Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 41: Buddha

Volume 10 Chapter 41

"Sound audition, audition." Ling stood on the roof with a horn rolled out of a metal sheet and shouted to Tang Seng. "People in the yard listen, yes, just don't look around. You are now surrounded, please immediately drop your arms and surrender. If you try to resist us you will be forced to use force."

Ling Gang shouted that the wall next to it collapsed, the tank climbed out of the ruins, the huge magic light shot was facing the Tang monk, and the gun tube had become crystal clear. This was the critical energy concentration. which performed.

Tang Seng looked at the wall that had been opened because the tank had entered, and there was a gap there. Ling shouted again: "Don't try to escape, except to surrender, whatever you do will be considered a deliberate resistance, including you to do nothing."

"Who are you?" Tang Seng is still confused, and he hasn't figured out who we are.

"You are now being arrested. Don't ask us questions. Your duty and right is to answer questions. Now throw the stick out, lie on the ground, feet crossed, hands on the back of your head."

When Ling recently went offline, I saw the movie. I still didn't forget to play it when I entered the game. Tang Seng didn't buy it, and suddenly he rushed over to the study side. The magic light of the tank shot instantly, followed by Tang Seng's footsteps like a cutting knife. Tang Seng slammed a large hole in the wall and drilled into it. Ye Yue didn't expect that he would hit the wall, but he didn't stop for a moment. The magic light of the tank instantly swept down a large courtyard wall. Those of us standing on the roof quickly jumped directly from the roof, but when we fell into the courtyard, we were blocked by the smoke caused by the magic light of the tank. Sight.

Everyone just burst out of smoke. Tang Seng actually slyly threw something like a ping-pong ball, and when it hit the ground, it immediately exploded into the sky, completely invisible to people.

I quickly contacted the magic pet from other places with my heart contact: "Everyone shares his eyesight with each other, who has found him?"

"Here." Asuka's report arrived first. "I'm in the air. The sight is clear here, and the bioelectric display target is moving away from the group of buildings and moving towards the forest."

"Follow up. Follow up on the ground and see to help navigate."

Ye Yueyi slanted the side of the paper: "He's over there."

Everyone rushed to the past, and when I passed by Yeyue, I tilted my head and looked at Yeyue's eyes, and that thing was now glowing with a reddish light. How did I forget that Yeyue's eye protection was full-band visual enhancement, and the smoke couldn't block her sight.

Tang Seng thought that he had a wonderful escape plan but suffered the worst defeat. Two and a half months chased him out of the smoke. The half-run Tang Seng had to turn around to stop the half-moon attack, but two and a half months suddenly played a V-turn in front of him and flew back. When he knew it was too late, a bunch of figures burst out of the smoke.

"Actually with smoke bombs, you Buddhists are really hypocritical!" Yeyue fluttered out of the smoke with a thick tail.

"Why did you attack me?" Tang Seng asked the question again.

I came out of the smoke. "I've spoken to you once. Your duty is to cooperate with the arrest and answer the questions we want you to answer. You have no right to ask questions."

"Then catch me and say it again." Tang Seng said again and turned to run. But he turned back and was surprised that the way had been covered by a large white sea.

I walked towards Tang Seng anxiously: "It's a ghost worm. As long as you dare to step in, I guarantee that they will be able to rid you of the **** in a few minutes."

"The handprint of compassion." Tang Seng slammed into the sea of ​​insects in front of him suddenly. The power of this move was indeed not small, and a large number of bugs were eliminated in an instant, but more bugs climbed up to fill the gap.

"You better not expect to run away." I said, pointing around, he was surrounded by us in the center.

"Buddha is like the world, through all great grief ...!"

Tang Seng only halved the words and was suddenly attacked by a feather arrow. As a result, half of the spell was interrupted. "Unfortunately to tell you. This is an operation of destruction. We are not studying skills with you, so please do not use those large spells that delay the Seal of the Throne. If you have to use the land, please make sure to prepare at least as much as they do. Twenty flesh shields. "With that said, I made it to the side with Yeyue and Jingjing and Lingling. Behind us, Ling and Xiaochun closed their eyes and concentrated their minds to gather magic, and they could already see substantial black and white energy around them. Such a strong breath and such a long time of the Seal of Thrones showed that they were preparing for large-scale magic.

