Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 120: Wash white

Anubis shouted in surprise, apparently the number of wrongdoers on me exceeded his statistics. With the constant transfer of unjust souls, I was pleasantly surprised that my evil value was actually decreasing. Since drinking the Fountain of Evil, my evil value can only rise and cannot fall, so I have been in the red name almost from the beginning of the game, and I have not been able to understand the problem until now. However, this time I actually saw that the value of evil began to fall, which is unimaginable.

As the iniquity on my body further shifted, I could clearly feel that the color on my armor was gradually changing, the dragon armor with gold in black began to change to white, and the black wings behind me began to gradually turn into silver gray and continue. Shift to white.

Xiaochun looked at me in surprise and said, "This little thing has sucked away your evil values!"

"Hopefully nothing will go wrong."

"Well ... that ... I think something has begun," the plague said suddenly.

Our eyes turned to the plague. As a black dragon, literary scales are composed entirely of black, and they will sparkle in the sun. But now, we can clearly see that the plague is fading. His black scales are almost brown, and they are still getting lighter.

Crystal suddenly called out, "Oops, I've been affected too!"

When we looked at the crystal, her body began to flash a faint white light spot, and her scales were obviously changing like the plague. Almost at the same time, Xiaosan also changed, but his changes were more funny. The plague and the crystal are gradually changing to white as a whole, but Xiao Sanshen has a lot of white spots, which makes him behave like a dalmatian.

After the three dragons, Xiaofeng also cried. "Oops, my flame."

The black flame on Xiaofeng suddenly became frantic, and then accompanied by Xiaofeng's exclamation, she actually burned. It is normal for Phoenix to have fire on its surface. But it did not mean that she was burning herself, but now Xiao Feng was obviously burning. Xiao Feng, who was almost a blink of an eye, was suddenly burned into a pile of ashes, shocking us all with our mouths overwhelmed. But before we recovered from the shock, there was a sudden shudder in the ashes, and then a phoenix-fired flame shining all over the body suddenly rose from the ashes. The fire phoenix that flew up suddenly turned into a human shape in the air and fell to the ground. It was Xiaofeng. She looked at her body in surprise. "It's hard to believe, I have become a holy fire phoenix!"

Xiaochun said: "It seems that you will all have some changes, but there should be no problems with Jingjing, Lingling and Xiaoxue."

Hung Hom also said, "I and Steel Tooth should not be affected either. We belong to the master's other body and will not be affected by this body."

Suddenly the sickle said, "Wow! I have become a sacred spider!"

When we look at the sickle together, his shell has completely turned into white crystals, looking like a huge diamond spider. Although beautiful, it looks quite weird. Following the sickle, the tank also began to transform into a silvery white, and soon the huge black beetle suddenly became a silvery white beetle with a metallic luster. After the tank, the red color of the red thorns on the body also began to fade, and then it became a crystal scorpion shining brightly all over the body.

On the ground, the rose vine maroon vines quickly turned into emerald green, as if it were going to drip water. The trailblazer's dark carapace is crystallized like other shelled pets, as if it were a giant diamond craft, which can actually reflect a rainbow in the sun.

A white flame suddenly blew up at Ye Ying's feet, which surprised us. There is nothing wrong with Xiaofeng, she is a phoenix who can nirvana, and the night shadow belongs to the nightmare. Although the nightmare is fire immune. But it's another story. It was in our surprised eyes that the flame rolled from Ye Ying's feet over his entire body, and then Ye Ying reappeared before us. Now Ye Yeying turned into a pure white unicorn beast, and he was still stepping on the white flame. This image is a bit too offbeat. Unicorns do not have a four-hoofed fire type, but nightmares do not have a white land type. So I can't figure out what kind of creatures Ye Di Ying is now.

The night shadow had just changed, and my body suddenly flashed. The phantom was separated from my body and body, but now the phantom has become a large white feather cluster. This white feather ball floated in midair, and then the surface feathers suddenly turned. With the sound of a cricket, those feathers have been fully unfolded, and they are actually a pair of huge white wings, and underneath, is covered by a humanoid body clinging to the body. As the wings spread, the person slowly spread his limbs. He had golden armor on his body, but no helmet. This is an angel, and when you first see him, you can only think of angels.

The fully opened angel suddenly opened his eyes. He seemed to have regained consciousness and looked around and noticed me immediately. "Master? What happened to me just now? Why is your body rejecting me?"

I didn't answer his question because I was speechless in surprise. The male angel in front of him has a golden curl and a uniform body. The handsome face definitely has the potential to become a girl killer. But his voice made me confirm his identity-Phantom.

Phantoms can be spiritual bodies or souls. The soul is a ghost in the dark world, but in the divine power the soul body is only an angel. Angels are not natural creatures, they are the souls of the condensed divine power. The phantom changed from a spiritual body to an angel because of the change of my attributes.

Phantom is now the only male humanoid pet in my magic pet, but I checked the number of pets, phantom is still considered as a non-human pet, and there is no increase in two carrying capacity, otherwise it would be true Earned it.

Ling came over, "Haha, I didn't expect Welcome to be a handsome guy."

