Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 67: White bone sinus

The halo under my feet suddenly shone in purple and black, and a wall of fire suddenly spun along the halo and burned up and quickly surrounded me in the flames. The poisonous fly that flew in front of me instantly turned into a burning fireball and fell to the ground.

"Huh, this little thing wants to block me?" My wings stretched out.

"The throne of God's Seal in game time, come out and move?" The silver metal feathers on the wings fell off, but these feathers did not really fall to the ground. The falling feathers rapidly changed to form silver one by one during the falling process. Mercury ball. The mercury ball flew up immediately before it touched the ground, forming a large array of mercury **** around me.

"Flame Flame." As soon as I started the spell, all the mercury **** burned at the same time. The silver-colored mercury ball is burning with black flames, and the visual effect is really good. Mercury gradually turns into a giant poisonous bee in the magic flame, and the bomber-like buzzing sounds instantly surrounds it. After the deformation, the huge eyes of the steel silver bee flashed red, a dazzling electric arc flashed over the body of the steel silver bee, and then these nearly one meter-long poisonous bees roared and scattered.

The steel silver bee is a quantitative type of arm like the poisonous fly, but the individual combat power of the poisonous fly is far less sturdy than the steel silver bee. As long as the poisonous fly cannot form an absolute quantitative advantage, it cannot display its lethality. The iron silver bee has an iron clip on its mouth. The giant tongs are a one-shot killer against the poisonous fly, and the steel silver bee has a magic flame on it, and the poisonous fly encountered is burned into coke.

"Hey, it's safer than setting fire."

I walked boldly toward the center all the way, and the poisonous flies along the way had long been hunted and fled, so how can I still deal with me? Besides, even if they come back, they are useless, there are still hundreds of steel silver bees around me to guard them, and they are useless.

"Snoring!" A snort sound suddenly appeared between the trees in front of me, and a golden-armored rhino appeared to me, and the guy immediately rushed up madly.

Before I moved, the steel silver bee next to me flew over immediately. Because of their thick skin, the golden-armed rhinos do not take the steel silver bee at all, but they seriously underestimate the lethality of the steel silver bee. A poisonous needle with a one-foot length hanging from the tails of these poisonous bees is not beautiful. This thing can bite a dinosaur, let alone a rhino.

Two steel silver bees put on the golden rhinoceros, shook the tail pin high and shook it twice, and then slammed into the rhino's crust. "Woo!" The rhinoceros of Jinjia even changed its tone, because of excessive pain, the rhino's body pumped unconsciously, and the huge body immediately shook and fell down. Iron and Steel Yinfeng certainly flew up, but the rhino lay on the ground and continued to slide forward because of its huge inertia.

I stood still the next year without moving, eyes fixed on the edge of the forest in the distance. The rhino slipped over and slipped past me and stopped after hitting a big tree. The poisonous bee's neurotoxin was enough for it to toss there for a while, and I continued to move forward unaffected.

It looks like I'm in the middle of the woodland. You can already see the cliffs from here, this forest is really small.

"Zi Ri." A Wei's voice rang out in a private chat: "Why not ignite?"

"Come here, I have solved the poisonous fly in other ways."

"Ah? You solved it?"

"Well. Come quickly."

I walked back to the cave entrance. Awei, they just came back. Eve climbed out from below first, and when she saw the steel silver bee around her, she was scared and wanted to drill down again, and stopped thinking about it. I reached out and lifted her up. "Do you come out! What do you drill back?"

She pointed at the steel silver bee hovering behind me. "This one?"

"This is my calling creature."

"Your summoned creature?"

A Wei just climbed out from below: "This guy is an animal keeper and everything around him. It's small. You haven't seen his private corps. That's really thousands of horses. Smaller city he You can attack the city by yourself. "

"Don't listen to his nonsense." As soon as I reached out, a steel silver bee stopped on the back of my hand. "Go and investigate if there is a cave nearby." The steel silver bee immediately flew up and disappeared in the forest. The steel silver bee beside me also flew out a lot.

