Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 109: Fun fishing

"Do you all have their own strengths! There are some aspects of people that are outstanding. You have things that are ahead of others. Everyone is actually the same." I smiled and said, "This time you want to help me focus those guilds. Get up, and it must be fast. There are not too many boats, but the people in the various guilds must come. I mainly let you testify. I really want to fight my own fleet and destroy them. It ’s mainly you to witness .As long as you help me complete this task, I can sell the crystal communicator to you. Although I can't sell technology to you, we can sell as many as you need. Is it price ...! According to cost price and labor Calculating the sum of consumption, not much money for you, the conditions are favorable? "

"Okay, I can rest assured of you. You send a boat to guide us, and I will immediately concentrate on the warships of the guilds, and I will be out before noon."

"Just rest assured, I promise to nail the Japanese battleship to the Pacific Ocean, and you won't let them run away if you don't have one."

After the percussion, Terry and I started to separate. Terry's job was to gather the victimized American guilds. My job was to delay the return of the Japanese to the throne of the Seal of God. The data observed by Babelta shows that the Japanese camouflage fleet has passed the mid-point of the Pacific Ocean, which means that if it is not blocked, the Japanese fleet will definitely arrive in Japan before Terry arrives. As long as this fleet returns to Japan, our plan is tantamount to failure, and it is impossible for Americans to follow me to wait for them out of Japan.

It seems that to intercept this fleet must use some extraordinary means. After thinking about it, I received the communication from Isinger again. After seeing me, the player of the communication machine immediately asked: "Chairman, are they really received by you?" The voice seems to be the mm who answered my phone that night. .

"Received. I'm on the boat now. Is Chuang Wang in the guild?"

"Not quite sure, do you want me to look for it?"

"Don't you just find him in chat?"

"Ah? You don't know, president?" The mm looked at me in surprise.

"what do you know?"

The mm said: "The chat mode has been canceled since the last upgrade. There is nothing to chat or chat now. If you want to communicate over long distances, you must have all kinds of corresponding equipment. For example, a crystal communicator such as our guild."

"What if there is no communication machine?"

"The temples in Europe can buy telephonic orbs, and they can communicate as long as they use their own magic power. There is an equal difference between messaging balls. Different levels have different transmission distances, and they are also divided into three categories, which can transmit 3D maps Like, the class is a flat image, netbsp; These orbs are very expensive and must be purchased in sets. You buy two sets of orbs twice, they cannot communicate with each other at all, and you must purchase a set of orbs at one time to get each other Messaging. Because the price is too high. Individual players are hardly equipped. They buy one dimension at one time in the guild to match the main leaders in the guild. Generally players ca n’t afford it. ”

"What about people in China?"

"There is also a temple in China. It ’s the same when you go to the temple. Also, you can buy it in China ’s Taoist Temple. However, the land is not a magic ball, but a wooden sign. Image, but Taoist wooden cards and magic **** are a little different. This wooden card is not graded.

The transmission distance depends on how long you want it, even if you are in the United States and one in China. However, according to the transmission distance, its own mana consumption is not the same. Although in theory, one can be contacted in China and one in the United States, but the magic consumption rate may only last for a second or two for people of your level. For ordinary players like us, it is usually only a thousand kilometers, but if you want to maintain a long-term call to the Seal of the Throne, it is best not to go over 300 kilometers, otherwise it is likely that half of the lines are suddenly disconnected. However, in general, Chinese wooden cards are much better than shrines. They are cheaper. Secondly, the transmission distance is generally farther than the magic ball, and wooden cards are not classified. As long as they are messaging wooden cards, they can all talk to each other. . "

"Then you quickly inform Hongyue to let her get more wooden signs to sell in Europe." I will not miss the opportunity to make money.

"President, are you too dark?" The mm couldn't help but make fun of me. "In fact, there are many people in your style, but the main system has blocked this opportunity to make money."


