Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 5: Huang Quan is my home

I rolled over and lay on the ground, holding my hands firmly on the ground, but the suction was getting stronger and stronger, no matter how I grasped, I was still dragged down to the center of the vortex. Neither the Phantom nor Bannon Orchid can help because they have encountered the same problem. The queen controlled my body and ran over to help, but now she can't touch me at all. I am in a state of soul now, and without substance, I cannot hold it at all. I pointed at Nobunaga, and shouted at the queen who controlled my body, "Don't worry about me, kill him."

The Queen glanced back at Nobunaga, your expensive hand, and immediately stood up and ran over. The ghost-handed Nobunaga saw my physical body rushing over and immediately ran, but this vortex also seemed attractive to him, but it was not as big as mine. According to the situation on the scene, this vortex is probably attracting all spirits. The queen occupies my body, so I don't feel any pull. The ghost-handed Nobunaga is different. He is a ghost family, with half of the spirit characteristics, but because the other half is physical, he has little suction. But these forces are enough to affect his actions, but my physical body is free to move.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga panicked and hid backwards, and the queen controlled my physical body and rushed forward. The Eternal Sword trembled and spread into a whip shape. The queen seemed to be more adept at using a whip, and waved it with her hand. The eternal whip was rolled out immediately, and a crunching noise made the ghost hand Nobunaga fly. Originally, the ghost-handed Nobunaga was affected by suction. As soon as the person left the ground, he could no longer control his body. The whole person flew towards the vortex and yelled, "Zi Ri, I will wait for you below! Haha haha a?"

They laughed, because a long whip caught his ankle first. If this guy is sucked in by the vortex with his body, I will definitely lose after I go down, so I cannot let him go down completely. The queen knew what I meant, so she entangled the ghost-handed Nobunaga with an eternal whip. Without waiting for the ghost-handed Nobunaga to respond, a thinner wire had wrapped around his neck, which was a dragon's tendon. Eternity suddenly released, but the dragon's tendon rope wrapped around Guishi Nobunaga's neck instead of eternal support and dragged him to compete with the vortex. The pulling force of the two forces is not great, but the dragon's tendon is wrapped around the long neck of Guishouxin. This is almost the same as hanging.

Suddenly, a white shadow on Nobunaga's body broke out and was quickly sucked into the vortex. Rongshi Nobunaga's physical body also gave up and stopped. It seems that the soul of the ghost-handed Nobunaga has been sucked into the vortex, and it's my turn next. At this moment, there was a sudden chaos at the foot of the mountain, and the shouting and killing sounded. I looked down the pavilion corridor down the mountain, and I was sucked near the center of the vortex. Bennon Chan Lan and Welcome did not run away. I was sucked into the center of the vortex, and I was just a little bit behind. At this point I can already see the situation in the center of the vortex. This one has a square wooden wellhead. There are many stone statues outside facing down to the ground. The black swirl comes from the manager. Now we are pulling our spirits under the vortex. My feet had touched the wellhead, and then the whole person was taken up. The lower body county was sucked into the wellhead, but I will never give up until the last moment. My hands clenched tightly at the well, and I couldn't pull me in for a short while.

"Zi Ri." Pailang suddenly shouted, I looked up and saw Ling rushed up with a lot of magic pets.

To be honest, I was surprised and moved. The magic pets should have been in Fenglong Space, but I don't know why they rushed out of the mountain. However, I was very touched that they could run to save me, but unfortunately the time is too late. I just pulled a piece of the well along the crack, I lost my support and was quickly pulled into the bottom of the well by the vortex. It suddenly became dark all around. My night vision ability also seemed to fail, and I couldn't see anything at all. The hands and feet seemed to be in the void, and nothing could be grasped or touched, but I just kept falling down.

Just when I thought the void would continue endlessly, the surrounding area suddenly lit up, and at the same time I felt that the direction of gravity seemed to be upside down. I just felt like I was falling down from my head and feet, but suddenly it felt like I was no longer standing upside down. How could the direction of gravity suddenly be reversed?

I hadn't figured out the results, and the surrounding area suddenly lighted up, but I didn't feel any dazzling feeling. Then I suddenly saw the surrounding wall. A light source appeared above my head, and I was sprayed out of the well, and continued to fly upwards for seven or eight meters before falling back to the ground. But I didn't fall because I was borrowed.

Both Phantom and Phanom Ran appeared in humanoid form, holding me right and left. "you guys……?"