Cats crawled out of the ground and said, "Did you find a big ss?"

"The big ss didn't see it, but the little monsters were everywhere."

"Yeah! You didn't set fire to deal with poisonous flies?"

A Wei pointed to the steel silver bee, "That thing is more than a hundred times more powerful than the poisonous fly. Are they still worried about the poisonous fly?"

"Wow! What a big bee!" The cat just saw the steel silver bee.

"Dizzy! That's the iron silver bee, not the ant bee! Can the ant be so big?"

"So horrible!" The cat squatted on the ground to look at the stinger under the steel silver bee: "Is there any life for this thing?"

I smiled and said, "I have to ask for gold coins."

"Ask her what?"

A Wei said angrily: "The gold coins didn't know us at that time. Later she stole Ziri's stuff. Then Ziri put a lot of bees on her body and sacked her."

"Wow! She hasn't stung even with such a long needle, she's amazing!"

"It wasn't that big then."

Eve squatted under a tree trunk in the distance and shouted, "What's wrong with this rhino?"

"It's okay, just a few stings."

"The cowhide is bitten, if our fine skin and tender meat are still enough?"

"I won't let them bite you!" I walked over to Eve and said, "Is the ore in a cave?"

Eve asked in surprise: "Are you in the cave now?"

"Well. I can see the opening now."

Eve stood up and looked around for a while and read nothing. "Where is it? Why can't I see it?"

"I saw it with my steel silver bee. It's two or three kilometers away!"

"I said! Then let's go by?"

"follow me."

There were steel silver bees all the way and we didn't see any monsters. Instead, they were all cleaned up in advance. This is the rear of the monster. The monster's main force is concentrated in the front and confronts the cavalry. The sporadic monsters here are not the opponents of the Iron Silver Bee.

The steel silver bee I sent out for reconnaissance had spotted the target, and I could easily find the cave entrance.

Eve was more excited than me when she saw Dongdong at the entrance. "finally reached."

"Don't be too happy first, maybe the monsters inside are not so easy to deal with." Caraca arrived very cautiously.

"Go in and see." I took the lead and rushed into the cave. Huh! "Oh, hey!" It seemed that the ordinary cave entrance flashed as soon as I passed, and a milky enchantment appeared at the cave entrance and bounced me back. "Fuck! What is this?" I got up and touched it. As soon as my hand touched the opening, the milky light curtain appeared again, and I felt like I was touching a warm wall.

"Like an enchantment!" Cats came over to look at the wall.

Awei took a stone and threw it to the light curtain, but the stone bounced back as if hitting a wall. "It seems that this thing is not to choose to pass but to block everything!"

"Impossible. If everything was stopped, how did the monsters get by?" Eve asked.

Skott came over and touched the wall, it was really strong. "This seems to be a powerful enchantment. The general weapon is probably unbreakable."

I took my hand back and took out eternity: "Perhaps eternity can be cut open."

As soon as I heard that I was going to smash the door and quickly let go, he was out of sight as soon as he left the light curtain and no one touched. I took a few steps back. Swing eternally and rush up! "The light curtain reappeared at the moment of eternal hit and bounced eternity back.

I got up again and walked to the light curtain, and it seemed that there was no scar on the ground. The enchantment was either broken or intact. Will not leave scars. When I groped the light curtain, the cat stood beside and said, "Maybe this channel needs to be opened from the inside?"

"I hope not, because the monster inside will not open the door for us."

The cat turned indifferently and leaned up against the light curtain. "Who knows! Maybe!" Plop! "I rely! What a break!" Cat did not lean on the flashing light curtain but fell into it. I was totally dumbfounded by the side.

Unbelieving, I knocked on the light curtain again, completely without any reaction as before. "I rely! Is it obviously different? Why can't I get in?"

A Wei said in disbelief: "Did I just throw the stone and bounce back?"

Strecht came up and felt it again, and it was really difficult. Eve came over and touched it tentatively, but she reached into the light curtain. She pulled back her hand in surprise and stuck it in. "I seem to be unblocked."

