Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 105: Occupancy

This guy from the Celates family looked at me and Yeyue constantly with arms in the middle of the room. He was very nervous when we approached him from both sides. We did not rush directly, and he did not dare to take the initiative to attack. The two sides stopped at a distance of four or five meters.

"Do you ... do you understand us?" I tried to communicate with him. Since this thing is a highly intelligent race, it should be able to communicate. I think that diplomatic skills are better than combat skills.

"Ah, Sloterkaos, where is Urza?"

gosh! Don't understand at all! Yeyue suddenly opened her mouth and made a sharp tweet similar to a soprano, but the other party responded. That guy and Yeyue started to sing the same song as me, and you were obviously able to communicate. "Phantom, what are they talking about?" The phantom translation is still generally useful.

"Sorry master, I don't understand what they are saying." Phantom didn't understand the language.

"Yueyue, tell him we are not malicious."

Yeyue turned to me and said, "He seems to regard us as associates of the Temple of Light."

"Tell him that we are not in the same group as the Temple of Light."

"I said it, he didn't believe it."

I thought for a moment and said, "You comfort him first, I'll go out and prepare."

I turned around and walked out the door, quickly summoned Xiaochun, Jingjing, Lingling. After a brief explanation of the situation, I also notified it with spiritual contact and Yeyue and Ling. After all the arrangements were made, we started acting. The Celatis inside confronted each other overnight. Suddenly, the Tyrannosaurus Knight at the door was knocked down by a large piece, and I flew in. Jingjing and Lingling jumped in from the door, and the tyrannosaurus knight in the door immediately turned into a defensive formation and pointed me at Jingjing and Lingling.

Xiaochun came in with a white ball of light in his hand and shouted, "Kill me all heretics." He said a ball of light was thrown at the Celatis. The Celatis native had been frightened and stood there motionless. Suddenly a black light ball flew behind him and hit the white light ball directly. The two light **** exploded at the same time. That Seratis was taken off directly.

Yeyue quickly pulled the Celates from the wall and told him with a sharp cry that he would leave here, and the real temple of light was killed.

The Celates were attacked by the Temple of Light, which made him look very clear. Xiaochun, Jingjing and Lingling are all real angels, and they are also senior angels. The white wings are the best warning for the Celates.

The Celatis immediately jumped up and yelled at Yeyue. After that, he quickly ran to open the crystal door and stood inside, beckoning to us and shouting the strangely lingering Yeyue. We shouted, "Master, he told us to follow him."

We pretended to fight with Xiaochun and the three of them a few times before the "Wolf Howled" started to retreat, and finally pushed me back. Everyone else pulled into the door first. Lingling rushed over and kicked. I used a shield as a barrier, and flew into the crystal door by Lingling's feet. In the air, I stretched Lingling's finger to praise her cleverness.

As soon as I flew into the crystal door, I was caught by Yeyue, and the Celatis let go. The crystal door snapped shut. Then this Celatis shouted at Yeyue again, Yeyue translated: "He said that the door is not strong. We can only stop for a while, and ask us to follow him. There is a door with an energy shield behind, passed It's safe over there. "

I thought it would be possible to stop working here, but it doesn't seem right now. Quickly contact Xiaochun with heart contact to smash the door and continue to chase.

Jingjing hit the crystal door against the shield, and the door was hit with a big crack, but it was not broken.

The Celatis quickly hurled Yeyue and started running. This guy has long legs and big strides, and runs scary fast. We also quickly ran. We only ran more than twenty meters, and a loud noise was heard from the crystal door. The Celatis turned nervously, and saw that the crystal door and the door frame flew out of the wall together, and three angels burst out in a cloud of smoke. The magic of light in Xiaochun ’s hand is a standard high-order light blast. This thing is like a bomb. It is not trivial to break a door.

The Celates turned back scaredly and ran up at a faster pace, looking back from time to time. Xiaochun chased them at high speed in the passage, and the tyrannosaurus knight running behind was quickly caught up and fought with three angels. The celebrity of the clashing weapons scared the Celates to run faster.

