Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 36: flood

"The goddess doesn't matter." I got up from the ground and said to her: "I need magic pets, your gender is not a problem."

"Magic pet?" The contract **** stunned first, and then whispered, "My divine power has been taken away. Would you like me to be a magic pet?"

"What about the divine power being taken away? The slender camel is bigger than the horse. How are you, once was a goddess." I pointed to Ling and Xiaochun who were coming together: "They were gods like you before, but they became magic pet Then the part that belongs to God will disappear. Even if you are still a goddess, you will lose your divine power after becoming a magic pet, but your combat power will not decrease much. I have more experience than you. "


"Of course it is true. Otherwise, you would waste my position as a pet, and I would not be a fool."

"But you don't seem to have a pet position anymore. As you said, after the divine power is eliminated, I still have some power left. I can see your property panel, and your remaining position seems to be empty."

"Can you see my attributes?"

The covenant goddess nodded. "As the **** of the contract, the most basic requirement is to be able to interpret the correct information of both parties to the contract. Many contracts cannot be performed normally if you do not see the attributes."

I nodded and understood. "Since you have this ability, then look at this thing." I took out a gold ring, and the smooth ring was a ring without any decoration at all. (The ring is mentioned in Volume V, Chapter 6.)

The contract goddess didn't even touch, just looked at it. "The ring of top grace, the source should be the temple of light or the **** of goodness, or it may be the temple of darkness in Europe. It depends on the inscription to know where they are. They all do the same."

I nodded: "This is the ring of grace for the beast god, but what do you mean by the superior?"

Shinto of the contract: "The ring of gratitude is the evidence that various forces use to give gracious forces or individuals. People who get the ring can exchange a request with the ring, but the request cannot be opened at will. The one you take is the superior The ring of grace means that as long as the other party has the ability to do so, it must be agreed. If it is intermediate, it can only be a less troublesome thing. If it is a lower level, it is generally a matter of accommodating something or giving something. That ’s the end of my little favor. "

"There are so many differences! You know the details!"

"I was originally the **** of contracts, and the ring of grace is a contract, of course I know."

I put away my ring and said, "I mean turning you into a magic egg first. Then I can use it when I find the beast god. Goddess doesn't touch the ground everywhere."

"I don't want to be a magic egg. If you don't mind, after you leave this seal space, you can let the higher **** just give me my divine power temporarily, and I can send us directly with the power of the contract To the contractor's ground. "

"Can you send us directly to the beast god?"

"Of course." The goddess of contract said very surely: "If the agreement is not implemented correctly, I need to send myself to the side that caused the contract to be invalid. This is the basic ability."

"Then follow us first, and I will ask God Mother for help after going out."

The Goddess of Contract nodded and said, "But I have to make a statement first. I will not help fight until I officially become a pet, otherwise the sword world star will directly intervene."

"I understand."

The creation star we said is actually the main system. "Zero" does not have a standing gm, of course, the main system is responsible for supervising law enforcement. In fact, "Zero" does not design gm and it is not entirely to correct the game's self-discipline ability. There is another reason that there is no way to set gm. The map of the previous game is so ignited. As long as there are more than a dozen gm online, the effect is basically achieved. But the map of "Zero" is bigger than the map of the world. If we arrange artificial gm, how many people?

In the past, the cities in the game were so slap-sized. A gm saw the north of the city from the south, but everyone knows how big the city is in Zero. Small villages are not counted, there are tens of thousands of regular cities with complete city walls alone. So far, the number of cities in the special map is removed. Grade cities like Essinger are not counted at all, do not cities like the three main domains of the system have dozens of gm to manage? The cities in the entire game are added together, it is estimated that gm really needs to be arranged, at least millions of talents are enough.

The Goddess of Contract knew that I had agreed and stood by me obediently. Now she is the magic pet reserve. In fact, the position of my magic pet is not really full. The part of the goddess of contract says that my direct magic pet is full, and there is still a vacancy under the humanoid pet, but I do n’t want to hang her on other magic pets. Below, because she is also a humanoid pet, hanging under other humanoid pets will waste her two carrying capacity.