Cats also went in and out like a few times. Although the light curtain was just a little white light there, it didn't work for them, but Awei and I just couldn't get through.

Eve stood inside and said, "Maybe this thing only allows women to pass."

I quickly turned back and called: "Vera | Caracas, come and try." Vera is a bell knight. But she is also female. If Eve's guess is right, she should be able to get in.

Vera stepped forward and touched the light curtain, but she was blocked. "It doesn't seem to be a gender issue."

Caraca also walked over and touched it, and it went in.

I looked around and several humanities: "It seems that this light curtain is not used to distinguish whether it is passed or not, there must be other standards. The three of you meet the standards, and we do not."

Cat Cat said: "It shouldn't be a player's problem, otherwise you two should be able to come in."

Skott suddenly said: "I think it may be the cause of the dead spirit. A Wei is the undead mage, we are all under the control of the master. The master absorbs too many evil spirits, so we do not belong to the living world. This door It may just be that the creatures of the Dead are not allowed to pass. "

Cats nodded and said, "It makes sense to come to say that."

A Wei said: "What now?"

Eve said: "I think you'll find another way outside. The three of us will go first. If we can get it, it's best. If not, let's talk."

"That's the only way!" I nodded. "Go ahead."

This **** enchantment blocked my and A Wei's way forward, we could only watch cats and cats disappear into the depths of the cave.

"What shall we do now?" A Wei looked at me.

I looked at Shanti and said, "Why don't we try pretty hard?"


At this moment, the cats and Eve who were entering the cave were moving closely together, and Caracas kept kicking the obstacles in front. It is normal for the cave entrance to be read from the outside. It is quite different to see the city since the three of them walked down the stairs after reaching the end of the passage. The passage under the stairs is basically a manhole. The bones of various unknown creatures are scattered all over the place, most of which are human bones.

There is a big difference between the channel and the general channel, not only is it not humid, but it is extremely dry here. Under the white light of the magic lighting stone, the gray rock on the cave wall looks very scary. This passage has a lot of space, and even a figure like the dragon will not feel narrow.

"Ah!" Caraca walked in front of her and suddenly heard a scream coming from behind her. She quickly turned back and looked at the cat with a sorry look at the wall: "Sorry, I treat that as a monster."

Caraca looked at where the cat was pointing. It turned out that the light source cast a shadow of a large biological skeleton on the wall. Because the cat was walking with the lighting stone, the shadow naturally flickered. As a result, the cat was shocked when he saw the shadow inadvertently.

Cats complained, "Why did the therapist come to this place by himself? Now there is that kind of ore here?"

Eve said helplessly: "At that time, the system had not been upgraded. At that time, non-combat professions were still dead, and they could run anywhere."

Caraca struggled to climb over a rib of a monster more than one meter in diameter and turned and pulled the cat and said, "Unfortunately, the guy didn't take the ore at first, otherwise it would be easier."

"Cut! If you can go straight ahead, go and be a stock tycoon, what medical therapist?"

After the cat went to the country, Caraca began to pull Eve again, and the cat went to knock on the ribs next to the pillar: "What kind of monster bone is this? Look at this bone, it should be about the same size as the dragon before his death Right? "

Karaka said: "I haven't seen how big the keel is, how do I know how bad it is, but it should not be too much."

"Wow! There's a bigger one here." The cat saw a monster skull after drilling through a rib.

Karaka ran over with Eve, and Eve immediately cried out, "Oh my God! Isn't this a rock python? This kind of thing really exists!"

"what did you say?"

Eve explained: "The rock python is a huge python that is about the same size as a dragon when it is rolled up. But because it is thinner than a dragon. It looks very long. This one is even large in the rock python. No. It depends on the size of the head. It will not be less than three kilometers. "

"Three kilometer-long python?" Caraca thought for a moment. "If this guy had his tail chopped, wouldn't it take a long time for the Seal of the Throne to react?"

