Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 89: break out

Volume VIII Chapter 89 Explosion

"Chong! The final victory is ours!" Shouted the highest command of the Indonesian army. The rest of Indonesia rushed in under his command.

I tightened the sword in my hand. "At the end of the show, right?"

The melodious flute accompanied by the harp-like rhythm brings a different feeling to this battlefield. Bingling struck the strings, the melodious sound made people feel floating, and the enemy's onslaught became faster.

The Indonesian commander laughed: "The sound of Da Xiaoya's piano is just a funeral for the enemy, everyone kills!"

Bing Ling nodded to Bingbing and closed her eyes. "Requiem-Huangquan dance steps."

The smooth sound of the piano suddenly messed up. Just now the enemy's steps were completely unified with the sound of the piano. Now the piano sounds suddenly messed with the enemy's pace. The scene of more than 100,000 people wrestling at the same time is rare, but this time we were fortunate to see it.

"Strange!" The conductor got up from the ground and directed his men: "Hurry up, hurry up, you idiots, get up and rush up to destroy them."

After the enemy got up, the song suddenly became violent. The enemies were like cramps, and they suddenly appeared uncontrolled. A guy wanted to take a small step forward, but in the end a big split almost didn't tear his leg apart. The other guy just wanted to talk, and Di Guo fell off the collar of his mouth. In this strange tune, the enemy has no control over the strength, and even walks deep and shallow like polio.

"Kill those two girls!" The other party finally had the problem.

The crossbowman next to him quickly picked up the crossbow. As a result, he lifted the crossbow at a forty-five degree angle and saw no shadow. The commander yelled, "Where do you shoot a fool? I asked you to kill those two girls. Who made you shoot birds?"

"Boss, I'm wrong! I just couldn't control my hand cramps!"

"The two little girls actually want to control me and see my prefecture-level sword." The commander found that the crossbowman was ineffective and just threw his knife out. I suddenly appeared in front of Bingbing and blasted the knife away.

"Ah ...!" Suddenly a guy in the enemy team yelled. Bingbing and Bing Ling even screamed and took a step back. The music stopped suddenly, and the enemy returned to normal.

"Are you all right?"

"It's okay." Bingbing looked at the opposite and said, "I didn't expect the enemy to have a voice magic sword master."

"Who is the Sound Sword Master?"

Bing Ling explained: "It is a profession that uses magic sounds like us, but this profession is not safe to rely on magic sounds to fight, and it is still very different from us. Strictly speaking, this is a magic warrior."

"It doesn't matter, you step back and let us here."


As soon as Bing Ling and Bing Bing retreated, my private chat rang. "Zi Ri, you are ready.

The puppet is coming. "

"Got it."

As soon as I finished speaking, I heard a boom. The rubble in front of me was filled with smoke, and a smoke puppet was already standing in front of me after the smoke dispersed. With the sound of booming around the first puppet landing, the puppets 6 continued to reach the battlefield. Although we have only two hundred or so puppets in total, these guys can't be killed or injured. Intercepting enemy ground is very good.

"Kill them." I pointed behind the puppets, and the puppets turned back to see the enemies.

Eyes flickered and rushed up.

The enemy doesn't know what the puppet is. We only used a small amount of puppets in the last battle.

So these people will certainly not be impressed, they only treat these as our ordinary players. Of course, they will not be afraid of these unseen enemies, and they rushed up immediately.

Because it was a hedge on both sides, everyone ran into each other quickly. The two suddenly slashed at the puppet, the puppet raised a shield to block one guy's attack, and the other hand's epee collided with another's sword. Hearing only a local sound, the huge power of the demon swept away the man and his sword. Although we equip the puppet with an epee, the puppet actually uses them as sticks most of the time. Those swords don't need sharp blades at all, and the puppet can split anything with great power.

One was missing in two moments, and the other was stunned, and the sword of the puppet swept up immediately. The guy also wanted to use a shield to block, but unfortunately it was useless and blocking was meaningless. Although the puppet did not cut the shield, he flew the guy more than a hundred meters, and it is estimated that it is almost dead.

After the two were finished, more enemies rushed behind. The idol started working around like a fly. Those enemies had no ability to deal with this humanoid tank. They could only hack around them. After the puppet battle began, our remaining strength also joined the battle. The number of enemies was still a little bit larger, and the less our personnel were fighting.

The crystal was pulled to the ground by several lassoes, and the plague immediately rushed to the rescue, who knew that it was attacked by more enemies. A plague of dragons swept across a semicircle, all the enemies screamed and were burned to coke, but more enemies rushed up again. The plague turned around and flung his tail across the body. More than 200 people were beaten out of the city by one tail, faster than the puppet! But the remaining enemies rushed up again, these guys were more like ants.

