Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 30: Shuffle

"So how do we hide the tokens?" Chris proposed a plan.

I haven't waited for my refusal. Eagle first said, "Don't think about it, we will be counted before the game starts."

"how to say?"

"Don't you remember the rules read out at the beginning? In this competition, it is forbidden to use boxes or things to put tokens, and storage space is not allowed. The tokens must always be held in your hands or pouted. The rule is obviously that we can't hide things. That is to say, when the competition starts, it is planned that this kind of scramble will be needed halfway. "

"What shall we do?"

"Do what you want, anyway, you can't avoid it anyway, just see one after the other until you leave safely."

"We are very passive in fighting like this." Braun objected to my opinion.

"Do you have a better way?"

"No time!"

"Then follow my plan."

Frustrated, we had to desperately protect the security of the tokens, and those teams who had won the monsters for the tokens also encountered the same trouble. The next time the battle broke out suddenly, the team holding the token was simply holding a detonator. Often a team just grabbed the token and was immediately destroyed by other teams. The game completely turned into a big fight, and the only tokens were damaged in the fight, and the robbery became crazy.

"Be careful." I suddenly saw a player pounce on Rose. Fortunately, my reminder was timely. Eagle lifted his sword to shake the guy back a dozen steps and fell a big heel. A bell knight from himself The heavy armored dragon jumped on his back, and the spear pierced and fell on the unfortunate body. After solving this guy easily, the Bell Tone Knight quickly jumped back to the mount, but suddenly a team of robbers appeared in the opposite direction. Lingling urged Xiaoxue to rush up, and those people jumped back with a sword as soon as they jumped out of the woods. Those who leaked the net were all dealt with by a **** trap in Ling.

的 In the thirty minutes after the monsters seized the tokens, we have killed more than 900 people in a row, but still there are people who are constantly fighting for them. We have just solved a group of teams, we are crossing a small forest clearing, and suddenly another team came out from the opposite side. The two pairs of people met at the same time, and then they acted the same. They quickly guarded a female player behind the team, and we quickly blocked Rose behind.

Suddenly I noticed that the protected woman had a token in her hand. Although the thing was completely red with blood, I could still recognize it. Hurry up and signal your calmness: "Don't be nervous, we also have tokens." I quickly looked at Rose.

Rose brightened the token and quickly received it. The other party immediately relaxed when they saw the token. The two teams had tokens and there was no need to compete. Nodded to each other and staggered over, but we didn't go far enough to hear the sound of fighting coming from behind. It is unnecessary to know that the team that had just crossed us was attacked.

The battle was really unexpected and chaotic. Although the team behind us didn't fight with us, it was less than 50 meters away and we played with another team. Our situation is not much better, we have encountered robbery within 100 meters, and this time it is still a strong enemy. We actually met the guy in the Lancer Alliance.

The two sides didn't talk at all as soon as they met, they hit each other when they came up. The other 10 knights rushed to the front, but our bell knight greeted us immediately. The result of the collision between the two sides was very obvious. The heavy armored dragon was much more powerful than the war horse. The war horse was slammed directly to the big tree next to it, and immediately five horses died. The rule of this competition is that if the knight cannot find a new mount within 30 seconds after the death of the war horse, it must be teleported immediately, and the new mount must also be a declared mount, which means that the mounts of the same team have hope. This knight's 5 war horses died at the same time 5 knights disappeared on the ground 30 seconds later. Lark now knows the key points, and specially selects his mounts to kill her, killing two horses by herself while the heavy armor is showing off.

原因 The reason why our team has not had much loss so far is that our team's mounts are basically very powerful, they will not hinder the knights, and the horses are too fragile!

Immediately after the opponent's warhorse was injured, the soldier changed. A knight suddenly rushed the horse forward, and Skott faced him. When they rushed together, the knight suddenly pulled the reins, the war horse swayed to the left, and then immediately jumped to the right. As a result, the heavy armored dragon made a mistake and a guy over his head. The knights and war horses swayed through the heavy armored dragon of Skott and rushed directly to the roses. Obviously, they wanted to take the token directly.

