Starting from Zero

Vol 11 Chapter 128: God i dare to steal

"May I ask what exactly this test measures?" A player asked.

Cohopra said: "I'm sorry I can't answer you. Those who pass will be able to know the answer for a while, but others can only be sorry. God also needs secrets. Then everyone starts testing. This should be very simple."

Now that Cohopra has said so, we have no choice but to stand in a row and wait for Tetu to come and test the strange books one by one.

The first person put his hand on the surface of the book, and the golden light flashed on the book, and then returned to calm. Teto smiled. "Good. Next."

The second person did the same thing, but there was no response in the book. The guy didn't believe in evil and tried again, but it still didn't respond. He wanted to try again, but Tetu had collected the book back. "Sorry, please go over there to claim your prize."

Although the man was not very satisfied but didn't say anything, he finally left here. The next test is that some people can live through it and others can't. We don't know what properties this thing is testing, so there is no way to prepare anything.

The last test was me, and I was stopped by Tetu just to reach out. I asked him what he meant with his eyes, and Tetu said, "With your left hand."

I looked at my left and right hands in confusion. Is there any difference? It seems that the people in front are both right and left! After thinking about it, I put my left hand up and input a little magic. There was no light on the surface of the book, but the pages suddenly opened and popped my hand. The paper in the book was rolled wildly to the middle page, and then a golden light shot from the middle of the book. On the top of the book appeared a ghostly magic image.

"I knew I would react to you." Tetu smiled and took the book away.

I looked at him in confusion: "Is this calculated or not?"

"Passed, and it was a high grade." Tetu closed the book, then turned and walked back to the stage. Several little gods took away those who were not qualified. There were seven people left on the site, including me. That princess was also there. And she desperately beckoned me.

Cohopra came down from the stage. "Since the redundant staff have been eliminated, I can now ask you."

"Require?" I looked at Cohopra in surprise. "Her Highness Scarab, may I ask what is the requirement? Why do we have to complete the requirement instead?"

Cohopra laughed and said, "It's a request, rather a request. You don't have to complete it, you can choose to give up."

"What's that?" The princess asked Cohopra. "Of course we will consider it if it is not excessive."

Cohopra said: "The request may be difficult, but we will give appropriate compensation. The specific content must be willing to participate in order to know, otherwise I will not be able to tell you."

"You don't tell us what to do, how do we answer?" Asked another player.

Cohopra thought for a moment and said, "I can only tell you that this request is for you to go to a place where our gods cannot enter, and then look for someone in it. If he is in danger, you must rescue him. If he is unwilling to come out for some reason, you have to come back and tell us what happened inside. "

I concluded: "What do you mean by letting us go to an unknown location to find a specific person and rescue or return intelligence? So how difficult is the task? What force is preventing you from completing the task?"

Cohopra said: "We do n’t know the difficulty of the task. Because we do n’t know what happened. If the target person is unwilling to come out because of special reasons, your task may only be a errand task, but if It is because he is in danger, the difficulty of the task may rise in a straight line, and it is not clear to what extent it will be complicated. We, the gods, cannot get in because it is not blocked by some monsters. It is because the place forbids us. We forcibly entered there, and the divine power was drained. "

"Then we won't have a problem?"

"It doesn't matter." Cohopra said: "The ban is only for the gods and demons in Egypt, and it will not affect you."

"Then what benefits can we get?" I care more about this issue.

Anubis walked over with a white pill: "This is the essence of divine power. No matter what is in it, each of you can get two of these pills. Taking them directly can increase the tenth level, and then physical and magic attacks Will have divine damage. Divine damage has a deepening and incurable effect on ordinary creatures, and has absolute damage on evil creatures. In addition, you can get this thing. ”Anubis took out a bunch of Colorfully pills. "These are the essence of the divine power condensed by the gods themselves. Their attributes vary according to different deities. You can choose a divine essence that you want to strengthen. These are the basic rewards you enter. If the internal situation changes, then You can get extra rewards. If it ’s just a errand task, then you only have so many rewards. If something really happens inside, you need to fight. Then at least two more will be given to each of you after coming out. Normal Divine Essence and a one-way Divine Essence, and other rewards may be added depending on the difficulty of the task you encountered during the period. "

I raised a hand: "What if the treasure is found in the mission?"

