Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 50: My conspiracy

Volume 9 Chapter 50 My Conspiracy

Both sides of the fairy demon thought that the other side was fierce, and no one dared to act lightly. I was caught in the middle and didn't know what to do. What if this balance is broken? The consequence of the gourd explosion was at best a worldwide flood. I did not lose much, but if the monsters are destroyed and the heavens are not contained in the future, I will be in trouble.

At the beginning, my status in the Dark Temple was obviously very high, not because of the tolerance and acceptance of the Dark Temple, but because of the existence of the Light Temple. The Dark Temple and the Light Temple are facing each other. As a third-party force, I have the ability to affect the balance of war. Therefore, the Dark Temple has always served me as a guest, and tried to do everything possible to have a good relationship with me. But the situation is different now, how can heaven see to me. Although the court of heaven has always taken care of me, it is a question of indifference to subordinates, and no respect at all. Celestial court thinks of itself as the starting point, and I'm just shooting them.

Why are heaven and the Temple of Darkness so bad at me? Because the Temple of Darkness needs me to be a unique person in the snow, the heavenly courts do not necessarily need me. There are many substitutes for the icing on the cake. I do n’t help the Temple of Darkness. They are likely to be destroyed. I do n’t help the heaven. They can find others. Even if we do n’t help, the heaven is at most unable to develop and there will be no crisis of survival.

I am an insignificant role that can be replaced in the eyes of Tianting. The only way to change this situation is to establish a strong opposition to Tianting. This force must be strong enough to threaten the existence of Tianting, so Tianting has a sense of crisis. They will cherish all kinds of power that can be used, and my status will naturally go up.

What am I doing so hard to get the monsters for? Is it because everyone is connected with the disease? Am I such a kind person? The purpose of my rescue is that I need a camp that is sufficient to fight against heaven, although the monsters will not really listen to me. But at least in my face of saving them, I can at least talk to them. As long as this condition is met, I will become a special existence, a link between heaven and the monsters, so that I will get the original in the Temple of Darkness. Same status.

But now, my painstaking dreams seem to have some problems. The monsters were forced to appear in front of the heavenly gods, and the rivals suddenly stood face to face, and both sides were completely unprepared.

At first, the monsters and the fairies could increase the weight of the opposite side of the land I needed, but now the monsters have no magic power. It really might be burned. I don't want to have such a situation, the monsters are still useful to me!

"Oh!" Just as the heavenly court was in an extremely weird and quiet atmosphere, there was a sudden scream, and the mother-in-law and mother-in-law who had just arrived to see what had happened were hit by the flying gourd. Because this blow is too powerful. The mother-in-law flew directly from the heads of the gods and fell into the monster pile.

The queen mother rubbed her head and got up from the ground. "What the **** is going on? Who is attacking me?" The Queen Mother hasn't figured out the situation yet. Although her status is high, she usually does not care about heaven. Therefore, she was not present at the celebration party, and naturally did not know what the seal went out of control and the goblins were flying out and the monsters had come out.

"Well? Which **** are you?" The mother looked at the water in front of her and wondered. Think of one of this monster boss as a fairy.

The monsters here are not little monsters. Although the power of the monsters is severe, but their strength is there, it is impossible to show the monsters from them. Unless you use a magic weapon such as a mirror or know this monster, you will be completely divided. It is impossible to tell what this monster is.

"Hey! Little girl, don't you know me?" Shui Xu said something that shocked the audience.

"you are……?"

"Remember Zhenming Shangxian?" Shui Xu said almost word by word.

"Is you ...?" The queen mother almost screamed, and then she suddenly rolled her eyes ... dizzy!

Immortals also change from person to person. In terms of psychology, they just have better psychological endurance because of their long life experience. As long as the stimulus is large enough, the fairy will also faint.

"Mother Queen?" Yudi exclaimed nervously. opportunity!