Bennon Chanlan pointed to the front, and I turned around and thought that something was bad. We are now on a forest clearing, surrounded by big trees, grass on the ground, and a stream not far away, but the environment is definitely not beautiful. Because those trees are all black. Even the dry leaves are black. The grass was yellow, and the yellowish color reminded me of the ghost rattan grass outside Yan Luo Hall. As for that creek, the flow of tadpoles is good, but the liquid inside is **** red, and it also has a foul smell. Looking at the sky again, there is no sun or moon. The sky is full of rusty red clouds. You ca n’t see a sky at all, except the cloud is the cloud. The light that illuminates the surrounding can not find the source, it seems that the cloud itself comes out, but the light scattered by the rusty red cloud is also similar to its own color, and the world is dim and dim.

The natural environment can only be regarded as bad, for the time being there is no danger. The really bad thing is the enemy in front of it. The ghost-handed Nobunaga stood less than twenty meters across from me, but behind him were a lot of weird creatures. These things are strangely shaped, and some things are only visible in nightmares. If you have to describe them, you can only say that they are monsters.

Seeing Nobunaga's posture is about to fight me to the end, the problem is that there are at least 100,000 monsters behind him, but there are only two helpers behind me. The worst part is that I left the body over the well. Only the soul came down. Many skills were restricted. It was a loss to fight against the opponent in this state.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga took a step towards me. "Hahahaha, Ziri, you ca n’t even fly today with wings inserted. I tell you, here is Huang Quan's ghost, resurrected in place after death, and unless you find a way back. Or wait to be killed by me to zero Right. Hahahaha! "

Alas ... Nobunaga was so proud of his smile that a deafening Dragon Yin suddenly came from behind me. When I turned back, I saw a huge dragon head at the entrance flying straight into the sky, and the long dragon's body shook straight up and straight into the sky from the well.

"It's a little dragon girl! She's here to help." Phantom couldn't help crying excitedly.

The little dragon girl who flew out of the wellhead immediately appeared to us, and she recovered in midair until the human figure fell to my side. "Master, are you okay?"

I point to the front. "It's okay now, but it won't be necessary after a while." The little dragon girl is quite powerful, but it is impossible for the four of us to deal with 100,000 monsters. Power is also limited.

Unexpectedly, the dragon girl didn't have any panic reaction. Instead, "We still have a fight."

"A fight? Just four of us?" Bannon Chan Lan stared at Xiaolong Women Road: "Although I was also arrogant before, I haven't been as confident as you."

The little dragon girl shook her head: "It's not that I'm confident, but we're not alone."

After she finished speaking, there was another commotion in the well behind, and then a black human figure suddenly jumped out of the well, and then landed on the well edge steadily. That is truly my body. "The Speedpost has arrived. Which one is Ziri, sign up quickly." The Queen actually learned to be joking.

Immediately next to my body, another guy who looked exactly like me jumped out, but his armor was bright armor, shining with the white light of the beautiful winter coat m. This is the magic pet II that Anubis gave me. He and I have the same power, but the attributes can be exchanged back and forth. When I become bright, he becomes dark. He is bright when I am dark.

Behind them, Ling, Yeyue, Emmenis, Xiaofeng, Plague, Xiaosan, darts, white waves, night shadows, trailblazers, rose vines, red spines, sickle all emerged. The eyes of Nobunaga's hands were straight, but behind them, Steel Tooth and Hung Hom also followed, and then the Ring Knight and Evil Knight. Fortunately, the number of Xie Ling knights is really a lot, and I have almost 10,000 more behind. It's not over yet, and a big tornado followed, a closer look reveals that they are a huge team composed of large swarms of iron hordes. Behind the Wasps are goblins and ghost worms. After this pile of things ran out, two big trees popped up in the well, and the ghost-handed Nobunaga almost did not faint.

"You ... how did you come here?"

I mean myself. "I was sucked in!"

"I'm not talking about you. This well will automatically **** in the surrounding spirits. But other things can't get by, how did those behind you come in?"

To be honest, I was also curious about this issue, so I turned around and looked like them.

The little dragon girl was very proud and said, "I'm a Shenlong. Can I be blocked by heaven and the right?"

The Queen manipulated my body and said, "Zi Ri, do you still have the title of acting Yan Yan, Huang Quanjie is originally your area of ​​competence! If you can't get in, you'll be a fart?"

