Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 20: Sea of ​​tactics

Dragonfly Castle also left the ground after the Giant Butterfly City took off, her mission was to airborne. One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers will be airdropped behind the enemy to participate in the battle, and the newly formed Tianma cavalry will attack from the front under the cover of the ground fortress.

The snot castle shook its swollen body and moved forward, shrinking and defying the defense weapons on the wall. The Spider Fortress stretched out its eight long legs to support itself. Behind the six red eyes were the other six magic light cannons of the guild. At this moment, they were looking for a suitable target. The eight long-legged spider fortresses acted amazingly fast. After jumping in place, they passed the snot castle and reached the forefront of the battlefield.

The army ant fortress also slowly supported his body, but as soon as he stood up, he started to sink into the soil, and soon disappeared on the ground. The army ant fortress is good at lurking attacks and can move under the ground. At this time, he is carrying a 10% army to the ground and moving towards the city.

The Wasp fortress did not move forward in front of the battlefield, but was suspended in place and suspended at a height of 100 meters. The hatch behind the fort opened, and eight thousand wasp flying golems swarmed out. Unlike when it came, this time the wasp flying golem had a bombshell under each paw. The explosives researched by Crystal Chocolate are very powerful. The bomb itself is not small. Six thousand pound bombs are enough to destroy a large building. This time we didn't even intend to keep the city. My goal is to let the Japanese bring the city together and blast it together.

After the seven war fortresses entered the combat position, large city-breaking cannons outside the city also started firing. As soon as the heavy artillery fired, Japanese players in the city immediately started to fight back. We didn't bring many cannons this time, and we don't plan to waste time on the Throne of Seals in the shelling battle. After a minute of dense fire coverage, all artillery stopped firing. The war fortress rushed forward.

The fastest should have been the Dragonfly Castle. But for the time being she did not show power. Army ant fortress is the first wave of attack.

Mrs. Matsumoto and Mrs. Tanaka happened to be in this city where we are in charge. At this time, two people were directing the battle. As soon as the artillery stopped on our side, they immediately ordered a counterattack. Mrs. Tanaka jumped and ordered to focus his fire on those warfare-shaped war machines that looked dangerously dangerous. Although he didn't know what it was, these guys' petite volume was definitely not a good deal.

Just as the Japanese artillery desperately fought back. The whole city suddenly shook. Matsumoto was standing on the balcony of the watchtower on the top of a castle, and the hand on the railing felt the shock first. He raised his hand in surprise and took a step back. Mrs. Tanaka followed and noticed that the situation was not normal. The vibration on the ground became more obvious, and the flower pot placed on the bluestone railing moved to the edge while shaking on the railing as if turning on the mobile phone. Suddenly the faceplate was crooked and it slammed on the balcony floor.

Matsumoto looked back in surprise into the room, and all the cups and plates on the table were swinging toward the table while dancing. With a short sigh, the plate hadn't landed yet, and a gold-rimmed frame on the wall fell off first. Immediately following the picture frame, the decorative armor standing next to the wall suddenly fell to the ground. The armor parts were scattered. At this time, the cups and plates on the table began to fall one after another, and the falling patter made a loud noise.

The vibration is still intensifying, and the glass on the windows has begun to shake. The strong vibration has caused cracks in some buildings. At this time, a large fountain on the city square suddenly stopped spraying water, and then the water surface in the pool began to shake violently. There was a loud noise. The entire fountain connected a large piece of land to a height of 100 meters and then smashed back to the ground and smashed. The broken fountain pipe was supported on the ground, and the splashing water turned the mud that had just been turned into mud.

Standing on the castle, Matsumoto can clearly see the fountain. Just now the pool was flying high above the sky, which had taken him by surprise. At this time, his eyes were focused here. In fact, the taller Japanese at all the stations in the city focused their attention here. After all, the movement just now was too great.

Their eyes had not yet moved away, and there was another loud noise under the ground, like a blowout. Some muddy water mixed with a lot of dirt and flew into the sky. Before the dirt fell back to the ground, the rock-paved road suddenly arched up a large mound of soil, and the large floor slab opened to both sides. The street was easily torn, and the street seemed to be turned over together. Row of houses. A ton of mud rummaged up and smashed back to the ground, and then a huge iron clamp ten meters long extended out from the ground.

