Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 3: Intrigue

"Let's say this! The Ziri you see now shares a soul with that Ziri. The body of Ziri has now entered the period of conversion, and I have to use this body to meet you."

Shui Xu believed my words with almost no thought: "How do I say it feels familiar? So your spirit is really like that." The feeling is not because he trusts me, but because he believes in his own sense .

I saw him believe it before I said, "I was also very worried about your misunderstanding, so I did n’t plan to come here to see you before Ziri ’s body recovered, but now I have a very tricky thing to do. , I am helpless. "

"What matters so much?"

"Are you planning something big in the mountains?"

"How do you know?" Shui Xu was quite surprised. "We hide well!"

Although I also heard the news from Erlang Shen, but I intend to use this news to raise the lower value slightly, after all, monsters are monsters, you need to give them a little bit of fear to control. I smiled mysteriously and said to Shui Xu: "I have a lot of power in my hands. Naturally, I have my own news network."

Shui Xu nodded a little to correct the figure, so that at least looked solemn, now he dare not treat me lightly.

I went on, "In fact, it doesn't matter that we know this kind of thing in our relationship, but I used my network to help you inquire about a very bad thing."

"What is it?" Shui Xu was a little excited.

I paused deliberately and said, "Heaven seems to be aware of your actions."

"You mean heaven knows our actions?"

I shook my head: "Actually, Tianting doesn't know as much as I do, but I also have many questions to answer. Can you tell me what are you doing?"

Shui Xu seemed a little hesitant. After thinking about it for a while, he said, "This time we ran out of that gourd. Our losses were relatively heavy. Most of the little demon have drowned. There are one hundred thousand **** beasts and one million heaven soldiers .It's just too bad for us old guys. "

"So you plan to open a base to train a lot of little monsters?"

Shui Xu nodded: "Heiliang Mountain Aura gathers, and it is a land of Jiuyin, which is the best place for our monsters to cultivate. Demon Tao is faster to learn than Immortal Tao. We intend to borrow powerful spirit pulses to spawn a hundred short-term. The 10,000 monsters evolved to the stage of big monsters, at least they must learn to transform and basic attack monsters. "

"No wonder!" I nodded and said, "Heaven Mountain's great **** of patrolling shows that there is a lot of demons gathered in Heiliang Mountain but no specific reason can be found. My people also showed demons and know that you are active there. Heaven knows a little bit more. It seems that your cultivation base is quite unsafe! "

Shui Xu also nodded: "Heaven will know that the evil spirit will inevitably send someone to search. Once you are present, our plan may wipe out our team on a large scale. This is really a big thing. Thank you for your news, otherwise we will I do n’t know what happened after the attack! I will arrange for everyone to move. "

"No rush, no rush." ​​I calmed the water deficiency. "Although you have been fighting with Heaven for so many years, your time in the gourd is too long, and you do n’t understand the style of doing things in Heaven. The efficiency of doing things in Heaven is not as fast as it used to be, even if it ’s true. I know that you have a monster revival plan in Heiliang Mountain. They will have to wait at least a day or two to get there. Are n’t you the best at hiding? When they get there, you will be gone forever, so do n’t worry. ”

"What do you mean?"

I smiled: "Heiliangshan, you guys can't use it anymore, if you use it for 100,000 soldiers, what do you think?"

Shui Xu looked at me with a stupid look and asked, "Do you have a way to help us destroy the heavenly soldiers?"

"Hahahaha, can't I still call Ziri? Oh no, this body should be called Yinyue."

"Then you talk about it." Shui Xu's excited body was shaking. One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers are one-tenth of the strength of the heavenly court. The demon world is now full of vitality. Even if this one-tenth is also a force they cannot resist. No one can stop this victory.

I smiled and said, "It's not difficult to do you a favor. But you have to promise me a small request. Rest assured, this request does not require you to waste any manpower and resources."

"As long as the method is effective. We will work even if there is major bleeding." Shui Xu has no idea how to conceal his excitement.

"That's good. You can rest assured that my requirements are not excessive. I just want to cooperate with you in teaching."