Fortunately, he landed from behind the enemy, biting a bit, and swallowed a dozen enemies. The huge tail swayed left and right among the enemies like a road-opening machine, and all the enemies they encountered were blown out.

During the time of Lucky Wei, dozens of ropes suddenly flew around. Lucky quickly evaded, but still got a lot of hits. Large swarms of enemies dragged the ropes like tug of war, limiting lucky movement. There was a dragon chant of luck and anger, and flapping wings to fly, thousands of enemies were dragged to the ground and slid out, they couldn't pull luck. The dragon was originally a symbol of strength, not to mention that it is now a level dragon affected by the seal. The enemy is as fragile as a chicken in the face of fortunate brute force.

Although the power of luck is endless, there are really too many enemies. Seeing that luck was about to fly, another pile of lassos flew up to catch the lucky body. More than 30,000 people dragged the rope and dragged lucky again. Lucky was struggling there anxiously, but the opponent still had a slight advantage. Fortunately, he looked up, and thousands of people were dragged up, but just after they fell to the ground, those people stumbled up and ran to pull the rope.

Xiaosan suddenly ran over from the side and banged with a tail, and fortunately broke off half of his body immediately. The body took a roundabout with another 20,000 people. Long Yin. The rope flew out like a snow flake. Fortunately, all the rope was broken, and the enemy Zheli crashed to the ground.

Fortunately, fortunately, Lucky suddenly flashed with a golden light, and I only heard one system prompt: "Dragon King is fortunate and enters madness. Countdown is 30 seconds before the madness is lifted."

Crazed? How come I do n’t know if I am lucky to have this skill? 30 seconds of the Seal of the Seal of God seems too short! It usually takes twenty minutes for a savage to go crazy. How lucky is it to take 30 seconds? The system doesn't care what I think. Still counting. "29 seconds, 28 seconds, 27 seconds ..."

Lucky eyes flashed with fire, and suddenly a mouth opened. Different from before. This time it was a golden ground flame. I have never seen any dragons use this kind of dragon flame. Even the golden dragon ground flame is not golden! Fortunately, Long Yan didn't seem to stop spraying. He moved his body while spitting fire. The area where his head swept was all a sea of ​​fire, and everything sticking to it would melt. Xiaoyan was caught by Long Yan for no news, and immediately fell a large scale, scared, he quickly flashed into the distance.

After the madness, it seemed that he had completely lost sight of the flames, and the flames spattered uncontrollably. The plague saw that the situation was wrong and quickly pulled the crystal up. They just flew up, and the dragon moxibustion swept past them. Thanks to their flashing speed, they just felt that some heat was not burned.

The system prompts the countdown. "15 seconds, 14 seconds ...!"

Fortunately, the enemies around him suddenly turned around and looked at the enemy commander who was slashing with me. The commander and I immediately stunned. Fortunately, I didn't even care about it. A dragon moxibustion flew up with a mouth. I was scared and the commander couldn't even care about the other side and ran away.

boom! The shock wave lifted me far away, and a half of the fragment of the puppet jumped over and almost hit me. Fortunately, all the puppets were blown up! The plague landed next to me: "Master, are you okay?"

"I'm fine. The question is how lucky?"

"It looks like the dragon's seal has been broken."


The plague explained: "Fortunately, he was not the same as the ordinary dragons when he was young. He was full of energy even when he was in the egg. Because his power could not be controlled before hatching, the dragons put a seal on him for safety. It may be angry. Let the seal loose. "

Fortunately now, his body was shining with golden light, and his huge head was constantly turning like a cannonball, shooting Longyan rounds around him. As long as Longyan rounds landed, it immediately became a big pit, and even the defense of the puppet couldn't hold it. For the sake of money, I had to call all the puppets back. It was too uneconomical to be injured by mistake.

The timing here is still not over. "9 seconds, 8 seconds, 7 seconds ...!"

Fortunately, a huge dragon yin suddenly appeared from the sky, and the power was unprecedented. The plague called out immediately: "No, the master will let the fleet activate the protective cover. We must hide, too. Don't ask why, it's too late."

I quickly shouted on the war channel: "All the fleet activated the protective cover, the maximum power output, ready to resist the impact. Players use the reels to leave immediately." After shouting, regardless of whether they came or started, quickly opened the space door to let The remaining teams hid in. As for those puppets and surviving players, the Time Seal of the Throne is too late to leave it alone. Anyway, the damage of the puppet can also be made. The red spar has a teleport core to protect it from disappearing. Players are killed at most by two levels, which is not a big problem.

After entering the space door, Wuhan immediately closed the space door, and looked at the door lucky.

I was lucky enough to have a golden light on his body, his eyes suddenly turned red, and then a golden flame ignited on his paws. In his mouth, an arc flashed between his teeth. With a beak, a horn grew on the lucky head. It turned into three horns, and then his body constantly popped out of the carapace-like structure of the blade, even a row of blades on the tail.

