Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 107: Celates aircraft

"Catch it fast!" Santa Maffeina almost jumped up and rushed out.

Gibeyar, they saw Santa Mafia rushing out and had to help out. In fact, they didn't have any hope at all for following me, and the facts proved that their thinking was correct. Gibejar was completely dumbfounded when he followed the other three with Santa Mafiana and came to the ground. The empty city was gone without a ghost, and the large city was as quiet as a grave.

When Gibeyar got to the ground, he only saw Santa Mafiana standing in place, and she had a pile of things beside her, and there was a piece of paper pinched by Santa Mafiana's feet. Gibejar went to pick up the paper group and opened it for a look. The content on the paper was written by me using phantom to manipulate my handwriting, and they were not a problem to read. This is a message. The content is probably to tell them that I have something urgent so I leave first. The pile of things on the ground is left to them.

They don't know any of these things, Gibejar, and they don't know what they are used for, but I know the purpose of these things very well. With the Celates people around, I can easily know the specific use of these things. A total of 11 things were left behind, just because their personal carrying limit was a little more. According to the Celates, these things belong to cleaning kits, which are simply vacuum cleaners and wall cleaners and some auxiliary cleaning equipment. Of course, it is impossible for me to leave good things to them, but leaving things behind will leave the conversation behind, so leaving them with soap and detergent is a consolation prize.

Santa Madiana's angry look was clear to me, because I didn't leave the city at all. Ye Zi and I must leave very fast. No one can catch up with us with a spear. But there are hundreds of Seratis around us. I do n’t have such a huge transportation capacity to carry so many people quickly, and each Tyrannosaurus Knight can indeed carry one person, but this can't run fast. Travelling doesn't matter, it's not fast enough to escape. In the end we decided to use the safest method-conceal in place.

As soon as they came out and saw no one around them, the first reaction was that we ran out, but what they didn't know was that we were hiding in a shelter in the city and watching them. The Corps Beetle hiding near the entrance of the cave passed the information directly back to me. I can clearly know what they are saying, and I can see what they are doing from all angles, but they do n’t know that I can see them. .

Santa Mafiana quarreled with Gibejar very angrily. I was gone. Santa Mafiana couldn't find the target of the fire, so I could only quarrel with Gibejar. The argument ended soon after Adepana and the two men persuaded. Gibejar took them around the city briefly and eventually left the city helplessly. I sent a small team of Corps beetles to follow them. The purpose of this is to prevent them from suddenly returning to arrest us.

The children of the night responded quickly, and they greeted us as soon as they left. I immediately ordered everyone to leave the shelter and move outside the city. The Earth Goddess space door has been closed, but Skott and the Tyrannosaurus Knights have been left behind. The Mother Earth did not allow the Celates to enter the space gate, and the members of the Celates family were really unacceptable in the lowlands. There was no other way but to leave the Tyrannosaurus Knight as a member of the cover guard team.

After leaving the city of the Celates, we quickly moved northwest, from which we should be able to reach the beach. If nothing else, the fast carrier from Isinger should be in place soon. Another reason to choose this direction is that Gibejar is going in the east. In order not to meet them, I chose to go in this direction.

The Celatis suddenly stopped during the evacuation. "By the way, President Ziri. I suddenly remembered that we had transportation ourselves."

"what is this?"

"You wait, I'll show you."

He was brought to a place by the city wall, which is said to be their parking place, similar to our parking lot. When the door opened, I saw a large array of strangely arranged devices. These things have a variety of shapes and shapes, and some seem to be out of touch with transportation.

"This is your transportation?"

Seratis Yuan nodded: "In the past, we Celadis used this thing to move back and forth between our three cities. My clan does not have your teleportation technology, so we only studied this equipment Used for travel. After the Temple of Light attacked us, we also used this kind of thing to bring together the remaining compatriots in the three cities here. Among the nearly 800 members you see now, except for some 60 were born after Members, the rest are brought together from three cities. Although my tribe has low reproductive abilities, it has a longer life span. Without these things, it may be difficult for siblings scattered outside to gather together. "

I walked to the front of the device with a lot of crystals in it, which looked like a motorcycle without wheels. "This thing has no wheels and no wings. Did it dig into the ground?"

