Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 119: 0 jin fist arm

The shouting of the red attracted us all, and Dayu saw the small port.

At the beginning of the game, we had a little friction with Indian players. Although there was no conflict in the later period, it was a place for others. The small port was good in case of any problems.

It's not bad. The players at the port did not overdo our boat with the Chinese flag. India is different from Japan after all. China and India are merely competitive relationships, not even hostile forces. The port warmly entertained us ashore. After we boarded 6, the speedboat quickly turned back to China.

This port is not large, so no foreign ships are seen. Most of the players on the dock are watching us curiously, but they are only curious and have no hostile expression. The real red and gold coins on the ship have already felt the power of the national instruments. The last piece of Celestial Suit required for gold coins is far away from us, but the True Martial Suit required by Real Red is very close. However, one thing that is more worrying is that a component in the Zhenwu suit has been moving, and it is said that the equipment itself will not move. If it is often moved, it must be because it has been obtained. If it is unfortunately obtained by a * member, It is estimated that this national weapon is in danger.

The result of our research on the way is to go first and take the other one of the Zhenwu suit and the last one of the Celestial suit, and put the move last. In case it is really in the hands of a * person, once we go and take it, we will definitely expose our actions. After that, it will be difficult to get the two items again, so we will take everything we can before going to the last one. According to the true red, only those who can equip the national weapons can feel the martial arts. The sacred king will make the sacred king to kill the gods and seal the throne at night. The proudest Nine Emperor ’s strongest abandoned the Shaozhou Zhou royal family martial arts Qiankun will kill the gods of the Seal of the Night and seek the demon. The Da Zhou royal family has information on several other parts, so even if an Indian got our national parts, he could not find another part by virtue of it.

After a little supply, we quickly left the small port. Because I am not familiar with the terrain of India, I can't use the teleportation array, so I have to ride on it. I have Night Shadow, and True Red and Shadow Spring each have a dragon and horse. I lent Xiaoxue a gold coin, and four people could move faster.

Deng 6 is located in the central part of India, just on the Ganges Plain. Although almost no trace of the road can be seen, the Great Plains can be used in any way. Compared to China, there seems to be more players here in India, and there are people everywhere on the plains. In fact, India's population is not much more than our country, but because of the problem of income level, there are relatively fewer people willing to use teleportation. So most players are concentrated on the road. So it feels like a lot of players.

India's climate is obviously wetter and warmer than our country, and it is obvious when walking on the road. It was unclear whether it had just rained or why, the ground was covered with mud. At night, they could sink in two or three inches with one hoof. After running, it was like mud splashing.

"Zi Ri" really stopped suddenly. The three of us rushed over and had to go back.

"what happened?"

"That moving Chinese weapon is approaching us."

The shadow dog looked around. "Do you mean they are nearby?"

Zhenhong shook her head: "It's still far away, but the other party has been following our direction. We can clearly feel our position."

"Can it be a coincidence?" The gold coin asked.

Zhenhong shook her head: "We made several turns along the way. If we happen to happen, we can't follow each time."

I look at Zhenhong: "Don't you say that the Indians themselves can't find the Chinese weapon on your body through the Chinese weapon?"

"As long as there are people who can equip national weapons. The other party must have Chinese in it. Or there is an Indian player who first went online in China and chose a martial arts profession.

"So the other party came to the ground with your equipment?"

True Red nodded: "What shall we do now?"

I thought for a moment. "The plan remains the same, we ca n’t confirm the situation if the other party ca n’t catch up, we will find the other two first.

"Then speed up and run." Yingquan asked Zhenhong: "Which direction is that thing in?"

"Just in front of us."

"What about those who chase us?"

"We're on the left."

"Okay, they are longer than ours. They can't catch up with us. Hurry up."

It's not a good idea to run wild on the roads in India. The mud is flying all over the sky. If it weren't for the four of us running side by side, it is estimated that there is not much difference from the mud people now. The Indian players on the road did not respond to our very impolite behavior, probably they did not care about a few more mud spots.