"Close the door," the plague reminded, and I quickly closed the door.

Fortunately, there was a dragon chant again. The dragon chant was so huge that a thunderous roar could be heard within a few hundred kilometers, and everyone on the battleship had to cover his ears. Suddenly, a golden light waved around with luck as the center, and I saw a golden wave rushing up. He fell to the ground scared. Fortunately, I did not forget to close the space door.

The golden shock wave spread out in all directions, and the powerful power swept through everything in an instant. I am afraid that San Malinda will disappear on the earth forever this time. As soon as our fleet arrived on the sea and started the protective cover, we saw a huge golden wave crashing. The mud and water on the ground have risen tens of feet high together, and the fleets of various countries on the seashore have been lifted out in no time. Some small battleships even turned around in the air. All the people in the fleet rolled around in the cabin, hitting the ground. Many people started to regret not being prepared to resist the shock.

Crashing Wang Chen on the Tyrant, the battleship was suddenly lifted out by the waves for several kilometers. The hull had completely turned upside down. The other warships were not much better, all turned upside down.

The shock wave not only hit the sea surface, it was the same on the ground. Huge earth waves were gliding on the ground and stopped at the edge of the nearby two abused cities. The most unfortunate thing was a small village. Completely buried.

After sitting on the ground for more than ten minutes, I was awakened by a small hand. It turned out to be the Mother Earth.

"Looks like you already completed the task ahead of time?" Mother Earth looked at me with a smile.

Immediately after being pulled back to my mind, I calmed down. "Well, it's done."

"Then I took back the cover in advance, oh yes, and those souls." With a touch of my hand on top of my head, the cover disappeared immediately, and all of my magic pets returned to normal.

I stood up and opened the space door while walking outwards and said to the Mother Earth: "This is a mess outside, I'll take a look first."

"It doesn't matter." Mother Earth looked at me with anticipation, I didn't know what she meant. But the moment she stepped out of the space door, a smile appeared on her face, and it was a mischievous smile.

I looked back and looked out the door, but my feet had already stepped out because of inertia.

"Ah ...?" I thumped straight into the water, and it was bottomless sea water. It ’s weird. If I close the space door after entering the space door by myself, the space door should be re-opened at the last closed position when I open it again. How about it?

I swam out of the water first and then flew up. The surrounding environment seems a little familiar, but it feels like I don't know it. Strange, where is this?

Suddenly a huge figure caught my eye. "lucky?"

After seeing me, luck flew back immediately, and now luck has returned to normal, not only is not so huge anymore. "the host?"

"Where is this?" I asked.

"I don't know." Lucky looked around. "I remembered fighting in the city just now, but it seemed to be confused for a while, waiting for my recovery to be here."

I was wondering, suddenly a loud voice sounded on the war channel. "Rely on it! Ziri, what did you do?"

"Chuang Wang? What's wrong?"

"You still ask me what's wrong? I ask you what's wrong? Teleport to Siniyu immediately, hurry up!"

I opened Fengkong Space and let the magic pets go back, then closed the space door to start the teleportation ring.

Immediately after coming out of Xiniyu's teleportation array, I felt wet under the feet, and looked down at the waist. I rely, what city is this? Why so much water? Indonesians are so terrible that they don't need to flood the city if they want to build a Venice! I was thinking of suddenly seeing a shark fin swiping past me. I rely on? How come even sharks entered the city?

Walking outside the entrance hall of the hall with doubts, the outside scene surprised me even more. The city streets have completely turned into a big river. All players are running around in the water. From time to time, there are several dolphins crossing the street, and a shark chases after them. Is this the street or the sea?

Out of the hall, I was taken aback again, and there was a leaning tower in front of the left. and many more. Why is this thing so strangely shaped? what! That's a battleship! When the battleship was inserted obliquely into a building, the part I could see was about 50 meters long. According to the structure, the total length of the ship should be about 110 meters. Almost all the front of the battleship was inserted into the ground, but the stern was lifted into the sky. The two huge propeller rotor blades were still turning slowly, and many people were climbing out of the battleship.

Turning around and looking behind me, it turned out that the warships were more than ordinary. The warships of various types around them stopped in the city with different attitudes or lying alive. The funny thing is that a general torpedo is parked on the top of a building.

When I opened my wings and flew up, the scene was more spectacular than I thought. Around the city, like the ruins after the nuclear war, a large number of battleships were lying everywhere, and the surrounding ground was filled with warships of various countries. Landed warships were even pressed together.

I carefully looked at the wolf warship cemetery for a long time. It seems that all the warships in other worlds are from warships. Most of the warships in our guild are in the sea. Although it looks terrible, it is better than going ashore. I looked for Tyrant. Its huge hull is very easy to find, at this moment it is floating quietly on the sea surface. There aren't many warships in the sea now, and Coincidentally Tyrant is one of them. It seemed that all the large warships that could be left were small warships that had basically landed.

