Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 12: Undead's Elixir

"I still have a trick." Amenis said confidently: "When I conquered the Trail Blazers, he was as disobedient as Sha Yezi."

"Then what did you do?"

"Get him convinced."

"Good move." I pushed Aimeness forward: "I'll give you this glorious and arduous mission."

"I'm not kidding, this trick really works."

"Maybe, but I don't have time to seal the throne." I opened the Fenglong space and released the pepper. "Starting mind control."

Chili looked at Sha Yezi and said, "It may be troublesome to use mind control directly on the soul body, and her willpower is too strong, I may not be in control!"

"Then instill it."

"What do you enter?"

"All the sad and painful things you know make her cry best."

"No problem, I have watched" Emotional Episode. "Pepper has a physical body in reality, so I know more than ordinary magic pets.

"Then use that, you can input a little bit if you don't have full control. Anyway, you can interfere with her normal thoughts. Amynis, in conjunction with pepper, creates a false film environment with illusions to stimulate her mental reaction.

Sha Yezi said angrily, "You don't have anything to put." She said she rushed up again, but she stopped when she ran halfway. Sha Yezi stared at Chili and asked, "What are you doing? Don't touch my mind."

Pepper closed her eyes and pressed her own sun. Emmys put her hand on Chili's shoulders to facilitate communication, while creating a phantom space nearby. The surrounding landscape suddenly disappeared. We appeared in a place like a circle, and my image became an elderly person. But Sha Yezi himself turned into a middle school student. This is obviously from the outside world of the game, but Emmys can transmute any environment, and the benefits of camouflage are here.

Sha Yezi looked at me, but the hands with long claws kept shaking. Obviously the mind is confused. Her expression was quite fierce, but tears kept flowing from her eyes. When used to deal with ordinary enemies, it is possible to drive the other party directly crazy, but Sha Yezi is now her own, protected by the system, and will not go crazy, but her mental attack will still change her mind subtly. This method of cheating in general to increase loyalty is very troublesome, but it works well, especially in situations where there is almost no communication.

I checked the properties and Sha Yezi's loyalty rose to three points, at least higher than zero. He turned to look at Sha Yezi. I started to say to Sha Yezi in the way of the TV drama: "Don't hate me anymore, I'm also good for you." This is to coordinate with the mental attack to make Sha Yezi's thinking confused, as long as her final direction is broken. Once the mental gate falls, we can immediately tamper with most of her memory and completely capture her spirit.

Pepper suddenly frowned. "Master, she's resisting, she's strong in resistance."

I said to Ling: "Think about it."

Ling said: "Magic doesn't work for her."

Little Dragon Girl said: "Can help pepper!"

"This is feasible!" Ling directly added a mental strengthening to Chili to temporarily increase her mental strength.

Pepper said: "It's much better now, but I can't hold it long."

I said to her, "You try your best!"

Sha Yezi's response is getting more and more abnormal, and forced mental tampering is not so easy to take effect. Especially when the willpower between the two parties is not much different. However, it must be said that Chili is a powerful mental manipulator, and Sha Yezi's loyalty has been rising in this confused state. When she was more than twenty, she no longer held me with a sword, but stood in doubt and looked at us.

The sweat on the end of the pepper. Obviously there is some support. Amenis and her are close to each other, and they can directly feel the martial arts. The sacred king will make the sacred king to kill the **** of the night. The strongest abandoning the Shaozhou royal family martial arts Qiankun will kill the night of the gods seal of the throne and seek the magic and proud of the world nine strongest days. To her strength changes. She said to me instead of pepper: "Master, the power of pepper is almost exhausted. How much is Sha Yezi's loyalty?"

"Thirty-two. Hold on, at least forty."

"We try our best."

With the gradual strengthening of the control, Sha Yezi's behavior became more and more calm. Although her eyes were still confused, she had a general look. Suddenly a shotgun flew over from the side, and Yeyue's quick-action tail shot the shotgun away. However, a large area of ​​shotguns flew over, and Ye Yueyue couldn't stop this much.

