Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 56: Conspiracy vs. conspiracy

"Hey? Ziri? Why should we hold our breath?" Eagle followed me and asked why, and I pushed the door directly into it.

The main meeting room here is not only large in size, but also a small square-like artificial lawn behind it. I opened the door and didn't see the representative. There were only a dozen dark temple guards standing in the room. The rest of the guards should be taken by our people to other rooms. After all, it is impossible to bring hundreds of guards and me in the season. negotiation.

The crystal door opposite the room is open. You can easily see three people standing beside the water spring in the middle of the lawn. You don't need to know that it is the season of the Dark Tongue Temple and the reception staff on our side. I glanced at the health and walked towards the lawn. People outside turned around when they saw me.

"President." The player in charge saw me and ran over.

"I'll deal with it here, you go out first."

The player at the reception nodded and left, and I stopped in front of the two envoys. These two envoys were obviously human outside, but the pale face showed that they were no longer living. The two undead, a man and a woman, look like women. On the contrary, the man is quite handsome. From a momentum point of view, this man should be the main character, and the woman is probably a classmate or assistant.

"I'm sorry, something was delayed." Of course, be polite if you are late.

The two envoys didn't seem to care about my lateness, they went straight to the topic. "Zi Ri commanded your great courage, and the destruction of the Dark Temple has not been explained to the Temple. Now even the demons are destroyed."

Hehe! Al Ni is really the same Al Ni, such an arrogant attitude can only have her men. "What is this, the envoy? Although Isinger was destroyed, it was not what I wanted. Besides, you can see that the new Isinger is almost complete. I don't understand what the temple means."

"Essinger and the demon are two concepts, please don't confuse them. Originally, after the destruction of both Isinger and the demon, the one you rebuilt is only Essinger. It is no longer the demon."

"Ah?" I was stumped by his words. How does it sound like neither Isinger nor Demon is a thing?

The woman said, "Have you not seen Isinger's urban layout before?"

"Yes, what happened?"

The female undead suddenly pulled a scroll from her robe and unfolded in front of me. I'm quite familiar with what is drawn on scrolls. This is a top view of the old Isinger before it was destroyed. The female was pulling on both sides of the scroll, and the male envoy clicked on the picture a few times with her fingers, and the spotted spots became small red dots.

He explained: "Do you know what the locations of these light spots represent?"

Both Eagle and I went up and took a closer look. "These seem to be the locations of the supporting pillars that run through the city."

He nodded and said, "Have you seen these pillars before?"

I nodded and waited for him to explain, who knew he actually looked at me and didn't speak. He waited for a while before continuing: "Don't understand yet?"

The eagle and I both shook their heads.

He seemed very angry and started to draw with his fingers on the drawing. This time he drew a lot of complicated lines. There were arcs before, but all of these lines passed through the initial points. After he finished drawing, he flashed aside for me to see clearly.

"Juling array?" Eagle and I cried at almost the same time.

I rely! I finally knew why Isinger was called Demon Capital. It turned out that the entire city of Isinger was a giant undead conversion array. The black cloud that persisted throughout Eisinger's head was not the magic cloud we always thought, it was the cloud of death and the cloud of cursing composed of strong resentment.

This is finally clear. A lot of things I can't figure out are understood. Last time we fought against the Temple of Light, both the Temple of Darkness and the Dragons became our allies. The Dragons had to participate because they had a decisive battle with the Light Temple, but the reflection of the Dark Temple was quite strange. Although it can be said that the Dark Tongue is to help us for the benefit, just think about it. In fact, the Dark Temple was to help us in the battle. But just to think about it, in fact, the Dark Temple was basically in that battle. There is no good to fish. Controlling a few more cities says that the Dark Temple is no good at all. In contrast, it is more expensive. Isn't it strange that this dark temple that obviously loses money and drinks is willing to participate?

