Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 27: Vampire Expert

Ling was more ruthless than me. I heard that I was going to make money for the sky and immediately pulled out a bunch of information there. "Hurry up and see, these are the resources available to the ghost-handed Nobunaga. We have set prices according to these things, and the success rate must be high."

I'm dizzy. I only got this thing, and I threw it into Fenglong Space before I saw it. I didn't expect Ling to use it so soon.

Xiaochun held the information and drank Xianquan manna while saying, "There are a lot of family members in Guishouxin! We completely empty a resource, so how can the Japanese economic chain break?"

Azana said, "Don't even think about it, the ghost-handed Nobunaga is not a fool. He won't agree. Even if we stun him, it's useless. I don't think it's worth it. All kinds of resources are taken away. As long as it does not affect the economic exhibition, the ghost-handed Nobunaga will not bite so tightly, and in the end we may get more practical benefits. " "

"Go, you know the gems." The little dragon girl pulled lucky aside: "The gems look beautiful, but the demand is not large, and more is useless. In fact, the more ordinary the resources, the more useful. Advanced wood, special Stone, various metal raw ore, energy fuel, these should be the key targets. "

The pet pets discussed the geothermal sky, but Gun God and the Binuo slot and Condor sat with a book and kept burying their records. I curiously leaned over to pat him. "What are you doing?"

"Write it down and go back to study how to negotiate. Listening to your discussion today, I feel that my previous studies have been in vain."

After the intermission, we all returned to the rest area and started negotiations. As soon as Nobunaga's hand came up, he said, "Now let's discuss the completion of another set of Chinese wares. My opinion is to pay you with crystal coins directly. How about five million crystal coins?

Ling said nothing and pulled me up. The gun **** and the ghost hand Nobunaga were stunned, only to see that I had traveled far enough to react. "Wait a minute? What do you mean, President Ziri?"

Ling's voice came over, "What are we talking to you if you're so insincere?"

"Can you discuss it if you are not satisfied with the price? The price is skyrocketing and the money is returned. How can you make a decision once?"

Ling pulled me to stand in the distance, but didn't walk back. "Are you sure you really want to talk?"

The ghost-hand Nobunaga nodded quickly: "Of course." The ghost-hand Nobunaga didn't want to ask us in such a humble manner, but the transaction item has been roughly determined, and the system applied for transaction protection from the system. Both the United States and China National Instruments have completed the initial contract. Although it has not been formally traded yet, there is a system of compulsory guarantees, which means that it has been completed. But the cry of Japan is not complete. This is equivalent to the emergence of unilateral demands, and they have to nod their heads and treat us sloppily. The previous transaction was because both parties had what each other must get, and it was hard for anyone to make the price too outrageous. After all, the other party has what they need. But now there is no mutual constraint in Nobunaga's hand and our transaction. In order to trade the last part of the ninja suit, the ghost hand Nobunaga has traded the blood bottle in, and now the ghost hand Nobunaga must get the rest of the magic weapon. But we have nothing to get, only because the previous transaction had a condition that we must deal with the magic magic pestle in this negotiation, but we have to deal with it, but we can set the price at will.

Ling pulled me back and sat down, then said to the ghost hand: "First of all, we are actually unwilling to trade, and now we are helpless to trade this thing with you, so you better not play with us Little tricks. "

"Yes, yes." Nobunaga's hand quickly smiled.

Ling continued: "We have our own ideas on the content of the transaction. We don't lack money, so don't ask for your crystal coins."

"So what do you want us to exchange?" Asked Nobunaga.

Ling looked at me and signaled that the ghost-handed Nobunaga was my main character. Nobunaga's hand turned to me immediately. I said very plainly: "Actually ... I have always felt that Guo Hecheng, Changbin Town, Hikone Town, and Taichu Village are all good places. I just don't know if your Nobel President would like to let go."

"What? You want me to mow the land?"

Ling smiled and said, "Anyway, what is to be paid, and we don't want to pay, then just cut it?"

Nobunaga's hand immediately flatly refused: "No, absolutely not. Although I don't even know where the four places you say are, it doesn't matter where they are."

Xiaochun also smiled and said: "In fact, those four places are small cities or villages and are not worth any money. And there are no resources to dig. So you don't need to worry too much."

