Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 86: Grab business

Cocoa beans thought about it and nodded in the end: "Well, it's the price you pay, but the time of the seal of God of God will be calculated from our official release."

"no problem."

The night son and I followed the cocoa beans across a few streets to reach their station. The tour group that saw the huge facade and the cocoa beans was not a small community, otherwise it would not be possible to rent such a large facade in such a good location. Although the city facade of "Zero" is not as expensive as it is in reality, it is not much cheaper. The facade in the center of the city is at least 300 crystal coins per month.

"You finally came back." As soon as Cocoa beans came to the door, a woman ran out. She looked at us and said to Cocoa: "They are the guards you asked for?"

Cocoa immediately pulled the woman and said, "These two have just finished the security certificate. The one on the other side is the second-class one. The one on this side is the king of security."

The woman looked at me a little more in surprise: "Are you the king of guards?"

I don't want to talk nonsense with her at all. The seal of time is important. "What about your people? We don't have much time for the Seal of Throne."

Cocoa hurriedly said, "I'll take you there. This is just our facade. The team has been waiting by the gate for a long time. It should have been out in the morning. Some of you should wait for me here before I go. Take out the city permit. "

"You need permission to get out of town here?"

"Because we are a mineral-producing area here, in order to help prevent the mine from being entrained, we have to get permission from the city, but our tour agency has a group permit, and you don't need to apply separately."

Hehe, did not expect to get a license for greed. Although the guard does not necessarily stop us, it is better to be able to go out than to rush through with permission.

Cocoa beans went in to get permission, and the woman outside looked around us like a monkey and walked around several times, but she didn't say anything and I couldn't say anything. Cocoa beans quickly ran out and took us to the gate of the city. There were hundreds of cavalry guarding the gate, and the gate of the city was closed. People who wanted to leave the city first went to the wall and then entered a large box like an elevator. The guard will slowly drop the box under the wall. Cocoa beans explained to us that there are many monsters here, and the forest is next to the city wall. When the monster came out, it was too late to close the door, so he simply did not open the door.

Down to the city wall, we really saw a lot of people standing by the door. Although these seem to be tourists, they obviously do not belong to a tourist group, because each group has its own banner. Cocoa beans took us into one of the larger teams, good guys, this team has at least 50 people. Compared to the players, the animals standing beside them make me more curious. This aggregate creature looks like some kind of dinosaur. Their body is a bit like the Yalong cavalry's small hunting dragon, but they look thinner and not as strong as the small hunting dragon looks. These sub-dragons are about two meters tall, with dark green skin and small heads. Judging by the teeth should be the type of plant fruits and insects.

Night Son looked at Yalong in front of him: "Don't you think this thing hates Qingdao Dragon?"

I shook my head and said, "I look more like a larger version of the thin Elong."

Cocoa Bean said: "These are our special mounts, dragons, because they are crickets, so they are called dragons. Although there is no combat power, they are fast, and they have good bounce and endurance. Do you need me to prepare for a mount? "

"It's all right." I was going to let the contract female to ride with me. But now that there are mounts, there is no need to squeeze.

Cocoa beans turned to those who are talking about humanity: "Please note that these three will travel with us, two of which are our newly invited guards, this night son is a second-class special guard, and this purple sun Is the only King of Guards in the city. "

Cocoa beans said not only the people of the team, the people around the travel agencies have come over. The main reason for various travel agencies to grab business is that the guards are powerful and the tour guides have extensive experience. Being able to invite the king of the guards is a kind of publicity.

Almost just after Cocoa Bean just finished talking about the next 6 people who came over and asked me if I could join the team, I pointed to Cocoa Bean: "He is the boss, I don't care about it."

Not to mention, my advertising effect is good. The team expanded to nearly two hundred people in a blink of an eye. The people in the next few travel agencies were so angry that they couldn't help it.

The son of the night whispered to me: "I knew you would like to have more money."

