Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 59: Sparks everywhere

Take a look. "I jumped out from the window of the observation room, first made a free fall motion and approached the sea quickly, and suddenly opened my wings over 300 meters above the sea surface, and then smoothed out.

Seeing me jumping down, the eagle and the rose each summoned their guardian spears and then jumped out of the city. This is the advantage of our guild. Everyone has a flying machine and can participate in the air combat as needed.

After I fell to the ground, the roses followed them, and we saw the shots of the light curtain all the way, it seemed that the light was personal. We actually saw acquaintances after running. "Qinglong?"

"How are you?" This one was the blue dragon guarding the East. He is now holding his left hand flat, his index finger pointing forward in the direction of the sea. A light band was connected from his finger to the colorful You curtain, and it was this light curtain that blocked all the sea water on the east coast of China.

I mean heaven. "My city is on top, so why are you here?"

"I just came back from heaven." Qinglong said a little bit angry: "Yu Di asked me to pay more attention to the situation in the East and to take care of your boat. How could I know that I just had such a big wave just after I left."

"This wave is from overseas, you can't even go outside!"

"I can at least keep it out of Middle-earth!" Qinglong shook his head: "You wait, I'll force the water back before I say it."

We nodded and stepped back to keep Qinglong busy. He's such a great god-level guy that he is extraordinary, and he took over with such a big tsunami. I saw that Qinglong started to cast the right hand like the left hand, and then put those **** on the left shoulder. At this time, Qinglong's whole body was lit with blue light, and the road suddenly rose sharply. The front light curtain began to shine.

Qinglong suddenly slid the **** of his right hand forward along his left arm: "Water Spell. Retreat!"

Suddenly the seawater in front of me suddenly started to recede. Qinglong pointed at the seawater and walked forward. The seawater retreated in the direction of the sea as if he was afraid to approach him. M only stopped.

Qinglong suddenly pointed her right finger at her eyebrow and began to chant again: "Tuke water. Lit."

The coast was roaring like an earthquake. Suddenly, a soil wall rose a few hundred meters above the ground, blocking all the seawater like a dam. I've seen the mage's earth wall technique. Many people in our guild will do this trick, but this is too exaggerated? The mage's soil wall is just over one meter thick and three corns wide and two meters high. This earthen wall has risen hundreds of meters high along the entire Chinese coast to defend the whole of China. In order not to damage the seaside city. This earthen wall was also specially set a few hundred meters off the coast, opening up coastal cities and ports.

After the earth wall rose, Qinglong withdrew the light band, but a loud sound of seawater hitting the earth wall did not crash. I chased Qinglong: "Is this over?"

"Of course not. This wall can't be blocked for a while for a while, and the water will collapse sooner or later." Qinglong took out a green seed from his pocket. "This is the end." He threw the seeds to the dam. "Aquatic wood. Close."

After the seed sank into the dam, a sudden green light flashed, and then a thunderous noise was heard. Several thick green vines emerged from the earth wall, and the thing grew wildly. A green wave instantly extended towards both ends of the earth wall. This growing length is even more terrifying than the original rose vine.

Qinglong clapped and said, "Okay. This plant will absorb the seawater to the normal level within three days, and the excess water will be injected into the groundwater to turn into spring water."

"But seawater is made? Can't you drink groundwater like this?"

"After this plant has absorbed it, it is no longer salt water, and I am not a fool, of course I think of it."

"High! It's really high." Qinglong was really terrible. With such a strong tsunami, he even settled his hands.

"Since you can stop this tsunami, why can't you let it go back quickly?" Rose asked.

Qinglong said very directly: "Behind it, it will return itself. If it is fully collected, the sea level will fall later. My task is to maintain the safety of Middle-earth and not to disrupt the natural balance. Now that things are over, I want gone."

"Hey! Hold on!" I called him quickly: "The water will be gone within three days. What about your wall? Is it always standing like this?"

"I'll come and take down the wall when the water recedes. Don't worry about this."

"Oh, then I can rest assured."