"What is that?" Mrs. Tanaka was still inquiring about Matsumoto Masazu in surprise, but Matsumoto Masako was already stupid, and there was no time for the Seal of the Throne to answer him.

The large iron tongs first swept up and away to clear a large piece of dirt, and then a larger part emerged from the soil. This giant melon-like giant switch emerged vertically from the ground. The height of more than 50 meters made all people in the city see this guy with the same shape as the big melon. This melon-shaped object with pliers came out and shook left and right, then two Optimus Prime-like huge long legs stuck out of the ground. After these two legs came out, they quickly landed on both sides of the cave, and then a whole large street was overturned, and a larger part emerged from the ground. It was only then that Mrs. Tanaka shouted in surprise: "Oh my God! It was the ant just now!"

The huge body of the Army Ant Fortress finally left the ground completely, but he had not completely stood still, and there was a sudden loud noise beside him. A heavy gun controlled by a Japanese player fired a shot at the Army Ant Fort at a range. There was a blaze of flames on the head of the army ant fortress, his head was slightly flared and crooked to the side, but that's all. The army ant fortress is made of steel. Those without magical power are no longer things that can be destroyed casually, not to mention that they are now magical.

The army ant fortress turned quickly to look at the fort, and between the two large pliers sprayed a thick green grassy liquid. The mass of liquid fell on the turret, and the thick liquid quickly covered the entire turret. All the people encountered disappeared into the solution slowly during the scream. The long barrel of the large-caliber city defense gun was slowly bent and deformed like a soaked clay, and finally became a solution.

Ant's special chemical weapon is formic acid, which is a strong biological corrosive. It reacts to almost all chemically unstable substances. Generally small ants can only secrete a small amount of formic acid. This army ant fortress is too big. A bite of formic acid covered all the turrets.

The Army Ant Fortress immediately lowered its height and brought its abdomen close to the ground after the turret was killed. A gate was opened at the rear of the ground. The neat infantry array opened out from the huge hatch and battled with Japanese players emerging from the nearby street together.

The army ant fortress broke in successfully, and the fortress, which had been prepared for a long time, immediately drew its eight long legs and rushed towards the city. The speed of this guy's movement was amazing, and the turret commanded by the Japanese player immediately launched a fire attack. But this guy seems to be able to move laterally faster than frontal, and no shell can hit him. What's more terrible is that this guy's six red eyes can use a red beam to fight back at any time, as long as the hitting turret is immediately melted and washed into the molten iron.

The Spider Fortress ran for two kilometers to the wall in three minutes. The 30-meter-high wall hadn't got the guy's legs long, he went straight into the city, and by the way wiped out a large number of guards. The eight long legs look very thin. In fact, it is because they are too long. However, these legs are nearly ten meters in diameter. Nothing can block this eight-footed monster. Everything that dares to approach will be stepped on the ground relentlessly, and no corpse will be found. In fact, Spider Fortress did not deliberately attack these nearby players at all. He has been searching for a worthwhile turret for destruction. As for the casualties he caused, most of them were traffic accidents.

The Spider Fortress has entered the city and started to destroy, but the snot castle outside the city is still carrying the soldiers in charge. Snot Castle doesn't have the long legs like Spider Fortress, this guy can only creep forward slowly. Degree is only slightly faster than a person running. But precisely because of this degree, she became the most suitable infantry bunker. A large group of soldiers approached the city with artillery fire under the cover of her majestic body, and no artillery could hurt the meat bug that looked good to start with.

The surface of the snot fortress is rippling with water, and the completely soft shell is not at all stressed. After the bomb hits the snot castle, it will not detonate because of insufficient impact force. Even a cannonball equipped with a timed detonation device can only explode a large pit. After the bomb explodes, the big pit on the snot castle will heal quickly like water, and the shrapnel and warhead will slowly precipitate out of the body of the snot castle, which can't cause substantial harm at all. According to the introduction of the leech totem. Unless the other party can smash the entire snot castle at once, she can slowly heal, and she will not be hurt at all.