"Whoever picks it up is land." Anubis answered very simply.

"I'm going." I called out first. This task is absolutely necessary. My initial idea to participate in this test was to restore the power of the lost power stone, but the last requested reward was the power of the power, the power of the power is the concentrated power, the power of the power to restore the power of the stone

source. If I don't participate, I won't get that thing. The task of the Divine Stone is also finished. After making such a big circle, it doesn't make sense to give up halfway, doesn't it? So you have to join if you don't.

Seeing I agreed, the princess jumped to my side and raised her hand: "I also participate."

"Count me." A soldier raised his hand.

With three role models, the remaining four nodded and agreed to participate. How to see the rewards of this task are quite rich. Two ordinary divine stones are already equal to a level 20 reward. Even if the mission fails and the bad luck meets the resurrection failure, at most two levels will be lost, and at least eighteen levels will be earned, without loss. Besides, the level of people here is not low. Eighteenth level means a lot to us. Besides, there is a divine essence that concentrates on strengthening a certain direction attribute, so it is really a rich reward. Moreover, if it is a combat mission, you can get two more ordinary divine essence and one directional enhanced divine essence. In my guess, this is almost a hundred percent thing. Such a high reward is unlikely to just let us run a lap, there will definitely be hands-on. If the calculation is completed in this way, the reward will be doubled. In case of better performance, you can get more extra rewards. Such a good thing is not a fool.

Cohopra nodded happily: "Since you both agreed to join, there is no need to hide it. You will know it when you perform the task anyway. Anubis, tell them everything."

We looked at Anubis together. I saw Anubis stretch out a hand, and a magical image appeared on his palm. In the magic image is the image of a human. He seemed to be an old man, and he looked as if he were full.

"This is the person we are looking for?" I asked Anubis.

Anubis nodded: "This is His Highness The Sun, His name is La, but you better not call His Highness directly, because it is extremely impolite. Only His Highness the Scarab can be called here His Highness the Sun is pulling. I will give you a memory crystal. There is a record of His Highness, and the crystal has been carved with the divine power identification matrix. Once you get close to the crystal within three kilometers of His Highness It will light up. And as you get closer, the crystal will become brighter. If the image in the crystal floats out of the crystal and floats out of the crystal, it means that you are less than a hundred meters away from your highness. "

A player took the crystal handed by Anubis. "Badly biodetector!"

"It's good to have this." Anubis said a little bit angry: "Do you think that His Highness the Sun is an ordinary person? If it weren't for this crystal that had been infused with his divine power in advance, we would never have used East and West detect the position of His Highness. "

"You mean there is the power of the sun **** in this thing?" I pointed at the crystal I just got.

"Yeah! What's wrong?" Anubis looked at me curiously.

"Oh! Nothing! You continue." There is also a divine power in this thing, I don't know if it is possible to add the divine power inside to the divine stone. It is said that the demand for the divine power of the divine stone should be small. If you can not waste the precious concentrated divine essence, it is too cool to use this one-time detector to supplement. I can't upgrade those twenty levels with those divine essence supplementing the divine stones, I feel very sorry.

Anubis didn't notice that I was thinking about it, but continued to say: "Hundred years ago, His Highness the Sun entered the Hades River to participate in a secret ritual. This ritual should have been held every ten years, except for His Highness the Sun. It seems that no **** in Egypt has actually participated in such an event, but I usually hear from His Highness the Sun that more than one person should participate, so we do not know who else has participated in such an event. Any **** here has never participated. "

"That means you don't know anything about the internal environment, do you?" A player asked.

Anubis nodded helplessly: "Probably so!"

