Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 39: Successful pairing

Volume 10 Chapter 39

The Isinger banquet was held for three days. No one knew this big news in the entire Chinese gaming area, and even foreign players came to follow and make fun of it. Because there have been plans for cooperating with tourism projects in South America, all the cities of the Bank have now entered this group tourism network. The purpose of the banquet this time was to make it easier for us to stop the mouth of Vinda, so that he could get out of the fire if we came out. However, Rose was more distressed about money. At first, she was unwilling to engage in the banquet. Later, she suddenly thought of making the banquet bigger and turning it into a publicity advertisement. After this plan was implemented, it became an advertisement plus cultural tourism. The number of non-bank players in Essinger skyrocketed seven times a day, and the blocked water on the streets was leaking. The excitement is not enough to describe the current situation.

I was drinking and chatting with the representative from Tianting, and Rose was counting the money behind. The half-banquet was originally a loss of money, but because the advertising effect was too good, and there were too many people, the cost of entering the city would keep the cost. For three days, Isinger, the throne of the Seal of God, spent in madness, and Isinger is now a city that never sleeps. However, other players are busy, but not many people in the guild. The Bank has too much work now, and most of its staff are concentrated on construction projects.

The Zerg War Fortress on the side of Steel City is doing final assembly, and the construction of geothermal energy extraction facilities under Isinger is still under construction. We have also contracted the construction of two cities in South Korea, and the city we occupy in Indonesia Just entered the third phase of construction. With so many projects blooming everywhere, we just don't have enough people. What is more troublesome is that according to the current situation, we still have three non-built cities. The first is the city that promised to be established in South America. By the time, the Beast Temple will be built there by the way. Once the beast temple is completed, you can count money at home, absolutely a lot of money. In addition, the demons established their bases in Wanxian Mountain. In order to take care of it nearby, our guild needs to build a medium-sized city in Wanxian Mountain anyway. Finally, the fulcrum city plan over Japan was already in operation, and now it is impossible to stop anyway.

Although it seems that there are many things, in fact we will soon be empty. The cities in South Korea are simple cities that don't need to be armed to the teeth like Isinger, and can be completed in a few days. The thirteen totem fortresses will be completed by noon tomorrow at the latest, which will save the next large number of manpower. Essinger's geothermal project is a bit slower, but it can take up to two weeks to complete. The city in Indonesia is already in Phase III, and it can be handed over to BSP. Of all these things, the most urgent thing for me is to set up the Fulcrum City as soon as possible, but it was rejected by a full vote during a meeting with everyone. Rose believes that the Japanese's combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated. It is a serious mistake to despise the enemy. We need to get the other two cities first, and then focus on building a fulcrum city.

Taking advantage of this celebration, Rose also proposed to show the strength of the downward meeting, so the wedding celebration turned into a military parade on the third day. Fortunately, the Legion is better managed than the players. Although their boss, Vinda, and Guanyin Cave, their performance is still so perfect. The purpose of this demonstration of military strength is actually to win over the guild of our country to join our camp. Seeing that there are only three months left in the national war, it will be troublesome if there is no reunification. To show navy strength. Noah Fang Zhou, who had been in the snow for half a year, was officially unveiled.

Noah was almost completed when he attacked Indonesia the last time. This time, he just completed the weapons and internal systems. The name of the new Noah's ship is not Noah. Although it was already wanted to change the name, but because of the appearance of Heijilin, in order to be close to him, we simply renamed Noah into the Heijilin. The representatives of Tianting frowned when they heard the name Heiqilin, but they said nothing, and there was no warship in Tianting anyway.

Heiqilin said that the battleship is actually more similar to a maritime city, although it has no urban status. But it basically has everything a city should have. The Black Kirin should have been completed long ago. Later, the delay of the Seal of the Seal of God for such a long time was mainly due to the intervention of the Hai people. We helped Atlantis rebuild the undersea city, and in return they helped me set up an underwater working system for the Black Kirin. Although the Black Kirin cannot navigate under the sea like the Great White Shark. But basic snorkeling capabilities are still available. This time the Heiqilin was opened to show the inside of the hull at the same time, but I wanted to buy a ticket. As a matter of course, the idea came from roses.

Three days after Daqing, at noon on the fourth day, all celebrations ended. Li Jing and Wei Na took the lead, followed by a large group of people into the room. Vinda and Guanyin have been in it for 72 hours. According to the amount of medicine calculated at the beginning, it is almost the end of the effect last night, and then the two of them should sleep very exhausted. It's noon now, and I think they should all rest.

Considering that both of them are bare, we also prepared special personnel. "Rose Vine." I gave the two suits to Rose Vine, and then I asked Li Jing to put the Rose Vine in the tower. The two of them didn't wear anything. It was not convenient for us to send a man in or a woman in, so we just let the rose vines in. Believe that both of them shouldn't mind being seen by an vine *? Moreover, there are many tentacles in rose vines, and he can easily do things like wear clothes.

Rose Vine only entered after a while and knocked on the tower, which was a promised signal. Li Jing quickly put away the exquisite pagoda and poured them all out.

"Ah?" Everyone around him drew a breath.

Rose Vine didn't dress the two guys, but used his tentacles to wrap Vinda and Guanyin strictly, only two heads were exposed. "Rose Vine? What's going on? Isn't it for you to dress them?"

The big eyes on the rose vine master vine immediately reached in front of me, and the magic shocked the air and made a sound. "Master, there is really no way around this!"

"What can't be helped?"

"Both of them couldn't wake up, no reaction at all!"

"I didn't tell you. If you don't wake up, just help them get dressed?"

Rose Vine immediately said: "But the two of them are entangled and cannot be worn!"