After passing through a large wasteland, a dense forest appeared in front of me. The feeling of true red became stronger and stronger, and we did not have to go straight into the forest hinterland. After walking through the forest for a while, there were some ordinary broad-leaved plants in the front. This kind of plant is everywhere in the forest. It is only over one meter in height. We have long been used to it. This time we encountered this thing and we still directly driven the horse and jumped over, but we just leap over these things and now it's wrong.

The forest suddenly ended like manual felling, and a huge lake surrounded by hills appeared before us. When we saw the lake, we had already flew out of the forest. There was no crack in the forest next to the lake. Our landing point was completely in the water. Although all four mounts were able to fly, no one responded in such a sudden situation. Peng ... a water column rose in the lake.

After a few seconds, two horse heads popped up on the lake, and Ye Ying and Xiao Xue first appeared on the water. Two dragon horses also appeared, but none of us were on horseback.

"Oh!" The gold coin stood up from the water. "Fuck! It's so shallow!"

Immediately I emerged from the water: "Is everything okay?"

The gold coin shook off the mud on his hand and said, "I'm fine, are they really red?"

"We're here." Two voices came from the shore. They all reacted quickly, jumping off the horse and jumping to the shore before entering the water, and did not fall at all.

Both of them are really cunning. "The gold coins were throwing the water deep and shallow to the shore while shaking the water.

I was not in a hurry to go ashore, turned around and looked at the lake first. This is a lake surrounded by mountains, but these mountains are not high. We entered a mountain stream between the two mountains. There are many similar mountain streams nearby. What worries me a little is that there are actually several small ships on the lake. This is a closed lake and no river is connected to it. Although the lake is large, there are no cities nearby. It's weird to put a few large ships here.

Zhenhong jumped slightly and landed on the back of her mount. "The feeling of national instruments comes from the mountains, but the strange thing is that the entire lake has the special atmosphere of national instruments. It seems that the atmosphere in the lake is even stronger.

Shadow Spring also jumped onto his mount: "This is only possible, and the access to the place where the artifacts are stored is at the bottom of the lake."

I asked really red with some worry. "Are those ships parked in the most breathy places?"

"Yes, the source of the breath is below them."

"It looks like we have colleagues."

"They are now us." The gold coins pointed at the center of the lake, and a small boat next to the big ship was rowing towards us.

Yingquan reminded: "It is best not to contact them. These people cannot help us."

"I feel the same way." I quickly pulled down the gold coins that were going to crawl on Xiaoxue's back. "Don't go up. Let's go into the water."

I put away the mount and pulled down my mask and walked towards the deep water. The gold coins added a water avoidance spell to myself and Zhen Hong and Ying Quan, and then jumped into the lake. The people on the boat in the center of the lake saw us launching the water and started to slide back, and then many people jumped down from the boat like dumplings.

The lake is quite turbid, with a visibility of less than 5 meters. No matter how far you can see nothing. The star pupil can only increase the visible distance in the normal state, and this muddy water blocking it is useless. Fortunately, I have Ariana. Sonar is no different between turbid lakes and clear waters.

After a certain distance downstream, the water quality improved significantly, and the water in the center of the lake was much clearer. But I went to Ningke Lake to be a little muddy. With the help of Ariana, I can touch the fish in muddy water even if I can't see it, but now the water is clear and I see the other side.

More than a dozen people swam directly to our side, and it was hard to watch them swim. I deliberately avoided them and let Ariana take us a hand, and easily passed under them, and those people could only come back and chase us.

We had Ariana to help, and the degree was not comparable to those people, and soon reached the bottom of the lake. What surprised us was that many people had already gathered here, and a thick cable dropped directly on the boat directly above the lake. After seeing us, a few of those who were digging the mud suddenly came towards us. There are people before and after. We have no place to run. Besides, our goal is at the feet of others. Where else can we run?