The screams that kept appearing behind him scared the Serathis who didn't even dare to return, but dared to rush forward all the way. I threw a bottle of blood to a Tyrannosaurus Rider, and he wiped his face as he ran. The Tyrannosaurus Rider also helped spread the blood and returned it to me.

Lingling has caught up behind us, but the Celatis has never dared to look back and don't know what happened next. I heated Lee's half-bottle of blood first, then splattered on the Celastis and quickly withdrew the bottle. The guy was instinctively looking back when the blood was poured. The tyrannosaurus knight who had just undergone a simple "make-up" was pushed by Lingling and flew out by thrust. When the Celestes turned back, they saw the **** Tyrannosaurus Rider rushing at him, and the Tyrannosaurus Rider knocked down the Celestis.

Lingling had already put on her shape and slashed with a sword, and the soul of Celati was frightened.

The last two Tyrannosaurus knights around me jumped up from both sides, hugged Lingling and shouted desperately, "You guys go."

Yeyue and I took the hand of the Celatis and dragged him down and started running, Lingling was twisted and struggled by the tyrannosaurus knights there. In fact, the struggle was false. What was really twisting was the two tyrannosaurus knights holding Lingling. Lingling was covering the sword with blood from the tyrannosaurus knight. After the blood ran out, Lingling took a sword and stabbed in at one of the Tyrannosaurus Knights. After the sword advanced, she came out and put the Tyrannosaurus Knight in a pair. Blood water dripped down the sword tip appearing behind the Tyrannosaurus Knight. In fact, the blood was poured by Lingling herself. How could a pile of bones and skeletons in the armor of the Tyrannosaurus Knight bleed? Although that sword did penetrate the Tyrannosaurus Knight, there were too many gaps in the skeleton. Lingling's sword passed through the middle of the ribs in her chest.

Did not touch the body of the Tyrannosaurus Rider at all.

The Celates was dragged away by us, and he could certainly see this classic scene.

We know it's acting, but he doesn't know. In the eyes of Seratis, the two tyrannosaurus knights sacrificed violently to cover him for escape, and moved his tears.

The inserted tyrannosaurus knight was very "heroic" and still held Lingling dead. Lingling pretended to be struggling and couldn't run out, until Jingjing and Xiaochun arrived and opened the two tyrannosaurus knight. At this point we have run a few hundred meters, and in front of it is an energy protection ground gate.

I lifted that guy up: "How does the door open?"

This guy just reacted to pick it up by the door, and the protective layer on the door disappeared instantly.

The gate slides automatically to both sides. Only Ling and Yeyue remained with me. The Serathis rushed in, and the back door closed quickly. Xiaochun felt "coincidentally" while the door was closed, but once the door was closed, the protective layer came out, they couldn't rush, and attacked the wall with a vent there. The shield on Xiaochun's magically fried door kept shaking. The Seratis on the side of the frightened door took a few steps back to confirm that the other party could not penetrate the protective layer before they were relieved.

"Hoo! It's finally safe." Yeyue pretended to breathe a sigh of relief and said to the Celatis again.

The Celates said something to us and then reached out to the other side of the passage, Yeyue translates: "He said he was sorry for the misunderstanding we just made. And he said there was their gathering place, talking about that. Side is completely safe. "

"Then let's hurry up with him."

Yeyue said something to the Celates. Then the Celatis started to take us forward.

This channel is not the same as the previous one. It feels like this channel was dug later. It is narrower than the aisle above, and the equipment is relatively simple. Worse still, there is a strange smell here, which seems to be caused by airlessness. This was probably a temporary passage built after the war, so it was so bad.

There was a vertical elevator at the end of the passage, and we descended deeper to reach the final shelter. A bunch of elevators came out and scared us. More than thirty Celates in gold armor stood around us in a circle holding something somewhat like a staff. Those people saw that we were stunned first, and quickly reacted to pick up the staff to face us, and to see the posture they took, this staff-like thing should be a rifle-like weapon rather than a staff.

