Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 44: Clues

After a clear explanation, I finally understood what the second generation power system is. It is completely different from the electrical system we use today. The only difference is that the material is not a common metal conductor and a silicon block semiconductor, but a special conductor composed entirely of organic matter. For example, a human nerve fiber is a good wire, and there is almost no current loss under the premise that the current is less than one microampere, and the nerve node reflects that the nerve center is a quite perfect multi-voltage semiconductor, and its characteristics are even high. For silicon semiconductors, and its unique multi-voltage semiconducting characteristics can produce nine different signal base points, based on which can be used to directly use octal machine language electronic systems.

The computers used by modern humans uniformly use binary machine code, but the main brain son-in-law of Long Yuan is a product of alien technology. It uses a completely different octal code internally, and an extra signal base is used for error correction and correction. Encrypted identification, so that the accuracy and confidentiality of this second-generation power system are higher than the first-generation power system. And because the basic complexity of the octal system is higher, the same program code is written in octal machine code, but the information capacity is significantly reduced. The originally very large program, as long as it takes up a small amount of space, is equivalent to increasing the data storage capacity of the computer without changing the peripherals. Moreover, due to the shrinking of the program size, the readability has increased significantly, and the machine has been greatly improved. . At the same time, due to the increase in the complexity of the machine code, the upper-level language has become much simpler, making the program itself easier to write, which has also increased the degree of machine accessibility. Simply put, the second-generation system is faster, more stable, safer, and easier to use, completely overtaking the first-generation power system.

Modern electrical products have a limited service life due to the electron migration characteristics of metals, which is why many electrical appliances have very low durability. The second-generation power system uses organic media. On the one hand, it has self-healing ability. On the other hand, the conductive method is completely different. There is no electron migration. The durability is almost unlimited. As long as the living body itself does not die, these power systems can work indefinitely. It will not die or age.

This second-generation power system is implanted in my body, and in addition to manufacturing auxiliary electronic systems, there are some power facilities and special functional components. First of all, my bones were strengthened, which would produce an electric hardening effect during strenuous exercise, which indirectly increased the rigidity of the bones without increasing weight. Also. The joints are all made of auxiliary power systems using the second-generation power system. In addition to the muscle power, the bones also exert their own power, which is equivalent to doubling my strength.

Strengthened muscles strengthen bones, and even organs and tissues have strengthening properties. The most prominent is the addition of strengthened tissue fiber support nets to various organs and even the brain. Humans are increasingly unable to withstand the gravity of modern transportation. Fighter pilots often experience ischemic shock or redness caused by congestion during aerobatic actions, which are all caused by poor pressure performance of human tissues. Especially the brain, this thing is just a large piece of tofu. Although the skull is very hard, an emergency turn can even throw the pilot's brain out of his eyes or nostrils on a highly mobile class fighter, causing the pilot to die. There are also the drivers in the tank. Sometimes the tank was hit by a shell and the tank itself was not penetrated. The people inside were shocked to death, all because the tissues inside the body were too fragile.

Although my body has been strengthened. But the human brain and internal organs are still very fragile. Excessive increase still killed my life. But this time, a strengthened fiber net was added to the strengthened body. These things grow like muscles in my internal organs and brain. They act as a safety net when they encounter aggravation. Generated power. Protect my internal organs and brain.

After the whole strengthening program, my body strength is not much worse than the robot, although the hardness may not be very high. However, the damage resistance is better than steel. With its fast recovery characteristics, it may not be easy for me to die.

When the explanation was finished on a sunny day, I also heard the prompt of the second-generation computing assistance system in my head. "All self-tests pass, enabling active neural response and restoring body control."

I instantly felt the martial arts. The sacred king created the sacred king to kill the gods of the night. The throne of the gods is the best. Qiankun will kill the night of the gods and the seal of the throne, and ask the demon to be proud of the world. Nine Heavens is the strongest. It was a feeling of strength all over the body. I wanted to look at my hand, so I raised my hand and only heard a squeak, my hand was raised in front of me, but the metal bar on the fixed frame was completely broken, and I felt only a little resistance. "Fuck, so much output!"

