Starting from Zero

Vol 12 Chapter 49: Unexpected fortune and strangeness

Attacking this guild is not a big deal for us. A small guild of this level is generally a complete sweep of destruction as long as we are willing to move on. However, the significance of this attack is different. This is our first battle to officially enter Russia. After that, we will officially begin to integrate into the Russian sphere of influence and must be treated with care. The city we are building now will also be a stronghold for us, so it must be taken seriously.

It takes a lot of time for the construction of the city and the later transfer of the seal of the throne. I intend to use this time to help the military band of the guild perform several tasks to solve the problem of musical instruments and magic pets. With the help of the Dragonfly Castle, the international teleportation team returned to Isinger first. All the band members who finally got together were leveling up together, and at the same time practicing the cooperation between each other.

Those who were arranged by me to guide the leveling of these girls said that the leveling method of these girls could be called euthanasia. The monsters became dull and foolish one by one in the music, all the low-level monsters went into a half-sleeping state, and the high-level monsters dangled like drunks, even if they encountered particularly powerful monsters, they could completely resist various hypnotic music, It will eventually be killed. Because no matter how strong this monster is, after being superimposed by so many negative effects of the magician, it will be weakened into a low-level monster state, and it will be killed in a few clicks. I used to worry that their attack was too low for leveling, and now it seems that they are too strong and there is no suitable monster to kill them.

Twenty-four mm of music system plus true red and gold coin holders, are a total of 26 beauties. I took 26 mm by myself to return to the nearby city from the leveling area, and the players around us all paid attention to us. There are face changes in the game, even if the mm is not very beautiful, it will not be worse. But the sudden appearance of twenty-six beautiful women was quite shocking. The most important thing is that our appearance lineup is too luxurious. In order to facilitate their leveling, I have equipped these mms with a unicorn pegasus without a hair, plus the white cloaks prepared by the mms to match the mounts, just like angel parades, and the return rate is absolutely 100%.

After entering the city, select the teleportation array. The goal is directly to Issinger's central teleportation array. After going to the Ruyi Altar from this side, I asked them, "Do you want magic pets first, or equipment first?"

It wasn't a bit of a gain for them to practice with them for two or three days. At least they understood the characteristics of the personnel and cultivated a basic degree of tacit understanding. Except for the two national holders who are my special invitees, a basic division of labor has emerged in the twenty-four band. As the only singer in the band, Carrie Obi has the most prominent personality. There is a clear tendency to become a leader of everyone, while Qun Rui, who was originally a stronger woman, has become a second-hand figure. In addition to the two of them, Bingbing and Bingling have also become two special existences. Relying on the status of Bingbing, Bingling is more active, probably the third person in the band. However, Bingbing is a special person who usually listens to the instructions of others, but has a veto right on everything. I usually listen to others' instructions because Bingbing belongs to that introverted and rather shy personality. So she is not very used to taking her own ideas, she must be instructed by some to give her strength. But on the other hand, Bingbing's status is too high-end, and these other mm are considered migrant workers at best. However, Bingbing was the basic staff at the beginning of the guild. If it wasn't because she was not a commander, she is now at least one of the members of the guild. But no matter how embarrassed, she was one of the top members of the guild, and no one in the band really dare offend her. This also established her unique status.

After hearing my question, everyone didn't mess up, just briefly discussed it, and then Carly Obi, who faintly became the captain, said to me: "Compared to the magic pet. We think the equipment is more important, we still need to first Equip it. "

"That's good." I took out a box. "Draw lots."

"What are you doing?"

"You draw first. In addition, the four dancing angels, you only need to send one person to draw. There are only twelve scale angels who only need one representative to draw."

Zhongmm completed the lottery in doubt, but they didn't have any expression, because they didn't know what it meant to get these lots. I explained after they all got the visas: "The signatures you get are all numbers, from one to ten representing the order of your equipment tasks."

The twelve mm of the twelve scales known as the angel immediately asked: "Then why do we have only one of the twelve?"

"Yeah! Why did our four sisters sign one?" The twins protested.