The other party quickly surrounded us, and a guy swam over in front of us and stretched his fingers, apparently asking us to get out of the water. I waved my finger and indicated that I was going down instead of going up. The man waved at us, and the others immediately came to us. When these people came to us, they immediately grabbed us and took them up. I broke free and pulled out my sword and shook them, then pointed at them and shook my head, which meant to tell them that I would use force.

They didn't take my words seriously and swam over to us again. I waved to True Red. They made a cross gesture, and they nodded to meet the enemies around them. I grabbed the person who rushed at me first and pressed down. Forever around his neck, a fluffy red spread out, and that person also let go of his hand and sink to the bottom of the lake.

A guy beside Zhenhong rushed directly against her. Zhenhong put his hands on the guy's chest with the same degree of slow motion, and then there was a bang, and a group of blood behind the guy burst out. The whole person was immobile immediately. Already. The shadow spring is faster, and the two-handed flying chain knife darts directly. Even at such a close distance, the hidden weapon can still hurt people.

The other party didn't expect us to put all the people around us so quickly, the boss himself came to us. I pointed at him, and that half-moon on my left shoulder flew out. Something like half a month is almost unrestrained by resistance in the water. Few people hide on the 6th floor for half a month. The launch is more finished. For a moment, the guy flared red.

Even the kid had a good skill, but he let out the fatal point and was cut into a big mouth.

The guy was obviously surprised and immediately stepped back. More people rushed up from behind, seeming to be entangled with us.

"Summon Steel Claws." I called out directly. Although the sound was strange because of the helmet and the lake, they heard it.

As soon as the four steel claws came out, they immediately reversed the situation. After humans entered the water, their agility was almost zero.

The strongest attacking mages are all fire and lightning, and these magics are not needed in the water. Although the soldier's skills are not afraid of water. But because the degree of decay is so great, the effect of the skill is almost impossible to show. Don't count on projection weapons. Very few people can throw darts underwater like Shadow Spring, and the distance must be within 5 meters. Steel Claw, a natural amphibious Warcraft, is more lethal in water than its peers. I do n’t know how many times. At least nobody could touch them.

Handing all the enemies to the steel claws, we fumbled ourselves at the bottom of the lake. True Red found a place by feeling. I swam to the place under my fingers. Really nodded. I gestured for them to step back and then summoned Kaigui. The rose vine tentacles dug up the soft silt at the bottom of the lake quickly, and the surrounding area became turbid instantly and nothing was seen.

The vine rose is being dug down. Vaguely, I seemed to hear someone yelling, and looking back, I saw a black hole full of spikes covering me. Fortunately, I responded quickly, holding one hand against the upper edge of the hole, and stepping on the lower edge with my foot. This is clearly a big fish's mouth, if it wasn't for my quick response, I would swallow it.

After the big fish's mouth got stuck, he quickly took me out of the turbid waters. When I restored my sight, I saw really red. She was also bitten by a big fish, but she was fiercer than me. She was holding the fish mouth with her two legs up and down, and I didn't have her flexibility. True Red is using the Chinese artifact in his hand to stab the big fish on the ground collar. The blood overflowing from the big fish's mouth probably won't last long. I turned eternity into a support frame instead of holding it in my mouth. , Grabbed the fish lip and turned over and rode on the fish head. Han's hand claws came out of the sheath and slammed into the fish's head, and the big fish rushed to the water with pain. A big fish took me out of the water, seven or eight meters high, just passed over the big ship and then smashed into the water again. The crew was startled and a few actually fell into the water.

After re-entering the water, I used the blade claws to rotate half a circle along the skull of the fish. With a strong pull, a nearly circular skull was cut off, and the fish brain was exposed directly to the outside. Folding the claws and reaching out to stir it, the big fish immediately turned over. Taking back eternity, I quickly left the fish and swam towards the bottom of the lake, but I saw that really red was actually fighting the fish again. The fish that started attacking her was very similar to salmon, but now this one is more like a catfish sold in a vegetable market, but it is a bit exaggerated.

