Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 8: Demon usurper

Adana and Yeyue spent a lot of time learning the technology of using sonic weapons, but finally mastered it. There was a sudden scream at the door of the laboratory, and our eyes turned together. At the gate stood a large group of people, two of them base security personnel wearing security clothing, and the remaining twenty were all wearing white prison uniforms.

Because Longyuan's biological experiments sometimes require human subjects, prisoners are often placed in the base. The prisoners all wore a white, dress-like outfit. The advantage of this kind of clothing is that it is easy to take off when you go to the experimental table. Otherwise, it is not easy to pull off the regular clothing from the prisoners.

The screams just came from the prisoners at the door. They were obviously frightened by us, exactly by the big guys behind us. Tanks, sickles, and luck are all big, and they are very aggressive in appearance. In short, they are scary.

"Weird ... monster ...!" One of the prisoners made a hissing throat, then closed his eyes and fell backwards.

The prisoners were all strung together by a chain, and when one fell down, he was immediately pulled by two people next to him and failed to fall. One of the guards in charge of the detention came to me with a form and saluted first. "According to your request, twenty subjects will be brought in. Please sign for it."

I quickly returned the gift, and then signed a letter to return the form to him. "Untie them all."

The security guard saluted, then went back and dropped the restraints of the prisoners with his companions, and then they retreated together. The twenty prisoners all looked at us in panic, including the one who just fainted. He is now awake. Can be sent to experiment, it must be a prisoner of death, and most of them are extremely wicked, but the wicked will be afraid. Like now. When the wicked meets the devil.

I hooked my fingers at a calmer man among them. "come."

The guy looked at me, then raised his eyes and scanned the lucky ones, and then focused on me. The information I read from this person's mind was that he already knew that I was the commander of these monsters, so he now thought that I was more terrible than that monster. However, this guy's psychological quality is not generally good, and can actually suppress the fear in his heart.

Although scared, the man came to me and stopped. "What do you want me to do? Do you want to feed me this monster?"

"Who are you talking about?" Lucky lowered his head and yelled in a thunderous voice, because the man had just pointed to silver. Others say their wife is a monster, and of course her husband is going to be angry. Even the dragon is the same.

Although there is no Long Wei in the real world, it is definitely not easy to stare at a monster bigger than Tyrannosaurus Rex. In my eyes, I can clearly see that this man's body temperature is rising. Because the infrared signal is getting stronger. In addition, my nose also smelled adrenaline, which means that the man is now in an extremely unstable state.

Fortunately asked, the man was calm before, and only his legs were shaking like a vibrator.

"Lucky!" I glanced fortunately. Fortunately, he retracted his head. The man saw his lucky head leave him, took a deep breath, and collapsed to the ground. After the adrenaline, there is an extreme sense of weakness. Human potential is only enough to support a few seconds.

I didn't care about the person underground, and then said to Yeyue, "I taught you the induced current when you just learned the electromagnetic field. Do you remember?"

"Well." Yeyue nodded.

I pointed at the man. "Sensing his brain and analyzing his emotions and thoughts, this is the next lesson."

Ariana and Yeyue immediately focused their attention on this man together, and he shivered almost conditionedly, which is probably the instinctual response to the crisis. It seems that this man has been trained in combat before, so it is strange that his mental quality is so good.

It took me less than a minute before the sickle called out first. "I feel it, this guy is thinking about how he will be killed."

I nodded in satisfaction. "What about the rest?"

Yeyue also said: "Well. I can already sense some."

"Give you another minute, speed it up."

Everyone did well, and in the last minute they all felt each other's thinking. I said to them: "This is just thinking reading. As long as the other person is thinking about the problem, you can immediately feel it. But note that this ability reads surface consciousness, which is what the other person is thinking, and cannot search. His memory, unless the other party is recalling his experience, you ca n’t read the memory. Now, go one step further in reading the memory, this is mental hypnosis. Try to use your electromagnetic field to affect his brain Radio waves, but be careful ...! "

I didn't finish talking, the man had fallen down, a yellow liquid flowed from his step, and the corner of his mouth was drooling. This person is obviously dead! I was a little bit angry at Yeyue: "Please wait for me to finish the experiment before you can do it? You are the first to kill someone within five hours of birth!"