"After this game upgrade, our mp value changed. Previously, everyone's mp was called magic value, but now it has been changed. European soldiers are called fighting value, Chinese martial artist mp is called internal force value, and mage's return It's called magic value, but Taoist priests have changed to Dao power value. I heard that various countries have similar communication equipment such as China's communication wooden sign specially prepared for the country's characteristic occupation, although this equipment is cheaper and better than the magic ball. There are many, but they must be mps with their own unique professions. They can be stimulated in our country's communication wooden signs. There is a type of communication wooden whistle in Japan that requires patience or demon to stimulate. What is the copper person in India? It requires mental energy or belief value, anyway, it is only for special occupations. We, warriors and mages, can only use the ball.

"Fortunately, we will have a communication crystal. But what about those who don't have the money to buy magic balls?"

"In addition to the orb, there are many things silicon to convey messages, such as wedding rings. In the game of marriage, couples can get a pair of wedding rings and use that to communicate with each other. At present this is the strongest communication tool, not It consumes magic power and does not limit the transmission distance. As long as there is no magic shield, it can be transmitted to all areas, but this is limited to the use of both spouses. Most people ca n’t use it. In addition to scattered special communication equipment, some creatures can also communicate. A post office unit, they will use the magic array to send the letter to the target city, and then the owl will send the letter to everyone. This method is cheaper, the range is wide, the disadvantage is that the degree is slow, and the letter may be lost on the way. If you're in a tomb or a dangerous area, almost 100% of the delivery will fail. I heard that some players seem to have special delivery skills, right. Master Captain Yuanhun seems to have this skill. "

Wu Soul is the game name of A Wei. It seems that there is indeed a postman profession in his auxiliary occupation. Does this also have skills? Regardless of him, let's talk about what matters first. "That being the case, you must let everyone go to find the King of Crash at once. Be fast."

The mm immediately said, "Can you hang up first? I'll contact each fleet."

"Oh, yes."

Soon after I cut off the communication, the communication that applied to connect came to our side. After the screen was turned on, it turned out to be the king. "Boss, are you looking for me?" Chuang Wang stood wet in front of the crystal screen.

"Rely on it? What's the matter with you? It's out of the sea?"

"We are fighting against Japanese gunboats. Just now a shell fell off us.

The seawater was lifted off the deck and poured me in a cool heart. As if in order to confirm the words of Chuang Wang, as soon as he finished speaking, there was a loud noise outside, and the picture shook for a long time. Chuang Wang looked at the side of the screen and yelled:

"Haha. * Jingtian, torpedo, right? Tell you to live forward! There! Tell the third echelon to concentrate the fire to sink Jingtian ... What? No shells? You can also ask me if there are no shells , Back to the supply ship. Hey right. Where's the supply ship? Blue shield, where is our supply ship? "

The invasion king on the screen was busy and could not be engaged in it. It seemed that he had entered into a fierce battle with Little Japan. After waiting for a long time, Chuang Wang was finally idle. "Boss, what the **** is going on?"

"I have a Japanese camouflage fleet attacking Americans by posing as our Chinese ships. Now Americans are misunderstanding that we Chinese are dry land. If we do n’t expose the Japanese underground, our reputation will be ruined. Although we are not afraid to offend the Americans, but Ca n’t help the Japanese! ”

"What you are saying is that even if you want to grab the Americans, we have to go on our own. It ’s okay for Little Japan to steal us. When will you deal with this fleet?"

"right now."

"Now?" Chuang Wang looked at the sea. "I'm not done yet!"

"How much is left?"

"There are eleven Japanese battleships and seven cargo ships."

"What did the cargo ship pull?"

"Some wood and iron ore."

"No more, sink the cargo ship and leave the battleship immediately. Withdraw the fleet in the throne of the Seal of God in the shortest time, and all active battleships must come out."

Chuangwang asked in surprise: "What do you want so many ships? How many ships does the Little Japanese Fleet have?"

