Starting from Zero

Vol 9 Chapter 127: Army Ant Fort

The sudden sound surprised me. After leaving the rainforest, these totems rarely spoke, and this time they actually called out at my most tense moment. "Hey, old ant, what do you mean?"

The totem ant flashed red light and answered me, "It takes three hours after I was put into this groove. The Seal of the Seal of God gradually extended my magic to the entire army ant fortress. During this time, the Seal of the Seal of God I cannot guarantee what will happen to this fort. "

"what do you mean?"

"In simple terms, the fortress will lose control within these three hours. For the first time, the Seal of the Seal of Siam may not move because of the impossibility of magic. After an hour, you must be careful. The fortress may be unconscious yourself Move, and I ca n’t guarantee what will happen to the Throne of Seals during this time. During this time, I will have no control over this fortress, and you will not be able to communicate with me. ”

A Wei, who was next to me, asked, "You mean this big guy will probably run around in the future?"

"Running is certain, and may be accompanied by some other destructive behavior, especially when someone attacks it. The first thing I incorporated when controlling the army ant fortress was instinctual consciousness, the most important of which was self-protection. Consciousness. If something attacks it, it will fight back immediately. "

I asked the Ant Totem with some uncertainty: "Don't you mean to let us find someone to attract firepower?"

"Would you like me to destroy your city segment?"

The ant family totem said that everyone in the back looked at me together and said in unison: "Then you go to attract firepower."

"Ah! Accidental dating!"

A Wei patted me on the shoulder and said, "You are wrong. This shows that everyone trusts your strength. Ordinary people don't think so."

"Okay, okay, who will go to **** if I don't go to hell." I turned to the Ants Totem and asked:

"Did you know the time of the Seal of the Seal of God? How long did it start to go crazy after the Seal of the Seal of God? When did the Seal of the Seal of God end?"

"At most in the first hour, there was a cramp in place and accompanied by struggling movements. After one hour, it will move slowly, but not too violently. You can walk normally after about an hour and a half. The degree will not be too fast. Two After hours, it will enter a normal state, the response is more agile, you must be careful to approach. About two and a half hours after the magic strike ability began, during this time the Seal of the Throne of God is extremely dangerous. If you can persist until three hours later I It should have taken control of the entire army ant fortress, and it is now normal. "

"I see. It doesn't sound like much trouble. I'll try to contain it."

Explain that everyone is ready. I picked up the totem, put it on the edge of the groove, and put it in gently. As soon as the red ant totem entered the groove. Two transparent crystal ball covers popped up on the tables on both sides to protect the totem. After the installation, everyone looked around nervously.

But the huge army ant fortress did not move, and it felt the same as when it was not installed.

"That guy won't fool us, right?" The eagle looked around and said, "Why is there no reaction at all?"

Rose said: "Isn't he saying that integration takes time for the Seal of the Seal of God? You all go down to prepare, I'm watching here. Husband, you go outside and watch, in case it really moves you can attract firepower. Lest it put the assembly yard It was demolished. "

"Understood." I took everyone out of the Army Ant Fort quickly back to the ground, and everyone went to make their own preparations. Only a few remained.

I stood in front of the army ant fortress and looked at this big guy made of steel. Ten minutes passed. This guy is still unresponsive, and now we increasingly feel that the big ant is shaking us. Just when we started to relax, the door of this big guy's chest suddenly closed suddenly. A few seconds later all the gates within the entire army ant fortress fell, and the entire army ant fortress was closed instantly.

Ziyue, in charge of the site, safely pulled my finger and pointed at the gate excitedly, "Look, after the gate closed, the army ant fortress fell into silence again, and there was no response for a few minutes.

Nearly half an hour later, this guy suddenly shook like a cramp, and a huge steel body hit a huge impact on the steel floor. Then the six giant legs of the army ant fortress slowly moved in a metal twisted sound. These legs were tightening to the body, it seemed to want to find a suitable support point.

