Starting from Zero

Vol 8 Chapter 91: Unlucky prize

Volume VIII Chapter 91 Unlucky Prize

The lottery spins up for the fourth time, this time I waited a little more before pulling down the handle.

"Your fourth prize is a set of multifunctional kitchen appliances."

Alas, this time I was completely fainted. Which **** prize is it? The content is really "rich"!

"Do you want to start the fifth draw?"

"Wait a minute!" I got up from the ground and prayed to all the gods before I rubbed my hands and decided to start the fifth draw. Although I do n’t believe in God, if I can get something good this time, I do n’t mean to worship them!

Facing the lottery machine that has restarted, I took three deep breaths and then pulled the lever down again. "Your fifth prize is a 24k gold dragon edge commemorative badge."

I'm going to vomit blood! The badge of Longyuan staff is almost one, which is a special badge for Longyuan staff. Because the shape is very beautiful, I took away all the excess, a drawer!

"You seem to be uncomfortable. Do you want to continue?" The lottery machine is very humane.

"It's okay, let's go!"

Pulling the lever again, I no longer expect good things to happen. Longyuan is not a small company. These 100,000 items are definitely good for the average person, but for me it is estimated that more than 90,000 items are garbage.

The sound of the lottery still sounded without emotion: "Your sixth prize is an unknown item."

"Ah? What did you say?"

The lottery machine repeats again: "The sixth prize is an unknown item."

"What is the unknown item?"

"An unknown item is such an item that you don't know anything for the time being, you don't know what you can do with it in the future."

"It's the same as saying nothing!" The guy who designed the prize is definitely not normal. He made the prize so strange and a lot of unknown things popped up. "When will it be mailed? I'll probably see what I do by looking at it."

"This is not a real thing, it is a game ground. I will give you the item now."

As soon as the lottery machine finished speaking, a flash suddenly appeared in front of me, and a black crystal appeared in front of me, and I quickly reached out to catch it.

"Isn't this just a crystal? What's unknown?"

"I don't know what this is. But it's definitely not a crystal. You can explore the specific functions in the future. I have nothing to say."

It ’s awful. Throw me a crystal I do n’t know what to use. I took a closer look at this suspected crystal object. The whole body is black with a little bit of transparency. It looks very pure and beautiful. The shape of this thing is exactly like scales, but it is bigger. And it is relatively slender. If this is really what the scales of a creature are. I guess this guy is too big. I looked at the properties, and question marks from beginning to end, I didn't know what to do.

Since there is no research, why not, just finish the later pumping. I started to draw again.

Still the voice of the lottery machine: "Your seventh prize is a ring of permanent magic."

I haven't waited for this time to ask. There was a sudden flash under his feet, and a halo appeared. The angels have a halo above their heads. I stepped on one under my feet, and it was still so dark. Inside this aura. A magic circle is spinning slowly, and the foreign halo is just rotating in the opposite direction to the magic circle.

"This is the magic halo?"

"This is the guide of the Dark Lord. It is mainly because of your land properties."

"Can you hide this visual effect?" If I step on a black confection wherever I go, then no matter how I pretend, don't expect it to be undiscovered. In the whole game, I only step on such a thing under my feet. It's almost like a sign!


"Can I take this magic back?"

"This is permanent and cannot be recovered."

"Can I avoid this reward?"

"You don't have to shake the prize, but you can't cancel the shake."

gosh! Does this reward me or hurt me?

"What effect does this thing have?"

"It's a permanent offensive magic, but it requires you to guide the attack to start.

As long as you start the Black Demon Halo to attack the target in your mind, the aura will automatically start and enter the autonomous attack mode. Unless you use your mind to end the attack or the enemy leaves the effective attack range, it will never stop. "

"Will the enemy die and fight again?"

"If the opponent is resurrected in place, the attack will not stop, but if he returns to the city and leaves the strike radius, the attack will automatically stop."

"What's the attack radius? What about the attack power? Do you need to consume magic power?"

