Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 124: 4-Fun

Hongyue suddenly patted us both. "Even if that thing really falls, we have to crawl."


"Look back."

"Fuck, are these guys dogs? Come on, let's get out of here." I ran into the mountains first.

"Wait for me." Hongyue followed.

We are still at the foot of the mountain, and we are still a long way from the really steep cliffs. The **** is basically inclined upwards at a thirty-degree angle. Summoned Xiaoxue to let Hongyue and Hongyue ride together, and I climbed up to the back of the night shadow. I haven't reached the height of flying here yet, and I can still use the advantage of the mount to pull away a little distance.

Although there was no snow on the ground, we started to glide against the ground. The Indian chasing behind the snow-capped giant bear rushed into the heat, but the distance increased, and the degree of visibility was not a grade. Running away, the three of us are running, and Indian chase has long since disappeared. Slowing down a little bit, we started slowly climbing towards higher summits.

Anyone who climbs the mountain knows that it is absolutely impossible to go straight in the climb, especially when the steepness of the mountain is exaggerated. We can only use the trend of the mountain to choose the most suitable route to slowly climb up. After walking about two or three kilometers away from the ground, small snow-covered areas gradually began to appear, and the area of ​​snow blocks became larger and larger, and gradually formed large snow-line areas. After entering the snow line, the mountain above is white, and the terrain here is obviously steep, and the horrible inclination is accompanied by half a foot of snow to make walking more difficult.

In fact, this area is not really the Himalayas. It is just a mountainous area.

After crossing the snow line, it continued to rise for almost 800 meters and began to appear relatively flat snowfields, which really reached the foot of the mountain. But we were dumbfounded.

"Fuck? How can there be a city here?"

I really don't know what to say. We were just full of thinking that the enemy was thrown away, but we did not expect that they would not be thrown away but sent directly to the city in front to block us. This small fortress-like city happens to be stuck at the entrance to the mountain, flanked by steep hills that cannot be climbed at all. It is not possible to climb to a higher level of the mountain along the mountain road without crossing the city.

"Hum! Didn't you think?" The professional president with Chinese characteristics showed up with his three men among the group of people.

I reluctantly stopped Ye Ying and Xiao Xue first. I just flew up all the way just now, and now the depth of the snow is a bit exaggerated as soon as I land. Yeying is so big, he fell half of his thigh when it fell to the ground. "We are not familiar with the terrain. Don't be too proud of yourself. You may not be able to stop us."

"Ha ha ha ha! I know your cavalry is very powerful, but here is the Daxue Mountain, do you think your cavalry can still stand up?"


"You should notice that there is snow in the ground, and no war horse can charge on this kind of ground. Your people have no meaning except to use it as a human shield."

"Do you think I have only those cavalry?"

"Do you think I have only these people?" The guy pointed to the city behind him.

"I have three thousand people in that city. As soon as I give you an order, you will be surrounded by those who are familiar with snow battles. Do you think you're gone?"

This guy is not stupid, and intends to trap us depending on the number of people and the conditions of the terrain. However, I reacted faster and looked directly at the road behind me. There are too many Indians over there, and the delay can only be surrounded.

"very red."



Yeying and Xiaoxue suddenly left the snow and flew apart. The other party now we want to get around to the point that we have no intention of chasing and let us rush over. We did not enter the city after bypassing them, and there was no access to the place. We directly bypassed the city and rushed towards the valley behind. The other party seemed to be waiting for a good show. Standing near the city wall and watching us rushing towards the valley between the two mountains, there was no intention to chase.

Just as we entered the canyon more than 500 meters deep, a group of people suddenly stood on the top of the mountain in front.

These people need not be described as ambush. As for their purpose, I know very well that the avalanche trapped us. Just before we rushed to halfway, those people in front played a big trick at the top of the mountain at the same time, and the pieces of snow were pushed down.

This kind of thing only needs one contact point to be out of control. Those snow blocks that have been blown off quickly involve more snow blocks, and soon become real avalanches. This big avalanche is much more serious than the one I met with Rose, the main reason is that the mountain body is relatively large and the impact surface is wide enough. But this is not the first time that I have experienced an avalanche, and I know it well.