Qingtian smiled and said, "You used to strengthen your muscles very much. Now you add the power of the second-generation power system directly to the bones, which is equal to twice the output. Of course, these iron bars can't fix you. But you first Don't open it, I will help you open the other fixed iron bars. "

"No need." I just pulled the other hand off the shelf, and then stepped down from the holder. The metal holders that fixed my whole body were all broken like noodles, which could not cause me anything. Any blocking.

Sunny said to me: "You go first and see if there are any problems. We will help you find a way."

I obediently turned my body in place, moved my limbs, and then wanted to make two in-place small jumps. As a result, I bounced and flew up to the roof. With a loud bang, my head hit the ceiling, and then the whole person fell down again, sitting on the wheelbarrow that smashed the car. "I rely on it, it seems that I have to adapt to the seal of the throne for a while!"

"Haha, there are still some problems with the control of the strength of the control signal. Adapt it just fine. You now have twice the power as before, and you feel that you use one Newton of power, and the actual use will be two cows, so you must control it yourself Just rest assured that your body has an auxiliary control system made by the second-generation power system. You should be writing a program and reset it. "

I climbed up while holding the next console, and squeaked, leaving five fingerprints on the console. "It doesn't seem so easy to control!"

"Try adjusting the power output system, or simply turn off the auxiliary afterburner system on the bones."

I closed my eyes and used the mind control electronics to turn off the auxiliary power, and then tried the power again. Holding a glass cup, it shook up and down, but it didn't break. "It seems to be back to normal. Sure enough, it is better to use no auxiliary afterburner."

Qing Qing reminded: "In the normal time, you are better to be on, and it is best to adapt. After all, you still need to use it in combat. I am also honored to tell you that you will be lucky to be the first fighter in the Fourth Special Zone A qualified driver. "

"Why do you want me to drive?"

"Because the speed of that fighter was amazing, a test pilot died and a test pilot suffered a stroke in the previous test flight. At present, this kind of killing can be sustained. Only you and about to accept you Those artificial people with the same physical transformation. The ordinary people of ours have thin arms and tender legs to sit up. As long as one degree is increased, we will become a thin human meat loaf and stick to the seat. " Mysteriously: "Hey, tell you, Laomei has dug up this fighter, but still sleeps in the laboratory. I heard that more than a dozen test pilots have died. Now no one dares to go at all. You only need If we can drive around the United States with this thing, the old beauty in the Pacific dispute will never turn our backs on us. "

"Then you have to plan first, I can't just fly over for a ride right now?"

"Of course you can." A voice appeared behind me. Dad came over from behind. "How does your new body feel?"

"It's okay, but it's too hard to control. It's best not to contact other people until you get used to it." I pointed to the console that still had my fingerprints on it. "I'm fine, it hurts to hurt others."

The two behind Dad looked at the table, and they were all heartbroken. After hard training for more than ten years, it is still personal. After all, the operation platform is not stainless steel, and they can't make fingerprints on this table without hands.

"Yes, at your level, one or two special forces probably can't help you."

The officer behind Dad said, "If you meet a sniper, you don't have to."

I said confidently: "I should be able to win without accidents."

"Flashing?" The officer said dismissively: "The sniper's stunt is camouflage. You can never show them before firing."

"I don't mean flashing snipers. I mean flashing after the bullets are found."

"What? Can you flash a bullet?" The officer's jaw almost fell.

I used to say: "General sniper rifles should be fired from a distance of more than 150 meters. At least you can pass the key points. Of course. If you use an anti-equipment weapon to shoot against my head, of course I will It's going to be dead. But weapons like pistols probably won't work against me. "I knocked on my mind. "This is the armor layer, and the cell phone is probably not worn. If you die, it will cause skin trauma."

Another more stable officer pointed at my dirty. "What if you get hit here?"