"Ah?" Shui Xu's jaw fell off, and it took a long time to return to God. "How is this cooperative teaching?"

I explained: "I know that magic and Taoism actually have a lot in common. The Ninjutsu of Fusangyu Kingdom is actually a combination of Taoism and Demons. Taoism has great power. But the difficulty of cultivation is very high. It ’s only a hairy hair. It ’s simple to practice the magic, it ’s just the way to do it, but the power and effect are far less than Taoism. I think if there is something in common, why not learn from each other. The simplicity of learning and the power of Taoism are not the best of both worlds? "

Shui Xu's eyes were straight: "Your thought is really special."

"If you agree, I will exclude the teaching group and your plan to train the little monsters, so that you can help us to do research without delaying your new members. How can you get benefits without paying any price?"

"Such favorable conditions are already very valuable, not to mention a plan of one hundred thousand soldiers." Shui Xu agreed and did not want to. "Can you tell me the specific plan now?"

I nodded: "In fact, the plan is mainly implemented by me. You are only cooperating. You must first tell me the entrance of this training base, and you will evacuate most of the personnel before dawn, but you need to stay. The next few are bait. Such a big plan will not be sacrificed. "

Shui Xu nodded: "I understand."

"Very good. That's all you have to do. After you evacuate, I will leak the news to the heavenly courts so that they will send soldiers to encircle you, but the nest is empty. There is no loss to you. When those heavenly soldiers After rushing into that nest, you detonate the spirit veins with the detonation symbol. Then the large spirit veins suddenly exploded. Can't you count the 100,000 soldiers in the pit? "

"Ha ha ha ha, sure enough! But it's not easy for monsters to do such things, and it will bother you."

"That's natural."

After discussing the details with Shui Xu, I quickly left Du Ling City, but passed through the cemetery and did not meet the five leveling players. There is nothing on this trumpet, Yinyue. When I went out, I forgot to bring the teleportation scroll. Returning to Isinger, I had to go back to the city before using the teleportation array. It was really troublesome.

After arriving at Essinger, Xun sent a contact signal using the jade of Erlangshen. This guy appeared in Isinger in less than three minutes.

"What's wrong with me so fast?" Erlang Shen didn't guide me to find him for something demon. After all, he only came in the morning, and I will get back the message in the afternoon. This degree is really too fast.

I pretended to be very cautious and said, "I should investigate the demon matter at the request of Zhenjun. I did not expect a major problem."

"Oh? Is there a result so soon?"

"How can we slow down the matter of heaven. But this time I lost a few good hands to find out this thing, and the news this time is absolutely amazing. Heaven must thank me well."

"What news is so shocking?"

"The demon world is training little monsters, numbering up to 100,000. Once it is completed, it may not be easy for Tianting to destroy the demon world again."

Erlang Shen heard even the third eye rounded: "Is the news reliable?"

"I saw it with my own eyes. It was to confirm the news that I lost several good hands."

Erlang Shen nodded immediately: "The court will remember your credit, and I will go back to the Jade Emperor immediately."

"True King and slow."

"Anything else?"

I pretended to be hesitant and said, "I have a major doubt this time, please listen to me slowly."

"What's the point?"

"That's it. When I got there in the afternoon, the monsters seemed to be planning to retreat. When I left, there were about 70,000 or 80,000 monsters in the cave."

"Did you be spotted?" Erlang Shen immediately thought that we had exposed the target.

I shook my head: "Maybe for some other reason, we haven't reached the point where they have started to retreat. It can't be because of us. Also, this secret place has a vein of Yinquan. I guess the monsters have Maybe I want to design a trap. But we are here now, and we ca n’t find out in detail. If Tianting had to send troops to besiege, I suggest that Zhenjun should not be too far forward. This may be quite dangerous. Please tell Jade Emperor. Don't besiege for now. "

Hehe! Heaven knows how it is possible for the monsters to sit on the show? I have repeatedly emphasized this disapproval of sending troops. There may be pitfalls in suspicion, but to push the blame clean. The news was sent by me, but I made it clear that it was dangerous. If Tianting insisted on sending troops, it would not be my problem. Even if they suffered a big loss, they would not find me. I am a master at shirk responsibility.

