Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 3: Mobile fortress

Volume 11 Chapter III Mobile Fortress

The more Mrs. Matsumoto and Mr. Tanaka saw the plan, the more they believed that such a smoke plan that we couldn't put out, they put themselves in my place to decide by thinking in other places, and they also felt that there was no reason to use this plan. .

They believed that this plan would naturally be arranged in accordance with this plan. Masamoto Matsumoto and Masako Tanaka soon came up with a countermeasure specifically for this plan. But this plan is destined to be useless, because Matsumoto's plan is based on our wrong plan. It is obviously wrong to make a counterattack plan based on an already abandoned plan.

The perfect fake plan battle time for the Seal of the Seal of God is set at 7 am this Saturday, but the real battle plan will begin on Friday. The initial contact may start at 3 pm, and the formal combat will begin after 7 am.

The real plan at 6 o'clock in the fake plan is located on a prominent peninsula northeast of Yanai Castle on Hokkaido Island. The latitude of this place is very high, just across the Lapirus Strait, opposite the Sakhalin Island of Russia. Our actual boarding at 6 o'clock was next to Nagasaki Port on Kyushu Island, one south and one north. The Japanese really had to regret to defend that plan.

Because this perfect fake plan is originally a post-selection plan, its content includes some things after the initial completion, and the details are amazing to the Japanese staff. Many things in the plan enlightened the Japanese and decided to strengthen the temporary defensive lines in several locations, as well as combine some fleets to be used. Of course, the more they do this, the worse they are, because the plan is fake.

Early Wednesday morning we accepted the corps sent by the various guilds, and the South Korean team will be transported by themselves, or after the war, through a transnational transport array.

It is just that so far no Koreans know that the plan in their hands is false, which determines that the Japanese are more convinced of the authenticity of the plan.

In fact, this situation has a very fatal flaw, but the flaw is not known to the Japanese. The Koreans knew that, but no one said, they just felt a little strange.

This flaw is to agree with our request before they participate. as requested. After the war, all strategic command is under the responsibility of our guild, and all personnel participating in the war will be managed by us. In other words, these Korean presidents simply watched during the battle, they did not need to participate in the battle. What really needs to participate in the battle are only middle and lower commanders. However, when we promulgated those secret battle plans on the spot, we repeatedly emphasized that we can only show them to the top leaders of the guild and not let the rest of the people know to prevent leaks. But thinking about it can reveal the problem. Now that senior leaders are destined to not need command to participate in the war, what are the plans for them? Even if you really want to familiarize your commanders with the plan first, it should be for middle- and lower-level commanders, but we just said that we should not let anyone other than the main leader know. Such a big contradiction as long as the smarter people will have problems. However, the presidents of the Korean guild thought that this was a trivial matter. After all, not seeing the plan had no effect on them, so they didn't bother to think. The Japanese did not know the conditions for entering the war, because they thought that it was a framework agreement between us and the Koreans on the division of interests, and they were too lazy to investigate.

From Wednesday morning. Really three guilds in Japan and China, and South Korean and German Iron Crusades are busy.

The Japanese were busy mobilizing supplies and personnel to prepare for the War of Resistance, a large number of defense systems were built, and a large number of fleets were integrated. It was just that the fleet ran in the wrong direction and the defense line turned inside and out. All of their fleets had assembled in Hokkaido. The South only left some pretending fleets and thought we didn't know they secretly moved the fleets. And their 6 defensive fronts all face north, all personnel are south of the defensive line, staring at the north with vigilance and treating our attack.

The two major guilds of the Koreans, German Crusaders and China were relatively easy to reach. Anyway, the plan was severed by us. They do n’t know that the plan is nothing at all. They gather the players to prepare and hand them over to our command. The other things are waiting. Our guild is mainly shipping goods. The millions of corps supported by the major guilds come together. How big is the number of personnel? With so many military shipments, the complexity of the traffic control staff at our guild turned the sky. There were more than 300 consecutive collisions in the Essinger port from yesterday afternoon to this morning, and various warships were busy in emergency transportation.

One third of these millions will be installed like our Black Kirin Water City. This guy who looks a bit like a large submarine is actually a medium-sized city. The difference is that it has a larger volume than the average city. And he is a floating, motivated and defensive war fortress. Its huge internal volume determines that it is our best troop carrier, and this guy has been modified once after the Indonesian war. Now this guy has installed a track drive system at the bottom, which means that he can actually use it Six ships used to rush the beach. However, we will not let it go ashore unless it is absolutely necessary. A small warship transshipment is sufficient.

In addition to personnel, the construction material of Fulcrum City is also an important item. Because these things need to be erected quickly, a special transportation vehicle must be prepared for centralized shipment. And this means of transportation is our Great White Shark Dock. This time it will be responsible for transporting all the equipment and materials used to build the city, as well as cutting-edge equipment such as the defense system in the city, which will be transported by him, to avoid too much chaos in the battle to find supplies.

