Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 15: Ghost King is a terrorist

Sometimes too smart is not good, because predictions of unfortunate events are always accurate. The guy below disguised as a stone is the Diamond Man. At the beginning of the search, I only summoned the air unit, but now this guy who can disguise, I immediately called out Emmenis. Emmys is a goddess of phantom, and we can use her ability to get synchronized vision. The diamond man appeared in our eyes as soon as she appeared, and it happened that she saw another diamond man in this mode.

The realization of the Diamond Man later made me even more worried, because they were clearly positioned to block the entrance of a cave. The possibility of the ghost king digging into the cave is not absent, but he has been fooled once before. If he does it again, it will be bad. In addition, the behavior of the two diamonds after this break is indeed similar to the previous batch blocking.

Lingling probably saw that it was the same as last time, reminding me: "This is likely to be a trap."

"I have my own way." Starting the ring of love, I contacted Li Gui directly. "Wife, where are you?"


"That's right, help me do things."

"Say it."

"You go to Auspicious Ruyi first."

"Auspicious is right next to me. Ruyi is in her lucky temple. Do you want me to gather them?"

"No, just one. You give Auspicious a gold coin."

"All right."

"Tell him to help us throw it once. It means that you can catch the ghost king when you enter the cave, and it means that the ghost king did not enter the cave. Tell him that if it is correct, you will reward him with a cake as big as him. There is no reward for mistakes. OK . Tell him the original words. "

After waiting for a while, Gui Gui said, "Throw it literally."

"Understand, tell Auspicious, we went in to verify, if he catches up, he rewards."

"Okay," Pu Gui laughed. "You really have an idea. You actually use this method to judge the enemy's whereabouts."

I also laughed. "Auspicious luck is infinite, and it is not necessarily accurate to just let him throw this judgment, but if the prize is tied to the result, then in order to get the prize, the auspicious infinite luck value will definitely play a role, so the result thrown out is 100% correct. So A powerful fortune teller. Is n’t it too wasteful not to use it? Also, tell Auspicious that he should lose weight. When he saw him last time, he was almost the same as a ball. If he became fatter, he would no longer see his limbs! "

Pu Gui complained: "I thought, but who made them so cute, the girls in the meeting like it terribly, you give him some snacks and give him some desserts."

"It's not easy, just strengthen the exercise. Tomorrow, start taking him every day to run around the city for half a lap. If it doesn't work, increase the amount. Okay. I'll go after someone and kiss one."


I closed the ring of love and pointed to the opening. "Rush in. The ghost king is really inside. He must have deliberately created the same scene as last time and let us mistake it as a trap and give up the pursuit."

Fortunately, he shook his head: "Then I can't help, it's too narrow. I can't get in."

"I can do it myself. You go back to Fenglong Space first."

All the big pets returned to Fenglong Space. I only brought Yeyue, Lingling, II, and Amenis, plus a white wave. It is safer to have white waves when digging holes, so at least you don't have to worry about getting lost. Just now the diamond man will disguise, so I can't help but bring it. At the beginning, the two diamond men who had blocked the intersection had penetrated into the tunnel long ago. Although they were used to play the queen army, after all, there were only four high-level arms. The Ghost King couldn't bear to simply ruin it here.

The environment in the tunnel is relatively good. It is surrounded by dry rocks. There is no danger except that the sharp edges and corners of the stones remain in many places. The two diamond men ran away as soon as they entered the hole. The Ghost King probably wanted us to see that the Diamond Man mistakenly thought it was a trap, and then deceived us elsewhere, but after confirming that we followed up, we felt that it was not worthwhile to waste these two special combat forces, so we recruited them Already.

Not too long after we chased in the passage, we caught up with the Ghost King team. This time, we definitely don't have to worry about being a suspect, because I saw the Ghost King himself. In a panic, this guy ordered the Golden man to stay against us, and he took the thirty ceramic maids and four diamond men to run forward together.