Tang Seng shot a golden light almost instantly, but Jingjing used a shield to block the light very lightly. I stood back in the middle. "I told you that large magic requires a meat shield and you can't do it alone. Of course, we can do it on our own. Don't expect to ruin their preparations. Even if we people can't kill you, It's enough to block you. "

Tang Seng turned resentfully and ran, but this time we did not keep up. Because Ling and Xiaochun's magic has been completed. Not only did we not approach, but we took the initiative to hide away from him. Tang Seng realized that the situation was not right and looked back. As a result, we saw a large group of people standing behind the two mages and looking at him with anticipation, while the two mages were shooting magic energy into the sky with their hands, apparently already entering the stage of magic completion.

"Dark scorching pillar." "Light tornado."

The earth suddenly began to shake violently, and Tang Seng took a few steps back in horror, but this did not help him get away from the attack. A black beam of light penetrates into the sky within a radius of three meters with him as the center, and the ground shakes with strong energy. Immediately following the appearance of the black beam of light, countless white dots of light appeared on the surrounding ground. These light spots quickly gathered toward the black beam of light and began to rotate around the beam of light to form a ribbon of light.

During the tremor of the earth, the black beam of light began to shrink and narrow, and at the same time its center became darker and darker. The Tang monk at the center of the beam of light opened his protective mask when the beam of light appeared. At this time, he was working with the sweat mask in the beam of light sweating, and as the beam became more concentrated, the pressure on the mask was increasing.

Xiaochun suddenly held her hands apart, and the white light band suddenly started to rotate and contracted with the black light beam and finally stuck to the black light beam. Light and darkness are inherently incompatible with each other. As soon as white light touches the black beam of light, it immediately makes a harsh squeak like substantial friction and spatters a lot of Mars.

Ling Yexun gently pressed the magic ball of light into the beam of light. As soon as the black light ball touched the beam of light, it immediately destroyed the balance between the beam of light and the white light band. The black light beam quickly contracted and then suddenly gathered into a line. The white light band followed up and also shrank into a small group.

"Lying down" Ling and Xiaochun shouted at the same time. Everyone hurried to get down on the spot, the large magic pet simply drilled back to the Fenglong space to avoid suffering.

Dark and light magic gathered to a point and suddenly began to expand, or explode. The moment of two magical encounters gave rise to a big bang, and everything around him broke away from any other power and began to fly out in all directions. A shock wave visible to the naked eye spread out in a ring, and huge white clouds and clouds lifted up, and the whole mountain shook violently.

Many players in the city in the distance saw the huge mushroom cloud rising from the mountain, and many players felt the sudden increase of wind. Far away here, the shock wave has decayed into strong winds, but it is still very violent. Some players sighed in surprise: "Fuck, isn't it the atomic bomb?"

We waited for ten seconds before we got up from the ground. A huge pit over a hundred meters in diameter appeared at the place where Tang Seng was standing, and everything around it was rolled away. If it were not for the rose vines to fix us on the ground with their own branches. Presumably we also blown it out.

Yeyue shakes her head and shakes the dirt on her head and climbs up. "I didn't expect that Ling and Xiaochun cooperated so powerfully. Why are you two hostile forces?"

"Don't worry about this, and go and get Sun Wukong back. Let's talk about it. It would be weird if the Buddhism people didn't respond to such a big explosion.

We ran all the way to Sun Wukong's Dongfu in just a few minutes. Of course, with the flying bird as a jet, we were faster than those of Xiaosha Mi. Although depressed by the cruel torture of the Buddhist Sect, the basic character of Sun Wukong has not changed. Knowing that we had successfully eliminated Tang Seng, he immediately became the original shape, and we were about to escape by jumping up and down.

I quickly pulled him. "You wait a moment. We are not here to save you this time. The Zizhu Fairy is still on the mountain!"

Sun Wukong looked at me in doubt: "Don't you know? Zizhu was sent to the Kara Mountain in Tianzhu Kingdom yesterday."

"What? You mean Zizhu is not in the country?"

"Is there a fake?" Sun Wukong confirmed: "Although I don't know what the reason is, I just sent the purple bamboo fairy to Tianzhu in a hurry and then he didn't know where to go."

"That's it! Let me take you away today, as for the purple bamboo fairy, I will think of another way."