I sighed: "How can I know that this business is so good! We are losing on the lack of information. I knew that my signboard was so appealing and I should have asked him for three times as much money."

After a while cocoa beans pulled many people from other people's team, a relatively large traveler finally couldn't help coming over. The opponent's guard and the cocoa beans were wrong and immediately quarreled. Then began to push and shove, apparently to start.

At first the woman said to us, "Why don't you help?"

I spread my hands, "I asked Cocoa for myself."

"He asked for it himself?" The woman wondered how cocoa made such a strange request.

I explained: "Cocoa said that we started to calculate wages formally, that is to say we are not yet counting your employees, this kind of fight has nothing to do with us."

Pointing femininely at what I wanted to say, but didn't say anything, turned around and called the other guards to start fighting with those people in the past, and I and the night son and I watched lively. I'm very depressed at such a low salary, and I need to fight in a fight, and my brain is almost broken. It's our style to get a big rock and the son of the night to sit down and watch melon seeds.

Someone soon joined the fight over there. Of course, tourists would not help. But other travel agencies were robbed of course. They all started to find cocoa beans. Their guards were originally a lot, but other travel agencies went together They are a little bit frustrated.

The level of chaos in the fight began to escalate. I don't know who started the weapon first. Someone was cut down. The fight has been upgraded to pk, and it seems that this time is a lot of fun. The cocoa beans over there did not know who was filming a brick, crawled out of the pile of people and beckoned us: "We will start now, and now we will start working."

"Hey, it's working wages." I stood up and handed melon seeds to the night son and patted the sticky shell on my body. "You sit for a while, I'll help them pull the rack."

People from the other travel agency saw me walking towards the battle group, and several people immediately greeted them in advance. The first person just arrived at me was a hammer sweeping towards the sun from the side, and I stretched his left and right to catch his hammer, and suddenly Mars shot.

The person on the right slashed over while I was holding the guy on the left. I hit a bullet in my right hand, and when he touched his neck, he twisted it around immediately. He stopped in surprise and pinched the rope with his hand. I mentioned it with my left hand, and even the hammer brought someone to lift the guy up. Raising his leg and kicking him out, the hammer threw out the third person and emptied the third person. Hum, a string sound, the guy's head and fingers were cut off together.

Continue to walk towards the crowd, make an arrow at a guy who is on the face, center his eyebrows, and go forward. The guy stood there with his eyes open, and I nudged him as I walked past him. The guy immediately thundered and fell straight.

Walked into the crowd and picked up the eternal change into a whip sword, dancing with his right hand, turning the blade into a whip and throwing it out, jingling a guy's neck, and pushing hard, the head came back and fell down. I have a magic sword handle. The whip blade trembled, and the guy next to him immediately disappeared. The person next to me was holding a sword and wanted to come and help me. I threw the sword backwards. Thanks to his quick response, Eternity only wrapped around his arms and sword. In my fierce area, the blade of the sword wrapped around his arm suddenly tightened, the guy's arm and the sword broke into more than ten knots and fell to the ground.

A guy behind me wanted to sneak attack. I didn't turn around at all, as soon as the wings swept away, the guy flew out. Turn around and pull a guy who is attacking the cocoa beans, directly lift it up and throw it out of the battle group, catch the other troublemaker next to him and throw it out, then lift the cocoa beans. "The people who took you back, I'm not good at mixing you up."

Cocoa beans nodded and pulled around and ran out. "Everyone in the Green Sea comes out."

The shouts of the Green Sea Travel Agency all ran out. Cocoa beans shouted to me: "We're gone."

I heard the sound and jumped straight into the sky and flew up. "Lucky, clear the field."

A black hole in space suddenly appeared, and fortunately, he got out of it and opened his mouth to the crowd at the station. The people nearby were forced to retreat, and the people in the center were completely finished after a while. Fortunately, I returned to Fenglong Space after spraying, and I landed again. There was only some black ash on the ground. Even the city walls became red. It ’s a big piece. Already.

