Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 47: Out of the sea of ​​bitterness

"Do you know what this is?" Shui Xu asked, pointing at something in front of him.

I nodded. "I haven't seen this thing, but I have seen something similar."

"Then what is this?"

"I can't tell if it's specific, but this one is very close to the one I've seen before, but the one I've seen doesn't have the function of this thing."

"What about our passage? Don't tell me this is the passage." Shui Xu pointed at the huge stone plate studded with precious stones on the ground. "Did we make so much effort for such a waste?"

"Don't be excited."

"What's going on?" Three other big monsters suddenly appeared behind us. Maybe we had been here too long. They couldn't wait to come in and see the situation.

"What is this?" The silver ballad in red fur costume walked to the stone plate and stroked the surface of the stone plate. "What a strong wave of power!"

"Why don't you dig?" Qiong Lin in a black robe looked at me and Shui Xu and asked.

Shui Xu looked at me, I looked at everyone and had to explain slowly. "Don't be excited first, listen to me. First of all, we are sure there was a passage to the ocean. The sea books and the ships in the gourd all came from here, and it seems that even the magma was sucked. Come in. "

Shui Xu continued: "But I dug here along the magma and the magma suddenly disappeared. I cleared all the nearby magma and left this thing."

"That means the channel disappeared?"

"Don't be excited, calm down!" I quickly appease them when they see how they are going to fly. "Listen to me first. Although the passage ended abruptly, there is still this thing."

"What's the use of this? We just need to go out without gems!"

"I know, you listen to me! I am also a leader of a small organization outside Hulu, and then there is a temple of light and the attacking headquarters of Isinger. At the time, I used a strategy, that is, using our side The army has the advantage of acting fast, giving up letting the city take the initiative to engage in harassment wars halfway. "

"What does this have to do with us?"

"The relationship is big. At that time, my troops were harassed successfully, but the enemy pretended to retreat. In fact, they suddenly came next to my city and attacked my city."

"Why did they get there suddenly?"

"This is the key. At that time, they used a strange device that looks very similar to the stone plate in front of you. That thing is called an asymmetric teleportation array, and all the enemies were sent below my city in one breath."

These monsters are tens of thousands of years old monsters, one is better than the other, as soon as I say they will understand.

Shui Xu asked carefully, "Do you mean, this thing can send something from one place to another?"

Qiong Lin added: "That is to say, the sea water outside is likely to get in this thing?"

I nodded: "It's roughly the same, but the details are a bit different. First, the one used by the Bright Temple was instantaneous teleportation. You can only send things in a fixed space to the destination at one time, just like you grab rice with your hand, It can be grasped one by one, but it is clear. The seawater in the gourd can not be caught in a little bit. If it is intermittent transmission. First, no water pressure will be generated. Then, the phased transmission cannot form a vortex to the outside. The boat also pulled in. "

"what do you mean……?"

"I mean this is not the same as that of the Temple of Light. This is not a phased transmission, but a space channel is directly established. Like a space door, seawater flows in from this door."

"That is to say, as long as this thing is activated. Will there be a passage connecting the inside and outside of the Qiankun gourd?" Silver Ball asked.

"Yes. If this thing is activated, this room will connect directly to the sea and we can go out."

"But how can this thing be activated?" The monsters with big eyes and small eyes didn't know what to do. This is obviously not an ordinary Taoist magic weapon, it is not so easy to manipulate, and even if it is a Taoist magic weapon, these monsters will not be used, they are not immortals at all.

"That ’s why I made you quiet! Although I do n’t know how to use this thing, but I have at least seen it in people ’s homes, and my own guild has similar equipment. I believe that I can still figure out what ’s going on. . "

"Then you study it, we won't talk." The monsters are most concerned now whether they can leave this gourd that has been sealed for thousands of years, and everything must give way to escape. I heard that I want to study the method of opening the channel. Several big monsters really all stood in a row at the entrance of the cave and stopped talking.

"Well, can you get a waterproof enchantment to get the water in this room out of the passageway? I want to find a helper. They don't like the environment in the water."

"Okay, do it right away." Shui Xuxun opened a few enchantments, and then Qiong Lin and Bi Tuo joined forces to vanish the water. In the whole passage, it became ordinary learning, these guys are really capable.

I opened the Fenglong space to let out some humanoid pets, and the little dragon girl was called in to study with us.

I pointed to the disk on the ground and said, "Who do you see who knows this thing?"

The little dragon girl first shook her head: "Anyway, it's not a fairy house thing."

Xiaochun said for a long time: "This seems to be a kind of space conversion matrix, but I have never seen such a complicated structure. Is this too exaggerated?"