I suddenly rushed out into the monster group. The queen mother had fallen to the ground, but I quickly walked to her side, and at the same time took the time to bend her to hug her. The Seal of the Seal of God, with the sound that only the two of us could hear, was next to Shui Xu: We don't know that you have no strength for the time being, don't act rashly, and look at me and act with integrity. "

Shui Xu is an old monster. Of course, there is such a point of sight. When I said that, he immediately understood. When I stood up holding the queen mother and turned to prepare to go out, he stretched out a hand and put it on my arm. It seemed to others that he was preventing me from taking the queen mother away, but I knew he was cooperating with me in acting.

I watched him with a very cold voice: "Brother Shui Xu, did you intend to deny your benefactor as soon as you came out?"

"Which!" Shui Xu deliberately let go of his hand while smirking coldly.

I quickly hugged the Queen Mother and walked back to the fairy camp with a race-like posture. The use of this posture is to show a kind of tense and depressed fear, so that the gods can be moved, of course, mainly the emperor Jade.

I put the Queen Mother next to the Jade Emperor, and the Jade Emperor stepped forward to cast a spell to rescue the Queen Mother.

"Ah! He came out! The Jade Emperor ran!" The mother yelled out such a string of words as soon as she woke up.

Although wrong, it is good for my plan.

The Jade Emperor quickly appeased the over-scared queen mother, and I stood up and said to Shui Xu: "Everyone's situation is not good now, let me make a guarantee and let everyone adjust it?"

Shui Xu replied loudly, "OK, in your face, let's adjust it first."

The so-called adjustment is actually that everyone joins the team. Now Tianting can be described as a mess. Although the monsters and the fairies are roughly divided into two sides, many members are still caught in the other team. Both sides are nervous. God

The immortals all love face, so it's really shameful in this rolling place, so we need to tidy up urgently. The monsters are very casual, but now they need to breathe each other for a small meeting, so they also need to rectify it easily to make a confession.

Although I made the proposal without consulting with Jade Emperor, Jade Emperor was very happy to hear what I said. At least he had time to sort out the mess of the Throne of Seals. The gods live too long and are usually too idle. So everything is done slowly. Suddenly so many things happened today that Jade Emperor couldn't react for a moment.

The men and horses on both sides were carefully turned to one side, and now one side of the heavenly hall is a fairy, and the other is a monster, which is completely divided into two factions. As soon as the formation was separated, the monsters immediately began to confess in whispers. Shui Xu conveyed my meaning to other monsters and withdrew some suggestions.

I said to the emperor on the god's side: "Jade, I think today's things are dangerous!"

Jade Emperor said: "I know this well. But you also see the current situation. What can you do?"

"Your Majesty!" A little **** shouted, "I have something to report!"

"No time now, no matter what we wait for the end!" Jade Emperor beat the little god. He said to me again: "It just seemed that you had something to do with those monsters, shouldn't you ...?"

I quickly explained: "Jade Emperor Mingcha. I entered Qiankun Gourd and believe that Erlang Zhenjun has already reported it."

Emperor nodded: "I know this."

I continued: "When I was trapped in this gourd, I happened to coincidentally resolve a small disaster and rescue the four leaders of the monster Zhongdi. At that time, I didn't know that they were the big monsters. You also know that these monsters I admit that I can't tell they are monsters without the help of the baby. "

"That makes sense!" The Queen Mother knew that I had rescued her and started to help me.

"I didn't recognize him just now, he didn't recognize it until he himself admitted it ...!"

I know that the Queen Mother has a secret relationship here. Based on the situation just now, she and Shui Xu used to know each other, and they have some relationship, but she does not seem to want others to know. Since it is necessary to pull back the mountain, of course, it is necessary to make the other party think that you are worthy of his asylum. I immediately switched the topic and helped the queen mother to make a siege. "Look at the Jade Emperor, the queen mother can't tell whether they are monsters or not. I naturally don't know. Although I accidentally rescued them once, they didn't know that I was unintentional, so they treated me as a benefactor. "

"This statement is credible." After all, the mother of the mother spoke a little weight, the Jade Emperor still believed in me.

"Jade Emperor, the situation is very critical now. You are better than me about the role of these monsters, and the gods around you also know." As I looked around, the gods nodded their heads to understand.

Jade Emperor said: "They are really very powerful, I'm afraid with our strength ...!" Jade Emperor really wanted to kill his life, but he still couldn't tell other people.