The Celatis who brought us in hurriedly explained to those people, who looked a little confused, but put away their weapons. A Celeste who was probably a former collar came out. The color of this guy's crown is a little black, which is obviously different from the pale yellow crown of other members.

The Celates with a black crown took something like a gas mask from his side and put it on his mouth, and then suddenly he said what we can understand Language. "Hello everyone, I have heard about you. Thank you for saving my son."

"He is your son?"

The Seratis who came with us also got a translation device of that kind. "This is my dad, the old days he walked here. I am a scout named Huang Shi, thank you very much for your life-saving grace. I pay the highest respect to your brave warriors."

I also introduced myself: "My name is Ziri, this is Ling, this is Yeyue."

The Yuanxi of the Celates gave me an inviting gesture: "Let's not stand here, or talk inside?"

I said to him, "Dear Sir Yuan Xi, I need to talk to you about something alone, can I ...?"

He was a little surprised, but nodded quickly. "Yellowstone, you take the other guests to the lounge first, and I will talk to Ziri separately."

Huang Shi nodded and left with Ling and Yeyue, and I followed Yuan Xi to another small room. He does things very simply. As soon as I entered the door, I started to ask what was going on. I organized the language before I started speaking to him.

"Dear Sir Yuan Xi, first of all, I need to apologize to you."


"Because I deceived you and your son." Yuan Xi listened to my help and didn't interrupt, but waited for me quietly. From the beginning, I knew that Huangshi was definitely not the core character, so I directly came in to see the Supreme Collar in a deceiving way. If it would take a long time for me and him to explain, and even if it was clear, it would be a waste of time to come in and talk to this old guy again. This head is obviously the oldest here, and his black crown is probably a symbol of old age, and only he has such a crown here. Matching his identity and age. This old man's mind is much more meticulous than the young huanghuangshi. He didn't respond at all to telling him to cheat him. Young people usually make a fuss first at this time.

Yuan Xi signaled me to continue, so I began to explain. "Actually, your son did not meet the people in the Temple of Light, and there were no people in the Temple of Light at all. Huang Shi saw that the three angels were actually my men."

Speaking of which, the old man couldn't sit still. Last time the angel legion destroyed their country. This blow cannot be suppressed by a calm character. It seems like if you meet a Japanese in Nanjing City a day or two after the Nanjing Massacre, is it possible for you to continue talking to him with a calm expression?

"So you still have to kill us? We the Celates and your angels have no resentment. Why can't we let us live?"

"Please don't get excited." I appease the trembling old man first, although he is not trembling because of fear. But his emotions were too exciting and not conducive to our subsequent conversations.

"Please be quiet first. I just said that the three angels were under my command, but I am not from the Temple of Light."

"Oh?" Yuan Xi calmed down a bit when I heard what he said, but he was still a little excited.

"If you are not a member of the Temple of Light, why do you have angels?"

"This is more complicated to say, don't you know if you have an angel called a fallen angel?"

"I don't know." The head of state answered super crisply. "We rarely leave our territory, and we know very little about the outside, but if you can explain it to me, I believe I can understand it, because we are very capable of understanding . "

"All right." I thought for a moment: "I believe that there should be community groups in your clan, too? For example, some people have better relations, and some people have worse relations."

"I am very clear about this." Yuan Xi replied, "The factions in our Senate always quarrel over some things. Each faction has a different point of view. My job as Yuan Xi is from the factions of the Senate. Absorb useful advice and decide what to do in the end. "

"Then you understand the concept of a group?"

"Do you mean the concept of a group of similar things?"

"Roughly." I explained: "In the outside world, people are divided into groups according to their own interests. The Light Temple that attacks you is actually one of them.

Yuan Xi immediately realized, "You mean that you come from another interest group, and your group also includes the race of angels?"

