Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 49: Offensive and Defensive Battle of the Storm

In the morning, when the first rays of sunlight from the East appeared at sea level, the port of Isinger also began to get busy.

"Hurry up, all the ships are pedaling, and Great White Shark will set off in 3 minutes." I stood on the dock and gave a loud command. Now the port is in a mess, and everyone is running around.

Rose picked up the radio and shouted, "All the people immediately pedal the ship, we must grab the enemy."

Everyone quickly ran to the pier to pedal a small boat, and then the small boat pedaled the Great White Shark. Such a large diving mother ship could not enter the port. When everyone got on the Great White Shark, the huge warship slowly turned around and sailed towards the sea. The huge mother ship was moving at full speed on the sea. The waves caused by the bow were up to 30 meters. I was driven out of the cabin by me to avoid being washed down by the waves. I don't want to stop the ship for whom.

The Great White Shark is the most proud achievement of the White Sharks. Although it is huge, it is not slow. The information just sent by the white sharks' personnel shows that there are currently only 120,000 people on the island, of which more than 13,000 are players, and the rest are NPC sailors. These NPC sailors are very low-level and not good at melee. Don't worry at all. The key is those players. Our guild dispatched 11,000 people this time, which is already the limit. After all, our city cannot be left without people to take care of it.

站在 I was standing in the communication room on the Great White Shark, holding a microphone and watching the Chuang Wang on the crystal display. "Where are you now?"

我们 "We are in Nansha, and we just found a place full of people who are hiding Noah, and are dragging it in."

"Very good, leave two ships to protect Noah, and the rest of the fleet come to this position." I passed the map to him to see. "The Japanese reinforcements are likely to pass through here, and no matter how they stuck here, no one will let them through."

"Relax, I'm on the Storm now. This guy is better than the Tyrant. There is no such big warship to lose to Japan."

"Don't blindly believe in your own strength. This battle is not to be missed. You should pay attention. Although the newly launched Storm and Poseidon are the only giants like Tyrant, there are many Japanese warships and ants. I don't want to see elephants happen to us. Also, beware of the Japanese torpedo ship. Last time you suffered enough. "

"We have torpedoes now, don't worry, we will be careful."

"Well, hurry up."

The Japanese advance base, the players have not yet come online, their scheduled time is to go online after noon, this time is more than 10 am, only a small number of people are busy on the island, and at this time, the Great White Shark Rushing.

"President, we are almost there."

Look at the chart. "where are we?"

"Here." The navigator pointed me to the location.

I looked at the chart and it was really not far away. It's 11 o'clock, and it should be almost at 11.40. "Notify everyone to prepare."

Our members have summoned their steel claws to ride on them. Steel claws are aquatic creatures, and beach grabbing is perfect for them. Now our players are on standby at the Great White Shark's huge waterproof exit. Once they reach the shore, the steel claws can quickly take them out. The Great White Shark's waterproof exit is specially designed for warships, with a wide width that can be used as a landing ship.

I continued sailing for more than ten minutes and the distance was almost the same. I said to the operator: "Close the gate and start diving."

"Yes, the gate is closed and the dive begins."

The great white shark on the sea has entered the storm zone. In the huge waves, the great white shark slowly started to move underwater. The sea gradually drowned the hull and only one tall dorsal fin remained on the water. A few minutes later the dorsal fin also disappeared on the sea, leaving only a white track.

"Great white shark slows by a third, don't let the enemy find the track."

"Yes, slow down by a third."

As the speed decreased, the track on the sea gradually disappeared. The sea surface in the storm zone itself became unstable, and the only trace left was also scattered by the waves. The great white shark approached the island steadily under water, and the wind and waves on the sea could not provoke such a large ship.

Because of the deceleration, we were a little late, and we arrived at the outer area of ​​the island at 11:50. "Engine room, close the main thruster and switch to the auxiliary thruster. Go forward at a slight speed."

"I understand."

The giant killer approached the island silently under the sea, and the people on the island knew nothing about it at this time. Matsumoto and some impatient players are already online, and other players are also coming online one after another. They prepared the venue for reinforcements from Japan and they joined together to attack Isinger.

