Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 63: Fascinating

Volume VIII Chapter 63 Unlimited Charm

I looked down at myself and everything was OK! Why is she so surprised? "Is there anything wrong with me?"

"You ... your clothes? Why is this Xiang?"

I looked at myself again, everything was OK! The Xinshoucun system has been adjusted several times, and the newcomers who are entering now will be given different clothing according to gender and race. This time I chose an angel male. I only have a pair of white shorts and a large white scarf. The power sword dedicated to the angel family, this is normal! Although the upper scarf is really thin, what about men even without shirts? "Is there anything wrong with this?"

"Why is your sister's figure very much like a man? And why don't you have a coat on your clothes?" Xiao mm felt wrong after he said it, and quickly explained: "I'm not laughing at my sister's figure, I'm ... oh, anyway, No evil! "

"Ah?" I was confused somehow, my figure is normal! Am I originally a man! Could it be that……? I suddenly thought of one and serious problems. "Do you have a mirror?"

Hurry up and get me a make-up mirror. I have always suspected that makeup mirrors are an accessory of female players. Now it seems to be true, otherwise how can a girl in a novice village have a mirror? It must be a gift for female players as long as they are on board 6.

"Thank you very much, my name is Yinyue, what's your name?" I asked while opening the mirror.

"My name is Bing Ling."

what! "I looked at my face in the mirror with surprise. I thought it must have changed into a woman's appearance before causing this mm misunderstanding, but the result I saw in the mirror turned out to be-blank!

The corner of the building behind me was clearly reflected in the mirror, and there was a small body of mm, but I was not in the picture.

"Sister, why don't you have a shadow?"

"I don't know!" I quickly pulled her to her side and reflected her in the mirror, and then I put my hand in front of her. But she was in the mirror but she didn't see my hand.

"I see." Xiaomm said, "You must be a vampire. The legend is that vampires can't shine a shadow."

The system clearly said that I was a right angel, how did I become a vampire? Although not understandable, this is not important. I looked at Bingling: "Although you can't see the appearance in the mirror, can you see me?"

"Well, you can see."

"What do I look like now?"

"It's beautiful. My sister is the third most beautiful girl I've ever seen."

It really turned into a female face! It seems that the system is still adjusted backwards according to the character of Ziri, and the initial setting is designed according to my original appearance, and now it becomes a completely female face.

"Right. You use a screenshot of the game. Take a picture of me, can I see it?"

"Yes indeed!"

Bing Ling quickly took a picture of me, but everything in the picture was that I was absent, and there was nothing in the place where I stood. The picture does not show me exactly. I asked Bing Ling to use video chat again, but still couldn't see me. I decided to give up my plans for the time being. This is not very important anyway.

"Forget it, you can't see if you can't see it! I still have friends there. We plan to leave this novice village quickly. Do you want to join us? Multiplayer teaming is faster.

"I Zhengci doesn't have the right team!" Bingling said with a smile: "I'm a magic player, the general team doesn't cooperate well."

"Magic player?"

"It's a profession that relies on music to attack."

"I know."

"you know?"

"There is also a girl in my guild who is engaged in music. She is about the same age as you. She uses a flute, but she is much higher than you. She is now a spirit master."

"Flute player? Isn't it called melting ice?" Bing Ling asked in surprise.

"How do you know?" Bingbing is a common name for everyone, equivalent to a nickname, her full name is melting ice.

"Haha!" Bingling laughed. "She is my cousin."

"Why do I look so similar! What instrument do you use?"

"This." She took out a small harp, and the harp suddenly became large and stood on the ground. "I'm a harpist, specializing in combat. Listen to my cousin saying that her flute is specializing in auxiliary."

I nodded: "Her flute is really auxiliary, and it works well. I didn't want to have more than one magic sound engineer! Okay, let's go to the three friends together."

All three of them were stupid there, and I used to call them, and they were stunned. I explained the change of genius to explain the situation. Bingling didn't understand until now that I was a man.

