Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 6: world

In the end, more than 1,900 military gods also gave detailed requirements. One thousand of them came from within the guild. The Temple of Chaos of Chaos and Order at Weina can produce a class of soldiers called the "Leader", which currently supports up to ten people with the ability of the Temple. Although the system allows various temples to sell arms to players, it is not infinite, and it mainly depends on the strength of this temple. The temple of Wei Na is only the exclusive religion of our guild, so its support ability to the army is not high.

The production capacity of the temple has a support value based on its own degree of belief. Each type of soldier in the temple has a unit consumption. Dividing the support value of this temple by the number of units consumed is the maximum number of units allowed for sale. The leader we want to buy is an extremely horrible army. Its own rank is 2,000. This is the highest creature I have seen so far except the Lord God. After the system releases the thousand-level restriction, those creatures previously marked with the thousand-level have specific level values. The master **** level like Ling and Xiaochun has a level of four thousand, and the previous one is also marked with a thousand. Level of luck is actually only two thousand levels. This is still because luck is the prince, and the little three is even a creature of level 1,100, and the crystal is only the upper limit of level 950.

The 2,000 level seekers can only support ten people with the faith of the Temple of Chaos and Order, so they can only prepare less. However, it doesn't matter if the number is small. The leader is like his name. People are responsible for directing. If there are too many numbers, it will easily lead to trouble. However, despite being a commander, in fact the leader's combat effectiveness and special capabilities are also quite scary. It is not too simple for anyone with a level of over two thousand. The seeker's fighting ability is strong, and his special ability is even more powerful. This special ability is called coordination, and its role is to coordinate the magic effects of its own personnel. Some vows that could not be mixed can be used at the same time, and they can even be superimposed on each other. Take a simple example. Water and fire do not allow everyone to know, but as long as the seeker is present, you can mix water magic and fire magic. And produce a magic spell called water flame magic land. When this magic is released, it is the same as a water spell. It is either an ice cube or a water arrow, but when it hits the enemy, it will immediately break down, and then two kinds of gas-hydrogen and oxygen-will be formed in place. With these two gases, the next step must be an explosion. The enemy is the first to be attacked by a water spell and then damaged by a fire spell. What's more terrible is that a lot of water will form after the explosion. If the water spell ability is very strong, you can also make up a freezing spell at this time. The result of using freezing when there is a large amount of water vapor in the air is to produce a composite magic-extremely frozen fog. A large number of white ice crystals will instantly cause the enemy's armor and weapons to shatter, even as long as there are casualties. This is what makes leaders scary.

There are only ten leaders, and the remaining 1,940 have other arrangements. According to the list given by the army god, the next stop should be the demon tribe. Since defeating the Buddhist monks, the power of the demon clan has been increasing. The exhibition is very fast. This time we have to create a special force. Of course, those elites of the demon can not miss it. Among the major forces, my relationship with the demon clan is probably the best. After all, the other parties are just dealing with me. Only the demons are holding my hands.

I was just about to leave for the demon tribe, but the ring of love suddenly called for a rose. "Where are you?"

"Essinger SkyCity Plaza 3. What's up?"

"There is something at the base. It is a special event, and I don't know what it is."

"Okay, I know."

No way, it seems that I have to wait to come back to the demon tribe. Call all my men back to Isinger. Then go offline. After taking off the helmet, a three-dimensional projection of the son-in-law appeared in front of my ground. "Are you down? Hurry up and go to the third laboratory, they should already be on the road."

"What is it?"

"You'll know when you come." The son-in-law disappeared immediately after speaking.

By the time I got to the lab, everyone was here. There are a lot of people here, except for me and my team. The lucky family also appeared in the experimental area. Rose and Dad stood among a group of researchers, with hundreds of researchers behind them. But behind them there was more scary, because there were a large row of large and small cultivation tanks.

Seeing that I had arrived, Dad immediately nodded to the researchers. "You can start."

A competent researcher clapped his hands and said, "Push it over."

I saw a group of researchers pushing a row of trolleys, and each trolley was lined with a shiny hemispherical metal object. "Isn't this an electronic brain?" I recognized these things. My magic pets and I now use this kind of electronic brain, and will not admit it.

The researcher in charge did not care what I said, but continued to direct those researchers to be busy. Dad came to me and explained to me: "There is a small problem internationally, and the situation may worsen at any time, but for now you don't have to worry."

"What's wrong?"

"You don't need to know this for the time being. If you know it, you will worry about it and will tell you when you need it." Dad suddenly patted me on the shoulder and said, "But ... Maybe I can't protect you for a long time. "

"Dad!" Dad's eyes seemed to be fanned by water and light, and his EEG was in confusion, which was a very emotional expression. He had never looked so abnormal before. "Dad don't scare me! What the **** is going on?"

