Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 6: reconstruction

I lifted the hammer and slammed it down. When the hammer was about to touch Suzaku's head, I stopped suddenly. Suzaku waited for a long time without feeling anything, looked up at me. I smiled at her, but Suzaku fought a cold war. The devil's smile never means goodwill, nor does mine.

Seeing that I had nothing to fight, the leader of Hong Jun asked curiously, "Is there anything wrong?"

"No." I shook my head. "I think Suzaku has made me so miserable. Is it too ...

"Do you think it's too heavy?" The leader Hong Jun immediately said: "Since you don't plan to pursue it, we ...!"

I interrupted Hong Jun's words. "I don't think it's too heavy. I think your punishment is too light!"

"Ah?" The leader of Hong Jun was told by me to stop. They had intended to go down the donkey, and turned my intentions back.

"She treats me like this, but you just break up her mind. Is it too cheap for her? Is n’t beheading under the early criminal law the worst punishment?"

"So what do you want?" The Master Hong Jun stared at me with a look of confusion.

I smiled and said, "You don't plan to ask for her anyway, it's also troublesome to keep it. It's better to leave it to me? I won't worry about how to torture her when I take it back, anyway, you'll save trouble."

The leader of Jun Hong nodded: "All right! Take it away when you are happy, anyway, it doesn't make much sense for us to keep it. Her Nanming Lihuozhu has been removed, and now her strength is not as strong as before, but you are the most It ’s better to be cautious. She is also Suzaku, and it is still very dangerous without Nanmingli Huozhu. ”

"So what do you have to restrict her?"

"I think about it!" The leader Hong Jun considered for a moment and suddenly took out two cards. "Give you this."

"what is this?"

"This is called a magic lock, which is used to control those monsters that harm humanity. But this charm is actually valid for any creature, so you use this as well."

"How does this thing work? Does it stick to the brain like a priest deals with zombies?"

"Of course you don't need to use it like that!" The leader of Hong Jun took out one of them and said, "Remember this rune. This is the dominant rune. The other is the subordinate rune. After you go back, you incinerate the rune and then wrap the rune paper. Ashes are swallowed up. The subordinates are incinerated as well, but the ashes are to be eaten by her. Do n’t do it the other way, otherwise it will be her command. Once this thing is drunk, I will solve it myself Don't open the ground, so be careful. "

"Then I'll use it now! Save yourself the trouble of going back wrong."

"Yes, you can use it now!" Said the leader Hong Jun, burning a piece of charm in his hand and turning it to ashes: "This is the dominant symbol, eat it."

At the same time I ate those paper ashes, the Master Hong Jun had burned another one, but it was really troublesome to feed Suzaku. She resisted hard, and it took us a lot of effort to inject her. .

The leader of Hong Jun told me: "This thing can't control her mind. It can only restrict behavior. As long as you don't want her to do it, she can't do it. But you have no way to force her to do what you want her to do. "

This Hong Jun leader really is a mature man, scared to death. He promised me to give Suzaku to me, so that shows his generosity, which is equivalent to sealing my mouth. But she didn't want to give me the power of Suzaku. It wouldn't be a good thing to him in case it was used, so he used such a charm to keep me safe while preventing me from commanding Suzaku normally. No dripping!

Although I know this is the strategy of the leader of Hong Jun. But I can't say anything, at least this thing will allow me to get Suzaku back safely, as for how to use it, I can slowly consider it.

Suzaku tried to spit out there after eating Fu Hui, but Fu Hui was dry powder. Once in the throat, it was melted by various secretions in the body and could not be vomited at all.

The leader Hong Jun said to the magic soldiers on both sides: "You can let go of her."

After the soldiers let loose Suzaku, she stood up and tried to run away. I just thought about not to move, and she immediately settled there like a sculpture. "It really works!"

The leader Hong Jun boasted, "Although this is the product of my experimental failure, the effect is still very strong."

"Are there any more?"

"Another group, what do you ask this for?"

"Can you give me?"

