too big to pass. We pushed hard outside, howling the auspiciousness there just couldn't get over.

"This **** hole!" I looked at the rocky road outside: "Little hawk, you shield your auspicious head with a shield."

"What are you doing?"

"You can help him to block it, and then dodge a bit."


After the eagle got over there, I took a shot of the magic dragon gun and shot it down at the rock. The long gun pierced the wall and flew through the rock. After a few more fills, the wall surface became a horse honeycomb. Raising my feet against the wall, I found that I couldn't get it through.

Bear said: "Let me do it." He suddenly turned into a giant bear, and slammed into the rock. With a bang, the entire rock was penetrated, and Jixiang immediately gained freedom. It's great to have a lot of energy.

The road after is similar to the previous one, and it is the same everywhere, but now we have learned to be good, and see that the narrow channel directly hits through. Soon we arrived at the institution that required a lot of people to open at the same time. The wolf wondered: "The mission says there are a lot of monsters in the tunnel? Why haven't I seen them all the way?"

"Yeah? Where are all the monsters?" We were all curious.

In fact, right next to the place where we stood, there was a large group of monsters just across a five-meter-thick rock and soil wall. At this time, they were climbing out hard in the soil. We just demolished many walls just after being lucky. The shock when the wall was demolished shattered the tunnel where the monsters were hiding. As a result, the monsters were buried. This will be busy crawling out, who has time to control us.

We are now studying the institutions on the wall. This is not only something that can be opened by a large number of people. There are different biological patterns next to the 12 handles on the wall, and there is also a huge disk on the floor of the cave. On the plate, 12 biological patterns are evenly distributed like a clock.

"This is obviously a password authority." Ling quickly determined the situation.

I nodded: "This is obviously a clock on the ground, and the control system is on the opposite wall."

"But what about specific operations?" Xiaoying asked.

"Don't worry, let me think about it." I looked for a long time and then said, "What time is it?" My system clock is Beijing time, and must be US time.


"That's this and this pattern." At 9:40, the hour and minute hands correspond to the patterns of the two creatures. After finding these two creatures on the wall, I said to them: "As long as 10 of them are activated, the two more must be the ones that do not need to be pulled."

"Then try it once. Is there any problem with pulling it wrong?"

"I don't know, there is no other way anyway, just experiment!"

I summoned Ling and Xiaochun and Jingjing Lingling, so we have a total of 10 people. Five of them have become accustomed to my endless stream of magic pets, but seeing the four big beauties still made those four boys commotion.

Choose a good handle, and I will give the order: "Three, two, one, pull."


With a click, there were a lot of spikes on the roof, and the roof was densely covered, and then all the institutions we pulled down rose again.

"It looks wrong!"

Big eyes: "No matter how wrong those nails may fall."

"Ruyi don't move." Xiaoying suddenly found that the naughty auspicious and Ruyi unexpectedly stacked Luohan to go to the government, but shouting was too late. Ruyi reached enough to pull the handle down, and we were a little bit nervous. But only a click was heard, all the long thorns on the head went back, and the disc on the ground suddenly rose, then turned 90 degrees and started to descend. This time the disc kept falling down, revealing an authentic entrance.

"This is OK?" Kitty looked at the two pandas completely dumbfounded.

提醒 I reminded them: "Hurry in, this kind of agency usually closes automatically after a delay."

Everyone listened to the suggestions and hurry up. The two pandas were lifted down together by the four magic pets I called. We just entered and the disc automatically rose to close the entrance. The above group of monsters rushed to the government room with gray heads and faces, and the leading monster yelled at his subordinates in monster language: "Don't you mess up the startup order of the agencies? What is going on?"

The little monster said wronged, "I'm messing up! Maybe they run into each other!"

别 "Don't explain, just open the agency and go down to chase."

The little monster went to pull the auspicious mechanism that Ruyi had just pulled, and then looked back at the disc, but after a few seconds nothing happened. The little monster turned in surprise and pushed it up and down again, but still had no response. He hurriedly tried to pull down the next mechanism, but the roof snapped, the spikes came out again, and then the whole roof suddenly fell down. The monster below was smashed most of the time before it even reacted.