As soon as I landed, all the guards cheered, but Cocoa yelled to the surroundings: "This is the king of guards of our green sea. This time we are an irregular exploration in the deep forest. Come on. "

At first Cocoa was attracted by my fame, but it didn't grab the customers directly. This time it was a mess anyway. He simply grabbed the customers from others. A lot of guests saw that our strength started to continue to leave the team and asked to join us. Seeing that the team is almost three hundred people, it is really troublesome for such a large team to go out. It looks like my business is good Like a loss.

While the cocoa beans are free, I hurriedly said, "Although we have said the price, but do you pay attention to it? The team of so many people is difficult to protect. If you recruit people again, I will have to process the capital, otherwise I will not Now. "

Cocoa beans were not angry at all and said straightforwardly, "Your two have doubled their salaries."

gosh! This kid knows the Lord who wants money but not his life.

By the time Cocoa beans found everyone, it was already 2:30 in the throne of the local time, and our team expanded to five hundred people, which was ten times the original size. Dozens of guards have more than 400 tourists with 400 boards, and more than 400 of them are non-combat type players who have no combat power at all. Such a huge team is just adding chaos to me.

Several injured guards in the team treated him briefly after the cocoa beans finally announced that they were ready to go out. For the first time, the son of February and I summoned the steel claws in front of them to serve as mounts. Cocoa beans heard us say they had a mount. But we did not expect our mounts to be combat-type. General combat mounts are a rare type. Most mounts are purely vehicles, and ours are obviously more like killing weapons.

Steel claws are indeed smaller than dragons, but they are still larger than other creatures. As soon as the two steel claws came out, they immediately caught the attention of Cocoa beans, and he quickly ran to us.

"Well, Ziri, you two mounts seem to be of the same kind, right?"

I looked at him and said, "This creature is called a steel claw. The one who stays overnight is an ordinary steel flower. This one is a steel claw collar, so it is slightly larger."

"So you have a lot of nagging?"

I don't need to finish talking about cocoa beans, I know what he thinks. I didn't even give him a chance to say directly: "Strategic materials will not be sold. Don't count on them."

Cocoa beans smiled immediately: "Where did you find it? I can grab it myself, rest assured, the location will not be leaked, only my people know. I can pay for your news."

I laughed: "Do you know what you're talking about?"

"what happened?"

"This is a steel claw, not a wild horse. You people will die if they even live there."

"As long as you tell us the place, it will be irrelevant to you."

I shook my head: "The location is confidential. I have to keep an agreement with the host there. No matter how much money you pay, it is impossible. And to tell you the truth, even if you sell all this small travel agency, it is only a fraction of people. It ’s not enough to see. I can tell you the name of the place. But I ca n’t tell you the exact location. "

"It's OK to have a name. I can ask."

"Don't inquire, you must have heard this name. Steel Claw is completely Asian Dragon Island. The approximate location is on the Pacific Ocean. If you are interested, find it yourself."

A tourist who was closer to us laughed and said, "Guard Purple, you might as well tell him to forget it on the earth. The Pacific Ocean is really big enough."

The latter tourist said, "I have heard of Long Island, but I do n’t know its location. I heard that it is a settlement of the Dragon clan, surrounded by illusion enchantment protection, and you think that the island is full of dragons. If you do n’t go in, Make it clear to others? "

A combat department tourist said, "Don't talk about Long Island. Last time I went to attack the Flying Dragon Nest with the people in my guild. It was called a horror. There were more than a thousand people left in less than ten minutes. It was just Flying Dragon. What if the dragon wanted to own the house! "

Cocoa beans depressed his head and said, "Well! It seems that I am too greedy."

"Greedy is a virtue." I looked at Cocoa and said, "There is something to discuss with you, but before that we advanced in the forest and said while walking, don't stand still."

"Oh, yes, yes." Cocoa hurriedly waved to everyone to move forward.