Infantry following a snot castle is equivalent to a large shield, all weapons are useless. When the snot castle approached the city wall, this guy showed more terrifying power. The snot castle without fangs and claws now finally let everyone know why she was classified by the Zerg into the ranks of attacking war fortresses. This guy hit the wall as soon as he got under the wall, but nothing happened. The liquid snot castle passed through the city wall completely, there was no sound of collision, and no collapsed bricks appeared. She just passed through. But when she completely passed, everyone saw a missing piece on the city wall, as if cut by a knife.

After entering the city, Snot Castle went all the way, and all the buildings covered by her left nothing after her passing. No debris, no rubble, behind her is the avenue of the Pingta, leaving nothing behind. Some Japanese players wield weapons close to attempt to attack, but as soon as they touch the snot castle, they will be stuck, and then slowly pulled into the muddy body and disappeared. This big guy devours everything that dares to approach like a swamp that moves, and there is no possibility of counterattack at all. No matter how bad you can't treat a moving quagmire, right?

After reaching the main trunk of the city, several holes of the Snot Castle suddenly opened several holes at the same time. Groups of soldiers drilled out of the holes and entered the city. When the soldiers all left, they slowly shrank and healed.

The destructive power of huge war machines in cities is incalculable, and nothing can resist their attack. Matsumoto sent a ghost army to help in time, but the effect was minimal.

This is the first time I have seen such a ghost army. They are not the same type of ghost army that attacked us last time in Japan. These guys are shaped like humans. The body surface is as long as a crab with a cyan shell. Their heads look like big cocks. Only a huge one-eyed eye grew in the center of the face, almost covering the entire face.

Although the ghost army looks the same, the arms are different. Most of the arms are standard battle formations with left and right shields. There are also some auxiliary arms such as archers and shields. The tactical coordination of these guys is very coordinated, and it can be said that the training is quite good. Ghost army's attack ability is quite powerful. I can't see much difference from Tian Bing. No wonder Korean players can't deal with these guys. However, the ghost army obviously belongs to the partial soldiers. Although their attack power is as exaggerated as the heavenly soldiers, their vitality is very low, and they almost hang out with one stroke.

Crowds of ghost troops formed battle-shield lines of defense on the streets in an attempt to build a secondary defense, but the Heavenly Soldiers didn't hit them at all. Once encountering such a defensive array, the Heavenly Corps immediately waved a banner and asked for reinforcements in the sky. A flying wasp with a bomb ground rushed down immediately, dropped a bomb into the opponent's line and quickly pulled away. After a blast, the shield array was blown up with the buildings on both sides, and the heavenly soldiers rushed into the chaotic enemy array under the cover of the smoke.

The dragonfly fortress didn't start the assault until this time. She flew past the city with lightning flashes, and a large number of soldiers were directly dropped into the inner city circle. As soon as the airborne paratroopers landed, they began to attack in all directions, and they saw them along the way. Anyway, the armor is not the same as the enemy.

The Japanese also set up some large World of Warcraft in the city to fight back, but these things are obviously not big enough. A war monster suddenly appeared in the city. A heavy blow made the attacking heavenly soldiers hung up. The Spider Fortress was immediately reminded of the giant mosquito outpost, and came running all the way. The war monster was less than half the height of the Spider Fortress, and he hit the magic light gun for a round of six strikes, and then stepped on the leg of the Spider Fortress who was rushed to the front. Two seven-meter-long spider venoms immediately pierced its body and injected thirty kilograms of venom into it. After the Spider Fortress got up, the war monster crawled up, but fell down without taking two steps.

According to the picture transmitted by the giant mosquito outpost, there should be a ghost-manufacturing machine in the city, and the specific location has been directly marked. That place seems to be the most heavily defended area. The heavenly soldiers attacked hard, and it was difficult to get close to this area. Just like the Koreans said, the refreshment of the ghost army makes people want to go crazy.

Rose stood next to me, watching the battlefield situation displayed on the screen of the giant mosquito outpost and shook her head constantly: "This will not work. The sky soldier is so expensive that it cannot be used as a consumable."

The Wasp Totem's voice suddenly appeared in the screen: "If it doesn't work, let everyone retreat to a few areas first. I will use a big move."