II pointed to me: "I and you are symbiotic, and I have your attributes, not to mention that I was a mummy, and my hometown is here."

Ling said: "I am the Dark Goddess. Is it strange that I can enter Hell?"

Yeyue also said, "I'm also a protoss tribe. This is nothing."

Aimenis quickly said, "I am also the **** of the Dark Temple. Isn't this strange?"

Xiaofeng said: "I am a Phoenix. The essence of infinite resurrection is to cross the line of life and death at will. I can still enter without this well, not to mention there is a passage there."

The plague also explained: "My little one and I are both black dragons. Hell is where we build our nests. What if we ca n’t get in?"

Bai Lang said: "Darts and I are both demons, and crossing the barrier between life and death is instinct."

The pioneers and rose vines that Emmysian could not explain explained: "The pioneers are **** worms, and I conquered him in the underworld. The rose vine itself is also a plant here, and you do n’t see that he is exactly the same color as the surrounding plants. ?"

Red Thorn himself said: "I am the King of Kings, and the monsters and monsters all use **** as their home. It is normal for me to come over. I just didn't expect that the big idiot in the tank was actually a dragon beetle, and he still had the breath of God. "

The sickle explained: "Our Thunder Spider is a **** creature, and this is my hometown."

Hung Hom turned into a humanoid and stood in front of me and said, "I am a **** of fire from heaven, and I can jump out of the third five elements. Is a small six-pass reincarnation not easy to enter and exit? As for the steel tooth, he is a unicorn, and he is in heaven. Go and go to hell.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga couldn't believe that learning about this evil spirit knight and ringing knight behind me asked: "What about them?"

"Is there any brain in your mind? We are the guards from the Dark Temple. Have you ever seen ghost soldiers who can't get through the gates of hell?" Evil knights are similar, they are all undead. You don't want to jump in. Your well will **** them in. "

"What about these bugs?"

No need for them to answer this time. I explained: "These goblins, you should know by name, goblins. Spirit creatures, isn't it a piece of cake to get in and out of the underworld? Those who fry like the bombers are steel-tooth goblins. Is it the ants of the underworld, do you think they wo n’t be able to enter? The ones behind them are ghost worms, which are ghost worms. This place seems to be ghosts. What ’s so strange about them appearing here? "

"Then why did the trees come in?" Nobunaga's hand was on the verge of mental breakdown.

You say they? That's a tree demon. Don't you also have 100,000 monsters behind you? I only brought two. What ’s so strange? "

Haunter Nobunaga's original plan was pretty good, but unfortunately he miscalculated too much. He came to think he was a ghost. Here you can order the demons to deal with me together. And when I fell, I lost my physical body, and it must be easy to deal with, and God Mountain sealed the space channel. I can't summon the magic pet, and I must be beaten down. It's a pity that he didn't expect that my physical body could pass through the **** barrier. What is even more tolerable is why all my magic pets and summoned creatures ran out, and supposedly they should not be able to get out.

In fact, the Ghost Barrier is not completely useless, at least not all my magic pets have come out. This at least proves that some are blocked out. As for why they came out without calling, I don't know.

I stepped back carefully and asked Scott: "How did you get here? Isn't the space gate suppressed by Shenshan?"

Scarlett explained to me softly: "Isn't Sister Ling able to lead you?"

I suddenly remembered that Ling had loyalty. After acquiring this skill. Even if I die in battle, Ling can still take the place of commanding the magic pets and calling creatures instead of me. Unlike other people, Director Yismo Chong followed the death.

A little bit of despair

Scott said: "We know you are in trouble, but you ca n’t get out. Sister Ling first asked Fenglong to open the space passage to the mother earth's garden, and then everyone joined together, and then we talked with the mother earth. I borrowed her teleport station and took a good punch before arriving here. Remember the villa you gave to Mother Earth? "

"You said the mobile temple I have in Switzerland?"

"Yes. The teleportation array in the Mother Earth's garden directly passed through this temple, and then we came out of that temple to the normal space. But that temple is now stopped in the deep mountains of France, and we flew all the way to the nearest city. Then the bowtie called your funds to rent the transfer station and sent us to the French-German border. Then we crossed the border and then used the transfer station in the German city to Tianyu City. Then we used the transnational transport array of Tianyucheng to transfer to Japan. The fulcrum city came out of the city and rushed all the way to the Yasukuni Shrine. I didn't expect to meet some Japanese people under the mountain, but they didn't recognize many and were soon killed. Then we rushed up the mountain and saw you inhaled Once inside the well, Sister Ling sensed that the well was passing through the nether world, so those who could not enter the entrance guarded the wellhead, and then the dragon girl passed through the entire passage with divine power, and those who could enter followed the run. "

"Your circle is really big enough."