I once again play a smooth strategy. "I know that under the leadership of Jade Emperor, we can really destroy them completely." "But ...!" Now the emphasis began. "After all, these aren't those monsters in the lower world. To say it is a bit exaggerated, otherwise, because these monsters are not bad enough to be disciplined, they should already be in the immortal class based on their strength." My words resonated again.

The gods are also afraid of death. My current words are obviously persuading the jade emperor not to do anything with the monsters for the time being. The gods don't want to hang out, and they can help me quickly after understanding my intention. In fact, Jade Emperor did not want to fight more than us. Although he was favored all day long, but he was not unconscious. He already knew a few pounds and a few dollars, and he really did not fall well. Now so many gods persuaded him by name that he had given enough steps. Even if he was low-key, he could be said to be repelled by the immortals, and his face would not be lost. Jade Emperor nodded and waited for my next step to prepare for the next step.

The matter is actually nailed down, but I still have to persuade. "These monsters are all terrible guys. If they fight, even if we win, we will inevitably have damage. And the days of walking are accumulated over the years. We really want to break into ruins. Besides, we also feel bad! Besides, now the monsters Suddenly, when we came, we were unrestrained. Many immortals did n’t even bring the guys, so we could n’t let us go up and kick the monsters, right? ”Halo! How does it feel like a rogue fight!

The Jade Emperor nodded straight, and a few words of stubbornness on his mouth showed his fearless image. "Although the words are good, but I am waiting for the day demon, and now they are vertical. In the future, I am afraid that things will be shameless!" This said. It ’s so generous. The Jade Emperor is indeed the Jade Emperor, and his level of officialdom is not ordinary.

"Your Majesty's statement is reasonable, but I was really not prepared enough in case I did something good.

Isn't it more sorry for the world? The battle to defeat the Buddha that year was just to overturn the Laojun furnace and create a drought in the same area for many years. We fought this time.

I am afraid the harm is even greater! It's better to eliminate them one by one when ready. "Even tow tower king began to persuade. He finished, the surrounding gods nodded violently in agreement.

"That's what I worry about!" Jade Emperor's great image was finished. Began to talk about business.

"But these monsters are very fierce next to them. I'm afraid that I will wait until they raise their hands. They don't understand affection!" Saint, emperor's words are grand and sound, and the actual meaning is-"I don't want to fight! what!"

"Jade Emperor is assured. Today is a sudden situation. We are not prepared, and the monsters are not prepared, so we will not advance. As long as we say they are allowed to go, I believe they will not object."

"But it doesn't seem like we are afraid of them." Jade Emperor still had to face. "We obviously do not care about them but we want to be lower three bosses, can't this be justified?"

"It's easy to handle. Don't I have a life-saving mind for these monsters? Although they are not good people, they don't really take benefactors seriously, but I can use this as a talking middleman.

As long as the interests are clarified and the threats are appropriately threatened, I believe that they will succumb to our might and retreat. "

"Okay, everything is up to you." Hey! The plan was successful.

The fairies on our side suddenly spread out into a square array, and I came out of the middle. The monsters over there seem to have finished talking and returned to the position facing here. I stood in front of the fairies and said to the monsters:

"You wait. The Jade Emperor knows that you have just emerged from the seal and must be a little uncomfortable. Our heaven is bright and fair, and we do not want to take advantage of you when you wait for disadvantages. You can leave first. Tell you, ten million soldiers It's not fake. Defeating you is like pinching an ant. "

The jade emperor stabbed me on the back with his fingers, and whispered out from the crack in his mouth.

"Over! Over!"

"Ah! What! The strength of the heavenly soldiers is very strong, plus these immortal kings, you are not even opponents. If you dare to let you go today, you will not be afraid of trouble. When you go back to rectify the situation, the heavenly courts will definitely order soldiers and horses Fight with you another day. "Hey! This day can be changed indefinitely. I do n’t say the specific time of the Seal of the Seal of God. "Did you understand?"

"Don't brag Haikou, we are not provoking." Shui Xu began to speak on behalf of the monster.

"Today, you seem to have different personnel. It is too much trouble for them to come one by one. I took your suggestion to change the army and fight again. Let's go." The last sentence was to the monsters.