After solving the problem of the covenant goddess, I turned to face the Taoist and the ghost girl. "Okay, that so-called power has now been edited by me. What else do you want to give away?"

"You ...!" The Taoist stared at me angrily but speechless.

"Since you have nothing to say, let me ask ..."

I said half of the sudden came the chili's heart contact. "Master, the ghost king has gone to your side."

"How did you get him out?"

"That guy is a King Kong's indestructible body. It's useless to fight. We really can't help it."

"Where is he now?"

"Just got into the hole you hit. We're chasing."

"I'll be right there."

Both the warrior clone and my magic pet heard the contact, and the mage looked at me and said, "I'll stop first."

I said to him, "You can't stop it alone, let's go together." I beckoned to Ling and turned and walked towards the door.

The priest saw that we suddenly ignored him and immediately called out, "Where are you going? Hello? You speak!"

I didn't bother to care about him, and walked towards the entrance with the magic pet around me. The guy immediately put away his magic pet and caught up with the woman. "Hey! Don't run, we haven't finished yet!"

He had injuries and couldn't run fast. Coupled with the fact that we walked very fast, he kept chasing us until he reached the end of the passage. I entered the vertical passage with a circular staircase and just saw the ghost king fall from us. I looked up and looked up, Pepper and Lingling fell down one after another, and there were many magic pets behind.

"Master." Skott ran down the stairs.

That guy just chased it out. "Hey, you ...!" He shouted halfway up and was struck by the two bell-tone knights who followed, and pressed against the wall.

I said to Scott: "Go down, the ghost king just passed by."

Scarlett immediately ran down with the bell knight. I saw that the two bell-tone knights were still following the Taoist priest, and turned back to them and said, "You go and chase together with Goths. Leave him alone."

A bell knight dropped the guy and turned and jumped off the fence.

When the priest got up from the ground, he heard the roaring sound of the spiral staircase as soon as he was about to cry. And the ground clearly began to shake. Ten seconds later, a large group of Yalong cavalry appeared on the stairs, but they were all on foot. Although the stairs were not narrow, the small dragon hunting was not suitable for taking the stairs.

The Yalong Cavalry saluted immediately after seeing me: "Master."

I waved: "Scott needs help. Chase down."

"Yes!" The Yalong cavalry clapped his hands backwards. "The order is chasing down."

Immediately afterwards, the order sounded gradually, and the Taoist behind me was completely dumbfounded. The ghost female player said in surprise: "Aren't you here to steal things?"

"We?" I smiled. "We have the same purpose as you. But you are stealing things, I am not."

"Don't pretend to be so innocent," the Taoist stared back at me.

"Am I pretended? Am I different from you!"

"Cut! You and us are thieves."

"No, no, no! You are a thief. And I am not. You sneak in here to get some babies to leave without the other party's knowledge, and I take the army to wipe out all enemies and take them with confidence. Thief, I should be classified as armed robbery. "

"Haha!" Ghost female players couldn't help laughing.

I carried a knight ceremony to the public with the eternal sword, and then said, "So beautiful Miss Taobao Women's Tmall Your boyfriend, not everyone is as forgiving as I am. "

The female player smiled and stretched out a hand, she said when I held her hand: "Not everyone has the strength you have to defeat both of us at the same time."

"Haha! Good-bye, good-bye!" I said, jumping back with my back to the outside of the stairs, then spread my wings and fell down with a proper degree.

The warrior's avatar smiled and said to the female player, "If you want to find a real man, please notify me." He turned and jumped, but the warrior's avatar was not between wings, but between the stairs. Use left and right to gradually jump down.

The mage finally performed a mage ceremony. "So farewell to the beautiful lady from Taobao Women Tmall Taobao Mall Taobao Mall Women's Winter Jacket." After that, he also spread his wings and flew out.

