Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 125: Barbaric to the end

"Look at the situation at the poor crossing," Cohopra shouted. "Notify the other gods, and temporarily change the guidance work to the second fork."

The gods on the bank of the Styx River are so busy that a large number of gods have to fool players who have already entered the fork, and then let them go to the second fork, because the first fork has no use at all. In the first two difficulties of the first fork, the bottom of the cliff was filled with water from the two lakes. Although it was far from being filled, most of the players could do it by jumping into the water and climbing up the opposite cliff. The second level is more complete, the lake is dry, and individuals can walk by.

At this time, I didn't know that the gods were having a headache for my behavior, and I was busy killing fish at this time. After the lake water was dried up, the monsters in both lakes could not function, but the crocodile in the lake at the entrance was able to cope with the waterless environment, but the giant monster fish on the other side was unlucky. Although these fish can no longer threaten my safety, I will not let them go easily. You can only blame one of the fish for being too brave.

I originally planned to leave directly, but the fish suddenly struggled to jump to my side and open my mouth to bite me, and as a result, I saw its white long teeth. This guy bite into eternity in one fell swoop, and then two teeth were broken. Then I found that this tooth is actually a very high-grade synthetic material. So in the spirit of not wasting any resources, I asked the evil knights to perform tooth extraction for all the fish here. However, during this process, the evil knights accidentally knocked out a lot of fish scales. Coincidentally, I found that the quality of the scales was also good, so these fish were subjected to descaling surgery.

After finding two high-grade materials in succession, I think this fish should not be so simple, so I checked its attributes with Xingtong. As a result, the fish is called Dragon Ghost Fish, and its grade is as high as 830. High-level creatures usually have the ability to adapt to all terrains like dragons. If higher creatures are only suitable for a single terrain environment, it must be very powerful in this environment. This kind of dragon ghost fish is only suitable for the water environment and has such a high level. If you really fight in the water. They should not be inferior to the fighting power of the lower dragons. Unfortunately, the water was drained. At present these guys are not as good as a rabbit.

Advanced creatures, and without combat power, these sections are mobile material warehouses. After knowing their grades, I simply slaughtered one and studied it, and it turned out that this fish is really useful. Dragon ghost's teeth are weapon synthetic materials. Use it to synthesize weapons to take water damage. The scales of the dragon ghost fish are a composite material of armor and shield. The synthetic effect is o% resistance to water damage, and the equipment can have a zero resistance effect in the water. Their gall sweat is a highly potent poison and naturally has many uses. The vitreous body in their eyes can be used instead of clear crystals to make magic light cannons. Their flesh seems to be a drink for the water pet, and the effect is to increase the magic power of water magic for the pet. Their bones are a good material for shipbuilding blessing badges. The same blessing badge, carved with dragon ghost money stain bones, can increase the effect by%.

These guys are all treasures, it's a pity to waste them. I didn't waste any of it and let the evil knights collect it for me. In the end, some of the dragons and ghosts still had live caviar in their stomachs. Considering long-term use, I quickly collected these caviar and packed them in jars. After you go back, you can find a swimming pool to cultivate, and you can long-term breed in the future, and provide long-term stable special materials. Although those scales and teeth are optional, their eyeballs are really useful. The magic light gun of our guild has always been limited by the production of transparent crystals. Since this fish-eye glass body can replace the transparent crystals, its value is very considerable. And the size of the fisheye can be controlled according to the size of the fish. We want to build a large magic light cannon as long as it raises the seal of the throne. Anyway, the length of monsters in the game is measured in days. It won't be long before the Seal of the Seal of God can be harvested.

Anubi stood in front of the magic scene and looked at the lake bed that had become the slaughterhouse, so angry that he could not say a word. "Even if I dry up my lake, even the monsters have been killed, this purple sun is really talented!"

Tetu smiled and said, "Isn't it the same when you were young?"

"At least I'm not so greedy."

"They call it a reasonable use of resources. Anyway, the lake has dried up, and it's better to wait for them to lie down and give them away."

Anubis was so speechless that he couldn't do anything about it. They were not allowed to interfere in the game, so he was angry. But I can't help it.