"Then I'll leave." Qinglong seemed to be anxious about something, and suddenly turned and turned into a green light and disappeared.

"This guy is really anxious!" Eagle looked at Qingguang Road.

"Regardless of him, let's go back first." I said, spreading my wings and jumping.

Eagles and Roses jumped on Baiji's guard spear and followed them. When they flew halfway, they suddenly heard a popping sound behind them, which sounded like the sound of the old car's exhaust pipe firing. I looked back and saw that Red Moon's spear fell down, and there was still a trail of black smoke behind that spear.

As soon as I closed my wings and pinched Red Moon, she quickly hurled away her spear. I was about to speak and suddenly there was another sound above my head. As soon as I looked up, I saw that the rose's spear was also falling down with smoke. I quickly reached out and caught the rose.

Huh! The third boom followed, this time with the eagle's spear. "I rely! I have two hands!" It's not that I'm heavy and light, but that I'm forced to hold one on the left and the other on the right. "Night Shadows help!"

Fortunately, I have more magic pets. After Ye Ying suddenly appeared, he rushed down to catch the falling eagle, but the same problem appeared in the cauldron rice and Su Mei's lance after only one second. This is not the answer. I summoned the rose vine, and a huge gang opened up on the ground instantly. Everyone fell into the room with a bang. The last one left did not run away, and the male fell off after only a few seconds. A bunch of people were all crowded in the net, looking very embarrassed.

"How the **** did this happen?" So many spears fell off, apparently something was wrong.

"Who knows how to do this! What a hell!" Eagle sighed as he crawled out of the net.

Hongyue suddenly said, "Yes, Ziri, your ...!"

"Wait a moment, Skort looks for me." I asked Hongyue to wait first, and Skt's voice appeared in the contact of contact. "whats the matter?"

Stewart's voice was anxious: "Not good, there is something wrong with the Yalong Cavalry."

"Yalon Cavalry? What's wrong with them?"

"They are sick!"

"Sick? What kind of illness are they?"

"Not a cavalry. It is a cavalry mount."

"You said little hunter?"

"Not only a small hunting dragon. Our heavy armored dragon is also sick."

"I'll be right there." The space door was still open and stood in Steel City. Until now it has not been closed.

Rose asked, "What happened?"

"Scott said that the mounts of the Yaron Cavalry were all sick."

"You mean the little hunting dragons all fell down?" Hongyue answered.

"Well. It's not just the small hunting dragons, it seems that even the Bell-Stone Knight's heavy armored dragon is sick."

After hearing that, Yueyue said, "Zi Ri, where is your bird? Let him come out and see."

"What?" I asked as soon as the bird was released, but the situation was very bad. Asuka has lost consciousness.

I remember Asuka just burned out the combustion chamber because of the long flight of the Seal of the Seal of God. How did it get so serious? I quickly summoned Xiaochun, and I wanted to blame why I didn't take care of the birds as I said. How do you know Xiaochun leaned on me like a beach rotten as soon as she came out.

"What's wrong with you, Xiaochun? Why are you so hot?"

"I ... I burned!" Xiao Chun's voice was intermittent and her lips had cracked. Looks good.

"How did this happen? Even if you are a retired goddess, isn't this small spell such as healing to be so tired?"

"No ... it's not tiring." Xiaochun is now flabby. "Yes ... Yes ... Bd ... we were ... infected ... kekekekeke ... vomit!" Xiaochun started talking about vomiting blood.

The eagle next to him stunned. "What Bd is so powerful?"

Xiaochun barely supported and wiped the blood off the corner of her mouth. "It's ... because ... because I didn't know it ... it was done like this!"

"What about the others?" I quickly released all the magic pets in Fenglong Space, and the results were different.

Except that Ling and Azana hadn't returned to work, one of the humanoid pets didn't run away, and all of them were ill. Emmys and Xiaochun are the worst ones, and they both seem to be dying. Jingjing and Lingling just seemed to have just finished running the marathon, sitting on the ground with their heads down and not even talking. Pepper seems to be in good shape, barely able to stand, just walking and floating, like drunk. In this way, neither the angel nor the demon's constitution can fight this kind of Bd, otherwise Xiaochun and Aimeness will not be infected. The chilli sea system is better, but obviously it is not completely immune.