"You are all in teams, so your equipment cannot be determined arbitrarily according to individual needs. You must comprehensively consider the attributes of the entire team. Therefore, when you apply, you directly apply for a team task with coordination capabilities.

"That's it." The group of girls nodded and said they could accept the arrangement.

Carrie Obi suddenly turned her head and asked, "Who got the number one?"

"Here is me." Qun Rui raised his hand.

"What about number two?" Carrie Obi continued.

"Be with me." This time is the representative of the four sisters. "Haha, we didn't expect us to be second."

I poured them cold water: "Don't be too happy. The difficulty of the task will not be adjusted because of the quality of the personnel. It will only be affected by the number of people. The task at the beginning will need to be done so directly, the difficulty will be higher, and it will fail It ’s also more likely that people who do it later will have less equipment because the people in the front have already got the equipment and their strength will be improved. So it ’s good luck to be in the back. It ’s not good to be in the front. ”

Carrie Obi laughed and shook her lot. "Then I look unlucky, it's actually number three. Then tell me the numbers in order."

The next person counted in turn, Qingxin was fourth, Der Spiegel was fifth, and sixth was Princess Crystal. Seventh is the day

The twelve scales of the angel, the eighth is the crystal flame, the ninth is the ice, the ice is actually the last. Really good luck!

According to the order in which they are drawn, Qun Rui must first complete the task and change the equipment. Considering the terrible ability of the altar to ensure foolproofness, I first let Qun Rui describe the functions of the whole body equipment that she hoped to obtain. Twenty-four of them stood on the altar, and then I went to the altar with real red and gold coins. Signaled to the player who is operating outside can start, that player immediately activated the energy device of the altar. A large amount of magic was drawn into the altar, and the magic array at our feet lit up with white light immediately.

Everyone held their breath and motionless. Let me express my wish. This is to prevent unclear expressions from causing mission deviations. This kind of thing has not been born once or twice, this altar is open to the official players of this bank. Many players have erroneous tasks because of their inability to express, and the rewards and wishes obtained after completion are seriously inconsistent. There is no way to blame the system. I can only blame myself for not being detailed enough. I repeatedly confirmed the need of Qun Rui to prevent mistakes. It is now up to me to express my wishes, and my possibility of making mistakes is relatively small.

As soon as my wish was over, the white magic array beneath my feet suddenly glowed brightly, and the surrounding area turned into a white expanse. When the light was dim again and recovered to the point where we could look at the object again, it was extremely dangerous where we suddenly stood.

"I trust. Why did you teleport us here?" Gold Coin exclaimed, looking at the raging lava below.

We actually appeared in the middle of a magma lake, and we were still on top of a pillar of magma. The stone pillars are only a dozen meters away from the magma lake below. The hot steam with a strong sulfur smell smokes the eyes. And the top of this stone pillar is not as big as the altar. The people we stand on are almost to the edge, and if we move one more step, they will fall.

Carly Obey stooped and looked at the following situation: "Dear guy, we were thrown directly into the crater."

"Don't worry, there must be a way to complete the mission. Qun Ruidi's request is not to acquire new weapons, but to strengthen her existing equipment, so it should not be too difficult to make sure that there will be no death. Please take a closer look If there's anything worthy of note nearby, if it doesn't work, just fly out and talk about it. "

"Is that okay?" Qun Rui pointed us diagonally up. There was a hole in the direction she was pointing,

Carrie Obi patted me. Then point in the other direction. "Whether it counts or not, shall we go before we talk?" I followed her fingers and saw that the dorsal fin of a huge creature in the magma rose, and this thing was rushing towards us. Judging by the degree and volume of the other party, the rock under our feet couldn't stand his collision.

"Dongfeng, plague, go and block that guy. Fortunately, take everyone over."

The black dragons among the dragons are not afraid of magma. The plague directly hit the monsters in the magma, and the thing was immediately pressed by the plague below the lake. Xiaofeng winged into the magma in the sky. Carrie Obi asked me with some worry: "Are they all right?"

"It doesn't matter, Xiaofeng is a black flame, and the higher the temperature, the worse she is. She is almost invincible in this type of magma lake."