"No. Fortunately, everyone will fly, otherwise they will not break their legs."

The ghost-handed Nobunaga pointed at us crazy and shouted, "I don't care how you come in, it's the same anyway. Your regular strategy is only 10,000. Those little bugs are not a concern at all. I have ten Ten demons, ten to one, you are dead. "

"That may not be so," said Scott, confidently and confidently, "the battle of 100,000 refugees and 10,000 regular troops is still regular. Your stray fish is still a pet for you. With us They beat them a little bit. "

A monster with huge horns and long bat wings came out. "Don't be arrogant, we demons are not easy to mess with."

Ling lifted his staff in one fell swoop. "The king is defeated, and today we can only stay on one side, and the other one will die." Ling said to Scotia: "The order is gathered in the spirit formation."

Scarlett gestured backwards. The army behind us changed instantly, and the army automatically separated to both sides. My magic pet and I kept backing into the array to form a line of defense. It is very important that there is no reasonable battle array when fighting. The battle array can let the soldiers reach their limits. Everyone can become a blade and a shield at the same time. Under the cover of each other, the combat power can be at least doubled. . Now the feature of this gathering is that it can rely on powerful individuals to form small battle groups. No matter it is broken or connected, it can always exert the greatest killing effect. Of course, the most central position in this formation is mine, and here all the bell line knights form a defensive line, which can be described as the most destructive strangulation center.

"Kill them." Nobunaga's hand waved forward. The 100,000 demon behind him moved immediately. The horrible demons rushed up and over, and the battle was quite scary. Unfortunately, the people here were all surprisingly psychological, and none were scared.

"Ghost-hand Nobunaga, don't think you are a ghost family, I'm afraid of you." I deliberately insulted Ghost-hand Nobunaga to try to attract him to me. Once he enters this mindset, he will be dead even if ten of them appear all the time.

Unfortunately, Nobunaga's ghost hand is not stupid, he directs a group of demons into the encirclement. An encirclement encircling a part of the enemy is encirclement, but if there are too many encircling forces, it is not encirclement but anti-encirclement. There are too many demon monsters. A large number of demons rushed into the encirclement without remembering the casualties, but they scattered the team.

The evil knights tried to control the sitting evil dragon as much as possible, but there was no way to be true in the battle, and the formation was soon finished. Ling shot one red, one white, and two magic bullets into the sky. After seeing it, the evil knight no longer maintained his formation, but began to form a five-man razor squad to rush forward.

A group of five evil spirit knights, this team is better to maintain, and also has a strong lethality. A dragon-like demon suddenly rushed to a group of five. The monster had a long body but no claws under it. And the head is not a dragon head, but a lion-like head. The monster just rushed to the front. The evil spirit knight at the front of the group of five suddenly instructed the mount to jump up and avoid the opponent's head. The two evil spirit knights behind them threw a lasso at the same time to catch the monster's neck, and then tightened tightly. At the same time, the two evil spirit knights commanded the mount to pounce at the same time. The sickle gun caught the monster's mouth, pulled back to the ground, and cut the monster's mouth to the sides to the neck. The evil knight who jumped up just happened to fall, the tip of the gun fluttered the monster's body, and the evil dragon beneath him was a mouthful on the monster's back, tearing a large piece of meat. The monster fell to the ground with a bang, and two evil spirit knights with a lasso also rushed to a mess to completely solve the monster.

The battlefield was chaotic and seemed to have no rules. In fact, our command was not chaotic. The formation looked scattered, but they were actually in control. The ghost-handed Nobunaga originally intended to disperse us, but he did not expect that the herring soldiers around him would be washed away. He was trying to determine the situation on the battlefield, and suddenly felt the sound of a wind breaking behind him. He turned back sharply, slamming a metal object, and didn't know what was hit. But the other party flew another thing, scared him to dodge quickly, but now only a stone was flying.

We are not gangsters fighting, of course, it is impossible to attack him with a stone. The ghost-handed Nobunaga immediately knew that he was fooled. There was a sudden strong pressure in the blank space where he fled in the direction of avoidance, forcing him to stop his body quickly, but it was a little late. A sword came slashing, and the frightened ghost Nobunaga quickly blocked it with a knife. When the sound of golden iron clashes, Nobunaga's hand was smashed and flew out.