At this point we have gone a long way forward, but we still can't meet the monster. However, everyone thinks that monsters must want to come by unexpectedly, so they are more careful, they don't know that the monsters are fighting with the above organs.

We encountered strange things along the way. First, we met a stone golem that would attack automatically. As a result, we suddenly stopped when we cut two knives. We checked for a long time to confirm that the energy was just exhausted. Later, I encountered an office that closed us in a small cave to irrigate. How could I know that there was a mouse hole on the ground and the water was flowing away! It took us more than an hour to dig the hole. After coming out, I met the nail plate array, and the walls were all squeezed together. As a result, the gears broke, and there was a one-person wide gap in the machine wall. Almost all kinds of weird institutions encountered along the way failed for various reasons. They are all lamenting today's luck. Of course, I know that there are many reasons for good luck.

What we do n’t know is that the monsters that chased us behind were badly molded. The institutions that failed when we passed along the way, they all worked, and the monsters who were engaged in burnouts and countless deaths and injuries did not catch us.

We also let auspicious luck come to unlock the organ locks after. Anyway, what organ they pull will always open the correct channel. Even the choice of the fork is 100% correct. The labyrinth is always passed once and never enters a dead end. I have never dared to tell them that Auspicious Ruyi is a guild mascot, I just said that their lucky value is relatively high, and they are all envious of death.

I walked through the cave for more than two hours, and a stone gate with strange symbols finally ended this long and boring tunnel journey. The wolf took out the book of the ancestral spirit and unfolded it in front of the door. The records on the scroll were exactly the same as those on the stone door. Although I don't know what these mean, at least we know the end. But the problem of opening the door came up again. Lucky and lucky, this time did not help, because no organization could be found at all. There is really no way but to use my usual way-smashing the door.

The Shishimen is quite strong, but it can't stand our wild bombing. Ling and Xiaochun first impacted Shimen with high-speed magic to reduce durability, and finally Lingling split the gate with two holy swords. Kitty and wolf they all agree that my magic pet is far more savage than it looks, and such a door can blow up.

"Willn't you?" We were all dumbfounded after Shimen fell. The room behind the door was empty at a glance. The small rooms that are not large are entirely constructed by man. There is no place in the room to hide anything, except for the bright walls.

Everyone is dumbfounded, the empty room doesn't even need to search, is there a problem with the task description? impossible! Although I was a little surprised, I was not nervous because I didn't want to take anything. The thing that disappointed me the most was that I didn't meet any monsters instead of seeing the baby. I don't mind if there is no baby. If there is no monster, I can't justify it!

"Will we go the wrong way in the first place?" I asked the wolf: "Is there anything like the No. 2 entrance?"

"This is not clear. It was not mentioned in the mission!"

"It's a real hell. How can this channel be the same as someone mopping? A monster hasn't seen or said, the organs are broken, and even the baby has disappeared!" The bear seemed rather unwilling.

"But it doesn't make sense!" Kitty looked at the room. "Will someone take the same task as us and finish it first?"

I shook my head: "Zero" uses a real-time mission system. The missions received by each player are set on the scene according to the situation at the time. Repeated missions are not possible. Besides, if someone comes in first, those agencies should start in advance. Instead of waiting for us to fail. "

"But where did everything go?" Ling asked anxiously.

"Will there be a mechanism in the room?"

"It's impossible! The structure of this room is obviously made by hollowing out a whole rock. If there is a mechanism, it can be seen at a glance."

"You don't need to find it anymore, things have been hidden by us." The sudden sound made us all turn our heads to look at the passage when we came, and saw a large group of dry corpses pile up the passage. It was the middle corpse with a crown and a scepter that spoke. In fact, the thing I hate most is the dead body. Not only does it look disgusting, but the defense is extremely high. The most terrible thing is that the dead corpses are different from ordinary undeads. They do not follow the order of the undead world, and unlike ordinary skeletons, they can be casually commanded.

Although the opponent is not an ordinary undead, Ling still stood up. We plan to give first priority to soldiers, and the explanations can be exempted. Although I'm here to level up, the dead body is definitely not a monster suitable for leveling. "You are all undead. If you don't want to rest well, you belong to the leader of the Dark Temple. Why do you stop us?"

