Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 54: Support point

Volume VIII Chapter 54 Support Points

A large row of transport ships stopped at the temporary port at the same time, and as soon as the hatches on the ship opened, they immediately became busy. What you need to build a city is not as simple as two pieces. Even if we have a fleet, it is impossible to transport a city over. In fact, we only brought large machinery and building materials for the teleportation array, and that's it.

In fact, the construction of the fulcrum city has already begun after the completion of Leichuan. Ling Yuanblow's task is not only to provide cover, but also to build an advanced project for the fulcrum city. Our large machinery was shipped ashore and then assembled. The ground here has been marked with a large number of symbols. These symbols were drawn by the girls of Leichuan overnight. These things are the basic construction drawings of the city. We need to quickly build the city according to these marks.

Fourteen super rigs were erected and one fixed pile was driven into the ground. These will be the main positioning lines of urban buildings. In the area outside the city, a large excavator driven by magic crystal is digging the foundation for the city wall. These excavators use the power equipment of the double motorboat of Atlantis. Although the power is a little bit lower, it is much faster than our own digging.

The dragons held giant magic pillars at the anchor points on the ground and inserted them. The dragons next to them helped push the pillars into the soil, and then the puppets began to lay the square with the two-tonne boulder. His face under the pillar was paved. The German MMs quickly started installing magic spar, while others began to sketch the degree array on the rocks.

The foundation of the city wall was quickly completed. The puppets carried the huge stones and began to build the city walls. The crystal beetle brought by Key City ate some rocks and began to secrete condensate to stick the megaliths that make up the city walls. These are similar to quick-dry The hardness of the cement is very high, which can fully ensure the firmness of the wall.

After a layer of stones was piled up, a group of trained laborers began to insert steel bars vertically on both sides of the rock. After the metal strips of finger thickness were fixed, the first layer of rock was completely enclosed. The dragons brought the same rebar. Then start placing it horizontally. The strong strength of the dragon can easily bend these rebars. They let the horizontal rebars intersperse between the longitudinal ground rebars and weave into a rebar grid soon. These wrapped rocks and steel bars form the foundation wall, which is the core of the city wall.

The dragon withdrew from the wall, and the second rock was transported to the wall by the puppet. The new rock is stacked against the reinforced grid to wrap the foundation wall, and the gap between the two is filled by our "quick-drying cement". Both sides of the foundation wall were covered with new rocks, then wrapped again with steel bars, and then surrounded by rocks. After wrapping several layers repeatedly, the outermost layer of rock was left without steel bars.

The Great White Shark brought a pile of giant steel plates to the ground. No one except him moved these things. The city wall we are building now is a trapezoid structure made of rock and steel with a width of 40 meters at the top, 50 meters at the bottom, and 68 meters in height. Because the city wall has a foundation part, the part of the city wall that is higher than the ground is actually only 50 meters. But it's not short. The huge steel plates were each 20 cm thick, and they were exactly the same height as the ramped walls of the city walls. These dimensions have been calculated when Steel City was cast.

A huge steel plate is covered on the outer surface of the city wall, and the inner wall does not need such defense.

After the outer side of the city wall was completely covered with steel plates, red moxibustion began to pounce on the top of the city wall. It's just that the steel plate used this time is smaller, but the thickness reaches 30 cm.

These steel plates are connected to the city wall by the quick-drying condensate of the crystal beetle. After it is determined that it is secure, our steel claws and bulldozer cooperate to fill the excavated soil back into the trench. After the city wall is completely connected to the ground, I let the puppets I ran back and forth on the dirt to compact the soil.

The blackness of the walls now exudes metallic luster, but this is not what we want. The artisans quickly painted a layer of silver-white material inside and outside the city wall, and then the dragons began to bake the city wall with dragon inflammation. These silver materials were quickly dried and fixed on the steel plate. The dragon didn't stop, they started to cooperate with the excavator to dig outside the city wall. This time, the moat was dug. As for the water source, the sea is behind us. Is there not much water?

After the moat was dug, the dragons made all the excavated mud into thin mud and put it into our huge machine for processing. This thing with a huge roller is actually a concrete mixer, but the thing we are mixing this time is quite strange. Dirt, crystal dust, dragon tears, phoenix blood, plus a small amount of angel bone meal. The dirt is taken from the ground. The crystal dust is a powder made of magic crystals that have used up their energy. The phoenix blood comes from the prodigal son and Xiaofeng, the angel bone meal, and Isinger has all the angels' bodies below the city. Shenlong Tears is the hardest thing to do. It was contributed by the little dragon girl. To this end, we used a kilo of onions to get this small pot, but this is the main raw material.

The end result is a kind of pink soil, which is soft and feels like plasticine, but it is actually a very good nutritious soil. We brought the pink soil from the mixer to the city wall, piled a layer of half a meter thick, and then our horticultural experts came to Mingzhi.

Mei Mingzhi has recently cultivated a special plant that has a strong attack power and has a certain territorial consciousness. This time it is just used. A row of seeds was put into the special pink soil, and then a few seconds later, a small seedling emerged from the soil. From the seedlings, it seems that they are not special. The only feature is that they grow very fast.

After Xiaomiao grew out, Mei Mingzhi asked us to attack them with magic. I asked a few mage players to fire some lightning. As a result, Xiaomiao began to grow rapidly as soon as they contacted lightning. It took almost ten seconds for these plants to cover the entire city wall. Now our city wall is completely like a hill covered by plants, and those plants have begun to spread to the surrounding soil, and the land outside the city has been quickly occupied. All these green plants are within 100 meters of the entire city wall.