Yeyue knew that she had made a mistake and looked at me with pitiful eyes, and I could n’t even say that she was doing it! "Forget it, that's okay, it's a negative textbook! You all pay attention to me, human beings are very vulnerable races, not only the contacts I repeatedly emphasized before, even mental hypnosis is very dangerous. Ye Yue just now The electric field used is too strong, and as a result, the person's brain is directly cooked. Remember, the electrical signals used by the human brain are in microamperes. Do not let the current be too large, and the voltage must be controlled. .Well, there are nineteen left over there. Go find an exercise by yourself and try not to die! "

This sentence is tantamount to pushing all the people into the abyss, and they fled one by one in panic. But the degree was too bad, and all were stopped in two steps. Each of these new pets found a target for training, and when they learned how to hypnotize people, there were only seven prisoners left! I looked helplessly at the dead bodies and shook my head! "Ah! Science is about to make a sacrifice!"

One of the remaining seven people suddenly jumped up. Pointing at me and shouting, "What are you talking about? Sacrifice? You didn't sacrifice?"

I smiled evilly: "You're right. In addition ... I'm very interested, why is there a female prisoner. Rarely!" I hadn't noticed that there were actually women among the prisoners this time.

"I ... what's wrong with me? Do you think ...?" She tightened her neckline and moved back in panic.

"Don't be embarrassed by yourself. I'm not interested in nuns." The prisoners were all bald for the convenience of experiments. This is why I didn't see any women in the prisoners before. I watched her continue: "Since you took the initiative to stand up, so okay, I will use you as a teaching aid in the next lesson." I turned to other magic pets and said: "Now teaching you is called puppet control, the principle and the previous Hypnosis is the same, the difference is that this time you need to increase the power and directly control the muscle tissue of the other party to work according to your wishes. For example. "

The female prisoner suddenly started dancing in the same place, and her position was very strange, apparently not her own. I smiled and asked, "Did you understand?"

Everyone nodded together.

I pointed to Yeyue: "You try first."

Yeyue nodded hard. Then start focusing. As I relaxed the control, the woman had stopped, but she suddenly jumped up like an electric shock, and then fell back to the ground again with a sharp scream. I reluctantly looked at Yeyue. "The voltage is too high! Look at it. The muscle fibers are torn. Unless you have been trained for six months, you can't recover your mobility! Pay attention to controlling the voltage. From low to high test, do not use high voltage as soon as you come up Not infinitely. "


By the time they finished the trick, the experimental products were all done. The best soldiers are trained on the battlefield. Now let them contact death in advance, and then they will not be frightened. The remaining corpses should not be wasted. Experiment with their special weapons to those big magic pets.

The sickle is a giant spider, and in addition to its eight long legs with a blade, it also spins silk. The diameter of the goose silk released by the sickle is almost two millimeters. And it is much stronger than steel cables, and more importantly, it has good elasticity, and it will not break even if it is doubled. In addition to using silk instead of rope, the sickle can also spray out the liquefied chemical substances in the silk sac. If these things are slowly pulled out, they are spider silk. Don't even think about the adhesive.

The plague's specialty is nothing more than Long Yan. Let them show fortune first, and then they come by themselves to just cremate the corpses.

The final tester was a tank. I started to faint with his information. The tank was the most modified, and it was a mobile bunker. The shell of the tank is a high-strength biological armor, and its structure is inspired by insect carapace and optimized. The body of the tank is now surrounded by this kind of carapace, its hardness and elasticity are amazing, even anti-ship search bombs may not be able to penetrate. Under this armor are hidden a large number of weapons, such as a lightning concentrator on the head. The tank can use this to shoot lightning **** like us, but not one by one, but a continuous shot like a machine gun. Except for this thing, tanks are all weapons. All kinds of advanced equipment can be found in him, but the most terrible is not yet.