Finally, our killer 锏-Isinger Mobile Fortress. It will play the role of an aircraft carrier in this operation. This aircraft carrier is not the aircraft carrier, but the one that sails in the sky. Although the size of Essinger's Mobile Fortress is not as large as that of Essinger's Ground City, it is not too small there. Its volume is six times larger than that of the three main cities of the system, and the diameter of the bottom layer can cover the entire sky of any city. In addition to powerful armed firepower and huge carrying capacity, the psychological pressure brought by his huge volume cannot be ignored. It can't be better to use it as a suppression weapon. As long as this behemoth flies over a city, the morale of all the enemies in the city can be suppressed to freezing point.

Because we have been selling Guanzi and never told you the details, Feng Yin Piao Miao and Asiu Fude only have smoke and rain, and even some Korean guild presidents and Park Yin came to Essinger and asked me what I planned East and west transport they provide ground guards. In the morning, they were not shocked when they saw the huge Black Kylin appearing at the beach, but they soon realized that the Black Kylin was not enough to transport so many soldiers. So these people started chasing me and asking how to transport.

I invited them for lunch at noon. I stood up at the dining table and said, "Don't you keep asking me how to transport troops?"

Everyone immediately looked at me and nodded violently.

I continued with a smile: "I will show you after dinner, but you have to keep a secret." Here are the larger guild presidents. The number is not large, and we have checked it, it is relatively safe. The main thing is to give them confidence in me. In this way, future cooperation can become simpler.

Everyone followed me to the main square of Isinger after dinner, and there was something like an altar. This thing is about three meters high, and there are stairs on both sides to go straight up. At the top is a platform, about the size of a basketball court, with railings around it, like a huge balcony. I asked everyone to climb up and nodded to the player who had been standing in a small room around the corner.

When everyone didn't understand what I was going to do, the platform shook a bit, and everyone who was scared quickly squatted down to keep their balance. Before they waited for questions, the platform suddenly started to rise. Everyone felt the heavy feeling of taking the elevator up.

The fastest response was Ashford. After all, the gravity resistance device was sold to me by the guild, and he also had related technology, so he reacted as soon as this thing started. This is an aircraft. Ashford quickly ran to the edge of the platform and looked down at the railing. Sure enough, this thing is rising, and it is still doing horizontal movement.

"My God! You did it!" Ashford's excited voice was shaking. "How do you solve the problem that the gravity resistance device cannot move horizontally after it is activated?"

I looked at Rose with a smile, and Ashford immediately realized that Rose was the narrator for this time. He turned quickly. "Tell me?"

Rose laughed. "In fact, we still haven't solved this problem. But we figured out a way to circumvent this problem. So there is such a device. In fact, there is still a big problem with this thing. Although it can move horizontally while rising, it cannot Turning. If you want to turn, you must stop first, and then turn to the right direction in place to continue moving. At present, this is the realization type at your feet. As you have also seen, it is only suitable for the mobile viewing platform or maintenance platform. It ’s simply not suitable for combat. "

Yanyu interjected, "Wait. Are you talking about a controllable flying device?"

"Almost." Ashford didn't have time to explain, but continued to ask: "How do you avoid this problem?"

"You can go back and ask Warmar about the specific method." We don't want to hide Ashford. After all, the Germans also have technical expertise in it. It has been said in the sales agreement between the two parties that in the future, both parties are obliged to share the results based on this technology. Give the other party technology, and the other party's accelerated research can give us suggestions in turn. This mutually beneficial behavior.

Although those Korean presidents are also very curious, it is a pity that they have no technical background and do not know what to do. Even if they get this technology, there is no way to translate it into practical use. Not to mention that Rose has already said that our own technology is not yet mature, let alone sold.

The platform quickly left the city's range and was outside of Isinger, and then we were suspended on the horizontal line at the same height as the Eye of Hell, which means that we were exactly between Isinger Sky City and Isinger Ground City. Rose said to everyone, "Please look at Isinger by the side of the railing. Your troops have entered our means of transportation. Now, this means of transportation is about to start.

Yanyu joked, "Don't you have a space shuttle?"

"That won't happen, but our stuff is much more practical than a space shuttle." I motioned them to pay attention.

At this time in the ground city of Isinger, players who do not belong to our guild certainly do not know what is about to happen, and everyone is still busy with their own affairs. After the opening of Isinger, it has always attracted a large number of players to come to the game, but they have been unable to enter the inner city of Isinger Sky City and Isinger Ground City. As for Isinger's Mobile Fortress, most people don't even know it exists. Today they are still in Isinger as usual. Although the people in our guild seem busy now, this has nothing to do with them.