After Erlang Shen left, I quickly convened a large number of players and prepared for action in the guild. The Frost Rose Alliance emergency mobilization order was broadcast to all subordinate cities. In the early morning of the next day, the sun had not fully risen. Facing the morning glow, the doors of all the cities of the Frost Rose Alliance opened at the same time. An army of millions plus a large army of tens of thousands of players drove out of the city, and I drained almost all of the six powers in the guild.

Many families on the road in the early morning were rushing to the leveling point, and suddenly heard a rumbling sound from a distance. Just when they stumbled so much on something, suddenly a cavalry appeared on the road. The cavalry did not run fast, all the horses advanced with a light, small jump. Rear gradually came the sound of military music based on war drums. A large military band rode on the tall boneless beast to provide the troops with a neat marching melody. In the rear, a large number of well-armed and heavily armed infantrymen jogged forward on the drums of military music, and the long line extended to the invisible sky.

Such a large-scale troop movement has almost shocked players across the country, but no one knows what we are going to do. Not even our guilds know. This time the Qingxu demon race is mainly the work of heaven. Our role is nothing more than an external blockade alert. Of course, because we know in advance that this time it is a trap, our work is actually a big show. As for the show, Everyone is naturally clear.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the mighty army had reached the range of Heiliang Mountain. A large number of players point around the army rally. Everyone was very interested in such a big event in our guild. At first, some people speculated that we were the collective leveling brushing experience, but it was quickly overturned. It is a bit exaggerated that leveling out so many regular troops.

In a large number of command-type passwords, the army from the Frost Rose Alliance began to move into two sides of the mountain. At 12 noon, the army completed the encirclement, and the whole area of ​​Heiliang Mountain was surrounded by hundreds of miles and it was leaking. The heavy shield hand erected an airtight shield wall, and some roads and areas suitable for charge even directly appeared large shield armored vehicles. Behind the shield wall, Jin stood with two rows of swordsmen next to heavy shield hands. In the back row is the reloaded lance team. A three-meter-long spear stretched out of the shield wall across the shoulders of the front-row soldiers. Whoever dared to rush will be ready to become a honeycomb.

Behind the five-row rifle team is heavy infantry. Isinger's infantry has always been targeted at heavy-duty. The fast troops are generally cavalry or air force. Archer Legion.

Keeping a distance from the defensive formation, the cavalry was divided into small companies in the form of a hundred men, and the cavalry could be supported immediately if there was a gap. There are also a large number of World of Warcraft and a few heavy artillery around the cavalry, these are housekeeping magic to deal with large creatures. An air force consisting of dragons and spears hovering in the sky and hiding from the sun, any enemies attempting to approach must first suffer a round of air strikes.

Our army as a whole faces the direction of the mountain. Outside, the lively players were blocked by a blocking wall composed of low-level skeleton soldiers. Near the largest main passage into the mountain, a small castle stands tall. This is a new war fortress from our guild. Although it can fly, its performance is very bad. It is mainly used as a temporary command post for war positions. Now it is mainly used to show strength.

There was a thunder in the sky at one in the afternoon. The originally clear sky suddenly began to gather a lot of clouds. These are not dark clouds. The white clouds are not only black but also light, and the ground is plated with soft gold light. The thunder and lightning rolled in the billowing clouds, and suddenly a hole opened in the clouds.

The Chinese players behind me marveled together because they saw a towering door in the sky through the hole in the cloud. Nantianmen opened slowly in a colorful glow, and a large group of generals riding Tianma rushed out, followed by a large number of troops. Although the size of 100,000 soldiers is not as large as our guild. But they are concentrated together, not as scattered as we are, so it looks imposing.

Led by the general, the army of the heavenly courts fell directly from the clouds into the mountains. As the team entered the mountain forest and was blocked by trees, a shout of screaming sounded. In the mountains and forests, the colorful light flying instruments flew randomly. It seems that the monsters have left a lot of monsters. Do they plan to pit more heaven soldiers here?