My magic pet nodded to her and jumped down, the Yalong cavalry on the stairs still running down the line, and the whole stairs were rumbled with chaotic footsteps.

As I fell down, I asked Pepper: "Is the battle outside?"

"Nearly, most of the enemies have been cleared, and the remaining lucky ones are dealing with them. The Yalong Cavalry's mounts are waiting outside."

"The ghost king is now the commander of the bare pole?"

"Bad Commander? Well, that's a good description. Even if it's not a Commander, at least a Commander of Bald Hair."

Lingling reminded, "It's the end."

We landed one by one, followed by the others jumping down. They are fast, and they have disappeared. I first looked at the surrounding terrain. Below this vertical tower is actually a passage junction. Thirty hop channels connect to this rotunda from all directions.

"Is Scott still attentive?" Ling stood in front of a marked passage.

"Are you sure it's Skott reserve?"

"The mark of magic is not so easy to copy."

"Then hurry up."

Because of the vertical kick problem, none of us came down with a mount. Everyone had to run on foot. In fact, even if there is a mount here, you cannot ride. The height of the passage is only two meters, and the soldiers and I have to run with their heads lowered. Fortunately, the ratio of hands and legs in the shape of a werewolf varies greatly.

This passage is very long, and there is no straight passage over 5 meters around, most places are curved with some arcs, and the passage is getting narrower and narrower. The ground is like a cabin aisle. As I walked, I suddenly heard a sound ahead. And the ground seems to be shaking. After turning a bend, he actually came across Scot.

Skort held up me: "Hurry, run back."

"Ah? Run back?" I suddenly heard a vibration and looked up behind Scott. It's okay not to look at it, it's more scary at first glance.

I turned like an electric shock: "Run. Run backwards, all backwards."

Although I shouted very hard. But the effect seems not so good. Not because the door is disobedient, but the passage is too narrow. You imagine it. A long alley that can only pass by one person, a large number of people came in line, and suddenly the person in front wanted to go back, but the passage could pass by one person, and everyone who wanted to step back would be behind. Turn around and pour out. So many people can't make a U-turn, and no matter how well-trained the army is, it's impossible to complete the task of turning around the army in an instant!

The army turned around, but the enemy in front rushed over without hesitation. The **** ghost king actually started the institution after running through the passage. This underground passage was connected to a certain water source. After the institution was started, the water all rushed into the passage. This is why Skogid ran back in a panic.

The flood roared towards us in the narrow passage. We tried to use shields and other things to resist it, but the water pressure was not ordinary, and any obstacles didn't work. We were all washed out like leaves. The flood came in several times as much as we cleared the passage.

When we reached the middle vertical well, we only saw one channel of water. All the channels were spraying water to the middle, and the central vertical well was instantly full. After the flood filled the space at the bottom, it started to rise, and the huge water pressure pushed us upward.

At the top of the stairs, the Taoist priest and the ghost female player had not yet gone out, and suddenly heard the roar below. The two of them hadn't figured out what was going on before they saw a white wave rushing towards them with a pile of debris.

Fortunately on the ground, they had cleared all enemies, and at this moment they were waiting for us outside the tower. Suddenly the crystal said, "How do I feel like the ground is shaking?"

Fortunately, he also looked around: "It sounds like something."

They were talking about the tower suddenly blasting to the top of the cave, and the whole tower was inserted into the rock on the top of the ground like a cone. After the tower collapsed, they were fortunate, and everyone looked nervously at the hole without the tower. In fact, the updraft of the collapsed stone tower was not water, so far the water had not come up, but the tower was gone.

Fortunately, he looked up at the tower nailed to the top, and then extended his head and looked into the hole. As soon as he reached out, he saw a white pillar rushing towards him, and he hurriedly retracted his head. The slate on the ground began to shake violently, cracks appeared, and a white fountain spewed out less than a second after lucky enough to retract his head.

Because the pressure was too high, the water column rushed towards the top of the cave without any sign of dispersion. The high-pressure water column hit the ground and scattered all around. For a moment in the ground, it was like rain. Water showers were everywhere.