I'm so happy now, after taking a bunch of materials and checking the arrows, the direction should be the forest ahead. Six hours have passed, two hours and thirty-five minutes have passed, and the rest must be speeded up. But the design of this passage is not to let people through, so even a forest that looks very ordinary is not so easy to pass.

As soon as I entered the forest, I was hit by thousands of insects. The number of these small things can be described as overwhelming. Against ordinary players, tens of billions of insects are absolutely deadly. Even if you can defeat a dragon, you will feel helpless when facing hundreds of millions of insects. But this is not a problem for me. Gently stroked the guardian ring of the evil dragon, the dragon's eyes twined around the ring flashed suddenly, and then I immediately drew a black flame of high height, and a large number of insects rushed in just to verify a idiom — Moths catch fire.

Hellfire's attack is very strong, and it has a burn effect on large creatures, not to mention small bugs. These things couldn't get near me at all, and had no effect on my actions at all. However, Anubis is not an idiot. He had long considered that this would happen, so it is not the only bugs in the forest.

After running a road in the forest, a horizontal river appeared in front of them. After crossing the river, the insects in the forest suddenly changed.

The small insects are gone, this time all the big guys who are more than two meters long. Dealing with these guys with hellfire alone is obviously a bit laborious. I directly summoned all the ghosts to disperse and fight with the insects. The steel hornet and goblin also joined the battle, and an insect war broke out in the forest.

Ghost worms have the ability to devour and evolve as long as they eat. As long as they eat, they can absorb their properties and evolve. There are so many worms here. Ghost worms are like falling into a dye tank because they eat different worms and grow in different directions. Evolution. At first, the ghosts were mostly white, but later they became colorful. I ca n’t even recognize my bug.

Anubis stood in front of the magic scene and looked at it stupidly. Tetu said on the side: "It looks like your swarm tactics are helping the other party evolve. This forest has passed, and Ziri's bugs can be used as regular military forces."

"I don't think so," Cohopra said. "Our zerg land evolution has boundaries. Infinite evolution does not really exist, but there are too few opportunities for evolution. No one can show that insects will evolve to the limit. In my experience, Look. If Ziri's bugs continue to evolve like this, they will probably be wiped out. "

"Do Scarab think those bugs evolved to cause death?" Teto asked.

Cohopra shook his head: "It's not death, it's mutiny. Once the evolution of these larvae has surpassed their mothers, the mother's ability to restrain them will plummet. Finally, although these worms have evolved to a very high level, they have not Under control again. So for Zi Ri, his bugs are not evolution, but they are equivalent to the annihilation of the army. The insects that do not belong to him do not have any significance for evolution. "

"But I think the situation you said is not going to happen." Cohopra turned to look at the talking map, but now the map is looking at the magic image. So he turned to look at the magic image.

In the picture, I was covering my face and rolling on the ground in the forest, and my forehead was a flashing red light. Suddenly as I screamed, a pair of huge red light wings pulled out of my forehead, then stretched out. The huge light wings are at least 20-30 meters long. And they are not solid, they pass through a large number of trees and insects, but they have no effect.

With the light wings unfolding, a smooth back. Emerged from my forehead. Just like a light wing, this spine stretched from my forehead from small to large. The spine master seemed to sit up from the water, and gradually emerged from the forehead into the air. Now all the gods saw the whole picture of that creature. This is a woman about the length of a goblin. She has a pair of huge light wings and a complete female body, the difference is that she is an image composed entirely of a red light. There is no entity.

This female creature is beautiful and fascinating, but to say what she feels from her is majesty.

queen. This woman should be a queen. She need not say anything. As long as she stands there, she can use her temperament to communicate her identity.

The queen flying into the air suddenly began to shrink and become smaller. Just now she has become a huge individual, but now she has taken it back and has become the size of a normal person, and her wings have become smaller and gathered behind her back. She began to fall towards the ground, and when her toes touched the ground, a red aperture spread out instantly. The aperture is very fast, and all the surrounding insects have no intention to hide. In fact, there is no time to hide.