"Ceratis's understanding is really worthy of admiration, and it is easy to talk to you." I first praised the wisdom of the Celatis. A nation that worships wisdom should like others to praise their wisdom. "These interest groups are usually racially divided. For example, angels basically belong to the light temple. This group is only a large part, not absolute. There are also angels who are not part of any family group. Of course, like There are also a lot of people belonging to a certain group like me. "

"I see." Yuan Xi nodded. "So what do you mean by coming here? And why did you deceive my son?"

"It was an accident to come here. We inadvertently touched a teleportation array, and we were sent out of your city before we ran out. Seeing such a large city is inevitable to come in and study."

"I understand that curiosity and desire for the unknown is a manifestation of wisdom."

"You can understand it. In fact, we thought it was an empty city, but when we came in, we found that there were still alive members, but your son took us as a member of the temple of light, and I explained to him that he did not believe it I had to use this method. "

"Then your brave warriors ...?"

"Those are my men. They are half-energy lives. It's not obvious that physical damage is not good for them. Even if I want to gain trust, I can't make fun of my own life."

"So it is," Yuan Xi asked again, "So the Temple of Light must think we have been destroyed, right?"

I frowned slightly and then went on to say, "Your scheme of fraudulent death is very successful. The outside world thinks that your race is extinct. I didn't expect that you still have members who have survived." I was smiling when I saw Yuanxi Quickly added another sentence: "But the situation is a bit dangerous now."

"what happened?"

"It wasn't just my people who were sent by the teleportation team this time. A few people were members of another relative group. My family group and their group did not associate with each other. This time, they were accidentally sent together. Come here. Although I can guarantee that your news will not be spread out, but those people I can not guarantee. The worst to walk to the other side of the team is a holy swordsman.

Although this swordsman belongs to that group. But his combat skills came from the Temple of Light. His team also believes in the Temple of Light. Although they are not the same relative, they have a certain affiliation. "

Yuan Xi immediately asked: "Is it like the indigenous people we raised in Celesti? Although they are not ours, they usually behave independently. But they are attached to us and we need to help when we need them. "

"It's almost the relationship."

Yuan Xi was anxious as soon as he heard it. "What then? We managed to restore such a bit of environment. If the Temple of Light knew that we had no extermination, they would definitely attack us again!"

"You do n’t have to worry about this first. Because we are not a group with them. So we have a certain alertness to each other. When we came in, we separated from the north and south gates of yours and entered. Persuasion. If your organization is complex enough, I think we should be able to delay a little more. "

Yuanxi reassuredly said, "That's all right."

"Why?" I was surprised to see such reassurance.

Yuan Xi said with pride: "The control gate of the gate has been burned out for a long time and has not been repaired now. Don't say that they are trying arbitrarily, even if we can't open it ourselves."

gosh! It turned out that the door lock was broken. Fortunately, instead of trying to open the lock at first, the door was blown up directly.

"Then I'm telling the people above me to block the door we entered from letting them in."

"Yes, this is faster." Yuan Xi was very excited and asked me to do it immediately. I had to explain that I have contact with my mind, and my mind can direct the door to close the door.

After explaining to Xiaochun that he was in charge of closing the gate, I began to say to Yuan Xi: "Actually, closing the gate to prevent them from coming in is just a stopgap. Even if they can't get in this time, at least they know there is a city here. Go back Then they will attract more people, and your secret exposure will sooner or later. "

Yuan Xi walked back and forth in the room for a long time before asking, "So what do you mean?"

I simply said: "Actually my opinion is simple, we merge."

"Merge?" Yuan Xi was a little surprised. "Do you mean to make us part of an interest group of yours?"

"That's right." I directly started to seduce him naked: "You are here all day long, and once you are discovered by the Temple of Light, you may be destroyed at any time. It can be said that you are struggling on the death line, and the danger of racial survival is extremely high. After the merger, you can shake up and go out. As long as you don't leave my sphere of influence, I promise that the Temple of Light will not dare to move you. "

"Are your relatives stronger than the Temple of Light?"

