Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 116: 2nd female

"Hmm ...!" I squirted the dirty water in my mouth. "It's just a little bit of water, I'm not that weak." I climbed up from the ground, and the ground around me was bleak. The sudden flood knocked out all the people outside and hurt a lot of people. The priests who flew with me also lay not far away from me, but they fainted again. No matter how strong the magic is, the priests can't compare with our armored wrestling.

Bai Lang appeared sloppily beside me. "Should we leave here as soon as possible?"

"Wow, Bai Lang, how did you get into this group?" Bai Lang, who is a shadow beast, has white lotus hair and looks very powerful and beautiful. But now the hair in this life is all wet, without the usual feeling of Lian Song, all attached to the body, it feels as if Bai Lang suddenly lost a circle.

Bai Lang didn't answer me, but shook his body like a dog, and threw all the water out of his body. "now what?"

"It's much better." I got up from the ground, and then said, "Hurry up, we should be unlucky when the world gets up."

I summoned the plague directly, then put away the white waves, and climbed on the back of the plague with Yeyue, and the plague took us up. After leaving the ground high, I found that the area of ​​this oasis is not large. In addition to a lake in the center, it is a religious building group and a large forest. Those who just participated in the ritual should also come from other places. Of course those are. Players will not participate in such talks.

Hovering in the air and quickly found the Nile as an iconic terrain, let the plague fly north along the river, my name is overnight moon. "Bring me the divine stone."

Yeyue took out the stone of divine power and handed it to me. In terms of appearance, this gem is not much different from ordinary gems, and there is no difference at all except that it is surrounded by a relatively obvious aperture. However, if you look closely, it appears that the center of the transparent gem is still burning with a white flame. There is no hint to view the property except the name is a magic gem.

"Strange, it's clear that the gems are in hand, why don't you hear the end of the mission?"

"Can it be fake?" Yeyue boldly assumed.

"No! The final result is called the Stone of Divine Power!"

After thinking about it for a long time, I can't figure out why this is the case. Yeyue was obviously not good at brains, so she had to call Ling and Xiaochun, as well as Chili, Ai Jiangisi, Xiao Long Nu, A Na, Xiao Feng, and even Phanom Orchid and Hung Ho. Ling, Xiaochun, Aimenis, and Xiaolong have good intelligence, and they have very good analysis problems. Pepper, Ariana and Xiaofeng often know something special. Can occasionally provide some information or something. As for Benon Koala and Hung Hom, one is an antique evil dragon, and the other is an ancestral old monster. It should also be a relatively powerful intelligence center.

After telling them the situation and letting them think together, it turned out that there were still more people. Chili immediately said he knew something.

"Before I became the master's magic pet, I was the queen of the sea demon tribe, and Egypt was also connected to the sea. I knew something about it. If I think so, this gem is probably not activated."

Azana also said, "We mermaids have also heard of some in Egypt. It seems that the sun **** has the habit of snatching power. All the power to enter his temple will be limited to a certain extent and can only be restored after leaving. .But sometimes individual creatures or items still can't restore their strength after leaving, although this is rare. But I think this gem happened to happen to this situation. "

"It didn't happen, it was the mandate of the mission." Ling was very certain: "How powerful is this gem against the divine power? Don't you think the previous mission is too simple? It makes no sense that the prize is so good, but the mission is so Easy? "

"Should we continue to complete the task?"

"I am very sure of that."

"I'm afraid that's the case." Ling nodded and said, "I think I've even reached the next task."

"what is it?"

Ling Yi points into the distance. "see it?"

We were flying across a curved river at this time. In order to get closer, the plague did not fly along the river, but directly upstream. At this time, the river was on our right, and we could see it far away on our left. A squad of winding dragons. I instantly recognized that those were players who were preparing to participate in the selection of the candidate.

"Did you mean that the task being pressed was to participate in the assessment of the candidate?"

"Not only to participate, but also to pass." Ling said very decisively: "I'm sure the tasks have been crossed."