"Do you have weapons of mass destruction?"

"Of course. Do you want to watch?"

"Well then, inform the front to assemble and deploy weapons of mass destruction."

The soldiers in the city gathered quickly, and the war fortresses entering the city also concentrated in these areas for apex protection. The eight thousand wasp flying golems in the sky suddenly dispersed into the high area above the city and hovered. The center of the top of the wasp fortress outside the city suddenly opened a hatch, and a red spherical crystal stuck out. All the wasp flying golems suddenly opened a layer of armor under the abdomen, and a red hexagonal crystal appeared inside the opened armor. The red crystal on the back of the Hornets fortress flashed, and a red beam of light immediately hit a wasp goth closest to him, and then the golem fired seven or eight red beams of light on the other wasp golems. These The beams of golems covered all the wasps as quickly as chain lightning. When the last wasp was covered, the red crystals on their abdomen suddenly shot red beams of light towards the ground at the same time. Each beam of light caused a big explosion on the ground like a bomb. The red beam of light sprinkled by 8,000 wasps attacked the entire city like a torrential rain. Numerous fireballs instantly rose on the ground, and the entire city burned. .

Rose and I were both silly. I didn't expect that the Wasp Fortress was so powerful. We thought this was over. But the main beam of light at Wasp Fortress suddenly increased its energy. The red light became extremely dazzling. The crystals beneath the wasp golems began to reign. And more violent than last time. The red light rain spreads like a shotgun, and the beams of light hit the ground one after another. Almost all the locations that can be seen were attacked. The densely-populated areas of the enemy were even consciously bombarded.

The side of the screen in front of us showed a vertical red bar as the beam attack continued. This red bar is constantly shortening, it looks like this is the energy indicator bar of the Hornets. This horrible attack method is really powerful, but the energy consumption is too exaggerated. This progress bar was used up in less than thirty seconds, the beam of light stopped at the same time, and the wasp golems dived down and dropped the remaining bombs and began to return quickly. The attack just now probably used up the golem's energy.

In the city, like a carpet bombing by an array of box bombers, no intact building can stand on such ground, and flames and explosions flood the entire city's sky.

I picked up the communicator and shouted at the inland operators in the war fortresses in the city: "What are you doing? What ?!"

The war fortresses immediately moved and began to rush back to the rubble to attack the surviving enemies. The soldiers saw the war fortresses and immediately reacted to follow them.

I don't know what method the Japanese used to get that kind of metamorphosis machine. The attack just now almost wiped out the ghost army in the city. The room where the machine that made the ghost army was under special care was now turned into a smoky soil. But the ruins were suddenly lifted from the interior less than a minute after the attack, and countless ghost troops rushed out of it.

"! Can't finish playing?" Eagle couldn't help scolding.

A ball of green acid suddenly fell on top of the ruins, and the building debris was completely melted. But all that was exposed below was a pile of people. Countless ghost soldiers rushed out of the ruins and brought out the formic acid. The degree of this machine to build the ghost army is like a blast of rice. We ca n’t see the machine at all, and we see countless ghost troops .

Seeing that we cleared the enemies in the city and concentrated in this place, and formed a bag around, but no matter how to fight, it is impossible to advance. The heavenly army outside thought about France breaking through to the middle. The ghost army inside burst out like a flood and couldn't stop it.

Matsumoto, who has moved to the city in the middle, looks at the battle with a telescope. Haha laughed: "Haha! You can't rush in. As long as I have money, you can never rush in. "

Mrs. Tanaka pulled the clothes of Masamoto Matsumoto beside him: "But our deposits are falling out too fast. Is it worth it?"

"Rest assured. As long as you can stand still in South Korea, how much money is worth it. Don't be reluctant to invest. Today's large investment means a lot of profit in the future. Hahahaha, Chinese stupid pigs, although you fill it! Grind all your soldiers into flesh to cast my gold coins, ha ha ha ha ... "

In this city, the two sides entered a state of tug-of-war, and our team was less than 1,000 meters away from the exit that kept on sending soldiers, but we just could n’t rush in. The dense army of ghost soldiers inside could not be killed. The corpses gradually piled a hillside here. From the outside of the city, we can see our army climbing the peaks of the corpses toward the peak, but no matter how tenacious the rushing Will get squeezed up.