The Great White Shark approached the target slowly, and I could no longer confirm the distance on the chart. "Pay attention to everything. Prepare for a minute of fighting. The Great White Shark emerges from the water urgently and opens the hatch at the same time." Just like when the shark attacked the seal, the Great White Shark has dived to a very deep place. After receiving my order, the Great White Shark was almost ready. It rushed up from the bottom to the surface vertically. The people in the boat desperately held things to fix themselves. Now the whole boat is vertical, and the ground can no longer stand.

On the sea, beside the huge harbor trestle, rows of warships docked there quietly. Some players are moving supplies on the ship, and players in the middle of the island are still discussing the final battle plan collectively. At this time it is 12:20. Most of the Japanese players on the line are already online.

A player at the beach suddenly noticed that the water surface was abnormal and kept turning the water up, as if the water was boiling. This phenomenon was very strange. He climbed down from the crane that hoisted the supplies, and when he reached the bridge, the sea surface had completely boiled, and the water spray had risen more than one meter high and had flooded the bridge, but it seemed that the uneasy commotion was still intensifying.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and everyone on the island looked at the beach. Twenty warships moored in Port 16 flew at the same time, and warships weighing 10,000 tons flew more than ten meters high and smashed into the dock in the air. The whole island shook again in a loud noise, and a huge battleship fell on the pier and smashed all the buildings on the pier.

Sudden changes caused everyone to confuse everyone. Those warships were not small wooden platoons. How much strength would it take to fly more than ten meters high? The players found the warship ashore and looked at the harbor together. At this time, a huge shark's head was sticking out of the water, and the entire bow of the Great White Shark reached the shore.

The shark's big mouth suddenly opened, and the hordes of players were killed from it. Until then, Japanese talents understood something.

What came out of the great white shark were our players and steel claws, and the shark's nostrils were opened, and hordes of lances flew out of it. How could we fight in a guild without a lance? While the players quickly rushed out of the shark's mouth, several hatches were opened on the shark's back, and dragons flew up from the inside. The totem beast of our guild was an absolute suppression of arms, and it was too wasteful to throw it in the city Already.

I climbed out of the hatch to stand on the tip of the great white shark's shark, and then opened the space door and Fenglong space at the same time: "Offensive." Skott rushed out with the Yalong cavalry excitedly, and the large army rushed like a flood. Out.

Because it was a surprise attack, the Japanese were not prepared. Many players were brought down while holding the box. When Matsumoto congratulated them to respond to the call, more than 2,000 people had been killed. Ten red dragons appeared at the same time next to the resurrection point on the island. The dragon's salvo was completely reimbursed once, one, two or three. Now the dead can only return to Japan to be resurrected.

In the process of concentrating people, Masamoto Matsumoto killed us more than 1,000 people. The remaining people realized that they would be expelled and killed, so they made a smart decision. The Japanese voluntarily gave up the fight on the ground, and they hid directly underground. At first I thought that the island had only one floor, that cave was just a place like a warehouse, but after the six or seven thousand people who survived on the ground entered the cave, I realized that it was definitely an underground city.

After Little Japan was driven into the ground, I sent someone to guard the entrance. There are three entrances here. We can easily control them. Others start to kill the NPC sailors. These sailors will not start the warship without orders, but they will automatically resist. We got on board, but most of these sailors didn't have portable weapons. We easily took over the fleet of Little Japan.

Hongyue and Rose stood by me. Rose took the report sent by her member and said, "3723 warships, one tenth of all warships in Japan are here, and the harvest is really not small."

Wu Hongyue nodded and said, "I now know why you gave up the attack and chose to raid."

I looked at her with amusement: "Why do you say me?"

"Of course for these warships 呗, you already planned to occupy here and then take the sheep by hand, right?"

"You're half right. I want these ships, but the main purpose is to want this island. If you forcibly attack, not only will the losses be heavy, but the facilities on the island will also be unsustainable. I got the complete island. But now it seems that the upper part of the island is basically preserved, but the trouble is below! "

"It's okay, slowly find a way to 呗, if it doesn't work, flood them with water."

"The underground buildings on this kind of island have pumps directly connected to the sea, and irrigation is useless."