After the aperture swept through, I only heard a clear sound, and I actually upgraded. Large Ziri was upgraded to level 900 and small silver moon was upgraded to level 792. As I leveled up, the insects swept were changed. All the insects that attacked us suddenly twitched violently. Those insects made a huge squeak and the body shook constantly. From their joints and body joints, you can see that there is a red light flickering in the body. That's why they twitch.

Suddenly, a giant grasshopper spit a flame of more than a foot long, and then the joints around its body spouted out fire. The grasshopper finally fell in the flame and the body became A pile of black coke was still burning. Other bugs also continued to produce the same situation, and all kinds of bugs spewed flames from their bodies, screaming and being burned to coke. The only ones that are not affected are those bugs that belong to me, but they are not completely unchanged.

Iron Wasps and Goblins are indeed unaffected, but all those weird ghost worms have changed. These guys have eaten too many different types of bugs, all of them have evolved strangely, but they all started to evolve back after coming into contact with the aperture. However, it is not completely evolved back to the original appearance, only the shape changes to the appearance of a ghost worm, but the volume is still a lot larger than before.

Cohopra stared at it all in stun before the magic image. "Selected evolution?" Cohopra muttered to himself.

"What is selective evolution?" Anubis asked Cohopra.

Cohopra shook his head to calm himself before he explained: "I just said that the evolutionary potential of Zerg is limited. But that's just a figurative statement. In fact, the Zerg's evolutionary ability is infinite. , But the problem is that the Zerg themselves ca n’t choose the direction of evolution, they can only passively accept external stimuli to evolve. But the result of evolution may not be a good thing, so many Zerg will evolve astray, and eventually destroy themselves completely. It is perfect, that is, selective evolution under collective wisdom. This evolution requires a king in a Zerg group. This king must be highly intelligent and able to control the evolution direction of himself and his subordinates. When evolution is wrong, The king can reverse the direction of evolution, and when the evolution has a fork, the king can also use wisdom to choose the most suitable direction of evolution. The little bugs just now are obviously over-evolved. Some bugs are full of legs and obviously become indifferent. It ’s suitable for survival. If the ordinary bugs would certainly die, but the leader Zerg group can Evolutionary reversal back.

"So the woman who later got out of Zi Ri's head should be the Zerg King?"

"Yes. And now it seems that the queen worm is very powerful. I have at least two abilities in her that I do n’t even have. First. She has the ability to retain evolutionary attributes. It should be said that reverse evolution should be completely It is right to return to the form before the evolution at this stage, but although these little bugs have restored their form, their strength has improved significantly, that is to say, although their evolution at this stage was unsuccessful, they were not completely wasted, at least they absorbed Basic attributes. With such a queen, the evolution of this zerg will only get stronger and stronger, and it will never go back. Second, she has the ability to evolve after screening. You see those little bugs, they appear in the hand of this queen There was an over-evolution before, but the queen was in normal form as soon as it came out. What does this mean? This shows that she did not evolve with the larva, but watched the larva evolve first. After the larvae have all evolved, she decides to draw on the actual response Some evolutionary abilities, and give up some unsuitable abilities, and then help their people to set the wrong evolutionary direction Change it back. This is equivalent to double insurance. If the evolution is very destructive, at least the Queen will not have problems. She is equivalent to testing with larvae before she can evolve. And such a Zerg branch, as long as the Queen is not dead , It will never perish. If you continue to evolve like this, it is not impossible to have another holy worm. "

Tetu said: "Cohopra fears she will overtake you?"

Cohopra nodded: "I'm not worried, but I will definitely. I was just a little worm, because it was favored by my father and god, so it became what I am now. But she is different, she is a queen worm , Congenially higher one level, if she evolved to the same level as me, she will still be one level higher because of the queen's attributes. In other words, as long as we are at the same level, she will definitely be better than me. "

Anubis asked, "Do you need me to kill her first?"