At that time, I thought that the Temple of Darkness wanted to settle us, and after all, Ling was Al Ni's sister. She was making emotional investment, so I felt that her behavior was relatively simple and she was only pursuing long-term interests, but now I fully understand that she It is indeed the pursuit of long-term interests, but it is not the interest I think.

Alni had originally planned to have a decisive battle between the two sides in Isinger, so that eventually a large number of creatures would die near Isinger, and this level of spiritual formation of Isinger could ensure that these lost souls could not enter heaven. They are all transformed into undead or dark energy. For the Dark Temple, the more dead souls are, the stronger their strength is. Compared with the Light Temples, they need believers. They need more dead souls and dark energy. This is the real reason why the Dark Temples help us to fight.

I said why I blew up the Dark Temple and Al Ni did n’t retaliate against me. The system ’s time limit is too long for the Seal of the Seal of God. According to her personality, the Seal of the Seal of God should not come to me for so long. She should at least give us a little trick. It is now clear that the reason why she did not retaliate against me was because she felt that she had made enough money this time, and did not want to care about those petty gains with me.

The strong middle has its own strong middle hands, and one mountain is higher than the other. I always thought that I was already a conspirator, and I was almost like a kid's player's house wine when compared with Al Ni, and she was still selling her money for her! Previous online games bsp; etc. I seem to have been brought into the trap again, and suddenly Arni told me what the secret was for? Because you can't hide it? No, it's not that simple.

Al Ni should know the strategic forecasting ability of our guild. Although I was counted by her, but because she is too slippery, it is not that I am not smart. Besides, the intelligence quotient of Hongyue and Sumei is not ordinary. It should be counted continuously. As long as Al Ni has a little brain, she cannot use the same method to calculate us continuously. Then the disclosure of this news is not for me. Her real purpose is ...? Is it asking for directions?

Absolutely. She was testing my response. She wanted to know if I had fallen to the second force. Alni definitely wanted to get me back under her control. She had to try my response first. This high-end mind-reading is something that cannot be communicated through the third, and unless Alni can see my response, this plan is completely meaningless. But how would she see my response?

Use record magic? impossible. The reception room is a space forbidden magic, no magic items are needed. Then the only possibility is ... I suddenly said to Phantom silently in my heart: "Look at the soul behind us who is staring at us in the room behind us."



"Yes. None of those people paid attention to us. These two envoys are watching us now."

"Envoy?" Understood. This woman is not an assistant at all. She is Alni. The temple representative does not need so many people at all. It can be considered to be a show with more accompanying guards. In fact, the Dark Temple and we both know each other very well. Posting is to frighten those who don't know it. There is no point in setting up a show between us. So the reason why there are so many Schweizers is not that the Dark Temple wants to display the music at all, but because the goddess is in the team, they have to send more people to ensure safety. Mikalha is not a goddess of justice. Of course she can run everywhere, but Al Ni's identity is beyond doubt. She didn't care about herself, and the characters in the temple could not let her run out without the guards. This is like the ancient emperor, even if he was a master of martial arts, the ministers would not let him travel alone.

Al Ni dared to run to Isinger. Well, you can pretend. Since you want to see my position, let you see enough.

"Captain Purple Sun?" The male envoy asked after watching me for a long time.

"Well?" I suddenly returned to normal. "This picture seems to be a very high-level congregation. Isn't Essinger always horrible?"

The envoy immediately said: "You understand it. The three important cities of the Dark Temple have similar functions. Now one of them has been destroyed. There is something wrong with our overall formation. This will seriously affect our exhibition. Do you have any ideas? "

"I can understand the destruction of Isinger. This is indeed a loss, but it will not affect the overall exhibition, is it too exaggerated?"

The female envoy disguised as Al Ni said, "Do you have a map of China?"

"Are you big or small?"

"Big, you need to be big enough."

"Come with me then."

I took the two of them together with the eagle to the map room of our guild. Although the picture on the floor of the conference room was the most detailed and largest, but it marked a lot of secrets of our guild. It's troublesome to see it.

When we walked out of the gate, the guards wanted to follow, and I stood up against the front guard: "You still don't want to follow here."