Take back Xiao Xue directly to wake up the frightened Real Red and Red Moon, and take away the night shadow and pull them both to a vertical cliff near the mountain. "It's really red, smash it."

Although Zhenhong started to be scared, but now she has returned to God. After all, she is also a master, and immediately entered the state after reacting. Hui moved his arm to hit the mountain in a circle, centering on her hitting point, the whole rock crackled, and a circle of spider webs appeared. Real red hit the wall and did not quickly retract her hand. She suddenly shouted again, her fist plunged into the mountain, and the whole rock blasted out. A large hole that was three meters deep and two meters in diameter appeared. .

We jumped in and let true red come again twice. A huge hole formed, and we hid in and hid. The vanguard of the avalanche snarled and rushed past the cave less than five seconds after we entered the cave, and a large snow spray filled the cave quickly.

The avalanche was completely over ten minutes later, and the cave entrance was completely buried under the snow.

The cave, which was ten meters deep, was almost full of snow. In the end, it only left us a little more than one meter.

"Are you all okay?" The hole was filled, and it was just inside the hole that couldn't see five fingers. Both Hongyue and I have the ability to handle the night, but really red is not.

"We're all fine." Hongyue walked over to help really red.

Real Red suddenly remembered something, and found out from her body the exquisite box that was one of the parts of the Chinese ware. There is a jade in the center of the back of the small box, and it is really red.

Alas. The two unicorns struck together and the center of the golden ring actually raised a white flame. The cave lighted up instantly.

"This thing is good for making candles." Hongyue looked at this quaint country road.

I examined the lower hole by light. "It looks like it took a bit of effort."

Zhenhong handed the box to Hongyue and turned to the snow wall. "I have a way." I saw that Zhenhong first stepped open with a lunge, and both palms walked along strange lines. "Dawei Longquan."

The valley outside was already full of Indian players, they saw us digging into the cliff, and now they were planning to find our place. Suddenly there was an explosion, and a piece of snow flew up with the players above. A strong air current pushed all the snow out of the cave. The snow outside seemed to be plowed by something, and a large ditch went straight to the left and right of the canyon. The really red boxing is following the steel fierce line. Now having a pound boxing arm equals n times the power. Even this gas gathering attack became like an explosion.

The three of us quickly climbed out of the hole. The Indian players outside immediately caught up. Hongyue hurriedly threw her national weapon to Zhenhong and planned to attack the enemy, but because it was thrown too suddenly, when Zhenhong caught the ground, she exhaled to the small flame. Without warning, the breath through the flame suddenly exploded as if Longmei. A large area of ​​snow around it melted instantly, and the hot steam on the snow was like boiling water.

Zhenhong herself was startled. The angle of the flame just now was wrong, and she almost got herself involved. Hongyue and I almost jumped out to escape the doom of the fire. When the fire was about to disappear, we all looked at Zhenhong in surprise. Zhenhong herself looked in amazement at the Chinese artifact on the ground, because no one followed the jade, and the flame had gone out.

The Indians also reacted in surprise, and a large group of players rushed together. Zhenhong looked at the enemy and decisively picked up the box on the ground. Then the jade flame came out again.

Putting the flame to his mouth, he took a breath and used the flames to face a large group of Indian players who rushed up and then suddenly blew out like a candle.

boom. Jane really looks like a volcano. After passing through the white flames, this breath becomes a sea of ​​flames. A large volume of flames flew along the valley all the way. All the Indians who have not come to their knees have become burning firemen. Struggling on the ground didn't move. The snow in the valley was cut half a meter deep, and the snow turned into a stream.

Zhenhong was surprised and took the box in her hand and took a closer look. This little thing turned out to be so powerful, it was a class fire-thrower. The dragon's flame spray of the ten dragons is not as great as this fire, and the temperature of this fire is obviously higher than that of dragon flame.

The Indians all looked up from the ground and didn't know what to do, but the old man with a long elephant-like man immediately shouted, "What are you doing? Run over!"