Xiaoxue, a unicorn, is better than Xiaochun, but she is also listless, and this is the first time she has seen her four hoofs kneeling on the ground since she knew her. I suddenly remembered that Ye Ying had been called just now, but when I looked back, I saw Ye Ying still lying in the net. He had just caught the hawk, but the hawk fell into the net, because it was because he was no longer able to fly. It seems that Ye Ying's resistance is not as good as Xiao Xue.

The phantom has always been on me. It seems that nothing is common. Because there is no entity, the power does not infect Bd. Look at the lucky dragons. The dragon's body is indeed very good. The four dragons look healthy at first, but it is not right to take a closer look. Fortunately, they all covered their cheeks with their paws.

"What's wrong with you?"

Fortunately, with a stubborn voice, "Toothache!"

Bang! All fainted.


Lucky nodded: "It hurts!"

I let him lie on the ground: "Open my mouth and see."

Fortunately, I opened his mouth and saw that his gums were swollen like sausages, and there were blistering in many places. "When did this start?"

"The Seal of Throne began some time after Asuka returned, and it is getting worse."

Xiao San nodded and said, "Woo! I am the worst. All three heads have toothaches!"

Crystal said: "Not only do I have a toothache, but my claws seem to have problems."

I looked at the crystal dragon's claws, and there was blood on the place where her claws were connected to the flesh, and it was obviously starting to rot. However, the dragon's strong recovery ability seemed to heal the wound again, so only blood and some carrion were left.

"Little dragon girl, how are you?" The European dragon family was still in a position to make do not know how the Chinese dragon was.

The little dragon girl is in the form of a human sitting on the trunk of a fallen tree. She didn't even raise her head, rubbing the sun with both hands. "I have a headache, and it's getting worse. It's better not to talk to me first. The more I speak, the more it hurts!"

"Then you don't say anything, take a good rest."

Looking at the ground development, he was obviously sick, and his abdomen was undulating quickly. It's like breathing hard.

I turned around and looked at the rose vine that was made into a large net. I asked Phantom how he was doing. As a result, Rose vine said that it was not as uncomfortable as usual. Presumably this Bd is useless to plants.

Both the white wave and darts in the small magic pet can no longer move. Bailang's problem is his sore body. Darts are as high as Xiaochun.

Except for them, all the other pets seem to be fine. The two phoenixes had nothing at all, and Hick and Redthorn were as healthy as ever. This is roughly the case after my analysis. first. This is obviously an infectious disease, and the infection rate is quite fast. It still seems to be airborne. At the same time, the applicability of this Bd is quite light, so many organisms have been recruited. But this thing is not infectious.

Nothing in the rose vine indicates that this kind of Bd is not effective for plants. Nothing in the Phoenix indicates that this kind of Bd is afraid of high temperature. Nothing about tanks and red spines means that arthropods and insects are not afraid of this kind of Bd. In addition, pure spiritual bodies and undead like Mirage should not be afraid of Bd. Otherwise, the Yalong Cavalry should fall ill with their mount.

I suddenly remembered that there was the Snow Queen and the **** who said that he would follow me as the devil's contract, so I used long-term contact with the next Goth, and it turned out that the Snow God ’s contract God was sick. Already. It seems that low temperature can restrain Bd, and the identity of God cannot be immune.

"President is not good." A member's voice suddenly sounded in the guild channel.

"what happened again?"

"A lot of spears can't fly in the guild, and everyone's pets seem to have various problems in different situations, but some people's pets are fine."

"I see. You need to turn off the communication first, and I will inform the guild." Really, it seems that our guild doesn't know what causes the bad things. "Attention all members of the Frost Rose Alliance. I am President Ziri. Unless it is related to the safety of life, stop whatever you are doing immediately."