"My son! I really don't want you to get involved in some things, so don't force me anymore. As long as you know two things."

"Well, you say."

Dad pushed the rose beside me, and then said with emotion: "First, I hope you understand that the birth of a new thing is bound to be hindered by the old thing. As a new thing, there must be more Strong survivability. Regardless of any exclusion and obstruction, you must not give up hope and fight bravely. When you have a blue sky of your own, the old things will no longer be your obstacle. Do you understand? "

I nodded strongly with Rose.

Dad smiled with satisfaction, and then continued: "The second point, I hope you guys know. I'm standing by your side. The same is true of Long Yuan. Whenever we are, we are your Great Wall."

I was baffled by my dad, but I felt that my dad had encountered something serious. But I know I can't help Dad now. So I didn't say much, just silently remembered my father's words. Since Dad said something like this in this situation, there must be a reason. Dad wouldn't hurt me, just remember it anyway.

Seeing that I seemed to understand, Dad continued: "When I can stop this, I will help you to stop, if not, I will have other arrangements for you. However, what you have to do now is Strengthen your own strength. Strength is capital. I will try to accumulate as much capital as possible for you to get a good start in the final competition. This is all I can do for you. "

Rose pointed at the electronic brains and asked, "These ...?"

Dad nodded. "I know that with your current intelligence. I can probably feel some clues. Listen as I say, but don't ask me questions. I can only tell you because of this incident, I and the old guys It has been decided to go all out. "

Dad's "desperate" problem is too big. What is Long Yuan? It is a corporate empire, a capital army. In front of it, the state machine sometimes has to make appropriate concessions. And dad is the king of this corporate empire, and he needs dad to make a desperate effort. What kind of enemy will it be? The previous content of Dad's sentence is also worth noting. Old boy. Who are your dad's buddies? I know it's not a government official anyway. It's not someone inside Long Yuan. Some of these people are his subordinates, some are his superiors, and some are his friends, but there are no old folks.

The sound of rose land suddenly appeared in my mind in the form of a radio, and the electronic brain was convenient for that. "Who do you think the old man he said?"

Weina's voice suddenly intervened in the radio. "Don't bother guessing, I know who it is."

The voice of the rose rang again. "It's impolite to eavesdrop on someone else's conversation."

"We are less than ten meters away. Do you think that their enhanced hearing system has failed? Also, please use encrypted channels when you use the radio in the future? Is n’t it just you two who are transforming people?"

This is really our problem. In Wei Na's hearing, eight meters is indeed too close. No ghost can hear. As for the radio, I have n’t yet mastered this stuff. After all, I used to talk to others with my voice. Suddenly, I was not very comfortable with radio communication.

"Vena, you said you know, who are those people?"

Wei Na hasn't answered yet, Dad has continued to talk. "We don't want to endure restrictions anymore. Now that we have decided to go all-in, we should do it thoroughly. Dragon Margin will fully increase the opening of weapons in the Throne of the Seal of Siam in the future. In addition, the third phase of the immigration plan begins early. And prepared a 'peak plan' in advance. Don't worry, I won't let you be hurt. "

Today's dad is really weird, probably because of the relatively great stimulus, but in any case, it is good to be able to add new weapons, at least I can have more men. The electronic brains on the carts launched this time are obviously intended to transplant my magic pet or some other game personnel, otherwise you don't have to call me.

The researcher in charge suddenly shouted, "Sample No. 1 is ready for connection."

A culture tank was pushed to the center of the laboratory, and a huge metal protective layer was spread out to all sides, slowly exposing the experimental body therein.

"Well, it's Yeyue!" Ling Xian called out.

In the green solution in the culture tank, a snaketail creature is floating there quietly. Although similar to Yeyue, she is still just a pile of meat, and Yeyue's soul is not here.

A researcher pushed the number one trolley, and a robotic arm dropped from the ceiling to grab the electronic brain. The robotic arm sent the electronic brain to the special access port on the top of the culture tank, and then the electronic brain fell into the green solution in the tank after passing through the purification device on the culture tank. There are also many robotic arms inside the tank. They quickly catch the electronic brain. At the same time, several robotic arms quickly open the head of this snake-tailed creature. This creature is cultivated as a body. There was nothing in her head. The robotic arm carefully implanted some connection mechanisms into the skin and nerve circuits of the head, and then the electronic brain was put in and docked with these mechanisms. The robotic arm quickly turned the wound back over, then aligned the wound and held them for a while. After two or three minutes, the wound was fully recovered, and a large amount of nutrients were available in the culture tank. So the resilience of biochemical cells can work at full capacity without worrying about the blood being too late to provide nutrients. After the wound was recovered, the robotic arms were retracted, and then a large number of electrodes with wires were connected to the electronic brain.