Until now Nobunaga's ghost-handed man would die if he didn't know I was invisible again, and in a panic he grabbed and spilled the dirt. The debris suddenly hit something in midair to form a rough outline, and Nobunaga's hand immediately threw a knife as a dart. I tilted my head and let it go. But I felt a murderous approach behind him, and he tried to dodge again and again slowly. The knife actually turned around and back again, leaving a small opening on my neck, and almost cut my neck.

"It's not bad. You're terrific." I showed my figure, and jumped up and rushed to Nobunaga's hand. The ghost-handed Nobunaga rolled backwards on the spot, but did not roll away, but stopped after only a half-circle. He supported the ground with his hands, his body bounced up, and his legs stretched out and kicked upwards. I happened to fall to his feet. It won't be light if I hit it, but I won't. The huge wings bounced and I slid over an inch above his feet. But I didn't fly away, just flew away his feet and folded his wings, his body dropped suddenly, and he struck his stomach while he was about to kick my body stretched straight.

When the ghost-handed Nobunaga saw that I was stepping on him, he quickly closed his abdomen and fell down behind the bow, and I landed on the ground, jumping slightly on the ground, jumping in place, and completing a round kick in mid-air. Alas. "Oh!" Nobunaga's hand covered his stomach and fell out. His belly was cut open by the blade of ice at my feet. This skate is usually folded behind the calf. I just popped out suddenly in midair. He didn't notice it at all, so he suffered a big loss.

After I landed, my toes were a little bit, and the blade bounced back. "Ghosthand Nobunaga. Do you know how good I am? I wouldn't be much weaker than you without my Capricorn."

"Yeah!" The shouting ghost Nobunaga yelled and rushed up again, and suddenly he was hit by a huge black shadow from the side and flew out. It turned out to be Amenis in tank form.

I smiled and said to the ghost hand, "I still like the feeling of bullying people with the pet."

The ghost-handed Nobunaga was so mad at me that he jumped up and held his attack posture. At first I thought he was thinking about something, but the more I saw it, the more I felt wrong. His knife is gradually turning green, and is beginning to light up.

"Not good. Lie down!" I shouted at the evil knights behind me.

Nobunaga's hand suddenly pressed the two handles together. The two knives actually formed into one, but the style did not change much, but the blade edge became a lot longer. He just swiped his long knife at me far away from me. "Lanqie." A green daoman with a length of at least seven meters flew straight across, scaring me to lie on the ground. Daoman flew over in front of me, and a few evil spirit knights behind him did not come away, all of them were cut with a knife.

I quickly sat up and wiped the sweat from my forehead. "Awesome swordman."

I flipped back a dozen times to pull back, and then I held Eternity. "Counter current-the tornado sword bursts." Damn, it's not just you who can rank swordsman. Now I have a magic pet that can fill my blood. I'm not afraid of you!

Seeing me do this again, the ghost-hand Nobunaga quickly stood still, holding his knife in front of him as if burning incense. "Hundred Ghosts-Howling."

My sword is focusing on the red light, but the ghost-handed Nobunaga's knife is focusing on the green light, and the intensity of the light on both sides is rising rapidly. Ling was quite knowledgeable and immediately gave orders to the people around us: "Flash. It's a desperate trick."

The people around me heard that they were desperately trying to retreat, especially to get away from my attack. The demon from Nobunaga's side has probably seen this trick from Nobunaga's hands, and they have retreated to the other side, and the battlefield has actually separated a line like this.

Ling pointed me decisively: "Bannon Tonglan, go up to help. Can help with magic."

Ban Nong Lan and I joined together, my strength obviously began to rise quickly, Ling and other magic pets' auxiliary magic one, two and three all came up, obviously feeling the power increased again. The animal trainer really needed a magic pet to wield the maximum combat power. If he had such a level of power in the furnace, he might be able to come out, which would take so much trouble.

Unwillingly, the ghost-hand Nobunaga began to bless the magic of the ghost-hand Nobunaga. Unfortunately, most of these demons are fighting themselves, and they do not assist magic much. However, they have a large number of people. Although the proportion of magic is small, the total number is quite large.

The magic on both sides has reached its peak, and at the same time, the two of us moved at the same time. I turned around and swept a sword horizontally. A red swordman flew horizontally at a height of 1.2 meters above the ground. The ghost-handed Nobunaga lifted the straight knife in his hand over his head and slashed hard, and Daoman flew up.