All the people in our bank stopped and stopped. This time I opened the full channel notification. Overseas bank players can also receive the news from the dedicated players next to the crystal communication machine. So many people seem to be waiting for me at the same time.

I aimed my lucky teeth with the Zhu frequency lens first. "This is my first lucky pet. Fortunately, no one in this bank will not know him, right? What you see now is his gums. Obviously he is sick. In fact, more than one is sick." I use The camera glanced over at the next soldiers and defeated the general magic pets. "Most of my magic pets are successful."

When everyone wondered what I said about this, I continued: "It's not just my magic pet that is sick. The same situation has happened to the magic pet of many people in the guild. It can now be confirmed that this is a malignant infectious disease."

The people in the guild immediately started to mess up. Since the last time we played the whole human expert 20 in Japan, everyone in the world knows that Bd is terrible.

"Now everyone please calm down, I have to explain something, although we don't know the specific cause yet, but we are working hard to find a way. The immediate priority is to reduce the coverage, at least to ensure that people who are not infected will not be infected again."

Everyone nodded one after another, this is a perceptual approach to deal with large-scale epidemics.

"First we need everyone to understand the characteristics of this disease so that we can fight it. The current phenomenon shows that the disease is airborne, because many untouched pets are also sick. At present, it seems that my flying bird He was the first to be infected. He is currently in a deep coma, and healing magic is completely ineffective. "

After a little wave, I continued: "I know the infectious source of this disease is very wide. I speculate some range from the already infected organisms. This disease seems to infect all living higher organisms. But because We have n’t studied it in detail so we do n’t know this quasi-inaccuracy for now. It has been confirmed in the surrounding creatures. Plants, arthropods, insects, non-entity energy creatures, and undead creatures have immunity to this disease. Your magic pets are of these types, so you can rest assured. In addition, I need to say that I can basically confirm that immunity is only against the body and does not mean that it will not carry germs. At present, some of my magic pets seem to be I was infected, but I did n’t have any symptoms myself. So I do n’t think I do n’t mean I do n’t carry germs. ”

Eagle asked, "Where are we?"

I hurriedly said, "Yes, we players are another problem. So far, only the person who has been in contact with Bd for the Seal of the Seal of God for a long time is one of me. And the person who has been in contact with the Seal of God for a short time is a large group. I do n’t know if I am not sick Because the player is not affected or my physique is immune, and after a while, if the people around me are okay, then it is sure that there is no problem. At this stage, I ask those who have summoned the magic pet in this big Han. Players do not summon any magic pets, it is absolutely safe in Fenglong space, but the premise is that you have not sent back the magic pets with bacteria, as far as I know, the magic pets in Fenglong space will also each other Infections. Please try not to contact the laymen now. If Bd spreads, it will be more difficult to control. Also, anyone who has a rescue method must notify immediately. Well, the notification is now over. Let ’s take action. . "

Really, how could it be so unlucky to encounter such a tricky thing. Tomorrow I will help Michal to kill that Nile. Now the magic pet has poured out a large piece of myself and I am still a fungus. This is really troublesome!

Because some of the people's magic pets were successful, I had to let lucky bear the toothache and return us to Isinger. As soon as I returned to the city, I was so busy that the entire Isinger produced the most severe skinny area, and a lot of magic pets fell all over the ground, but fortunately, the undead in our guards accounted for the absolute majority. The urban order is fairly normal.

An hour later, the situation was reborn, and Hongyue suddenly said that she had a headache, and in the end she got worse and worse. In order to reduce her pain, I had to let her go offline first. It was useless anyway. Less than half an hour after the fall of Hongyue, the eagle would not work, but he is not the same as Hongyue, he just has no energy in his whole body, and the person is soft like noodles. Then it was completely messy, and the players in the bank fell down one by one, and soon they fell a lot.

