Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 1: Cooked!

At present, the most direct clue that I have in my hand is from the gangsters, so the destination of the first stop is also here. According to the map obtained from the Fulcrum City Liaison Station, I quickly found the hidden camp in the mountain forest. As he was about to land, a javelin shot from below. I blinked and grabbed the javelin. "Hey, look at it before you hit!"

"Oh! It's the principal!" A monster with a tiger head kicked and threw a javelin. "These two things on your face are assholes? The principal, you dare to throw them?" Because I took a mentoring class at the Bandit Academy, I am now called by the monsters from these subjects as principals.

I fell to the ground and returned the javelin to the little monster. "Who is responsible?"

"It's me." The mogul nodded and saluted just now: "My name is Dahu, here's the battalion chief. I still heard it when the principal was in class."

"You said you were the battalion commander? I don't remember arranging a regular army for you!"

"No," Dahu quickly explained, "I am the head of this camp, so I am called the camp commander."

"How is the camp organized? Arbitrarily arranged?" I asked casually.

"No. The camps are not the same. Generally, they include a team of left-behind personnel, ranging from a dozen or more to three or five hundred, depending on the size of the camp. We are a large camp with more than 480 left-over personnel. .Each camp also has an intelligence team, which is responsible for collecting information on fat sheep for easy access. Our camp's intelligence team has 37 people. Generally, there are only a few people in small camps. Finally, there is an action group, which is responsible for the hands-on team. The organization of the group is fixed, a group of thirteen people, each with a division of labor. The number of action groups varies according to the size of the camp. We have more than 130 action groups here, and one or two groups are assigned to small businesses. When you meet a large group of people, sometimes you have to contact the brothers in the nearby camp to get together to eat. But that is a big business. Except for the things ordered to be intercepted above, we rarely take such large orders. . "

"Very good. You need to have a good plan to reach scale. Now it looks like your arrangements are good. What's going on during this time?"

Big Tiger heard what I asked for. Show off immediately. "It's not me who blows. The locals have been tortured by us recently. The guys were first robbed more than ten times in a row before they determined that this was not an accident. Then they transferred all the guards in a city to the mountain. Find us, we notified about a dozen nearby camps that attacked their city, we took the guards to drill the ravine to climb the hillside, they were exhausted after tossing, received the city rescue signal and started rushing back, but waited The other camp teams over there not only ransacked the city, but also ate the guard team. "Talking about the tiger, he pointed at the strange hat inlaid with gems on his head. "This gem was pulled out of that city. It's really fun."

Speaking of monsters, we sent them to train, but they are not our subordinates. The monsters and we are just working together. Our guild will provide them with some intelligence and various special materials, as well as other material support. In return, they need to complete the interception tasks we have assigned quantitatively. Of course, we will arrange the tasks according to the strength of the monsters. They went to death. In addition, all the special effects they robbed. Including the items grabbed in quantitative tasks, the Bank will pay for them. This is good for both of us. The materials we buy from monsters are more than half cheaper than those on the market. The monsters get a lot of money and can buy what they need. In fact, most of the money was spent by the monsters on luxury goods produced by the guild, so the money did not actually leave our guild's pockets. The worst is the Japanese, because the monsters and the benefits we took were snatched from them.

After listening to the report, I asked Dahu: "You should have been notified before I came?"

"Yes. I have received it before. Does the principal want to go to work now?"

"Yes, it's urgent."

"Then I'll call the pathfinder."

After a while, Big Tiger brought a guy with a height of nearly two meters and came over. The guy was shirtless with a rag around his waist. Although he looks like a poor peasant in the old society, no one will think so when he looks. This guy's face is irrelevant, and there are no scars or pockmarks. The reason why it is ugly is because his face is fleshy. Except for this ugly face. His body is too aggressive, with a muscular body. It seems that they are put together by muscle groups. In reality, there must be such a person, others will certainly walk around him along the way.

"Is this the spy who found the target?" I asked Dahu unbelievably.

The strong man suddenly laughed. But the voice was so delicate, like a little girl being coquettish. "Headmaster, don't judge by appearance!"

Big Tiger turned his head and vomited for a long time, then turned his head and wiped his mouth, and explained to the blue complexion, "Shi Niu is a rock cultivator, although she looks like this, she is a girl. Headmaster you Just adapt. "

I stared at the big tiger with an iron face: "Then you still vomit?"

"I've made progress. The first dozen times I just vomited and fainted and ended. Now she just said a word. I just spit it out a bit or two ... it's vomiting!" Da Hu said suddenly and couldn't stop turning I spit my head, then turned back and said, "The principal will follow Shi Niu to find clues?" I just wanted to talk back, but I felt uncomfortable in my stomach with a mouthful of yellow water. Da Hu didn't mean to be upset at all, instead he gave a thumbs up. "The principal is really not comparable to us ordinary people. When I first saw Shi Niu, I just spit, admired, admired!"

"So what ...!" I quickly wiped my mouth. "Did anyone know the location?"

Shi Niu opened her mouth just to explain. Da Hu and I responded quickly to help her at the same time: "Slow, let Da Hu answer!" Dude, if she spoke again, I would have to spit out the dinner together!

Da Hu told me, "In fact, no one knows, but the other party has moved to a heavily guarded place. It is not easy for other monsters to sneak in there, not to mention the principal."

I mean Shi Niu. "She can go in like this, can't you even get in?"

Da Hu didn't explain, but said directly to Shi Niu: "Show it to the principal."

