Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 25: Use of National Instruments

The man who came is actually a gun god, and he has come to Japan!

"How will you be here?"

"This is not something you should ask." The gun **** answered me very coldly, and it was clear that he didn't want to ignore me.

Huh, you're too lazy to care about me, so good to care about you! "I don't care about you, as long as you don't influence me." I replied and rushed directly to the village below.

"Stop them." The Japanese in the village shouted, and immediately there was a large bsp; there were too many miscellaneous soldiers, and although they could not hurt us, they gave the ancient martial arts expert a chance to run away. The gun **** is even more miserable than me. His fighting power is mainly concentrated on one point. The meaning of the destroy gun is that he can destroy the gods, but he ca n’t help it when he encounters a large number of farmers.

"One team copied from the left bread, the second team walked to the right, and the central guard rushed at me." A familiar voice suddenly appeared behind us, and then saw Skott rushing up with a large number of evil knights.

The Gun God was originally scrambled by a group of ordinary Japanese players, and suddenly a large number of evil spirit knights rushed up to solve his siege. The Gun God gave me a surprised look, and I smiled proudly. This is our difference. His fighting power is all concentrated on one point, but my fighting power is scattered, so the group I is the fiercest, the single gun **** is the fiercest, no matter who is the highest.

Quite early, I also brought a summoned creature to destroy a small city. At that time, I was still a Yalong cavalry. Now the evil spirit knight is more powerful. Such a small village can't stand our gang fight. The wooden fence outside the village is completely useless, and the mount of the evil spirit knight itself can fly. Besides, even if the evil dragon does not fly, it jumps over. The ringing knight's heavy armored dragon was even more fierce, and even the village gates were directly penetrated. Immediately after the cavalry, my magic pets also arrived. The joining of the main force completely crossed the opponent's defense line, and the team rushed into the village soon. Under the opening of the four dragons, Dilong Yan, the village could hardly find decent resistance.

I had watched the magic pets destroy their village in the air, and suddenly the ancient martial arts expert was running towards the back of the village. And a red line is approaching in the distant sky. The Gun God noticed my eyes and looked to the sky, but he suddenly rushed out. The reaction of the **** of guns obviously represents the birth of certain things, but I can't see what he saw. My vision comes from Xing Tong. Although it is very wide, it is not accurate. The vision of gunshot is really good. According to the information I have at hand. In order to adapt to the power and range of the gun destroyer, the gun **** got a special skill to increase vision, and its sight range is much larger than mine. When I see the red cloud, he should be able to really see the situation inside it.

Since the gun moves. I had to keep up, after all, the ancient martial arts experts couldn't run away. This kid is not slow, but it is not faster than my night shadow. I came first, and soon passed the gun god, but he didn't expect that he would pull my feet up to climb the night shadow. I looked back in amazement at the gun **** standing behind me. "Don't you want me to help?"

"I am a skill and not an accelerating one. I am slow and not shameful."

I snorted with my nose. I ignored him and urged Night Shadow to continue adding. The ancient martial arts expert had already run far away in front of him, and the night shadow chased after him like lightning, but the ancient martial arts expert suddenly made a sharp turn and flashed past. Yeying tilted almost his entire body. A big turn finally twisted, but the **** of guns was thrown out. I don't bother to care about him, and continue to chase ancient martial arts experts. This time the ancient martial arts experts could not run away. There is no hope for the ratio of players and mounts. I'm afraid this guy can't even run the wild boar mounts on time. After Ye Ying caught up with him suddenly, two people stood up and kicked in the air. The ancient martial arts expert fell down in one fell swoop.

After the ancient Wu expert fell down, he immediately wanted to get up, but Ye Ying stepped on his forefoot directly, and stepped him back to the ground. I rolled over and jumped out of the night shadow, and my right knee was directly behind the neck of the ancient martial arts expert, but the ancient martial arts expert suddenly yelled to support the body, pulled the small package from under him and threw it. I took the jaw of the ancient martial arts expert with one hand and shoved it sideways, and he never moved again with a click. Gun God chased the small parcel from behind, but he rushed halfway and suddenly heard a bang, a fireball blasted Gun God directly. The little parcel was picked up by a familiar hand.