I asked, "Which occupation did the three of you choose? And the name and race you chose, we plan to level up."

The oldest of the three researchers said: "My name is Meander, the race is a bear orc, the main occupation is a heavy hammer warrior, and the auxiliary occupation is blacksmith and carpenter."

I said how this guy's image is so burly, it turned out to be an orc. I told them before entering the game that the main purpose of letting them in is to make aircraft, so the combat profession is not important, but sometimes research in the game also requires effort, especially the skill of the blacksmith. So from the beginning, I advised them to choose as many powerful characters as possible, and to be prepared to become a craftsman. It seems that he has done very well, the orc is not small, and the hammer is just right for knocking.

The smallest researcher went on: "My name is Cyclone, my race is a mountain dwarf, my main occupation is a Berserker, and my auxiliary occupation is Blacksmith and Stonemason."

The last researcher said: "The character I built is called Minban, the race is human, and the main occupation is the giant shield warrior. The auxiliary occupations are miners and signing divisions."

I nodded: "Okay, we now have three powerful fighters, leveling should be easier. Go, level up."

Everyone formed a team at the village entrance, and then started to move outside. Before we arrived, Bingling had been practicing for a while, so she had money to buy medicine. She gave the three soldiers two bottles of red medicine each, and I and her each one. Although she came in early. But the current funding is only enough for these 8 bottles of red medicine!

Our four new recruits are all level 0 and ice level 6, but I still have the most combat experience.

The game has been playing for a long time, and there are not many novice villagers. Monsters are easy to find. We saw a large group of hamsters jumping on the ground, so we directed the three guys to fight. All three of them have strange weapons. One is a hammer and the other is an axe. The other is a spiked shield. No matter which one, he is not suitable for killing rats. My mage is not much better than them. Before leaving Xinshou Village, the mage can only use physical staff to make physical attacks. Unfortunately, a little of my strength made me hit more than twenty times with a hamster, which was even worse. It is because of the lack of defense and health that even hamsters are a serious threat to me. These guys can kill me in just a few clicks. The only thing suitable for fighting here is Bing Ling. The effect of her harp attacking the sound waves is exaggerated. A hamster suddenly violently hits the strings. I don't see anything at all.

With a single knock, our four tired half-deads killed a few dozen hamsters in total, and even more dangerously I almost hung up once. It seems he was unable to fight before I could not get the Star Ring.

When the four of us rose to level 10 at the same time, Bing Ling was already level 18. It seemed that she was going out before us. Because the level is high, hamsters have no experience points. Instead, everyone will challenge the more powerful creature-long ear free.

This dangerous creature can kill me in a few seconds, but it can't kill the three meat shields. The three people here clearly showed the strength of the soldiers. Only I didn't dare to leave Bingling. These guys' attack power was to me. Who told me that I only added 1 point of constitution!

But things always go in the direction you don't want to be born. I don't know why the long ears are always approaching me desperately, and more and more. Soon the four of them could not stop their pace. It should be said that the magic good here should not focus on attacking the players, but these long-eared rabbits apparently gathered to me, and then they quickly filled every inch of the surrounding land. Soon my four bodyguards were overwhelmed by the children and surrounded by a white sea.

A strange phenomenon appeared when I was besieged by the long ears. They squeezed to my side without any intention to attack me, but just squatted and looked at me. I was a little strange at first, but I quickly realized that something was wrong with my charm. In general, no one should add charm to such a high value, but I did. So these long-eared rabbits were all fascinated by the high charm, they stood beside me and watched me motionless.

"Sisters, please don't surround me?" I asked as softly as possible, and supposedly, high charm should be able to talk to monsters.

After I finished speaking, they did not respond at all, and it seemed to have no effect. I tried to move a bit. These long-eared rabbits didn't stop me, but they moved with me.