I have ordered all ships to return to Hong Kong because of the flood, so the bank will hardly be in the quarantine zone. Although I have only been active in Isinger, people I have contacted have been to other cities, so other cities have also been infected with Bd. None of the cities under the name of the Bank ran away and all of them won. But unlike what I expected at the beginning, Bd susceptible people actually have antibodies.

The earliest infected me was okay from beginning to end, and there were many other players in the guild who also had no problems. Statistics show that there are no infected players covering all races, but there are two of them. The first is complete racial resistance, and Awei and I are one of them. All our existing players of vampire descent are okay, presumably this descent is an undead creature so it is not afraid of disease. A Wei is an undead mage, the race is a ghost, and belongs to the undead department, so it's fine. In addition to the undead, the five elements of air, earth, water, fire, and spirit are also fully immune. This is the same as the magic pet. The energy creature is immune to toxins and diseases. In addition to these racial immunities, there are also specific groups within each race. There are individuals in almost every race who are not afraid of Bd, but this seems to be a random result, because we have no way to find what these people have in common to ensure that they will not be infected.

The bank ’s large-scale epidemic situation did not end easily. Soon I received news that a lot of magic pets had begun to fall in a place called Baicheng, and it seems that no matter what race infection the players have, they are better than magic Spoil it slowly. After the problem occurred in White Rock City, the Goddess City followed, and the source of infection was that of Caleb. The situation of him was obvious, the angel could not resist Bd at all, even the goddess. The Temple of Light was all finished within an hour. Although this Bd does not seem to cause death. But it brought everyone down. The symptoms of various organisms are different after infection, and there is no regularity. Even if someone does not feel pain after infection, they always feel hungry.

I sent Ling to take the monsters to the Ling's home, thinking that she would be back soon. As a result, Ling was brought back. Ling's condition was actually paralyzed, and she lost control from her neck. It was finally returned by two monsters. But unfortunately, the monsters are not immune, and they didn't make it after they returned. The two monsters fell ill together.

From the information we have, Bd is completely out of control. Now unless a cure is found, it is completely dead. I was worried there, and a German player suddenly appeared beside me. "President Ziri?"

"Isn't Ashford also sick?" The man's landmark was obviously an Iron Crusader, and I saw the situation roughly when I saw him.

The player said in surprise: "How do you know?"

I pointed to the person who was still lying around. "Our side is almost gone. How about Ashford?"

"Our president ’s devil is ill. He is cramped all over. We have to tie him like a mummy to the cross to stabilize his body, but his brain is sober and everything is normal There is no way to lift the body. "

"That's pretty good, there are people on our side who are more serious than this. Do you have infections besides you?"

"The senior leadership of the guild has basically been recruited. Otherwise, I will not let you inform you! And not only our guilds, but some cities with which we have contacted have also started to have problems. A private envoy from France met him, and the French wouldn't be able to run away if nothing unexpected happened. "

"This is terrible, it has become a global Bd! By the way, are you okay?"

The player said blankly: "I don't know how to do it. Most of the people in the guild fell down, but I didn't react at all."

"You probably belong to antibody carrying, and there are many in our guild. Don't you think I'm fine?"

"Yeah! The president said that you might be the source of the infection. Why are you okay?"

"Because I carry antibodies like you. People like us can carry Bd, but they will not be affected."

"It's strange!" The player nodded. "Ah, yes. Our president said that you should go to our side and meet him."

"All right. But you have to wait first. I'm messed up here too. I want to make arrangements."

"You are all right. The city on our side is completely paralyzed. Even the mage of the Resurrection Hall has fallen, but everyone is sick. No one needs resurrection without leveling pk."

I found Wei Na and asked her to help me manage the situation here first. Wei Na agreed quickly and said she had the bag. In fact, her own temple guard also has a lot of examples. Those fallen angels are also unable to fight Bd like ordinary angels. Instead, they are the most secure with low-level skeletons and ghosts without entities.

After leaving Ai Zige, we first teleported to Tianyu City, which was not much better. The ground was full of people moaning there. Those undead creatures in the city guards were helping the sick players to lie down in the room. The order I gave was for people who are sick. If they ca n’t go online, they just go offline. It ’s useless to keep them, but I ask them to let the undead department get them back to the room before they go offline, so as not to affect others.