Just talking about the sudden explosion of a huge flame on the lake surface, Xiaofeng has returned to its original shape, fluttering the lava with a rolling wing of more than one hundred meters, and rolled away from the lake with a rolling lava. She was still holding something under her paw.

"Flame King Snake!" Crystal Flame cried, pointing at the thing. "Don't be killed! It's a thousand-level monster, superb!"

I nodded. "I see. I'll let Xiaofeng knock him out."

The crystal princess suddenly said: "The snake is so pitiful. I remember that the bird of warcraft seemed to be a snake of the genus of snakes, the phoenix was the king of birds, and the flame king snake was a big snake, which just happened to be completely restrained.

Carrie Obi suddenly said, "Strange, what about your dragon?"

"Ah ...?" I was suddenly reacted when Carrie Obi said so. How come there are only two magic pets? Where's the plague? Quickly use contact. "Plague, where have you been?"

"I'm at the bottom of the lake."

"What are you going to run down here? Come up."

"There are good things underneath. You better check it out too."

"Below? Any good stuff?"

"It's very valuable anyway, don't be a pity."

"Value?" Green eyes flashed instantly. "I'll get down right away," turned to Cario Bi, "you sit down and wait for me in that hole first. The plague finds something below, and I'll go and see."

"Go down?" Carrie Obi was startled. "You mean to go under the magma?"

"Hey. Don't be so fussed. The artifact set is not to be seen. You go first, I will come up in a while." After that, I put the mask down, and after pressing the lock, I directly pressed the fire on my body. Drilling, the red light immediately wrapped my body. At the same time, the surface of my armor was flaming with the flames of hell. Go to the edge of the stone pillar and step out. The whole person fell into the magma, just like falling on the jelly. But this thing is not solid after all, my body quickly fell.

The bottom of the magma lake is far less sticky than the surface, and the magma is thinner as it goes down, and it feels almost like water. But the heat of magma is not a joke. Although the fire resistance properties of the magic dragon suit are good, they are not completely resistant to the high temperature of the magma. However, my ground armor is inlaid with a fire drill, and the flames of **** that absorb energy can absorb the high temperature, so it is not a big deal in the magma, it just feels very hot.

I sneaked all the way down. The magma is not as translucent as the water. Although the lower magma is relatively thinner than the upper one, the visibility is still only twenty centimeters. Basically it can be said that five fingers are out of reach. Nothing could be seen except redness. Fortunately, I can also sense the location of the plague by my contact.

Just run after him.

Soon I came to the plague. The plague was inconvenient to speak in the magma, and I could only talk to me through spiritual contact.

"Master, look at the things below."

"My eyes are red. I can't see anything!"

"Oh, then you point down now and reach out to touch. Yes, that's where, pick it up." I followed the plague command and felt a hard object with sharp edges, like a stone. The magic dragon suit can pass the touch to my fingers, but after all, it is not my own skin. I can't feel the fineness of the surface. I can only judge the hardness and lines. I took this thing in front of me, almost got to the front of the crystal% mirror on the mask, and finally saw what it was.

The land I got was a gem. It looks red at the moment, but this is not necessarily the original color. There is a fiery red everywhere under the magma. The gemstone is so highly reflective. Of course, what color of light is around it? "I can't see the color at all! Can you see the color clearly in the plague?"

The plague said helplessly: "Master, you are really misconducted!"

"Ah? Why?"

"Have you got four dragon pets, don't you know the dragon is color blind?"

"Ah? Are the dragons color blind?"

"Yes. All dragons are naturally color-blind. But we have a magic called Colorful World, which can give us temporary color vision, but I can't use this magic under the magma."

"Halo! You wait, I'll go up and see what gem this is."

With the plague waiting below, I floated straight up out of the lake and reached out my hand. The surrounding light was still too red to see the color, and I had no choice but to spread my wings and fly out of the magma. Just less than a meter from the lake, he suddenly flew over with a shadow over his head. Xiaofeng and the snake are still fighting! Xiaofeng grabbed the king snake and fell over the cliff of the crater. A big snake burrowed into the mountain and almost turned into a sculpture. But when Xiao Fengfei tried to attack, the snake suddenly bounced off the cliff, entangled Xiao Feng in the air, the two big guys fell into the lava together, and the splashing magma **** flew around.