"This time, we are not mainly fighting against Japan. Our purpose is to show Americans their strength. In dealing with Americans, we must not only let them know the benefits of cooperation, but also let them understand the harms of confronting us. It is so simple. As soon as you put it out, do you think Americans will fight us? "

"It makes sense. I'll concentrate on the battleship. By the way, do you want to listen to the Alliance Guild? Anyway, it's acting. If you want to act, it's going to be bigger."

"Good idea." I nodded to Chuang Wang: "You just have to find a few more game players and other players to prepare to write a few follow-up reports, but now they need to keep them secret until we surround the little Japan. The report officially started. At that time, the situation of Little Japan's fabrication of a fake ship will be posted on the forum, so that they will become celebrities completely. "

After finishing the work on both sides, the rest is my job. Fleets on both sides are rushing to this side, and my job is to induce the Japanese not to let them return to Japan to dock. I have this battleship at hand, and there is definitely no hope to fight against the Japanese camouflage fleet.

The images recorded by Babelta show that there are more than 700 Japanese camouflage fleet warships, all of which are large-scale warships.

The Japanese themselves know that Americans are not easy to deal with, so they dare not be too careless.

The scale of the seven hundred warships is to destroy the ambushing US fleet in the throne of the Seal of God in a very short time and quickly disperse. In this way, the Americans can only know from the mouth of the crew members who are returning that the warship carrying the Chinese flag attacked them. But there was no chance to catch them. Although I don't like the Japanese, I must not think that they are stupid because they don't like the Japanese. It is a serious mistake to underestimate the strength of the enemy.

The Japanese camouflage fleet has more than 700 warships with good combat capabilities, followed by their own more than one hundred supply ships and more than one hundred American ground cargo ships, which means that the total number of fleets is in the thousands. I have only two large warships and a dozen medium warships. There are more than thirty small warships. In addition, there are five cargo ships without cargo. Don't talk about warships at this point. It is unlikely to delay.

After thinking about it, our ship seems to be unable to contain the enemy's fleet anyway, but if they turn around by themselves, it is another matter. I quickly decided that it was better to seduce the enemy than to stop the enemy, and let the Japanese turn their heads is the best way.

Under my command, the fleet quickly caught up with Japanese warships. With the help of Babel's satellite system, we can track outside the Japanese sight. After our fleet caught up with the Japanese fleet, we started to circle forward outside their reconnaissance circle. The battleships in our guilds are relatively fast. Although the five cargo ships are not designed, they are now empty ships and run fast.

After reaching the front of the Japanese fleet, we continued to drive a certain distance and then turned around to pretend to be a fleet moving from China to the United States.

"It's really red. You go and tell the five transport ships to inject water."

"Inject water?"

"You don't pour more water into the boat. Everyone knows that it is an empty boat because the waterline is so high. We must seduce the Japanese into thinking that we are fully loaded so that they can be seduced.

"It makes sense, I'll arrange it right away."

Really red to arrange irrigation. I have to arrange it here too. First open the Fenglong space and let the Tyrannosaurus Knight help to take out the magic crystals and precious jewels stored in it. Fortunately, I usually do not like to organize things. Everything in Fenglong Space.

We got a lot of wooden boxes out of the cargo ship and put the magic crystals in one of the boxes. The other boxes were filled with mess. Anyway, it is used for counterweight. After the boxes were full, we piled the boxes on the side of the ship and tied them with rope nets to fix them on the side of the ship.

On the surface, all the decks of cargo ships are full of boxes. In fact, only the outer circle can be seen, and the inside is supported by wooden shelves. We didn't have that many boxes at all, so we had to use this method. For the sake of performance, we also poured more water below the deck to make the hull very draught and poisoned like a load.

The box containing the magic crystal was placed at the corner of the top layer. We all know its location, and we are waiting to fool Little Japan. The fleet was ready to turn and drove past the Japanese camouflage fleet.

