Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 96: mud

Gibejar asked us in an unknown way: "What's wrong, is there any problem with the pagan temple?"

"The problem is big." A beautiful voice suddenly appeared above us.

I heard the sound of Yeyue, but everyone else was taken aback. Adapana even put the arrows on the bowstrings thanks to being held down by Santa Mafiana. A bang yelled from the canopy above us. You actually want to go to a pagan temple! "

"Can't we go there?" Gibejar asked Ye Yue, who suddenly appeared.

"If you want to be cursed by a pagan god, then you can try it." Ye Yue came to me and wrapped me around with his tail, and his body leaned behind me. "Master, are you going to meet that pagan god?"

I pulled Yeyue forward. "Do you know a pagan god?"

"It must have been heard. The pagan god's reputation is not good with us."

Gibejar asked anxiously, "How much do you know? Tell us all, please?"

"I don't know much, but there seems to be more than one pagan **** in the legend. But there should be only two people living in her part of the big forest and their reputation is just as bad."

I'm a little strange that Yeyue is a descendant of the Protoss of the Eastern Deities, but her race later became more prosperous in Europe. What is paganism to her? "Yueyue. You seem to be a complex of different denominations, right?"

Yeyue laughed. "This world only talks about strength. Both Eastern and Western theology are very large groups. Although neither party wants the other to exist, no one can treat each other as well. So everyone has to avoid sharp conflicts and maintain peace. Theologians and Western deities can be regarded as pagans, but they are generally not called each other. After all, some basic politeness is still required for a strong group. However, some denominations are relatively small. Therefore, it is the rejection. The real so-called heretics. And their gods are the so-called heretics. "

The son of the night asked, "Is that like Vena and the Goddess of the Covenant a pagan god?"

"No. They are not pagan gods." Yeyue explained: "A series of deities are not necessarily all in one aspect. For example, the temple of light and the temple of darkness are hostile forces, but they all belong to a god. Series. The gods and monsters in the East are actually subordinates of a religious system, but they are hostile to each other. In addition, a series of gods generally has some auxiliary peripheral gods or alliance-type religious series. For example, China Taoism and Buddhism. They were originally two systems, but later merged into one system. The heavens and the gods of Rulai are just a series of two groups of forces. There are various small gods beside the Bright God, and they are all under one system. They are not pagan. What is really called paganism can be said to include a lot, but it can also be said to include only two. "

"How come there are so many and only two?"

"One of the two religions is a religion in Egypt. The other is a religion. All the gods in Egypt, including the **** of death, Anubis, are called pagan gods, and this denomination is affected by various denomination series. Hostility. The other is not a complete sect, but a collection of sects. Some small, unrelated sects are unwilling to be in the same series as the big sect, so these small sects are collectively called paganism. Actually these paganisms are not They must be related to each other. They just don't want to merge with large-scale deities. Because they are not mainstream denominations, they are generally called unified, and in fact they are originally irrelevant denominations. "

"Do you know about these two denominations here?" Gibejar was probably most concerned about this issue. "Can you tell us?"

Yeyue nodded: "There are many denominations here in the South American jungle, but you can only find two if you are looking for a temple. Generally, those who have the ability to build a temple are relatively large. There are no temples. I know both the gods in this forest who have temples.

I asked Yeyue strangely: "How do you know them?"

Yeyue said a bit sadly: "We are the descendants of the abandoned, and actually very embarrassed in status. Although later turned into a demon-like incarnation in Europe, that is also an admission that at least we can be considered as part of the system. The Temple of Light excludes us from accepting the Temple of Darkness. We are still considered part of the European theological system. During the time when our nation was struggling to survive, the Seal of the Throne, we also had some connections with those in oppression. . And the two great deities in this forest happened to have had some contact with Asian theologies. "

Ye Zi asked: "Which two teaches?"

"A sect called Mayan theology is not as powerful as the Egyptian religion, but it can be regarded as a more famous one. If they work harder then they will hopefully become the third.

The Great Sect system. Another deity is called Imoda. The translated meaning should be dark, which is similar to the dark temple. "

Gibejar suddenly called out, "What we're looking for is the God of Moda. Do you know where their temple is?"

Yeyue shook her head: "If you are looking for the Mayan temple, I can still help. The name of this **** of Emoda has the meaning of darkness and concealment. Their temple repairs must be very secretive. I can There is no way. And according to the custom of the Protoss, if it is usually called a temple, it must be an underground building. "

"You mean underground?

"Heavenly or light-like temples like justice or light generally like to build their own temples on mountains or high places, and if conditions permit, they just build up to heaven like heaven. And dark temples or deities like the demon world, I usually like to build my own building underground. In some cases, there are magical covers, which can't be found outside and cannot be found outside. "

"What about our task?"