Sixteen golden men are not enough to fight, and now I know their weaknesses. These guys are most afraid of brute force. Do not look at them as metal, but the hardness of the golden man is not as good as that of the silver man, and the defense is only a magical effect. When the power is due, the difference in the texture of the metal is displayed. After the werewolves turned, I could twist their arms and legs with brute force, so there was no need to worry.

Kill sixteen golden men to collect, and then continue to chase the ghost king. The golden man only delayed us for ten minutes, and he could not run far. We were soon caught up again, and this time it seemed that there was really no way out. This place is a hall-like hole with a lot of space, but it is a dead end. There are three or four hundred stone people in the cave, all of whom are holding tools and are clearly digging the aisle.

This tunnel does not seem to be formed naturally. The ghost king knew that there was a passage here, but he did not expect that the passage had not been dug up to now. Although these three or four hundred stone men have increased the strength of the ghost king, the stone men's fighting power is really poor. Unless there are more than a thousand, there is not much difference between there and no. The Ghost King stared angrily at the only silver worker here. "Why hasn't it been tapped?"

The Silver Man is the supervisor of the Stone Man, responsible for the excavation work here. He replied carefully: "King, this is not to blame us! We could have ended this morning, but we suddenly digged the black steel rock crystals, and the area is very large. We were going to dig a channel to the side to go around. But You also saw it. We have expanded the channel to this extent and still can't get around it. The volume of this crystal is really too large, so ... "

"Okay, needless to say. Maybe it ’s going to be me!" Ghost King stared at me and said, "I was homeless by you in the gourd, but today I ca n’t run away, so I just You will fight to death, even if I'm not alive, it won't make you feel better. "He waved his hands forward," Give me all. "

"Ringing knight, get rid of these obstructing guys."

Although the miner stoneman rushed up bravely, the bell knight rushed out of the space door was more than 400 levels higher than these guys. The gap is too big, it's almost all dried up like cutting tofu, including the silver man. After all the stonemen were settled, Skott stepped back with the Bell Knight. I can completely solve the remaining enemies.

Because the two diamond men doing the eye-blind method ran back again, so here are still four diamond men. The ghost king himself should also be combative. When he met him last time, he was still in good shape. Now it is obviously evolved. The more evolutionary the weaker it becomes. As for the ceramic maids, I tend to think that they are just a group of ceramic dolls, purely decorative. Seeing that they all shrank in horror behind the ghost king, they knew they didn't have to worry about them.

II took two steps forward. "These guys gave it to me."

I nodded. "Be careful."

The second rushed to me with my permission. One of the other four diamond men came out to fight. As soon as II came up, he was transformed into a werewolf, sacrificing a small amount of magic value, and comprehensively strengthening all attributes. There are almost no side effects. After the beastization, the second man slaps the diamond man with one claw, but the guy suddenly shines and disappears in place. The second slap took a slap and almost fell out.

Aiminess cried in surprise: "Photodecomposition? Awesome ability! Diamond people actually have this skill!"

"So what is the light structure decomposition?" I let II take the lead in order to stand next to me to study the characteristics of the other side.

Emmys explained: "Photoconstruction is a skill between teleportation and camouflage. It can be said that it is another direction derived from camouflage."

"What is the other direction?"

Aimenis thought for a while and said, "The other direction is that this skill is completely different from my evolutionary direction. The ultimate evolutionary goal of my illusion ability is fictional entity. Last time in Egypt, I could create entity. The state. And keep it for a while. The immortal counterfeit of the Seal of the Seal is a skill that substantiates the illusion of illusion, and the real mirroring skill that I have been using. On the surface, this real mirroring of myself is to transform myself into someone else. And possess all the abilities of the opponent. In fact, this is also a fictional illusion, but because I can materialize the illusion, this illusion can have the same ability as the real body. But there is another direction for the illusion to evolve, that is, Fictionalize the materialized object, then decompose it into light, and then move to a certain point with light to reorganize. This process is exactly the opposite of my skills. I am substantiating the illusion, which is the illusion of the entity. "

"You say that it can decompose an entity into light, move it to the next point, and then reorganize, that is to say that the other party will have light-like mobility in the process?"