I used the revenge to shoot the dragon's rope directly, and the rope's head shot into the fish's eye accurately. The big fish shook his head and threw the red because of the pain. I quickly drew the line and pulled myself over. Grab the scales next to the fish's gills, plug in a detonator and quickly leave the big fish. With a bang, a piece of blood contaminated a large area of ​​water. I made a ok gesture to Zhenhong and swam towards the bottom of the lake.

The silt was very soft. The rose vine had dug out the silt at the bottom of the lake, and a passage appeared at the bottom of the lake. There was even light coming out of the passage, and it seemed that we had found the right place. The steel claws are too big to enter such a small hole. I can only let them guard the entrance, and four people follow in with Aona.

The diameter of the channel is about one meter, and the surface is made of rocks. In some places, there are quite sharp edges and corners. The light that was initially seen outside was produced by some shellfish in the channel. These strange shellfish are small in size, but their shells can emit weak fluorescence. It may not be visible during the day, but it is already dusk, and here is the bottom of the lake, and the light is very dim.

Originally I was at the front of the team, because my armor defense was the highest. At least I would not be killed once when I was in danger. "Fuck! I'm stuck!"

"Aren't you?" The gold coin made a strange sound because of the lake water.

Cai Quan said in the back: "It seems to be narrower and narrower than the entrance. Ziri, look at the situation in front of you? Can you see the exit?"

"The aisle turned not far from the front. The ground I saw here was very narrow."

The gold coin shouted at the back: "You still take off your armor? I will help you to avoid the water spell."

"You have to be able to move! You step back a bit. I'll find a bigger space to get the armor down. That's bad luck."

The Dragon Set is full of blades and has a complicated structure. Usually on the 6th floor, this set of armor can provide strong defense and multiple functions, and it looks particularly windy, but the too-stretching structure in this narrow channel is really a burden, either hanging to this or hooking up to it, It's impossible to travel smoothly.

The gold coins retreated one section helplessly, and I took a lot of effort to pull myself out.

Let the gold coins cast a water avoidance spell on me, and then drop all the armor into the hand anchor. We put on a set of tight-fitting soft armor for the archers before we proceeded.

It doesn't feel like wearing a magic dragon suit all the time. Now suddenly taken off to discover where the magic dragon suit is strong. Just now I have been helping everyone in the front. All the sharp rocks have been deliberately broken by me. Now I do n’t dare to touch those rocks without the dragon suit. I climbed all the way to each of us, including Aona There are a lot of big mouths. The gold coins are better with national gear. The soft cloth clothing of Zhenhong and Yingquan did not have enough defense force at all, and it was easily broken. After crossing this channel, all our clothes will be rags except for gold coins.

I thought that the process of taking Chinese artifacts would be very bumpy. After all, it is advanced equipment. Generally speaking, there will be many obstacles. But the results were surprisingly simple. At the end of the passage is a small space, facing the direction of the passage, there is an ancient Chinese-style Zhu Qi gate. Pushing the door open was a small room of only twenty or so square meters. There was an enchantment at the door of the room blocking the lake, but it didn't respond to us.

The contents of the room were finished at a glance. There was a long purple planting table similar to the table on the wall opposite the door. The national utensils were placed on the table, and there were red candles and incense burners on both sides. Finish, isn't it possible for someone to change the candle every day?

"Is this the national weapon?" Some gold coins can't believe that they can get the national weapon.

Real red walked around the table three times. "It feels like there is nothing left in the breath, it should be the real thing, but it's strange to put it so simply."

Yingquan bent over and went under the table: "Maybe there is a mechanism in it. The last time I did the task, the baby is the same. The whole hole blew up when I picked it up. It hurt me when the task was not completed. level."

When Ying Quan said so, gold coins and real red quickly banged on the walls and the ground in the room in search of the imaginary organ. I went to the table and looked at the artifact but didn't dare to reach for it. Look at the shape of this thing should be a protective arm, and gloves.