The flood-like sky soldiers poured into the mountains, and the trees were almost swept away almost instantly. From here, you can see a lot of sky soldiers and monsters fighting in the places where the trees fell.

Some players outside the siege of the guild started talking again. A player with only about ten * asked: "Is Frost Rose Alliance going to play against heaven? Is it too arrogant?"

The player next to him who looked twenty-five or sixty immediately said, "Look at it clearly, don't guess. The Frost Rose Alliance is clearly cooperating with the heaven. They are blocking the irrelevant people from entering the surrounding scene, while preventing those in the mountains from attacking Enemies ran out. Heaven seems to be the main attack this time, and the Frost Rose Alliance may be the defense. "

A full-faced player said: "Damn, the Great Guild is a cow, and even the court of heaven has been brought in. It is obviously not a normal relationship to cooperate with the court of heaven. Who dares to move them after this?"

A mm on the side of the road immediately said, "Do you think anyone would dare to move them without the support of heaven?" You are all not informed enough! "

"What's wrong? Is there any news?" The players next to him gathered around to ask this mm.

This mm immediately said: "Do n’t you know? The leader of the **** league, Yin Piaomiao, is the vice-chairman of Frost's red moon, the brother of Hongyue. Do you still want to understand this relationship? There are also many people brought in. Also, do you know the Northern Alliance? As far as the recent special guild, others and Frost are now strategic partners. And I heard that Frost's main power is not actually in China. We these The small guild is still earning robbing for domestic things, and people have already opened up territories abroad. Isn't the new Indonesian territory created by their guild? I heard that they also attacked Japan. But unfortunately I was beaten back. "

A relatively old player said, "This guild has a huge network of relationships, which affects the whole body. It is not easy for anyone to move in such a guild."

"Now there are more heavenly courts. No one will dare to touch them in the future. Wow, look, Shenlong."

As the player shouted, the seven dragons in the clouds tangled and flew out. One of the dragons had just opened his mouth, and a lightning flash swept half of the mountain.

The older player who sighed just now said: "Good guy. This is called a dragon! The dragon is a reptile compared to this one."

The powerful army sent by Tianting quickly stormed the monster defense forces on the ground, and a large number of troops flooded into the underground world like a flood. At this time, no defense could stop the victory of Tianting. I stood on the tower of the mobile fortress and watched the heavenly army entering the mountain, and they stood in front of me and looked at the mountain. Suddenly I said without warning: "Okay, plug your ears."

"Are you going to start?" Rose glanced at me.


Everyone blocked their ears and sat on the ground. After a while, the vibration would be very big, and they would fall back while standing. It is better to sit down and be safe first. As soon as we were ready, the whole Heiliang Mountain suddenly rose upward as if to fly. Then the whole mountain collapsed, and the original Heiliang Mountain instantly became a large pit. A muffled sound on the ground missed a beat. The power of the powerful infrasound shockwave has reached the point where it poses damage. The dragon and spear of the sky almost fell down.

The ground set off a wave like the sea, and the wave rolled forward along the ground, all the trees fell instantly, and our guards fell to the ground with a rush. Fortunately, no one was injured. Players behind our team are not greatly impacted. Our guards blocked it, reducing the damage a little. Besides, the shock from the ground is not very harmful to objects on the ground.

I held the balcony railing and watched the rushing waves. I picked up the crystal of the crystal communicator and gave the order: "Anti-shock formation."

The formation has been told long before it came out, and now it is just to inform everyone to start execution. The commanders of the various sections issued orders quickly and loudly, and the soldiers were not slow. The front-most heavy shield hands quickly gathered back into a herringbone squad. The pikeman in the back turned the pistol upside down, the gun's tail was against the shield's gunpoint, and the heavy infantry crouched on the periphery of the front. Now all the fronts have turned into iron golems. Don't even think about destroying the steel fortress formed by these shields in any attack.

The cavalrymen approached the nearest steel fortress and let the mount nest back against the team, so that the front was all protected. A large number of shields were raised, and our team was completely in the big umbrella made of steel. The dragons and spears in the sky all started to retreat and rise sharply to resist the impact. When flying higher, the impact is relatively small.