Those Indian players heard the sound and immediately started to charge, but Zhenhong Xun once again took the box to his mouth. This time True Red has not blown the people across the face all jumped up and plunged into the snow, Zhen Hong smiled, took the box away, and called us: "Run!"

Those Indian players did not feel the high temperature for a long time and knew they were fooled. When they got up, they were going to chase. True red turned suddenly in place, and the box was already close to his mouth. Blowing out in a breath was a blaze of flames rolled over, and the scared followers lay down quickly.

The flame did not burn many people this time, but it melted the snow, and the snow rushed towards the city below like a river. The rise of Real Red Play took a long breath and took a long mouth. The small flame on this box seems to be able to turn the gas blown by people into a flame, and as long as the gas keeps on fire, it will not stop. Zhenhong is a practicing family. This breath is terribly long. The flames continued to spray, melting all the snow and water in the entire canyon. The city below is still a short distance from the gorge entrance, and the avalanche can't get that far. But the water is different, they will always go down to the low place.

The instant Hong Feng rushed towards the city. Several Indians panicked and wanted to close the city gate, but at the moment when the water was about to close, a guy hit the door with the doorboard. The entire city was flooded, and even the high-rise in the city center was less than one meter high and still exposed on the water. Hongyue went to Zhenhong and looked at the box and asked, "What is this for?" Red Yue refers to the little gossip on the front of the box. This thing can turn. Hongyue just touched it, and suddenly this thing turned at an angle and clicked. It seemed to be really red at this position. The air flow spewed out again immediately, but although the little white flame did not change, it could pass through it It was not a red flame but a white gas. A sharp sound of condensation condensed, and the river in front of it was condensed into a river of ice to the naked eye.

The river froze instantly, and the city submerged underwater was sealed in ice.

The crystal ice surface still maintains the shape of a tumbling ground, and the surface still has the shape of a wave.

Many Indian players have most of their bodies sealed in ice

Underneath, watching how the body was trapped in the ice could not climb out. The unfortunately long waist was sealed under the ice. There is no way out.

"This thing has a freezing effect?" I went to Zhenhong and looked at the box.

Zhenhong herself felt strange. She looked around holding the box and couldn't figure out what was going on. Hongyue is here to know the situation. "This gossip may be an adjustment switch. It just turned one space, and the spout turned from fire to ice. I can turn it if I want to see it. Let's see if we can get something else.

Zhenhong nodded and took the gossip. As a result, the gossip turned his angle and locked again. This time we hurried to stand behind True Red. Zhang Hong, who blew lipstick month again, was indeed correct. It's changed again this time. After the air flow passed through the small flame, the wind still blown out, but this time the wind changed from a really red tone to a strong wind of the first level. Strong winds that did not conform to the laws of nature started to blow in front of us. There was no wind behind us. The strong wind blew the undulating ice surface and gave out a kind of sharp howling like a ghost crying. Those Indian players who were half-length outside were also accidentally swept away by the wind. The air drove off the clothes. Especially the cloth wrapped around the head of the Indians disappeared in the wind.

Zhenhong hadn't finished blowing, Hongyue suddenly asked, "I don't know what would happen if three people blow?"

Hong Yue and I glanced at each other and immediately went up to help together. Zhenhong changed her breath and sighed with us. The combined force of three people is indeed stronger than one. The wind in front of it suddenly skyrocketed, and the strong wind had reached a terrifying level. First, the snow that had not been melted at the height of the mountain arm was blown a little, and then there was a sudden boom. A relatively prominent rock on the mountain suddenly broke. A dozen tons of rock seemed to change the direction of gravity and disappeared as soon as it separated from the mountain. Following a click on the ground, a half-body of an Indian player who was very close to us suddenly broke apart, and blood and water flew away with his upper body, but the lower body was still stuck in ice.

This sudden situation made us all stop. Really red opened the property panel of this box in surprise, and the three of us went together and stared at the properties.

"This is not a component of the Zhenwu suit at all!" Zhenhong cried directly.

