Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 1: Full adjustment

Without any descriptive reminders, the system simply broadcasted the news that the national warfare system was about to open, and nothing else was said. A countdown of thirty seconds was made before twelve o'clock, but the moment when the throne of time arrived, nothing was left. Many people waiting at the guild headquarters to participate in the national war looked at each other stupidly together.

"Is this the beginning?" Asked a player somewhere.

"Probably?" The player next to him replied uncertainly.

In fact, there are many people like them. Everyone thinks that the beginning of the national war will be chaotic, and then there will be a large-scale war immediately, but the result will be peaceful and terrible. However, things are not as simple as they seem. Although the system has not noticed anything, it does not mean that nothing is born.

All the people in our guild are gathered in the communication command room used by the **** of war, which is connected to all the guild's communication and information systems, so you can check any information here at any time. I told the military Shinto: "Gathering the situation, there will be nothing in the national war."

The **** of war answered in a stupid voice: "The intelligence system is gathering information, and the results will not come out tomorrow morning."

I reluctantly told everyone: "Since this time everyone first seizes the time to rest on the throne of the Seal of God, since the national war has begun, it will not be so easy to pass."

Everyone went off line to rest according to my requirements, and Rose and I continued to stare at the situation. The God of War's prediction was slightly more optimistic, and it was not until 2 pm and 1 pm on the 1st that information was compiled. Everyone regrouped here to listen to the situation reported by the army god.

Army God didn't turn his head back, while both hands continued to operate the console, while talking to us in his mouth. "Information shows that the national warfare system has indeed been greatly adjusted, but there is no public notice. The first modification is to reduce the experience value of all monsters in the country to one tenth of the original. And actively attacking monsters and killing the opponent will increase Evil value. "

Chuang Wang immediately asked in surprise: "Killing monsters also adds evil? How can you level up?"

"Evil values ​​only target monsters in their own country. Players in any country who actively attack and kill monsters in the country where their nationality is located will be dealt with according to the player pk, and the experience value will be greatly reduced. However. Attacking non-local monsters will not only have experience value Decreased, but increased by 5%. Killing monsters in other countries does not increase the evil value. If you kill monsters in the hostile country, you can increase the justice value or offset the evil value. "

Rose rubbed the sun and said: "That is to say, the system divides the forces within the country into one of the national combat capabilities. Army God, does the system also cancel the active aggressiveness of monsters at the same time?"

"Yes." The army **** replied while he was busy: "Domestic monsters will no longer actively attack their own players, unless it is an organized team such as a temple or heaven, and it is more disgusting with someone or a certain force High will take the initiative to attack, otherwise the monsters will not take the initiative to attack their own players. But the monsters of each country will treat non-national players differently. If the two countries are allies, then they will not take the initiative to attack, if the two countries are unrelated countries, then The monster's previous habits determine whether to attack actively. If the two countries are hostile, the monster will attack unconditionally and be extremely fierce. "

The gold coin said: "Rose, you guessed it right! In that case, wouldn't the invaders become very hard during the war?"

I said, "The system is to make the intruders more difficult. This is a balancing measure. However, it will be easier to fight defensive battles, which will be relatively fair to the weaker lands."

The God of War continued: "Monster counterattack is just one. According to information, the same situation as monsters also has free bsp in the city;" Isn't freedom free of attack? "Asked Hongyue.

"After the start of the national war, all freedoms will have a certain amount of attack power according to the plot settings and different reactions according to their own personality settings. All freedoms will have emotional attributes. They will become patriots, neutrals and traitors. Patriots will Actively support allies and domestic players, and attack enemy players. Neutrals are neutral to everyone. Traitors and patriots are completely opposite, they will actively help enemy players and attack their own players. In addition, except for freedom and chaos, among them Most will be patriotic, and the probability of such a community being treasonous is low. "

Rose interrupted: "These bsp;" According to the information, it seems that it is possible to buy land, but most of the buyable members are concentrated in the organization. Only neutrals can buy it. Treasoners do not buy it. Patriots cannot buy it. "

"That's good." Rose nodded with a smile. "It looks like we have something to do in the future."

"Are you going to buy people again?" The gold coin asked.

"I'm trying to reduce unnecessary wars as much as possible ~ ~ Rose retorts and asks God of War:" What changes will tell us together. "

The God of War continued: "In addition to the changes in the earth, there are also changes in the natural environment. First, the isolation zone has disappeared."

"Disappeared? How did it disappear?"

"Probably suddenly disappeared." Army Shinto: "I checked with the detection capability of Babel Tower. The storm zone between China and Japan disappeared, and a large number of passages appeared in the mountains between the neighboring countries. German intelligence said there was an earthquake, and then there were many passages between Germany and neighboring countries. I speculate that all countries are the same and have established passages with each other. Japan and the United States even appeared a An underground passage with a space connection. After entering the passage on the Japanese side, it won't go far before it will appear in the United States. There must be a space system connection. "

Rose nodded: "These are probably passages specially prepared to facilitate national warfare between different countries. But, have we just lifted the maritime passage restrictions between us?"

"Of course more than that." Army Shinto: "We have another major achievement."

"Oh? What is it?"

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