"It can fly." Celatis cried directly. "We're not ground pythons. How can we get into the ground?"

I couldn't keep my mouth closed by the words of Seratis. "Do you mean, this is an aircraft?"

Elder Seratis nodded in confirmation, and I scanned the machine again with surprise. Although these things are strange in shape, they are not large. Such a small thing would be an aircraft? The smallest type of gravity resistance device in our guild is still the size of a small car. This is still the size without considering the energy device. If it is equipped with a magic energy converter, the total volume will already catch up with the truck Already. The shape of the aircraft that Woma showed us last time is strange. The large volume is scary. The root cause is that the gravity resistance device is too large. Night Son and I reacted similarly, and he was surprised when he saw these strange equipments.

I walked up the aisle in the middle of these aircrafts, and the aircrafts parked on both sides were very strange. The smallest of these machines is like a bicycle faucet and a pair of tripods mounted on a saddle. Can such a small thing fly?

"Are you really sure this is a manned aircraft?" I still don't believe these devices will be so small.

Seratisson replied a little funny: "I'm not going to get this wrong."

"Can these fly?"

"This is not necessarily." Seratis said: "It was a long time ago to use these things last time. After the war we did n’t have many people driving this thing. And our remaining technicians were mainly concentrated in the defense recovery. Facilities, so these secondary equipments have been idle for the time being left unattended. Except for a few of them, which we often use, the other places have not been moved for a long time, and I do n’t know if they can be operated. In addition, these things It also consumes a lot of energy. It ca n’t be used randomly. "

"Can you try then? I want to take all that is moving."

"That's okay," Seratis said. "Let's ask your locals to help. Just turn the switch. It should be fine if you can start it. If you can't start it, it's probably a problem. I quickly found it. The Tyrannosaurus Rider helped test. Seratis Yuan told us to find a switch like a comma. I looked for it on the machine beside me.

The position of this thing is different on each machine, and I was installed in a prominent position. Following the instructions of Seratis, I grasped the object and turned it slightly at a 45-degree angle, and the comma just slipped into a groove of the same shape.

After seeing us all done, Seratis continued, "Press the switch hard."

I pressed my finger on the switch that entered the groove and then pressed down firmly, but it didn't respond. The surrounding Tyrannosaurus Knights behaved differently. But most of them did not press like me. Some presses did not respond, but some worked. The son of the night is next to me. As soon as the switch on the machine next to this kid pressed down, he heard a beep, and all the crystals inlaid on the surface of the machine were light blue. The whole machine suddenly jittered and then floated from the ground to maintain a height of ten centimeters above the ground.

Ye Zi laughed excitedly without image: "* this thing can fly."

I spent a long time on this machine beside myself and I couldn't hold it down. "I look like rust is dead!"

The son of the night beckoned to me: "Come and see me. This is moving. Hehe, this thing is really good."

I reluctantly walked to the machine beside Night Son. The crystals around this thing are all on, and it floats up and down slightly, like a ship floating on the sea.

"Why is this thing shaking so much?" I turned and yelled at Celatis.

Seratis came over to explain to me: "When the machine is running, there will be some vibration."

"Fuck, how can it shake like a motorcycle." Although the equipment in front of it floated, it was different from our gravity resistance device. Broken trachea like used motorcycles.

The son of the night suddenly said to me, "Go and try?"

I jumped without hesitation. This thing is designed for the Celatis. The feet are too long. I can't reach them at all. I can barely use them. As soon as I jumped up, the thing sank immediately, but it didn't fall to the ground, and it was still five or six centimeters above the ground. The child of the night also came up, and the weight went down a little bit, but still maintained a height of about four or five centimeters from the ground.

Seratis explained to us: "The maximum load-bearing capacity of this equipment is two hundred carats." How many did you say? "

"Two hundred carals, converted into your unit is about six hundred kilograms."

"If the machine is made larger, can the load be increased?" But I expect to use this thing to make aircraft, which can only bear 600 kilograms and make a fart?

Seratis shook her head. "You have also seen that the largest of all the aircraft here is not more than a meter long. Do not go for other reasons, but because of the critical point of the power equipment. On this basis, no matter how you modify it, do not want to let the takeoff weight exceed 800 kg . Remove the weight of the aircraft, and the lack of thrust is positive. "

"Can't you increase thrust by equipping multiple power units?" Ye Zi asked immediately.