The location here is relatively far from Isinger. I took Sun Wukong directly to the steel city in the desert, and the road was so sparsely populated that I didn't meet the Buddhism. In the legend, Sun Wukong's somersault cloud is a somersault eighty thousand miles, but that's the legend. Doesn't the setting in the game become a momentary movement? During the flight, I personally experienced the degree of some somersault clouds, which is indeed full, but it's just faster than ordinary flying creatures. It is roughly the same as the dragon, and it is slightly slower than the flying dragon, and it is even more incomparable to the flying bird. For safety we only took a short walk on the somersault cloud and changed to the flying bird. Sun Wukong said that this was the first time he had seen an animal so fast.

By the way, I also checked the gold hoop on Sun Wukong by the way. This gold hoop is actually a gold ring, which is slightly thinner than a human pinkie. I tried to cut it with Eternity several times, but because I did n’t dare to cut it with a slash, I could n’t use it and could n’t open it. Sun Wukong himself also said that the most troublesome thing in this thing is that he was stuck with his head. To reach the attack power of the weapon, he must slash with all his strength. Maybe Zhaoxi, who cut the gold hoop, can surely split Sun Wukong's head together. No one can control this strength when using full power. I'm afraid that if the gold hoop cuts the head and opens it by accident, so far Can't figure it out. Sun Wukong himself tried many ways to try to get rid of this thing. The results were useless.

Soon we arrived at Steel City, and Sun Wukong was fooled by almost everything here. In his opinion, these strange and strange things could not be understood at all. The facilities of Steel City and the things he learned were totally two systems, and they were completely unaffected. I didn't dare take him directly to Isinger, but let him wait for me first, and I ran back to report by myself.

Not to mention, my prudent behavior is really right. After returning to Isinger, I used the fairyland in the painting to report to the heavenly court that Sun Wukong had been rescued. As a result, the **** on the other side of the heavenly court was excited for a while and then told me that he would be in heaven. After a while, the goddess brought Taibai Venus, and it turned out that Taiping Venus told the current situation.

Sun Wukong disappeared after the monk was killed, so the movement was naturally shocked. The first reaction to this series of situations is to bring people to heaven. Many people will attack the Tang monks. The only person who would take Sun Wukong away was heaven. But Rulai also had a mind, and he didn't break it in person. Just running around searching for the gold hoop on Sun Wukong's head under the pretext of visiting. The search radius of that golden hoop is very large. If you come to heaven, it will be easy to find no matter where Sun Wukong is hidden. However, the Jade Emperor is not a provincial travelling lantern. Although he does not know why Rulai suddenly ran and scrambled around, he vaguely felt that something had happened.

After Taibai got my report, he immediately returned and secretly told the Jade Emperor. After the Jade Emperor knew the situation, he began to contain Rulai in various ways, and conveyed his meaning through Taibaijinxing. The idea of ​​the Jade Emperor was to stop me from taking Sun Wukong back first, so that I could use this time to study how to remove the golden hoop from the throne of the Seal of God. After they have suppressed Rulai's side, come to see Sun Wukong. As a reward for this action, Jade Emperor rewarded 100 guilds of guild.

This thing is actually added experience, but not cumulative. This medicine must be used when reaching level 795. After taking the drug, the character will be upgraded to level 800 directly. At this time, you can find a personal level task. Once the task is completed, it will rise to level 810 at one time.

From 800 to 810, I do n’t care if it ’s useful. After all, the training comes up. The time for the Seal of the Seal of God to upgrade is very fast. The key issue is the 795 to 800 paragraph. Level 795 is close to the level, this is the most difficult part to rise. Especially the 799 level, it is terribly difficult to rise. Raising these 5 levels at once means that the most troublesome bottlenecks have been broken in one fell swoop, and there is also an advantage that you can get the ability after the level in advance. Normal players will no longer increase their experience when they reach the 799 level. At this point, you can pick up the level and you can rise to level 800. "Levels 800 and 799 are only one level away. In fact, it is a huge gap. Everyone knows this because it was the same before. Many, 400 is much better than 399, this is the same. With this elixir, you can adjust the level of the level up one level, this benefit is very great.

I am now at level 822. This elixir is useless to me, but this game is not for me to play alone. There will be players in the bank, not to mention 100 elixir, that is not even one million. The top players in our guild are basically concentrated between 750 and 780 poles, which means that they will soon be able to use this elixir. Taking it back as a guild reward is used to stimulate those players who have outstanding performance, I believe it will make everyone's energy straight up.