I looked down. "I have a second circulatory system. It's okay to pierce it and it's no problem. As long as it is not sieved, even if both systems are damaged. It can still fight normally for 24 hours. After that, the electronic brain can maintain more than 12 hours. Off the body cycle, during this period, just run back to repair the body. "

Sunny interjected suddenly: "Actually you don't need to repair it. We can use your cells to clone countless bodies for you and transform them into exactly the same state now. If the body is blown up, just take out the electronic brain and change it. Yes. So unless your head is directly hit by a high-power weapon, your body will be fine even if it is blown up. Judging by the hardness and arc of your electronic brain shell, only large missiles can cause this kind of damage. Or fired from a short distance by anti-equipment, or your brain is not good enough to plug your head into the cannon barrel, otherwise it should not be damaged. Besides, the body's skull is also a synthetic material, the hardness is not worse than the armor plate, even if They may not be worn in the middle of the fight. "

The calmer officer told his dad: "The central government has always doubted the reliability of Long Yuan's technology, and now it doesn't seem to have to worry about it. As long as an artificial **** such as your grandson has a squad, no big regiment can treat them. The current local warfare is an extremely sharp dagger, which can kill him if it is stuck on the enemy. "

"Haha, General Zhang is too exaggerated. But the deterrence of force you said last time can be considered. The Americans will not give face in the negotiations, so we have to move a little.

Dad and the two officers left the place while plotting how to deter the Americans. I asked for some quizzes, and then called Rose and my magic pets offline. They have also been transformed. Because the transformation was not very happy, everyone quickly succeeded. However, all of them have the same out-of-control phenomenon as me, and need to adapt to work properly. But we don't have to worry about it before, everyone's physical strength is very high, even if they don't converge, they won't hurt others. The only thing to be careful of is not to hurt the researchers, their bones are not as strong as steel plates.

Scarlett joked that it is more convenient for the body to go downstairs now. It can jump down from the height below forty floors without climbing stairs. Because Sunny introduces with our current physical strength. For buildings below forty floors, we can jump directly from the top floor. As long as we can ensure that our legs land on the ground first, even without any protective equipment, at most, the legs will be a little numb at the moment of landing. And in extreme cases, the sixty-floor jump can't fall, of course, it will certainly hurt, but with our recovery ability, it will be ok in a few days.

The sunny day suddenly said to us: "Oh right. Suddenly I remember that there are still some things that I haven't shown you."

"what is this?"

"When you see you, you know. It's guaranteed to be something that interests you."

Sunny and unwilling to tell us exactly what we are going to take us to see. We had to follow him. In the end we were taken to a huge laboratory. On the wall opposite the gate stood a row of huge round dwellings. I knew it was an incubator, but they were now all covered by a radiation shield. The culture chamber is used for the post-molding of the organism, as long as the entire biological embryo is put in it. Adults can then be grown directly. As for the metal layer wrapped around it, it can actually be understood as a light box. There are a large number of light radiation ports on the inside of these metal layers. It can release various forms of trace radiation, including x-rays, γ-rays, b-rays, ultraviolet rays, infrared rays, electromagnetic radiation and other radiations, which are specially used for later fine-tuning of living organisms.

Ling walked to one of the tanks, then stood on the base, extended his head and glanced in from the observation port on the radome. "Oh my god, it's Yeyue. Let's take a look." "Yeyue?" I ran over in three steps and two steps, and gathered in the narrow observation port to look inside. The culture chamber should be light green, but at this time it is dark red, obviously heating. The temperature of the incubator is very important for the growth of the finished body. It is impossible to use electric heating wires, but only to use infrared rays for uniform heating. A snake-tailed organism in the liquid is quietly suspended there. Her body and face are exactly the version of Yeyue. The only difference is that she is not wearing clothes now, which is more likely to make people bloody. Fortunately, my blood vessels have also been strengthened, otherwise it must have been blowing nosebleeds. Although my resistance to women is very high, but a body like Yeyue would not be able to resist it if she was naked.