As everyone was quietly moving in the city, a loud metal crash sounded. Then came a female voice. The voice was crisp, but it didn't feel as though people were talking, because the tone was cold and had no emotion.

The female voice said: "Attention all the people in Isinger. The city is undergoing mechanical adjustment. The whole process takes about 15 minutes. The throne of the Seal of God. Please keep calm.

The operation will not affect your activities, but the gate of the city will be closed for a short period of time, and all teleportation arrays will stop operating until the adjustment is completed. It may be accompanied by slight vibration during the adjustment. This is normal, please don't panic. Thank you for your cooperation. "

All the amateur players of Isinger felt inexplicable. They were the first to hear about mechanical adjustment. They never knew before that there were any machinery in the city that needed to be adjusted on a large scale.

When everyone is wondering. That voice rang again. "Empty the gate of the city gate and all armed personnel are in place. Pressurize each connection gate and check the pressure."

Suddenly a row of yellow crystals lit up in the huge gate passage outside Isinger, and then the rows of red crystals went out and a row of red crystals lit up. The crystals of the two colors are flashing alternately. A large number of armed city guards entered the passage and began to urge the people in the passage to leave quickly. People who were about to enter the city were blocked outside, and those who were leaving the city were intercepted. Temporary entry into the gate was not allowed

aisle. On the other side of the city, the same is true of the coast gate. It's just ships over there. Traffic is better managed.

The sound sounded again after the cleaning was completed. "The passageway is cleared. Release the safety barrier and close the gate."

Because the players who were blocked from entering the channel were arguing with the guards, Isinger's main door suddenly banged, and then began to descend slowly. The huge sealing gate stone weighed millions of tons, the long underground passage became shorter and shorter, and the huge stone gate slowly began to descend and close. Soon, there was a bang. The ground shook and the passage was completely closed. The sluices on the other side of the coast were automatically closed, and Isinger's walls were completely sealed.

"The gate was locked, and Essinger said that the main gravity device was working. The defensive crystal was disengaged."

Suspended purple crystals between the top corners of Sky City and Ground City suddenly suspended in a vertical position and began to descend. At the corner of the corresponding city wall below them, the heavy armor plate was being opened, exposing the hole hidden below. . The crystal fell off just after the armor was fully opened. Each crystal corresponds to a hole just inserted into it. These crystals stand up to 50 meters in vertical height, and these holes are only 25 meters deep, just blocking all the underground half of the crystal.

"The defense crystal is locked, the magnetic connection is disconnected, and the eye of **** is loosened, increasing the power output of Sky Isinger."

The whole Isinger suddenly started to shake, but it only settled for a few seconds.

"Raising the power mechanism, Essinger Sky City completed the disengagement, and the operation was transferred to manual control after being lifted off."

Everyone began to look up to Isinger Sky City. This bewildered start to slowly break away from Isinger Ground City and began to rise. It just soared to the sky and gradually covered by clouds and disappeared into the clouds. All the players below were dumbfounded, and Isinger Sky City actually flew away.

In fact, the city of the sky did not fly away, nor did it have the ability to fly away. It just increased its height and was covered by clouds. The observatory where we were was already a step above the clouds when the city of Isinger began to rise. Looking at the clouds, the clouds are like an ocean. Essinger is covered by evil black clouds that are scattered all year round. This turbulent cloud is like the sea when the storm comes.

From the sea of ​​clouds, it used to be Yiping Pingchuan. Those chairmen were still wondering when the city of Eisinger just took off, but now they are suddenly sent to the cloud. Suddenly, the clouds surged, a sharp object standing upright emerged from the clouds, and then the thing began to thicken. After the sharp object had risen almost ten meters, its base suddenly appeared. It was a Chinese-style sharp ceiling that looked like the spire of a tower.

Soon everyone realized that the sharp object was a lightning rod. That's a tower. But how could a tower rise above the clouds?

Everyone in doubt looked at the appearance of the floors below the high tower, and confirmed that this is an ancient tower of Chinese style. After all the towers appeared, a larger object appeared below, which was a platform. It seems that there are all kinds of strange things at the four corners. In short, it is complicated and looks like a missile launcher. There are four towers around the tower that appeared first. They are located on the four corners of the huge platform below. The people in our guild knew that the four towers were the four towers of the beast world. The tallest one in the center is the Kirin Tower. As for those that look like missile launchers, they are indeed missile launchers, they are the launching devices of God's arrows.

Below the huge platform is a sky-blue wall, and a giant earth-wall-like barrier rises from the sea of ​​clouds. That scene made all the visiting presidents feel breathing difficulties. This big guy is so huge, it just presses up like a mountain. As this huge wall rises and rises, a wider platform emerges. A large number of yellow lines are marked on this platform. There are digital marks in the middle of the line, and a lot of strange equipment nearby are regularly arranged in some places near the wall. How this place looks like an airfield is that it is a bit large in area, and even an international airport cannot use such a large area. It almost caught up with a city.