I said: "That means that we have no information except the task goal is to find people, right? In case we enter there is a large desert, in which direction are we going? And how do we go? Come back? "

Anubis said: "We ca n’t help with the problem of direction. As for the problem of return, we have a teleporting crystal ball with coordinates. When you need to return, smash it. You and you will be selected within five meters. The target can be passed along. We will give you two each as a backup plan in case of loss. And in case someone and the two are gone, you can consider using one with others, anyway, as long as you are close to the five-meter radius Together enough once to send you all back. "

I took a teleporting crystal ball and asked, "Is this thing expensive?"

"No, we do it ourselves. We can do a lot if we want." Anubis replied.

"So do more for us."

"Why? This thing can only be transmitted back here. It's useless if you want so much!"

"Of course it is useful. And besides what we have now, do you have a larger area? For example, can you transport two large dragons at once?"

"You can do it, but what are you doing so much?"

I explained: "Of course it is useful. First. In case something really happened, at least we can use this to send a reel back to let you know what happened. And if you bring enough, We can even send you a mission briefing every time after the throne of the Seal of the Seal. Even if we are suddenly destroyed, you can know where we are going wrong, and we can take precautions when we send the team next time. Second, if a powerful creature traps His Highness the Sun, then I think the strength of this thing should be very scary. Although the status of the Sun God is very high, you seem to be the first of the Egyptian gods in terms of combat power. Right? "

"What's wrong?"

I said

: "If you encounter such a monster. We will first consider cooperating with the sun god. If it is not an opponent, simply use a earth-transporting crystal to smash it over and send it with that monster. You have so many gods here. Add You, the first combat force, are at least much better than our odds? If you are still not assured, you can simply set up a large trap that can be remotely controlled. When you see the monster coming back, you should first overcast him and then kill him. You guys Do n’t you think that so many gods ca n’t even solve one enemy? ”

Anubis nodded: "Even if the most powerful creature is at most stronger than His Highness the Sun, if it should be I can barely tie it, and the help of His Royal Highness the Scarab. The chance of winning is over 90%. Start I thought you were a reckless husband. Didn't expect that your thinking was comprehensive! "

"I think you are more like a reckless husband. Even the seven of us dare to send to that kind of place. I have confidence in myself. But I do n’t know where you came from, so I can only think you are reckless husbands. And is planning to do it. "

"We are really compelled." Anubis looked at us helplessly. "Comprehensive consideration of your actual combat effectiveness is definitely not as good as those of our gods, but we ca n’t enter the Holy River Holy Land, so we can only send you there. The reason for the rigorous test is that we hope to increase the participants as much as possible. The quality of the ground. In addition, there are not many crystal stones handed to you, and once they are brought in, they cannot come out, so we must carefully arrange the participants, in case the Lord of the Sun does not find the only one The crystal that can roughly mark the place is used up. Then there is no hope at all. "

"Then why do we take seven at a time? It's over for a team to take one?"

Anubis said: "Because the Seal of Throne of Time is urgent, we will not be able to wait until the next screening. If you are unsuccessful, His Royal Highness will use the incubation function to reborn a new sun **** incarnation and reincarnation."

The water **** is the supreme **** in Egyptian mythology, and it has no entity and belongs to nothingness. Anubis said that it must be that the sun **** will really be replaced. Unlike these gods, because the water **** is not an entity, he has no subjective consciousness and cannot communicate. To be more precise, the water **** is the power of nature. Without the sun god, the Egyptian **** system will lose its balance. The natural will of the water **** will give birth to a new sun **** again according to the change of the environment. Can only watch the sun **** being replaced. They are doing the last blog this time. If they succeed, they can bring the Sun God back. If they fail, they are ready to welcome the new God!