"You just separate them."

"But this ...!" The two wrapped in rose vines only showed their two heads, and they were close together. "Master. Their bodies are completely attached together, holding each other's hands and feet at each other and cannot be pulled apart. If they are separated forcibly, their bodies may be damaged. Do I need to pull them apart forcibly!

"Pull it apart, but don't pull it forcibly. Slowly pry it open a little bit, one finger one finger open, it doesn't matter if you move slowly."


I nodded to Li Jing, and he immediately loaded them back. It took a long time this time to receive a signal from the rose vines to release them again. The two were separated and their clothes were put on, but they were still asleep. Vinda's race is considered a big devil, and it is a type that rarely needs sleep. Avalokitesvara is a branch of the demon clan. Demon people generally need to sleep, but the strength of Guanyin is relatively strong, and it should not require frequent rest. Two people who don't need to sleep can work so hard that others help them put on their clothes. They still slept like dead corpses, showing how violent the movement has been in the past three days.

"Ling. Help Vinda use Dark Resurgence. Little Dragon Girl, use Huiyuan for Guanyin."


Both of these guys are overworked and need more rest, but I do n’t have time to let the two of them continue to sleep, so I use magic to restore physical fitness. The magical effects on both sides are very good. Both of them reacted immediately after the end, but they were obviously weak.

"Water ...!" Vinda started to shout without opening her eyes.

"This is it." After all, Wei Na was still distressed by her brother. Hurry and pass the water.

This lineage work consumes a lot of water. As soon as Vinda encounters the water, he holds the bottle and irrigates himself. The Goddess of Mercy did not shout out water. She is not the same as Vinda. In Buddhism, she must learn to take care of herself. Even if you lose consciousness, you must remember that no one will take care of you. So Guanyin does not call for water, but touches himself everywhere. Weina could not see it and handed her a bottle, too.

The condition of two bottles of water is obviously much better. I took out two more small bottles and filled Vinda with the red liquid in one of the bottles, and filled the Guanyin with the light plain liquid in the other. The two opened their eyes as soon as they drank. Vinda drank the blood of the blood pool, pure dark energy. Guanyin's bottle is the magic spring water in the colorful fantasy pool, pure magic energy.

Vinda opened her eyes and saw Vina holding him first. The pupils contracted violently, and they were frightened. But suddenly he turned into a panicked look and started looking around. As a result, when he saw the Guanyin next to him, his eyes calmed down immediately.

"Aren't you getting along well?" I stretched my head behind Vina and looked at Vinda.

After seeing me, Vinda's eyes were stunned, then confused, and then he jumped up and rushed at me. People around him thought that he was going to hit me, and rushed up to stop, but they were a little farther away, so they took a slow step. Vinda hugged me, and suddenly shouted in my panic expression: "Thank you Lord, you are my benefactor!"

"Ah?" The audience was dumbfounded, and all their chins fell down together.

Vinda hugged me desperately: "If it were not for you, I would never know that love is so wonderful, ah, lovely woman!" He suddenly threw me away and picked up Guanyin.

My brain was in a short circuit because I was stimulated too much, and he suddenly loosened and fell to the sky. Rose and Wina came together. Rose watched Vida whispered, "Is he stimulated?"

I nodded: "The stimulus is positive, but how do I feel that there is a big gap between the response and expectations?"

"This kid is in love!" Wei Na still knew her brother better than us, and she said the reason in a word.

Rose nodded immediately. "Well, well. Many women love their first man who has a relationship with them, and even there have been cases where women have fallen in love with their own offenders. It seems that some men have similar psychological conditions, and Vinda must be this. Kind of person. "

Li Jing suddenly inserted his head into a small voice: "The key issue now is the attitude of Guanyin."

"Don't you say that Linglong is particularly specific?" I looked at Li Jing and asked.

Li Jing immediately said: "According to legend, this is the case, but we know that there are three exquisite bodies. The purple bamboo fairy and Chang'e are both Wanbi. I have never heard of anyone who has seen exquisite bodies. No! You also know that things passed down from ancient times have a high error rate. "

"Ai Lang!" The Guanyin over there finally opened his eyes in Vinda's arms, and then immediately saw Vinda rushed to scream.

boom! All the people in the room fainted. The dignified goddess turned into a sweet little wife instantly, the contrast was too great, and our nerves were a bit unbearable. Rose was more calm, stood up and rang a finger to draw our attention all over. "It seems to be going well. Don't bother this pair of crickets. Withdraw!"

Coaxed the room and even ran out of human hair. Li Jing took a group of representatives of Tianting to run back to life with almost escape, and the people in our guild ran away. The two inside are estimated to be as good as paint for a period of time, and in a short time, the throne of God's Seal is not expected to return to normal. But this has already reached our goal ~ ~ Since Guanyin has fallen in love with Vinda, he will definitely not defy Vinda's meaning. Vinda is my chief of city guards, and he will not disobey my orders. This is equivalent to Guanyin listening to me. As long as she orders her to stop revealing her appearance as the throne of the Seal of God during the time of Guanyin, she should not be seen.

Guanyin's behavior is also a problem now. Her clothes are made of silk, and magic shields are added. Don't look at the thin layer, the defense is higher than most armor. The jade bottle she took in her youth was also a terrific treasure, which could not only make life water, but also collect monsters. However, these two things belong to the stolen goods, and they are very difficult. Avalokitesvara is missing. Who is holding her magic weapon and running around?

Finally Rose gave a suggestion. Since you can't use it for the demons. Anyway, they are hostile with Buddha, they don't care about adding another one. The baby can give them some baby demon's baby by the way, even if it is not as good as this bottle, at least it can be used.

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