Because we were driving face to face, we soon entered each other's line of sight. Little Japan ’s camouflage fleet still carries the Chinese flag, but the guild flag is a flag we have never seen. The watchman on the Japanese ship quickly showed up on our ship, and the watchman quickly shouted under the flagpole. After a while, an old friend I knew very well appeared on the bridge fence below the lookout. This person was Masamoto Matsumoto, the president of the Black Dragon Society.

"What happened?" Matsumoto asked, looking into the lookout.

Lookout pointing at the sea. "Frost Rose Alliance's fleet."

Matsumoto Masahiro heard the name of Frost changed Gemen and looked at the sea like an electric shock, but soon he reacted, so far away that it was invisible to the naked eye. So he asked the looking hand. "How many ships? How far is it?"

"There are about thirty or forty ships, some of which are blocked behind. I don't see clearly. It seems to be just a small fleet with only two large ships in total, and the rest are average. There are five cargo ships, depending on the waterline. It ’s quite a lot. Now they are more than a hundred nautical miles away. "

Matsumoto Masako immediately turned his head and ordered to the people in Funabashi: "Notify the fleet to reduce."

"Yes, the fleet is reduced."

The Japanese fleet was reduced, and we immediately began to reduce it. Both sides showed up on each other. I want to act realistically, both parties reduce to show that they are wary of each other, so as to ensure security. I ordered that the naval gun be adjusted to the direction of the Japanese camouflage fleet, which is also a basic security measure.

The distance between the two sides is further closer. It is obvious that the Japanese fleet is leaning on our side intentionally or unintentionally, and I ordered my fleet to make way to the side and try not to cross the route with the other side. After getting closer, I ordered the flag bearers to flag the other party and ask them which guild they belonged to.

Within the Japanese fleet, the ship where Matsumoto Masako was located has moved to the periphery of the fleet, deliberately leaning on our side and hoping to see it clearly. The flag-bearer suddenly congratulated Matsumoto: "The other party asked us which guild we belonged to? They said that they had never seen such a large fleet in China."

"Tell them we are merged by several medium-sized guilds by the sea. Recently a big company wanted to sponsor us, so I bought a lot of boats at once."

After the standard-bearer finished, he congratulated Matsumoto again: "The other party said that our boat was very strange, and asked us where we bought it."

Matsumoto thought for a while and thought, "Tell them that we have more ships, not bought in one place, but bought separately from shipyards in various places."

After a while, the flag bearer said, "The other party said that they are from the Frost Rose League. Their shipbuilding industry is very good. They told us that they can find them in the future.

Matsumoto smiled. But he suddenly realized something, and quickly entered Funabashi and took out a looking glass to look at us. After a few seconds, he took the telescope down as if he saw something incredible and rubbed his eyes desperately before continuing to pick up the telescope.

Mrs. Tanaka, standing next to Matsumoto Masa, behaved strangely to Matsumoto Masa, "What did you see?"

"It's Ziri. Ziri is on that ship."

"What?" Masako Tanaka also looked at the telescope that had snatched Masamoto Matsumoto.

"What a Chinese pig! Wait, what is he doing?"

Matsumoto Masahiro took another telescope and looked up. "He seems to be fixing the boxes under the commander."

Just then I got the news that Azana posted on the outside of the ship's sideboard, and Matsumoto was looking at me. After making sure their attention was close enough, I contacted the little dragon girl who had been waiting underwater for a long time with my heart. The sea was shaking. Our boat shook a bit. An unsecured box at the far corner fell off "accidentally" and rolled into the sea. The box slammed on the bow of the ship, and the specially treated box immediately fell and shattered. A box of magic crystals sprinkled into the sea like a star.

I felt bad for this box of magic crystal for a while. Although the little dragon girl and lucky had been prepared in the water, the magic spar was collected immediately after the water. But this will definitely miss a piece or two. I can only assume that this is the cost of seducing Little Japan. There must always be bait for fishing. I can't bear the kid's lack of a wolf, and I can't bear the magic crystal to catch Little Japan.

Matsumoto's eyes and Mrs. Tanaka's eyes are about to pop out. He originally only saw that our ship was full, but he didn't think carefully about what we loaded. The scene of turning the box into the sea just now made the two people fully understand what the full five ships were pulling.