"My relatives are not more powerful than the Temple of Light, but there are many groups outside. The strong group is not just one of the Temple of Light. My identity is special, and these groups need me to communicate and coordinate. Unless I offend three of them at the same time More than one, otherwise no one dares to touch us. And the research materials you need after you merge with me and your daily necessities can be provided by us. You can say that there is no loss, what do you think? What else is so good? Hesitant? "

Yuan Xi Lingjing asked: "What benefits can you get from it?"

"Technology." I answered very simply. "Your research results are only of interest to you, but I hope they can be put into practical use. In fact, our own technical strength is not weak, and many of them are not believed by you. If we unite, everyone will benefit. Why not do it?"

Yuan Xi thought for a while and said, "In principle, I agree with your point of view, but this is a big thing. I can't decide it alone. May we all vote?"

"Vote for all? How many of you?"

"There are about 700 people removed from children who are not yet intellectual enough to understand this matter.

Our race suffered too much in the last catastrophic massacre. This is our entire population. "

I nodded. "In fact, my syndicate has also been cleaned by the Temple of Light, but unlike you. I withstood the attack, and also caused the Temple of Light to suffer.

This is what I am confident to protect your capital. "

Yuan Xi looks surprised. "Have you fought against the Temple of Light?"

I nodded: "A whole week of fighting. The scope is unimaginable. The two sides have invested nearly ten million troops. From the sky to the land. Not only the temple of light, but also the temple of darkness and the dragon race have been wounded. It was very heavy. My main city was almost destroyed. The army of the Dark Temple lost nearly 80%. The army of the Light Temple was completely destroyed. Four angels lost four. We also took one main city and forced them. Even the temple has moved. "

Yuan Xi said excitedly: "As long as your words are true, I believe that our cooperation is settled. We just need such a supporter, and we have been miserable these years.

Come, we will call a meeting of all members, it is best to take advantage of those people to evacuate here immediately. "

"Okay, this is my hope."

As soon as Yuan Xi came out, I started an urgent meeting. I took Ling He Yeyue to listen to the meeting.

For the Serathis people who are intimidated every day, the forces that have made them suffer the most in the Light Temple that they fear most are like gods. All 749 members who participated in our cooperation plan passed in full.

After the resolution was confirmed, the head of state, on behalf of all Seratis, and I determined the future cooperation methods in detail, and finally completed a cooperation agreement.

First: Seratis enjoys independence and autonomy, and everything within their clan is entirely their own arrangement.

Second: The Frost Rose Alliance must provide unconditionally the living space, daily necessities, experimental equipment and materials consumed by the experiments. The slowing down of experiments due to insufficient supplies needs to be borne by the Frost Rose Alliance itself.

Third: All ordinary members of the Celestis members who enjoy the Frost Rose Alliance within the Frost Rose Alliance should be treated.

Fourth: All scientific and technological achievements of the Frost Rose Alliance must be unconditionally open and shared with the Celates.

Fifth: The Frost Rose Alliance must protect the life and property of members of the Celates family from any force.

Sixth: The research achievements of the Celatis belong to the Frost Rose Alliance, but Seratis has the permanent right to use for free.

Seventh: Frost Rose Alliance can put forward research directions to Seratis based on its much-needed technology. Seratis is obliged to focus its efforts on technical research in this direction, but Frost Rose Alliance must not intervene in the arrangement of specific research projects.

These six are actually just a general direction. The first five are considered for Seratis, and the latter two are mainly considered for ourselves. Although we only have two, these two are the most critical. Ownership of technology is a good thing. All the things that the Celatis studied in the future are ours. They only have the right to use it. In addition, it is also a good thing to issue research directions so that we can direct them to specialize in what we need to avoid wasting resources on their research.