The steel gates outside our mobile fort fell suddenly, all windows and doors were closed, and the big bang coming soon was the real killer. It was just a warm-up just now.

I also had to lie on the ground inside the fortress, and suddenly a ringing bell sounded, and I knew the explosion had begun. Shui Xu said that when the veins exploded, there would be a strong turbulence. That's why I let the team block themselves with a shield. Now it seems that this is really right.

The collapsed mountain outside the fortress suddenly flew up again, a white light directly hit the sky, the explosion turned into a volcanic jet, and the energy storm instantly swept everything around. The gate of the heavens had not yet come to a close, and a large group of flames rushed into the Nantian gate, and the sky of the heavenly soldiers would be drawn into the flames. I used to know that the veins could explode, but I didn't expect it to be so powerful. Fortunately, the storm was mainly spreading upwards. Those of us are not as unlucky as the heavens, and are directly exposed to the force of the explosion.

The shields of the guards were rattled by flying stones, and powerful storms forced the soldiers to bear their shields so that they would not be blown away. Seen from the rear, the lively players are relatively unlucky. Our shield array is an arrow-shaped array. This array is not a shield wall. Can't protect the people behind. Players were rolled up like feathers and disappeared. Even our castle moved slightly back on the ground. If it were not for the fixed position of the anti-gravity device, we would have been swept away.

The spray lasted for more than ten seconds before it came to an end, and a huge plume of smoke was connected from the ground to the gray sky. Nantianmen actually burned, there were wounded gods everywhere on the mountain, the clouds covering Tianmen were blown to the ground, and Nantianmen just stood there as if it would fall at any time.

Our fortress was automatically lifted, and an indescribable scent filled all around us instantly. I heard that this is the smell of Reiki, and the explosion of Reiki has filled the place with Reiki. But I do n’t have time for the Aura Seal to control these auras. It's time to earn emotional points.

"Pay attention to all, disarm. All rescue the injured Sky Soldiers and Immortals."

Our team started with 愣神, but it quickly came over. The guards hurled the shield and rushed to the mountain. In fact, Heiliang Mountain is no longer there. The original location of Heiliang Mountain has now become a large pit, and the bottom of the black pit is still emitting white smoke. Obviously the temperature is not low. Fortunately, our undead are not afraid of hot.

Tianbingtian who rushed into the mountain at first will be shaken down by the power of the second explosion. The heavenly soldiers all wailed on the ground. In the face of such a strong explosion, even if they were heavenly soldiers, they could not escape. Many heavenly soldiers have suffered serious injuries, and some have even hung up. I rushed into the pit first, and there were so many wounded here. There are also some senior staff like gods.

Half of the gate was destroyed by the explosion at Nantianmen. The space passages in the rear seemed disordered. There were even fairies on the ground that fell out because of abnormal space connections. I actually saw an acquaintance among the wounded. "Polar Star King?"

"Ah! Tap. Tap." Polaris Jun trembled so I didn't try too hard.

"Why are you here?" Polaris is a fairy who has her own fiefdom. It should be right in heaven.

Polaris Jun did not answer my reason, but said in a difficult way: "Gourd ... my gourd."

"Gourd?" I looked around and dropped Polaris Jun and ran to the side and took a missing gourd back.

The Polaris Jun trembled and found an elixir from the fragments of the gourd and swallowed it. "water……!"

I immediately touched the bracelet and wanted to take the water out of the pot, but then I suddenly felt it when I touched it. It was a small silver moon, not a purple sun. No wonder the North Star was ignoring my question. It turned out to be Know me. I turned around and asked a player from the bank who was passing me to ask for some water for Polaris. "Water is here."

After drinking the water, Polaris Jun immediately sat up and started meditating. I didn't dare to disturb him and had to wait beside him. A few minutes later, Polaris-King returned to normal, apparently feeling better than before, but his face is still not very good. "Thank you, this lady. It was really dangerous just now. It would be unthinkable without the help of a female official! How do you know the Xiaoxian method?"