A player suddenly said: "Since it is the last blog, then simply give us more divine essence. I heard that the system has now been upgraded to a thousand-level upgrade system, I don't know if it is true. Give us dozens directly A Divine Essence has lifted us all to a level above 1,000. Isn't it more reliable to complete the task? "

Anubis shook his head: "First. We do n’t have so many divine essences. Second, your body can't bear so many divine essences. At first it was said that in the situation where you are fighting, and you return successfully The other three Divine Essences are also provided for this consideration. Your body will absorb these three Essences first, and then the Divine Essence will be gradually absorbed after the battle over there. Adding three more Essences should not have an adverse effect. But giving you all six directly will definitely cause problems. "

That player is full of ideas, but unfortunately Anubis said that the ground should be true, so there is no way to do more magical essence. But the benefits do not necessarily have to be the essence of the divine power, as are other things. "His Highness Anubis, since the essence of divine power cannot be used too much, what about the equipment? Look at them, the best is the staff of the mage and the lady over there, but that is just an artifact-like artifact, other Basically, human things are almost the same as broken ones. I know that artifacts are very expensive, but I think you gods should not lack artifacts, can you help us also? "

Although the equipment on these players is said to be broken. But there were no complaints from those people, all of them shouted for me: "Yeah, yeah! Look at our equipment so bad, just gods to sponsor it, isn't it a complete set of artifacts?"

by. These people are darker than me. Originally only intended to lie to each person one or two artifacts, this group of boys was actually called one set. Do you think artifacts can be approved by ballpoint pens?

Anubis was asked not to know what to say, but in the end, Tetu ran over to make a siege, anyway, people are gods of wisdom. "Do n’t be excited, listen to me. We do have artifacts. But you should understand that artifacts are too powerful, if they are flooded. The harm is more serious than the unexpected encounter of His Highness the Sun, so we cannot provide one person one But since everyone has proposed it, it's not really appropriate for everyone to do so. Let's discuss it first, maybe we can make an exception for each of you at a time.

Everyone nodded after hearing Teto's words and agreed. In fact, when they shouted, those people also knew that there was indeed a bit more. At present, single artifacts on the black market outside, even if the attributes are not good, it is generally not a problem to sell more than one million crystal coins. If the attributes are slightly better, then ten million crystal coins are normal. Now they actually need a complete set, which is literally over 100 million crystal coins. Purely dreamlike behavior. If you can get one, you're lucky.

Tetu and Anubis and other gods went far away to start urgent consultations. After a while, they came back. Or a special map. "We have reached an agreement. Artifacts can be provided, but only one per person."

Another player had to ask, "Well, how about providing some great Warcraft as magic pets by the way?"

"The level of the magic pet will be cleared to zero after returning to you. This time, it will not be useful. We provide artifacts to improve your combat effectiveness and complete tasks. Please do not use this opportunity to blackmail us.

"Hahahaha, I just proposed it, when I didn't say it!"

Tetu turned and said:

"Come with me and take you to pick your favorite artifact."

We followed Tetu toward the back of the hall, and it seemed that the equipment library should be over there. Other gods are following us, presumably intending to adopt an urgent man-to-man tactic to prevent us from carrying the private goods in hand, but I do plan in my heart how I can take a few more items. The treasure trove I have entered so far, unless it is my own land, will definitely be evacuated by me. Demon's equipment library, which is full of artifacts, but only let me take one. Think about how I feel. It's like an extremely hungry person who enters a room full of various foods, but is told that he can only choose one of them and take a small bite.

Not to be missed. I deliberately walked forward, pretending to be indifferent, then clasped my hands on my chest, and flickered slightly, Fenglong appeared in my arms. Seeing someone carelessly put her on my left shoulder. Fenglong already knew what I meant through my spiritual contact, so she squatted down on my shoulder and waited for a while to cooperate with me. However, Fenglong alone is not enough. I need to cover and cover people. It is definitely impossible to recruit large-scale magic pets now. This is not a war. How can it be possible to convene a large-scale magic pet. But humanoid magic pets can be considered, but not too many. but. The magic pet can only cover, and the person who attracts attention needs to be far away from me, but the magic pet must not be far away from me, so the magic pet is not suitable, and the players here must cooperate. After thinking about it, that princess is the right one.