The competent researcher said: "Characteristic creatures, descendants of the son-in-law Protoss, creature name Yeyue."

The voice of the eldest son in the laboratory sounded. "Search completed, download started."

The snake woman in the training tank suddenly pumped, she got a body like an electric shock, and then quickly curled up into a ball. Her tail wriggled in the culture tank, and the high-pressure glass jar was snoring, as if it would crack at any time. Suddenly, her eyes opened sharply. At the moment when those eyes opened. The whole room seemed dark, just because those eyes were too bright.

The electrode retracted automatically, and the son-in-law said, "Import is complete."

Yeyue's consciousness seems to have recovered. She was struggling in the culture fluid in panic, waving her arm in panic to find the support point. According to Ling, when the consciousness was introduced into the solution immediately after the introduction, there was a feeling of drowning. Of course, fear of the environment is one of them. The environment of the real world and the environment of the game are too different, and the sudden change of the environment is very exciting to the spirit.

I walked to the tank. Tap gently. Ling and Xiaochun are standing behind me. Wei Na noticed me instantly, and then saw the companions behind me. Although our costumes have changed a lot, after all, we have been together for so long. She recognized us at a glance. After seeing an acquaintance, Yeyue's spirit was slightly calmer, at least not so scared.

I pointed to the back of my ear with a smile, Yeyue looked at my ear with a little doubt, and then realized that I was talking about her position. She touched the back of her ears and found that there were gills there, and behind both ears. There would be no drowning with gills, and Yeyue calmed down immediately. In fact, she felt the illusion of drowning just because there was liquid around her. In fact, these nutrient solutions contained a high concentration of dissolved oxygen. Even without gills, she could breathe smoothly with her lungs alone.

After the crisis is gone. Yeyue began to carefully look at the surrounding environment. Her brain waves were full of doubts and puzzlements. However, she will not use her own radio device for the time being, so I ca n’t communicate with her by radio, I can only feel her feelings, I ca n’t convey her thoughts to her.

A few fellow researchers began to adjust some data on the console, and then started the drainage program. The green solution was all pumped out, and Yeyue's suspended body gradually began to fall, and finally became standing on the bottom of the tank. However, she soon found that she had no strength at all and could only lean on the glass. This is the first step for all artificial life forms to come to earth, everyone is the same. The newly created body is very weak, but as long as an hour can be restored to the standard of ordinary people, more than ten hours after the basic human.

After the tank was drained, the closed gate suddenly opened. I hurried in first and took Yeyue's body out. But picking her out is not like everyone else. Although the upper body is human, Yeyue still has a big tail more than eight meters below her waist! When it comes to her weight, she is about five to six times my weight. My hug is that she is now soft like noodles. I ca n’t make it. Rose and Wei Na hurried up to help, and soon carried Yeyue out. Researchers have already prepared a special wheelchair for Yeyue. This thing has a large rear compartment that allows her to put her tail in it.

Yeyue has been wanting to ask questions since she came out, but there is still a problem with the vocal cords, and she can't say a complete sentence for a long time. As I touched her forehead, I calmed her and said, "Don't be nervous, you need to rest now. You can talk after a while, and then we will tell you all about it."

Yeyue wanted to nod, but she was even struggling to do this now.

After soothing Yeyue, let her watch first, and then we started to extract the next life form. This time, the character is a little dragon girl. Unlike Yeyue, the little dragon girl directly used a human form to download this time. We also created one of the dragon dragon's body. However, it is a kind of aquatic creature. Although it can go ashore, its mobility will be greatly affected, so it is decided to download Xiaolong Nu in human form first. We're all using electronic brains anyway. The little dragon girl wants to use Shenlong's body, just take out the electronic brain and transplant it. For us, this is easier than cutting the appendix.

With Yeyue's precedent, this time we stood near the tank in advance, and the little dragon girl could see us as soon as she opened her eyes. After soothing me, she quickly stopped struggling and was carried out by us. Similar to Yeyue, she also said hello with a look, but it is difficult to explain now. I plan to wait for everyone to come and explain to them one at a time, so as not to say it again.

The little dragon girl is followed by Ariana, which she downloaded directly in the form of a mermaid. Although she and Yeyue both appeared in a non-human state. However, the bases are equipped with human-shaped bodies for them, and they can be changed at any time if desired. In fact, if it is not for going out, it is not conscious to change. Even if you change body. With our physical abilities, we can no longer be considered humans, at most they look like humans.