There is a magic crystal cannon on the back of the tank in the game. That thing is very powerful. But the actual tank is equipped with something more terrible. When the elytra of the tank is fully unfolded, you can see a mass of muscle tissue on his back, and the front of these things has a circle of scale-like objects forming a bowl-shaped gathering ring. At first we didn't know what this big guy was, it just looked like a radar antenna with a long handle, but it was a surprise to check the information.

"What? Bioproton cannons?" The audience was shocked.

I flipped back and forth a dozen times with that information, and it turned out that I read it right. The description mentions that this thing is still in the experimental stage, but there have been records of successful shots, but the success rate is only 70%. There is no guarantee that you can shoot every time.

According to the description, the proton weapon originally needs to be added for a long time, but the tank's body has a three-in-one adder that uses molecular repulsion and electromagnetic force and the theory of electric excitation. The long gun barrel was reduced to fifteen meters in length. The tank needs to tighten its muscles before shooting. A vacuum zone is formed in the gun barrel, and then energy starts to add protons, and then shoot out from the middle of the scaly objects at the front end. The reason why the scales evolved here is because the wind pressure muscles when shooting can not withstand these scales. This is an epoch-making weapon anyway, but I don't plan to use it for now, after all, it is too dangerous.

The end of all the basic skills training was just at dawn. After breakfast, I took everyone back online. After entering the game, I still look the same. I gathered the magic pets who have entities into the space door to let them communicate with each other. I went into the demon's headquarters alone.

Because I am a common ally of the demon tribe and heaven. As well as the common enemy of Buddhism, the demons and heaven have now reached a certain degree of consensus. At least heaven will not destroy the monsters for no reason, and the monsters will be more attentive to training. Will no longer run out of trouble. In such a relatively peaceful environment, the power of the demon tribe has grown rapidly. The people who cultivate the immortal road can be successful for at least a thousand years, but the monsters who cultivate the demon can usually change significantly within three years, and some of them can even reach ten years of magic power. This is the main reason why many people put on the regular immortal path and do not go through the demon. After all, Cheng Cheng is too tempting.

Now the demon clan has nourished the earth veins of Fudidongtian, and its strength is almost explosive. The last time I came here, I just felt that the people here were thriving. This time, it was like a senior monster in the mountains. If this swells at this rate. There is another one or two hundred heavens that are not rivals!

There are too many new monsters, and I almost never know me. A lot of monsters ran out to harass me along the way. I was really helpless, and finally I had to hold the Quartet in his arms. This thing is the third national weapon given by the son-in-law. As long as that breath is enough to make the demons retreat.

Walking all the way to the building complex on the top of the mountain, this side was originally a huge temple, but now it has become a magic cave. The entire building complex is protected by a fence, and the gate is a building that mimics the mouth of an evil spirit. If you want to go in, you have to pass through the evil spirit's mouth.

Fortunately, the monsters here are all older generations of identities. Everyone was terribly terrible after seeing me. Without getting them notified, I walked inside. According to the guard outside the door, I quickly found Shuixu's four protection methods.

Squeak. A shrill rubbing sound from the wooden door pushed me away, and the four guardians in the small little black room stared at me with horrified eyes. I was taken aback by their gaze, and standing in the doorway was neither retreat nor retreat.

"Whew!" A few seconds later, the four major protectors exhaled in one breath and paralyzed in their seats.

I look puzzled left and right. "What's wrong? Isn't it when I came?"

Shui Xu snapped his fingers, and I was immediately pushed into the room by a gust of wind, and the door slammed shut. "I was scared to death!" Said Shui Xu with a guilty conscience.

"what's wrong with me?"