It was natural to walk to the princess's ground, and then stretched her hands around her shoulders more naturally and pulled her into her arms, so she carried her forward. My face was close to her ears, and her ears looked as if in front of her, but I was actually talking. "Don't move, don't talk. Listen to me."

Although the princess was surprised and her body was stiff because of instinctual resistance, she still did not move. "What are you doing?" She asked me in a low voice.

"Want to get more artifacts?"

She was surprised to turn her head to look at me. But my head was fixed by the pressure of my arms and face, and I couldn't move. "Don't turn your head, this will be seen by the guys behind us."

"You have a way?" She asked.

"I need your help."

"What about compensation?"

"I have 80% of the final results, and the rest belongs to you."


"Because I am responsible for theft, cover and transfer, you are only responsible for attracting attention."

"I want 30%."

"The deal."

"What do you need me to do?"

As soon as I reached out, I called out the dart, and I threw him to the princess. "Hugging him. This is a dart. I am a pet, to be good at it. When you start picking weapons, you let him stand on your shoulders, as long as he rubs your neck with his tail. You will find a way to make some noise Come out to attract everyone ’s attention, it is best to attract everyone. I am responsible for starting at that moment. "

"Does it seem simple. OK, I will do it."

"Then you will see all of you in a while. The more you attract the attention of others, the longer the time of the Seal of Throne, the more benefits we have. An artifact is at least millions of crystal coins, and the gods may be in the collection. It's the best of tens of millions, so you have to work hard. A second may be worth millions more. "

The little girl flashed in her eyes, the symbol, waiting to count the money.

Soon we were outside the treasure house, where there was a huge gate. Many strange pictures and texts were carved on the door. Cohopra walked to the door with ten other gods, and then each reached out a hand and pressed it against the door. The hands of their eleven gods glowed at the same time, and then all the carved patterns on the gate lit up. When they retracted their hands, the ground shook, and then the gate slowly moved to both sides.

"What a thick door! Well? Why is it a wall?"

The thickness of the gate is at least ten meters or more, but when the gates on both sides are still open, we only saw the golden wall behind the door gap, and there was no equipment library. Just as we were wondering, the doors on both sides had been completely opened, and then Anubis went up with the other seven gods and put his hands on a specific position on the golden wall. With a click, the ground shook again, and then the golden wall began to back out. When this wall receded more than seven meters, we suddenly found a seam on the left wall. As the gold wall continued to recede, the seam became larger and larger, and soon revealed a five-meter-wide and three-meter-high tunnel entrance.

We walked together to the entrance of the tunnel, and now we have a door more than ten meters deep. Teto walked over and pressed his hand on the gate, and the golden gate began to rise immediately. Compared to the two doors in front, the thickness of this door is two meters. But what I want to know is whether the thing is pure gold. If these people are not there, I plan to move the door back first.

As soon as the door was opened, we saw a dazzling golden light inside. As the door was fully opened, the light completely shone on us, as if each of us had turned golden.

"Wow! So beautiful equipment!"

Behind the gate is a huge equipment showroom. Compared with the luxurious gate outside, the magnificence inside is even more exaggerated. Dazzled by the various equipment, I really want to move all. But only a few can be stolen.

A player who was excited immediately after seeing the equipment ran in, and Tetu suddenly stepped up to block him. "Listen to me before you go in. The equipment inside is the treasures left by the ancient gods. The power is extraordinary. It ’s an exception for everyone. So it ’s best not to think indifferently. In addition, There is a magic detection device on this door, which will be detected through the artifacts here, so it is better not to embarrass it. In order to assist you in selecting equipment, we will also arrange a guide for everyone to help explain Performance and reference. "Tetu said very gently, but the meaning is also very clear. If we don't think about stealing things, we also warn that the gate has a magic barrier for detection, which is equivalent to an electronic detector standing in front of the market. There is also a guide around everyone for a while. But referring to it, I think the role of surveillance is greater.