Woma looked at the army ant fortress and exclaimed: "It's unbelievable, it really moved. The legs are not processed, they are made of solid steel columns, and there are no joints. That totem really can make these His legs moved. "

The six legs of the army ant fortress seemed to be not well controlled, and after all, they received it but could not use it for a moment. They tried to support it, but a few legs slipped, but they were quickly retracted to try again a second time. After wasting more than ten minutes, these legs finally found a support point, and then they simultaneously force. With a squeak, the huge army ant fortress suddenly stood up. Although the huge body was somewhat shaken, it did stand up.

"It's spectacular!" The coin screamed around A Wei's neck.

In the exclamation of the surrounding players, the army ant fortress took a swaying step forward, but the guy's leg was too unstable, and one leg immediately began to move forward and outward as soon as it left the ground. In order to find balance, it instinctively hurried forward, and the result became more and more wrong.

A large group of me and the eagle were looking in front of the army ant fortress. Although this big guy only took two steps, it was just over a hundred meters long, and two steps were in front of us. The huge shadow immediately enveloped us. "Oh! Oh! Oops! Flash."

Fortunately, all the players here are masters. We all rushed and the Army Ant Fortress smashed down. With an earth-shattering sound, this one million-ton behemoth fell to the ground, the whole ground shook violently, and many people standing on the ground were shocked. The army ant fortress didn't seem to be concerned about this small setback, and the six legs reset again and stood up staggered again. This time, it may have been too hard. After the army ant fortress stood up, he tilted his head backwards, and in order to find balance, he stepped backwards. As a result, it was rescued by it, but it just stabilized and started to crook forward, this time with a little right. The entire army ant fortress rushed forward three steps and then twisted its right front leg. The whole body slid out to the right and forward.

Bang. With a loud noise, the Army Ant Fort knocked down Warehouse No. 3 and the eighth boom next to the warehouse. In the ruins, the army ant fortress slowly climbed up, and began to tilt to the left again, but this time it did not fall down, and it took a few steps to save it. Then this guy started to stumble out of our construction area like a faltering drunk. Although in prison, he brought another finishing workshop. But finally did not cause much damage.

When it came out of the construction area, we felt relieved. This big guy was too destructive, so he was safer. Although the pace is still messy, the army ant fortress no longer falls. This guy is obviously more stable than just now.

I looked at the throne of time. It's been more than an hour. This guy walked all the way forward like a toddler, slowly returning slowly. The walk was full, and the pace became more and more regular and regular. It was about two hours before this thing was really learned to walk. Not only the pace is stable, but the steering has become more flexible.

Although the huge army ant fortress weighs millions of tons, its six long legs are too long, and it is impossible to sink it all even in the desert. The gravel on the ground in turn provided the strong adhesion of the army ant fortress, making it more mobile.

Just as I watched with joy the military ant fortress was gradually improving, this guy suddenly made a sharp turn and turned back towards the construction site. The destructive behavior said by the ant family totem is probably now. I released two and a half months in accordance with the plan prepared in advance. For two and a half months, I faced the army ant fortress severely under my control. Two and a half months marked a huge scar of more than one meter deep and three or four feet long on its tail. Although this imprint is big, I still worry that the damage is not big enough. The shell of the army ant fortress is 15 meters thick, and the one-meter-thick wound did not hurt the epidermis. I wonder if it would turn around and chase me.

Fortunately, despite being large, Army Ant Fort is sensitive to damage. This guy made a sudden brake, and then quickly dropped his head and shook his head, probably my goal. There are deserts all around, and the only goal is to fly in the shadow of me in front of it, so the army ant fortress quickly locked me. He lifted his head toward me and opened and closed its large metal pliers-like mouth. The two full blades collided together and made a fast and loud impact sound, which was probably an attack. Fortunately.

Suddenly the army ant fortress rushed towards me without warning. As long as the night shadow flew high, it would not be enough for me, but I couldn't do that. My task is to attract firepower. Once out of the attack range, the army ant fortress will rush back to the construction base. For this attack, we only turned around and ran away, and the army ant fortress caught up immediately and caught up.