When I ran to the beach, Chuang Wang was directing everyone to rescue people from the ship. The fleet must be evacuated before doing so.

"Chuang Wang, what's wrong?"

"I should have asked you, right?" Chuang Wang turned and looked at me. "What are you doing in the city? We floated well in the sea. Suddenly, a golden light lifted the entire strait, and our entire fleet was taken here to the opposite side of the strait. The fleet of our guild fortunately There are protective covers, most of them are fine, but they are stranded a lot, but other guilds seem to have many warships entering the city! "

I looked around. "Don't tell me it's all turned up."

"Nonsense, look at the ship over there. That's Ashford's release ship Iron Cross. Now, OK, Chengdeng 6!"

"Dizzy!" It seems that I have to promptly notify the last few players not to leak the news, otherwise these guilds will definitely ask me to lose money. Fortunately, the last few players are from our guild, so confidentiality should not be a problem. There was no one nearby at the end of the guild, that is to say, no one saw the actual situation except me and the players who were still alive in our guild. I simply put the responsibility on the Indonesian offensive forces. , There is no proof anyway.

After deciding, I hurried to find the players and told them about the situation. Of course, they did not want to use the money of our guild to pay for the warships of other guilds. I even got Rose to help us make up a lie and make a confession in advance.

We haven't discussed the results yet, the system announcement sounded first. "All China, the United States, Germany, Indonesia, Switzerland, France, Japan, South Korea ..." the system reported a large number of names and then said: "Player attention, this system announcement is aimed at all players in all the above countries. This The invading army composed of multinational coalition forces successfully divided the entire territory of Indonesia. After the Indonesian area guards and players' counterattack, they still did not recapture even an inch of land and the attack effect has expired. The system announced that the aggression was successful and Indonesian nationality Cancelled, Indonesian territories and their settings will no longer appear in this game. "

Everyone was still sad for the sea this time, and cheered together when they heard this announcement.

After playing for so long, it's finally over. If you're not happy, it will be fast.

The system continues. "Now this system will announce how to deal with Indonesia. Indonesian players will not be able to board 6 directly to the original land after the 6th game. All Indonesian players will be exiled to him to continue the game, and the Indonesian player's nationality display will also be cancelled. The display position of the original nationality will be displayed as exile. The exile is a special area and does not appear on the official map like the novice village. Except for special tasks, players with nationality and their magic pets, summoned creatures, etc. are all under normal circumstances. It is impossible to enter the exile. The exile land is worse than the official map. The price of medicines and other materials will also increase by 5%. There is no system resurrection hall in exile. Players will be resurrected directly in the teleportation team and lose two levels at a time. "

Haha! Good severe punishment. Not only is the environment harsh, it is also expensive to buy things, and it is even worse that there is no resurrection hall, and the death is directly dropped by two levels, which is very tragic.

The system continues: "There are various wild monsters in the exile where you can level up, and the situation is roughly similar to the official map. In each city of the exile, a gate of space will be set up, and the exiled players can return to the official map through this. That is, It is said that Indonesian players can use the space door in the city of the exile to return to the original land in Indonesia, but they cannot approach any city. When the exiled player returns to the official map, the local monster will be regarded as another monster type, that is, It is said that the wild monsters on the official map will not actively attack the exile, but if the player attacks the monster first, the monster will still fight back. The position of the exile on the official map will be the leveling area, and players from other countries can hunt here. At the same time, the exile can also hunt and kill players from other countries here. After killing the opponent, the experience value will be equal to ten times the killing of monsters of the same level. "

It seems that the meaning of the system is to let these exiles reach the leveling area to act as monsters. These player monsters are definitely smarter than the average monsters ~ ~ and they are fun enough to play, and those designers really have a way. Because the experience value is much higher than that of ordinary monsters, both sides must take each other as the main target, and the fight will definitely be more intense. However, players generally carry medicines, and players basically have magic finishes or demon servants. The 10 times experience value is not so easy to get, but it is definitely faster than killing monsters.

"In addition to the hunting system, exile veterans enjoy the siege system. Exiles can apply to attack cities on the official map through their exile cities. After the application is approved, the system will notify the specific time of the throne of the Seal of God 48 hours in advance. The time limit for each siege is 12 Hours, and nearby wild animals will help exiles attack cities, but the intensity will not be too high. Cities on the same official map cannot be applied for continuous attacks. The two battles need to be at least 48 hours apart. Exiles during non-urban wars You are forbidden from approaching any cities and villages on the official map. "

Unexpectedly, besides being a monster, they can also attack the city. Now, the cities we occupy will never be peaceful.

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