I pulled the reins and blocked Ye Ying's course on this guy's route. This time, he didn't think about flashing me, but clamped the cavalry gun flat under his arm and started the shock. I didn't hold a gun at all, and rushed straight with waving eternity. While we were in touch, that guy suddenly used the skill: "Battle Rush!"

I didn't intend to hold back: "Blade Storm!"

Suddenly, the knight's gun tip suddenly glowed with a dazzling light, but it was just a moment. My eternity suddenly flew out nine white sword winds and hit the gun, and the shaking gun body trembled violently. Followed by my eternal killing, the blade and the tip of the gun cut into the center line as soon as it came into contact, and then used the impact to split the spear from the middle in half.

The other party did not expect that I even hacked his gun. In a hurry, I dropped the spear and lay down on the horse's back. My sword was cut against his helmet mask, and even a layer of iron was cut off.

Both mounts rushed over and couldn't hold their feet. Yeying and I ran a dozen steps before they turned around, but he went straight to the rose. The destroyed knight took the spare riding rifle tied to the side of the horse, but the steel claws of the rose ride immediately wrapped the roses with his tentacles. The lances cut off one of the steel claws' tentacles but did not touch them. To roses. The warhorse rushing over continued to advance, but the steel claw was not a night shadow. He immediately swept over his big tail, and the warhorse of the knight passed, but he was blown out.

While he was still in the air, the bell knights on both sides shot at the same time, and this guy was immediately penetrated by two guns through two holes. The length of the spear passed through the knight's body, and he banged on the ground. I urged Night Shadow to rush back, the guy just got up and sat on the floor with his back to me. I held the reins with my left hand, and leaned to the right with my eternal hand in hand. Like a polo ball, I used the impact speed of the night shadow to force the area, and a head with a helmet flew out with us. The headless body fell down again, spraying a fountain of blood.

The team behind the knight immediately launched a collective charge, but Bai Lang suddenly pounced from the side and pulled the most knight from the horse immediately. A vacuum blast blows up three knights, and the rest is smashed by the ringing knight. But suddenly a group of people emerged from behind us, and Kristina was shot by the gun before passing through. Shura Ziyi immediately turned around and rushed to block the people behind.

I was really out of luck. There was another team behind us during the melee battle with the Lancer Riders. Just now they saw that we seemed to have to deal with each other before they came up for a sneak attack. They did succeed, and Cristina was seriously injured and attacked critically. Rose's resurrection hangs up before she can be rescued, and she wants to use it again. A very agile guy next to her came to grab the token. Rose's hasty defense delayed the resurrection of Christina, and we waited for that guy. It was too late to resurrect Kristina.

We rushed back to clean up all these black people with a single ringback rider, but Kristina was hung up. Now our team has only 17 riders, but we still have 19 mounts.

Bring the steel claws of Kristina, we resume searching for the next clue. I was searching for clues everywhere, and Rose drove her steel claws to my side and whispered, "Husband, this is not the way! Although the incident just happened by accident, but the team here is so dense, who can guarantee that it won't happen again? Such an accident, what if we were besieged by several teams at the same time? "


"Then what can you do?" Rose pointed to it, and I looked up. "No. The competition stipulates that flying creatures can only be used for reconnaissance, and no tokens are allowed."

"I'm not talking about flying birds!" Rose pointed to the top again: "I mean to let Bai Lang take the token to the tree, because the regulations do not allow to leave the mount for a long time, even if the opponent's personnel are not good at riding and fighting, they will never Leave the mount. If Bailang walks on it, it will be completely safe. If others can't find him, you won't notice that we have a token, and if there is no token, there will be no fighting, what do you think? "

Look at Bailang. "The problem is that Bailang doesn't seem to be on the tree?"

"This ...!" Rose looked at Bai Lang. "Ask and see."

I hurried Bai Lang over. "Will you get on the tree?"

"On the tree?" Bai Lang looked at the branch above. "I can't climb trees, but I can jump up. You don't want me to go up the tree?"

"I want you to go up the tree." I took the token in excitement and handed it to him. "You carry the token to the tree and follow us. If there is a fight, don't come out to help, as long as you hide it, but as long as you don't bring the token, ordinary people should not attack us.

Bailang picked up the token and suddenly it became transparent. Only one token floated in the air. Rose laughed: "I have forgotten that you will be invisible, which is even better. You take the token to the tree."