After the water column appeared, followed by a rumbling sound, and then a sudden boom, a black dragon flew out. Don't get excited, this is not a real dragon, but a staircase. Too much water pressure brought the stairs together.

After the stairs flew out, a variety of things began to appear in the water column, the most of which were, of course, sand and stones, but there were still many large items, such as me and my magic pet and a large number of Yalong cavalry. After the water column hit the top of the cave, the ground pressure remained high. We were brought up by the water column to hit the stunned pants on the top of the hole, and then fell down and fell again.

The plague responded first: "Hurry up! It's the master them!"

Fortunately they just remembered picking up those who fell out.

Suddenly, Crystal received a strange thing. This is a big fish, a fish almost as long as a car. Crystal gripped the tail of the fish and said, "Is there a fish in the owner's pet?"

"Shouldn't it?" Ye Ying replied uncertainly as he watched the various creatures falling around him.

From the time the crystal received the fish, there are more and more creatures appearing around us, most of them are our people, but some are obviously aquatic animals. What is even more outrageous is that luck actually received a large octopus more than 20 meters long. The channel is so narrow that I don't know how it came!

The plague took a long time and said, "Who saw the master?"

"I'm here!" I beckoned them at the zenith at this moment.

"Master, why are you up there?"

"It's not water rushing to the ground yet!" I jumped from the top and stood next to the plague looking at this huge water column. But it suddenly appeared that there was water under my feet. Looking down, I can see that the water is over the feet! This depth of water does not feel lucky to them. It's different for me. The water column has worked so hard to fill this place with such deep water, and at this degree, the ground will be filled up after a while. But what to do when the water is full? Could it be sprayed on the ground here?

The momentum of the flood continued unabated, and soon all of us were thrown out. I gathered everyone first, and then said to them: "The water will be covered up soon. It seems to be completely sealed, so the water will inevitably squeeze here. Until the vent is found. At that time, it will be here. It's not convenient to move, so ... Empty me here immediately. Take everything you can! "It's the nature of the gangster to escape without forgetting the robbery.

Anyway, the enemies here have been eliminated, and Fenglong no longer needs to sneak in, just standing on the ground and waiting, the Yalong cavalry quickly searched each room and threw everything that could be moved into Fenglong space. Anyway, space Enough, go back and sort slowly.

The water level rose quickly, and it looked like it was more than three meters. Everyone had to dive down to salvage items. Fortunately, the Yalong cavalry considered the necromancy not to consider oxygen. Although the little hunting dragon does not dive but swims, these guys are full of flexibility in the water with a dog planing posture!

When we finished work, the water was almost flooded to the top of the cave, but the water flow slowed down significantly. The decrease in water flow is not due to depletion of water sources, but to stress. The entrance to this ground has just collapsed, and the entrance to the space is not like a physical connection. Once collapsed, it will not be connected again, so we are now an enclosed space. The so-called spaces are not empty. There is air here, and they also have volume. When water enters here, the gas is gradually compressed, but they are not infinitely compressed. Now that the gas has been compressed tightly, recompression is quite difficult. However, the water pressure still existed, and the pressure could not be released, so it concentrated on the walls of the cave in all directions.

The soil around the cave is still outside. The pressure can make the soil compact, but the space obtained is limited. The water flow needs a real vent. The only thing around the ground that can be conceded is the top. The multi-layered soil should be above the ground, where the best vent is.

Ling joked around me: "Everyone said ransacking and looting, this time we really ransacking, robbing while taking a bath."

Xiaochun said: "Don't wash but be clean. I'm taking a fishy smell now!"

I said, "These passages must be connected to a puppet, otherwise these things will not appear." As I stretched my hand out of the water, I was holding a nautilus in my hand.

Emmys said, "Does the owner know where Pioneer and Rose Vine are?"

"What are you doing?"

"Let them dig up so that the water pressure can easily open the hole!"