Yin Ruo patted his towering chest and said, "People are discussing important things, and you broke through our enchantment and entered this room without any warning. What do you say?"

"Are you enchanted? Why don't I see it?"

Shui Xu said: "This enchantment is specifically aimed at the demons. If you are not a demons, you will not react."

"Then what are you talking about? Arranging an enchantment dedicated to the demon, can you prevent the insider?"

The water nodded helplessly. "This thing is not easy to say within us, but you don't need to keep it secret. I think you have also noticed, have you encountered a lot of scattered demon along the way?"

"You don't say I've forgotten it!" I said angrily: "Please, you look like a large group, okay? Even if there is no pomp in heaven, there must be at least basic discipline! Now you are almost becoming bandits in the mountains Now, there are goblins everywhere. "

Shui Xu shook his head in frustration: "This is what I want to tell you. We have a big trouble with the demon tribe."

"What trouble? I think those little demon are very lively! Although it is a bit messy, as long as you concentrate on training, you should soon be able to rectify a decent army."

Instead of Shui Xu, Yin Ruo said: "The problem is not with the little demon, but the superstructure has a problem."

"Upper level? Is it the demon king? Hasn't he recovered his mana? Does anyone want usurp?"

"It's a good point." Shui Xu took the topic again: "The magic power of the demon king was imprisoned in heaven for many years. Although the relationship improved and was recovered, it was damaged after all, and ..."

"And what?"

"And the entity of the demon king no longer exists. It is very hard to rebuild the real body with mana. It can be said that the demon king is very weak now. But something happened to the throne of the Seal of God some time ago. The little monster that jumped out swallowed another little monster during the battle, and the strength suddenly doubled. This little monster quickly understood that the mutual engulfment between the demons can quickly improve their strength, so he gave up cultivation and specialized Enhance your strength by devouring other monsters. In this way, the little monster has been strengthened in the Throne of the Seal of Siam in just a few weeks to a level sufficient to fight the messengers.

I stopped them from going on. "I think I understand. Now this little monster's strength has suddenly increased, so there is no life experience of a normally cultivated monster, so he wants to express himself with anxiety. It happened that the strength of the monster was impaired, and this little monster did not With restrictions, no one can beat him. As time goes by, the Seal of Throne has become ambitious, right? "

"Yes. He wants to destroy the demon king himself as the demon king, and he has assassinated the demon king twice, but it has not been successful. Although his strength has increased rapidly, his foundation is futile and the strength is equivalent, but it is a big difference. In addition, the two messengers are not vegetarian, so it is impossible for him to succeed for the time being. Moreover, due to the improvement of his strength, eating ordinary monsters can no longer improve his strength, and only senior monster members must be useful to him. . "

"So you're afraid of this, are you afraid he will eat you?" I asked.

Shui Xu stiffened his head and argued, "No, we are worried about the safety of my king."

"I think you are worrying for yourself." I ruthlessly pierced their last lie.

Shui Xu scratched his head awkwardly. "Hahaha ... you were spotted! However, are we not his opponents? Is it right to hide? Just wait for the demon king to restore his strength, and it is not yet possible to capture it!"

I suddenly frowned. "Looks like you can't wait then!"

"Ah?" The four major guardians looked at me together ~ ~ waiting for my explanation, but I don't need to explain, because someone outside helped me explain.

boom. During the violent sound, a strong purple flash shot outside the room, and the room was instantly opened. The light came fast, and it went fast, quickly dimmed, but after a few seconds there was a sound, and the light burst again.

The four major protection methods finally came over. "Someone is smashing the enchantment we set."

"Is he here?" Shui Xu asked in panic.

I shook my head helplessly: "It seems that you are really scared. In this case, how about I help you out?"

"You?" Shui Xu and the four of them looked at me together, obviously not convinced that I could handle the enemy outside.

I hehe smiled. "It's okay to get him, but I won't work in vain. As long as you can provide these for free, I will go out and help you solve it." in. "Do you want to think about it?"

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