Starting from Zero

Vol 10 Chapter 49: Trade reward

Volume 10 Chapter 49 for reward

"Then you go and help Zi Ri take a few to try it out." The Jade Emperor immediately said: "Zi Ri has done so much for our heaven, and of course we need to help."

"Thank you for taking care of Jade Emperor." I didn't expect that Jade Emperor would be so popular.

Taibai Venus soon brought me a tray with ten bracelets on it. Jade Emperor asked me to try it as soon as possible, and I was kind and hurried over. Taibai Venus gave me a red bracelet and said, "This is a medium-level one. Try it first, if it doesn't work, change it to a larger one." I was about to drop the original masking wristband, Taibai Venus quickly pulled me. "It can't be changed like this, I'll help you."

I reached out and asked Tai Platinum to help. He first took out a bracelet and stuck it directly on my wrist, and then dragged the masking wheel that had severe cracks. Just after the cover wheel was off, the new cover wheel suddenly lit up in red.

"No!" Taibai only came and called out, and my wrist wheel suddenly exploded into a red mist, followed by the red mist, rolled back and disappeared, and it turned out to be a large blue small The light ball sucked in. The **** fire on my body has been rising at a height of two feet, the red arc flashes, and the blue light ball forms a flying circle.

"Fuck, it wasn't that serious in the eighteenth hell! Why is it getting more and more troublesome?"

Taibai Venus got up from the ground and fixed the hat on his head. Erlang Shen and Li Jing also let away from the emperor. Taibaidao: "You haven't been attacked by the evil spirit of Heiqilin in Hell, so you have absorbed such a pure evil spirit. It is to add oil to the fire on the basis of the original, now it is getting more and more troublesome!"

I turned around and saw the two generals looked strangely, and quickly asked, "What's wrong? Am I in trouble?"

Erlang Shen and Li Jingyi nodded. Erlang Shinto: "You are now covered with black flames throughout your body, and your body is looming. Most of the time, the throne of the Seal of God can only see a human shadow moving in the flames."

Li Jing also said, "Yeah! Especially your eyes, the red light flashes like a demon. If we don't all know your details, we will treat you as a monster and cut the monster."

"Is there such an exaggeration?"

"Look at it yourself." Taibai Jinxing drew a hand, and a mirror-like thing appeared in front of me. Originally I wanted to say that I couldn't shine a shadow in a general mirror, but I didn't expect that the mirror could be seen.

The whole body of me in the mirror was covered by black flames, and my body shape was not clear at all. The dragon armor itself is quite arrogant, but usually everyone knows that it is armor. Now my body is completely obscured by flames, and I can only see the outlines. People who do n’t know think I am a flame demon. This is what it looks like. And the worst thing is my eyes, the red eyes are terribly bright. It looks like two big light bulbs, and the outline of narrow eyes is very evil. Don't talk about others, I see myself as a big devil.

"Zi Ri, don't worry, let me try another wrist wheel?" Jade Emperor comforted me.

Venus quickly took out a very wide bracelet and gave me: "This is the biggest, if it doesn't work, I can't help it."

I quickly took over and put it on. The flame disappeared immediately, and my body returned to normal instantly. But less than two seconds. A sudden click was heard, and a red crack appeared on the bracelet. Accompanying the rattling sound of biting an eggshell, the red crack gradually covered the entire bracelet, and then a ping-pong sounded and the bracelet burst again!

"It looks like you're not saved!" Too Venus returned me my cracked bracelet again. "Let's talk about the throne of the Seal of God for a while!"

I took the bracelet helplessly, but as soon as I arrived, I heard a click of the bracelet shattered into pieces. "Ah? What's going on?"

Taibai Venus shook his head helplessly: "This bracelet started to barely resist those evil spirits. Although the cracks did not burst, it was equivalent to reaching a semi-equilibrium state. But after you take it off and bring it back, the bracelet can no longer bear this It's a big load. So ... "

"Then what do I do now? How can I go out like this?"

"It's okay to go out." Jade said: "As long as we pull the Tianxun to notify the gods of all roads that you are infected with a lot of evil spirits by the public, the people in heaven will not trouble you.

"But nowhere else! The old one's fire is not the answer!"

Suddenly Erlang said, "Aren't you going to be transformed? Being transformed into a wolf demon should consume a little evil."

"I'm not a wolf demon. That's called a werewolf form!" I corrected Erlang Shinto.