The cadaver king laughed suddenly, and the voice sounded like standing in front of a strong wind fan with a strong trill. "Ha ha ha ha! Since the people in the Dark Temple should know that our corpses have never belonged to the Dark Temple. Besides, you are just a ruler. If the Lord God comes, it's better to say something."

看来 It seems a bit troublesome now, this guy has to use force to solve the problem without buying an account. Needless to say, Ling automatically returned to me, Xiaochun took Jingjing and Lingling up. "Since you're looking for trouble, erase your existence here completely."

"Don't talk too much, we are not ordinary corpses. Give them to me and kill them." The corpse king stepped back immediately after speaking, and a large number of corpses rushed down the channel.

"Sparkle-Baptism with Holy Light." Xiaochun's light-based magic suppresses the undead creatures 100%, and the corpses exposed when her magical fights light up immediately begin to smoke.

The problem is that there are too many dry corpses here. The dry corpses in the front are really miserable by the Holy Light, but they are blocked by the front and cannot be photographed at all. Those corpses that have not been photographed have pushed the corpses that have been photographed forward, and as a result, the team is becoming more and more just us.

Tong Lingling slammed out her long sword and turned to us and said, "The master stepped back." After finishing speaking, he suddenly jumped over Xiaochun to the front of the passage. "Holy Sword-Burst and Slash." I saw a dazzling white light on the holy sword, and then a sword split. A huge white beam of light rushed forward along the tunnel, and everything that was touched turned into dust. Ling Ling's full blow blasted all the dead bodies within 30 meters of the front into powder. The frightened man was not only the dead body king, but also five Indian friends on our side. The dry corpse is a level 500 creature, although the level is not high, it is definitely not a solution to hundreds of miscellaneous soldiers with just one hit. This attack killed at least seventy or eighty dead bodies, and the power was a little scary.

The rest of the dead body was not afraid, and immediately stepped on the thick layer of beige powder on the ground. Lingling is already out of power and the power of violent cutting is huge, but there are serious side effects like all large skills. I quickly came forward and hugged Lingling back, Jingjing's shield was immediately on top. The channel is not large originally, Jingjing's shield shield can make the shield bigger. This time, the entire channel is sealed, and the dead body over there can't get over by hitting the shield. Unfortunately, it's too narrow here. If the space is a little bigger, it would be nice to summon a large magic pet like lucky or tank.

Xu Ling picked up a small black light ball in her hand. She used it often, but she is very small today. As soon as Jingjing's shield time was up, Ling's black ball was thrown out. The black light bounces all the way forward, there is nothing to stop it from going forward, and everything that comes across is gone.

"Lying down!"


Su Ling suddenly called me lying down somehow ~ ~ I did n’t see her lying down before using her tricks! But this time she quickly pressed me down, and the others behind me quickly fell down. I only heard a boom in the distance, and then a green smoke floated down the top of the cave. As soon as all the dead bodies touched the green smoke, they immediately became black coke-like things, and the top of the cave continued to rustle.

The green smoke soon disappeared, and it seemed not to dissipate but to become something else. The smoke, whether it was the rocks on the walls or the dead bodies, all turned black and looked like they had been roasted with fire.

He saw us standing up, and they dared to stand up. Big eyes asked in surprise: "What kind of magic is this? Why is it so powerful?"

Ling Xiao said: "This is the cloud of death, but it was compressed into the dark and eroded interior by using compression technology, so when it was launched, it was a light ball, and it became smoke when it exploded. It should be so large, mainly because it is in a cave, and the clouds of death cannot be dispersed, so the power is relatively concentrated. Usually, this skill is only a supplementary role in external battles. "

难 "No wonder it's so scary." Kitty came over and said, "I thought your average pet was so exaggerated!"

Actually, she is not right. My average pet power is really like this, but this time it ’s not the strongest magic, but I do n’t want to explain, otherwise it is more troublesome.

"What about luck?" Suddenly found that two of the most troublesome members were missing.

When I heard the shout, I hurriedly looked around and found out that the two troublemakers had disappeared. "Auspicious? Ruyi?" Really! Where are you going? On this passage, we have been watching the front side, and the dead end on the other side. Where can they go?

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