Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 88: Insect plague (on)

Yeyue took me into the forest and walked for more than five hundred meters, and suddenly there was an open space between the trees. There are some strange things around the open space, which looks like some kind of totem, but it seems that this thing should be a big tree. Some creatures removed the branches of the big tree, and then they processed the trunk into what it is now. The leaves are still high on the top of the big tree, and it looks like the tree is still alive.

I looked around. There are more than one living tree totem, but obviously their locations have been specially planned. The trees with incorrect locations have been cut off, and only a few large trees at a certain point have been processed into the present. It looks like this.

Yeyue said: "These may be the camps of the creatures just now."

"Camp?" I looked around. "We don't seem to have entered the camp. This should be some kind of sacrifice place. We seem to have entered the forbidden area and were attacked."

"So we are invading?"

"Roughly the same!"

Yeyue looked at the side and said, "I always feel that something is looking at us near here, but I still can't find a place."

When my wings stretched out, a lot of silver feathers fell down. The silver feathers turned into steel. The silver front quickly spread out in all directions. After a while, I suddenly felt that a steel silver bee was killed. All steel silver bees can sense each other, and I have a connection with them. When the steel silver bee was killed, the surrounding steel silver bees all turned around and quickly concentrated in that direction. The bee colony in reality is one of the most sturdy races in the forest, and the game is almost the same. Getting one will definitely attract a large crowd. The swarm will never let go of any enemy.

The steel silver bee is much faster than I am, and I have buzzed into a forest before I reach the location. There was also some strange chirping sounds, as if the sound of insects.

When Yeyue and I got out of the forest, I saw a small forest clearing where Zerg warfare was being staged, and the flying steel silver bee was turning upside down with a group of red ground insects. The corpses on the ground have been covered in a thick layer, and their limbs and limbs are broken everywhere, as if in World War.

Fighting with my Iron Silver Bee is a very common creature variant. I'm sure this is a type of ant, but these guys have a much larger volume than normal ants, and each one is about the size of a locust. Although the volume is not as good as the steel silver bee, these guys are too many. Although the giant tongs and sickle-shaped forelegs of the steel silver bee can easily solve these giant ants, the number of giant ants completely makes up for the lack of volume.

"Lucky, come out and help."

The steel silver bee fire venom is dual-immunity, and Long Yan can't hurt them. I let lucky come out to help me to use Long Yan to clean up the giant ants without taking care of the large area of ​​accidental injury. Fortunately, Long Yan swept the battlefield, but the situation was completely unexpected after Long Yan. Giant Ants are not afraid of Long Yan!

I quickly looked at the monster information displayed by Xingtong. The names of these giant ants are lightning and fire ants. Belongs to level 150 creatures. Fire, poison and thunderbolt immunity. Its own characteristic is strong reproduction ability, as long as it has not been exterminated, it will recover the full amount within 24 hours. There is a magic fusion digestive system in the body, which can swallow any living body and replace it with energy body, which can be eaten directly. Many magic resistance attributes have a fight with the Black Dragon, almost full magic resistance. The only shortcoming seems to be less life and low defense, but this single insect defense on hundreds of thousands of armies does not seem to be very important.

Before the information was read, there was a sudden long yin beside him. As soon as I turned my head, I saw that luck was rolling all over the ground, and the big tree that four people could hold together was knocked down. The ants even climbed onto the lucky body. These horrible monsters even bit through the dragon scales. Fortunately, there is no way to take such large things.

Depending on the situation, these things are not useful with large-scale Warcraft. I let lucky fly to the air to clean up the ants on my body. Lucky immediately flew up and played various special actions in the air to throw the ants off. I quickly opened the worm exit on my wrist, and a large group of crystal beetles emerged from the space insects and were killed by a large group of lightning and fire ants. The crystal beetles were 50 levels lower than these things, but fortunately, there were a lot of crystal beetles. A fight.

Yeyue soon joined the battle. Her petrochemicals could fix ant colonies on a large scale, but the remaining fire ants would continue to walk on the companion's body. Yeyue was forced to retreat, even I had to retreat. These Fire ants are too fierce.

The lucky flame just ignited some big trees, and the light led the guards in the camp. Cocoa beans shouted all the way: "What happened to Ziri?"

"Don't come over, all return."