"This is a matter of principle, not a matter of inattentiveness. Things can be given, and it is absolutely impossible to cut the land. Besides, I am just everyone's recognized territory. If I do this kind of thing, everyone will not listen to me again. Even if I agree to cut the land, it won't work. "

I immediately said, "In fact, you can do it. Now there is a system called the Territory Confederate System. As long as more than 80% of players in a country support a certain person, they can choose it as the highest commander in that country. This commander has the right to cede the land and mobilize some forces, so if you are willing to trade, you can first sign a guarantee contract, and then go back and apply for the authority of the territory commander immediately. "

"Are you already a Chinese conductor?" Asked Nobunaga.

I laughed bitterly. "Although speaking in front of you foreigners is a bit shameful, the facts are the facts. There is no such system-level designated commander in China, which is why we are so busy with relations with the forces all day. . I can't mobilize them with the rights of the commander, but can only appear in the image of their relationship household. Hey ... big country ... "

The ghost-handed Nobunaga was still a little confused at first, and after hearing about my grand power, I came to understand. Humans are the most complicated animals. Although there are not many individual differences, there are still differences after all. And the more people, the more differences. It is definitely more difficult for a country like China to come up with a unified opinion than Zhongtian! Not to mention 80%, even if it is my current strength, it is good to get half of the support in China. In fact, I still suspect that the entire Chinese know that I am an individual player but only 80% of all game populations.

The advantage of fewer people and fewer people is that the smaller the country, the easier it is to unite. In this regard, the Japanese are cheaper than us. If you want absolute dominance in China, it is absolutely impossible to choose by the free will of the people, because in the end, there will definitely be millions of candidates, and the support rate of each person will not exceed 20%. Only by opposing some opponents with force can we unify our opinions. For this reason, I have no intention of becoming this leader at all. I just want to pull up a team myself to fight the Japanese after the start of the national war. At that time, I can attract some like-minded people to fight together. As for the rest of them. Just count them as natural attrition.

I told long-handed ghosts: "I cannot be a recognized leader in China, but you can become a recognized leader in Japan. These leaders have the right to cede the land, and after confirmation, your people on this land Then you ca n’t do it all. What do you think? "

"I don't think it's good," Nobunaga's hand said angrily, "I won't cut the land anyway."

Look at him so angry. I quickly continued: "It doesn't matter if you don't cut the land, anyway, I can grab it myself. Then, use the materials to calculate it."

"I warn you, don't let the lion speak up. Although we need the national weapon very much, it's impossible for you to make an arbitrary price."

I certainly wouldn't let a lion speak, because the lion's mouth is too small. I prefer the dragon's big mouth. The mouth is big enough, and a bite is a bite.

"Rest assured. I have always been fair in asking prices." I winked at Ling.

Ling instantly threw a scroll in front of the ghost-handed Nobunaga. "This is the catalog."

The ghost-handed Nobunaga took the scroll and pulled it apart. It was okay at the beginning, and then his hands began to shake. In the end, he couldn't read the words. The ping-pong pressed the scroll down on the table. After taking three deep breaths, he said to us, "President Ziri, is this going to evacuate Japan?"

"Where and where, aren't you the Great Japanese Empire? Since it's such a big country, isn't that trivial resource?"

The ghost-handed Nobunaga shook his voice and said, "We are Great Japan, but we don't have enough products, and even if we have rich products, we can't open it like this! Aren't you strong?

"Where is it difficult for us to be strong?"

The ghost-handed Nobunaga pointed at the directory arranged vertically on the scroll. "You see. The first item requires 100,000 cubic meters of finished wood above level 10. Even if the forest around Mt. Fuji is cut into barren mountains, it is not enough! There is a great loss of processing of finished wood. Are you looking for so much wood? Aren't there many woods in China? "

Suddenly, Ariana came up with a sentence: "We are happy to buy it back and use it as firewood. You can't control it. You can give it or not?"

"I don't have that much wood. How do you want me to give it? Besides, processing requires labor, and there are fewer carpenters in our country!"