Phantom also wondered: "Maybe it was an accident! I am a natural spirit body, not a soul formed after human death, so it should not have a human appearance. This may be an accidental form, but it is really good."

Aiminess said to me, "Master, it looks like neither Ling nor me will change, and probably no one else can hide."

Azana said: "I will not change. The dark attributes of the host did not affect me and Xiaochun, and the light attributes should not affect us. The attributes of the host land may not affect the former god. Magic pet. Also, pepper and I are natural creatures, so they should not be affected. "

Xiaolong girl said: "You are all right, I'm out of luck. It turned into this color."

The little dragon girl is an oriental beast, and she does not follow the bright white. Because in Chinese mythology, the white dragon and the hey dragon are both evil dragons, her new body has actually evolved into gold, and if you look closely, you can also see pink in the cash color. color.

After the change of the little dragon girl is completed, the Dalmatian-like Primary Three has completely turned into a white dragon. The colors of darts, white waves and birds have not changed, because they were originally white. In addition to being lucky to take care of Xiao Budian and not online, most of my magic pets have changed.

My evil value finally completely disappeared after the magic pets changed. After entering the game for such a long time, it is hard to say that the first time I washed off the red name. Not much excitement. There is not much to worry about. Because it seems that he didn't care about washing the red name before, and now he doesn't worry about the white name.

I thought this was over. Who knew that my body suddenly flashed after I changed, and a white shock wave rippled away from me. Scarlett hurriedly hid behind him, but did not move at all. The shock wave swept through all the summoned creatures nearby, but did no harm.

After Skott got up, he just wanted to say that it was an energy shock, and suddenly his armor began to transform into silver. All bell-tone knights had the same problem. Their armor gradually turned into white, and at the same time, the heavy armored dragons all turned into silver dragons.

It's not just the bell knight that changed, but also the evil knight. The armor of all evil spirit knights began to be sanctified. The evil spirit dragon they stepped down also transformed into a silver-like dragon-like creature.

Jingjing suddenly said to Xiaochun: "Do you think they look alike?"

Xiaochun shook her head and said, "It's a bit!"

Lingling said: "You mean the Knights of the Dragon?"

"The former ruling unit of the Temple of Light. It was specifically responsible for eradicating heretical vanguard forces. It was the strongest fighting unit outside the Angel Brigade in the Temple. Their image is exactly the same as the current evil knights."

Jingjing was at the side of an evil spirit knight and asked the evil spirit knight to take off his helmet and check it. "Look what's happening to me?"

We looked at the bricks and found that the evil knight in the sacred armor was actually a skeleton.

Xiaochun smiled bitterly: "Now we have a skeleton army wearing sacred armor!"

Ling then smiled and said, "At least it will be easier for us to mix in the strongholds of the bright forces in the future."

"I don't think things will be that simple." Ling said, pointing to the little mummy over there that had become exactly the same as my previous evil state. He is now exactly like my replica. Finishing up. Not only looks, even the equipment's foreign name looks exactly the same. However, what is more worrying now is that the beam of light on the body of this new devil has not stopped, and the beam of light that has been shooting upward on my side has disappeared, but the beam of light that he accepts is still continuing.

Anubis may also be surprised in the Sigil throne during this time. Until now, it reflects the ancient times, and his voice appeared again above our heads. "It's really amazing. It looks like I've miscalculated. It's cheaper for you this time."

"what does it mean?"

Cohopra's voice came in suddenly. "The creature Anubis just gave you is called the Lord of Disaster. He represents the disaster prediction of the great Father God. But this creature is a waste before it has not absorbed enough power. According to the planned reward, every time you fill one When the unjust soul enters his body, Anubis will give him the same soul, so the actual number of unjust souls absorbed will be twice the amount of unjust souls you paid. "

"What happened then?"

Anubis' voice suddenly replied: "The source of the power of the Lord of Disaster is the unjust soul. I originally thought that this soul could only make him a general magic pet, but I wrongly estimated your good soul. Really not Know why you killed so many people. Are you a murderer? "

"Of course not." I argued: "I have more beckons, and the casualties caused during the battle are naturally great, and there have been several accidents before. So ... that ...!"

"Accident?" Anubis paused before continuing to answer: "I don't think this is an accident, this is the arrangement of the ancestor god. Now there are very many souls imported, although it will not fully activate his disaster power. But At least I have exceeded the weight I hope to give, your kid has earned. "

"His power is to create disaster?"

"Not only is it creating disasters, he is also capable of fighting. He can even say that in addition to summoning the power of creatures, as long as your script has the power of the script, he will grow with you as you grow."

"A monster like me?"

"It's not exactly the same. It lacks some abilities. But at the same time, it has some abilities you don't have." Anubis said: "In addition to the same combat power as your own script, this magic pet is your substitute, when you You can be resurrected once when you are killed. Death is borne by this demon pet. In addition, your current attributes are whitewashed because of him, but not as simple as you think. The absorption of the wrong soul is true, but it does not wash you away. The evil value is still with you, but you can change them at will. The current evil value is on him, so you become a light attribute, you can also get back your evil attribute back to the dark attribute at any time. Feel free to use it when you need it Switch. Of course, the premise is that this pet must be by your side, and if the pet is killed, you will restore the evil state, until you can summon again you choose the ability to transfer evil. "After a pause, Anubis continued:" But my opinion is that you better keep your evil attributes. "

I nodded and said, "I can understand this."