"The strike radius is 200 meters. It is fully automatic and does not consume your magic points. It will not stop even if your magic is exhausted. In terms of attack, the dark demon halo will first refer to your level to determine the magic to be released. The higher the level of magic you release, the higher the level of magic, but it is not absolute. Although you are now at a high level, it is normal for some low-level magic to appear. Because the magic released each time is not necessarily, the attack power is also unstable. .Sometimes there will be supplementary magic that replenishes blood. "

"The attributes are pretty good, but this is too casual! I have the Dark Goddess in my magic pet, and I have also seen advanced dark magic. If the enemy and I are playing lively, it will suddenly appear a dark explosion What? I don't want to die with the enemy! "

"Then you can only ask for blessing. I can't do anything about it, but the specific magic release will be affected by your lucky value. Applying your lucky points, it is estimated that the magic that appears is very useful."

"That's better! Okay, let's start the eighth lottery?"

"Yes, the eighth draw starts now."

Generally speaking, the prizes are pretty good, but a lot of them are useless to me. Anyway, they are just playing for fun, and I am not so serious anymore. Gently pull. Frame freeze.

"The eighth prize you get is to add a skill. The specific skill will be determined by another additional choice. OK, now the system will customize 200 teaching abilities for you based on your attributes."

Suddenly there were more than 200 glass **** floating in the air in front of me. There is a small paper roll inside these transparent glass balls, and it looks like that is the skill.

The lottery machine continued: "200 chant skills have been selected, and now they are allocated." A crystal ball was suddenly divided into two groups.

"Which group do you choose?"

"The group on the right."

The crystal ball on the left suddenly disappeared, and the ball on the right expanded into a square array in front of me.

"Now come with a lottery, I'll help you remove the secondary skill of the number of numbers you shake out."

There are two turntables next to me, each from zero to nine. I haven't moved yet. Those two plates began to spin. "I'm stuck on the turntable when you hurry. Please start."


"87, congratulations, a big number. According to the rules, I will help you to remove 87 less useful skills. Now there are 13 skills remaining. Please choose one?"

Choose one of the 13 best skills. It should be a good one. "That's it." I took one out casually.

The crystal ball burst suddenly. The small scroll inside flew up and unfolded.

"The skill you choose is absolutely blocked. This skill does not consume mana and can be used up to 10 times in a row. When the number of remaining times is less than 10 times, the number is automatically restored once every two hours until it reaches 10 times. This skill each time Allows you to freeze a creature. This creature is not limited in size, as long as it is a creature. It can be settled within 30 minutes. The freezed creature is invincible for 30 minutes. It cannot attack others, and it is not effective for others to attack. If the freeze target is a cavalry, freeze Only designated creatures can be anchored at any time. If you want to freeze the cavalry and the mount together, you need to use two absolute blockades. Once the creature is freezed, it will not be able to move, even if he is still in the air at that time. If the freeze is a player, except the next Online, the other party will not be able to do anything. However, if the other party goes offline halfway, their body will wait until the freeze effect is removed. Please note that this skill has no effect on the protection of women. If you attempt to use this skill to indecent women, they will still be bombarded. . "

"Cut! Of course I know this. The feminine protection feature is the first priority attribute, and it must be better than this skill."

"Can we start the ninth draw?"

"Yes, let's go."

For the ninth time, pulling the lever again, the luck just got a little bit worse. The ninth prize was a luxurious limited edition gaming helmet, which was meaningless to me. I started with a general-purpose helmet with a motivational account, but later replaced it with a full-face helmet. Now I use this base-made experimental model, which is a more limited edition than a limited edition.

The tenth draw continued, and the results were not as good as the ninth. The tenth prize turned out to be a toilet bowl. I will get a year of toilet paper. This prize must not be known to others, or it must be a laughing stock.

For the eleventh draw, I still have no hope. After pulling the drawbar, the picture freezes, and the sound of the lottery machine appears. "The eleventh prize is another skill with content in disguise. Moving this skill without selecting a target will allow you to switch the appearance of the two characters under this account, but the character attributes are not actually changed, only the appearance Swap. Unless you dismiss the effect, it will not disappear even if you die or go offline. This ability is not an illusion, so it cannot be detected, and it is not affected by anti-stealth effects. However, this ability will be broken by identification, if anyone If you use forensics, camouflage will be eliminated automatically if the authentication is successful. "

"Listening to you, it seems that you can choose the target by using this skill?"