Originally intended to use the teleportation team to go to the city of the Iron Crusade, but now the teleportation fails. It seemed that the person in charge of the opposite was also ill.

When I flew this player to the Iron Cross city with my wings, it was already terribly terrible. Some players are ill in killing and destroying like crazy, but they have no problem in their brain, but they can't control the body like Ashford. Because the city of Asheford doesn't have as many undead as we do, it can be said that they are sad. The free-lying grounds in the city used to improve authenticity are even the city guards falling among them. It seems that this side is more serious than ours.

The lead player and I almost stomped from the crowd to Ashurford. As soon as I entered the door, I couldn't help laughing, and I didn't know who thought what was going on. Ashford was placed on the cross, facing the door, as if she had suffered her. "Hahahaha! How did you do that?"

"Not all of you are harming you!" Ashford signaled with my mouth to sit down first and then said, "I think about it, only you are the most likely source of infection."

"I also know this. But the question is where did I get the infection. I ca n’t help myself for no reason. I must have contracted the disease with something sick, but the problem is that I have no contact Such a thing! "

Ashford thought for a moment: "Who is the first person in your guild to get sick?"

"Hongyue, she was the first to have problems."

"Who's the pet of the first sick creature?"

"The first sick creature was my own bird."

"So you ca n’t be wrong as a source of infection. When is the time when the Red Moon may be infected? When is the Throne of the Seal of God?"

"It should be that she was infected when I was pursuing the gourd, because only she was the first to light up. It means that she was the earliest, and then I met many people successively. Only the male was alone with me when chasing the gourd. Sealed on the throne for a long time. "

Ashford analyzed: "That means that you were infected on the road. Generally speaking, you will not be infected when you fly in the sky. Have you ever been caught before?"

"Falling?" I began to recall. "By the way, I landed in Russia once to intercept the gourd. At that time I also called for the tank to help. Yes, I must have been in contact with the germs there. So the birds were not infected by me, he was with me Entered the epidemic area and became directly infected. "

"That's right," Ashford said. "Of course you are infected. After you meet me, I will also be infected by you. After you go back to your guild, you will infect everyone else. . And this thing seems to have a general consciousness. As long as someone nearby is sick, some people will follow even if the infection of the seal of the throne is not long. So the more contagious this thing is, the faster it will be. "

"So I was indeed infected in Russia, but knowing the source is useless first! The key now is to know how to treat it!"

Ashford said: "I tried all the drugs I could find, but they were totally ineffective."

I also said, "I have also experimented with all the known healing magics, but the effect is equal to zero, not even Tingmu."

"Then what do we do? Could it be allowed to spread like this? As far as I know, Germany, France, China, Italy, Russia and other countries already have sick people. With the spread of this thing, I believe it will not take three days. The world is infected. "

I suddenly thought of a possible way. "We Chinese have a point of view since ancient times that each other produces venomous snakes. Wherever venomous snakes are produced, there must be something that can solve the venom of this venomous snake."

"Do you mean that since this thing came out of Russia ~ ~ then Russia must have plants or animals that can do antidote, right?"

"Roughly what this means. Although this method is not 100% accurate, it is better than blindly searching?"

Ashford nodded helplessly: "Anyway, what can we do?"

"Actually I have a way to be 100% sure where the antidote is."

"Not to say yet?" Ashford was also anxious.

"Essinger has a wishing table called the Ruyi Altar, which is a level artifact that can be done as long as you make a wish, but every wish is about card restrictions, the more advanced the more difficult it is to complete. But if we just make a wish I want to know the approximate range of antidote, and it should be easier to solve. "

"Then you might as well just wish for an antidote formula!" Ashford screamed excitedly.

I immediately retorted: "You have water in your head? So the high-level desire must be difficult to fulfill, if it is usually the case. Now we have lost all our remaining soldiers in the almighty, what do you want me to do?"

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