Xi Bailang dropped the token again and said, "But the token cannot be invisible?"

I picked up the letter and said, "You can be invisible by yourself. This thing is so big. How can you hide it? As soon as someone approaches you, you can block this thing with leaves or tree forks. It would be so easy to see. "

"Well then." Bai Lang took the token and jumped up onto the tree.

This method of rose is so perfect, we just walked around in the forest like this, all our teams first swept over us, and confirmed that no one left naturally with the token. Bailang jumped up and down the tree and followed us. No one was noticed. Although some teams found abnormal sounds, no one noticed the token. In the middle we also encountered the God of Guns, and the boy was also desperately looking for tokens. After seeing that we had no tokens, he left without saying anything to us. If we are going to fight outside, this is a competitive space. No one wants to cause unnecessary trouble for victory, so everyone has no action.

When the **** of guns went away, Eagle leaned over and said, "This stupid is still looking for our token!"

Suddenly Bai Lang's voice was uploaded from the tree: "They want to find me and wait for my next life."

突然 I suddenly reached out and stopped everyone from speaking: "Asuka found another team coming up, don't talk, everyone will be troublesome when people hear it."

The new team also left safely after confirming that there are no tokens. Our method is really awesome. We are embarrassed to cheat so many people in a row.

I wandered around in the forest for a long time so that we met acquaintances. "Kitten? Why are you here?"

Kitten 2 was also surprised by our appearance. "I'm here to find my way. The task is to cross here, but I've been around for a long time and just can't get out."

I suddenly noticed that the kitten was holding a token. Immediately after she saw my eyes, she received the token. "you guys……?"

"Rest assured, we don't want your token." I pointed to the top, and when the cat looked up, he saw that the white waves appeared and disappeared into the air again. "See? We also have tokens."

The kitten hurriedly put his finger in front of his mouth and made us whisper: "Shh! Those teams do n’t know how to do it, grab the token, and say that the token should be whispered, when it is heard, it will attract A group of people! "

I pointed to the sky, the kitten looked up for a long time and found the flying bird. "Ah! Why is this thing here, it just killed my scout owl!"

"I'm sorry, this is my scout beast. This is a game, don't blame us. With him above his head, we know who is in any place, and now there is no one around here, you can speak with confidence."

Kitty smiled and said, "The game is about strength. I don't blame you. Is it fair? Oh, what are you looking for here? Are you lost?"

"It's not getting lost. We're looking for mission reminders. Unfortunately, we have been around for more than an hour. The mission reminders have not been found, but the rival players have killed more than two thousand. "

"Your tips?" The kitten thought for a while and thought, "I just met a black mud pond, and there was a white thing in the middle. I don't know if it was what you were looking for."

"Really? Where is it? Let's check it out."

The kitten said immediately: "I can take you there, but with conditions."

"What do you want?"

"Just take me out, I've been lost here for a long time! You should have a way out if you have air units."

"No problem." I stretched my hand forward. "Lead the way."

The kitten took us through the forest at high speed, but we were so excited that we forgot to guard against the enemy. The kitten's token attracted the enemy again, and as a result we had to protect her. After sending those people, we suggested that the kitten take the token to Bailang. Anyway, we have one, and it doesn't make sense to take it again.

She hesitated or handed the token to Bailang, after which the route was much safer, and soon we reached the black mud pool. At this time, the foreign team was trying to catch the white object in the quagmire, and they immediately alert when we came over. We didn't bother to take care of them at all, steel claws rolled things back with a tentacle.

The other party was unwilling immediately, shouting to rush up. Rose looked at the thing and said, "What's your name? This is our task reminder. It's nothing to do with you."

The other party didn't want to make unnecessary sacrifice after hearing it, just a few words of negotiation ran away. I turned around to look at the brand. "What's on it?"

Rose gritted her teeth and read it out: "Mission requirement: Destroy more than 10 participating teams in Qingfeng Forest, and then go to Despair Plain to find the next step!"

"Fuck!" Our team scolded together. The mission is to kill 10 teams, we have eliminated more than 2,000 people, and there are already more than 10 teams! We have been here for so long, like a headless fly, and we have lost Chris Dina! What a bad luck!