As other people were about to surround themselves, there was a sudden exhaust sound from the radome, and then the hood rose up. Almost at the same time, the entire row of hoods was lifted up, and the training cabins in the hall were directly exposed to our sight.

"Oh my God!" I was stunned by the sight of my eyes.

The training chambers in the hall are all full, and everything inside is different. The tank on the left side of Yeyue was a beautiful girl with a mermaid body, and her appearance was clearly my magic mermaid, Ariana. Below Ajana's waist is a fish body covered with scales, while Aona's ears are shaped like shark fins, with fish gills behind both ears, which can be used for breathing in the water. We have one more eyelid, which is probably used to protect the eyeballs underwater.

A familiar figure floated in the training chamber to the right of Yeyue, but my expression became very unnatural after seeing her. "Hey, sunny, what's going on?"

Sunny came running with a smirk on his face. "Don't you recognize it?"

"It's because I recognized it, that's why I asked you what happened." There is a standard human body floating in the training chamber. Its appearance is clearly the small silver moon I used in the game, but the only problem is that the silver Although Yue is feminine in appearance, she is still male, but the women in the training cabin now have the same facial features as Yinyue. But she has a complete female body.

Sunny could not help laughing. "It doesn't matter to me. It's all about the old perverts at the headquarters. They are joking with you. This is a human body cultivated by your DNA. Of course, there is no brain training, so she is only a corpse. When we finish, we will Make her your second-generation power system, which is the same as your current body, to work as your replacement body in an emergency. Rest assured. This is completely cultivated by your somatic cells. We just modified the **** chromosome, and nothing else. She and your brain can exchange blood without rejection. If you want to try to feel like a woman, just connect your electronic brain. "

"I'm not that interested? Beware I've knocked you out and ask the perverts to get you a **** change operation."

Rose smiled and joked: "It's okay husband, I don't mind multiple sisters."

Qingtian smiled and smiled: "In fact, not only this one, all of our right-hand side are spare life forms cultivated by using your DNA as a model, and all have not cultivated the brain, as long as it is connected to your electronic brain. Used directly. "

At a glance, I saw that there were dozens of bodies in the past, and even more horrible was that more than half were inhuman.

The sunny day pulled me to introduce me. On the right side of the silver moon version's spare body is a mermaid body just like Ariana. Fortunately, this is a male. Qing Qing introduced: "This is a mermaid version of the body specially designed for underwater work. His characteristics are high muscle strength and high output when swimming; there are fish gills behind the ears that can breathe underwater; the body is more cold-resistant; the skin is imitation The water performance is good. It won't be soaked by water like human skin; the eyes have infrared vision. Objects can be seen in the dark deep sea, and the ear has sonar receiving ability, which can receive the extra sonar echo before it to detect the surrounding environment. By the way, There are also scent glands on both sides of the dorsal fin of this body, which can emit pungent odors, so that giant marine monsters such as king squid will not swallow you as a small fish. "

"Fuck, isn't it frogman gear?"

"This is much better than the frogman. Wow people have to come back for an hour to change the oxygen cylinder. You can stay underwater 24 hours without interruption."

"It's still a frogman, it's just a senior frogman."

Sunny smiled and pulled me to the front of a training room next to me. "If the mermaid doesn't like it, how about this?"

I screamed before I spoke. "Isn't this your transformation mode?"

The creatures cultivated in this jar are as high as two meters four, and their appearance is completely a werewolf. Tall body, strong muscles, sharp fangs, sharp claws, and a lovely big tail. "You guys are too nasty, are you out of this stuff?"

Sunny Sunny proudly said: "This is my voice, and it is one of the higher scores in the computer simulation score. It looks powerful, powerful, and lethal. The most important thing is the flexibility and lightning Degree. If you use this body, no enemy in the forest can catch up with you. "

"Yeah! I want to use this body to make a circle around Shennongjia. If I don't get it, I will be caught back as a savage."