I flew directly to the other side of the cliff, and climbed to the hole on top of which Carleobi was hiding. Take back the luck first, and then drill into the hole. The light here is relatively dim. I let the gold coins use lighting to make a little white light, and at the same time I used the wings to block the red light outside, and the color of the gem was completely clear.

This thing is red, and the surface is still burning with flames. The gold coins flashed stars and said, "Oh my God! I have never seen such a pure flint, the flame elements are so strong that they can burn without the need for activation, is this too abnormal?"

"Hey, no matter whether the equipment of Qunrui can be upgraded this time, at least this trip didn't run for nothing." I put the flintstone on the ground. "If anyone of you has fire protection, please seal it up and put it away. There are a lot of these things below. I'll go down and get them all up."

"Wait. Ah ...!" As soon as the gold coins were excited, they wanted to hold me, and as soon as they touched my armor, a loud noise came, and the gold coins screamed and leaped back, and the air was filled with iron. The taste of teppanyaki. "Wow! Who burns me if I'm burned? I can't hold it myself, it won't work!"

"You are too. I just came up from the magma, the temperature is still high, don't be excited if you have something!"

"I'm not good for you." The gold coin said unconvinced: "It's not impossible that the flame elements naturally condensed into flint, but such a high concentration of flame crystals gathered in a large area, do you think it formed naturally? "

As soon as the gold coins reminded me, I immediately realized that something was wrong. The magma temperature is high, but not to the point where it can naturally condense into volcanic stones, and there should not be such a high-purity thing, let alone such a dense appearance. Then the only possibility is that some creature artificially gathered this thing together. Generally, humanoids are not very likely because humanoids are social animals. They will sell gems for trading instead of hiding and playing. On the contrary, many Warcraft have the habit of gathering treasures, such as giants. Long.

The king snake that just appeared was a big suspect, but as far as we know, the fire king snake does not have the habit of collecting gems. On the contrary, this guy likes to collect the bones of the enemy to decorate his nest. Since it is not a king snake, there should be something more dangerous in this magma.

As soon as I thought about the crux of the problem, it was messy outside. Xiaofeng just threw the king snake out again, and the king snake hit the stone pillar we just appeared, and the stone pillar collapsed. Xiaofeng was rushing to think about the result of this guy, but when he flew halfway, the magma below Xiaofeng suddenly exploded, and a black shadow flew out, colliding directly with Xiaofeng. Xiaofeng originally intended that Hai Bian would hit his enemies, but now he was hit by a plague, and the plague was obviously thrown up by others.

"How did you do that? Who was made like this?" Xiaofeng was surprised that the plague had not only been thrown up, but suddenly there were three big mouths on his body, as if something had been caught. Dragon scales have always been the finest materials for building armor and shields, showing how high the defense scale of dragon scales is. In addition, many people do n’t know that the dragons ’scales are hard enough, and their skin is also inaccessible. Three **** mouths were caught on the back of the plague, showing how abnormal the attack power of this thing was.

"Dongfeng, bring the plague up, leave the dead earthworm alone. There is a harder one below." I yelled at Xiaofeng.

Xiaofeng obediently brought the plague to the fore, and I once again called for luck to move everyone up, and then hurry up, because the lake surface of Magma Lake has already begun to punish. The Fire King Snake fled to the periphery in a panic, and then drilled into a very concealed gap. Obviously this thing to come out was stronger than him.

Much more harmful.

The entire magma lake started to spin up, and a huge vortex appeared in the magma in the lake. Lava was spinning and punishing upwards, quickly drowning the hole we just avoided, and thanks to my foresight, we ran out in advance, otherwise we would all be smoldering chicken now.

The center of the rotating lake suddenly exploded, and the magma spurted up. A huge object rose from below the magma, lifting it all up.

"Oh my God! How could this be this thing?"

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