"We want to protect the safety of the envoy," the guard collar answered coldly.

"I know, but this is my place. Everything is up to me. It's absolutely safe here. You don't have to worry about what's wrong with your envoy. The place we are going to go right now is also a classified warehouse. Can you follow me? Convenience."

"We want to protect the ambassador." The guard did not budge, and Al Ni and the man in front didn't talk at all and watched my joke.

OK, since you want to see the excitement, let you see it. I used a private chat with Tongzhi Hongyue to bring Wei Na to help, and then suddenly loudly yelled, "I can't do it if I say no, don't talk nonsense to me. Honor your envoys, don't give shame to your face."

My attitude is changing too quickly. These people are a bit stunned, but they quickly react. The guard's voice also became significantly louder. "Goddess Alni is the co-god of our dark forces. Her envoy is her representative. We must protect the envoy with the belief of protecting the goddess. As a dark commander, you should cooperate with our actions."

"You ...!" Suddenly I didn't think I was tall enough to face this guy. After looking around, I ran to the side and moved a sculpture to the ground, then moved the pedestal in front of the guy and put it down. When I stood on the pedestal, I was a bit taller than this guy, and then cursed and cursed in a posture of adults training children. "Do n’t move to the Temple of the Goddess. I tell you that my commander is honorary commander and we have no direct relationship. And Isinger is not the property of the Dark Temple. It is mine, do you understand? Do n’t say it is two envoys It ’s my decision to come even when Alni himself is here. You are just a little Schweiner and dare to follow me? You have a soul enough for me to take care of? Beware I let the fire of life return you to the dust Return to the earth. When you go back, tell Alni that the goddess here is the **** of chaos and order, Wei Na Osiri. The second religion here is Taoism. You are only ranked third. Do n’t keep us obedient and tell you. , I am a bandit! "That guy was completely scolded by me, even the two envoys behind me didn't move.

call! After scolding, I feel relieved. Haha! It seems to be working well, and he was scolded in the frontcourt. I jumped from the stone platform and put the stone platform back and moved the sculpture back to the platform. Turn around and pat the two envoys. "Let's go."

Although the words just scolded at the guard. But I actually scolded Al Ni in disguise to the envoy. The purpose of her visit this time was not to gather in spirit. Now Essinger has his own religion, and even rebuilding the Spirit Circle will not bring any benefit to the Dark Temple. She just wants to see my position on the Dark Temple. I now tell her by using the opportunity to curse the guards. We do n’t take the dark temple at all. There is chaos and order. God and the Chinese heaven court support me. I do n’t need any dark temple.

Maybe my words were so shocking that neither Al Ni nor the male envoy responded. I used to take pictures of them before returning to God. The guard at the back thought for a moment that Ha intends to follow, but Al Ni's hand made a gesture below, and he stopped immediately. I saw Al Ni's little movement but did not reveal it. What I just said is to stimulate the Dark Temple, but the most important thing is to let the Dark Temple come up. The Light Temple cannot be stabilized without the Dark Temple. Once the balance is distorted, it is not easy to correct it. I don't want the balance of power in China that I painstakingly maintain to be so complete, so now I can safely stimulate Aba Ni but never reveal her identity.

"Go this way." I took them on, and everyone was thinking about their own thoughts. To be honest, I don't like to always count others, but she doesn't have to bother to count with Al Ni, so she will be counted. There is really no way!

After arriving at the drawing room, I asked the administrator to take a large Chinese map from the shelf, and then rushed to the dedicated map display stand. "What did you guys show me just now, tell me now?"

Alni said: "Do you know the exact location of those cities controlled by the Dark Temple?"

I nodded and turned to the administrator and said, "Bring the power of the Dark Temple Montu, to a standard scale."

The administrator quickly passed over a piece of transparent sequin paper. I unfolded this transparent paper on the map. There were many red dots drawn on this transparent paper, which represent the city controlled by the dark temple. In addition to these points, the center of the figure is these points, and the surrounding area is translucent red. This red area is the sphere of influence.