"Then don't care about me." Yeyue took my arm and said, "The task is yours and not my master's land. This requires you to worry about yourself."

I patted Ye Yueyue to signal her to stop talking. "Jibeyar, look at this ..." It's not that I don't want to help, but I don't have much time for the Seal of Throne. Your task is obviously complicated. It has taken quite a while to complete my own task. If you help me find the temple of the **** Imoda, Come on

Come on. "

"I understand." Gibejar nodded in frustration. "I will not embarrass you anymore. We will do this task ourselves but can we follow you before we do it? Anyway, we don't know Imoda. Where is the temple, if it is exactly in a straight line, maybe you can run into it. "

I smiled: "To be honest I don't give much hope for this, but I wish you could find it. As long as you don't affect my mission, you can follow whatever you want, I don't mind, and I want to The person looking for may not know the damned ruined temple you are looking for. "

"Really? Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." I turned to the son of the night and said, "Let's pack up now?"

Soon the campfire extinguished the band. Necessarily guys got back on the road. I only left the mount with steel claws and Yeyue beside me. I wanted to bring Bailang, but this guy's hair is too long and white. The wet muddy ground of the rainforest was not suitable for his gorgeous fur.

Just as Cocoa told me before leaving, within five kilometers we entered the second area of ​​the forest-the marsh area. There is no clear dividing line between this area and the forests outside. We just feel that the air humidity is getting higher and the ground is getting softer. It's really painful to move on the muddy ground. The surrounding trees are all covered with dense moss, let alone as a support point, it is impossible to grasp them and use their strength. The slippery and soft ground is completely free of force. You cannot push your body forward no matter how you pedal.

Gibeyar they gathered just gave up walking completely. I tied a steel rope on the back of the claws. Gibeyar could grab the rope and follow it. The huge feet of Steel Claw finally showed its advantages. The fetters used to deal with water are still effective in the mud with huge claws on the ground, which can provide sufficient support on the ground to prevent the steel claws from sinking too deeply, and those sharp claws can be deeply inserted into the rotten The shabby trunk provides enough adhesion to keep us going. Also. The tentacles on the back of the steel claws are like traction ropes.

Playing with them entwined with nearby trees can pull us in. Finally, the streamlined shape of the steel claws used to reduce resistance in the water and the smooth scales help us to glide in the mud. Although it is dirty, it is good.

Except for steel claws in this mud job, large creatures are almost impossible to survive. But in this area of ​​large biological extinction, there are an amazing number of insects, small animals, and small birds. The flying bugs didn't care about the mud. Birds don't care much about the condition of the ground. They only care where the bugs are. Small animals can usually walk on the ground with their wide feet without risking to jump or jump from tree to tree like an orangutan.

Although this is a paradise for miniature animals, it is not that there are no big guys here. We had large animals just under three kilometers.

The steel claws were pulling Gibejar and they moved forward, and Yeyue suddenly noticed that there was movement in the mud next to it. I followed her instructions. "Nothing!"

Yeyue stared in that direction for a while and then shook her head: "It's probably my eyesight."

The son of the night leaned over and asked, "What did you see?"

"I don't know, maybe it was wrong."

Ye Yue suddenly remembered: "Guardian. Will it be a jungle guardian?"

"what is this?"

Yeyue thought about it: "What should I say. This is a very strange creature. They are not exactly the same. This creature is usually a semi-energy body. They can transform their form into any shape at will if necessary, so They are very adaptable to the environment.

Deep in the jungle is a natural forest guard. "

"Are they strong?"

"Strong is not strong, it is very troublesome. They like to make sudden attacks. If you are unfortunately ambush, it is very troublesome. The energy nature of these things allows them to move quickly in the forest, but we cannot chase it. And once it has hit anyone, it will keep chasing as long as it is out of hand. "

Suddenly, Santa Marceau told us, "The mud over there seems to be moving."

I took a closer look and I could see that a ball of mud was slowly moving there, and I couldn't see it without paying attention. This mass of dirt is approaching us.

"Actually a guardian." Ye Yue recognized this thing at a moment.

"what should we do?"

"You have to kill it all at once ~ ~ otherwise they will attract a lot, and their never give up spirit will annoy you."

Berserker Ricard complained, "How can I attack this thing?"

Saint Swordsman Lauder said: "The magic of Santa Mafiana may be okay."

Santa Mafiteuna immediately asked Yeyue, "How much is this thing? My magical damage doesn't necessarily stop it."

Yeyue directly denied their plans. "It is estimated that you cannot kill it with one blow. The damage of this biological entity attack and magic attack is halved, and its life itself is not much."

"Otherwise, let's try together?" Night Son asked.

I said to Yeyue: "What about your petrochemical?"

Yeyue whispered slightly: "This thing is the only creature that is not afraid of petrification. I can't take it."

I took out eternity. "Then I have to go."

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