Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 21: Derivative ability

Volume 9 Chapter 21 Derivative Capabilities

Actually I want to ask you something. "I looked at the supervisor and then said," I know this may involve some confidentiality, but I think I should have the right to know the truth at my level of confidentiality. "

"What do you want to know?"

"What exactly is the Shenzhou plan? Is it to build a spacecraft for immigrants?" I thought it necessary to figure out this question after Rose told me last time.

"Spaceship?" The supervisor gave a stun and then reacted. "Oh! You're talking about that plan! Who told you Shenzhou planned it?"

"I learned it myself."

The director nodded and said, "First I think you're wrong."


"Is the Shenzhou project you said the boat of the boat?"


"That's you wrong." The main pipeline: "The continent of the Shenzhou project is a continent of Asia and Europe, not a boat. The content of the plan does involve the issue of space immigration ships, but that is only a small part of the real plan. I do n’t know much, and I do n’t think this plan is to hide you, but you did n’t ask. There are many bases involved in that plan. Our side specializes in the biological part. The migrant ship is at another base, as if it is on the back of the moon. There is another place where a secret base is conducting a complex research. I do n’t know what it is. It is a technology that crosses the ages. The president once said that the one over there is the core part of the plan. Can count as a second-tier base. "

"Is this plan too big?"

"I don't know the specifics. I'm just doing research. I don't care about things like general dispatch. You need to know the details. You better ask the president. You shouldn't ask me if you are the son of the president."

I nodded and said, "Well, let's not talk about this. I want to know how I can receive the brain waves of those under me. They hear my thoughts, but I can't hear them. This is a bit painful! Also, they all said that they would execute it involuntarily after receiving my thoughts, as if my consciousness had a coercive effect on them, and it was almost impossible to resist. Is this also a problem? "

"In fact, you can't hear their thinking is normal. If you hear it, it is not evolution but degradation."


"A person's thinking is independent. Language communication is a request signal, which is equivalent to external data transmission. Your brain will first analyze the signals sent from various senses with a verbal memory, and then the analysis result will be micro-current. The form is sent to the logical analysis area of ​​the brain. After the brain analysis area processes the data, it forms consciousness and modifies its own behavior according to the data content. This is the general form of thinking. But your consciousness is sent directly in the form of brain waves. Your subordinates directly receive the complete stream of consciousness. These consciousness data skip the logical thinking area of ​​the other party and directly enter the consciousness to control their own behavior. This is why your consciousness directly affects their behavior. People They do n’t want to do something because the logical area negates this behavior and thinks that this behavior is not feasible, but your consciousness skips their logical area directly, so they have no chance to deny this consciousness. They can only go on. ”

"Then why does Ling feel that others don't directly accept the thinking of others when they think?"

"Because that is an active search for thinking, not a passive absorption. The other party ’s thinking is sent back to the language area after being accepted, and then walked through the normal channels. Any information that passes the logical area can be filtered. We This kind of behavior is called neurofeedback. The design of the human brain is somewhat similar to the parity test of electronic computers. It is an unconscious reverse review. Your thinking is forced into their brains, and there is no valid test position at all, so directly Was executed. "

"What shall I do in the future? What will my * do?"

"It's easy to handle." The supervisor took out a small card-like thing. "Bring this."

"what is this?"

"This is an electronic jammer. Its main function is to continuously destroy the brainwave with a small range of interference waves."

"I can't always take this!"

"This is a temporary solution. If you want to really solve it, you have to practice it by yourself. B13 is used to create the life element of God, and brainwave exocytosis is one of its capabilities. Its main function is to control the surroundings. In simple terms, you are the captain's machine. Continuously shoot control signals to control the surrounding team machines. However, this function does not seem to be fully deployed. The real control should be controlled, and you should be able to send it to a target as needed. The stream of consciousness should not be covered in a wide range as it is now. However, I estimate that this is the gap caused by the natural variation of living things. After all, biological products are not like machines down the assembly line. Each biological cell may make mistakes during replication. uncertain."

"I still don't need it anymore." I threw the card back to him. "Can my brainwave be controlled?"

"Because it's okay, you just need special training."

"I see." B13 went wrong for a long time. Speaking of which I have a lot of B13 problems! At first, it was a division error. I was a twin sister with Ziyue. As a result, the **** chromosome mutation turned me into a man. In the later growth process, B13 went to sleep for no reason, and played no role at all. After that, the B13 had been sleeping in my body for so many years and suddenly became active again. Within a short time, the body of the Seal of God completely modified my body structure and strengthened the skeletal system. Now this thing is wrong again, and it is impossible to control other people's brain waves, completely covering all biochemical humans around them!

"Right." I suddenly remembered: "This time they have something special besides me."

"Tell me."

"First, the electrical control of Weiner and Pepper, they showed an ability that was completely absent from the data."

"What is it?" The supervisor clearly started to get excited.

"It's electromagnetic induction."

The supervisor was disappointed. "That's it? Aren't they supposed to?"

"It's not as simple as you said." I explained: "They can apply a force to any object by using a current to cause a change in the magnetic field. At first, it only blocked a bullet, and then it completely restricted the power of a Russian-made grenade. In a small space, until the end of the explosion, we didn't feel anything except the light. The grenade didn't work at all, all the energy was confined to the small area, there was no power at all. "

"What? You mean a grenade?"

"Well, it's a very large grenade. Judging from the final fragments, it belongs to the pressure-killing model and should be used against personnel and light armored targets."

"If the power of a grenade is to be completely restrained, this is absolutely beyond the control of ordinary people. It seems that we have underestimated their power show. If you say so, their capabilities are likely to be more than we know, Everyone ’s abilities should have other uses. But this is a good thing. At least you have absolute control over them. Their power is our power. "

Shaking his head: "Their power is their own power, and I will not force them. The meaning of the counter on the gate of the base is clearer than mine."

The supervisor nodded remorsefully: "I understand. For that 1500 trillion life dedicated to science."

"Yes, there is one more thing to tell you."

"What else?"

"I have a strange phenomenon."

"What phenomenon?"

"When Weina manipulates electrical energy, the electrical appliances around them will become disordered. They don't use their own electrical energy. Every time the power is released, it seems to consume the surrounding electrical energy."

"How could this be?" The supervisor turned round afterwards: "How did you show up?" "We caught a thief in the mall when Wei Na controlled the elevator. I was selling the TV behind her while she was operating it. All the TVs in the ministry had severe color casts and picture disturbances, and many small electrical appliances in the nearby small electrical department automatically operated. However, everyone was watching the scene at the time, and few people noticed the change. "

"Is it strong magnetic induction?" The director dragged his chin and thought for a moment: "This problem is more complicated, and I can't think of a reason for a while. In short, during this time, you should try not to run around the throne ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ I will also pay close attention to the study of the Seal of the Throne. "

"Then I will go back first. I have an appointment with someone in the evening."


Leaving the biology department and returning to the lucky big room, everyone is chatting. I walked over and clapped my hands and said, "Okay, now everyone is back in the game cabin to access the game, and we still have work at night."

After hearing my words, everyone immediately turned around and ran to the game cabin. The brain waves shot unconsciously when they just spoke. They were all unable to resist this flow of consciousness, and their bodies reacted before consciousness. In the future, you can't do this, but you need to practice how to control yourself as soon as possible.

After everyone connected to the game, I also returned to the room to enter the game. The screen was dark and turned on again when I was in Isinger.

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