"Ghost hands Nobunaga!" My pupils contracted violently, and this abominable guy appeared at this time. I now know what Hongyun was just now, that is the ghost army of Nobunaga. Fairy clouds are mainly colored clouds and white clouds, but the clouds of monsters and ghosts are mostly black and red.

After the gun **** was blown up, there was no pause. Immediately after landing, he lay down on one knee, and the gun was flat. There was a bang, and the ghostly Nobunaga who was smiling at me was blown away by a shot. I threw the dragons cord out and wanted to get the package back, but a Japanese player who followed the ghostly Nobunaga flew away I blocked my dragon muscles. As soon as I pulled the player back, the parcel was taken away by another person.

When I saw the man with the parcel, my face was even more ugly. I've seen this guy, he's the guy with the last holy blood bottle. He stole China's national weapons, and now comes with the U.S. national weapon with the ghost-handed Nobunaga.

"Our national weapon is in your hands?" I asked, staring at the man who picked up the package.

The guy threw the parcel to the ghost-handed Nobunaga who just came back. The ghost-handed Nobunaga took the parcel and opened it with a smile, then stuffed it into his armor with satisfaction. "Haha, can't you think of it? Ziri, if you take our Japanese weapon, I'll take your Chinese weapon. If you want to return to China, use our weapon."

I really understand the purpose of Nobunaga. The theft of state weapons is only the first. The purpose of his place was to return to Japanese national weapons. But what does he do with American stuff? Is it just to marry us?

I was wondering, but the God of Guns suddenly told the ghost hand: "I have two in my hand, and you only have half of them. Don't you want to exchange them for equality?"

Understood now, the average American also stole the Japanese weapon, and it was still two.

The ghost-handed Nobunaga looked fearless. "You are right. God of guns, you and Zi Ri each have several national weapons in our hands, but this is not an advantage. If you are willing to consider this matter, then bring your own national weapons to Mochizuki Island, Let's talk. "

The God of Guns took the lead and nodded: "Okay. With your time, the Seal of the Throne, we will see Wang Yuedao at noon tomorrow."

The gun **** **** did n’t even tell me to accept it unilaterally. Now I ’m one-on-two. If I refuse, it will be quite passive. I have to nod if I ca n’t help it. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. The guy Nobunaga is really more powerful than the original Matsumoto Masa. At least he knew how to use his brain while retaining Yong.

After the decision was made, we all went back and prepared each other. I don't want to continue to chase, but I have no hope of chasing. the first. Things are **** of guns, our national weapons are not here. In the beginning, he promised to recover this thing and returned it to the gun **** just to clear up the misunderstanding. Now that the gun **** already knows that it is not the Chinese who took his thing, I don't have to go after it. To be honest, I'm happier if I lose the American national weapon. If you don't want to help little Japan take the blame, ghosts won't bother! As for the second one! The ghost-hand Nobunaga brought tens of thousands of ghost troops and thousands of players. Gun God voluntarily withdrew, I think it would be necessary to have the ability to break through in the circle surrounded by so many people! This is not the first time I came to Japan. At that time, the Ringtone Knight was five or six hundred levels higher than the player, and it was cheaper. Now that everyone's level is high, my advantage is not so obvious.

Take back their respective teams, and everyone goes home to prepare for tomorrow's talks. Gunslinger borrowed a cross-national teleportation array from our guild. He returned directly to the United States, and tomorrow he will have to borrow it again. After I returned to Isinger, I quickly gathered all the main members of these guilds. It is necessary to discuss such a major matter. Feng Yin Piao Miao and Yan Yu also participated in our meeting, after all, in theory, this is a matter for all Chinese.

After everyone arrived, I first talked about today's situation, and then asked them: "Everyone should talk about whether we should trade with the Japanese?"

Wu Gui first stated: "Yes. Even if the other party attaches conditions, we all plan."

"Why?" Hongyue didn't understand what Roseland meant. "We are not afraid of Little Japan. We can grab things back sooner or later. Why do we have to deal with them?"

玟 Gui explained: "In fact, we can make a profit without losing money in this transaction, and this is not a consideration. The attributes of the national weapon are not as good as artifacts. Everyone knows this. Take Ziri and gold coins, for example." Look at the gold coin: "Open the attributes to everyone. Husband, you also open your attributes."