The fourth one to come out is Xiao Feng, who also appeared in human form. Her body is a black giant bird, but it is not here. She is now just a beautiful girl with a fiery red head.

At this point, the humanoid magic pet is all set. The remaining humanoid magic pets are only called, and loyalty cannot be guaranteed for the time being. So no body was made for them right away. But this time in addition to humanoid, there are non-humanoid creatures.

Following Xiaofeng are two big guys, this time the tank is just two giant water towers that have fallen down. The ground creatures floating in the tank are two dragons. The black one on the left is just the body of the plague, and the purple one on the right is just crystal. Now Lucky and Plague Brothers are all out. Xiaosan was also produced this time, but in reality he is not three heads, but only one head, mainly because if we have three heads, we do n’t know how to think.

We can't help with the handling of the three dragons, it depends on the crane. Putting them aside to rest first, the empty cans were pushed away. The new jar was pushed up again. The creature this time is even more exotic, it is actually a tank.

Insect biological weapons have always been one of the most taboo things in biological research, the main reason is that they are uncontrollable. A weapon, no matter how powerful and effective it is, as long as it cannot be fully grasped, then it is not a good weapon. The probability of a worm's life being mutated is as high as 1 in 10,000. In combination with the worm's reproductive ability, genetic mutations will occur within almost one year, and a new species will be born within ten years. This is really fast and unimaginable in the process of biological evolution, which is probably one of the main reasons why insects are so successful on earth. When the vertebrates first appeared, the ancient amphibians of the Zerg had already appeared. Now that the vertebrates have evolved into humans, the insects are still alive and well, showing how successful they are.

I asked the research director with some concern. "This ... creates Zerg creatures, doesn't it ...?"

The director smiled: "I know what you mean. Rest assured, these zergs have been specially treated and will not cause problems. The stuff in science fiction movies is so exaggerated for the convenience of arranging the plot, it is actually not so dangerous . This big guy is called a tank, right? Although it looks like an insect, it is completely different from an insect. You will find it different in the future. "

"Isn't he a Zerg?"

"Shouldn't count it! The biggest difference is that the reproduction ability is much worse. It is ovum. The reproduction frequency is about once a year, with a maximum of three eggs at a time. Moreover, only one is currently made, and there is no way to reproduce."

"I can rest assured that."

Although my worries are a bit redundant, the destructive power of the Zerg should not be underestimated. With so many artificial life forms released today, there was a problem with the tank. He actually broke Boli and ran out without waiting for the incubator to open. In terms of strength, he is probably the strongest of all artificial life forms.

The tank's head also has an electronic brain. Of course, its intelligence is much higher than that of insects, but it is not as good as us, and it is the worst of all currently transplanted living organisms. However, his combat effectiveness may be the strongest among us. It is said that he has weapons all over his body, but the supervisor has no time to explain to us the Seal of the Throne, so we are not sure what the characteristics are. However, you can see it even if you don't say it. The athletic ability of the tank is at least the more any off-road vehicle existing, and the defensive ability is obviously higher than the level of the main battle tank. What's more important is that cold-blooded animals like him cannot be tracked by thermal missiles.

Let the tank rest for a while, and we will continue to activate these artificial life masses in large quantities. Long Yuan is completely deregulated today.

After the tank is a spider-shaped sickle. He is much smaller than the tank and has no sense of pressure at all, but it is said that he is very fast, but is currently in a state of muscle relaxation and cannot reach a complete state for the time being.

Later released are Bailang and darts ~ ~ These are normal-sized creatures, which are relatively simple. Bailang's manufacturing form is similar to that of Xiaoyuan, the first generation of artificial life forms, at least looking like a big dog. The difference is that Xiaobai is white, but the white waves have hair. Although it is roughly white, there is a block of black hair on the chest.

The darts look like little foxes, and the red fur looks cute. But when I first came out, it looked wet like a water rat, and it became beautiful after drying, especially the big tail, and I wanted to pinch it when I saw it.

After these people and creatures, there are several special groups. This time it was pushed out of a large jar with all the same creatures inside. These horrifying creatures are Iron Wraiths, and they are a large group. These insects do not need to extract consciousness from the game, because the worms have no consciousness anyway. Their queen is a giant iron hare similar to a white swan, and it will assume the command of these soldiers and bees. And her own mind is under my command, so I can indirectly control these soldiers and bees through her.

There are only so many breeding plans today. Everyone just left the training room, most of them are still weak, so they were all sent to the maintenance room for repairs. According to the suggestion, we are connected to the game again, so as not to delay the time of the Seal of the Seal of God, their bodies should be able to move after we play for a while.

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