The main body of the armrest is golden yellow, shining like gold. A pair of five-pronged golden dragons are wrapped around the pair of guards, with the dragon head at the wrist and the tail extending to the shoulder. Look at the texture of this dragon is also golden. A pair of metal gloves were pressed against the arm guards, but the shape of the gloves was very special. It is thicker on the front and back of the palm, but the fingers are thinner. Obviously, flexibility is valued.

"It's really red, come here." I suddenly showed something.

Zhenhong came over and asked me something. I showed her the spotlight and it turned out that Zhenhong was stupid. I asked for a long time before she came up with a sentence: "Don't find it, there is no agency here.

"How do you know?" The gold coin ran back and asked.

Real red pointed at the text I showed on the gloves. After looking at the gold coins for a long time, I didn't understand it. Yingquan understood it. "Jianjinquan! No wonder there are no guards and institutions!" Quanyuan and I looked at Yingquan and explained, Yingquan slowly said: "This has a record with our master, China's first martial arts equipment. Jinjin Fist arms, weight per kilogram. "

"White weight? Every arm?" The gold coin and I understood instantly. One thousand pounds is half a ton, and the two together add a ton. Do you think anyone can dance? Although the player's physical strength will be greatly strengthened in the game due to skills and other reasons, even if the 1-ton gloves are taken, they may be awkward like a bear, and it is useless to attack humans and weapons with strong attack power. How about it?

Ying Quan followed up with another sentence that almost didn't let us sit on the ground. "Jinjin's arm has a gravure spell attached to it. In addition to its own weight, it also has a mana suppressing effect. So don't think that you can move it by moving a ton of stone. The actual weight of this thing is more than one ton. If the master's ancient book records no problem, this glove should have 10,000 kg, which is 5 tons.

If you are not mistaken, this table is probably Shendanmu, and the table of rosewood is probably not able to hold the weight. "

"Are you sure there is no mechanism on this?"

True Red and Shadow Spring both nodded. "This thing is an organ by itself, and it ’s good to be able to handle it." Then I experiment first. If my local animals are not able to move the umbrella, then no one will really take it. In the eyes of their expectations, I am transformed into Werewolf form. In his own general form, he must not be able to hold this thing. Go to the table and drag one of the arms with both hands. Suddenly stunned strength suddenly. "Wow!"

Do you know what happens when you are ready to lift an iron block weighing a hundred pounds and suddenly it appears to be a fake plastic floor? This is my situation now. I threw it directly over my head and hit the roof, but I fell back because of too much force. This guy fell to the ground and I stared at Venus. "I depend! Don't you bring such a thing?"

They are so stupid. No one thought of coming over to help me. Yingquan first responded, walked over and kicked off the table leg. "This is rosewood. It's not a panacea. It's fake."

"Speak early! Big sister! My waist!"

Zhenhong couldn't believe it and picked up another arm guard that fell off the table. "But this is exactly the same as the real one. The imitation technology is too high?"

"Everybody can make it. What is a fake? This is a game! Just use the same three-dimensional texture. Don't talk about imitations, there is no problem with imitations." Gold coins are very clear.

"But this breath ...?" Zhen Hong closed her eyes with the gloves in her hand and felt:

"That should be right!"

"The ghost knows what's going on." I got up and asked the gold coin to add a water avoidance spell to me and then walked out of the room to pick up the armguard that had just been thrown and smashed to the roof by the door. "Maybe the person who designed this fake has left some authenticity on it to confuse me ... eh?"

"What's wrong?" Ying Quan saw that I got the gloves and didn't return.

I didn't go back just now, but now I can't hold it. This time I changed my hands and grabbed a bit of strength, but the thing remained motionless. by! Is this boxing room a gravity-free space?

True red also shows my strange. "what's up?"

"This thing seems to be sticking to the ground."


Shadow Fist also re-added the water avoidance spell and came out, but she did not move. I breathed a sigh of relief and grasped it as hard as I was about to take the gloves, and lifted it up, not to mention, it really moved, but my face was already up to the color of purple pig liver. Fortunately, the gloves were at the door, and as soon as they crossed the waterproof enchantment, they immediately became as weightless as plastic products.