The sunny day immediately pulled me to the side. "It doesn't matter, you don't like that werewolf, there are still bearmen here."

"Fuck, is this a bear man or a troll?" This training cabin is relatively large. The body inside is about three meters tall and very scary. If it is on the limbs, it will be a big bear.

Qing Qing introduced: "The muscle strength of this bear-man is four and a half of the werewolf. The strength is not a little bit. If you put on this body, I guarantee that you can overturn the tank directly. Give the handle a ton of sledgehammer. You can use it as an anti-tank weapon. "

Skott kept making fit movements in front of this jar: "Wow, how good I want to grow such a muscle! Look at this arm, it's thicker than my thigh."

Ling beat his waist: "Don't talk about your legs, it's thicker than my waist."

Qingqing said: "This is basically a human meat tank. Generally, the bullets can be ignored, as long as you protect your eyes."

"It looks so fierce. Going out will scare people."

"It doesn't matter, there are other types here."

Sunny helped me introduce all the spares one by one. Except for ten normal spares that are exactly the same as mys now, everything else is really everything. Werewolves and bearmen later appeared in dozens of alternate forms, such as angel form, demon form, flower elf form, white form, black form, shepherd form, giant eagle form, dragon form, alien form, and giant insect form. Sunny is also well-known to meet the needs of various environments. such as. If you need to penetrate the European environment, the white body has advantages. Or if you need to do something unseen, then use the alien form. Anyway, even if you are seen, someone must be a prank or an alien attack outside of you. I can't think of me anyway. And that shepherd shape. Disguised as a dog, it's too easy to track an enemy. Anyway, these bodies have their own uses.

However, of these bodies, the larger ones, such as the dragon-shaped spare body, are of great interest to me. This dragon body was cultivated by my DNA transformation. The brain is also empty. However, in order for me to adapt to manipulating such a large body, the dragon's body has been equipped with an auxiliary control system using the second-generation power system. I can simply manipulate this large body to experience the feeling of being a dragon.

In fact, compared to the peculiarities of these bodies, I was more curious about what forces Dragon Dragon to start letting go of its hands and feet to make non-humanoid organisms. Although previous human experiments were contraindicated, they still look human, but they are different now. Half-human life forms such as Yeyue and Ariana have crossed the boundaries of human beings. No matter from what angle they are, they are already a new kind of special, completely out of the category of one person. I don't mind being able to create biodiversity. But I am worried that once these things are known to outsiders, how will those people react?

Create non-human beings. In this way we have powerful biological weapons. If others don't, those people who don't will find ways to attack us, anyway, they can't see others better than them.

Alternative racists who consider themselves to be the most noble race and who consider humans above all other specialities will attack us. Anyway, they think. Unacceptable things happen to more human beings. Humans do n’t evolve, and they do n’t care if they do n’t develop. Even if human beings are self-degraded and eliminated by the universe. They will also be content to think that human beings were the strongest creatures in the world before extinction, and then they will be well-known for protecting human dignity. When it comes to implementation, I always think that extinct creatures have no dignity to say, just as people who have been defeated in history will be demonized. There is no dignity in the competition between specialities. The most successful is the breeding to the end. By the way, the most successful specialties on earth today should be cockroaches. Probably humans will die out and survive stubbornly!

In the end, those who spread the doomsday will still attack us. Anyway, they don't care how to resist the doomsday, but they are constantly fantasizing about various possibilities to create extinction. I suspect that these people probably have masochistic currency and victim paranoia, but unfortunately this group accounts for a considerable proportion of humanity.

Anyway, once the information of any non-human creature is leaked, even a little clue can lead to unpredictable consequences. The hostile forces do not necessarily come from abroad, and people at home will also oppose us. Although ordinary people are simple, they are also easily provoked. In the social group of human beings, the shortcoming of ransom is written into human instincts in the form of DNA, and eradication is almost impossible. As long as foreign forces show evidence that Dragon Edge has made semi-human creatures, then some crisis theory is appropriately disseminated. After that, things will definitely be hot. The scene of the last time Xiaodian appeared on the streets of Changsha has caused a lot of uproar. Although the evidence-clearing operation was done well afterwards, there are still many skeptics. I'm really worried that a small leak will cause Long Yuan's giant wheel to turn over in the gutter.