"But it's a national weapon!" I pointed at the category mark area on the top of the panel.

Hongyue wrinkled without thinking: "Is there a third set of national instruments?"

"This is impossible." I shook my head. "The system announcement is very clear. There are two sets of national weapons in each country. The system can not announce the number, but it is absolutely impossible to announce the wrong data."

Hongyue urged: "Quickly turn to the second page. There may be instructions later."

True Red saw the explanatory text after turning over the attributes. This does not belong to the Zhenwu suit and the Celestial suit, but it is not the third set of national weapons. This is a single garden instrument, which represents the degree of Chen of each country. A player's city in a country has a certain level of magic or magic technology, and there will be an additional national weapon. There is only one additional national weapon, which can be used without a combination.

Although every country has the possibility of appearing this additional national weapon, the lack of national exhibition will not occur. Our country's additional national weapon appeared so early, and it was so powerful. It is unimaginable. What level of wind intensity is required to blow rocks hard from a smooth mountain? It is estimated that if the city walls are not thick enough, the city walls and the buildings in the city may be blown away together. The Princess Fan of Iron Fan is not so fierce.

Zhenhong sighed: "No wonder I didn't feel the breath of the second Chinese weapon at first, it turned out to be a single piece of equipment."

Hongyue suddenly left the property panel and drilled to the bottom of the box, holding the box and saying, "Look here."

"What?" We went under the box together to see.

"what is this?"

The text was obviously densely packed under the box, but none of them were known. I summoned the little dragon girl, but she said she didn't know her. Tried to summon Xiaochun and Ling, the two goddesses continued to shake their heads. The senior Chinese characters on both sides don't know the Chinese characters. What kind of characters can they be? I suddenly thought of Yeyue.

As expected. Yeyue really knew the above text. After only one glance she was sure: "This is the text of my ancestral son-in-law and goddess. I originally knew it, but the bad thing is that it is traditional, so I can only partially recognize it . "

"Then try to translate what you can understand."

"I'll do my best!" Zhenhong took the box and looked at it for a long time before she started translating: "I don't know what I'm on. I don't know anything. I don't know anything here. I don't know anything about Bing Rose. In the Chinese civilization, what kind of **** respects this world. Wang Bing and what alliances were found in time, and what help for me to rise up in China. I do n’t know anything about this part. This box is engraved by my spirit The seal is not used by non-ice members. This is a punctuation mark, which is equivalent to a dash in the common language. The latter is a signed seal, not a word, and it seems to be called ... oh my god! This is made by a son-in-law. . "

"Are you sure you translated it right?"

"How could I have mistaken the seal of the son-in-law? Our stamps have been modified on the basis of the son-in-law. It is the same as the surname passed down from generation to generation. Even if you can make a mistake, you ca n’t make yourself wrong. What's wrong with your last name? "

"No wonder it's so strong. It turned out to be the boss's stuff."

Ling stood behind me and said, "The meaning of the passage just now is obviously to reward our guild for its outstanding performance in making and putting things on earth, but things are not given directly to us but we can only see if we can get them by luck. But Because this thing is so strong, the son-in-law added a seal to it, and no one else except the members of our bank can use it. "

"That's what it means." Hongyue nodded and agreed.

After I took back the magic pet, I was really red. "How about trying to make another space?"

"Okay." Hongyue pointed at the Indian president over there. "Take him as an experiment."

Zhenhong immediately turned at him and sighed again. What came out this time was a large cloud of smoke, and it was yellow smoke. The smoke moved forward and faded, and the mystery gradually disappeared into the air, but the area covered by the smoke was more square. On the ground of the gorge stood a large group of gold armored warriors, one by one meter tall, and the whole body was covered with gold armor.

Samurai warriors stood in 7 rows and 7 columns, just 49 people. All the samurai looked like they were poured out of a mold without any difference. The weapon they used was also strange. It was a very thick epee. It was similar in style to the bronze sword of the Qin Dynasty. The sword body looked round and round. The samurai were not equipped with shields, and the two-handed epee was the main attack regardless of the type of defense.