It seems that this guy's pace is very leisurely and he walks calmly step by step. In fact, it is an illusion. This guy is too big, and his steps are not fast, but his steps are too big, so the pace is not slow. Although Night Shadow can still carry this army ant fortress with ease *, as a mobile city, its degree is already quite scary.

I let Night Shadow take the Army Ant Fortress for a half-hour lap. This guy's degree didn't improve any more, that is, who really got higher and higher. Just two and a half hours before he suddenly opened his mouth, a purple ray shot out of the middle of his big mouth. Yeying and I did not expect that it suddenly used a long-range attack and was almost beaten down.

The army ant fortress that was not hit suddenly stopped suddenly, leaning forward slightly, with the hind legs raised, and the long metal pieces on the backs of both sides suddenly stood up. gosh! Why didn't you see this guy was a flying ant? After the two huge metal pieces stood up, they began to shake quickly, and the sound was unimaginably loud. Suddenly the army ant fortress leapt forward, and the huge arm quickly accelerated the degree of fanning. This big guy weighing up to one million tons actually flew off the ground.

When this guy flew together, we immediately felt the crisis. The flying speed of the army ant fortress had to be chased by the night shadow and had to run all the way. The flying speed of the fortress was comparable to the night shadow.

Fortunately, the army ant fortress seems to have poor battery life. This guy suddenly landed after flying less than 20 kilometers in total.

The army ant fortress that touched the ground stopped for a moment. It seems that there is a hard time for the Seal of the Throne to end at the end of the flight.

The army ant fortress stood for about five minutes before starting to move again, but this time it was just walking. And the degree slowed down significantly. I looked at the time the Seal of the Seal of Throne was almost three hours before I started to live with it and run back. It only stopped halfway and it suddenly stopped, then two big eyes suddenly lit red, and two large pliers in front opened again.

Seeing this posture, I knew it was a long-range attack, and I quickly let Night Shadow distance away, but it was a bit late. Thousands of rays of light were emitted from the mouth of the soldier ant fortress, and numerous purple beams flew across the sky. It's not a big problem for us to hide from one or two beams, but it's impossible for us to flash off such a huge expanse. No way to recover the night shadow. Boiled mercury shield hard top.

A beam of light hit the mercury shield. A big hole opened in an instant, and my mercury shield didn't seem to have any resistance. The light beam directly hit my dragon shield after passing through the mercury shield, and a spark exploded on the surface of the dragon shield. The light beam penetrated the shield and continued to hit my left breastplate forward. A big flame burst into my chest and bounced me out. I opened an absolute barrier in the air, blocked the next beam and fell on the ground with huge inertia. I didn't expect these beams to be so powerful. Wearing two shields in a row also severely wounded me. Although the current system cancels the blood volume display, I feel that I can no longer move. The damage must be severe.

Reluctantly looked down at the chest, the left chest part of the dragon armor turned red, but it was severely deformed and was still smoking black smoke. Look at the Dragon Shield again. The big hole above is almost the thickness of an adult's arm, and the edge of the hole is roasted.

The army ant fortress rushed to my side after the attack was over, but I couldn't move it, and it was too late to summon the pets, watching the huge pliers clamped over. At that moment, the big pliers stopped stiffly less than a centimeter from my body. The army ant fortress slowly raised his head and returned to the normal posture to stand on top, and then slowly moved his body close to the ground. The gate 哧 on the chest of the Army Ant Fortress popped open automatically, and the roses ran out of it.

Rose is a resurrection mage, specializing in medical magic, and healed the wound for me in a few clicks. As for the dragon armor, it has the ability to repair itself. The rose can obviously come out of the army ant fortress to restore control, the ant family totem seems to complete the control slightly faster than scheduled.

I was almost trespassed into the army ant fortress by roses, and the environment here was completely different when I reached the control room. The biggest change was the two big eyes of the ant. The thing was originally unclear steel. Now it turns into a wine-red crystal-like thing. From here, you can see the surrounding things, and the vision is quite wide. There are few blind spots outside the small area behind.

"How do you feel?" The Ant Race Totem on the pedestal asked me with a joke tone.