The Master Hong Jun considered for a moment or handed me the last group. "This is the last group, because the materials are very precious. I will make two, and I will not be able to make such symbols in the future. If you use this, do n’t ask me for it.

"I see." I took the last set of characters and carefully closed it. It seems that this thing is indeed quite precious, and even the leader of Hong Jun cannot make it again. Actually, I guess he didn't make it, but I kept extorting him. So I can't make it with a bite, so I have no excuse to ask him again. Really stingy!

Because I can't direct Suzaku, if I want to take her away, I need to let her stay like a sculpture and then move it, but this is very troublesome. For this reason of inconvenience in carrying, I extorted another bead of life from the Jade Emperor.

The Spirit Bead is a crystal seal ball with a diameter of 15 cm. As long as the target does not resist, the target can be sealed in. But resisting the seal is not absolutely successful. If the strength of the user and the target of the seal are too different, even resisting is useless. It's very convenient for me to seal Suzaku with this thing. Suzaku can't do what I don't want her to do. When I seal her, as long as I don't want her to resist, she can't resist, so it's convenient to seal her. This ball is not limited to the number of uses, and can be released continuously. In addition to being too small and limited to living things, I think it is more convenient than Fenglong Space. The only exception in the attribute is the player, which cannot seal the player, regardless of whether the opponent resists or not.

Sealed the Suzaku completely immobile with the beads of the soul, and then the beads turned into a red crystal ball. The red inside seemed to be flowing. Put away the beads and go back to study slowly. Now we must first consider the issue of urban land.

After seeing the ruins, the prince Hong Jun and the Jade Emperor thought that the losses could still be made up. Of course, these big men would not stay to supervise the restoration work. We discussed the general intentions and were transferred to the remaining three gods and some heaven soldiers.

After sending off the bosses, I first asked Qinglong to take me to Tianmen Island. Essinger ’s international teleportation team was gone. Our people are all in Tianyu City on the other side of Europe. To rebuild the city, we must first get people back. Okay! Qinglong used a large transfer array to take me directly to Tianmen Island, but he couldn't get over himself. The storm zone where Tianmen Island is located is the high seas, and the Quartet's duty is to guard the territory of China. They cannot go out on the high seas.

I suddenly appeared on Tianmen Island to everyone's surprise, many of them were here. The port area outside Tianmen Island is now very busy. The fleet that escaped from Isinger gathered here. Because of recent funding shortages, many new warships have been launched. During the battle, the fleet was scattered throughout the Indonesian waters. There was still a part of Isinger, and Tianmen Island also had a complete fleet. There were also some cruises in the open seas of Japan. .

The Chuang Wang knew that I had arrived and used the Chinese teleportation array on the island to call the eagles over Tianyu City. Yingying and Hongyue both asked me anxiously, only Rose said calmly: "It should look smooth with your expression?"

I smiled, took out the beads of life, and released Suzaku. Chuang Wang looked at Suzaku, who was lying on the ground, and asked strangely, "Zi Ri, what are you doing with a little MM?"

"Hahahahaha! Do you know who she is?"

"Who is she?" Everyone shook their heads together.

"Let you guess three times. I promise you will never guess."

Chuang Wang, they began to guess who I brought back, and what Chang'e and Guanyin came out, but there was no trace of it. I finally announced the answer. "This is the Suzaku, the beast that smashed Isinger."

"Suzaku?" Everyone huffed and moved back five meters with Suzaku as the center. This can't blame them for being timid, but because this guy is really too strong. Everyone knows what Isinger is. Domestic resistance forces, foreign hostile forces, and even the Bright Temple are not able to do it, but even a Suzaku split the city in half with one move, can you not be afraid of her?

I stood next to Suzaku and shouted, "What are you doing so far away? Of course, it is absolutely safe for me to bring her back. I'm not a fool. I'll bring a terrorist to bomb myself?"

When I heard that, everyone gathered around again. Su Mei had the boldest courage, and she walked to Suzaku and crouched down. Suzaku sits on the ground sideways. The eyes were full of panic, because I had settled her again, and she couldn't move at all now.

"Why doesn't she move?" Su-mei asked me back.