The gold and me equipment attributes are all displayed, and the roses are explained to everyone according to the attributes. "The gold coin's artifact is already in its final form, and its attributes are quite good, but compared to Ziri's artifact set, the attributes are significantly worse. Without considering the player's own factors, it can be said that the attributes of the artifact set are absolutely It ’s above the Chinese artifact, and it will be much higher. But in this game, there are more artifacts than the Chinese artifact, and we do n’t collect the artifacts intentionally. Instead, we attach so much importance to the Chinese artifact. Why is this? ”

The gold coin replied: "Because of the national attributes of national instruments."

"Very good, because of this." Wu Gui continued: "No matter how strong the artifact is, only one person can be strong. We know the strength of Ziri, but if there are 10,000 players who besiege him? So personally Strength is important, but it is not the decisive factor. The national attributes of the national weapon can add attributes to the players of the entire country. For that alone, even if the national weapon is white equipment without attributes, it is definitely more valuable than an artifact. A weapon can Adding 10,000 points of attack is great. But what about the national attributes of the national weapon? The final form of the gold coin has all the national attributes except the double-set induction. As a result, not only the overall national attributes are added, but also every Each component is separately added with the national attribute. Look at her Tianzun Sword. It is not so good on the individual attribute, but have you noticed the national attribute at the back? Tianzun Sword's national attribute is the basic attack power plus three. Spell damage increased One percent. It seems to be small and worth mentioning. Actually, the effect is amazing. Do you know? At present, the number of combat players in China is about 600 million. People add three to the attack, and the result is 1.8 billion attack power. Does the artifact have more than 100 million attributes? The God of Guns destroyer has more than one million attack power, which has been claimed to have the most attack power in the game. Equipped, then do you understand the value of Chinese weapons with 1.8 billion attack power in one breath? "

After waiting for a while, Zhu Gui continued: "In addition to these three points of attack power, we also need to see the attribute that the spell damage increases by 1%. This attribute is only useful for offensive spells, but it actually increases. The damage value is more powerful than the previous basic attack. Because this attribute has a bonus to Taoism, magic, and even witchcraft. Even the magical skills of the soldiers 'tired professions have a bonus. But the current players' attacks Spell damage is far more than three hundred points, which means that the actual added damage is more than three points. The first three basic attacks can achieve 1.8 billion damage. You can think of what effect these three points can produce. "

Su Mei suddenly said to everyone: "Additionally. After the conclusion that I and the gold coin sister did experiments together, in fact, the attribute bonus of the Chinese weapon is not only for players."

"What?" I first heard about Su Mei talking about this. "Are you serious?"

"It's true, we have just experimented with these days. I asked the gold coin sister to put on or take off the national weapon as I requested, so that the bonus attributes of the national weapon would appear or disappear under my control. I also specially I went to Germany to hire a few players who have nothing to do with us to help us with experiments. Because their attributes will not change because of our country's national weapons. I let these German players guild with us separately in two states The ground soldiers battled and calculated the damage effect. The results proved that the national weapon used auxiliary bonuses to all the guild's various combat types and large weapons. I used to think that this attribute would only work on creatures. After the experiment, it is now even on the wall. The artillery has an attack bonus. "

Feng Yinmiao asked in surprise: "Isn't that saying that every magic crystal cannon in our country has three points more attack power than the past?

"Wrong." Su Mei said very earnestly: "It's not three more attacks, but thousands of attacks."

"Why thousands?"

"Because the magic crystal cannon is judged to be a spell attack, it is not the three-point attack in the front, but the magic damage effect that increases by 1% in the latter. The standard model magic crystal cannon has a damage value of 100,000, and the result is 100 One point is more than a thousand more damage. If it is a gunpowder-driven cannon, the three basic attacks in front are added, compared with the magic cannon, which is cheaper. "

Wu Gui said: "It's even more worthwhile to say that. The attributes of national instruments are so good. They are too useful for us."

Hongyue still objected: "But the Japanese will increase our losses when they get national weapons. It is not cost-effective."