All of us are thinking of ways on the ground, and Matsumoto is congratulating them. We are thinking about how to get in, and they are thinking about not letting us in. Renjiu and shadow dancers are now the most anxious, especially shadow dancers. If anyone knew that he was with the Japanese, the Bright Alliance would be dissolved tomorrow.

Matsumoto shouted to several other presidents: "Don't be nervous, our reinforcements will arrive in the afternoon. There are only more than 10,000 Chinese people. We can have more reinforcements than them. As soon as the reinforcements arrive, we will regain lost ground in one go . "

The president of a guild said: "It will take two or three hours for reinforcements to come here. What shall we do now?"

Matsumoto Masaka immediately said: "We just need to guard the entrance. The three entrances are not very large. Each entrance has a maximum of 10 people at a time. As long as we send experts to guard around the entrance, as soon as they come in, we can They kill, don't worry about them rushing in. "

Another president said: "The narrow entrance is really good for us, but the entrance dragon can climb in. Although the internal passage dragon can't enter, they can break through the entrance! As long as the entrance fails, they will Can come in. "

Nine gangs of Tatar people Masamoto said: "This can be assured that the dragon is not invincible. The entrance can be entered up to one dragon at a time. If we prepare more people there, we can solve him as soon as he stretches his head."

The shadow dancer also made a plan and said, "Let's just use something to hold the door of the entrance, right, don't you have a steel embryo for ship repair? Use that thing to seal the entrance, and they can't rush in from the outside. "When you need to go out, just move the steel embryos away, and you can definitely block them."

"Yes, this method is good." All Japanese presidents agreed with the view of the shadow dancers, so they immediately started to block the door.

让 I let the tank hit the door several times on the ground, but the door remained motionless. Rose said: "No need to work hard, they must be holding in with something, listening to the sound is still metal."

Wu Sumei said: "In fact, even if they don't block the door, we can't go in here. This place is just a trap. There is no hope for how many people go in."

"Is there such an exaggeration?" Hongyue was not convinced.

Su Sumei said: "There must be a shelter in this underground entrance. It is useless to set fire or throw a bomb into it, and our people will be pinched as soon as they enter. Who would you say?"

"What shall we do?"

"Ventilation duct." Matsumoto and I shouted this place at the same time.

Matsumoto shouted to the surrounding Japanese players: "We closed the door and they will definitely take the ventilation ducts and send someone to guard the entrances of all the ventilation ducts. Those places can only pass one person at a time, and you open one at the entrance of the cave. Steel meshes are waiting, as long as they take the initiative, you will close the net, and then go up to make a few knives. It will not be useful if more people come in. Besides, there are all-steel ventilation fans in the middle of our vents. Mud it. "

I treat the surrounding humane: "Ventilation ducts must pass inside, we will go down the ducts."

Both sides found a common goal and started to act at the same time. Our people quickly found the entrance to the ventilation duct, and there was more than one. Such a base has more than a dozen ventilation openings. These vents are not large enough to pass a heavily armed player. The pipe goes down more than ten meters vertically, then passes through a low-speed fan, and then enters a corridor more than ten meters down. The result of the crystal beetle I sent down was like this, and it also found a net at the hole, and there was a group of players outside the net. If we trespassed into it, we would definitely be caught by the net, and while we were struggling, they would come up one by one and we would have to hang. But now that I know this, I won't rush into it.

I asked the members to clear the hole first, and after a break, I went down quickly, and I went back to the Great White Shark myself. How to say that my home is also an arms dealer, not to mention that Long Yuan is not an ordinary arms group, we have many special equipment. Now I rely on memory to let the workers on the Great White Shark process a piece of equipment for me. This thing is specially designed for the special forces to break through the ventilation ducts and enter the building. It is not only very easy to use, but also has a simple structure. The Great White Shark itself is a dock ship with a lot of processing equipment on it. It is really easy to make these gadgets.

Our side is busy making breakthroughs and counter-breakthroughs. The side of the storm zone on the side of Japan is also performing a blockade and breakthrough drama, but this time the roles of the two sides are reversed. The fleet of our guild is blocking Japanese warships. These warships are the ones originally planned to reinforce the forward base, but they are now in trouble. On the Japanese side, a fleet of more than 2,000 large and small warships and more than 1,000 troop carriers are at odds with our fleet of 3,000 warships. Both sides know that this time you die or I die.