After the warriors came out, they stood still, as if they were sculptures. We tossed and held the box for a long time without knowing how to do it. In the end, I took the box and looked at it, and said experimentally: "The whole turn backwards."

Huh! All the Samurai warriors turned around and stood as if they were one person, and the ground shook with heavy footsteps. If it wasn't because there wasn't much snow in the first avalanche, it would definitely be an avalanche for them again.

Hongyue walked to a gold armored warrior and knocked back and ran back: "No need to try, these are solid gold men, each weighing at least three tons. It should be a type of magic portrait, as long as you hold the manipulation method You can do it with language commands. However, similar things have time restrictions on the Seal of the Throne. I do n’t know how long it will take.

"I don't know if I look at the attributes." Zhenhong looked at the attributes panel and said, "Oh, that's the case. When these 49 golden men are full of energy, they can move continuously for 24 hours. After that, they must return to the box to add energy. The energy tube is used for half an hour for each additional hour. The golden man can be broken, but as long as the internal magic flame mark is not powdered once, it can be automatically restored unlimited times. The golden man resists 90% of all magic effects, which is almost magic Invincible. The defense is similar to that of the city walls. Weapons other than siege weapons are not expected to be of much use. "

"So strong."

I took the box and pointed at those who were stuck in the ice: "Kill them all."

"Respect the law!" All the golden men saluted to me on one knee at the same time, then stood up and turned towards the Indian players.

Don't look at these big guys one by one, they are not terribly slow to run, and they ran over one person and one sword, no one stopped them. Some Indian players just freeze their feet, they use shields to resist. As a result, the shield was not cut. But the man was smashed with a shield.

Some mages began to use magic to hit these golden men halfway, except that they could not ignite the ignition star.

All magic is as ineffective as throwing it into the sea.

Several Indian players took off their combat boots and pulled out their legs in anxiety. Although it is not a good idea to stand barefoot on the ice, these people have gained the ability to play on the battlefield. What turned these guys down was that the power of the Golden Man was like an excavator. Which sword is deformed when it goes down. Even more frightening is that these golden men actually work, these guys are playing real fighting warriors. Nothing to say is flexible, Indian players can't even touch their ground.

Easily wiped out all enemies. These gold men immediately ran back to salute me and then returned to standing. I took the box and said, "Come back." All the golden men instantly turned into a stream of golden light that disappeared into the flames on the box.

It was an unexpected surprise. This box was originally thought to be only a part of a Chinese weapon, but it was not expected to be so strong. I handed the box to Zhenhong, and then gave it back to me: "Since it is not a part of Zhenwu suit, it is more useful for you to save it."

I thought about it, and I was right, but I was not polite with the real red and I just put it away.

Without chasing us, our actions are much more calm, and the main thing is not to worry about avalanches.

After a while of tossing just now, avalanches may have occurred n times in places where avalanches might have occurred. It would be all right to toss so much.

Along the way, all the monsters encountered were killed by Zhenhong in the name of training. By the way, we also researched the really red dragon helmet with phoenix decoration. The property of this thing is to strengthen the agility and flexibility properties of the human body, and bring the attributes of a bull. As long as you wear this helmet, you can automatically use all the tricks of the Chinese martial arts genre, and you can upgrade these skills with exercise in the future. What is even more frightening is that the helmet itself has added three levels of martial arts skills, that is, all martial arts have already been level three, and they can reach the level of level three and reach level 23 before they are capped.

True Red ’s love of this helmet has already surpassed that of the golden fist arm. Although the power of the fist arm is terrible, the attributes of this martial arts branch to capture the society are really exciting. The reason why Zhenhong took the initiative to deal with monsters along the way was to try these skills one by one. She wanted to find a few more practical intensive trainings. After all, she couldn't practice all martial arts skills to the 23rd level.

There are countless monsters who died tragically under the palm of the real red devil. Even an ice crystal tortoise was scattered by the palm of the real red palm. Originally, these skills were not powerful at first, but Zhenhong was carrying that set of heavy-handed fists. What's so smashed?