"Don't we help?"

"Just go back, you can't handle this thing."

"Then we go back to protect the camp."

"Got it."

Cocoa returned to the camp with his guard, and I was playing a chase with the fire ants. Although these scary little bugs are only level 150 creatures, they are even more powerful than dragons. At least the dragons will not come out to act with hundreds of thousands of individuals.

"Little dragon girl, come out to help." These things are not afraid of fire, lightning, or poison, and physical attacks cannot do group damage. You can only test whether the water damage is effective.

As soon as the little dragon girl came out, she immediately joined the ranks of escape. It wasn't that the bug wasn't afraid of the water, but she didn't have time to seal the throne. The thunderbolt and fire ant chased her and ran around, the little dragon girl couldn't make time for the Seal of the Seal of God to use spells to attack.

I summoned Jingjing to come out to help again, and she quickly moved closer to the dragon girl and supported the absolute barrier. Jingjing's absolute barrier is supported by magic power, but the fire ants' attack power is not high, so they can still support the throne of the Seal of God for a long time. As soon as the barrier is formed, it is completely blocked by the fire ants. The light ball becomes A red sphere consisting of an ant colony.

"Ground spring." The dragon girl finally took the time to complete a spell, and the surrounding ground suddenly began to overflow. The fire ants were obviously afraid that the water would start to climb up the trees. Although the crystal beetles are not suitable for fighting in the water, they are not afraid of water The fire ants were forced to retreat continuously, and the surrounding trees were covered with fire ants, but after all, the ground spring water could not flood the forest, and the water could only cover the ground. The fire ants on the tree could not deal with it. I knew that an anteater should be prepared as a magic pet. It was a capsized boat in the ditch, which made a group of ants so embarrassed.

I shouted to the little dragon girl, "No, the effect of the water spring is too bad, is there any frozen system?"

"But that would hurt the Crystal Beetle and the Iron Silver Bee by mistake."

"I take them back, and I'll let you use them later."


While the ground was full of water and fire ants who were afraid to get down the tree, I quickly put away all my little bugs. Actually, not many of them returned. At this moment, most of the steel silver bees died, and the beetle was reduced by three. One-half, the corpses on the ground are piled into small corpses. Immediately after the recovery, I let the dragon girl play a large frozen magic, and the dragon girl quickly began to chant.

"Frost and snow."

A white mist suddenly spread along the edge of the barrier where the dragon girl and Jingjing were located, and the fire ants climbing on the top of the barrier were frozen down, the cold expanded further, and the temperature in the surrounding forest plummeted. The lower ant colony on the trunk looked at the beginning 6 and continued to fall, but the fire ants above did not have any problems.

Suddenly, the ant colony made a very unusual response. Some of the smaller fire ants jumped off the big tree themselves, because the small fire ants on the surrounding trees were all jumping down, and it looked like a fire ant rainstorm. When these little fire ants landed, they suddenly burst into flames, and they turned out to be *.

At first I wondered what they were doing, but soon I knew what they were doing. The frost was dispelled by the flames. These thin fire ants heated the air in a spontaneous way to completely destroy the magic of freezing.

As soon as the temperature returned to normal, the fire ants immediately began to focus on Jingjing's absolute barrier ~ ~ It seemed that they knew that this target was the most dangerous. Fire ants have no self-consciousness. They don't care about sacrificing their lives. They can be abandoned for the benefit of the group. Now the fire ants' suicide attack on Jingjing's absolute barrier is about to be destroyed.

In desperation, I had to open the space door. Although the little dragon girl can freeze spells, she is not an ice creature, after all, this thing is not her profession, and my real frozen strength appeared proudly after the space door was opened.

The Ice Queen is only level 450, but they are real frozen creatures, and the frozen power used by them is pure frozen magic.

"Frozen space." The ice queens used a wide range of group magic, and the fire ants frozen into ice sculptures before they even reacted. Many fire mosquitoes jumped off the tree and started to spontaneously ignite to melt the ice shell, but they can only burn small pits on the ice surface and cannot raise the overall temperature.

Little Dragon Girl finally found the gap: "Snow Dance."

A cold wind blew through, the air cooled down again, and many fire ants on the trees fell down. The temperature in this place was almost below zero, and insects could not move at this temperature.

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