"Cut, the neural signal is transmitted by bioelectricity. Even if it is 300,000 kilometers long, it will only be delayed by one second. But I was thinking that to transmit the pain signal so far, this guy's neural circuit should have What is the voltage? "

Eve pointed to the three large channels in the middle of the skull: "Compared to the nervous system. I'm even more surprised what creature this rock python was killed by, and what creature can cause such injuries."

Caraca climbed up the skeleton and looked at it: "This is definitely left by a very big guy, this one almost pierced the skull in the middle. Isn't the dragon so fierce?"

The cat immediately said, "I think it's the dragon."

"How can there be such a big dragon?" Caraca couldn't believe it.

"It's not a dragon, it's a dragon." Cat Cat replied affirmatively. "This is the wound left by the Chinese dragon. I have seen a dragon on Ziri. Although they usually like to maintain human form, and I have never heard of a dragon using physical attacks. But when the dragon is in its original form, it can grow long. It is several kilometers long, and some advanced dragons are dozens of kilometers long, flying up to cover the clouds and avoiding the sun. With such a large body, I don't think it would be worse to use physical attacks? And the dragon's claws are the first three and the second two. In a healthy state, the scratches left are exactly Sandaogou. "

Karaka asked, "But this is Russia. What is your Chinese dragon running here?"

Eve immediately said: "The rock pythons are not monsters near here, they should live in Alaska! It is too big!

"Don't you find it strange?" Caraca asked suddenly.

"What's weird?"

"The bones of these monsters." Caraca knocked on the bones.

"What's wrong with the bones?" Cat also knocked in the same way but didn't think there was anything wrong.

Caraca explained: "After a creature dies, the rotten bones will gradually turn black, and then the bones will turn white again because of the decomposition of organic matter, but because the bone gelatin is also an organic matter, it will decompose, and the remaining bones should appear gray, and Very fragile, it will break at the touch, if it is buried in the ground and the seal of the throne of time is long enough, it will even become a fossil. But have you noticed the bones in these caves? They are all white, and the surface is smooth, apparently free of bacteria. It has been decomposed. This kind of bone is usually just separated from the living body, and the seal of the throne of time is only one month. But the meat of the seal of the throne of seal should not be completely rotten in such a short time! Look here, not only does not have There are no signs of rot, not even odor. So the only explanation is that something eats the meat, then throws the bones here, and more importantly, the bones have been thrown here for less than a month. "

Cat Cat said to Eve: "So when the medical doctor who told you the formula came here, it might just be an ordinary mine. There were no such things at all. Even the monsters outside were just things that appeared."

Caracadao: "These things may not have appeared long ago. The system of this game is too intelligent. It can be changed as long as there is no player experience. It may be because of this plague that it was temporarily set up as a group of monsters. However, because no player has come here during the Throne of the Seal of God during this time, the system can change the history at will, as long as it can finally be connected with all the players know. But this is all a system thing, what we need to care about is only here There is something that is fiercer than a dragon. It may even be a dragon. "

Cats said: "Although the injury looks like caused by a dragon, but I think the big ss should not be a dragon. You are not Chinese and do not understand our culture. In our country, the dragon is not a monster or a devil. They are **** beasts ~ www ~ usually represents good things. The legendary dragons in our country are all auspicious. The entire Hell Cave here is unlikely to be caused by the dragon. Even if the dragon hunts and kills other creatures, it is not possible to take the scene. That's it, let alone a lot of bones here.

Eve said, "Anyway, you will know."

The cat said immediately: "I'm worried we can't go out after we know it!"

Caraca also nodded: "Most of the bones here are worse than ours, such things have been killed, and the three of us are probably finished with one move."

"I can't stand here forever!"

Cats suddenly said, "How about I send my pet to the front to test it?"

"This method is good."

The cat called the dragon to open the dragon's space, and a small red animal like a squirrel jumped to the ground. As soon as the small things hit the ground, they rushed deeper into the passage. Cats stood in the same way: "Let's wait here before my magic pet returns! I believe it won't be long before you know what's inside."

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