Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 111: Strange key

The globe unfolded exactly as we thought it, but the core part of it let us all hold back.

According to Ling's speculation, this should be the key of the Frozen Throne, but what we see now is a person, or a humanoid. She was a little girl, and she was a real "little" girl, because she curled up there as if she could hold it with one hand.

The little girl sat with her hands around her knees in the core of the globe, her face clinging to her knees, and a long golden cloak spread out to cover most of her body. There are also a pair of wings on her back, which are large relative to her size. The style of the wings is similar to that of butterflies, but it looks like it is made of energy, and it is very dreamy.

"Is this the key?" Yeyue turned to ask me.

I shook my head: "I don't know, I haven't seen it before!"

I stepped forward and carefully took the little girl out of the core. Women who used to describe frailty said that she was boneless, and now I gently held this tiny little girl to really feel that she seemed to have no bones. When the little girl was picked up by me, her whole body was only ten centimeters tall, and she weighed only two pounds. Her face was round and she looked cute. And she had a princess dress on her body that looked very pretty. However, the little girl was taken out by me without any movement, as if in a deep sleep.

Ling carefully joined up and said, "Is she like this, or is she still awake?"

"How do I know?" I carefully held her on the table. Xiaochun quickly took out her handkerchief and folded it into a small cushion and placed it underneath.

Tomahawk has been breathing deeply since he saw the little girl, and it was only then that he finally calmed down his excitement. "Well ... shall we take her down and try to open the seal of the Frozen Throne?" The dwarf was not interested in this little humanoid figure. They care more about when their God will come out.

Xiaochun's love flooded and pushed away the tomahawk. "She's still in a coma. How can she open the ground? After waiting for so many years, do you still care about the Seal of the Throne at this time?"

The dwarves are straight-headed, and once Xiaochun is robbed, he doesn't know what to say. I saw that the Tomahawk was also wronged, so I came out and rounded the road and said, "The Tomahawk is also for everyone's anxiety. Don't blame him. Xiaochun, what are you doing with recovery spells and try with two."

Xiaochun nodded, and then threw three or four restorative magics in one breath, but it didn't respond at all.

"What's going on?" I looked at Xiaochun. She is better at medical treatment.

Xiaochun didn't answer Ling but went up and pushed Xiaochun aside. "Really, I don't know how to pull back. She is not injured. What's the use of recovery? Seeing that her breathing is smooth should only require a small amount of stimulation during sleep." Ling said while pressing a finger on the little girl's On the forehead.

"Ah!" Don't say it. Stimulation really works. The cute little girl jumped up from the table. "Who stuck me?" The voice was crisp like Huang Peng.

"Haha finally woke up." Tomahawk jumped excitedly to the table and asked. "Are you the key to the Frozen Throne?"

The little girl stared at the tomahawk with her hands on her hips. "What is the Frozen Throne? And what are you? Why should I answer your question?"

Not only was Tomahawk scolded this time. Even we are stupid. Before the little girl woke up, she looked like a gentle little angel who wanted to hug and care for everyone no matter what she saw, but immediately after waking up, Angel Yunshen became a demon, not only dying with breath. And, like a machine gun, there is no chance to intervene.

"How can you talk like this?" Xiaochun was a little angry. Little girl who looks so pure. Unexpectedly, the personality is so bad.

"I've been talking like this. Who are you? How dare you care about me?"

"I ... I am the former goddess of light." Xiaochun was confused.

"Predecessor? That is to say that it has been replaced, right? It seems that you have failed so badly that you have been snatched up by someone else. If I were to take poison you would kill yourself. What a shame to live in this world!"

Xiaochun's face was pale.

"What are you doing? Are all the grounds I said true? Losing the position of the goddess would have meant that you were incompetent! If I didn't hesitate ...!"

The little girl screamed suddenly. It turned out that she was hit by Ling with her fingers, and now she was desperately rubbing her ground there. "Who is this old woman? Why are you hitting me?" The little girl scolded at Ling as soon as she turned around.

Snapped. Ling didn't answer but bounced her again. The little girl was about ten centimeters tall, and one of her fingers almost caught her waist, so her attack power was not small. "Such an uneducated child must be educated."

"Education is not up to you." The little girl uttered a shock.

"Dare to talk back." Ling Yi stretched out her hand and wanted to bounce her again, but the little girl fluttered with wings. Ling grabbed her back again and turned her over and held it in her hand, the other hand bounced continuously against her little one. "Disobedient?"

"Oh ... it hurts ... don't hit ... Oh ... wow ... you bullied me ... wow ... people are motherless children ~ ~ you bully me! Oops ... wow ... I'm so pitiful! No one hurts the child and is bullied! ... Wow ... Oh ... Ahhhhhhhhhhh ... "Hyunjun watched the little girl crying too sad and forgot that she was almost scolded. Instead, she wanted to persuade Ling, but she didn't speak before listening to the little girl's words. "Why are you still fighting? I'm so pitiful, why don't you feel bad? ... wow mom ... I surrender ... don't fight ... wow, am I obedient yet?" Halo, it turned out that Duan pretended to be deceiving and sympathetic.

Ling turned her over to face herself. "Do you know you're wrong?"

"I know, I know." The little girl nodded quickly.

"Then what did you do wrong?"

"Wrong ... wrong ..." The little girl thought for a long time before continuing: "The fault is not listening to the beautiful older sister! The beautiful older sister is so beautiful, it must be a very kind person. I ’m not naughty, the big sister will not hit me. Right? "

This little elf is really elf, and the wind turns really fast. Just now I was crying that Ling is an old woman, and she will become a beautiful big sister again.

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