Ling shook his head: "Anyway, there is no such thing as a dark temple."

Aimenis suddenly said, "Don't you think this thing looks like a dragon?"


"Yeah." Amenis nodded. "Have you seen the Magic Factory Guide?"

"what is this?"

"It's a book dedicated to the techniques of various artisans. I've read one before."

"The characteristics of artisans of various races are mentioned above. Dwarves are all useist. As long as they are easy to use, they do n’t care whether the things they make are beautiful or not. The elves are naturalistic. Their works are simple and special, and they are called fine. Artwork-like appliances. Human beings are a hodgepodge. They dare to do anything, although they do not have special skills, they can order everything. Dragons are expert magic appliance makers, and their equipment strives to be complicated. Even if they only have to implement very simple functions, they also They will make magical items extremely complicated, but usually no one asks the dragons to build simple equipment, because their things are all fine and complicated items. This teleportation array is obviously similar equipment, you see, these gems. "

The gems Emmez refers to are processed, and there seems to be a pattern in them.

"Did you see that?" Aimenis pointed to the gemstones. "These gemstones are all engraved with magic arrays, and they are good at taking advantage of the most complex natural energy absorption arrays. I don't think there will be anyone except the perverted love of the dragons Stupid enough to sculpt this magic array in gems, after all, the magic that supports internal carving is not consumed by everyone. "

Ling patted me, "Then quickly ask the lucky ones to come out and help, they should know what this is!"

Yes indeed! Fortunately, they are dragons. How did I forget this? Inform Fenglong first to let them be transformed before coming out. Not to mention four dragons in this small place, one is not enough. Fortunately, four of them came out of Fenglong space.

"Wow! What kind of place is this? The tide?" Although the Dragons can swim but don't like humidity, the environment here makes luck uncomfortable.

"Don't complain, just come and look at this thing outside."

Ling and Xiaochun let them go aside, and fortunately they walked over to look at this strange device. Crystal started before he approached: "Ah? Isn't this something from Long Island?"

"How do you know?" I looked at Crystal in surprise.

"I don't know what this is." Crystal squatted down and pointed at a pattern on the edge of the stone plate. "This is still printed with the Long Island mark."

This is called the gap! We all stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes.

Xiao San squatted down opposite Shipan and said, "Isn't this the work of Uncle Fire?"

"How do you know?" Xiao San actually saw a lot of information.

Xiaosan pointed at the mark: "This is the magical imprint of the uncle to prove that he did it. No one else can imitate it."

The dense pattern on this thing for a long time is not a magic symbol, but various records! "What chapters are these?" I asked, pointing to the lines next to me.

The plague glanced: "That's not a chapter."

"Not chapter? What is this?"

"This is Dragon."

The phantom called out immediately: "I know Dragon, this is not Dragon at all."

Lucky also squatted and looked at the text: "Of course you don't know, this is a special way of depicting the Dragon language, similar to the cursive in Chinese, and this is crazy!"

boom! All but four dragons in the room fainted. In co-authoring, we came across the work of a dragon calligraphy master, but even the linguist, Phantom, did not recognize it as a dragon.

I got up from the ground and said to Crystal, "You translate all this and tell us what is written on it?"

Crystal looked at it and said, "The grammar of the Dragon language is special. I can't translate it sentence by sentence, or will I tell you the intention after I have read it all?"

"Well, that's fine."

The crystal turned around the stone plate and lifted it from the bottom, then said: "The production date and some specifications are written on it, but a paragraph is written below saying that this thing was made by the Dragons at the request of the Eastern gods. , Completed in Tianhe calendar 34 years. "Crystal said after feeling wrong. "Wait! Tianhe calendar for 34 years, I rely on this thing for hundreds of thousands of years!"

The plague suddenly dragged the side of the stone pan and said, "Why is there any French?"

"Do you know French?" I knew for the first time that the plague could speak French.

Crystal walked over and looked and said, "The plague is not a French language. The French he speaks is the language of the law, which is the universal language of the gods."

Ling also helped explain: "There is a common language in the **** world, but there are not many gods, so we haven't used it much."

"What's written over there?"

Crystal looked at the word while translating: "In the name of the law, allow this thing to pass through the barrier of the Seal of Time, and only use this to correct the wrong history. May everything return to the beginning. The back is gone!" Crystal stood up and looked at us "It seems that the origin of this thing is quite complicated!"

"No matter how it comes, I want to know how it works."

"Use?" The plague looked at me. "This is a space interrupter, if the other half is in the water or in the lava. We're in trouble."

"In fact, we are already in the magma. Didn't you smell the sulfur around? And it's in the water. Don't worry, just tell us how to use it."