The kitten didn't know why we reacted so much and asked, "What's wrong?"


I patted her on the shoulder: "Nothing, tell me where you are going, we will send you out."

The kitten hurriedly pulled out the map, and I stopped her and unrolled the holographic map. "Look here. This is our location, Qingfeng Forest. Where are you going?"

"I'm going here." The kitten refers to Broken Sky Cliff.

Rose looked at the map and said, "Fortunately, it is not much different from our route. As long as we send her to the Breeze Valley, then she continues to turn right."

"Okay, that's it." I marked the red line on the map and put away the map. "Well, time is running out and everyone is moving at full speed."

The kitten ’s action made us very satisfied. Her silver-winged unicorn was so fast that she would n’t hinder her. Instead, the white waves on the tree could n’t move quickly because of running on the tree, which delayed her journey.

Leaving the forest is the breeze canyon. The kitten bid farewell to us and entered the breeze canyon. We went right across the mountains into the despair plain.

不久 The arena was adjusted shortly after we left. The feature of this competition space is that it will change the environment at any time to ensure the maximum viewing quality according to the competition. To put it plainly, it is the shot of the bird that creates a sense of urgency for the audience. Now that we have left the forest, if the remaining teams continue to kill each other inside, it is equivalent to announcing our victory in advance, so the competitive space uses various means to drive these people out one after another and get back on the road.

The audience area outside was already happy and sad at this time. The annihilation of the Lancer Cavalry Alliance meant that a large number of the tickets in the hands of the spectators participating in the bet were void, but the spectators who had bet other teams were quite happy because Their odds are much higher. In addition to the unluckyness of the Lancer Alliance, there are also many N teams that have never left the Breeze Forest. At the start of the game, there were a total of 2332 teams with 17213 mounts. However, after leaving the breeze forest, there were 511 teams with 5008 mounts and only 4901 riders left.

Even though everyone is fighting so fiercely, drowsy dragon and the three hosts still don't find it very enjoyable. Kakaluka loudly announced on the stage: "In the next period of time will enter the final elimination period. Each team will go through a separate test, and then suddenly come together, everyone Just wait and see the birth of the best team! "

After listening to this report, Wu Hongyue began to pray silently. According to the current situation, holding a token is rather dangerous. However, there is no guarantee of not holding it. It is a dilemma!

Our team has now reached the Desperate Plains, and now we know why it is called the Desperate Plains. This plain is plain. It is better to call a super slump. Look in the eyes. All you see is black mud. What's worse is that we walked up and found out that these are not pure black mud. These are asphalts known as animal killers. The black asphalt rumbling bubbles and occupying such a large area is really spectacular! This landform will never appear in the real world, but it does exist here.

Wu Yeying tried to step further, only to find that his hoof was stuck, and it took great effort to pull the hoof up.

I used the star pupil to look at the entire plain. There is no creature at all in this huge area, and it is super flat. The asphalt naturally forms a mirror-like smooth surface because of gravity and its own viscosity, except for those bubbles that do not stand out. Thing. But Asuka's return is slightly different, he found that there is a house in the center, and it is not necessary to know that the mission is in the house.

There is no way, we have to bite the bullet and enter this asphalt sea. Although the arena is set up for difficulty, it is not to make us completely uncomfortable, so the asphalt here is not like an ordinary asphalt pool. The bitumen here is only a layer of two centimeters thick. Below it is something quite hard, but I don't know what it is. Anyway, we must not be able to sink here, it is a bit difficult to walk!

In order to ensure maximum flexibility, we only let the creatures with strong legs go down, and other creatures try not to touch the asphalt. The remaining 10 heavy armored dragons of the 10 ring bell knights can definitely enter. They are relatively strong and will not be stuck. The night shadow was transformed into a heavy armored dragon shape by using a transfiguration jewel (Night Shadow's saddle has a transfiguration gem, which has been written before, as a reminder). After transfiguration, the speed drops, but the power will greatly increase. Asphalt tanks need strength, so that's just the way.

Steel claws also have more power and can walk on their own. Bai Lang is a lightweight creature, and we can't go down. We had to get him up on the steel claw that Christina had vacated. Anyway, the shape of the steel claw didn't care much about this weight.