"Yes. If you do n’t choose a target, you will switch appearances between the two characters. If you choose a target, you can become a target. The target can be a person, a creature, or an object. As long as the volume difference is less than 200%, you can disguise it, but The camouflaged target must be in sight. It doesn't matter if the camouflage leaves the line of sight after camouflage, but the target must be in sight when disguised. It needs to be reminded that when disguised as a target other than itself, it can be detected by detection magic such as disguise. It will not be seen if it becomes another number. "

Haha, this skill is good. But not right! I still stepped on such a halo under my feet. "The lottery machine, I pretend to be someone else, but there is such a thing on your feet, how can you pretend to be me?"

"Please rest assured that your appearance will be exactly the same as your target after disguise, including the ring below your feet will be disguised together."

Not bad, I didn't expect camouflage to be so effective. Don't worry if you sneak into Japan in the future, it will always be recognized, as long as you pretend to be a Japanese or become a Chinese. As long as you are not yourself. But the best choice is to use your own silver moon. But that was too feminine and it was dangerous to go to Japan.

"Lottery machine, start the last draw."

"OK. The last draw started." The screen scrolled again.

I'm a little more cautious this time. It's my last chance. It's better to have a better reward. With a fierce pull, the picture snapped.

"Your last prize is ..." The **** lottery machine stopped intentionally before continuing: "Your last prize is a special task scroll."

"Special task scroll? What task?"

Flash in the air. A black ground damask scroll fell into my hands. This reel is obviously different from the previous reels, which were all metal shafts. Mostly gold, and the content is usually recorded on rough parchment. But this time the scroll is a rosewood flooring, the content of which is recorded on the brocade. A large number of patterns were embroidered with gold threads on the black brocade, and now it is double-layered. Unlike the black gold flower on the back, the front is gold brocade embroidered with black thread.

At first glance, this thing looks like something in China. If it is not black, it looks a lot like the emperor's edict.

The lottery machine said: "This is a special task. The black crystal you got at the beginning is associated with this scroll. The black crystal is used in the task. Please read the description of the task. My task is here End, thank you for using, goodbye. "

This guy is really irresponsible, just run. I unrolled the scroll and looked at the contents. It really had a detailed explanation, but this explanation made me more and more excited.

The content of the task turned out to rescue the black unicorn from the gate of hell. It is now stuck in that gate and cannot go back and forth. It needs the black crystal in my hand to come out. To put it plainly, the task is to send the crystal to the hands of Black Kirin. The scroll says that if you want to start the task, you just need to drop a drop of blood on the scroll, then the scroll will disappear, and a space door will appear next to it. Just walk in. This space door can only last for 1 minute. After that, unless the black unicorn comes after completing the mission, it will only return after hanging in it 20 times, and there is a level 10 drop in once and 20 times in 200.

This is a team task that allows up to 15 people to participate, or it can be done by one person, but the difficulty is fixed, the more people, the simpler it is. The recommended combination in the mission proposal is: 5 high defense warriors, 2 higher education professions, 5 attack mage level 700 or higher, 3 blood donors, and the recommendation states that it is best to have a player level 800 or higher, and the rest Players are best to be above 700, otherwise the task will be difficult to complete.

A task requires 15 people to participate, and the requirements are so high, it is really hard to imagine how difficult this task will be! As for this black unicorn, I've been there for people to investigate. This guy is a very rare monster, and according to those descriptions, he is likely to be more powerful than Xiaolongnu and her father. This task seems to be the rescue of the black unicorn, which means that if the task is successful, it may be related to this guy.

It's tempting to think about the benefits, but the risks are just as great. Fortunately, there is no limit to the time of the Seal of the Holy Seal ~ ~ I can't wait to see this matter. At least I have to wait until I have completed the 800-level task before the 800 level. Otherwise, according to what this mission says, we don't even have a level 800 person. And the problem is not just me. If 15 people are required to form a team, the other 14 people must pass 700 levels. There are many people who have passed the 700 level in our guild. However, everyone is basically at the 720 level. This seems a bit too low.

Things always need to be done piece by piece. I put away the scroll first. This thing is temporarily unused. Now the most important thing is to borrow artillery shells. The Japanese must not be able to successfully control East Timor. I don't want to face the counterattack of Japan. I have already suffered a loss last time, and I am a fool.

Ashford is still working in the city he bought in Indonesia. I teleported directly to the city in Indonesia and then flew by flying birds. Now the cities are sold. Those cities belong to different countries. The teleportation array is no longer universal. I can only fly by my magic pet.

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