"No," Cohopra said, "even if she could reach the same level as me, you can't move her. This purple sun is so strong that I don't believe that the main gods of other civilizations didn't pay attention to this guy, at least I found several remnants of his divine power on this guy. This guy must be often in and out of the high-level temple, so he has so much divine power on him. If we start with him, we will attract the attention of other gods to us Here, that is very unsafe. Ra is missing now, and our power has been lost a great deal. It would be very unfavorable for us to fall out with other protoss prematurely now. "

Anubis nodded: "Then the kid is cheap!

Cohopra was pretty open-minded. "It can't be said to be cheap, after all, it is his own strength. The evolution of those bugs is due to his ability, not the evolution project we sent him. Besides, if we are better with this purple sun, maybe he can Help us do things that we are not convenient to take. In this case, instead of conflicting with Li, we will have more strength. "

"Good is good, I'm afraid he won't join us!" Tetu said.

Cohopra said: "Joining is definitely impossible. Such strong people will not easily join a certain force, but it is absolutely no problem for him to help us with odd jobs."

"Why are you so confident that he will help us with odd jobs?"

"Because he embarked on this dangerous path, a person who dares to take a difficult route for rewards. As long as he gives enough benefits, he can definitely help us to do things."

Anubis nodded. "With his greedy character, Cohopra's words are indeed very likely."

Those great gods are talking about my policy, but I'm studying the women in front of me. Her body has been materialized since she landed, and her body made up of red light has become a pale pink. But don't think about it, she's not. Although the queen bug looks like a human. But she is still a bug. Below her waist is a red skirt like a short skirt, and there is a circle of shiny red crust to protect her chest. It looks like a very popular **** skirt in the game. Many girls in our guild have that kind of armor, although Because the area is too small, the defense is not high. But the temptation is definitely stronger than wearing nothing.

"Queen? How did you come out?" The Queen was able to communicate with me on my forehead, but it was the first time that I had physically left my body.

"If you don't come out again, you will mess up. How can you let them eat whatever you want!" The queen said angrily: "In the event of excessive evolution, how dangerous should it be? Thanks to my protection measures. Otherwise it will really be over.

"Sorry, I thought they could evolve at will!"

"Evolution is also about direction. Not all evolution directions are suitable. But now that you have controlled it, forget it. And you have good luck. I was actually influenced by larvae to evolve evolutionary selection, and this is the body , I did not expect to be able to obtain the ability to act independently. "

In order to save time on the Throne of the Seal of God, I walked and talked with the Queen, and I got some traits about the Queen from it. The Queen's new body is like a magic pet to me. She used to play the role of a remote control for the larvae, but now she can actually participate in the battle. And there is also a very unexpected gain, that is, the Queen she has-an immortal body.

Although the Queen seemed to be separated from me, she was still a parasite, and she couldn't live alone without her. The only one who really left was the nucleus of the queen's core, which remained in my body, so the queen's key point was with me. She was just a fighting body. It doesn't make any sense to be smashed. This core inside my body can regenerate a new body infinitely, and the outer body doesn't need to care at all.

In addition to its immortal characteristics, the Queen's physical attack power is also quite scary. This body looks like a human, but she is still a Zerg. Her power is amazing, her degree and attack power are perfect. The only drawback is that the queen does not have magic, and there are only a few special attack methods similar to instinct. Either way, evolution is always good, and it's not bad to have a melee general.

After leaving the forest, I walked under a cliff under the guidance of the pointing device. There is a hole in the cliff here, and the pointing device points directly into the hole. As soon as I stepped in, I heard Anubis's voice. "I didn't expect you could actually get here!"

"What do you mean?"

Anubis' voice answered: "To tell you the truth, since you chose this path, your mission has actually failed. But your strength is slightly out of my prediction. I thought it was the first three obstacles. I can stop you, but I didn't expect you to come over. "

"Hey, there are many people who think the same thing as you, but I have always been a miracle creator. Didn't you say that you could get extra rewards on this road? Wouldn't it be to trick me into this? Lies on the road? "

Anubis immediately said: "I didn't lie, the reward does exist, but only if you can get it. Although we originally planned this branch of the competition to prevent this passage, but as long as you can In the past, rewards will not be missing you. "

"So what are you doing here now? Is it just to praise me for being here?"