The eagle's unicorn, Lingling riding Xiaoxue, and Bailing's Pegasus couldn't go down, so they had to wear three steel claws and carry them separately. All three riders were squeezed together by the heavy armor dragon and the bell knight.

After this whole and after we can finally get down to the asphalt, the night shadow in the form of a heavy armored dragon walks in the front, and once lifted and lifted up, it will pull out many threads like a wire apple. If in reality, two centimeters of asphalt would be enough to stick the mammoth to the ground and starve to death.

We walked less than 100 meters into the Asphalt Sea, and suddenly came a few more people behind. The guys were carrying telescopes. They saw our tokens and then went into the asphalt pool desperately. But this decision did not cause us any trouble, but it made the outside audience laugh. Everyone was terribly slow in the asphalt. We both started a slow motion chase in the asphalt with the speed of a snail.

We want to run but we ca n’t run fast. They want to chase but we ca n’t chase. Obviously the distance is only 100 meters, but you can't touch it. The only fighting method for the two sides was long-range attack. Braun shot backwards on the back of the heavy armored dragon, and the mage behind also used magic missiles to fight back. I flew back and forth in the air for two and a half months to protect everyone from magic missiles.

I ran for an hour like this, and the people behind were shot dead by one by one, and the outside audience shook their heads.

I finally trudged to that house. I asked everyone to wait outside with the mount, and then jumped onto the roof by myself. This **** house had no doors or windows. I had to climb in through the chimney. Fortunately, the stove below didn't light up!

There is a magnified map hanging on the wall in the room, but nothing else is empty. I looked at the map. This is the enlarged version of the map we got at the beginning, but there is a place on this map. It is marked in red and the word "Portal" is written next to it.

Oh ha ha! Finally know where the end point is, victory belongs to us! He jumped directly through the roof, then returned to the mount. "Let's go, I know where the end point is."

"Where is the end?"

"The end point is on the main peak of Shenghui Mountain." I unfolded the three-dimensional map, and then drew a line to pass. "right here."

"I rely on! So far away?"

圣 That Shenghui Mountain is almost at the corner of the map, but we are in the middle of the map, which means that we need to cross half of the map to get there.

I pointed at the map and said, "It doesn't seem far from the actual distance. You see, our current position is here, the despair plain. There is a river out of here. We walk along the river bank all the way up, and finally reach here. Glorious Mountains, crossing this mountain road is Shenghui Mountain. This main peak is located in the center of Shenghui Mountain. It should not be too difficult to walk. "

"I hope so!"

We got the final goal and started to leave the asphalt sea. At the same time, other teams also received the final goal confirmation, and those teams without tokens obviously got the simpler route requirements, and our team with tokens encountered difficulties. route.

At this time, Silkavia was explaining to the audience: "Everyone pays attention to ~ ~ At present, almost all teams have received the mark of the final goal, and after a systematic and intentional arrangement, those teams without tokens will first Reaching near this transfer point, and then arriving with the token-carrying team, need to walk through these teams to hope for a final victory. "

Lulu Kalu also said: "Please pay attention to this, this is the Atonement Stand at the foot of Mount Shenghui. If you want to go up the mountain, this is the way to go. After a while, the four statues here will be resurrected to block the passage to the mountain. Try to squeeze these teams together and let them fight. The most exciting decisive battle is about to begin. "

队伍 Each team that got the end information is running wild. The team with tokens hopes to cross the portal as soon as possible. The team without tokens is planning to stop there with the tokens earlier. Maybe they can get the tokens through smoothly.

While everyone is sprinting towards the end with the desire for victory, there is someone who just got the token. He is the one who gave you a hammer without asking him. This guy is still there looking for the information of the end point in a hurry. It seems that he cannot find the information of the portal without 10 hours. As for reaching the end point, it is a long-term thing!

Xi Hongyue, the only person in the audience who pressed a crystal coin on this guy, also paid close attention to his situation, and found that he fell far behind in the end but felt hope. This guy was so slow that he just avoided the battle between the participating teams. In case this final battle really wiped out the whole army, maybe the crystal coin bet on Red Moon could be 3.762 billion crystal coins.

After thinking of this, Hongyue began to pray: "Zi Ri! You must kill those people, it is best to fight them all together, then we can get the bonus!"

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