"Theoretically yes." Amenis nodded in confirmation. "But don't worry, this skill is flawed like my skills. My illusions cannot be maintained for a long time. The Seal of the Throne is not maintained for a long time. Unless I have been adding magic nearby, this fictional entity after the Seal of the Throne has been around for a while. They will disappear. Their light structure decomposition is also similar. When the entity is decomposed and moved in space with light, the energy of the object itself will continue to decay during this process, so it cannot be used often, and the moving distance should not be too long. , Otherwise when recombining, it is likely that due to excessive energy consumption, physical properties cannot be restored and directly decompose into dust. "

"Although you say so, it is still a strong feature!"

My last comment was not chaotic. The second man in the field was fighting with the opponent's diamond man. It can be seen from the busy action of the second man. The beastized II has been moving as fast as lightning, but it is still being beaten up because the other party is constantly using the Emoji's ability to use the photodecomposition ability. As a result, I saw the diamond man flashing around after a while. II can only chase after him.

Aimenis said to himself: "It seems that these guys have no restrictions on continuous use. However, their movement distance is still very short, usually only two meters. That means they will still consume themselves during the movement. Energy, so they dare not move too long at a time, but why can they use it multiple times in a row? "

Yeyue suddenly said: "Don't guess. These guys are made of diamonds. They must be able to absorb the energy of the surrounding space, so they can be replenished immediately after recovering the shape."

Just like the result of Yeyue and Emmeny, the diamond man's instantaneous movement can really jump indefinitely, except that the distance can't be too short each time. Although the attributes are the same, after all, II is just a magic pet, and he probably can't defeat the Diamond Man alone. Not to say that II was worse than a diamond man. Comprehensively speaking, the words II must be a lot more powerful than the Diamond Man, but it is useless if it cannot be hit. But II was not afraid of the Diamond Man.

"Second, come back. I'll kill them."

"Master?" II was a little reconciled.

"Don't say it, you can't hit them."

Nishi resigned helplessly, and I jumped up to take over at the same time. The same attributes do not equal the same strength. Niseko and I lack some experience, and he has a lot of special attributes that cannot be used. These attributes and skills provided by the equipment cannot be used in II. He really has the same basic attributes as the basic attributes of attack and defense, and not every skill is the same.

I am not animalistic. The first thing after entering the battlefield is to spread evil spirits. The purple evil mist quickly filled the whole hole. Although the concentration of the mist can not be so scary to cover the sight at such a close distance, the mist is the mist after all. It can absorb light.

The diamond man may not know that the fog has an impact on his photostructure decomposition. Immediately after I entered, I used this skill to move behind me and attack me. As a result, he jumped out immediately after entering the light state. And he failed to reach behind me, but appeared in front of me. Because he appeared almost one centimeter from us. I collided with him before I could react. The result is, of course, that I suffer. People are diamond people. However, the Diamond Man was not injured lightly this time, of course, it wasn't that I was hit, but the moment when he entered the state of light, the energy of the light was absorbed by the fog. When he returned, the power was insufficient, and even his body could not be completely formed. The two of us got up after rolling away to each side, and I noticed that his left hand was missing at this time. Even the energy absorbed by the state of light in just a few seconds caused him to lose a palm, and if he completed the entire movement, probably one arm would be gone.

With this layer of fog, he could not enter the state of light anyway. All that remains is real strength. I want to swing my sword forward. The Diamond Man wonders why I started to attack so far. After all, eternity is only over one meter long. He and I are at least four meters away. But eternity is not just an ordinary sword, the length of the whip is its greatest advantage. The dancing sword stretched out, but instead of dodging, the diamond man arrogantly blocked with a disabled arm. He knew that he was made of diamonds, and there was absolutely nothing to say about the hardness. It was nothing to use his body to block attacks, but it failed when he encountered eternity.