Suddenly a big tail swept past us with a whine. All those shots were blown away by Zheli. Fortunately, the luck that has not been online for many days actually appeared in front of us. "It doesn't seem to work without me!"

"Why are you up?" I looked at Lucky in surprise. "What's wrong with you?"

Fortunately, he smiled at me: "It's okay, I'll take care of him, so I don't need to take care of it. Little children should let go and take care of it too much."

"How many days have you been a father? Have you learned your life so quickly?"

"I'm a dragon. The more human wisdom exists, there is a lot of understanding to understand this thing, but now what's going on? Why is it like this?"

"Anyway, please help us resist, don't let people disturb us."

"Ming ..." Fortunately, just after he said a word, he suddenly turned around and shot with a claw, a loud noise, a private house was crushed, and three black shadows bounced out from behind the private house. It is really dangerous for someone to get close to us so close while we use spiritual magic. We all just paid too much attention to the situation on the field and completely forgot to pay attention to the situation around us.

The three shadows did not leave after they had bounced off, but bounced slightly towards the center again on the ground. Fortunately, the action was the fastest, swiping across the ground, and one of the shadows was blocked. Helplessly, he had to stop his body and bounce back. But the other two people bypassed luck and leaned towards us.

Yeyue turned and greeted one of them, Xiaolongnu and Ling started at the other. However, these two guys are very fast, Ye Yue relying on the weapons and the advantages of pupils to stop one, Xiaolong Nu and Ling did not stop. I and the other magic pets stopped. It was a pity that it was too late and none of them caught up.

Just before the dark shadow was about to reach behind Pepper and Amenis, a silver spear flew over from the side, and when it slammed into the shadow, it hit him on the ground. After a short pause, Hei Ying moved forward again. He was optimistic that his goal was determined. Now we are all too far away, no one came and stopped this guy's attack before the guy, and the pepper and Emmenis couldn't be easily interrupted.

Just as he was about to affix to Amenis and Chili, they suddenly fell down at the same time. Hei Ying stunned for a moment, but before he met anyone, the target fell down. This surprised him, but he quickly reacted and was ready to make two more shots on the ground. But even more unexpected came later. A white figure suddenly appeared in front of him, and two hands with long nails stuck to his chest at the same time.

Black Shadow is actually a ninja, with no protective equipment on his chest, this attack is quite deadly to him. But Ninja's advantage is that he is fast enough, he quickly retreats back. It is a pity that he forgot all the enemies behind. A sharp blue dragon sword pierced into his vest, and the ninja hung up almost instantly. The sword of the little dragon girl is in the heart, as long as you attack it, it will be a hit. No discussion.

Sha Yezi actually saved Chili and Amenis. This ninja was taken aback by Sha Yezi's behavior, and we were not surprised. I looked at the attributes again, Sha Yezi's loyalty was forty-three, and Chili added his loyalty to more than forty before fainting. After this minimum standard line, I will be able to deal with the problem later. Sha Yezi's ability to actively protect his companions is a good illustration.

"Sha Yezi." Aimenis stood up from the ground holding peppers, and she and Sha Yezi hugged. "Thank you." The other magic pets came over and patted Sha Yezi to express their gratitude.

Sha Yezi's loyalty actually went up two more points in his gratitude. There are many magic pets that have this benefit. As the saying goes, those who are near Zhu are red and those who are near Mo are black. My magic pet team is a small society. Everyone in this society is very harmonious. Like their loved ones, Sha Yezi will be quickly brought into this atmosphere of harmony even if he is not in a group. This kind of environmental impact is often more effective than raising loyalty solely by the owner's care.

While everyone thanked Sha Yezi, an arrow with a silver light didn't know where it came from. Everyone was thanking Sha Yezi, so I didn't notice this thing. Only I stood outside and saw it. Almost habitually, I flew up and blocked the arrow. Neither the Mercury Shield nor the Red Earth Zerg Magic Shield could stop it, but the arrow wearing two layers of protective shields had no power. The armor blocked. Sha Yezi looked at me with a look of surprise and doubt, and then seemed to think.