Wu Gui said: "It's cost-effective. Because we have a lot of people. It also adds three points of damage. Japan has more than 100 million people, even if it is all combat occupations. It can only add 300 million damage. We have 600 million combat occupations. 1.8 billion more damage in a second. The same transaction, we actually earned 1.2 billion damage value. In fact, the national weapon is not just adding damage. In this way, we are taking advantage in every aspect. "

Su Mei also said: "I also agree with Sister Rose's meaning, because there is also an attribute that we take advantage of in the overall attributes of the Chinese weapon."

"What else?"

"That's it." Su Mei pointed out one of the national attributes added to the whole of the gold coin national weapon. "Mobilize the forces of heaven to help."

"What's wrong?"

Su Meidao: "Based on our analysis and the attributes obtained by other countries' complete sets of national weapons, everyone has the ability to mobilize various forces to fight, except that everyone who tunes their own country will The attributes of the local dark temple or the light temple appear to be mobilized. With reference to the situation in various countries, I speculate that the power corresponding to this attribute of the true red sister will be the **** beast. In this regard, we are taking advantage. The Japanese can only be mobilized. The forces of demons and demons and Tianzhao must not be able to beat the heavenly gods, and the demons and demons cannot beat the beasts, so we have a great advantage. "

The number of gods in China is relatively large, and its quality is also quite good, so it must be much stronger than Tianzhao in any case. If the summoning abilities of both sides are as beautiful as the speculation, we are indeed taking advantage. As for the beast to the demon, then don't talk about it. There are hundreds of gods and dragons from all corners of the world, and those demon in Japan are probably not opponents.

Hongyue Road: "In other words, are we sure to make money by using Japanese national instruments in exchange for Chinese ones?"

Wu Zi nodded and said, "It's absolutely cost-effective. Although we say that we have more Japanese artifacts than Japanese Chinese artifacts, the transaction itself has nothing to do with the quantity. As long as the artifacts are not complete, only one and only one The difference is not much different at all. Once the national instruments are set, the most direct effect difference should be expressed in the number of people. There are most Chinese people, and the group attribute bonus effect of national instruments can be maximized, so the benefits of trading to us should be Much bigger. "

Su Mei immediately raised a hand and said, "Interrupt, I still have information about Chinese weapons here, which I just arrived this morning."

"What information?"

"In the early hours of the day before the throne of the Seal of God in Beijing time, players from Yemen and players from the United Arab Emirates joined forces to strike against Oman. Although these three countries are not large, they are national-level battles and can be considered an advance The national battle is over. The results of the battle have no meaning to us, but some performances in the process are worthy of attention. One of the information about national instruments is that the attributes of national instruments will increase to a certain degree after different countries become allies. These three The country's national weapons are all set, that is to say, they have all been found. Among them, the United Arab Emirates and Yemen belong to the Confederacy. In the national weapons of the United Arab Emirates, there is an attribute that grants a passive skill to players across the country. This skill is called Wind Sand Eye, as long as it has no action, it will take effect. Its function is to allow the owner to keep his eyesight during the sandstorm ~ ~ is a very necessary skill in the desert war. But in this battle all Yemen Players and players are assisted by this skill, but Yemen ’s people do n’t actually Yes. Because the battle used a temporary alliance, the alliance was lifted after the battle ended, and Yemen ’s people lost the assistance of this skill. The only possibility we can think of is that the attributes of the weapon between the allies may be crossed. , And it is likely to be slightly different due to the alliance level. Another news is that magic weapon induction will occur when the owner of the artifact is too close, but it is not clear what the effect will be. And this effect may not be released in Between our own national instruments, sometimes they are inductive between hostile forces, but sometimes our own national instruments are mutually inductive, anyway, the attributes are unstable. "

Yan Yudao: "In this case, it is more necessary to trade, and once the national war begins, we should join the surrounding countries to wage war against Japan, so that we can win more alliances, even if we only pass one attribute of national weapons to each other. On the other side, the final improvement in power is also terrible. "

The words of smoky rain reminded me of it. China's reputation in the world has always been very good, especially the small countries in the exhibition. Although these countries are average in strength, they all have their own national instruments in some games. If I help them find the weapon, and then alliance with them after the war, even if they do not fight with us, as long as they recognize this alliance, players in our country can freely pick up a bunch of attribute bonuses, such a cost-effective thing can not be miss.

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