"Just press the middle gem."

"It's that simple?"

"How complicated do you think?"

"But this gem can't be pressed!" It didn't help that I pressed on that gem for a long time.

Fortunately, "This is a dragon thing. It is calculated by the strength of the dragon. How can you press it without force?"

"Isn't Yongli too big to break?"

"Broken is not a Dragon product."

"All right, go back." I put all the pets back to Fenglong Space and left only the peppers to protect me. If it was opened, it would be troublesome to roll in magma.

The four monsters behind them all looked at me with excitement. They were waiting for me to open the channel that they dreamed of n times and n times. I was lucky to say that I had to work hard, so I simply turned the eternal hammer into the gem and smashed it down. Anyway, the dragon had more strength than this hammer. If it was really calculated based on the strength of the Dragons, there would be no problem with this hammer.

when! The hammer suddenly hit the gem. The gem sinks downward, and I hurriedly reclaim eternity. After the stones approached the stone plate, they began to spin slowly, and continued to sink while turning back. Suddenly, the stones stopped rotating, all the stones around the stone plate lit up, and then the surface of the stone plate began to light.

Without warning, the surrounding rooms suddenly disappeared, and the red lava poured down from all sides, soaking us all in an instant. Fortunately, the mental force field of Pepper opened up a small space to protect the two of us. The monsters behind didn't panic when they saw the lava. They didn't care about the temperature at all, but at this time they were in extreme excitement, because the appearance of the magma also showed that the channel was open. There is no magma in the stove. No matter where the magma is outside, the magma is not inside the gourd anyway.

But at the same time as the monsters were about to jump up, the magma suddenly disappeared, and the room changed back to the way it was. The gems on the stone plate were extinguished one by one, and finally faded completely. The expressions on the monsters' faces cooled from the extreme joy with the dimness of the stone plate, and then returned to the freezing point. The stone plate on the ground has been completely extinguished, and the gem in the center has been rotated in the opposite direction and rose back to the state before the percussion. Everything is as if it were not born.

"What the **** is going on?" Shui Xu cried first.

"Calm! Calm! Take a deep breath!" Even though the monsters were angry, I had already opened the channel once, and they still paid more attention to me. Although the emotion was almost out of control, they heard the anger and waited for me to calm down. I explain. "Calm down first, I guess this is the case. Whether it is hex, magic or Taoism, any of these tricks will consume something, hex consumes magic power, Taoism consumes true power, magic consumes magic power. You have to pay. Obviously, this matrix must also operate in accordance with this requirement. It must always have a source of power? "

Seeing the monsters show their understanding, I continued: "After the passage opened, the sea water filled the entire space for a few days, which means that the passage was always open during this period."

The monsters nodded again.

I continued: "But the channel was closed when we got here, why did it stay open for so many days, but we just got it closed?"

The monsters looked at each other, and Suzu suddenly said, "The energy is exhausted."

"That's right. This thing works with the energy in these gems. Once the energy consumption is over, it will automatically turn off. So when we came, this thing was turned off. That was because the energy was exhausted for several days. . "

"So what do we do now?" Shui Xu asked.

"It's actually very simple, just add energy to it. It just opened the throne of the Seal of God for a short time, and you have also seen it. Why can it be turned on again when the energy is exhausted?"

"Because it was replenished." The answer was still water deficiency.

"Yes, my magic pet just said that these gems have energy arrays for absorbing energy. It automatically absorbed some energy after the last shutdown. But obviously this is not enough. It only disappeared after only a few seconds of opening. .What we need is to add energy to it, at least let it open for two or three minutes, otherwise it ca n’t pass through completely, and counting the time for the hole to be punched, it will take ten minutes to be reliable. ”

"Well, it makes sense, but how do you rush?"

"This thing can absorb external energy, so you can directly spread your magic power around, I think it can be absorbed."

"I have to try it first."

The job of entering the magic power was given to four old monsters, and I just watched it. Because we don't know the relationship between the absorption of demon power and the opening time of the Seal of Throne, we did a few tests first. First agree on a concentration of magic power. Then use this as a standard release and timing.

The first charge was 10 minutes, and then the transmission device was turned on and turned off after only 10 seconds of operation. The second time we rushed for half an hour, the result was almost forty seconds and it was over. In the end, the approximate conversion relationship is that the energy can be maintained for 1.5 minutes for 1 minute, and it takes 40 minutes to open the energy for one minute. In other words, it takes 400 minutes to maintain energy for ten minutes. To be full.