A team of more than 500 people will not have any animals dare to attack in reality, but it is different in the game. The zero system will arrange the concentration of monsters according to the number of people entering the monster area. Once a team of people like us encounters monsters, it will definitely not be a small group of three or two. It is definitely a large army. But here is the edge of the forest, we don't have to worry about these issues for the time being.

After the team started to advance, the tourists started to look around. Some players who learned to collect will study whether there are any available materials. Those chef professional players also began to analyze whether various plants can be paired with vegetables.

The goddess of contract showed us the way in the front of the team. My son and I followed, and cocoa beans were with us.

Cocoa asked, "What do you mean by greedy?"

I smiled and said, "Greedy is a kind of motivation. If a person who runs a commercial enterprise does not have this virtue, then this company has no other path except bankruptcy. Only if you constantly yearn for a stronger company can you truly become a Good businessman. But you must also have another virtue when you are greedy. "



Cocoa nodded: "I understand what you say. Greed without careful protection will only go bankrupt faster."

I smiled and said, "Very well, you are indeed a good business. Is your travel agency your own?"

"I co-organized it with someone else," Cocoa said, pointing to the woman behind. "That's my partner's wife. Their husband and wife own half of our travel agency's assets, and I have the other half."

I said to Cocoa: "Do you think you have a promising future?"

Cocoa Bean said: "The future is pretty good. Now everyone is tired of city life. This kind of forest tourism is very popular. Some of our regular customers here come once or twice a month. The environmental effect of" Zero "is very realistic, Those people said that traveling in the game is cheaper and more fun than outside. As we open more and more tourists here, the prospects are very good. "At this point, he suddenly went down again. "However, the situation is very troublesome. Despite the rich source of tourists and high profits, there are too many people running tourism agencies. The result of everyone's competition for tourists is that they continue to lower prices, but the results are becoming less and less profitable. It ’s better, mainly because my partner found these dragons. This thing grabbed a lot of customers for us. And my partner and I also rely on this to join our travel agency. Actually, the money and manpower are mine. Only the dragons. "

"So you desperately want steel claws so you can go out and run your own travel agency on your own?"

"Yeah!" Cocoa said excitedly: "In fact, those people in Europe are very generous when they travel. They don't care about this money. People value the quality of service and tourist attractions. As long as you get the characteristics, even Many people are still participating. Our group is actually more than double the travel expenses of other groups, but we are still doing good business because of this dragon. Everyone is afraid of tiredness this year. Dragon riding has become a hot topic. Do n’t Last time, the club also wanted to steal our dragons to raise them, and it was found. Your steel claws are fighting creatures. If you can find them as mounts, even the guards will be saved, and this thing is so big. A big saddle can ride many people up. It is definitely a magic weapon to make money. Unfortunately, the place of origin is Long Island, I guess we can't go up. "

I smiled and said, "If I use steel claws as funds to work with you, would you like to separate from your partner and re-establish a travel agency with me?"

"Aren't you kidding me?"

"No kidding, I mean, it's up to you if you want to ~ ~ Actually, I think it's much more than just a partnership tour group. I just say that I want to collect cocoa beans. Come here. This person has a good mind and a very good business mind. It is definitely a role that can stand on its own. It is talents who can fight and talents who can do business.

Immediately after the system upgrade, although the cost is lower than other guilds, it will always cost money. I was thinking that this team is idle and idle, it is better to drive the surplus value. When the guard is okay, I can act as a tour group guard, so that I can earn money to cover the expenses. Even if I can't make extra money, I will be satisfied as long as I can achieve self-sufficiency.

In addition, Chile is the main source of copper mines and lumber. In the future, we must establish a port here to transport cheap materials. After setting up a tour group here, we will not glance at it.

In addition to the above advantages, there are many benefits. For example, you can use the advantages of local cocoa beans to crowd out Japanese forces, and we secretly support the Japanese ship out of Chile's territorial waters. For a country with no resources, Japan can suffocate it by cutting off its supply of resources.

The plan is too big, so I can't let cocoa know too much, so I just pulled him to join the tour group.

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