Yingquan said excitedly: "It doesn't seem to be a fake. This room probably has special settings to offset some of the gravity."

True Red was still a little sad: "But I can't just use it here?"

"Take a look first."

After my strong request, Zhenhong finally put on her gloves carefully, and I immediately asked: "Can you see the attributes? The national weapon cannot be used, and there may be something against gravity in the attributes."

Zhenhong listened to my words, opened the properties and looked at them, then became a wooden man, and we were shaken for a long time before returning to God. The gold coin asked anxiously: "What attribute is it?"

"Attributes ... two attributes."

"What is it?"

"First, double it after strengthening with power; second, change the direction of gravity as you use it."

Not only is it really red this time, we are all silly. The first is nothing, the key is the second.

What is the concept of changing the direction of gravity as intended? This means that in which direction you want it to apply gravity, gravity is in which direction. For example, if you hit a punch forward, you want its gravity to be the same as your punching direction. Then your punch is your strength plus 5 tons of gravity. force. Such a strong punch is not much different from being hit by a truck. It may be even stronger than the impact of a truck, because some trucks weigh less than 5 tons.

Because I'm not sure if the horrible gravity does not really appear, really red is pushing the gloves against the ground and pushing it out of the room, so that if there is weight, she won't even pull her arms down.

As a result, the experiments proved that our guess was correct, that gravity did not appear, or was controlled.

This glove is completely subconscious to read and use. It moves directly with the hand used. It is the same as no belt.

In order to make an experiment, the punch was really blown down the small room outside.

Climbing back to the entrance of the passage along the original road now our steel claws are still waiting for us. The people in the lake were eliminated, and the people on the boat were basically unable to fight in the water. When they saw the steel claws, they sailed to the lake without attacking the ship.

After we went ashore, we still felt very unbelievable. This armour was not like the legendary one could not wave, but it was really unguarded. I really can't figure out why this thing would not be guarded, and it would not be possible to design protection measures for such high-end items. At the time, my dragon suit was harmful. I spent around half a month in that burrow. I almost turned into a terrestrial animal. Although this Chinese weapon has only one part, its significance is more important than my dragon armor. No reason, no guards!

Although we haven't figured out why the guard didn't show up, it doesn't affect our next move. Leaving the shore of the lake, the gold coins traced the breath of another Chinese weapon and continued to move forward. The road was strange. Many people stared hard at us, and I felt uncomfortable. Look down to understand the reason. Out of the water hole, we have n’t changed clothes, jumping on rags on horseback and being blown by the wind is like beggars helping the master. Quickly found a place to stop and change back to the armor, it was really red that they should remember to replace the rags on their bodies.

After resuming the mountain road, we ran straight to the nearest city. The last part of the Celestial Set is far away from here. We cannot run from the 6th floor. The practical teleportation array is the best choice. Although you don't know the roads in India, asking people to find a rough area shouldn't be a problem.

The city in India is quite different from ours ~ ~ The first feature is that people can't stand on the walls. Although the city walls here are also very large, the tops are indeed pointed and cannot stand at all. The soldiers were actually standing on wooden shelves behind the walls. And their walls are special. China's city walls are piled with bluestone or other rocks, with obvious lines on the surface. India's city walls are made of cement, which is not only smooth, but also coated with a lot of white wall powder.

Because the people behind us holding another piece of Chinese artifacts have been chasing us, plus the delay of the Seal of the Throne at the bottom of the lake, they are almost after us. Now we have to be faster.

We almost flew past the gate, but when we reached the gate, two spears suddenly set up the knife gate in front of us. Yeying sighed, Ye Ying almost crashed into it.

The gold coins running behind them have a buffer time. The Seal of the Seal of God is much safer than me.

"What is it?" I looked angrily at the group of city guards in white turbans below. With so many people coming in and out, why did he specifically stop me anyway? Can't bullying me be a foreigner?

The gold coin asked: "Why stop us? Isn't this city allowed in?"

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