After leaving Wonderland in the painting, after waiting for a while, the special envoy of heaven and earth brought Jin Dan. Wonderland in the picture is equivalent to a video conference. It can be seen and heard but cannot be exchanged directly. Jin Dan must send it specifically. After I got the elixir, I quickly found the roses and carefully collected these things for her. If I put them out for auction, this one would be crazy. Those who have reached the 795 level must be the oxen in each guild. The oxen with the support behind a strong group will definitely buy this Jindan at all costs. However, I do not intend to sell these gold dandelions. There are many ways to make money, but this gold dandelion is non-renewable, no matter how much it is sold, it is not cost-effective.

After processing these Jindans, I ran to Steel City with a bunch of technicians, and Sun Wukong was already impatient there. Let me give you a brief introduction and then let them study how to open this golden hoop.

Sun Wukong was arranged to lie on a metal bed. There is a half mop on the ground of the head, which just supports the half of the head and gives out the gold hoop separately. This is convenient for our research. Because considering that the gold hoop is a magic device, the simplest solution we think of is to use magic sculpting technology to destroy the magic properties that existed originally. Once the gold hoop is reduced to ordinary matter, even Sun Wukong himself can pull it off.

Players are not good at studying things like magic. The real thing is that, fortunately, there is a magic research institute in our guild. A large number of land mages are the key to solving the problem. These mages ran back and forth for a long time and came to a conclusion-for the power.

The material of the gold hoop is magic gold, which is an excellent conductor of magic elements. Essinger's power pipeline once considered the use of magic gold. Its magic power transmission performance is very good, but the price is expensive and the output is scarce. The gold hoop is a closed ring, and the magical energy flows in it and cannot be cut at all.

We can't rely on magic alone, so we have to consider other ways. The crystal technology of the Celates and the special technology of the sea are good things, and everyone gathered to study the whole afternoon. Until night came up with a rough plan.

As the chief person in charge, Woma explained to me: "Our research results are like this, and experiments have shown that this golden hoop actually tracks Sun Wukong's magic power and changes automatically. So no matter what animal he transforms into, it cannot be removed This gold hoop is tightened as soon as his body shrinks. The gold hoop itself is made of a special alloy doped with magic gold. The hardness is not very high, but its internal magic strengthens the surface hardness, no matter how hard it is cut Can't go on. "

"What about your solution?"

"Our plan is to use multiple manipulations to weaken the power of the golden hoop and then cut it a little bit. The first thing to do is to drain Sun Wukong's own magic power. This gold hoop is automatically tracked by the magic power. Once Sun Wukong's magic power is lost, There is no way to track it. "

"Can Sun Wukong lose his magic power?"

"We don't drain. Just keep a little to keep the life characteristics. The rest will be temporarily transferred to Hai Zuming's magic accumulator for storage. Because the magic power drops, the golden hoop's ability to track Sun Wukong will slightly decrease. At this time, It showed a little looseness. After that, we will use the liquefied crystal designed by the Celates family to penetrate into the inner ring of the gold hoop to fix the inner ring of the gold hoop. "

"Is the crystal solution the same as molten steel?"

Woma said: "That is not the case. Liquefied crystals are liquefied based on magic power, not temperature liquefaction, and will not burn Sun Wukong."

"That's good. He can't withstand the heat after his magic is drained."

"The idea was to use a crystal solution to build an insulation layer between his head and the gold hoop, and then wait for the crystal to solidify."

"Then as long as Sun Wukong pulls his head out?"

"No." Woma shook his head: "The gold hoop will track the magic, even if Sun Wukong's head is separated from the gold hoop by a crystal, but once Sun Wukong moves the head, the gold hoop will shrink and crush the crystal. So this is not Used. Our design is to first isolate the golden hoop with a crystal, and then use the magical carrying capacity of the crystal to enter the magic in the magic accumulator into the crystal. The golden hoop will treat the crystal as Sun Wukong's head. As long as the crystal does not move, the golden hoop will not At this time, it would be fine if Sun Wukong pulled his head out again. "

"Then try it."

With so many people doing things, so many of us have got everything ready to get the job done. What Woma just said is just a rough plan, and the specific content is much more responsible. The magic accumulator is not a small thing. The guy is as large as a container, and it took a lot of effort to bring it from Isinger's laboratory to Steel City. Before you draw the magic to Sun Wukong, you must first explain the reason. Although the magic seal throne will automatically recover for a period of time after the magic is drained, it is very dangerous before the restoration. The average person will not agree with others casually. Drain your magic.