"Because of this." I took out another set of rune papers from the Master Hong Jun. "She's under control now, and she can't do anything if I don't let her do it, but I can't order her to do what I want her to do. I just didn't allow her to move. So now she's motionless."

Su Mei stretched out a finger and pounded her face a few times. "Hey, I really can't move!"

"Of course, this thing was made by the leader Hong Jun."

"Who is the leader of Hong Jun?" Su Mei didn't know the identity of this Hong Jun at all, and there were many people around her like her. I had to explain the identity of Hong Jun.

"So, this Hongjun leader is even more powerful than Sun Wukong?" Su Mei asked.

I explained: "Zero" is just a real game, and those gods and the like are just some of the game settings. According to the ranking of Chinese mythology, this Hongjun leader is indeed much more powerful than Sun Wukong, but " I do n’t know if the ranking in Zero is based on mythology. And I was invited to heaven this time and I did n’t see Sun Wukong. I guess there may not be this character at all in this game. ”

Su Mei said with a smile: "Yeah!" Zero "is too realistic. I always forget that I am playing a game. To put it bluntly, they are just playing with us, similar to the hotel waiter." Su Mei explained. It's novel enough, but it's very vivid.

The eagle suddenly asked: "Zi Ri! At first I heard that the four holy beasts came to present you awards, but why did they attack our cities later?"

I explained: "Actually, the reason the Four Holy Beasts came to Essinger is to award prizes. But the Four Holy Beasts have a master and they have been separated for a long time. They all want to find a master. And their master is Bi Ling. "

"You said that Bi Ling?" Ying asked in surprise.

Upon hearing the name Bi Ling, Suzaku sitting on the ground immediately listened carefully. I knew she was listening, but I didn't need to hide her, so I didn't care about her.

"It's the Biling I sent you to Atlantis."

Eagle curiously said, "So we still have a certain relationship, why do they attack us?"

I laughed. "Because I use this as a condition for wanting blackmail benefits."

"Then what?"

I lifted Suzaku and lifted her ban. "Then she broke the news that the thunder attempted to pry openly."

Hongyue continued: "So they wiped out all of our cities in order to threaten you to tell the news, and then pushed us out of China?"

"That's what happened."

Lark nodded his head and said, "Things are very simple, but are you too reckless?"

I shook my head: "Article 7 of the code: Anyone must not destroy the player city for no reason, even if the city needs to attack the city, it must declare war in advance. Do n’t you watch?"

Shura Ziyi nodded: "If you say this, you would have known that no matter how the superior production destroys the city, it is illegal, even if they are not responsible. The game company will restore it for us. It seems that you are not reckless but cunning! Bailing, we It seems too simple! "

Lark smiled and said, "It's not us who are pure, but Ziri. He's too insidious. Even it's counted!"

"This is not insidious but wisdom. You do n’t pay attention to every system upgrade, but I have been paying attention. Since humanization, they also have passions, so we can seduce, irritate or irritate them, any means to address human weaknesses You can use all of them. This time I just used their feelings to stimulate their fouls. It was not a sinister trick. It was just that I knew the plan! "

Eagle said: "Say back, how did you get this lady back?"

"Hey! It's very simple! They fouled in advance, and Suzaku shot it directly. The gods of heaven and earth met in a group to discuss the compensation. In order to seal my mouth, they decided to sacrifice a **** beast to calm me. Since Suzaku shot directly . Of course, she is the best person to top the pot. Originally, those great gods meant to drag her to humane destruction, but I think humane destruction is too wasteful, so I want to come back and plan for waste. "

"Who are you talking about as waste?" Suzaku finally couldn't help it.

After Suzaku shouted, she suddenly felt that someone was pulling her hand, and she looked back and turned out to be a little girl. Su Mei said to Suzaku with a smile: "You better not fight with Brother Ziri. Brother Ziri is known as the strongest devil. What he is best at is tearing apart other people's reason and dignity. It ’s better not to talk about life or death. "

Suzaku looked at Su Mei in surprise and then I finally screamed and turned around and ran away. I went down and said that she was not allowed to fly and was not allowed to use magic. Then she was ignored, Suzaku was a creature of fire. Swimming is definitely not possible. This is Tianmen Island. She ca n’t run anyway if she does n’t use magic and has enclaves.