Seratisi still shook her head. "The result of multiple thrusters is that the energy sources interfere with each other, which eventually causes the thrust to decrease. Although we have thought of a way to shield some of the power interference after our experiments, it is not complete. The end result is a linear increase in energy consumption and complete economic value. . Anyway, it ’s not a problem for such a small aircraft to take one or two people and bring a little something, and we do n’t want to build too much. ”

gosh. It seems that large aircraft are not counted on. Such thrusters are only suitable for building small aircraft. Changing to interceptors and scouts should be fine.

The Tyrannosaurus Knights in the library tried many times. In the end, only three hundred active aircraft were found. It is just that these things are needed for the transfer of the Celatis, but there are too few people who can drive. Nearly three hundred or so Celestis people use this thing, and the penetration rate is really low.

I put the extra space in Fenglong space. Those who can drive the space will start the space and bring a companion together to move. The rest had to be brought to the Tyrannosaurus Rider.

Along the way we also have a general understanding of the performance of this thing, the overall feeling that this thing has many defects. The first imperfection is not flying high. This type of aircraft can only fly at a low altitude of 300 Jinm. In other words, it couldn't even fly through the walls of Isinger. The second flaw is our long-standing local problem. This thing is too energy intensive, and those machines went on strike after less than 100 kilometers. Fortunately, it does not use magic crystal but a purple liquid. Seratis said the liquid was a mine. It can be found in many places, and the Son of the Night knows it, but I don't know if it is still in the game.

The biggest headache we have is the complexity of the operation. When this thing is flying, the aircraft's head must keep a certain downward tilt, otherwise it will roll backwards and cause a crash. Yezi and I have faced each other a few times in the face, and then they fell. The aircraft floating in the sky did not support it. People sitting on it caused the center of gravity to be unstable, so it was very easy to flip. I feel that driving this thing is like riding a bicycle, and you need to find a balance. You must be disabled before you can control it steadily.

The son of the night and I researched with Seratisi Yuan for a long time. The explanation of Seratisi Yuan was that the original design had major defects. Although it was perfected several times in the later period, it did not completely solve the problem. Since the three cities of the Celates are not far away, the demand for transportation is not great, so this has not been taken as a research focus, resulting in the machine's unsatisfactory performance.

It soon became dark, and the Night Son needed to go offline to rest, but in order not to delay the Seal of God, I did not let the team stay, but let the Night Son force the offline to leave the body in the game. Although others went out, the flesh was still there. We walked with his body, and he won't fall behind when he comes online or stays with us.

Hurrying all night, plus my troops are undead creatures, and are not affected by darkness at night, so the speed is fast. In the early morning of the local time, the Throne of the Seal of the Seal of God the next morning we have reached the coastline.

As soon as my team stepped out of the forest, they saw several spears hovering in the air. This situation surprised me. The spear is only for our guild. How did it come here?

"Chairman!" Several spears immediately fell down after me, and the people on the back of the spears were still our guild. The young golden lady member landed beside us and ran over. "President, I finally saw you. My name is Akka, a member of the US branch."

Because our guild has a large number of people, our members are generally divided into different branches according to their regions. This beauty is obviously a member of the United States, so she claims to be a member of the US branch.

"How did you get here so fast?" I asked her in surprise. I remember notifying it for less than a day, and it would be impossible for the fleet to arrive sooner than me.

Aka explained: "Our warship was delivering here when you informed the meeting, and we were about to return. We turned around and got here when we received your notice. We were here last night at the Throne of the Seal of God. You can't see the battleship here, so let me take someone out to find you along the coast. "

"Delivery?" I was slightly surprised. "Isn't Asia-America cargo all transported through the transnational transport array in * City? How was the ship reassigned? Who decides?"

"I don't know. You'll ask the captain in a moment. We'll get on board before we talk."

"okay then."

The fleets are docked in the open sea. This is not a port. The water is too shallow. Our warships cannot rely on them and can only use small boats to transport people to large warships. I committed the task of pedaling the ship to other players in the guild. I myself got on the battleship and found the fleet commander.