Shi Niu nodded, then suddenly squatted down. Suddenly, Shi Niu disappeared, but there was an extra stone the size of watermelon. No need to explain now. She really is very suitable for engaging in penetration. A hidden stone is almost the easiest thing to ignore.

After watching the girl change, Big Tiger said, "Actually, we are all fairies, but there are many local demons in that place, and many of them can sense the enchantment of other fairies. , So we ca n’t get in. Shi Niu is a stone essence, she avoids the veins of the earth, and she is not easy to find.

"Then take the way."

Shi Niu is a stone essence, which is the type of stone giant in Europe. It can be understood regardless of male and female, but the voice matches this image. The vomiting effect was too obvious. I couldn't stand her voice. I just let her take me to that stronghold and sent her back. I have seen the image of the target person in Isinger. I do n’t need a guide when I know the place.

To be honest, the more I look at this place, the more I know it. I didn't remember seeing it until I saw the particularly striking card gallery. Damn, isn't this Yasukuni Shrine? Little Japan is really stubborn. It was so completely destroyed last time that I was able to rebuild it.

"Somebody, come out soon. I see you, don't run." A voice burst out, startling me. Could it be that without training for a long time, my level of stealing dogs has fallen? Or how can Japan's anti-theft awareness be raised so quickly?

As I was planning to run quickly, a figure suddenly appeared from a pile of weeds not far from me. This man moved quickly and got on top of the arch. Two people flew over the long corridor of the opposite card gallery, and the three separated immediately upon contact. And he ran away in three directions. On my side I can see that they seem to have exchanged something before they separated.

The Yasukuni Shrine immediately became lively, and a large number of people rushed out. The enemy soldiers were found to be divided into three lanes, and they followed them.

Go after them. It ’s better if there is no one in the shrine. It's the most convenient way to sneak into the chaos, and I really walked today. I left the hiding grass and ran to the archway to stand in stealth. The Yasukuni Shrine was actually built on a small mountain bag, and the foot of the mountain was surrounded by a fence. There is a gate below. Behind the gate is a long staircase leading to the main part of the real Yasukuni Shrine on the top of the mountain. There is an archway every interval on this long step. So it's called a ladder card gallery. I observed the environment at the archway at the front of the gallery and confirmed that the guards had chased out before stepping on the steps of the gallery. Except for this ladder gallery. The mountain bales are all trees, and it's supposed to go up from the forest, but I know it's a trap. The trees in the forest are all derived from the power of the Yasukuni Shrine. They are the eyes and ears of the shrine. Not to mention walking away from the forest, even if you touch the leaves in the past, they will immediately attract a large number of guards.

The last time I visited Yasukuni Shrine, I was miserable by the goblins on the porch of this brand. This time I have experience. I didn't touch those things at all and went straight up all the way to the top of the mountain. The situation here is not as cold as under the mountain. There is a huge building complex on the top of the mountain, and a square in the center. At this time, the square was very lively. Hundreds of people gathered this morning, and it seemed that something was going on. Obviously most of the nearby guards were chasing the three men, the remaining ones were very small, and they were all staring at the incense burner in the center of the square.

Before anyone noticed this, I hurried to the building complex, and finally jumped up to the third floor of a tower. Lying on the tiles here to start stealth, where you can clearly hear the Christmas of the personnel in the field. A man in a strange robe was desperately dancing a strange dance in front of the incense burner. About ten minutes later, the voice suddenly shouted at the incense burner: "Great **** wind, please blow around Ziri and send him to us!"

Huh? How did you mention my name? Just as I was wondering, a whirlwind suddenly appeared around me, and it was getting stronger. If such a big movement is not noticed again, then these must be dead. The Japanese in the audience looked at the whirlwind blowing from the tower with surprise. What they just used should be some kind of divine magic or something, and after listening to the last words of the leading master, this ritual seems to be trying to get me to the scene. The Japanese certainly knew the magic, but they didn't expect me to be behind them.

Now that it has been discovered, hiding is meaningless. I wanted to leave right away, but the whirlwind was getting faster and faster, and following me, I couldn't run away at all. The pressure under my feet was getting less and less, and I was gradually brought into the sky by a whirlwind. What do these Japanese devil want?

Although after a short period of confusion, all the Japanese laughed after seeing me being whirlwinded into the air ~ ~ What a guy wearing an ancient Japanese armor said to a woman around him, As a result, everyone around them laughed. I was blown around in the whirlwind, and I couldn't hear what they were talking about.

"Let you laugh." As I raised my hand, a long tendon's cable head shot straight out, but missed the target because of the cyclone interference.

The mage who presided over the ceremony suddenly took out a staff and a book, then opened the book and read it. The armor man who had just spoken to the woman around him suddenly responded and scolded the people around him. A large group of Japanese poured some water and a lot of strange things into the big incense burner in the shout of that person. Seeing this posture, how did they think they wanted to cook?

Just after those people finished, the mage suddenly ended the spell, and then pointed at the big incense burner. The sudden whirlwind around me drove me out of the air, and then threw me down to the big incense burner. Although I'm struggling hard, this obviously has no effect.

With a bang, I was thrown into the big incense burner, splashing a large splash. Before I got up, a huge cover over my head suddenly fell. I rely, what kind of incense burner is this! This is a pure alchemy furnace! But not right! What did they throw me here for? Are you going to take me alchemy? I'm not Sun Wukong!

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