"I won't swim. I put him back into Fenglong Space. The rose vine is digging. You see, it's him who keeps dropping dirt."

"I said how the water got deeper and deeper!"

While we waited for the water pressure to open the way for us below, Rose was facing the large monsters on the ground. They just accidentally encountered a large group of strangely large creatures, and unfortunately these creatures regarded them as food.

At this time, the three of them were forming a circle back to back, ready to deal with the monster that rushed up at any time. After all, the three of them did not have my star pupil. Before the official engagement, it was not clear that the monster had food, and it was always good to be careful.

Monsters seem to have the same thoughts as roses. They just surrounded three people without attacking, but it was not always possible to surround them like this. Hunger finally overcomes the spirit of sincerity, and the monsters are eager to try. However, they still did not play together, but one of them slowly approached to prepare to try their opponent's strength.

This adventurous monster suddenly pounced on the roses, and Lark's Explosive Arrow immediately hit the monster's head. A loud monster landed on the ground, he shook his head and looked at the three. It seems that the power of explosive arrows is not enough to kill these monsters.

The monster screamed at each side, and then all the surrounding monsters started yelling and approaching them, watching the monster attack. Just when roses thought they were going to be unlucky. The monster suddenly stopped. Then the surrounding monsters stopped.

The monster looked around, and then suddenly turned away and ran away. The other monsters followed the boss when they saw that the boss ran. All monsters ran clean in the Seal of Throne for a short time as they appeared.

The hawk asked Lark with a sword in doubt: "How did they run away?"

"how could I know!"

"Is it a plan?" Eagle speculated.

Rose shook her head: "It's impossible. The IQ of these creatures is not high, and they should not be so exaggerated."

Braun set up his bow and arrow and warned: "That would be the worst case."

"Worst case scenario?" Eagle didn't understand yet.

Rose also watched carefully. "The worst case is that those monsters are scared away by more powerful monsters. They feel their lives are more important than food."

As they were talking, they suddenly felt the change. The three were quiet together. After a while, nothing happened, and the eagle whispered, "Why is there no movement?"

"do not know."

Bang. The ground shook again.

"Come here." Braun warned cautiously.

The ground is shaking more and more, everyone obviously feels that the ground is shaking. Eagle was surprised: "Is it the good group?" The sound of a monster walking could not shake so fast.

Rose said: "It seems to be a shock from the ground."

"Underground?" Just after the eagle said the last sentence, the ground suddenly shook even more, and they couldn't even speak clearly.

The shock escalated quickly, and basketball-sized stones bounced on the ground by themselves. Suddenly a crack appeared less than twenty meters away, and the surrounding trees fell suddenly as the crack appeared. Less than two seconds after the crack appeared, it stretched more than twenty meters to the surroundings, one of which just passed under the eagle's feet. The crack spread to the surrounding area and formed a fissure area with a radius of more than 50 meters. The entire area was fragmented and the trees fell down.

After the cracks formed, the vibration stopped, and Rose whispered, "It seems to stop."

Lark said as he climbed out on the ground, "It's better to leave here anyway."

Eagle also said: "Agree!"

Let's take the camera first and pull the crowd here in the field. I'm hanging myself by the hole dug by the rose vine with Cui Jun. "Strange, it's just about to be cleared, why did you stop again?"

Fortunately, he hung himself on the other side of the cave wall with his grabber and said, "It's probably not enough pressure. I'll dig a little bit more."

Ling Qi said on his lucky head: "It's faster for me to blast a hole."

"Wait." I hurriedly stopped. "Let's go down and fry before you get us involved."

Pulling the lens back to the ground again, the roses just springed out of the cracked area, and suddenly the ground shuddered, and then the vibration started again. Lark did not climb anymore, stood up and ran: "Quick flash!"

The three of them ran less than ten meters. A sudden bang followed, and the entire ground was lifted up. A lot of dirt and rocks flew a few hundred meters into the sky, and a huge water column, a hundred meters thick, burst into the clouds in the rumbling sound below the ground. The water column sprayed upwards while dropping things out.