After the agreement was finalized, we began to consider how to evacuate. My plan is very simple. Let me discuss it with Mother Earth. First let the Celatis hide in the space gate of Mother Earth, and when I return to Isinger, I can let them out with ease. For security purposes, I also sent a large number of legionnaires to monitor Gibejar, and if there is any action there, I will immediately know.

I thought the plan was good, but got unfortunate news. The Mother Earth said that the identity of the Celatis is special, and she cannot let them stay inside the space door, otherwise there will be a lot of trouble. Once the agreement of the gods collapses, the resulting chaos will be unimaginable.

Celatis was anxious when she heard the news: "So how do we leave so many of us?"

I stood in the abandoned hall in the center of the Seratise city and thought about shouting to Skott:

"Map." Skott handed over a large map and spread it out on the stone platform with the two of me. "Yuanxi. Do you know where this city is located?"

Yuan Xi just pointed out the location on the map: "This."

Our location turned out to be in Guatemala. It's not too far from that famous Mayan civilization. After thinking about it, I decided to leave here with these people. Return to Chile and find a ship for a beard. Second, the distance is too unsafe. Besides, such a large team is really not suitable for long distance movement. I asked Yuan Xi to wait for a while before going offline. Call the dormitory area of ​​the MMs of the original Sakura Club and tell them to let Isinger send a boat to pick us up. And the sooner the better.

After explaining the location with the MM who answered the phone, we quickly returned to the game. It was really inconvenient for such a large group of people to leave. The only way I can do this is to hide these people with the help of Emmenis' vision. In addition, strengthen surveillance to prevent half of our side from suddenly coming over.

In fact, compared to the Celatis, the instruments that need to be removed are the crystals that record the technical results. The Celatis like to record knowledge in a special crystal. This thing is artificially synthesized, the output is large, and it is more durable than the book record. The only drawback is that the volume after recording is larger than that of a human book Take up place. After tons of crystals have been sorted, they all need to be packed into the space of the wind dragon. My tyrannosaurus knights are busy, carrying the crystal blocks back and forth.

In addition to taking only records, the most terrible thing was the very large instrument that I asked the little fairies to help number at first. After Yuan Xi had my intention, I also agreed with my method, and numbered it before dismantling and transporting it away. He said this thing is called an energy projector. After hearing the function of this thing, I was stupid.

This energy projector is just an unfinished experiment. According to the researchers of the Celatis, the final research goal of this thing is to wirelessly transmit energy over long distances. If the research of this thing is successful, it means that I do n’t need to use magic crystal anymore to make the magic motive move. This thing can directly transmit the magic power to the puppet from a long distance. There is no need to equip the monster with a similar battery Magic crystal. And as long as there is no problem with the transmission device, there is no shortage of energy for the puppet.

Although this is only an unfinished product, the researchers at Seratis unanimously stated that this thing is likely to be successfully researched. If it had not been suddenly killed by the Temple of Light, this thing should have been completed.

Before leaving, Seratis also opened their technical warehouse for me. The number of strange equipment in it was over 10,000. Of course, I left everything without leaving. Fortunately, there are Fenglong spaces and space doors that can hold things. Otherwise, I don't know how to carry so many things.

As I thought, Gibejar they didn't really study the door there all the time.

In fact, they will not be able to open even after further research. The door's starting mechanism is simply broken, even if you find the key, it is useless. Under Gibejar's leadership, the five of them began to move towards this door on our side. Of course, they naturally met my moving squadron.

The knights transported various research results and experimental equipment to the space gate outside the city gate. The strange shape of these things is still very eye-catching. I know they came here, but I didn't think about hiding. When the damaged defense towers in the inner city kept firing light **** into the sky, they should know that I had entered the inner city, and it would not be surprising to see me moving things outside. All I have to do is to prevent them from discovering the members of the Celatis, because those items are of no use to them.

Xiaochun took Jingjing, Lingling, and the three ringing knights already waiting for them, and Gibejar wanted to see what we were lifting. But Xiaochun kept interrupting her just to keep her from watching. Santa Maffeina was annoyed to be tough, and Lingling and Jingjing certainly couldn't make her succeed, not to mention there were three bell knights beside. Helpless Gibejar they had to come to me, and because I knew their location, I intentionally took them around the city, anyway, where they went, I must have just left.