After preparing for this, we use the crystal liquefaction device of Serratis to liquefy the crystal. This machine is not large, which means that the energy consumption is incredible. After starting, all the surrounding crystal lights flickered violently due to energy fluctuations, and some Ming-sensing devices actually exploded.

Draining and penetrating is also a troublesome problem. At least the problem is that Crystal cannot stick Sun Wukong's hair. The liquefied crystal is as sticky as sugar. If it is poured down like this, it must have stuck Sun Wukong's head. Then don't expect to get your head out for a while. The solution is very simple, it is the troublesome operation. Let's find some gasoline first. This is from the United States. The Chinese guild did not expect that all the basic principles in the real world could be used in this game. Even petroleum-refined gasoline could be obtained.

The function of gasoline has a wave function in addition to burning. We first washed Sun Wukong with gasoline, put all his hair on the oil film, and then poured the liquefied crystal. Wait for a while after the crystal is solidified. After the gasoline is completely swept, it will automatically leave a little gap between each hair and the crystal, so that the hair will not stick in the crystal.

The last job is much simpler. The magic accumulator is connected to the reverse output on the crystal, and the magic flows back into the crystal. We all heard a click sound clearly, it seems that the golden hoop does respond to the magic in the crystal.

I patted Sun Wukong and said, "The last one, success or failure, you try to take out your head? If you can pull it out, you will succeed."

Sun Wukong looked at me in excitement and then slowly pushed up with the edges of the crystal hat with both hands. The very relaxed hat was taken out. Sun Wukong still did not respond to some surprises. The contents of the bucket and the translucent crystal cover can see the gold hoop wrapped inside still flashing yellow light.

"I ... I finally took it down! Hahahaha, old Sun is free! Free!" Sun Wukong jumped like crazy. But we can understand his mood. A life that has been imprisoned for many years suddenly gained the freedom of Tian Gao Ren Fiao, how strong that joy is!


"What sound?" My ears were sharper and I heard the discordant tone.

"Crystal." Serratis looked at the crystal in Sun Wukong's hand in surprise.

Sun Wukong stopped quickly, and we all noticed the golden hoop in the crystal. The gold hoop was constantly struggling and beating. It seemed to be figured out, and cracks gradually appeared on the crystal. Sun Wukong was scared and didn't know what to do. He took a crystal and ran around around, trying to throw it, but did not dare to throw it.

"Calm down! Calm down. All departments think about what happened?" I yelled and calmed everyone down.

The Celates representative first responded. "Understand. Sun Wukong's magic power is recovering. The magic power in the crystal of the seal golden hoop has lost Sun Wukong's magic characteristics because it has been too long since leaving Sun Wukong's own time. The characteristics of Sun Wukong's magic power have gradually changed to basic magic power. .Golden Hoop has sensed that magical changes are trying to track the true magic. "


"Send Sun Wukong first. The farther it is, the better. The induction magic of this thing should also be limited."

"Yes, hurry, send Sun Wukong to the City of Mist." I grabbed the crystal group that Sun Wukong was still holding, and ordered everyone to send Sun Wukong first. The misty journey is in the center of the Pacific. It is a halfway supply station for our guild, and recently installed a new transnational transport array, which is a good escape point.

The transnational transmission array flashed for a moment, and Sun Wukong disappeared in the array with a group of accompanying persons. As soon as he left the gold hoop in my hand, he calmed down immediately. It seems that this area of ​​the east and west is not infinitely tracked. As long as the distance is far enough, there is no way to track it. But this thing can never be left, it is too dangerous.

Almost as soon as we thought it was going to be quiet, a snap of a gold hoop actually burst the crystal, and now it has become a small gold ring, which looks similar to the tauren's nose ring. The gold ring floated in the air for a while and left and right, and a large group of us looked at this disgusting thing and didn't know what to do.

"What the **** is this?" Rose suddenly appeared behind me.

"This is the golden hoop above Sun Wukong."

"Did you take it down?"

"It's coming down, but this thing is not honest! It has been looking for Sun Wukong's magic fluctuations and seems to want to track it down. I'm afraid that in case someone would send Sun Wukong to Misty City to temporarily avoid it. How do you think about running coming?"

"Buddhist people have arrived in Isinger."

"What are they going to Isinger?"

"Buddhist did not know from what channels the incident was related to us, so I found Isinger."