Experiment again, this time double the concentration of demon power or rush for 10 minutes, and turned off again 20 seconds after opening. After several experiments, I concluded that increasing the concentration of demon power can indeed shorten the time of the impulse. However, the conversion of the concentration of the magic power and the time of the seal of the throne of God is not directly proportional, and the concentration of the time doubled is not halved.

In the end, we chose an energy concentration that lasted longer, and then started charging. There are so many monsters here. Don't worry about lack of strength. Everyone queues two teams, one team in and one team out, and turns in to deliver energy. After about four hours of tossing, it is almost the same. We decided to start the experiment.

The first thing to do is for the monsters to reduce the formation as much as possible. The door can only be opened for about ten minutes. There are nearly 100,000 monsters here. It is not easy to get out. It must be organized. In general, various things have different carrying capacities for monsters. Generally, magic items can be loaded. I took a bunch of equipment out of the bracelet for them to pay. The worn equipment can no longer be put in the bracelet, and those monsters that cannot be worn are responsible for holding these equipment through the passage.

Fortunately, most of the monsters will be self-sufficient. The number of remaining monsters is less than three thousand, which is easier to handle. The second step is to shrink the body. The big monsters of transfiguration will be able to shrink themselves this time, how small and small they can be, and then let them be fixed on the monster with a fast speed. When the door opens, a monster with a fast speed rushes out is equivalent to out A bunch of monsters, which is much more convenient.

In the end, there were forty monsters selected as vehicles for transportation, which should be almost the same.

Shui Xu was ready by my side to dig the magma in its original shape. The three ice monsters behind were responsible for cooling the magma to form a passage. I put away the peppers to save space and ride on the King Kong Devil Rain. The monsters lined up in sixteen rows and were ready to hurry over the Seal of Throne. Here is the water, so the so-called sixteen columns are actually three-dimensional. No matter how large the water is, it is impossible to dig sixteen roads as wide as the road. We can make full use of the channel's telling and passing.

"Are you ready?" I asked everyone when everything was ready.

"All right."

I smashed eternity into a sledgehammer and smashed it against the gem in the center of the stone plate. Then I quickly retracted eternity and jumped back to the King Kong devil fish before the device was fully activated. The space around the room suddenly changed, and the magma appeared to start pouring down on us. The ice monsters were already prepared, and the magma was frozen into rock as soon as it appeared.

"It's my turn." The water began to dig the aisle after its original shape, and the ice monster followed the wall of the aisle all the way behind, and we followed it step by step, so as to deliver the throne of time.

I said to the monster behind: "Do not mess up after the channel is opened for a while, just run with this, I don't stop if you don't stop."

The monsters behind all nodded fiercely, and the plan to escape for thousands of years is right in front of you, so listen to whatever you say.

There was a sudden boom in front of me, and then the degree of water deficiency suddenly accelerated. I knew that the channel was completely open, and the sea was outside. "Follow me!"

As soon as Shui Xu came out, the three ice monsters acted the same way. I rode out of the hole with the King Kong devil fish. I didn't have to stop and shouted at Shui Xu who seemed to want to say something next to me. Don't stop me. "

The water deficiency was a bit inexplicable, but he immediately followed up. In fact, many people passed through the narrow passage. This was the problem. The result of multiple people competing for the entrance of the passage instead affected the degree, and the people who went out first often stagnated across the passage and blocked the exit . The main point to get through quickly is not to grab, and do n’t stop to go forward to make room for the people behind. I let them follow me and do n’t stop for this purpose.

I directed King Kong's devil fish upwards until a faint light appeared before the devil fish was reduced. It seems that it is almost at the surface of the sea, as long as the channel is not closed, the monsters following me should all come out.

The monsters just rushed out and still a little confused ~ ~ I have been running in front of them, and they followed me as I did not have time to consider the Throne of the Seal of God. Now I suddenly stopped and they read silly Watch me stay.

"You guys are free." I made them all in a sudden sentence. I pointed at the light above: "Did you see the light? It was the sun, the real sun, not the magic light in the gourd."

"Oh! Freedom!" The sudden roar of the sky scared all the fish around.

The monsters celebrated with each other, but none of them went upstream. I was curious. "Why don't you move? You are really free when you run out of the water."

Shui Xu gasped beside me: "We were so weak because of the seal and soaked in the water for so long. In order to maintain the water diversion, we consumed too much magic power, and just added that thing for a long time. The demon power of the throne of time, the seal of the throne, we are almost dizzy when the channel is opened. Just now I rushed out with you with a spit of blood, and now there is no more energy as soon as I stop, it comes out anyway. Let us slow down Come on slowly! This is no more death! I haven't been so tired since birth! "

We were talking about a loud noise coming from the bottom of the ocean. Everyone looked down. "What happened again?"

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