In order for the two foxes to believe that the box was indeed a real spar, as soon as the box fell into the water, I jumped along with a dozen crew members. Because it is a magic spar, our desperate salvation looks not only contrived, but also looks real. Matsumoto Masabu believes that if he really wants such a box of magic spar to fall into the sea, he will surely jump down to salvage without depression.

Doing a full set of drama, sailors and I returned to the boat one after another 66, of course, I came last. After boarding the boat, I also reprimanded the sailors loudly. Of course, Matsumoto could not hear my voice, so I could only use the exaggerated gesture to show that I was swearing loudly.

Hey! It's not easy to be a leader this year, and I have to work part-time as an actor.

Mrs. Matsumoto and Mrs. Tanaka put down their binoculars and glanced at each other. Both parties wiped the saliva from the corners of their mouths and nodded each other. The fools knew that they had decided to carry out a gun robbery. After getting the report from Adana, I told Adana to come back immediately and order the fleet to start away from the Japanese camouflage fleet immediately, and made the appearance of turning around and heading towards China.

Matsumoto Masa believes that because we saw the light, we realized that the danger was about to run away. They immediately started to move in the direction of China to block our retreat, so we could not choose a relatively short route to return to China but had to cross a very wide Pacific. Masamoto Matsumoto believes that it is more convenient for us to solve it in the Pacific, but once we fled back to China, they would not be able to get started. In fact, his idea is what I mean, and I just want to bring Masamoto Matsumoto back to the Pacific. Waiting for revenge.

We saw that the back road was blocked and immediately started running in the direction of the Pacific Ocean. The Japanese planned to surround us with their own ships, but what they didn't expect was that our ship was very fast and was only encased on three sides. Now the two sides are flat. They only need to encircle the middle and they will be pulled apart because of the curve, but they ca n’t stop us if they do n’t enclose.

Matsumoto was in a hurry on his own boat, and I myself was in a hurry. I underestimate the extent of Japanese ships. The warships of our fleet are faster than them, but after the cargo ships are flooded, the draught increases and the degree decreases significantly, even maintaining the same level. Running all the way through the angle of this gap, we will turn to the Arctic Ocean, and we will not encounter the US fleet, but a direct turn in the direction of the United States is likely to be taken over by Japanese warships. Although the Japanese did not dare to fire because they were afraid of firing the magic spar into the sea, being approached and turning into a white-blade battle was another matter.

In desperation, I can only tell the guild to use God's arrows to help open the way. We must blow a gap in the encirclement so that we can turn in the direction facing the United States. The arrow shooters at the top of Isinger all turned to face the East, and then a row of cruise missiles rose in the suspicious eyes of most players. I looked at the Japanese ship behind the cargo ship command room and prayed for Americans and Isinger. Hurry up, our fleet will not be able to hold the Japanese round of shelling. The screen of Communication Crystal suddenly lighted up, and Chuang Wang appeared in the picture. "How did the boss do it? It's going to start so soon? We're still on the road, and we have just bypassed the waters of Japan ~ ~ We are going there."

"How do you know we started?"

"I rely on, just a dozen missiles passed over my head. I don't know if I can't see it!"

"Little Japan surrounded my boat, and I need to drive out."

"You're ruthless, you're the first person to open the way with cruise missiles."

The speed of the magic arrows was very fast. Twelve missiles flew towards the center of the Pacific Ocean at a height of seven meters above the sea. Behind the missiles, the sea level was brought up by the wake of the magic arrows with twelve high waves. The ships that saw them along the way were frightened, and no one expected to see this thing at sea.

A Celeste Yuan said that if something happened to them how to run, Xiaochun suddenly looked at the sky and said, "Here it is."

"What's up?" Seratis asked in doubt.

I immediately looked at the sea, and after starting Star Pupil, I saw twelve white bright spots dragging the white ocean waves with an incredible degree.

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