"What do they want to do?"

"They want to search Isinger."

"How old is he? Searching Isinger? Did you let them check?"

Rose also said with great pride: "When we are Essinger, it is a child's circle? Let him check if we want to check it. Then we mix a fart? I ordered martial law in the whole city, and the people of Buddhism were blocked outside the city. .If you have n’t come, those people in the Buddhism area do n’t dare to force our place too aggressively. There are a few gods from the heavenly court who say that we must stand up. If it does n’t work, they will fight. No matter what happens Heaven helped us stand. "

I laughed: "I can't tell that the old boy of Jade Emperor is full of fun! Don't hesitate that I helped him do so many things."

"But we can't stand so old?"

"I see. You go back first for everyone to step up the alert, I'll fix this thing and go back immediately."


After the rose was gone, we quickly speeded up the processing of the gold hoop. This thing always floats. We simply fixed it with steel cables and pulled it to the foundry with a tractor. A skyscraper-like machine is erected here, if I don't say you absolutely can't guess what it is. This is the secret equipment of the guild-grade hydraulic press.

The 10,000-ton hydraulic press used in the factory is specially used to process metal parts. That thing can be used to knead steel into any shape like a dough. Our machine is larger than the average 10,000-ton hydraulic press and it is specially used to process cities Steel beam ground. Such a large hydraulic press concentrated almost all the magic and technological power of the guild, and finally came up with such a giant machine. However, it is definitely very easy to use, at least there are currently no parts that it can't move. This time we are going to use it to deal with that **** golden hoop.

Sun Wukong has been out of the control of the golden hoop, now we don't have to worry about hurting Sun Wukong. So you can rest assured. First use a steel cable to pull the gold hoop between the pressure plates of the hydraulic press, then loosen the cable and let it fly by itself. The pressure plate area of ​​this class of hydraulic press is not much smaller than that of a football field, and it cannot fly even if it is flying.

When the cable was cut, Woma pressed the switch. The huge machine pillar above the water press immediately ejected four high-pressure steams, and the metal compressor began to descend. We squatted down and looked at the golden hoop together, wondering what else it could do. The pressure plate quickly touched the suspended gold hoop and pressed it onto the base below. The gold hoop wanted to fly, but it couldn't hold the big guy at all, and it was pressed back to the base. After the upper and lower metal plates are in contact with the gold hoop, this little thing has no place to dodge at all, and the huge pressure of the hydraulic press is irresistible. We didn't see the hydraulic machine being hindered at all. It closed as slowly as the gold hoop did not exist at all.

The maximum degree of compression of a hydraulic press is to squeeze the contents inside into a sheet of paper. After we finished the compression, we raised the hydraulic press again, and a piece of gold foil with a few hundred green square meters appeared on the base. It was really thin like a piece of paper.

A few people went up and lifted the guy up, shaking it like a piece of paper, and dropping it as soon as they tore it. After checking that this thing no longer has magic wave, after the hydraulic press changed its final shape, it has broken the magic cycle inside it, which means that it is no longer a magic device but a bunch of ordinary metal.

Woma was instructed to tear these things up and mix them in other metals, so that the corpses could be completely destroyed. I quickly rushed back to Isinger, and I was ready to fight at any time.

There are hundreds of thousands of arhats in the Buddhism, and the Buddhas around the road surround the city walls. The troops inside Isinger had already lined up the walls. Now Isinger is not the time when the staff is scarce. Now our army can completely defend the city walls, and no one wants to rush in easily.

Various large firepower equipment in the city of Essinger protruded from the ground and houses. The fortresses on the wall are next to each other, but this is not all our possessions. It ’s just that we have n’t really hit it yet, so we do n’t want to turn on these devices yet.

Wei Na, Wei Da, and Rose saw me coming back and ran together, and Wei Da was also followed by a little wife.

"You're finally back." Rose walked ahead. "You also saw the situation outside, they obviously intend to attack the city."

I nodded and said, "Rest assured. It's useless if they dare to fight. We are not the 23rd people who can bully, let alone we have the backstage?"

"Even if the court wants to support it, it depends on the face of the Buddhism, isn't it really open?" Wei Na thought far away.