A sword flew over and a diamond arm flew out. I shook my hand, and the eternal tip turned a corner and dragged my arm back. I received it and examined it. "Yes, at least seven or eight pounds. This is probably the most refreshing enemy in the game."

After the fourth upgrade of "Zero", the monsters started not to lose the equipment they should not carry, and of course the money is the same. There will never be a situation where you cut down a piece of Warcraft and exploded a set of human equipment. Only humanoids will produce human equipment and lose money, but those humanoids always appear in piles. It is not easy to deal with them. Therefore, the money in the game can only be obtained by collecting the materials from the monsters and selling them, or extortion by doing tasks like me. It is not so easy to earn money from humanoid monsters. This diamond man is an entire diamond, which is more money than any monster explodes.

The diamond man who lost one arm showed no adverse reactions. The diamond man is the same as those of all kinds of human figurines before. This magic puppet is not afraid of spiritual magic, no pain, no negative conditions such as injury. It can be said that their will is much stronger than normal creatures. The Diamond Man is the top presence among these puppets. The characteristics are even more terrifying, and he has no response when he breaks an arm. Anyway, he feels that the martial king of the heavens made the sacred king to kill the **** and seal the throne at night. The Majestic Nine Emperor ’s Strongest Abandoned the Shao Zhou Emperor ’s Royal Force Martial King Will Kill the God of the Seal of the Nine Emperor ’s Ambition The young royal family didn't hurt, and they didn't bleed.

"You're great." The Diamonds suddenly spoke. I thought they had no intelligence!

"You are also good. But are you going to surrender now?"

"I just want to make you understand." The diamond man arrogantly said: "Remember my name is Jingbai."

I wanted to say something after he finished speaking, but he glanced at the three diamond people behind. Those diamond people obviously did not respond normally. They all retreated to the ghost king and turned to block the ghost king and the ceramic maids. Behind. I immediately understood what they were going to do. "masking!"

I just came and shouted this sentence. The diamond man named Crystal White suddenly exploded like a bomb, his body shattered into tens of thousands of sharp pyramids and scattered, flying like a rainstorm that hit the entire hole. The power of the explosion was already great. The fragments scattered by this guy are diamonds, and the sharpness is not inferior to any weapon below the artifact level. The most unfortunate is me, too close. I opened the protective cover and still didn't block it. Neither the Mercury Shield nor the red magic shield provided by the Zerg Queen was available. The fragments hit me when they were formed.

In addition to me, the magic pets around were also injured. He was beaten quite badly, almost covered with diamond fragments, anyway, he still remembers to turn around and use his wings to block it, otherwise it would be miserable to bloom in front. Amynis was so clever that at the moment of the explosion he copied his mirror image into a phantom. Anyway, the spirit body is not afraid of physical damage, so no matter how sharp the diamond can take her. Yeyue is the more horrible one. She was harmless, but she did not use special skills to dodge the past. Want to know how she could be harmless? Just look at her ground sword. Yeyue actually relied on her own six-handed snake sword dance to leak the water, and faced a large piece of diamond fragments without a hit. All let her block it with a sword, but there were more gaps and scratches on her ground sword. Lingling and Bailang are fine, but they are because they are far away. And they were right behind II, and the fragments were blocked by II. This is why Nine would rather turn around to block the debris than choose to lie down. He didn't want the two behind him to become hedgehogs. Unfortunately, in the end, he was hit like a sword-back dragon! As a regular army, the Bell Tone Knight responded quickly. When I shouted, I fell down and raised the shield in front of me. As a result, none of them was okay.