Sunny didn't seem to notice my concern, and introduced herself to the other species. I saw a large number of species, such as the Red Fox of the Sky Vulcan, the steel teeth of the King Kong unicorn, the scabbard spider sickle, and the giant beetle tank. But these are all just now. The soul is not connected yet. According to Sunny, these creatures will use electronic brain modification like me, and then prepare a backup body for them. For half-human creatures such as Ariana and Yeyue, the base intends to make all human bodies for them so that they can be replaced when they want to appear in human society.

"What is this?" Suddenly, a large bug floated in the type one. This thing is chubby and about fifteen centimeters in length. Slightly thinner than the wrist. If it weren't for the pair of sharp giant jaws in front, I thought it was a big cock!

Come back tomorrow and ask, "Don't you know?"

"Is this my favorite?"

"That's not true, but this thing is also one of the creatures you bring."

I looked at this again. From the morphological point of view, it should be some kind of larva, and what can be regarded as a worm around me, it seems that there are only ghost beetles and iron wasps. "Is this thing a ghost beetle or a steel hare?"

"Hey, this thing is actually a new speciality modeled after your iron hare. The basic genetic blueprint is from a hybrid species."

"Don't tell me this is an improved version of Murderer!"

"It really makes you guess, this is the improved version of Killer Bee."

The horrific killing front is actually something that a beautiful woman has made. At first it was the American bee who was six times the size of the domestic bee, and then they wanted to use the African bee to cross the domestic bee. Produce new bees with greater honey production. As a result, the high-yielding bees did not come out, but a little devil came up. The class killer bee is three times the size of a domestic bee, the poison content is 36 times that of a domestic bee, and it is extremely aggressive and cannot be domesticated at all. A strong adult Caucasian man can die in 12 needles, and children under 12 have three needles. There have been records of suffocation of horses and cattle on the farm.

Qing Qing said: "This little thing is still in the larval stage, and it will have the ability to attack after it becomes an adult. But don't look at the larva so large, the adult body will actually be smaller. About ten centimeters or so." Rose Says: "A bee that is 10 centimeters long can also kill people!" Sunny corrected: "Note ~ ~ This is not a bee, but a version of a killer bee. Now we see this is a queen, After mating, it can breed slightly smaller worker bees, and it also produces a small number of drones. The life of this queen is fifteen years, but the life of the worker bees is only six months. The length of each worker bee will be seven. At about nine centimeters, there is a large chewing device in the mouth. It has the ability to bite, and a one-centimeter-long poison needle is in the tail. The poisonous needle of the worker bee contains strong neurotoxin. After poisoning, it will cause severe pain and cause muscle convulsions. Death due to respiratory failure, this worker bee can bring down a large hound with only one needle, two needles can produce an adult, and ten or more needles can poison an elephant. In addition, unlike bees, this kills The bee stings will not die. The poisonous needle will grow after three to five days. As for the drone, it will be as large as the queen, up to ten centimeters in length, and two centimeters long in the tail, the toxicity is about that of a worker bee. Xiaochun suddenly asked: "How do honey bees collect such honey? When they fall, they probably overwhelm the flowers." "I stress again, this is not a bee, but a killer bee. Their Aggressiveness comes from their appetite because they are carnivores. The predation method is to sting the target and cause it to breathe to death, then use a huge chewing machine to tear off the flesh of the prey and bring it back to the nest to feed the young bees and Queen bee. "" Is it too dangerous for carnivorous insects? "Weina asked. "After all, they are insects. Unlike me and Ling, although they are strong. They have rational thinking. Insects will do whatever they can to survive."

"Of course we know that, so we have defensive measures in place."

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