The so-called task interleaving is a way of setting tasks in Zero. Because the main system of "Zero" has a powerful single-player task customization function, each player's tasks are actually tailored for the player. This task will randomly set tasks for you based on all factors such as your social relationship in the game, your own strength, etc. There is no task that is completely public. In the previous online games, the same task would be distributed to almost all players. As long as you communicate with him, you will get the task, and you can even repeat it. At most some games will be slightly differentiated according to the player's occupation, but there is absolutely no case of being set by people. But "Zero" has this ability, and the missions are all specially made. Different players and the same narration definitely get different missions. Some people may get the missions. Some people have no missions. Even the same player contacting the same Throne of the Seal of God at different times may cause the mission to change. It is based on this powerful task system. Fork tasks often appear in Zero. A fork task refers to a situation where two unrelated tasks have fork points. For example, a team of players received a task to protect a task to get there. The two teams of players will inevitably conflict in the task, unless one of them voluntarily gives up the task. This situation is called task fork.

The powerful artificial intelligence of the main system will formulate tasks based on the characteristics of the two teams of players. Even if there is a gap between the strengths of the two teams, the system will ensure the difficulty of the tasks of both sides by adding helpers to the weak team or creating trouble for the strong team Strike down according to the difficulty criteria you got when you first picked up the task.

In fact, the form of the task fork is not just the task of two teams fighting against each other. Sometimes it is also possible for multiple groups of players to receive multiple different missions and complete the missions on the way or against or helping each other. Some task forks may involve an entire set of cases, or it may be a common behavior. And now I seem to have encountered the last situation, some bsp; in general, the task fork is not necessarily a bad thing, sometimes the task goal is to send an item to some place, but the way to go there is very dangerous. The difficult task is simple. At this time, a strong combination is often interspersed. The task of this combination may be to clean up a task such as a passage to that location. Although the mission goals of the two are different, the things to be done are similar, which can help each other , Directly reduce the difficulty of the task.

However, this time I received the official service of breaking down the divine power, which is obviously difficult, so once it becomes a fork. It must be that my task is in contact with the tasks or behaviors of others. This group of me had to kill the writer in the task. Or kill a certain writing, this is the increase in difficulty.

Ling said that this time it was an official service fork, which obviously will not end so easily. If they simply use artificial intelligence, they have their own words, so their behavior can be predicted from time to time. It's troublesome if you unfortunately cross players into the mission. Players often do strange things. Although they may not win, it is not uncommon for them to get rid of their tasks.

Xiaochun said: "My analysis is the same as Ling's. It should be that the candidate selection qualification screening task must be completed. Isn't that every time the reward is not a group? If you pass, according to the consistent characteristics of the task fork, The reward must be the function of restoring the magic gem. "

Ban Nong Lan said with a smile: "In fact, you don't have to worry at all, since someone has passed it. The explanation can definitely be done. According to my experience for so many years, your strength is not the first or the second among adventurers in the world. It's also at least in the top ten, so if two people have done it, then you can certainly do it. "

I was distressed and said, "The problem is that I've lost a lot in the competition, do you know?"


"Because I am an animal trainer. I am indeed invincible in adventure pk battles between adventurers, but in many competitive competitions and levels, the number of participants is limited, even without helpers. If you pk with a person, regardless of him How strong, with my nearly nine evil spirit knights and twenty-one bell knights, and with so many of your pets and soul control, and four big gems of summoning creatures. The guilds with fewer people ca n’t stop them Stay with me, not to mention a player. But the competition is different, I can't pull the nine thousand evil spirit knights to play against people, even if summoned creatures will definitely be limited in number and ability, or simply not allowed. Although not You guys, my single player combat power is also very strong among the players, but I am an animal trainer after all, do n’t expect my single player combat power to solve everything, just like do n’t expect a mage to compete in a wrestling match It's the same ranking. "

"I know this is a bit difficult, but you have to try it?" Ling asked me.

The plague turned back and told the ringers: "How's the meeting going? If I really participated, I would fly by?"

"Turn. Let's go to the candidate selection." I finally made up my mind. Anyway, such screening contests generally do not bear the consequences of death. The temptation of the divine gem is too great, and it is worthwhile to pay for it.

It was already dusk when we flew to the destination, and a large group of players gathered near the selection site of the candidate. The plague suddenly fell from the sky and scared many people around. Although I have several dragon pets, in the environment where most players are not even satisfied with the poor one or two pets, I can ride a dragon to appear as a manifestation of strength. . There are many dragons in Isinger, and the people in our guild are numb, but to outsiders, dragons are still rare. The five dragon islands have gathered 95% of the dragons in the game, and the remaining vast space is only 5%. You can imagine how rare the dragons are. Fortunately, today, the dragon girl is in a human form, otherwise she will definitely be scared to death. Compared to the number of giant dragons, Chinese dragons are absolutely as valuable as pandas.