"Of course not. I came to notify the players when they reached the last five kilometers."

"What? Is the end five kilometers ahead?"

"Don't believe it?" Anubis asked back.

"No, I just feel that the route seems too short. Isn't there three hours from the last time the Seal of the Seal of Siam? Five kilometers will take less than three hours anyway, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha, the newborn calf! This specific situation can only be experienced by yourself, I believe you will be very satisfied with my arrangement. By the way, the so-called prizes are the things that block you in the passage, you can try to destroy A few try, it will be very cool. "

"It's so cool?" I asked in doubt. But no answer was given, and Anubis was clearly gone.

The end point is only five kilometers away, and there are two hours and fifty-three minutes left in the throne of the Seal of God. It should be more than enough. However, in Anubis' tone, these five kilometers should be very difficult to walk. Or even worse, the five kilometers Anubis said is a straight distance, and the road I really want to go may go a long way.

Looking from the entrance of the passage, there is at least a three-kilometer straight straight passage ahead without any turns. The passage is very spacious. No problem running the train. It looks like it's a good place to adjust the movement, but the more I get worried about it. Five kilometers road, three hours of the throne of God Seal, halfway or straight passage. This is obviously unreasonable.

After three kilometers are all forks? Or is there an agency in the channel? Or will there be a long detour?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt uncertain, and then I suddenly reacted. This **** thing is Anubis, which is really not that strong. The existence of this channel is an intellectual trap in itself, and I just estimated here that I stood stupid for ten minutes. If I don't react again, I might even stand here until I fail.

Regardless of his thirty-seven and twenty-one, I have always been rude to think of unthinkable things. What can this channel do to me?

A hand stretched out to summon the gate of the earth. "Evil spirit knight, rush forward. Chan is stepping on the ground and stepping out of a safe passage for me."

Anyway, the evil spirit knight will not really die. I am now nine hundred, as a nine thousand evil spirit knight. What if the passage is full of traps? After nine thousand people were most secretly calculated by the agency. There will be no more institutions.

Anubis on the bank of the Styx River was still impressed by his actions for a long time after he returned, because he felt that he had finally set me up. Seeing that I was thinking hard there, Anubis knew that I had been fooled, and the deities shook his head, but until just now, Anubis's jaw suddenly fell again.

Tetu gloated sideways and said, "Haha, it seems that our players intend to use the normal breakthrough method again."

Anubis gritted his teeth and said, "Zuri, you bastard!"

"A sneeze!" I sneezed suddenly at the entrance of the passage. "Strange, how do you feel who is talking bad about me?"

Skott came to me and said, "The passage in front looks safe! Why do you want to force an assault?"

"Because there is no time for the Seal of the Seal of God. You immediately organize a manpower to force a breakthrough, and it will be faster. Even if the casualties are larger, it does not matter, anyway, the evil knight has a chance to resurrect once a day.


Skort quickly organized a small tentative team with the evil knight. Because my request was to gain a degree advantage at all costs, Skt did not consider any security issues, and everything was given priority to degree. Priority.

The three-kilometer-long corridor is indeed not as simple as it seems. The pathfinder team encountered a pit after less than three meters. Fortunately, the people behind responded quickly and pulled the evil knights in front, otherwise we would start to suffer injuries directly at the three meters. Beneath the **** pit are two top rollers, both of which are rotating slowly. The reason is similar to that of an ore grinder. If anyone falls, they will be twisted into the ground by the two rollers.

The width of the pit was not large. A demon knight who had just fortunately dropped and leaped forward, but he just landed on the opposite side, and the stone at his foot suddenly fell downward. He looked down, and the rock only sank. Not even centimeters. We saw that he hadn't fallen down, and just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but the top of the hole in front of him suddenly opened a board. Then a sledgehammer swung down from the top. The evil knight did not respond. He was hit by a hammer and flew back. He knocked down a group of talents and was caught.

Siegut complained, "Fuck, what channel is this! It's just three meters away, so how do we get behind?"

I said to myself: "Now I understand what Anubis means."