"There are few carpenters? That's easy." Xiaochun immediately interfaced: "You cut down the tree and sent it to us, and we process it ourselves, but you will pay for the extra transportation and processing costs. About 100,000 square meters of fine-finished wood will take about 30 Only 10,000 yuan of logs can be obtained. At least three hundred years old, you must give us at least 50,000. The extra transportation cost is about 100,000 crystal coins, plus the processing cost of ten crystal coins per side, that is one. Million crystal coins. In other words, you can subsidize us with 1.1 million crystal coins. "

"Isn't it too much? How do you count it? Where does the processing fee take up so much?" The ghost-handed Nobunaga almost vomited blood.

I waved forward, and a group of magic pets gathered around. Of course, it wasn't that he hit him by hand, or that he couldn't fight here. I saw the demons holding a pile of bills and statements, and the little dragon girl held an abacus and showed him cracklingly there. The ghost-hand Nobunaga, who was drowned in the saliva, finally reached out a hand. "Stop, can I give it?"

"Well, fine." I beckoned. The magic pets withdrew again. "You are sincere, so what else do you disagree with on this scroll?"

"The second one doesn't agree." Nobunaga's hand again said: "You don't need wood anyway, anyway, it's not a valuable thing, but you actually want 6,000 tons of crystal sand, and also limit the particle size to not less than five Millimeter, is this too dark? Is it larger than five millimeters called crystal sand? That is already a finished crystal rock. "

"What's the big deal, anyway, you have a Fuji-grade mine, don't care about this." Crystal sand and crystal powder are not a thing. Crystal powder is a powder formed by crystal grinding, and crystal sand is a very Beautiful sand. The main action is actually very special, it is the key raw material of magic touch device, without which no magic machine can produce. But it is annoying that this mineral has only a few origins in the game. The biggest one is in Mount Fuji. What is more annoying is that China does not even have one of these mines.

The ghost-handed man wailed and said, "But this thing is so expensive. Isn't that too much for you?"

I waved forward again, and the magic pets immediately began to explain to the ghost-handed Nobunaga why we need that, and why he must pay so much. Of course, Nobunaga's hand finally succumbed. Do you know what is called Shuo Jin? Today I show off its power.

In the spirit of the great pets, straight, round, black, white, and dead, under the guidance of my wise guidance, the devotees unveiled the ghost-handed Nobunaga. After the tragic inhumane drool attack, the ghost-handed Nobunaga stunned and completed the entire transaction with our cooperation.

The final transaction result is that none of the items on the scroll have been deleted. Instead, the ghost-handed Nobunaga owed an additional 43 million of our various processing, transportation, and depreciation expenses for various reasons. The ghost hand finally broke into tears while holding the directory, claiming to refuse to accept the contract. As a result, I saw that I was shaking there with a piece of paper. "Thanks we signed the guarantee agreement first."

The ghost-handed Nobunaga thought that I had not signed a guarantee agreement without giving him the National Instrument, but he did not expect to injure him in turn. But the agreement has been signed. He didn't want to regret it. Once it was enforced by the system, it was not a loss.

In fact, Nobunaga's ghost hand only distressed to pay so many supplies to us at one time, and just like the Chinese don't like the Japanese, they don't like us. However, his mood is in the mood, in fact he does not suffer. The significance of national instruments is nothing more than those materials. He knew this very well, otherwise he would not accept such harsh conditions.

After the negotiation is completed, the items will be formally handed over, and those materials will be delivered to the designated place within the next three days. Otherwise, it will be compulsorily collected by the system, but the number of compulsory collections will be doubled. It is estimated that Nobunaga's hand would not do such a stupid thing.

I handed the Japanese weapon to Nobunaga, and Kawashima Yinji, who followed him, returned the small porcelain bottle. The ghost-handed Nobunaga transferred the sword to Kawashima Eunji, and then handed over the items with the Gun God. It is safest to exchange items in such a non-combat zone. It is the first time that an amount is agreed with each other. It does not matter if it is given first, then there is no possibility of deceiving equipment.

After the exchange of things, everyone couldn't wait to install the last parts, and Zhenhong also poured the vial of blood on himself. The dark red blood water just penetrated the Zhenwu suit just as it dripped on the sponge, leaving no trace at all, but the change appeared quickly.