"Sequence of battle!" Chong Wang's fleet came all the way from Nansha, and more than 5 hours of full-speed sailing was right in front of the Japanese fleet. At this time, the queue was rapidly changing. The gunners pulled the canvas from the artillery, the automatic loader had pushed the shell into the barrel, the magic light cannon and the magic crystal cannon began to warm up, and the fish was filled with new torpedoes completed using American technology. Everything was in In the best state, only one command or one explosion can make these weapons roar.

The Japanese warships are much more tense than us, and their overall number is indeed a little more than ours, but our warships are significantly larger than Japanese warships, and our fleet is all warships, but the Japanese fleet has only more than 2,000 The rest of the battleships were unarmed personnel carriers.

上 On the flagship of the Japanese Fleet, a samurai-dressed man treats the surrounding humanity: "Notify the warship that we will entangle the Chinese warships later and let them run at full speed. Once they reach the base, they will be safe.

"I see." One of his men quickly ran to convey the order. The Japanese battleship did not have our crystal resonance communication machine.

After making the final adjustments, the fleets of both sides began to approach gradually. Although both had entered the range, no one fired. Both parties know that at this time the first round of shelling is important. If you miss the fire too early, you will have a hard time or get a chance to fire in the second round, so you must guarantee the first round's hit rate.

King Chuang Chuang shouted in Tyrant's bridge: "Haven't the aiming signal confirmed?"

没有 "No. This is too close to the storm zone. Although Bi Ling's bones suppress the waves and bad weather, the wind is still very strong, and we need to take some time to calculate the deviation."

"As soon as possible."

Both sides are doing dangerous approaching, but no one knows what the other's bottom line is, everyone is worried. Finally, the Japanese couldn't hold their breath. A row of torpedoes hurled towards our fleet with a white trail.

"Emergency avoidance! Activate the interceptor."

Our battleships have begun to reverse the hull to avoid those small direct torpedoes, and the big ones are suicide torpedoes with people driving inside. A weapon the size of a heavy machine gun on the side of Tyrant turned and a long crystal tube pointed at the torpedo in the water. Suddenly, when the crystal launch tube in front of the weapon lights up, a red light hits the torpedo's head, and the light only goes out for 0.5 seconds. It was followed by a loud noise, and a huge water splash appeared on the water ~ ~ the torpedo was detonated.

The red lights on other warships around the 交替 alternately flashed, and a torpedo would explode every time it was lit. The effective range of this compact weapon is only 30 meters, but this is enough. The torpedo guarantees that it will not cause any damage to the hull from 30 meters away. At most, it will feel some vibration. Since eating the torpedo of Little Japan last time, we have studied a variety of weapons against torpedoes. This small magic light gun is the best to use.

After the first wave of torpedoes, the king broke through the crystal communicator and passed the command to the bridge of each battleship. "Little Japan's torpedo is no longer working. It's time for our torpedo to show its power. Ships pay attention. The torpedo tube is reloaded all over the door and fires in 20 seconds.

After 20 seconds, a torpedo was suddenly and neatly launched on our battleship. These torpedoes were launched into the water in various ways, and then rushed towards the Japanese battleship together. Our early battleships did not have fish. Only the later battleships had fish, so the firing methods were messy. Small warships are equipped with external launchers in front of the deck, while large warships directly add specialized torpedo bays, or launch from the original launch port. But the most powerful fork is Tyrant, which directly fires torpedoes with the main gun. The super-caliber main gun of the Tyrant can launch torpedoes up to 5 kilometers away and then enter the water. In this way, the torpedoes fired are fast and difficult to dodge.

The torpedoes approached their targets quickly in the water. Japanese warships thought that only they had powerful torpedoes. I thought we would fight back with cannons.

"Dodge!" The captains of the Japanese battleships shouted at almost the same time.

But this is not over. The King of Crash ordered the sailors: "Now it is close enough, and immediately fire, the ships can choose their targets freely."

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