The two daomangs hit each other in the middle of the two sides, and only heard a strange sound as if someone was tearing the steel plate. Immediately the surrounding area suddenly became bright, and nothing could be seen again. My helmet turned into a completely opaque state instantly to prevent my eyes from being burned, but I still felt the eyes hurt by the light flashing to my eyes. After the strong light, there was a shock wave. The immense power seemed to be trembling. I just felt as if something had hit me. I couldn't catch it in one breath. Then he lost consciousness.

When I regained consciousness, I first heard the moaning sounds around me, but it didn't seem to be around me, but came out opposite. At the same time I heard the sound of fighting. Feeling like I was being held by someone, I quickly pushed away the mask and sat up. Holding me was Ling. When she saw me sitting up, she immediately asked, "Are you all right?"

"My chest hurts, it feels like being hit by a truck!"

"You are lucky to survive." Ling explained the situation to me.

Just now I used the attack sword at the same time as Nobunaga's ghost hand. My own attack power is slightly lower than that of Nobunaga's ghost hand, but the auxiliary magic is quite cheap. Onigiri Nobunaga's own combat effectiveness has advantages, but the assistance is not as good as ours. In the end, the actual attack power that hit us was slightly higher than that of the ghost hand Nobunaga, and the result was that my swordman cut off the sword hand of the ghost hand Nobunaga, but our attack method was different, I was sideways It was chopped, and the Nobunaga's hand was cut vertically. The two swordsmanships actually hit each other in a cross. My swordman passed through the swordman of the ghost-hand Nobunaga and continued to move forward. Because it was moving horizontally, the power covered a large number of enemies. Almost a thousand demon were cut off with a sword, and the ghost-hand Nobunaga was also slightly affected. Blow. After all, his sword mount counteracted the power of the middle part of my sword mount, so the part that hit him was not harmful. Our side is not the same. The ghost-handed Nobunaga flew upright, only a small piece was cut off in the middle, and the remaining part was still straight forward, and then almost covered my entire body with heads to feet. When he went in, he was all faint and stunned. Siegte took everyone to take advantage of the opportunity of the opponent's temporary loss of combat power. The ghost-hand Nobunaga wants to stop our people from killing his hands. It is a pity that he was surrounded by my four masters and he could not get out even if he rushed left and right.

The second generation possesses all my personal strengths, and he is almost no different from me if he does not count on summoning skills. The true mirroring of Emmenis's specialty is also a practical magic. At this time, she is participating in the battle with Lingling's appearance. Although Lingling can't enter, it is also good to have Lingling copied by Emmenis. Needless to say, Yeyue, the direct descendants of the higher protoss are not fake in themselves, plus she can use six-handed swords at the same time, her attack power and power are terrible. And although her petrification could not completely seal the ghost-handed Nobunaga, it could keep him from performing and constantly interfere with his actions. In the end, the Little Dragon Girl's Chinese swordsmanship was also quite slippery. From time to time, she also used the magic spells together, and the ghosts who were engaged in the swordsman's hands were scorched. Being trapped inside these four King Kong, don't think about it at one and a half.

I tried to get up from the ground. Ling apparently treated me, and there was no obvious pain on my body. After checking the health value, the remaining amount is above 80%, which is basically normal. I couldn't get much faster in the Holocaust, so let's put down the ghost-hand Nobunaga first. Let Ling give me a dark recovery again, and rushed towards Nobunaga.

Nobunaga's hand was going to my four magic pets wholeheartedly, and didn't notice my approach. Nobunaga Onomichi jumped into mid-air to attack Amenis, but a lasso suddenly came from outside the crowd and **** a leg of Nobunaga. I pulled back sharply, and the ghost hand Nobunaga suddenly lost his balance and fell flat on the ground. He held up his hands and did not drop the cr cake, but Yeyue suddenly appeared beside him, two snake swords sticking into his waist. The ghost-handed Nobunaga turned over and flashed away two swords to stand up, but I yanked the dragon's tendon and dragged him to the ground again. He waved the long knife in his hand and cut at the dragon's tendon. I immediately injected magic into Sonne. The dragon's tendon became a wire saw that cut like iron. However, Nobunaga's weapon is also quite powerful. In this case, he still cut the dragon's tendon with a knife, but there was also a large gap in his knife that almost let the tip of the knife fall.