A player in charge of food control in the command room could not help but shouted, "* Are the Japanese reusing the bug? How can there be such a troop?"

Rose picked up the crystal communications machine and said, "Let the soldiers back down and change up to the snot castle."

The voice of the leech totem in the snot castle immediately came back: "No, I have devoured 10 million corpses, and today the absorption has reached the limit."

Snot Castle is a monster that devours everything. The Japanese just couldn't eat my monster with soldiers. How can we fight this battle?

I quickly snatched the serial wasp totem: "Can your beam still work?"

"No, there is not enough energy. But if you need support, my golem can still carry a bomb."

"That's okay, it's no use relying on them now."

A player suddenly shouted, "What's that?"

Let's look together at the middle of the screen, like a crater, spraying countless ghost troops to Roshan. At this moment a thin red line in the sky is facing the center of the ground in this human crater.

"Babelta?" We suddenly thought of Isinger's long-range strike force.

really. The red beam was suddenly replaced by a white light. A huge beam of light fell directly into the crater from the sky. The powerful power of the beam of light caused the corpse volcano to collapse instantly, and the sprayed ghost army fountain was pressed to the bottom by the white ground beam of light. We all clenched our fists to help, everyone gritted their teeth and shouted in silence. However, the Ghost Army fountain suddenly burst again, and the sprayed Ghost Army soldiers were melted into steam by the beam of light as soon as it appeared, but the new soldier immediately blocked the beam of light again. The beam of light continued to push down, and the soldiers continued to rise, and everyone was stuck in the center and no one could stand up.

A giant screen edge on the display inside the giant mosquito stinger station shows a number that is turning wildly. The number in front of the number clearly writes "the number of killing enemies". The beam of light of Babel Tower eventually extinguished, and the ghost soldiers poured out like a fountain again. Our heavenly soldiers immediately met and blocked them from Roshan to prevent them from coming down. The number on the side of the shield stopped at over a million. Just 15 seconds after the Babel Tower, the Seal of the Seal of God killed more than one million ghost troops, but this still cannot suppress the crazy troops of the ghost troops. A large number of corpses piled up, the corpses below were squashed by gravity, and blood and water poured out from the foot of Roshan. The streets have become small rivers.

The Spider Fortress climbed onto the meat and attempted to smash into it, but it was pushed out by millions of ghosts. Each movement of the eight long legs at the fortress brought up a figure, tens of thousands of ghost troops were killed and injured between the raised hands, but this had no effect at all, and the Japanese did not care about the casualties of the ghost army. The extent to which this thing sends troops is too exaggerated.

I asked the statistician next to me: "How are our casualties?"

"The specific number is unknown, and the roughly reported figures show that the total casualties were within 10,000. The fighting force of the ghost army does not seem to be very good. The key is that it is too fast to kill all soldiers."

I wiped my sweat: "Fortunately, there were not many casualties."

Rose frowned and circled in the room: "Although there are not many casualties now, we can't always bear this way! We can't rush in. The enemy will consume our soldiers so sooner or later if we are so old, we ca n’t fight it. Get up! "

"How about letting the Army Ant Fortress attack from below?" I asked.

Eagle interjected: "I just notified it, it's useless at all. There is a huge hidden cave below that place. That machine is in the middle, and the ghost army is coming up and down together."

Su Mei, who has not spoken, suddenly said, "In fact, I have a way to try it."

"any solution?"

"Obviously, the attack of Babelta has already suppressed the enemy for a while, and it can be seen that as long as the troop strength is exceeded, it can still be pushed in."

Rose understood immediately. "Do you mean that one-time firepower with a powerful attack dumped down, a blow of gas came near that machine, and then destroyed it?"

Su Mei nodded her head to indicate correctness.

I frowned and said, "The idea is good, but where can we find that kind of powerful attack? Babelta is already so strong, isn't there still no way?"