At this time, Anubis was in front of the magic scene for a long time and said, "Hum, my organization is not able to pass by many people. Do you know how powerful I am?"

Standing on the edge of the pit, I looked at the two-meter-wide pit and the sledgehammers swaying back and forth, thinking about Anubis' words. He asked me to destroy a few things that stopped me, and tried to say that these things are rewards? This reward is too special, right? Anyway, I decided to give it a try.

The evil knights couldn't help so much. I asked Skog to bring the injured evil knights back first. Ten people were left, and Ling, Yeyue, Jingjing, Lingling, and Bai Lang were rescued to help. Ling is a magic consultant, Yeyue is an all-around creature, Jingjing is good at defense. Lingling is good at attacking, and Bai Lang is a master of the organization. With their five helpers, they should be less vulnerable.

Take back the extra people, and then I set about destroying the first organ. Let everyone hide in the distance first. Then he took a bundle of explosives that had been pre-equipped into the pit. After throwing the explosives, I quickly turned around and took a few steps to jump out of the hole. The huge steel drum was slowly rotating with the explosives. The explosives were sent to the center of the two drums by the drums. Then the drums on both sides continued to carry the explosives downwards. At the same time, the pressure suddenly increased because they needed to pass through the approaching parts of the drums. There was a loud noise, and a burst of smoke spewed out of the passage. By the time we entered, the two rollers were lying crookedly at the bottom of the pit. The power of explosives is good.

Almost when I saw the dilapidated big pit, I heard the reward prompt. This roller actually has experience value. Blow it up and get the experience value that is no less than a small leveling area to brush the monster's entire experience value. It turns out that this is a reward. If you destroy these institutions, you can get more than 100 times the experience value of ordinary monsters.

After confirming the prompt, I smiled and looked at the big hammer that was still swinging back and forth. "Lingling, cut that thing down."

Lingling moved very fast, only saw the flash of Jianguang, and the slamming hammer in front fell off. There is a smooth cross section on the hammer handle.

After the two obstacles are resolved, the evil knight will start exploring. The two evil spirit knights moved carefully and quickly in front, unable to take ten steps, and made a loud noise, a catenary gate suddenly fell in front of the two of them to cut off the road. The two of them were about to turn back and me. What was said was a loud noise, and another jack gate fell down among us, and they were sealed in the passage in front. The ground suddenly shook, and the sound of booming came across the wall. We heard that an evil knight was smashing the wall for help.

Yeyue came and stretched out her hand to me and Lingling: "Give me your sword."

I handed eternity to Yeyue, and Lingling also passed the holy sword. Yeyue grabbed two swords and walked to the front of the Jinjin Gate, then suddenly swayed and posed. After waiting for less than two seconds, there was a sudden rumbling sound in front of him, and the jack gate in front of us shattered into dozens of pieces and fell to the ground, and the two evil spirit knights quickly flashed out. In that sealed passage, the walls on both sides are actually moving closer to the center. If we slow down a bit, the two evil spirit knights will surely be crushed into pancakes.

The two walls closed together a few seconds after the evil knight came out, and Yeyue went up again with a sword dance, then turned around and handed the weapon to us. The two closed walls and the jack gate over there turned together Countless fragments.

Before the magic image, Anubis looked at us as if he was stunned. He wasn't surprised at my degree, but was surprised at the sharpness of Yeyue's sword and two weapons. You should know that the two gates are steel gates strengthened by divine power. Moreover, the thickness has been over thirty centimeters, and it was shredded by two swords for no reason. The back wall is even more wrong. The hardness of the rock is no less than that of the gate in the front, not to mention that the gate in the back was broken without being cut. In view of this situation, the sharpness of this sword is too exaggerated, and considering the actual destruction attributes, the sword also has a strong magic attribute, otherwise a little more than one meter of the sword will be as sharp as a total of three meters thick. The obstacles were shredded all at once.

I walked in the passage and asked Yeyue while walking: "What was the trick you just played?"

"Spirit Dance."

"It was Li Lingling who asked with interest.