"Miss?" Look carefully. I'm Ziri. "

"Purple Sun?" Polaris Jun looked at me up and down. "It does have his breath, but you ..."

"Does the same soul know?"

"Oh! I see." Polaris Jun said: "It's you! I said why you saw me like an old acquaintance met. Today I originally wanted to help catch the demon alchemy, but I didn't expect that there was a vein here. , And a big bang, it ’s really terrifying! It ’s almost time to return to heaven and earth!

"Does the fairy die?"

"Nonsense. Do you think it ’s pretend to be rolling all over the place? The gods are just stronger than you, not that we are not dead. Even heaven and earth have life. Hurry up and help me, a friend of mine It also fell off. I didn't know where it was just now. Help me find it. "

In fact, I have seen the friend of the Polaris King, this guy is the guardian of the Qilin Mountain after the Polaris King moved. His injury was better than that of Polaris King, but he was crushed by a piece of Nantianmen. When we found him, he was struggling to climb out. He wouldn't care about this weight if he usually did. But now he was seriously injured, and of course he couldn't get out of such a thing.

Although I want to help, Yinyue's body is not so vigorous. I just saw Zhenhong and Yingquan running from a distance and quickly called them over. As soon as Zhenhong saw the Polaris Jun, he rushed over and said, "Master. Are you all right?"

The Polaris King quickly asked his lover to help get the **** out. This fragment is nothing to the true red. He flies in a single punch. Because the elixir is gone, now we can't provide any decent treatment. The elixir of the world is too bad, and it doesn't have much reaction after taking it. We just carried God out like other wounded soldiers.

I gave the Polaris King to Zhenhong and Yingquan, and I flew into the heaven with a guard spear. The heavenly court suffered heavy losses as a result of the Lingmai explosion, and the failure of Nantianmen to close in time directly caused the shock wave and residual energy of the explosion to affect the buildings and personnel inside the heavenly court. The peephole behind the Nantianmen Gate has turned into a large hole. Half of Yuyun Temple is still standing there. The Tianchi water is full of building debris, and the palace a little further away is still intact. However, the plaque of Lingxiao Baodian dropped aside and hung obliquely there. It looks funny.

A large number of Heavenly Soldiers were busy cleaning the wounded from the rubble. The delicate fairies were injured a lot. Those great fairies were injured because they basically did not have time to take out magic weapons. Fortunately, Tianting's drugs are relatively comprehensive, and far away I saw Taibai Venus holding a gourd and chasing elixir in the heavenly court.

It seemed that he was too busy in heaven. The fallen Heaven Soldiers could not care about them for a while, and I had to return to the ground again. The guards were ordered to transport the wounded who were not seriously injured to Isinger first, and sent the dragon directly to the Nantianmen Gate to let the fairies think of a way.

Players who hurried over after the explosion could see the entire transport team on the road leading to Isinger pulling the wounded between the two places. The number of assassins killed in the mountains is unknown, but we can find the injured ones. As much as 180,000 is really scary ~ ~ Essinger almost turned into a Red Cross, and all barracks were temporarily cleared out and used as wards.

All night Essinger was like boiling water. Guards carrying a large number of medicines ran back and forth everywhere. As for the priests who could heal, it was their crazy night. The wounded eighteen nights were so tired that they almost vomited and almost lay on the bed .

Heaven was overconfident in their strength, and they did not expect that there would be anything strong enough to cause serious harm to them, but they forgot nature. The natural power of the spirit vein is so strong that any **** can't stop it. Under normal circumstances, no one is willing to blow up the spirit vein, but the monsters are willing, because it is more important for them to destroy the legion of heaven.

Su Mei sat on the window sill in the conference hall and looked at the busy soldiers outside, "How do you say that heaven will repay us this time?"

Gold Coin said: "The premise of repayment is confidentiality and good work. If Tianting is to know that this plan was designed by Ziri, it is no wonder that they do not destroy us."

Hongyue looked at me and said, "By the way, why would you help the Yao clan fight heaven? It's not like your style!"

I asked her with a smile, "Do you understand the strengths and weaknesses?"

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