I nodded: "The Jade Emperor said that he would help us and just give us a consolation. He would definitely join us as a coordinator. He would not really join us to fight Buddhism. Of course, as long as they are willing to intervene in Buddhism. I ca n’t beat Isinger anyway. But we do n’t just have heaven, this is the benefit of full bloom. Vinda, you immediately send the news to the Dark Temple and say Isinger was attacked by the Buddhism, if they do n’t help. Once Isinger is finished, the magic circle below the city will be finished. Another person will be sent to the temple of light. It is said that the Buddhism concentrated on the main attempt to attack Isinger, let them let go of the hands of the Buddhism, do n’t worry about the Buddha. Zong's reinforcements, anyway, Buddhism's large troops were dragged by us. Oh yes, don't expect to say a word to the demon, the time for the autumn wind to reach the throne of the Seal of God. "

"Haha, you are so dark." Wei Na smiled and said to Vader: "Hurry up and inform."

Vinda nodded and watched the Guanyin hanging on him like a koala to inform the arrangement below.

I looked at Wina and Rose and said, "We don't have to do it ourselves to fight against the Buddhism. The Buddhism will naturally be unlucky. The dark temple can't watch us being attacked in the identity of Isinger, the light temple and the demon It ’s because I wo n’t let go of the opportunity anyway, and now I do n’t have to worry about someone resisting the robbery. What a bargain? ”

"But what about those outside?"

"Rest assured that giving them ten days and a half months with our defensive power will not necessarily lead them to the ground. It has taken so long for the Lord of the Seal of the Seal of God to be robbed."

"Adults in the city come and say something." There was a loud noise outside the city.

"Halo, is this the legendary lion roar?"

Rose smiled, "They seem to be overwhelmed. You better talk to them. Although we are not afraid of Buddhism, it is better not to fight without fighting."

I shook my head and smiled bitterly: "It's hard!"

"Go ahead and talk!"

Rose and I came to the wall. Wei Na returned to her temple. Although Rose and I knew she was an artificial person and had a good relationship with me, she was still the Lord God to others. When I was absent, she came out and gave a command to be sympathetic to our guild. If she stood behind me with Rose when I was there, the meaning would be a bit ambiguous.

It wasn't until the city walls that the number of Buddhist sects outside was really confirmed. Among them were some high-powered Buddhas floating in the air. These guys spread their breath with their magic shields one by one, for fear that others would not know them. Very strong.

"Who wants to talk to me?" I shouted while standing on the wall holding a crystal loudspeaker.

"Amitabha." A buddha floated over. He had just approached halfway, an arc of electric arc suddenly gathered on the steel fork protruded from the external aid of Isinger's wall, and then the defensive barriers outside the city started automatically. The black crystals suspended between the four corners of the city between the heavens and the earth shone with dazzling rays of light and spun high, and successive curtains of light unfolded. The concept of our defense is a magic shield that can't be blocked, so there are a few more. Isinger has more than a dozen layers of energy shields before and after. I don't believe anyone who comes in.

"What does the donor mean?"

"If you have something, just go and talk about it. We are not familiar, don't rely on me so close."

"All right." The Buddha looked at me and said, "You must know about the abduction of Sun Wukong, a Buddhist master."

"I don't know. Why should you know about your Buddhism? I'm not idle and I can't do anything about myself."

The Buddha frowned: "What is the word of the donor? We Buddhism do not know your relationship with heaven. Of course you know such a big thing."

"Then you know that I lost a shoe yesterday?"

The Buddha said angrily, "Why do you know if you lost your shoes?"

"Because I also know your relationship with heaven."

"It's not a big deal for Tianting that you lost a shoe. Why did Tianting tell me?"

"It is your business to hijack Sun Wukong, your apprentice, and it does not hurt the heavens. Why do they tell me?"

"Uh ...!" The Buddha was stunned by my question ~ ~ It was all his own words just now, but he blocked his own mouth.

I continued: "Since I feel like I have a problem, come to force me again?"

Seeing that he still didn't answer, I went further and said, "We have a good relationship with Frost Rose Alliance and Heaven, but after all, we are two institutions. Besides, you Buddhism and Heaven are not an institution. You have things that are yours and Heaven It has nothing to do with me. Don't take yourself as a part of heaven. You are not the power of heaven. In addition, I am not working for heaven. We are a cooperative relationship, not a belonging relationship. Even if you are heaven people, I do n’t have the right to order what I do. If you need us to help, you can list the price and we will do it for you, otherwise ... Hum ... Where can you get me back, don't stop me from doing it business."

"You ... you ... you ...!" Buddha's face turned pale.

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