"True red? How are you?" What surprised me was that the fleet was commanded by Zhenhong.

After seeing me, I was really happy and came over. "I finally got you, I don't want to wait here silly."

"It's really red, why did you become fleet commander?"

True Red Road: "I'm just making a guest appearance. This time it happens that the staff is not enough. I came over temporarily." Why did the battleship come to the Americas? Didn't I say that our warships want to minimize activity in the Americas? "The only city in the United States where the bank will be in the United States is an inner six city, which means that we do not have our own port in the United States at all. The Asian naval battle has consumed most of our guild's strength, so I do not wish to prematurely Entering the naval battlefield on the American side, the guild warships could not afford the intensity of coping with two wars at the same time.

Zhenhong handed me a cup of drink and said to me: "After this upgrade, the consumption of the transport array has skyrocketed. The cost of transport personnel has been a bit tight, and it is even more uneconomical to ship. Hongyue said that using a ship to transport the goods can help Save a lot of money. "

"Is the teleportation long price so powerful?" I have been in the forest after this upgrade, and it is not clear to me what the teleportation team changed into.

True Red Road: "The transmission array transmission error situation that occurred during the last upgrade has been canceled, that is to say, the transmission array will no longer send the wrong target, but the energy consumed by the transmission array has been greatly increased, and the energy consumption value has also been new. Calculation formula. "

"New formula?"

"The current teleportation energy consumption is the mass of the teleportation object multiplied by the distance of the target teleportation array, and then multiplied by a very complex proportional formula that only the system knows. Finally, the initial energy consumption of a single teleportation is added. According to the current summary of some players The experience seems to be that the larger the transmission array, the lower the average energy consumption for transmitting objects of the same mass. Also, some people now, the larger the transmission array, the larger the starting energy consumption. This is a bit like a bus and The principle of a private car. A bus consumes a lot of fuel, but it can be installed. On average, the fuel consumption of a person is much smaller. "

I nodded and continued: "Because of the increase in energy consumption, guilds with teleportation arrays have to maintain high incomes and raise money to buy magic crystals by increasing the use of teleportation arrays. At present, guilds in various countries around the world are based on the system. The city's pricing comes from its own price, so the price is relatively stable, which is relatively expensive. Nowadays, except for those who are particularly rich or urgent, most people don't use teleportation arrays. Also, the price of the teleportation arrays is accompanied by transmission. The scrolls have also risen, and now nobody even dares to throw them back to the city. Many large-scale leveling stations have shuttle buses dedicated to pulling people back to the city to buy medicine. Some people even sell things directly in the leveling area. "

"Dude, isn't that exaggerated?"

"There is even more exaggeration. It is said that after the price increase of the teleportation team, road transportation has also prospered. The latest statistics of the forum yesterday showed that the number of bandits in the game suddenly increased by 10 times. The road has become a battlefield for mercenaries and bandits. Basic There are scuffles everywhere. "

I also know, but I don't know if there is such a thing in the game.

The biggest headache we have is the complexity of the operation. When this thing is flying, the aircraft's head must keep a certain downward tilt, otherwise it will roll backwards and cause a crash. Yezi and I have faced each other a few times in the face, and then they fell. The aircraft floating in the sky has no support, and people sitting on it cause the center of gravity to be unstable, so it is very easy to turn over. I presume that driving this thing is like riding a bicycle and needs to find a balance, and only after a certain amount of learning can I control it steadily.

The son of the night and I researched with Seratisi Yuan for a long time. The explanation of Seratisi Yuan was that the original design had major defects. Although it was perfected several times in the later period, it did not completely solve the problem. Since the three cities of the Celates are not far away, the demand for transportation is not great, so this has not been taken as a research focus, resulting in the machine's unsatisfactory performance.

It soon became dark, and the Night Son needed to go offline to rest, but in order not to delay the Seal of God, I did not let the team stay, but let the Night Son force the offline to leave the body in the game. Although others went out, the flesh was still there. We walked with his body, and he won't fall behind when he comes online or stays with us.

Hurrying all night, plus my troops are all undead creatures, and are not affected by darkness at night, so they are fast. In the morning of the local time, the throne of the Seal of the Seal of God the next morning, we have rushed to the coastline.