I'm much worse than them. The double-layer interception didn't catch up to the ground. As a result, I seemed to have just rolled over a ground full of glass slag, and the entire front was covered with shiny diamond fragments. Tang Bohu, played by Zhou Xingchi, protected his face when he was beaten. I didn't even protect my face. His eyes were blinded, large areas of muscles on his head were knocked off, bones were exposed in some places, and several fragments were inserted in the forehead.

Compared to us, enemy losses are negligible. Except for the self-destructed diamond man, there was almost no loss. The other three diamond men blocked the ghost king and the maid. The three diamond men themselves were only nailed to pieces. They did not care about this minor injury without pain.

"Haha, do you know how terrible?" The ghost king smiled proudly at me.

"Very good ... very strong ... and very sacrificing." Standing still, I made a voice that seemed to break the bellows, a lot of flesh was knocked out of my mouth, and my teeth were missing by more than half. There is a ghost when the sound is normal. "Ghost King, you should be happy that you can make such a subordinate, but you should also be sad."

"What am I sad about?"

"Because you provoked me." As I finished, the black flames suddenly burned through my body, and the flames flared up a few meters high. The diamond fragments inserted into me quickly turned into powder and disappeared in the flames. At the same time, the wound on my body was healing with the naked eye. "King of Ghosts. Do you think you won even if you hit me with a flower on your face? This behavior is not much different from provocation. Note, I mean provocation is not an attack. I admit that the power is great, but I have a guard collar, If there were no magic pets, I would have been killed by you just now, but not now. In addition, I will give you a piece of information that you do n’t know. I have a quarter of vampire bloodlines, and wound healing is the basic ability. So, either destroy me at once. Clean, otherwise you better not attack me. "

"It doesn't matter, I have three guards."

As soon as the ghost king finished speaking, another diamond man ran up, and then exploded again. I only know that the actual combat effectiveness of these diamond men is only a little higher than that of the golden men. The true power is all here. This is a suicide attack by terrorists, and it is not small. However, the key to suicidal attacks is suddenness. This time, I will not be recruited again if I am prepared. After the explosion, the ghost king was surprised to see the red light shield flashing in front of me. The Mercury Shield is automatically recovered after being intercepted once. The remaining Zerg Energy Shield successfully resists all the fragments. Facing the magic barrier, the sharpness of the weapon itself does not make much sense, and the magic carried by it is the key. These fragments obviously don't have much magic power and can't break through this magic barrier at all. As for the magic pets, they run much faster than me. Now they are all hiding in the earth goddess' space. Those diamonds can't shoot.

"I said, you're better off not killing me once you're not sure."

"I still have ...!" The ghost king intends to direct the remaining two diamond men to explode.

"You don't, you have nothing." I threw Eternity out, and it turned into a big box in midair and wrapped the remaining two diamond men in. When Dangdang's voice rang, the diamond man in the box probably blew himself up, but it was a dream to break through and eternally hurt the outsiders.

As soon as I reached out, Eternal became smaller again and flew back, and at the same time left a bunch of diamond fragments around me ~ ~ I looked at the ghost king again. "You're left alone now. If you want to make your own decision or I'll help you, say it yourself."

"Please let me go." The ghost king suddenly flatteredly pushed out a ceramic maid. "I gave her to you, how did you let me? Although you were flooded in the gourd last time, but you haven't been able to get out without me? I haven't done anything to you yet. ?"

"You hit me with a maid? Even if there was no grudge before, you hit me just like a sieve just now. Do you expect me to forget it together?"

"Oh, yes, one is too stingy." Ghost Wang Xun pushed all the other maids to me. "These are yours."

A ceramic maid actually fell to my feet and cried, holding my leg and crying, "Master, let us go! We don't want to die!"

My eyes widened, not because of the maid's performance, but because she could hold my leg. Hell is burning in me, and any creature should be incinerated as soon as it approaches! How could these waitresses used for entertainment have such a strong power to resist hellfire? unless……

Sure enough, this is a trap!

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