Yeyuedao: "It can be considered a dance. But it should be more of an offensive dance. It can be used as a show, but it can only be a solo dance, because once the dance moves are fully unfolded, the sword can't be controlled. If you lean too close, it will be skeined by the sword gas. "

"So dangerous dance."

"Because it wasn't an ornamental dance at all!" Yeyue muttered, "You haven't seen the colorful dance performed by the son-in-law. That's really the power to open up the world. Once you use it, it will be within a hundred miles. Vertical and horizontal, even the gods of heaven must be as far away as possible. "

"have you seen?"

"I haven't seen it directly, but I've seen the images recorded in the crystal ball. It's really amazing. A big mountain. It's terrible to stop the waist just to be scratched."

"Okay, we don't need to count on that power, but first think of a way to help me pass the previous passage! It's all been ten minutes. We have walked less than two meters and a total of ten. In three hours, even in thirty hours, we are too late. "

"Actually, I have a way to get through quickly, and I need to take a little risk." Ye Yue said in shock.

"Do you have a solution? Tell me about it?"

Yeyuedao: "It's actually very simple. The traps here are basically designed for people who walk by. But what if we fly directly? The ceiling here is only over five meters high, so there should be no forbidden areas?"

Ling tried to fly a bit, and then said, "It is true that there is no airspace, but the flight may not touch the authorities."

"But as long as you fly fast enough, it will not be counted by the authorities." Ye Yue's words made me understand her intentions.

From being touched to being fully activated, there is usually a time interval between the Seal of the Throne and the time interval, which is as long as the sledgehammer, and it takes more than three seconds to start. Quickly like that roller pit, it started almost immediately after stepping on it. But one thing is for sure. There must be a gap regardless of the length of the mechanism. As long as we can move faster than this shortest interval, there must be hope to cross that passage safely and quickly.

Ling pondered for a while: "If you really use this method, only Asuka can do it. If he uses the soundtrack to assault the owner to pass through here, then it should be safe to pass. Asuka's degree can be one second. He flew over about 400 meters. When the agency was touched, he may have flown away. When the agency really started to play its role, he was actually left far behind. Moreover, the first three kilometers of this passage were so straight. , Flying past is absolutely no problem. Yeyue's idea should be feasible, and you can consider trying it. "

I thought for a while and said, "Okay, you guys go back to Fenglong Space first, I'll ride a flying bird to try."

"No." Yeyue stopped me. "It's not for you to try it, but for the bird to fly it by himself. Let him break through it once, so that all the organs that may be touched by the flying creature should have been activated, and then you can take the guard spear and pass by."

"That makes sense."

I immediately started to follow Ye Yue's ideas. The bird retreated to the entrance of the cave first, and then sprinted with the full strength of the soundtrack. We just felt a strong wind blowing in front of us, and the birds flew over in a stun. UU Kanshu

Ling was really right. The organs set up by Anubis are not simple. They will touch the organs even when flying in the sky. The organs on the way are almost three meters, and there is no interval at all. The density can make people crazy. Off. Really want to crack like minesweep one by one in the past and wait until that end is estimated to be next week's thing.

Asuka rushed forward with sound, all kinds of organs had no time to start behind him. The eyes that Anubis looked at in front of the magic scene almost came out, and Tetu was joking next to him. The carefully designed institutions were as useless as the furnishings.

The flying bird ’s speed is too fast. After being touched, a section of flying arrow channel starts to shoot flying arrows at intervals of 0.1 second. At this time, the flying bird is more than thirty meters away. In the other section of the tunnel, dozens of iron axes traversed the tunnel like a pendulum of a pendulum clock. However, although the birds touched these institutions in the past, when the giant axe fell from the top, the birds had already It's been 70 or 80 meters away. Don't even touch it, don't even think about it. Compared to these agencies that traverse the channel, the ground authorities are more complete. The birds are in the air, the ground traps are useless. These things will be activated by the air currents of the birds, but they will not affect the birds in the sky.

Tetu looks more and more funny, it's better to pat Pat Anubis's shoulder and say, "Haha, it seems you have hit the nemesis!"

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