The archery guy was the archer of those who first appeared, and there were other players around him. I don't know why the Japanese suddenly became so righteous. People who usually save as heroes are not without them, but they are incidental little things, and they are generally determined by their own strength. But these guys seem to be trying to protect Sha Yezi like this, this behavior is really great. I started to admire them somewhat.

While I was thinking wildly, the archer spoke. "I don't care what you are doing. Hurry up and hand over the crystal that was taken away, or we will not be finished with you."

gosh. Take back what I was thinking. I said why these guys suddenly changed sex! It turned out not to save Sha Yezi, but to those crystals. The first time they appeared, they might think they had completed a small task along the way. After all, they usually get some rewards for helping, so players generally don't mind doing more of these things. But it's not normal to know we're not going to mess with it later. Now it seems that they are not so great at all, they just do not want to lose those crystals. The only thing that surprised me was this completely non-property thing. What did they want?

"Just for these broken things, you brought so many people to face me?" I grabbed a few crystals and played with them.

Before the other party came and answered, the crystal in my hand suddenly lit up with red light, and then the mountain in the distance suddenly lighted up, and then I saw a million lights shining across the sky. Fly over us.

The players who attacked us all stopped, one by one, staring at the bright lights constantly flying in the sky. The archer muttered to himself: "Oops, we're still one step behind. They've already started!"

"What started?" I didn't know what was happening just now.

The archer may have been stunned by the incident and didn't even notice who was asking. Looking up at the glorious light, he said, "Of course, the seal of the ghost king was revealed."

"Ghost King? Seal?"

The archer reacted now, no longer answering my question, but facing me again: "Give the crystal out, we don't want to fight with you, you certainly don't want to fight with us, we're done, can we? ? "

Sha Yezi suddenly came to my side and whispered, "Don't promise him. Those are soul crystals, very valuable things."

I thanked Shaya Ye for a glance. "Hey, listen, the only way you don't want to fight is if you leave immediately. There is no condition to talk."

"You really don't know how to lift!" The archer on the opposite side was clearly angry, and he raised his hand and shot an arrow.

The fighting started again. But this time the form is different. Just to find a way to improve Sha Yezi's loyalty, it is tantamount to opening two battlefields, and not all the magic pets have been released. Now as long as I deal with one side, and all of my magic pets are released, the strength balance naturally leans to our side. The evil knight has a high level of magic pets to cooperate to greatly increase the damage. The nearby enemies were quickly cleared. Take back most of the magic pets and summoned creatures, leaving only Ling, Little Dragon Girl, Yeyue, and Sha Yezi by their side, riding fortune in the direction of the shining mountains. By the way, you can also ask about the soul crystal.

The battlefield was indeed the best place to cultivate affection. After the war, Sha Yezi's loyalty soared to 51. After half a year, his attitude improved significantly, at least he no longer showed an antipathy attitude towards me. Along the way, with the knowledge of several magic pets and the understanding of Sha Yezi, we sorted out some situations.

The crystals that I get from those players with poor light transmission are not actually crystals. This kind of thing is called soul crystal, and its origin is actually I have also been. Soul crystal is a crystalline body formed by the dissipated soul energy after being arranged in a disorderly manner and under the pressure of powerful ideas. Its main place of production is the bottom of the silent sea.

The death of a normal creature produces a soul creature, and if the soul dies again, the soul is gone. But these dissipated souls carry some energy. These energies will not disappear for no reason, instead they will gather in various low-lying places. Although energy has no weight, you can think of this energy as a substance with a large specific gravity, so they will gather in those low places. Generally speaking, these energies can be absorbed by undead creatures after converging in low-lying areas, and transformed into their own power. However, there are no soul creatures in some places. These energies do not disperse throughout the year, and more and more are gathered. If at this time there is some strong willpower that creates spiritual coercion in the vicinity, then these energy will gather and crystallize, and what is finally produced is the soul crystal.