The ambassador asked, "Is it okay to put some marks on this?"

I nodded: "It's okay, we have a lot of this."

The ambassador used a red pen to draw a large number of thick lines on the cellophane above. Like the top view of Isinger at the beginning, after connecting these points, it turned out to be a law circle, and this law circle almost covered the whole of China. , Even a few small countries near our country have been included.

"What kind of law is this?" Eagle asked.

Although it can be determined that this is a magic formation, we are not. I ca n’t remember the more characteristic outsiders who lived in the psychic formation, and this seems to be particularly complicated.

The envoy explained: "This is the inverse soul array. All the cities of the Dark Temple are hidden with the spirit formation like Isinger. Except for a few of the souls absorbed by these formations, which are transformed into undead spirits, most of them They are transformed into pure dark energy. These energy will be gradually gathered to this center point through this large array, and then the soul energy will be reversely transformed into a complete body through the inverse soul array. "

I noticed that center point, it seemed to be a no man's land. "Does it make sense to transform the soul into the flesh?"

"It makes a lot of sense," said the envoy, "physical bodies shaped by dark forces possess the dark attributes and belong to real creatures, so they will not fear the light forces."

The eagle was surprised beside him: "Will it become a 100% anti-magic creature with invalid attributes?"

I suddenly remembered that the dragon seemed to be such a soul-to-body creature, so the magic resistance of all dragons was almost full. The dragon eggs of the dragons are actually a dragon soul, and the long incubation period is just a process of turning the soul into the flesh. Because the egg is a complete soul, the dragons basically have memories before the shell is broken, like the plague and luck, they remember many things before they hatched.

The Dark Temple wants to transform the soul energy into the flesh in batches, so aren't they tantamount to creating a powerful anti-devil army? After thinking of this meaning, I looked at Alni in surprise, and she looked at me with a smile.

"I know you have already guessed who I am, so we don't have to make any more puzzles with each other, just point it out." Al Ni struck her fingers, and a black mist flashed on her body. After the fog dispersed, Al Ni used her true colors. Appeared in front of me.

"Al Ni?" Eagle stepped back in three steps and sat down on the ground.

"Well! Why didn't the guests come to say hello to my master?" Wei Na really got stuck and actually stepped on this knot to arrive.

"Isn't this the daughter of the deported Aussie family? I didn't expect that now I'm on my own, and I have learned to raise a little white face." Al Ni is not a soft persimmon, but this woman is too indifferent!

"Hello! Do you want to talk carefully?" Al Ni's words obviously brought me in too, if not, show me what to do.

"Just a joke, don't be so stingy?"

"Can the Oscars be your jerky yellow-haired girl who can joke around?" Vinda actually followed in. He was more violent than Wei Na, and approached Alni while drawing a sword.

The male envoy suddenly shook his sleeve with a rune sword and slid it out ~ ~ Respect the Highness of the Goddess. "This guy **** up to be a close guard.

When Vinda went up with a sword, he shook the guy back three steps. In the end, Arni gave him a firm hand to stabilize his body. Vinda is also the younger brother of Vina. The small stove must be opened, and the strength is naturally different from before. Vinda is also a person who knows the size, and did not advance after the sword retreated. "Where's the kid that came up? Is the Dark Temple gone now?"

"Who are you?" The guard posing as an envoy asked in surprise.

"I'm Vinda Oslo, commander of the Seventh Army. You didn't know where to look at the gate when I hit Marshal with Marshal Clark!"

Water to this Vinda does have capital. When I saw Clark, he was already a blacksmith in the Lost City, but the news from Dominguez and the Locked Troops has been true many times. Clark was once the highest military commander of the Dark Temple, and led the ten major legions of the Dark Temple . Dominguez and Vader were both legions in that era, and they were all younger brothers who followed Clark. After Clark retired, they also became high-level characters, but now Vader is not a subordinate of the temple, but on qualifications, it is true Much older than this guy.

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