At the meeting just now, the monsters recovered a little magic power. Now they just use it to escape. All the monsters suddenly turned into colorful **** of light and flew out of heaven. When the monsters were out, the only sound behind me was that all the gods were paralyzed. For a long time, these guys are more afraid than monsters!

"Whew! Finally gone!" I deliberately pretended to sit down weakly:

"My heart is about to come out! I'm still awesome. I'm not scared at all. But yes, you don't have to be afraid of your strength groups. Poor I don't have that strength. I don't have enough energy. I was almost scared to death!"

Depreciate yourself while highlighting these fairies. In fact, everyone knows the actual situation in their hearts. I say this to make them feel relieved, so that their affection for me will improve, and it will be beneficial to me in the future. The use of self-derogation at the right time will not only reduce the price of the land, but can elevate one's position in the hearts of others. This is called mind surgery.

I was talking and I felt some wetness on my hands, and I took it to see that it was water. "Strange, why is there water in the courtyard? By the way, the gourd sprayed it out."

I said that Jade Emperor immediately said nervously: "Yeah! Where's the gourd?"

A small sky will immediately jump out and say, "Your Majesty, Qiankun Gourd has been flying out of Nantianmen for a long time."

"What?" The gods jumped together.

Jade Emperor shouted, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

The young man will immediately be wronged and said: "The young man has already reported once just now, you said after the end."

gosh! The little sky that popped up just now was talking about this thing!

"So not chasing?"

"No instructions, we ...!"

I quickly said to the Emperor Jade: "Jade Emperor, please send someone to chase after all?"

As soon as Jade Emperor was about to speak, a fairy next to him suddenly said: "The monsters are out anyway, what's the use of chasing gourds?"

I immediately replied: "But it is the gourd of the world, it is the product of the cooperation of the ancient gods, not to mention the monsters, even if I was sealed in, I will never come back again. This time, it ’s not possible that the seal cannot be loose because of the water pressure problem. I wo n’t come out. But I went in that gourd, and I know the source of the water, and I have to tell you. The water channel will not be open all the time. After a period of time, the water channel disappears. If the gourd has not yet If it explodes, the water will stop spraying. In my impression, the seal seems to be self-healing. If the water is stopped, the seal is repaired by yourself, but you did not go after the gourd. If you get it, the monsters will use it to hold it. we……?"

This time, you do n’t need to tell me to hurry up, all the gods have rushed out of Nantianmen, and the speed is almost a historical record.

After the fairies went out, I also joined the ranks of gourd chasing, but I didn't really intend to go after gourd.

Running and running, I deliberately dropped off from the fairy team, and soon I landed in a mountain. I instructed the Phantom to bring the monsters to this hill, so I found the monsters directly.

"Haha! Ziri really has a clever idea!" Shui Xu, they saw my enthusiasm terribly.

"Don't be too happy, everyone," I stopped them. "As long as your strength is not restored, you will always be dangerous."

"This is reasonable, but our ability will not be restored in a day or two!"

"I know this, so I'm here to help you give you a safe place before your strength recovers."

"Oh? Zi Ri really thoughtful, even the hiding place is ready for us."

"I have a lot of things right now, and it's inconvenient to take you there for the time being." I quickly called out Ling.

"Master." Ling rushed over enthusiastically.

"Stop!" I kept a distance on her head with one hand. "I have something to tell you."

"Say it."

"You take them to Turin."

"Going to Turin?"

Since the last battle ~ ~ the Dark Temple has suffered a big loss, and the defense has been fully contracted, Turin has now been abandoned. The city was originally suppressing Wei Na, so there are a large number of covering seals, and it is not easy for the court to appear here.

What's more important is that Turin is just below the city. The two cities overlap, and the popularity covers the demon. The fairies cannot detect the monsters through Taoism. For the benefit of the future, I tried my best this time!

I summoned the night shadow and let Ling ride the night shadow to take the monsters to Turin to temporarily set off, and then I immediately turned the ring to return to Isinger. There is more to do here.

The situation will change, and you need to prepare early! As for the gods in the sky, let them go for a while and get confused. It is estimated that the thing will not come back for a while.

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