Taibai Venus shook his head: "Transformation does not necessarily consume evil spirits. In the so-called fire-borrowing style, monster forms and evil spirits grow together, and may be more serious."

Li Jing was relatively straightforward: "Really, don't you know if you try it?"

"Yes, try it." Erlang Shen agreed.

Seeing that everyone seems to agree, I simply agree. "Animalization." I can see from the mirror that my body is constantly expanding, her face is protruding, her ears are gradually getting longer, and she is finally transformed into a giant werewolf who is two and a half meters tall. Immediately after the change, my eyes suddenly flashed red, and then the black demon halo under my feet suddenly punished a large circle, followed by the same ascending to the mid-air and rotating in the starting direction below, forming a protective layer. Purple arcs and strange magic symbols flash alternately on the black halo dance halo. It is simply beautiful, but it is also very deterrent.

Li Jing sighed: "Good guy, you have become a big devil!"

"I'm finished now! How can I see people like this?" The Jade Emperor always thought that my evil spirits had been contaminated because he had gone to hell. Of course I have to take advantage of it.

The Jade Emperor said very cheerfully: "You have suffered this loss for the court of heaven, and we will not forget you in the court of heaven. This way. As compensation, you can make a request. As long as it is not excessive, the court of heaven will try to satisfy you. Need money, people, or something else? "

Hey, the purpose is achieved. I thought for a long time and said, "In fact, I want a subordinate, but I don't know that Jade Emperor would not give it to me."

The Jade Emperor immediately asked: "Man? Who do you fancy? The Heavenly Emperor 108 and the Emperor of the Chao Dynasty are not allowed to give it to you, and those who are too high are beyond our control. Of course, the daughter-in-law's family and the collar-level beasts will not work either, and you can choose whatever you want. "

"You guys should be useless."

"Who the **** is it?"

"The fox you just caught."

"You want that monster?" Yudi and the other three shouted in unison.

Taibai Venus first objected: "This is not possible. The evildoers are not ordinary. The interpersonal relationship is too complicated to explain to you, but it is not possible."

Erlang Shen also said: "Zi Ri, you have to change another request? This demon power is too powerful, you can't control it if you get it back!"

Li Jing also said, "Yeah! Such a strong fighting force, Ruola and the Four Holy Beasts are all looking for teeth. Will you get her back and not dismantle your Isinger?"

The Jade Emperor finally said: "Zi Ri, do you still consider changing? This is too dangerous!"

I shook my head and said very firmly, "I want this."

"There are many talents in heaven. Why do you want this evil?" Taibai Jinxing persuaded, "What will we arrange for you with a strong god?"

"No, I want this fox demon. Jade Emperor you don't know yet, in fact I want her to be very useful."

The Jade Emperor asked in wonder: "What do you want her to do?"

"Actually, this is a secret, but you are not outsiders, I will say it first, but please keep it secret for the time being, and don't tell anyone outside."

"That's natural." Jade Emperor nodded and didn't dare to say anything.

I was careful: "Actually our guild is planning to attack Japan and build a city on the ground for seven days."

"Seven days of keeping the soil?" Jade Emperor immediately said excitedly: "Do you mean to expand the territory for me in China?"

"That's right. I just want to leave a nail in Japan and use it as a starting point to expand and nibble. But the Japanese are not fools. They won't sit and wait for us to invade. They will definitely fight fiercely. Last time in Japan I do n’t think the court of heaven knows anything about opening up front bases? At that time, we encountered unprecedented resistance, and our troops could n’t resist it. Without strong forces to resist the counterattacks of Japanese players and local gods, it ’s really difficult for us Put this nail in. So I need this demon fox. "

"Some truth is said, but this evil is too powerful ~ ~ Even if you give it, you can't restrain it!"

"That may not be the case." I looked at the Jade Emperor and said, "Did the Jade Emperor forget my identity?"

"What is your identity? What is your identity?"

Taibai Venus suddenly slaps his forehead: "Yeah! You are a magic pet master! Can you bring pets? What blood contract can restrict any creature."

"Yeah!" Jade Emperor nodded. "This is a solution. But let me say first. This demon power is too strong. We must first seal it and seal most of her power to give you."

"It's okay, but could you please ask Jade Emperor to raise your expensive hand and leave me some more. I'm counting on her to help me open up the territory in Japan. The power is blocked by you, right?"

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