According to Sha Yezi, the real soul crystal is actually not like this. The ones we got are relatively inferior soul crystals. They are formed by special factors in some caves or special environments. Because the accumulated energy is not much, and generally does not encounter any decent pressure, so it crystallizes. After the soul crystal is not high purity, the color is also white. There is also a more common soul crystal from the rivers of souls in various haunts. In fact, the sea of ​​silence is the confluence of these rivers of souls. In these rivers, a silver-gray soul crystal will be produced, which is completely opaque in itself and looks almost like a tin block. In fact, this kind of soul crystal is the most common type, because their quality is good, and the origin is very stable, and the output is also quite a lot. But on top of that there is also a black one, some like a black crystal soul crystal, that is the best of the soul crystal. This soul crystal is only produced on the bottom of the silent sea. Because almost no one goes down, there is almost no output. Sha Yezi said that she had only heard of such things, but had never seen them before.

Ling, Xiaolongnu and Yeyue also said that they had heard such a thing, but their names were different. Soul crystal seems to have different names in different regions, but if you compare them, you can be sure that they are talking about the same thing. According to Ling's description, the soul crystal of the silent seafood is basically a kind of existence that is full of sweat, and everyone has heard of it, but no one has ever heard of it. Everyone has heard of this black soul crystal, but has never seen it before.

Before Ling had been a goddess, she had a silver-gray soul crystal, but she only used a little bit. After all, the so-called large output is also relatively speaking. After all, Soul Crystal is still Soul Crystal and will not be produced in tons like coal mines. As for this white soul crystal, it can be considered that it is a very rare thing, but it has little effect.

Speaking of Soul Crystal, the biggest and only effect is to increase the energy of the undead. There are many uses for this energy. For example, both Dark Mage and Undead Mage can use it directly as magic medicine, and it is also an instant recovery type, without delay. Or these two types of mages can also use the soul crystal to inlaid on the weapon or armor. If added to the weapon, the attack power of the undead magic will be greatly increased, and the physical attack will also carry the cold attribute damage. As for the armor, the dark magic power can be added after the soul crystal is inlaid, and it is said that the magic return speed is very fast. Unfortunately, other mages in other departments cannot use it, otherwise they will not add magic power, but will be reversed to absorb magic power.

In addition to the mosaic, the undead energy itself is also the main source of energy for the undead creatures. It can be used as food for the undead creatures and can also be used as a prop to enhance its strength. Anyway, to the undead, the soul crystal is just like ginseng to humans.

In communication, I learned that Sha Yezi had not allowed me to hand out these soul crystals just because she was not interested in me. Sha Yezi is an authentic undead. She can directly absorb the energy of the soul crystal, and it is more effective than she directly sucking other people's blood or devouring other undead.

I opened the Fenglong space and asked the magic pets only to find that this thing was as useful to me as pet food. In my magic pet II and Sha Yezi can directly devour this thing to permanently increase the amount ~ ~ Ling and some other dark magic pets can use this as a healing potion. But the real big head is still on the side of the evil knight and the ringing knight. They are all undead creatures. This thing is an elixir to them, and those little fairies and ghosts on my body can eat this thing. This is simply my rations. Sha Yezi said that if he can get a lot of this thing, he can even upgrade the evil spirit knight to the level of the ringing knight, and the ringing knight can continue to rise to other forms. In theory, as long as the supply of soul crystals is open, any undead can be as powerful as God's.

Although very useful, disappointment is just as great. The output of Soul Crystal can be ignored, and it is not expected to be a ration to feed the evil knight. According to Sha Yezi, it is a miracle to meet her needs, and I want to match the army unless there is a way to mine the soul crystal in the silent sea. It is said that the soul crystals there are not only of high quality, but also of huge quantities. But that thing all gathered in the depths of the trenches of the silent sea, but the touch of the water of the silent sea can be life-threatening. Who owns to go down to the sea to fish these things? The water that can corrode all souls is a defense that cannot be breached, otherwise the Hades river ferries used by the gods in Egypt would be non-stick airships.

After we understood the situation, we also reached the approximate location of the explosion. Although we did n’t see the exact location just now, we do n’t want to confirm the location at all, because the various groups of creatures below are gathered together. Striking sign too.

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