My magic pets are not fuel-saving lamps one by one, and turning five of them will not see me. The only thing that worries me is the giant device underground, because there are so many lines that need to be marked, this thing has been unable to begin to demolish.

It's a pity to walk for fear of what comes. They finally found the entrance and ran in. Although my staff members obstructed each other, they couldn't turn their faces after all, and interruptions alone could only delay time. Eventually they entered the spherical room, and I had to follow up to prevent it from happening at any time.

The first reaction of five people entering the room was as silly as us for a long time. And they are more confused than us. In addition to the complicated routes, the whole house is also very chaotic with enclaves.

It took a long time for Gibejar to react. "Oh my God! What is this?"

Santa Maffeina said: "It must be a good thing. You see, the little fairies in Ziri place seem to be busy." She continued as she said. After a few glances she immediately waved to Gibejar: "Come and see."

After Gibejar followed, he saw the engravings of the little goblins that Santa Mafilana had pointed to her. "Are they marking?"

Lauder, the non-spoken holy swordsman, suddenly spoke. "Zi Ri definitely wants to move the whole thing away. But he's afraid that these lines won't go back right, so he has a lot of brains in remembering the mad soldier Likald." Laud you said too much Right? How can I move so big? "

Lauder shook his head: "Don't remember the huge space door summoned by Ziri? Even his little lizard, it seems to have space storage capacity. Now that we can put a bunch of equipment in it Why ca n’t you add one more thing. And we did n’t see those Ziri cavalry moving a lot of supplies along the way? He installed all these things, and there would be no problem if they were so big. of."

"Zi Ri, this black-hearted guy," Santa Maffeina complained. "Okay, it took us a little bit, and it was all carried away."

Gibeyar reluctantly said: "Even if Zi Ri says he left this thing to us? Can you move it back? The five of us will be busy for at least one month just by marking these lines."

"It can't be too cheap for him." Santa Maffeina looked around and suddenly walked towards the core area. "Let's go back with a few parts, and he said that everyone would share them. If you want this part, buy it from us."

Good guy, this girl's eyes are too bad. "Oh, so coincident." I came out of the door very "coincidentally".

"Did you finally show up?" Santa Maffeina's face was pulled like a horse, as if I owed her tens of thousands.

"This should be the right thing for me." I began to play the ability to reverse black and white to refer to magic as a horse. "You guys really do. I opened the door here and went to find you, only to find that you were not at the door there. Then I found it all the way to hear my men say that you have entered the city, and then I chase in As a result, you just left when you got to a place, and I ran around and could n’t find you. I just wanted to give up, but I did n’t expect to run into it here. ”Hehe, I turned them around and turned them around. I found no one running around. I tried this upside down black and white, but I tried it a lot!

It's hard for me to say that Gibejar is like this ~ ~ Just said, "Did you find anything valuable here?"

I shook my head and nodded again. "There are indeed a lot of things here, but they are basically weird instruments and equipment, and I don't know what they are used for. I want all of my people to go back and study for the technical staff in our guild. Maybe there are Several pieces are still available.

However, I do n’t give much hope for myself. After all, it looks like a long time here. Even if these things are not broken at first, they may not be usable for so many years. "

Santa Maffeina said angrily: "Beginning to say yes, we can divide. I want this thing now." She said she was going to get a complex structured part on the core of the energy projector. A sword exactly blocked her way, Lingling stood with Santa Jian on the side of Santa Mafiana and held her flat to block her. Santa Maffeina glared at me angrily: "Okay, we can get some. Do you want to repent if you don't talk?"

My voice started to get a little harsher. "Please pay attention to your remarks. What I said on Ziri will always be honored, please don't slander my reputation."

"This is your credit? If you keep your credit, give us something."

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