After dark, the people gathered here began to increase. I let the plague change the human form, so as not to be killed by the surrounding eyes, other human-shaped magic pets and magic pets that can change the cr class came out to let go, and even the small ones such as Bailang and darts also came out to experience the martial arts. The king made the holy king to kill the gods of the night and seal the throne to seek the magic and proud of the world ’s strongest. The throne begged the demon to be the strongest in the world, and the Ancestral Emperor was to abandon the young Daozhou royal family. Of course, others don't know. In fact, there are two magic pets under the sand, but they can't see them.

The rose vine stretched out its tentacles under the sand. With his help, we eavesdropped a lot of useful information from Zhou Guren's conversation. First of all, I know that the real screening start time is the Throne of the Seal of God. And the process of testing does not need to queue at all. That place, like an arena, is not a testing ground. The real ground is in a space specially designed for screening, and there will be no audience at the beginning. All participating players will enter the first level of screening at the same time. Those who pass will immediately enter the second level, and those who have not passed can choose to be teleported or left to see the test results of others. So there will be no audience at first, but there will be more and more audience afterwards. Also, it doesn't matter if you arrive late at night, anyone who arrives before the throne of the Seal of God in Egypt at 12 o'clock tomorrow night can start the test immediately, and if you reach the standard, you will be promoted, but you will be wiped out.

I was still worried that so many people would take the test this time. In the event of eliminating the jam like a sports meeting, wouldn't it take several months to end? But listening to them, it seems that the Seal of the Throne cannot be so long. Everyone started testing at the same time. The degree must be very fast.

I feel that the tentacles of the rose vine are not long enough, there are too many people here, and many intelligences cannot be collected. I simply let the ghost out. The little guy scattered around the venue can quickly send all kinds of information back to me.

Sure enough, the little ones quickly helped me get some information. Some people who participated in the screening had visited once two months ago, and they knew the general rules of writing. First of all, the target in the first stage of the test seemed to be a servant of the gods. It is said that it is just a common creature, but you are not allowed to wear armor and weapons, and you are not allowed to find a helper. It's not easy to get through.

A few people actually passed a lot of barriers, and they even knew what happened later. According to the people of this world, screening is not all about fighting. It seems that even the character must be evaluated. As for the methods, it is various. And I heard the most important information. Players did battle during the screening process, and it was still a big fight. It is said that after passing a certain level of screening, all passers will be sent to a place, and then they will engage in a big fight and implement the last elimination system, which will wipe out the first few people who have been dropped. Then proceed to the next stage of testing.

It is a pity that no one here has passed the final test. Obviously, the two people who have received the reward are not here, or have not been overheard by the girls. But there is enough information in this life, at least I know some very important information.

I was so pleased to hear that a young Caucasian soldier suddenly came to us with a large group of people. "Is this your thing?" The guy was holding a ghost worm in his hand, and the ghost woman was struggling to try to bite him.

I smiled embarrassedly: "The little things are not at ease, they like to run around. You don't need to worry, they won't attack people for no reason without my life boasting."

"I don't think they would run around in restless order without you?" The young man stared at me fiercely.

"I just let them talk freely. Is there anything wrong with this?" I stared at the young man's eyes and said, "Say that I let my bugs run in the desert soil, shouldn't it be too much? Do they say they bite about you?"

"Why not? ~ Since it doesn't, it means I didn't offend you. I let the bugs I raised come out and talk in the desert of the owner, shouldn't it infringe your rights?

"I don't care if you put bugs, you use it to eavesdrop on us and say you didn't offend us?"

I didn't expect anyone to show up. I was eavesdropping on their conversation. I thought no one could show a ghost bug! Besides, even now, you should not know that small things in this world can be used as eavesdroppers!

"Why do you say I'm eavesdropping?" I did not admit it anyway. It's not evidence to catch a bug, I don't admit that he can't treat me, right?

What I didn't expect was the young man suddenly saying, "Of course I know you're eavesdropping on our conversation with these little things, because ...!" He suddenly took off the helmet and turned and raised his head. There was a beetle-shaped protrusion at the base of his neck that I had touched before.

"Because I am also a parasite."

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