Anyway, he said his, I'm not afraid. After Tetu spoke, I went to the door first. Anubis followed immediately. "I'll be your guide."

I didn't say anything, just kept going. Others quickly followed, and everyone was followed by a deity to monitor their actions.

This huge equipment library is very particular about the placement of items. Starting from the door, the equipment is placed in order according to the category, and the ground on the last wall is full of equipment. Because this time only let us take one. So the outfit does not let us move. Otherwise, if we take one of them, the effect of the remaining set will be greatly reduced.

According to my arrangement, I entered first. So go first, and the princess last, so I can do my best when he attracts attention.

After taking a few steps, I said to Anubis: "My pet also has a lot of equipment, I call them to help you identify you, right?"

"Magic pet?" Anubis thought for a moment, then nodded, but added: "Don't be too much."

"Rest assured, can't there be many people here?" I deliberately began to slowly summon the gate of the earth. This thing opens slowly and is not as flexible as Fenglong Space. However, this can actually rule out my suspicion of stealing from the space door, because everyone knows that I cannot summon the space door in front of so many people without being spotted. The long-prepared Emmys and the Dragon Girl came out of the space door. Thanks to the magic pets moved into the space door during the last test, otherwise it is really difficult to handle.

The task of the little dragon girl is to really help identify the items. It is also a Shenlong, because it has keen intuition for advanced magic items, and the immortality includes the knowledge of refiners. Therefore, the little dragon girl who is an oriental dragon is more powerful than other magic pets in equipment appraisal. As for Emmys, I shouldn't have to guess what she was responsible for.

Everyone entered the room and began to pick the right equipment. Unlike me, they didn't actually start choosing equipment, they just ran around and looked at the equipment like a visit. After all, artifacts are usually very rare. It is even rare to see so many at once, and the Egyptians seem to be interested in gold. The color of the artifacts is 90% golden and looks like crafts more than weapons. equipment.

Anyway, I am also an artifact, and I am relatively resistant to these things. So I dried my saliva and began to bury my head in search of the right thing. At the same time, I also pretended to be looking at me blindly, so that I could take advantage of some special equipment.

The little dragon girl's radar really worked. As soon as she came up, good things appeared. "Master, this way." The little dragon girl called me in a contact, and no one else could hear.

I pretended to look casually and shook it to a position with the dragon girl. The non-whole set of equipment is only four major categories of weapons, shields, decorations and consumables, and other things are all set. Among these equipments, the categories of weapons and decorations are the most. Now we are looking at the position of the decoration. Male players are looking at the weapon. The princess was assigned by me to look at the weapon. Only I and the other female player were looking at the decoration. I want this environment with fewer people. Moreover, the decoration of this thing is small in size and convenient to use, and it is widely applicable. No matter it is convenient for auction or giving away, anyone can bring it. Unlike weapons, they have to be screened individually for occupations.

I picked up a ring that the little dragon girl prompted me to take and looked at it. It looks like a gold ring ring, but the attributes are incredible. This thing is actually the thing of the last **** of the gods. It can open the channel of death and draw the enemy's soul away. This is the first time I have seen this equipment.

Anubis looked at me holding a ring. Just came over and asked, "How about? Do you like this? This is a very good thing, and it can have unexpected effects against those extremely troublesome enemies."

"The ground is really good, but unfortunately I have similar equipment, or forget it." I dropped the ring at will. And turning around to leave, I also signaled the dart.

On the princess' side, the dart received a signal and struck the princess's neck with his tail. The princess immediately gave a meal, and then pretend to have fun and picked up a tomahawk next to her. The princess itself is very small, and the tomahawk is very disproportionate in her hands, but this is suitable for her performance. The princess pretended to try hard and raised her axe above her head.