"It may not be that way," Rose said. "Isn't your tank a magical beam? And that Emmys, it seems that you can use mirroring to turn yourself into any creature. Let Emmys become The tank looks like two tanks fired together. We let the remaining war fortresses focus on 12 magic light cannons to shoot together. We can even assist from Isinger Archery Arrows. After you blow in, you activate the absolute barrier. , And then have the Spider Fortress step you in with your long legs, and you carry a lot of explosives to blow that machine off. "

"I'm afraid this firepower is not enough, right? 12 magic light cannons can't stand a Babel tower!"

Hongyue said, "In fact, we will have strong firepower, so we can not be here."

I nodded helplessly: "I also know that the level of weapons below Isinger and the Seven Dust Clocks in the city have such great power, but those are all city-level weapons, unless Isinger flies over. Otherwise Hopelessly. "

The eagle seemed a little tempted. "How long does it take for Isinger to fly over the Seal of Throne?"

"Almost three days."

"It's too slow!" Eagle rejected the idea himself.

"What if we dismantle the Seven Spirit Clocks?" Hongyue asked.

Su Mei shook her head: "Unless you want to bury the Japanese yourself. You said it would be more realistic to take down the class weapons."

"Yes." The eagle suddenly jumped. "Just be a hammer."


Ying Lian said with excitement, "It's like casting a steel cylinder. It's shaped like a pencil. It can be bigger, make it tens of thousands of tons, and then let Giant Butterfly City hang it high and throw it down. I will If you do n’t believe it, you ca n’t go in. ”

"This is a good way." Rose nodded. "It's best to put a few spiral tails on it to ensure accurate placement and to make this steel column rotate like a drill."

"What are you waiting for? Go back and build it." Hongyue jumped up and immediately pulled us to go back and build a heavy hammer.

We used the multinational teleportation team to return directly to Steel City. Casting this big guy is not easy. Fortunately, it is not a precision part. Don't worry about size and specifications, it's almost OK. We directly chose to dig a pit on the ground, make a required shape, put on a punch of heat-resistant material, and then directly pour molten steel into it. In order to cool down this class of big guys, we also made thousands of tons of water from the outside to cool this thing down to a touchable program.

Because it is a rough embryo, all the steel hammers are covered with wool. Casting this guy used 100,000 tons of raw steel, which is basically equivalent to a big warship. More than 50 meters long steel pillars were erected in a transnational teleportation array and delivered directly to Union City in South Korea. In order to transport this big guy, we spent 5,000 crystal coins worth of magic crystals. This time, it was delayed for three hours, but the South Korean players still swayed outside the city, and have not yet broken into the city wall.

A hanging buckle was cast in front of the heavy hammer. Giant Butterfly City can hang this guy directly with his paws. When Judie City moved even with two war fortresses, this little guy was not a problem at all. We hoisted it outside the city, and then welded the butterfly wing on the scene. After all was done, Giant Butterfly City hung the big guy and started to rise. It took more than ten minutes to reach the designated height, and then aimed slightly.

The Japanese first did not know what we wanted to do with such a big thing ~ ~ But when Giant Butterfly City took this thing to reach the target point, they immediately understood, but it was useless to understand, This weight smashes down with inertia, and everything can be crushed. To ensure accuracy, the Wasp Fortress also sent a wasp golem attached to the outside of the hammer to guide the attack with its body. When it reaches near ground level, it drops the hammer and lets it hit the target by inertia.

After everything was ready, I took the crystal communicator and stood outside the giant mosquito post. I planned to see the impact with my own eyes, and ordered the communicator, "Start."

Our army quickly turned around and ran. The ghost army is still frantically going out. The Giant Butterfly City continued to count down for ten seconds before I shouted, and then suddenly let go of the claws. The 100,000-ton heavy hammer shouted and fell from a height of five kilometers. Due to the action of the spiral wind wing, the steel column began to rotate, and it became faster and faster. Looking at the state of whereabouts, we are obviously worried. Such a heavy thing is less affected by wind during the fall process. Besides, the rotation stability ensures that its direction is directed at the target, with almost no deviation.

When descending to a distance of one kilometer, the wasp golems all released their claws, and they were immediately thrown out of the pillar due to rotation. When the steel pillar entered the last break, it was quite scary, and we saw a black strip falling from the sky.

The loudspeaker on the Spider Fortress shouted, "Ready for impact."

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