A space channel suddenly appeared on the top of really red head, and a loud dragon groan sounded, and everyone around the earthquake ground covered his ears together. A golden dragon, like a train, flew out of the space passage, and skyrocketed with that screaming roar. When the huge dragon body came out completely, the space channel automatically disappeared again.

This is a leisure area, and there are many players from other countries next to it. One person shouted in surprise: "Oriental Dragon Oriental Dragon!"

Although there are many types of creatures in this Yueyue Island ecological animal circle, they do not have everything, at least Shenlong does not. The specific reason seems to be to take care of cultural factors. In the symbol of the Chinese dragon's authority and Fuze, the Chinese call themselves the heirs of the dragon, that is to say, they worship the dragon as their ancestors. Wangyue Island is a zoo no matter how high-end it is. If you put your parents in the zoo and let people see it as an animal, this kind of person is definitely a neurosis. So there are all kinds of creatures in Wangyue Island, but there is no Shenlong.

The dragon wasn't even considered to be in the sky, and hovered in the air and dived down. Looking at his posture, I thought he was going to eat real red. I didn't expect that the moment he came into contact with real red, he disappeared on the body of real red, and then a large number of dragon reliefs appeared on the surface of the Yuewu suit, and the entire armor was fast. It has become a dragon armor.

The system announcement actually appeared above us in the form of a broadcast. Previously, it was only sent to relevant people! "The divine grace came to life, and the final collection of Chinese artifacts was completed in the Chinese civilization. The divine power induction turned on. The divine grace shined on the earth, and all the attributes of the Chinese civilization improved."

The announcement is just one sentence, basically no mention of any useful information, or else the full game broadcast is turned on. However, not mentioning it does not mean that there is no real red equipment that has indeed evolved, and the Tianzun suit of gold coins has also changed. I saw a sudden layer of golden light on the Tianzun suit, and then the true red Zhenwu suit also lit up with the same color, and then suddenly a few golden arcs appeared between them. These arcs are very active, running up and down, but unlike the usual fluttering arcs, these golden arcs are very powerful and change, and look more like lightning.

The arc was very thin when it first appeared, and then became thicker and thicker, and did not continue to increase until it was as thick as two fingers.

The gold coin said in surprise: "Wow, there are so many attributes!"

"Your equipment hasn't come together for a long time. Why are you adding new attributes?" I was curious

The Gun Gods Gang gold coin explained: "It is a dual-national induction. As long as the distance between two sets of national weapons is less than one hundred meters, this phenomenon will occur, which can greatly enhance the single combat capability, but there is no national attribute bonus."

"Can it be sensed as long as it is a national weapon?" I asked Gun God, and he seemed to know more about it.

"Of course." The gun **** nodded.

"Then I have to try it." I quickly pulled out from the Dragon Dragon space, the quadrangle of the goddess who was given by the son-in-law. Anyway, it was a national weapon, and this thing should also be able to add induction.

Sure enough, the Sifang Zun flew out as soon as it came out. An arc was extended from each of the two sets of armor to contact the Sifang Zun. Then the three pieces of equipment connected to an equilateral triangle. A beam of light from the center of the triangle straight up to the sky, and then described a rotating cloud in the description, a dragon Yin passed down from the sky.

The system announcement sounded again. "China's affiliated national artifacts and finished national artifacts met ~ ~ and the camp was unified, successfully opening the door of the starry sky. The three World Cups of the Chinese Gods and Beasts protect the World Cup. The other two will automatically become protectors. "

The picture around us suddenly turned black, and when we turned on again, it turned out to be the earth. Looking around, it turned out that we were actually suspended in space. I felt that I had completely lost the support around me, could not feel anything, and could not make it out with strength. Everyone but me was gone.

The sound of gold coins suddenly appeared. It didn't sound far away, but it was just invisible.

"Do n’t struggle, we just entered the movie mode, our bodies did not leave the scene, but the game progress may have stopped. This video is probably played globally, so the normal game time, the Seal of the Throne, was forced to force everyone Entered the movie screen. "

Before the voice of the gold coin has fallen, the picture suddenly starts to move. The lens is advancing to the earth and is falling at a rapid rate. According to this degree, the target of our fall should be China. After all, this animation is because of our The complete set of national equipment was cited.

The picture focused on a mountain peak, and I stopped. "What kind of creature is this? Why look so familiar?"

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