The evil value is really a headache in the early days. The most important thing is that this data will directly reduce your favorability, and many things are limited. Because many people have been exposed to a lot of other online games before playing "Zero", so after entering "Zero", everyone will habitually wash the red name, but because I can't remove the red name, I accumulated a certain amount of evil. Height, after which the evil value starts to have an anti-effect. Most of the households only noticed the negative impact of the evil value and took the initiative to wash their names, so there is no benefit as long as there is a certain value accumulated.

The so-called materiality must be reversed. Both the evil value and the right value are good for lightning strikes, but the controversial value starts to work together from the throne of the Seal of God from the time of the lightning strike, but the evil value does not have to be lightning effective.

Cohopra suddenly said: "You first check some of the rewards your beetles have received, and familiarize yourself with the power of this new magic pet, wait for a while, and we will send you after others pass the three tests. Go to the next test. "

"Why wait for others to pass?"

Anubis's evil voice reappeared: "Because the next test is a group fight." I could hear his voice with a smile.

"Can you ask a question?"

"what is the problem?"

"Do you mean group jokes, or do you mean real group fights that use nothing?"

Anubis laughed and replied: "Are you very smart! This is all heard. The next test is the same combat method in the first level. Different opponents are players, and we will provide standard equipment for use. . "

"To understanding."

After getting the answer, I started to check the evolution of the beetles. As a scarab, Cohopra sells very generously, and the rewards given are totally incomparable to the **** Anubis. The bonus content of the tank is to add a protective shield skill. This skill is not strong. It is just a protective shield like a magic shield of a mage beside the tank, but the benefits are obvious. Once this shield does not need to be activated itself, it is a passive skill and will automatically take effect when it is attacked. The second is that the tank cannot do anything when using the magic crystal bombardment, and it has no self-protection ability at all. At this time, it is very useful to summarize the chaos without automatic operation.

Compared to the skills that the man has gained, the managers that my ghosts get are even more handsome. The new ability of the little beetles is called parasite. This ability is not the same as that of the female parasite. The mother parasite will provide the host with the protection of the soldier bug, and it can also protect the host, but the soldier parasite does not have these capabilities. The parasite of soldiers and insects should actually be called control, and the starting conditions of this skill are similar to catching magic pets, requiring the opponent to be on the edge of death to take effect. Once parasitic. This creature will be completely controlled by the soldiers and insects, which is equivalent to indirect control by me. The combat effectiveness of the parasitic creature is equal to his previous combat effectiveness, and it will not be changed due to parasitism. Moreover, it is said that even the whole house can be parasitic. The parasitic body will be able to fight for me, but he is actually dead and will be resurrected in the Temple of Resurrection, leaving only a body with the same combat effectiveness as the opponent.

After checking the rewards of the beetles, I carefully looked at the situation of the new magic pet. Because he looks exactly like me, I named him II. Viewing the attributes is actually not as exaggerated as Anubis said. He does not completely copy my attributes. In addition to not being able to control the summoned creatures, he cannot control many of my special attributes, such as his The physical attack is the same as mine, but the forged eternity in his hand has no artifact destruction attributes and cannot cut off the weapons of others. Also, my guardian ring of the evil dragon can take a walk in the fog of death, but II ca n’t do it, but he also has the ability to kill the creature into an undead and help himself to fight, but this ability is only after the fog of death has opened. All your pets can do it.

After I took Daliang's test with An II, Anubis suggested to start the fourth stage of the test. At first I thought it was because someone had entered the test late that I had to wait so long for the Seal of the Throne. As a result, I didn't know that it was the case before the test started. This kind of confusion test is actually a test of twenty people. As long as the people who pass the first three levels have accumulated to twenty people, they will automatically start a test. Our game is already the fastest twenty people after the test started.

In this test, I did not change the venue ~ ~ but other players were teleported to this test area where I was. Anubis said it was the first reward for me to pass the first three levels, so let me take advantage of home. In fact, the sand here is of little significance to the home or the home.

Before the game officially started, Cohopra's body suddenly appeared in the arena. Twenty of our test participants stood in a circle around him. The senior game is really different. In the past, there were only sounds, and now finally I can see the figure of the **** as a referee.

Cohopra looked at us, and then said: "You can pass the first three levels with the fastest speed, indicating that you are all strong people. Given your strength, we decided to give you some preferential treatment. You Twenty people in this group will only need to eliminate five people to enter the next level, and then those who reach this level must eliminate 15 people to pass the remaining five. "

Twenty people eliminated five, saying that rewards are actually more troublesome. If only five people were allowed to pass, everyone could still team up with each other, but now they only need to take five people away, which is not easy.

Cohopra didn't care what we thought, and said directly: "Then, the rules of the game should have been known before you came in. Then the game will start now. Let's fight casually. The first five people to be defeated It's the people who are eliminated. Let's work hard. "

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