Rose was running well, and suddenly a dark shadow fell in front of her. Rose looked at this black object in surprise. "Ling?"

The eagle ran well and was suddenly knocked down by a person. When the eagle got up, it looked like a bell knight. "Aren't you Ziri's demon servant? How come out of the ground?"

Lark asked immediately: "Isn't Ziri also down there?"

The bell knight nodded. "Everyone is below."

Rose originally wanted to come back to me, but the ground suddenly exploded again. The pressure at the opening of the hole could not be further torn apart, and the surrounding ground was all bulging. Like a crater. However, this is not a crater, but a water mountain pass. The huge fountain flies more than a hundred meters high before it starts to fall. It is like a heavy rain within a few kilometers.

Suddenly a few **** shadows burst out from the ground in a roar, which was lucky to them. Following fortune is Yalong Cavalry and me. Everyone was shot like a shell.

I enclave and suddenly heard the system prompt to reduce the experience value, and quickly. Fortunately, it stopped soon, but as soon as the experience decayed, I fell heavily on the ground. Before I got out, I saw a huge black shadow falling on it. I was smashed into the soil before I even screamed.

After the flood was released, everything in the ground was sent to the ground, and our people quickly flew up together. Everyone meets quickly, but I never find my figure. Suddenly Ling cried, "The host just told me that he was hit by a stone to the ground."

"Big rock?" The plague looked around. "over there."

There is such a piece of stone nearby that can be called a large stone on the ground. The tail of the plague flew the stone out, and I was indeed below. Scarlett jumped down with another bell knight and pulled me out. I pushed open the mask and took a deep breath: "Hoo! Finally came out! Huh? Rose? How come you come to the ground?"

The eagle inserted the sword back into the scabbard and said, "This should be the right thing to ask you. We are still in the canyon, didn't you say you went up? Why did it emerge from us?"

"This is a long story. We better leave here first."

"Well, this is true."

We ran to a place far away from the level fountain before stopping, and then I started to tell them what happened, and it was more than half an hour after I finished talking. During the time we spoke, the Flood of the Seal of the Seal of God has been spraying, and even worse, the water flow is too fast. High jets of water are constantly digging the edge of the channel. More than a meter in diameter, and further expansion.

Rose looked at the large fountain and said, "When did you encounter the flood?"

I thought about it: "At about 5 am, we were rolled into that cave with terracotta warriors. This water filled the ground in less than three hours, and then we were sprayed out to meet you . "

"How big is the land below?"

"It's almost the size of a county seat."

"So the water source should not be a lake!"

I nodded and said, "I have an idea, but I'm not sure."

"what idea?"

"The other end of the waterway is probably open to the sea."

"Tonghai? You said there is a sea in this gourd?" Bailing asked incredulously.

"I'm not talking about the sea here but the sea outside. Remember the gate system of Isinger? That teleporter sucked the seawater into the pool and then raised the gate. This hoist is not just one exit, maybe the end of the passage below is An entrance, which is connected to the outside sea floor, so when the electricity is turned on, the water is poured in. "

Rose said: "If it's really connected to the sea like you said, it's troublesome!"

"what's wrong?"

"Although the space in this gourd is large, it is not infinite. If the passage is connected to the sea, I am afraid that water will flow in continuously until the gourd is completely filled! We have been walking for two days in fact It did n’t go far. The area of ​​the ocean is much larger than this gourd. The world ’s sea level has dropped a little, and books saved can completely drown it! "

"What's so bad about it? Can we just go out if the water bursts the gourd?" The eagle didn't understand the meaning of the rose yet.

Rose explained: "Of course it is good to be able to go out, but we still have an experience enchantment above our heads! After the flood, we still have to breathe. Our armor can only maintain the throne of the Seal of God under water for a period of time, which is not infinite. , But after the water level rises, if we want to breathe, we will go up to the experience enchantment, but the experience enchantment will absorb the experience value, so we can drop the grade faster! "

I patted the floor of the rose. "Don't worry, don't we have space for Mother Earth? Go in and hide for a while, and wait until the gourd explodes."