After she ran away, I rubbed Su Mei's hair vigorously: "You little devil is even more horrible than me! It looks like she's not scared by you!"

"That wasn't scared by me. She was scared like that after listening to you."

"The problem is that I'm not a demon. You made it up, so you're a little demon."

Rose interrupted us: "Zi Ri, when you are in the heaven, what do they say about our final compensation?"

"The general plan is to rebuild all the lost things first, and the city, equipment, and personnel can be restored. If things like the core of power are not available in Tianting, we can buy them again, and Tianting is responsible for reimbursing all expenses including freight. If it is If the one-time items cannot be recovered, they will try to recover with the special return ability of the Four Gods Beasts. If it does not work, they will be compensated with something else, which will not let us suffer. "

"That's good." Rose nodded. "What are you doing now?"

"They need to restore the city in Indonesia first. They ca n’t do it alone. We have to go to help. I ’m coming back and calling people. They ca n’t get out of the Chinese border. You have to enter the border by boat. They can use teleportation to send us away. To our territory in Indonesia. "

"What are you waiting for, shall we go?" Eagle turned and ran towards the port excitedly.

Before the fleet left the port, I captured Suzaku back and sealed it again in the beads of life. After leaving the port, the fleet proceeded to the nearest Chinese sea at full speed. In order to make it easier for us to reach Indonesia quickly, Qinglong set up a huge space passage on the sideline of China's territorial waters on the sea. The fleet directly entered and reached the territory we had laid down on Indonesia.

Fortunately, our warships are equipped with two-person speedboats, otherwise this would not even be a problem for landing. After the city was destroyed, the port also became a ruin. Large warships could not be docked at all. They could only land on a small boat, and waited for the port to be completed before the fleet came back.

Heavenly soldiers are responsible for repairing the city, and the heavenly court has left us a million heavenly soldiers. These guys are different from laborers, they are all magical. Our players immediately started to survey and map landmarks after they landed. According to the agreement between me and Tianting, the new city should be expanded on the basis of the original. This is regarded as the compensation of Tianting to us.

Before the city was built, the ruins had to be cleared up. As a result, Xuanwu turned himself into a huge body and pressed it to the ground. All the ruins were pressed into the soil, and the foundation was completed by the way. Because the pits that Xuanwu extruded are very deep, and the cities are all close to the sea, the seawater will naturally be poured into it. If we repair it ourselves, we must first hit the cofferdam, but the beasts do not need to. Qinglong directly pushed the sea water out of the city with its potential, and even the location of the port became a dry ground, which was convenient for repairing the port.

Xuanwu kept jumping and falling in the same place, using his body to press the ground down a little bit ~ ~ I am used to repairing cities with underground cities, so the foundation is deeper, the most important thing is to smash As soon as you hit the land below, it will be more solid, and the city will be very stable in the future.

After the foundation was smashed, Xuanwu turned back into a human shape and flew up. The following work was given to White Tiger. The White Tiger suddenly summoned dozens of tornadoes, and these tornadoes began to move on a good foundation on the ground. If you look closely, you will find that the route taken by the tornado is the street and house planning planned by our players after measurement, which is equivalent to drawing the lines on the city foundation, so that it will be clear and easy to make mistakes during construction.

After Bai Hu finished his drawing work, the tornado began to converge into a huge storm regiment. The Nantianmen in the sky did not disappear. At this moment, the heavenly soldiers above began to carry a stone from Nantianmen. These stones are all processed, the same size and shape. These stones are as large as seven ordinary red bricks, but the proportions are the same. I'm surprised by the color of these stones. Normally the stones should be gray or cyan, but these stones turned out to be lemon yellow, and they also felt a little translucent.

I asked the **** who was directing, "What kind of stone is this?"

"This is a colorful stone."

"Multicolored? Why do I see only one color?"

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