I started running, they didn't attack me, they just followed me. So there was such a scene outside Novice Village. An angel player was chased by hundreds of thousands of long-eared rabbits. Many people here are practicing trumpet. They know that the strangeness of Novice Village will not chase players unless they are attacked, but it is impossible for one person to attack tens of thousands of monsters at the same time! Seeing that I was chased by so many monsters, some people wanted to help, and soon they were drowned in the sea of ​​Mianzi.

"Help! You can spare me!" I can't run anymore, except for the charm, the points are too low, the endurance will be used up!

Lest the children quickly catch up with me and surround me, but they still do not attack, but just surround me. Bingling appeared outside the encirclement after they were resurrected, but they couldn't get in at all. As soon as they approached, they would be attacked.

Bing Ling asked me to wait for a while before she ran away. A few minutes later, she returned, and she was followed by hordes of players. She grouped all the people in Xinshou Village into a large team. Anyway, everyone went out to kill these things and upgrade. The monsters are so concentrated here that they are just leveling, and the bonus of more experience points is also higher.

But apparently they underestimated the power of Mianzi. These people are very strangely drowned by the sea of ​​rabbits, but I made a difference. My wings gradually began to change color, and the original white angel wings turned red. The huge **** wings made me look behind me in surprise, and then looked down at my body, even my nails turned red! As the player dies, the red here is getting worse. My nails and feathers started to change from bright red to dark red and gradually turned to black.

This phenomenon reminded me of the original avalanche incident. Hurry up and open the property bar. Oops, there are thousands of evil values, and they are constantly growing! Is it true that I am attacking players when they attack players? its not right! I am their master again, why is it on my head? I shouted at the outside: "Stop all." The players and the children stopped at the same time. Everyone looks at me. I shouted, "Don't fight, all your evil values ​​have been added to me alone!"

The player over there quickly retreated. The rabbits quickly returned to me in a circle. Some players were surprised that their own reports of attacks turned out to show the attacking players Silver Moon. A man shouted, "I rely on it! Apparently it is a summoning beast, do you let us fight?"

Another person retorted: "What a joke? Don't say that no one can command more than 100,000 monsters at the same time, even if there is no possibility of appearing in the novice village. How much is she?

At this time, I was asked across the rabbit group: "Miss? How much are you?"

When I first killed the hamster, I got a plus one defensive robe, so now the other side can't see my body, and judging my gender based on facial features is naturally a problem. I shouted, "Please note, I am a man. And there is no one to guess, I ’m not a Warcraft messenger, even if I ca n’t command more than 100,000 troops! I ’m only level 10.

"That's weird!" The crowd over there didn't think about it for a long time, because they and I weren't familiar with each other, so everyone didn't want to delay time, and began to leave. However, not all of them left. In the end, there were still many people, including men and women. Those men are skeptical of my gender. They think that I have lied, so they want to stay and find a way to save the hero, but they are destined to be disappointed because I am not interested in men. As for the girls, most of them really want to help out of good intentions, and a few are curious whether I am a man or a woman who wants to stay and understand.

Anyway, some people are still helping me find a way.

A girl suddenly asked, "How about you try to touch them?"

"What if they attack me?"

"Xinshoucun is dead without falling, what are you afraid of?"

"Okay!" I tried to reach out to a long-eared rabbit, and that guy immediately jumped into my palm. I touched its long furry ears and it started to lick my palms. It really seems completely offensive to me.

I took the rabbit in and rubbed its head. To be honest, the long-eared rabbit is cute, but it is more powerful to the front teeth. I took it in front of me and scratched its fur with my face. It felt soft and soft.

Suddenly, the rabbit on my hand jumped up, then my eyes turned red and my body grew several times. Then this guy jumped to the ground and began to jump wildly. It can be clearly seen that it is growing up, and soon becomes a large long-eared rabbit.

A player was surprised: "Isn't it so exaggerated? Evolve if you kiss?"