The little **** who accompanied the princess immediately discouraged: "Miss, this is not suitable for your land, or should you let it go? Be careful!"

The princess immediately pretended to be stubborn: "Your boys look down on our girls, and I can certainly lift it up. Ah ..." The princess tried to lift the axe hard, but it turned out to be too hard. Suddenly the axe fluttered behind her back and she couldn't come back, and she turned around because of her weight, and suddenly she turned awry. The axe flew out from behind his hands.




Zheli is up!

The axe flew out to hit the little god's foot, even though he was a god, but this axe was an artifact, and immediately inserted into his foot, where he howled in pain. The princess bumped into a weapon rack next to her body unstablely. Although the rack didn't fall down, the weapons above were taken down by her. Zheli rattled into one.

This great movement attracted everyone's attention. I also turned around and ran away. I also stood on the side of Anubis deliberately so that he could see me, but he could not see all of me. Amenis and the dragon girl simply ran to Anubis and saw her there, so that Anubis wouldn't doubt us. And actually do it

It's not us, but the humble pet on my shoulders-Fenglong.

While everyone's attention was drawn to the neutral, Fenglong's little tail rolled up. The black Fenglong space only opened a small hole, the ring flew in accurately, and then the Fenglong space was closed. Emmys looked at the front without looking back, in fact, she observed the position of the ring with the perception of the phantom of me and the body through mental contact. As soon as Feng Long succeeded, she immediately copied a ring that looked exactly the same.

Aimenis is anyhow a goddess of illusion. This replica not only looks exactly the same, but also a physical object, even if it is picked up, it will not be an illusion. You can even feel some magic on it, so that people will not doubt its authenticity. However, after all, replicas are replicas, they are unlikely to have the attributes of the original ring, and after ten hours, this duplicate fake ring will disappear because the magic is dissipated, but it will not matter to me at that time. As long as it was there before we left.

This time the riot was relatively big. I saw Anubis watching the direction with great concern, and he was bold. Fenglong suddenly rolled several nearby rings that could be reached with the tail into Fenglong space, and the replicas appeared simultaneously at the place where the real thing was removed, and the fit was almost seamless.

In Anubis's eyes, I was standing on his side, and my two pets were in front of us, and he could fully monitor. As for the dragon on my shoulder, this little guy was not taken seriously, not to mention Anubis could actually see Fenglong's head, but he didn't know that Fenglong's tail was stealing.

Anubis turned around to confirm the situation and then turned around. He first glanced at the display stand next to his eyes vigilantly, and now there was nothing missing. In addition, I had been in his sight just now, so he did not check it carefully. I started moving forward, and Anubis naturally followed me in order to monitor me. The first theft was easily completed. It was enough for me to get in the ring at that moment, but this is just the beginning.

"This bracelet is good!" Anubis saw that I was holding a beautiful bracelet to look at ~ ~ and immediately introduced it again. In fact, his aggressive sales promotion has a purpose. They want us to take things out earlier, and the possibility of their artifacts being stolen will be reduced.

I didn't like the way I shook my head and put my bracelet down. In fact, I already had Harrah's dripping in my heart, but I didn't dare to say it. After giving instructions to the dart, he immediately pinched Princess Neck again.

The princess immediately found a magic sword in a nearby weapon, and then pretended to be an experiment and slammed forward. The newly changed instructor behind him shouted a step slower, a flame of sword energy rolled out in the direction of the blade chopping, and there were just a few players and a weapon stand in front.

Players flashed fast enough, but the weapon rack collapsed. The riot was born again. Anubis couldn't help but watched it. I stood on his side again in order to reassure him, and Amenis and the dragon girl also stood in front of him. See what happened.

Fenglong's little tail was rolled and her bracelet was gone. A new bracelet immediately appeared on the stage, and of course, the ones that could be reached nearby were also taken away together, and the copy was still quick-fixed. Hehe, it seems that Anubis was just fighting fiercely, when the security was obviously unqualified. I'm going to have a good harvest today.

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