Hongyue and I were walking forward while holding the compass while studying the map in my hand. Anyway, there was real red in front, and it didn't matter if we didn't look at the road. The map of the Himalayas is not yet available in our guild. Since we are going to get here from here, we will get it out by the way. Red and holding a simple gyroscope to help me calculate coordinates, I just drew lines and coordinates on the drawing. Now first mark out the data. As long as there is data that is not standard, you can find a professional to slowly modify it.

Hong pointed at a mountain peak and said, "That's where we just walked, here is our current position, the height difference between the two. Hey? What kind of data are you! Really red, come and help look at this ... Hey? What about people? "

As soon as Red said that, I quickly looked around, but I didn't really see Red. Although the surrounding terrain is uneven, it is basically tilted upward without any obstructions. You should not lose it!

"Footprints, we should follow the footprints and we should be able to find the land."

Hong Yue followed me and began to chase along the footprints less than a hundred meters, and a large hole appeared. The footprints suddenly disappeared on the edge of the hole. Obviously it was really red.

"Really red?" I shouted loudly below. The echo went back and forth several times, and the structure below must be complicated.

Hong Yue shouted a few times without getting a reply. She looked up at me. "How to do?"

"I can only go down!"

"I don't know what's below. Is it too risky for us to go on like this?"

"I have this." I took a legion beetle out and put it in the hole.

My plan was fine. It should be safe to put a beetle down and explore carefully, but just after I put the beetle down, the ground suddenly collapsed. No one of me and Zhenhong ran away, and the two fell down together.

I said how can I make a hole. It was completely empty below. We were standing just above the rift between the two cliffs. A large amount of snow during the avalanche may temporarily block the cliff. Then the surface layer of snow condensed into ice, but the lower layer was hollowed out and removed for reasons such as crustal movement. After a few more snowfalls, the ice on the two cliffs was covered with snow. We don't know what's under the snow. It is also normal to walk down the ice surface like this all the way.

Fortunately, the cliff on the side is not far, I spread my wings and hugged the red moon ground with one hand. The other hand fired a dragon's tendon on the cliff. The sharp cable head broke into the rock locally, the take-up machine caught the spool, and the two of us stopped abruptly, gliding to the edge of the cliff with the weak lift of the wings.

I touched the wall of the dagger from my waist and hung Hongyue's own grip on the two daggers. I myself moved down a distance with the help of a thread releaser, then took two daggers at the foot of the red moon and let her stand on it. Redefining Hongyue's side again. "how do you feel?"

"It's as exciting as when my dad took me to skydiving for the first time." Hongyue's body was shaking, she didn't know if she was excited or scared.

"True red seems to have fallen below." I looked at the bottom of the canyon below, as if I couldn't see it at all. This canyon is really deep enough.

Hongyue carefully controlled herself and turned her back to the cliff. "We should go down and see if at least there is nothing wrong, we can get her up."

"The words are good, but if you want to continue, you have to find a way. It's too deep here."

"Don't you have wings?"

"The air here is too thin, and the wings don't have enough lift, I can't fly at all. Besides ..." I looked at Hongyue and suddenly laughed: "You should lose weight."

"Go to death!" Hongyue has a much better temper since he arrived at our guild ~ ~ Today it was really exploding again. Fortunately, I was hanging the wire!

"Seriously, it's impossible for us to fly down. We can only use climbing if we want to go down. It's too cold here, and my rose vine can't help me!"

"Then slowly climb down."

"Well then." I turned to face the cliff and leaned towards Hongyue: "Climb on my back, I will carry you down." Hongyue flew without hesitation and almost knocked me down.

"Hey, ma'am, can you please light it."

"I'm already very light."

"Hurry up, we're down."

After retracting the dagger, I started to use the method of rope descent to bounce down the cliff, and every time I lowered a distance, I changed hands left and right to retract the first tendon rope that was shot first and re-fix it.

About 800 meters down, we actually encountered a platform formed by ice protruding from the cliff. The only problem is that it is on the opposite cliff.

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