"You know it by trying it yourself."

"Don't be angry! The worse you are beaten, the more it shows the strength of this fortress? Don't you want a strong war fortress to join your camp?"

I was really lucky to be told by him. Such a strong attack power, even I was almost seconds, I believe no one stopped it. "The blue beam just now is so strong. Is it the ultimate defense weapon?"

"No," said the Ants Totem. "The single purple ray that started to fire was a full-strike attack, but that attack was powerful but easy to dodge, and generally only targeted objects that wouldn't move. The one I just used was just for fighting Human, a diffuse beam can attack a large area of ​​enemies, and this power can kill most people, and it is definitely the first support weapon. "

"Is there a limit to the attack?"

"The single beam consumes a lot of energy and cannot be used continuously. It takes two hours to shoot each time, but the diffusion is more energy efficient. It can come once in five minutes and can emit 500 rays each time. "

"I just watched the military ant fortress fly a distance. Is it also a special ability?"

The Ant Totem said excitedly, "I'm about to tell you. The army ant fortress should not have been able to fly. This seems to be because the magic fusion of the black material you produced here is very good. It evolved. It is a special gift. However, each flight cannot exceed 20 kilometers, and after landing, there will be a rigid state that cannot be moved or attacked for five minutes, and the next flight will need to be more than two hours apart. "

"It seems that there are restrictions on good attributes, but this army ant fortress is already very powerful, and I like it very much."

The ant family totem proudly said: "In fact, the strongest ability of our ant army ant fortress is not combat and flight. That flight is a temporary emergency ability, and those attack methods are also skilled in self-defense.

The strongest ability of our ant army ant fortress is to move underground. Once the Army Ant Fort sneaks underground, don't want anyone to attack us unless you can lift the ground together. At the time when our thirteen bugs were the strongest, the army ant fortress of our ant family was the strongest sneak attack force. It is our greatest advantage to infiltrate behind the enemy and attack. "

"Infiltration? Ants also like to play infiltration?"

"What's wrong? We can't take ants as bad ants as powerful as we are! It's good to sacrifice a few fighters. But we never fear sacrifice. If we don't sacrifice nothing, we won't be afraid. During the strong period, it was possible to sweep a city with tens of billions of ants, and swept the city in three minutes. The most powerful of the thirteen races is our ants. "

"Come on, you just blow it. Now go back to me and help with the construction. You just knocked down two warehouses on the way out, and one of the booms was turned over. Anyway, it is still in the commissioning stage. Go back and help us build the fortresses of the other twelve clans. "

When we returned to the construction base above Steel City, a large number of workers had already begun to repair the damaged warehouse and equipment. We saw that everyone stopped. I ran out of the army ant fortress first, stood on the ant's head and waved to everyone that everything was okay. After seeing me, everyone sighed and ran over together.

I stood on the army ant fortress and reminded the following players loudly: "The Thirteen Zerg fortress is the secret weapon of our guild. Everyone should be careful not to leak the news. After the completion of these 13 mobile cities, they will become our raid forces Show our strength in important battles so that they can make the most of them. "

"Understand!" "Understand!" "Rest assured ..." There was a messy response below.

Woma said that to test the strength and various parameters of the army ant fortress, these things are too professional, and I can't help. Rose and Eagle pulled me aside, and Red Moon actually arrived. It seemed that she had a good rest yesterday, and now she was very energetic ~ ~ She first asked, "You said it would be used in the Great Campaign What kind of battle is it? "

I smiled mysteriously: "Is this ... secret."

"Fuck, don't worry about it." Eagle asked anxiously: "What the **** are you going to do with them?"

"That's it! Come on!" Rose urged.

Hong Yue anxiously began to guess. "Do you plan to use them to invade the United States?"

"I'm not bad. Invading the United States, even if I lay down every city, I need someone to manage it."

"What are you going to do?"

Rose took my arm and shook desperately: "You just say it!"

"Actually my purpose is simple."

"What is it?"

"Rebuilding the Fulcrum City."

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