Both of us took back the weapon and looked at it in surprise. For the first time, I knew that the dragon's tendons could be cut, and it was the first time that the ghost-handed Nobunaga knew what thread to use to make his knife cut out. Such a big gap. But surprised to surprise, it didn't make much sense to either of us. When the dragon tendon was recovered, it was automatically restored as new, and the sword of the ghost hand Nobunaga was fully restored within a few seconds.

I'm fine with God. The ghost-handed Nobunaga can't be deceived. Both of us were surprised at the problem with our weapons. Suddenly, Nobunaga's hand felt the wind pressure behind him, and he bent down to try to dodge the approaching object, but the bending down reached a knee firmly. Cordy's ghost hand Nobunaga was toppled to the ground by one of Amenis' knees. Yeyue's big tail smashed from the sky like a whip, hitting his belly in the middle, and the smashed two ends were lying on the ground again. The two worlds flew into the air with a sword, and the ghost-handed Nobunaga was inevitable, so he had to raise his sword to fight. With a bang, II's weapon was cut off. Although his abilities are similar to mine, after all, II did not have my equipment. His attributes were brought by him. The set of things on his body looked exactly like the dragon suit, but it was just a layer of camouflage. The sword of Nobunaga's hand is a real artifact. This knife cut off the counterfeit in the hands of II forever. The blade of the sword shook a bit and failed to hurt II. The weapon of II was a loser, but the intelligence was not bad. Without the main weapon, it was immediately replaced with a spare weapon. The sharp claw of both hands bounced out, terrifying the ghost hand Nobunaga.

The ghostly Nobunaga lifted his feet sharply and tried to distance them. But II was suddenly a werewolf. This is a shameful way. On the other hand, Guishou Nobunaga's legs are intended to use the advantages of legs longer than hands to separate two people from each other so that the blades of II can't touch him, but the body will grow significantly after being a werewolf. The Japanese originally had short legs, and the length of the forearm of II who became a werewolf just kept up with the long legs of the long hand of the ghost, and the blade itself had a length. The ghost hand Nobunaga kicked hard to kick out II. The second generation was in power. He was stunned and flew upside down, but the ghost mask Nobunaga's ghost mask was pulled off by him, and there were still six shocking wounds on his face.

Equipment self-healing refers to repair, not copying, and the mask is not undamaged, but is taken away, so the mask of the ghost-handed Nobunaga will not grow again unless he snatches it back. The ghost-handed Nobunaga jumped angrily and rushed to II, but was intercepted halfway by the dragon girl. The little dragon girl drew a rune mark in the air with a sword. "Townmark of the town." The red mark flew forward immediately.

A ghost letter and a backhand turn made the mark fly over him, but he just stood up. The little dragon girl has chased her with a sword. Alas, in the middle of the clavicle of the ghost-handed Nobunaga, forward and back out. The ghost-handed Nobunaga kicked her on the stomach of the dragon girl and kicked her out, but the sword of the dragon-daughter was also taken out, which immediately caused the blood of the wound of the ghost-handed Nobunaga to endure, and she was as crazy as the fountain Take it out.

Although the little dragon girl was kicked and flew, she didn't fall to the ground ~ ~ a stand on the ground steadily. Yeyue came and Xiaolongnu high five. "I invite it once! It seems that you are more accurate, but you can hit the aorta with a single sword."

Ling didn't know when he stood behind us, pointing his finger at the ghost-handed Nobunaga. "Burst of Blood."

puff……. The blood spurt of the wound of Nobunaga's wound suddenly rose sharply, and the blood was blocked like a flood of a dyke. Guishou Nobunaga's complexion turned pale within a few seconds, and he pressed it on his body for a few times, and then took a lot of medicine to control the bleeding, but the injury was too serious, he even walked Gone.

I compared Ye Yueyue's neck movement. "Kill him."

Yeyue was about to go forward, and a red light ball suddenly flew out of the mountains and forests before us. A few of us were blasted out. When we got up, there was only us left on the ground, and the ghost-handed Nobunaga was gone. The demons on the other side of the Holocaust also fled and fled. But this situation made us slightly careless, a guy mixed in the escaped demon was approaching the edge of the well, and then threw something down. Although we found this guy and killed him, there was a flash of red light in the well. When we look again, the bottom of the well is no longer the kind of emptiness we had when we came, but has become a solid ground, which means that the way back is gone.

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