A girl said, "You try to direct them to action, maybe they can help you fight."

I immediately said to the rabbits, "Stand over there."

All the rabbits basically did not respond, but the one I had just carried really ran over and stood up with two legs. I do n’t need to remind me this time, I understand that everything I have touched should be able to command.

Then I was quite busy. I hugged the rabbits a few times, and then they went crazy into crazy rabbits one by one. Soon I got a crazy rabbit army. Command these guys into the monster area, a chicken flying over the entire village of Novice Village, hamsters and rabbits had a war, the players standing silly one by one do not know if they are going to help one of them fight.

I don't care what players think, anyway, my experience is going straight up. Hurry to bring the three technicians and Bingling to the team. The high-growth experience quickly made Bingling leave Xinshou Village, and I asked her to go to Isinger to find Bingbing. I and three researchers are waiting here to break through the 20th level.

How can I not understand why this monster rabbit can accept my control, pure charm should not produce such an effect. In the past, it was not that no boring person added charm to 30 to find death, but the monster was seconds. My charm is only 25, which is a little higher than normal, but the rabbits should not be crazy!

Anyway, it ’s about to leave Xinshou Village, these guys can't follow me to leave Xinshou Village, so I do n’t need to worry about them. After reaching level 20, I was teleported first. All three of them have been brought to level 19 by the watch, and they should be fast.

I waited for a while before the three of them came out one after another. Everyone's position was different after being passed out of Xinshou Village. We were scattered to three cities. I asked them to tell me the location and waited by the teleportation side of the city.

Since this trumpet has brought the three of them, there is no need. I went offline to change to Ziri's identity and boarded the game again, and quickly teleported to the first city to pick up people.

I suddenly thought of a mistake on the way. The trumpet was originally intended to borrow the Star Ring, but now I think of it, the Star Ring is a guarantee of the number of my magic pets. If I take off the deadline, will I lose my magic pets? Although this possibility may not be true, I do not intend to take risks. Anyway, the trumpet is useless, and I don't want to care about it for the time being.

After arriving in the first city, he quickly found the orc turmoil, first explained that Yinyue and Ziri were two characters in an account, and then absorbed him into the membership, gave him a transfer fee and let him go to Isinger and wait for us . Next, pick up the dwarf cyclone, and then pick up the minus board after the same treatment, but this time something went wrong.

When I walked out of the city teleport array called Liushui City, I didn't see the minus, he was not near the teleport array. I contacted him quickly with a private foot, and the channel was soon connected.

"who are you?"

"I'm Shenlin, Yinyue and this Ziri are my game characters."

"Oh! It's the boss!"

"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with talking?"

"I was chased by someone and now I am hiding in a box. They are going to kill me back to Xinshou Village."

"I depend! Who dared to rush me? Where are you?"

"I don't know, I don't know the way. I just met the teleportation team before I arrived and I met them, and I was chased here. I don't know where this is!"

"Tell me coordinates."

"Oh! The coordinates are ...!"

"Okay, don't move, I'll be right there."

It's really troublesome. I didn't expect to be chased after I was out of Xinshoucun, this board is really unlucky! I don't know who his newcomer can offend. No one should embarrass him like this!

I started running towards that place according to the coordinates, and soon I could find the place. This is a shopping area with a lot of people, but I ride Night Shadow ~ ~ The altitude advantage allows me to see an unusual crowd in the distance at a glance. A large crowd crowded the streets, some riding horses and some standing on the ground.

They have more than twenty people, they are searching the shops around them, it looks like they are looking for minus books ...

Open the private chat: "Minus board, you can come out, I've arrived. After you come out, run to me, I'm in the middle of the shopping street. I ride a black unicorn, you can see it at a glance . "


Jian Banxun rushed out of a nearby shop, and I immediately saw him, and he saw me at the same time, but noticed that there were those who chased him.

"That kid is over there." A guy rushed up as he called.

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