"But we don't know when it will burst!"

"You go in. I'll be outside alone. My demon dragon armor can breathe underwater indefinitely. I will open the door of the space and let you out.

"That's the only thing!"

After deciding, I plan to do it as soon as possible. While the water level is still not high, I first open the space door to discuss it with the Mother Goddess, and then take them in. All three of them and those summoned creatures were sent into the space gate. There are also three special personnel. One is the prepared magic pet, and the other two are the Taoist and the ghost female player. Actually, I didn't want to let that Taoist priest go in. Although I'm relatively forgiving, I don't want everyone to look good. But Rose and Lark both talked to the ghost female player very much. And the woman was the priest's girlfriend, and I really couldn't send them in together. If I do what I want, let the Taoist drown.

In fact, if you do n’t enter the space door, you can escape the flood. That way is to go offline. If you do n’t go online, you wo n’t calculate the time of the Seal of Throne in the water, but you do n’t know when the gourd will burst. You must watch it often. This will still be drowned by the water, and the experience enchantment is too dangerous. .

When the space door is closed, I leave the magic pets outside. They can enter the Fenglong space, and the Fenglong space has no limit on the number of times they can open. They can also sort the garbage outside me. There were too many things in Fenglong space. At that time, the throne of the Seal of God was tense. Everyone did n’t approve it. Throw everything in. I opened Fenglong space and saw a lot of candle holders, table stools and the like.

The space in the gourd is big or small, and small or small. It may not be possible to fill the fountain with two or three days. I decided to go offline first, and wait for the seal of the throne to come up.

After quitting the game, all the magic pets were brought together, and even Wei Na was called offline.

They now need to learn all kinds of knowledge, the throne of time and seal of God is very precious. Today's task is to dissect, and they have all learned biological knowledge from the learning machine, but the hands-on operation of dissection must still be experimented by yourself.

After placing them in place, I started to practice my brainwave control again. I have been retreating in the practice room for a whole day except for meals. Although there is no progress at all, I almost feel some changes. Before dinner, I went to the dissection room and told them to eat together. There were more than a dozen operating tables in the huge laboratory. My team of two were dissecting the experimental body on the table. Each experimental table had a dedicated instructor. Those used to teach are special creatures that don't look like mammals. Besides, the mess that has been cut now can't be identified!

I walked around in a circle in front of each stage, and then stopped at the rent of Wina and Pepper. "How is it going?"

The instructor in charge of this group said: "It is really unimaginable. Their receptive ability is many times that of ordinary people, and they are completely unfit for blood. Even these women are normal when dissected, and there is no such thing as fainting. "

"They are not ordinary people and of course they will not faint! But their anatomy skills are very good. It is good news. The shooting training a few days ago has almost hit the worst results in the world!"

"That was really an accident ~ ~" said the instructor: "When they dissect, they are like surgeons with many years of work experience. "

"Probably biochemicals also have talent problems!" I turned and clawed and said, "Okay, let's stop, let's go eat."

"Eat?" Skott immediately got excited when they heard that they had dinner. Normal people learn anatomy for the first time, and even if they do n’t faint, their appetite will not be very good that day. These guys are still drooling there. Is it because of animal-like genes?

They were developed for fighting, and they have animal genes mixed in their genes. This thing is characterized by stimulating human instincts, which are usually manifested as appetite and *. In order to ensure that no accidents occur, Skogte has synthesized harmful hormones in their bodies to fight against organs. For example, when there are too many male hormones, the human body will show a strong *. If the control is not good, an offender will be born. However, Skog have anti-organs in their bodies. If a certain hormone target, this organ will produce a hormone neutralizing agent to neutralize the excess, so that Skog will have a vigorous energy and will not act excessively.

Long Yuan dares to make biochemical humans rely on hormone control technology. Without a reasonable hormone stabilization system, any originally docile animal will become very dangerous.

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