As soon as my team stepped out of the forest, they saw several spears hovering in the air. This situation surprised me. The long round is only our guild. How did it come here?

"Chairman!" Several spears immediately fell down after me, and the people on the back of the spears were still our guild. The young golden lady member landed beside us and ran over. "President, I finally saw you. My name is Akka, a member of the US branch."

Because our guild has a large number of people, our members are generally divided into different branches according to their regions. This beauty is obviously a member of the United States, so she claims to be a member of the US branch.

"How did you get here so fast?" I asked her in surprise. I remember notifying it for less than a day, and it would be impossible for the fleet to arrive sooner than me.

Aka explained: "Our warship was delivering here when you informed the meeting, and we were about to return. We turned around and got here when we received your notice. We were here last night at the Throne of the Seal of God. You can't see the battleship here, so let me take someone out to find you along the coast. "

"Delivery?" I was a little strange. "Isn't Asia-America cargo all transported through the transnational transport array in * City? How was the ship reassigned? Who decides?"

"I don't know. You'll ask the captain in a moment. We'll get on board before we talk."

"okay then."

The fleets are docked in the open sea. This is not a port. The water is too shallow. Our warships cannot rely on them and can only use small boats to transport people to large warships. I transferred the work of pedaling the ship to other players in the guild, and myself got on the battleship and found the fleet commander.

"True red? How are you?" What surprised me was that the fleet was commanded by Zhenhong.

After seeing me, I was really happy and came over. "I finally got you, I don't want to wait here silly."

"It's really red, why did you become fleet commander?"

True Red Road: "I'm just making a guest appearance. This time it happens that the staff is not enough. I came over temporarily." Why did the battleship come to the Americas? Didn't I say that our warships want to minimize activity in the Americas? "The only city in the United States where the bank will be in the United States is an inner six city, which means that we do not have our own port in the United States at all. The Asian naval battle has consumed most of our guild's strength, so I do not wish to prematurely Entering the naval battlefield on the American side, the guild warships could not afford the intensity of coping with two wars at the same time.

Zhenhong handed me a cup of drink and said to me: "After this upgrade, the consumption of the transport array has skyrocketed. The cost of transport personnel has been a bit tight, and it is even more uneconomical to ship. Hongyue said that using a ship to transport the goods can help Save a lot of money. "

"Is the teleportation long price so powerful?" I have been in the forest after this upgrade, and it is not clear to me what the teleportation team changed into.

True Red Road: "The transmission array transmission error situation that occurred during the last upgrade has been canceled, that is to say, the transmission array will no longer send the wrong target, but the energy consumed by the transmission array has been greatly increased, and the energy consumption value has also been new. Calculation formula. "

"New formula?"

"The current transmission energy consumption is the mass of the transmission object multiplied by the target transmission array distance ~ ~ and then multiplied by a very complex proportional formula only known to the system. Finally, the initial energy consumption of a single transmission is added. According to the experience summarized by some current players, the larger the teleportation array, the lower the average energy consumption for transmitting objects of the same mass. Also, some people now, the larger the teleportation array, the larger the starting energy consumption. This It's a bit like the principle of buses and private cars. Buses consume a lot of fuel, but they can be installed. On average, the fuel consumption of a person is much smaller. "

I nodded and continued: "Because of the increase in energy consumption, guilds with teleportation arrays have to maintain high incomes and raise money to buy magic crystals by increasing the use of teleportation arrays. At present, guilds in various countries around the world are based on the system. The city's pricing comes from its own price, so the price is relatively stable, which is relatively expensive. Nowadays, except for those who are particularly rich or urgent, most people don't use teleportation arrays. Also, the price of the teleportation arrays is accompanied by transmission. The scrolls have also risen, and now nobody even dares to throw them back to the city. Many large-scale leveling stations have shuttle buses dedicated to pulling people back to the city to buy medicine. Some people even sell things directly in the leveling area. "

"Dude, isn't that exaggerated?"

"There is even more exaggeration. It is said that after the price increase of the teleportation team, road transportation has also prospered. The latest statistics of the forum yesterday showed that the number of bandits in the game suddenly increased by 10 times. The road has become a battlefield for mercenaries and bandits. Basic There are scuffles everywhere. "

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