These plants have very common green leaves, and they turned out a lot of yellow flowers quickly, but the volume of these flowers is not quite right. I just approached and wanted to see, the flower suddenly stretched out, and the petals were exposed in my heart. What kind of flower is that? Just a monster. In the middle of the heart are two sharp teeth distributed in a ring. And the place where the center should be the flower is five long red tentacles. I found something wrong and hurried back, but the tentacles in my heart suddenly radiated and tangled around me.

Mei Mingzhi took out a bottle and sprayed it, and some scented liquid flew over.

The plant immediately receded as soon as it felt the liquid, but it got stuck a little. The part touched quickly withered, but it didn't seem to hurt the plant itself.

Mei Mingzhi took another bottle of liquid and handed it to me: "This is a special perfume that I extracted from another plant with ground flower juice. It tastes average but has a strong lethality to this plant. In the future we can Sell ​​this in the city, and Korean players passing by need to buy our perfume if they want to leave the city. "

"That's good. But what if these plants are sprayed to the mage? A fireball is all burned."

Mei Mingzhi immediately said: "then you throw a fireball over."

I immediately lost a small fireball. As a result, the fireball flew into the air and was swallowed by the flower. Then the flower started to squirm, as if chewing. Soon a red flower bloomed next to the flower, and the red flower was still burning.

Mei Mingzhi explained: "If you eat a fireball, you will grow a flaming flower, not only afraid of fire, but also spitting fire. If you use lightning, you will grow a lightning flower. You can discharge.

"What if I use explosives?"

"Explosives are a combination of physical attack and flame attack. It is estimated that a flower of flame and a flower of steel will grow. I have not experimented with it."

"Yes, this is already good."

I did not expect that Mei Mingzhi's newly cultivated plants were so powerful. Except for the perfume with a little scent, it has almost no fear. As long as your strength is not enough to wipe it out once, it will grow back quickly, and it will be upgraded accordingly.

After planting flowers, we started to apply for city establishment. Fulcrum City has only one wall, because its location does not require too many walls. There are mountains on both sides and the sea behind, as long as the only entrance is sealed. In the direction of the sea, we built a large number of turret bases. As long as the artillery arrives, it can be turned into an armed turret.

The fulcrum city was formally established after the city application was completed. It was confirmed that the transnational teleportation array began to start after the city scope. This thing cannot be launched in the wild, mainly to prevent players from being converted into combat teleportation arrays.

As soon as the teleportation array was connected, a large number of workers rushed out of the building carrying construction materials.

The fleet carried only a few materials, most of which were piled up in Isinger, and only now came through the teleportation array. The first project was to build a battery array behind the city wall, and then began to modify the mountains on both sides. To make these mountains difficult to climb, the effect of the city wall can be achieved. At the same time, the high point of the mountain top is also a good place for the battery.

The night was busy, and when the sun rose, we were already installing the earth on the turret.

The location of the Fulcrum City means that he has to face the Japanese attack directly. I dare not let it retain only a few weapons like other cities. This place has become a concentration of heavy weapons for our guild. Behind the city wall is a battery array of turrets that are generally high in the forest. There are also cannons on the tops of the mountains on both sides. The coastline is completely a battery of turrets, and shore-based torpedo launchers have been added to ensure that enemy warships cannot approach. Before the Korean players arrived, I first transferred Isinger's defensive team. Now the walls are full of guards.

Although we piled up the defense facilities around the city overnight, the city was still barren except for the teleportation array. We only had time to complete the defense facilities and not build the internal facilities of the city. Now that the defense is complete, the construction of the internal building is started, but the amount of this project is even greater. It is estimated that it will not be completed before dark.

We were still working on construction, and Xiaobuff suddenly contacted me. "Chairman, how is your construction going?"

"Not bad. What's wrong? Is there anything?"

Xiao blowing thought for a while: "We have started to spread some opinions here. It seems that some people have found the construction of the Fulcrum City, but for the time being they have not thought that this is a Chinese city. They are planning to take a look This new city may be found to be a matter of time. "

"You don't have to worry. We have completed the defense facilities last night. Now all the rest are internal construction. Tonight, we can complete all of them."

"That's great. Am I going to start preparing to build a pharmacy?"

"It's not just a pharmacy. It needs all blacksmith shops and laboratories. This is all a profitable industry. When the two sides fight, we'll wait and count!"

"Okay, this one is going to make a lot of money."

"Not this time, but always. This is a chicken that lays golden eggs."

After cutting off the chat, I hurried to South Korea, and Union City was overcrowded. We can start the service to Japan in the evening when we take a walk, so those players start to frantically gather here and wait to enter the space door. Of course, they just brought a boost to the urban economy during this leisure time. Although the stores in Union City are leased to Korean players, all of them are in our store ~ ​​ ~ All the goods sold in Fulcrum City are twice as expensive as Union City, which is called profiteering .

When Park Yin saw me appearing in Union City, the first reaction was to ask me if I was selling team tickets here. His guild wanted to fight in the past, but the price of a single person was slightly more expensive. I thought about it for a long time: "This is absolutely not possible. If we set a precedent, our future business will not be good. I can pick up some of your discount cards and buy things in the fulcrum city, but the delivery fee cannot be less. "

Park Yin reluctantly said, "I just ask, if it doesn't work, it won't be acceptable anyway. By the way, give you a suggestion."


"You can set up all those guilds as friendly guilds, so that when we and the Koreans are there, we will be there, and there is an attribute bonus near your city. This is very cheap."

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