After the platform rises, the walls are bigger and bigger. At this time everyone reflected it, this is a city. Yan Yu said: "I didn't expect that Essinger Sky City could turn around."

"Ah? Turn over?"

Yanyu asked in amazement: "Isn't this Isinger Sky City? It just rose into the cloud just now, and now it's pierced from above. Isinger Sky City originally stood on top of Isinger's Ground City. The two look up and down like reflections in the water. But now it seems to be turned over, right? "

I smiled and pointed forward to signal him to keep watching. Nothing explained.

The words continued to look ahead suspiciously. When the front wall is fully raised, there is a third platform, which is larger than the previous two, and it is full of weapons. Below it is the city wall, and it is wider. Everyone thought it was over when the third city wall completely rose from the sea of ​​clouds, but things were not what they thought.

An obvious gap appeared after the third wall, and there were many mechanical connections here, which looked very complicated. There are a lot of these mechanical devices, and they line up along the wall. These devices are connected to the city walls. Below is another section of the city wall. The newly appeared city walls awakened everyone's thoughts. Then they remembered that what had just been raised was not the same color as Eisinger Sky City. The walls of Essinger are made of black stones. Although the Sky City and the Ground City are upside down from each other, the structures and materials are exactly the same. They are all black, but the newly raised things are sky blue .

These mechanical devices connect the upper and lower sections of the city wall in exactly two colors, with the sky blue above and black below. In everyone's shocked eyes, the black city wall completely rose from the sea of ​​clouds, and then all the buildings were clearly seen. Underneath it is the city of Isinger's sky, and the huge blue city above it, connected to it, should be something else.

"So ... what is that?" Feng Yin Piao Miao asked me in surprise.

I smiled and said, "All you see is Isinger."

Yanyu followed: "I see. Isinger is not two parts, but three. Isinger Sky City is upside down, and its foundation seems to be the clouds, all of which are in the clouds.

In fact, this thing has been hidden in the clouds, you have been hiding for so long! "

Rose smiled: "Issinger is actually four parts, but these are confidential. Today I will show you this third part just because it is about to enter the war, so there is no confidentiality." In fact, Rose said the fourth Part of it is the underground laboratory below Isinger. That thing has been deep into the magma layer, and it is not small, but it is more confidential.

Ashford reacted suddenly. "Participating in the war? Is this third part of Isinger moving? Shouldn't you plan to use it for a transport attack?"

"You guessed it. It's mobile. And this guy's combat power is terrifying, it's definitely the strongest weapon."

All those presidents nodded together. "Looking at this volume, we believe that he is definitely the strongest attack weapon."

A president of a Korean guild said: "So big, as long as you drop down on someone's city, you can completely destroy someone else's city."

"Please, this is a mobile fortress, not a heavy hammer. Even if the aircraft carrier is more powerful than ordinary warships, you will not use the aircraft carrier as a hammer, right?"

"Yeah." Park Yin couldn't help but say the president, "This city is not cheap at first glance. How can it be used that way? Isn't it a waste?"

They were collectively attacking the president who said the wrong thing, and Essinger in front rang the cold voice again. "Issinger Mobile Fortress is powered on. Isinger's Sky City pays attention to reduce the output power. The city may experience relatively strong vibration. Please pay attention to it."

A huge weird sound suddenly came from the two connected Essinger, which sounded as if the metal mechanism had withstood great strength. Usually, Essinger ’s mobile fortress is stopped directly on the bottom of Essinger ’s Sky City. Now the mobile fortress is going to fight, but Sky City cannot follow suit. Naturally, it is necessary to start the fortress ’own power to perform separation operation.

When the loud roar ceased, the sound rang again. "Issinger Mobile Fortress is powered on and the pressure is normal. The connection safety lock is turned on ~ ~ The metal mechanism that connects the two parts suddenly and neatly slams, some small metal latches from the huge wall base The inside turned backwards, and then there was a neat clatter, all of these huge metal locking devices popped outward.

"The separation of the locking system was completed, the main pipeline was disconnected, and Isinger moved the fortress away."

With a loud noise, Isinger ’s mobile fortress rose slowly, and it was completely separated from Isinger ’s Sky City. Many complex connecting mechanisms and pipelines were gradually being returned in the gap between the two cities just separated Shrinking, some metal armor is gradually moving to seal off those that have been recovered.

"The separation of the main body of the city is completed, and the Isinger Mobile Fortress stabilizes the orbit to maintain its attitude. The height of the Isinger Sky City has dropped. Please prepare for the docking.

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