Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 32: My legion

"This ... Is this magic?" As we think, after a high level of technology, most of them will treat them as magic, not technology. Major General Wu really asked it out.

Han Wei scratched his head and grinned, "In fact, this is just a little trick."

"No, it's a rare thought!" It was Weiner who spoke. "It's really rare to have such a strange idea to forcibly block the movement of molecules with electric shock technology."

"Huh? You can see?" Han Wei was very irritated. Although he was very humble on the surface, after all, this was a technology he was proud of, and he would be a little proud. But such high-end technology is actually seen by others at first glance, and this blow is certainly too big.

Wei Na didn't notice that he was wrong, but said directly: "We all have electromagnetic induction capabilities, which is not surprising."

Major General Wu asked with a question mark on his face: "Don't you play the maze, who will explain to me how this is done?"

Wei Na nodded: "The principle is quite simple, but it is very complicated to do. First you have to understand the nature of temperature. Many people think that temperature is an inherent property, like inertia, mass, and gravitation. It is unresolvable. Not an inherent property. We all know that the objects around us are made up of small molecules. These molecules are making an irregular vibration every moment. We call this the Brownian motion of molecules. This is junior high school. Course, everyone should know. "

Everyone nodded to understand, after all, it is very simple.

Wei Na continued: "Although you know these simple things, you don't know that the strength of the Brownian motion is actually the temperature eigen. The research data of the Longyuan Technology Department shows that the human body has no temperature at all. The Holy King will kill the God of the Seal of the Seal of God in the night and ask the demon to be proud of the Nine Heavens. The Royal King will kill the King of God Seal of the Night. The Nine Emperor of the Nine Heavens is the strongest to abandon the Shaozhou prince to make the gods to kill the God of the Seal of the Night. The Nine Emperor of the Nine Heavens is the strongest to abandon the nerves of the Daozhou prince to the night. But people can feel the martial arts. God of the Seal of Throne Seeking Demon Pride of the Ninth Heaven The Strongest Abandoned Shao Zhou Emperor Will Kill The God of the Thousand Seals of the King Seeking Demons Pride of the Nine Kings of the King Will Kill The God of the Week Greatest Abandonment of the Dao Zhou Emperor Martial Universe Will Kill the God of the Dark Seals of the Night God Demon Pride of the Nine Heavens Force the abandonment of the Shaozhou Zhou royal family to make the gods and kill the night of the gods. The throne of the Seal of the Ninth Heaven is the strongest to abandon the Shaozhou Zhou royal family to the temperature. So what is working? The answer is the tactile nerve. The so-called tactile nerve is pressure Feel the martial arts The king made the holy king to kill the gods of the night and seal the throne to seek the magic and proud of the world ’s strongest. The throne asks the demon to be proud of the world ’s ninth heaven to abandon Shaozhou Zhou the royal family to make gods and kill the **** of the night. The throne seeks the devil to be proud of the world ’s ninth heaven to abandon the king of the Zhou dynasty. They are actually more sensitive than you think. Temperature It is a kind of vibration frequency of small molecules inside an object. Your pressure is felt. Martial King of Heaven and God created the sacred king to kill the **** of the night. The proudest Nine Emperor ’s strongest abandoned the Shaozhou Zhou royal family martial arts Qiankun will kill the gods of the Seal of the Night and seek the demon. The Da Zhou royal family feels martial arts. The sacred king will create the sacred king to kill the gods of the night. The throne of the gods will be proud of the world ’s nine strongest abandonment. The Da Zhou royal family will kill the gods of the night. Martial Universe will kill the **** of the night Chong Tian ’s strongest abandoning Shao Da Zhou ’s royal gods will make the night killing God ’s Seal of the Throne to seek the pride of the world. The true face of temperature, he stands for molecular vibration. "

"Then how can you be a frozen object?" Asked Colonel Wu.

"It's very simple. Since temperature is the vibration of these molecules, then we can understand temperature as an irregular kinetic energy. When the molecular kinetic energy disappears, thermal energy does not exist. We artificial creatures have the ability to control the electric field. You can understand it as motivation. We can control objects with their will to make them move. Of course, we can also prevent them from moving. When I look at an object, such as this. Don't fly over the ballpoint pen on your chest. "Now that's optimistic, I'm starting to stop its molecular movements." Everyone saw a layer of hoarfrost hanging on the pen. Immediately afterwards, everyone heard a kind of frozen cracking, but Wei Na didn't seem to stop. The ball-point pen has begun to emit white smoke, and it is still cooling down. After tens of seconds. Suddenly everyone heard a click, the pen suddenly turned into a pile of ashes and fell down.

"You actually learned the freezing ability?" Han Wei pointed at Wei Na in surprise.

Ling naturally said: "We will do too, what's wrong? This is not difficult!"

Compared to Han Wei, Major General Wu has no time to care about our degree of learning. He is a member of the military and only cares about our ability to weaponize. He squatted down in surprise for a long time when he saw the noticeably less ballpoint powder. If I hadn't, I would almost touch him! Major General Wu stood up in astonishment and asked with a trembling voice: "This lady, are you called Wei Na?"

Wei Na immediately made a military salute. "You need not be so polite. My rank is lieutenant colonel. You are a superior."

Major General Wu quickly returned to a military salute, and then said, "So what happened to you just now? Didn't you freeze it? Why did it burn to ashes in the end?"

I do not have. "

"Why did the ball-point pen become powder? And it can be clearly seen that the combination of these powders must not be as large as the original ball-point pen. What I know is that the volume reduction can only be caused by the loss of material due to combustion. I'm sorry I didn't do research A lot of things are not clear. "

Wei Na explained: "The powder is indeed much smaller than the original ballpoint pen, but it is not the ground caused by the burning, but the molecules have condensed."


"I think you should know the three basic forms of matter?"

"Of course. The three basic forms of gaseous, liquid, and solid are general knowledge in small disciplines!"

"But science has deliberately missed a link. There is still a fourth form of matter-the condensed state. When the temperature drops to absolute zero, the substance will enter the condensed state. In this state, the molecules of the substance have no Brownian motion, and the internal molecular gaps will It collapses, causing the volume to shrink drastically. This is why the condensed state is named. I just lowered the temperature of the pen to absolute zero, and then it condensed into a small mass. If you collect those ash, you will see In fact, the weight has not changed, but the volume has become smaller. "

Major General Wu was even more excited. "Can you freeze larger objects with this ability? Like tanks and airplanes?"

Wei Na embarrassed: "Of course the entire tank will not work, but I don't need to freeze it all, do I? As long as a small section of power wire enters the condensed state and automatically breaks, the tank will stop by itself. When necessary, I can even put The fuze of the cannonball is frozen and broken, so that the cannonball will not explode even if it hits the target. As for the aircraft, it depends on the distance. I can't freeze what I can't see. If it can be seen, then it is actually very simple. The aircraft is not necessary Frozen, what do you think will happen if you freeze the pipeline? "

Before Major General Wu answered, the colonel next to him said, "The plane in flight is suddenly blocked by oil, haha. It's really exciting to think of it! If we have such personnel in Special Operations Group A In the team, there was no need to be run over by the enemy helicopter in the last operation! "

Vena said expressionlessly: "If it were me, I would not shoot down the plane. Control the ground circuit directly to make the plane into our aerial firepower platform. It is too wasteful to shoot down directly."

"Can you remotely control the enemy's combat equipment?"

"As long as there is a power system. But I can't help it with pure mechanical structures like ordinary guns!"

Another Colonel said, "Aren't you invincible? The enemy can't take you anymore!"

"Almost!" I walked over and said, "Our electromagnetic force is a new form of power, and other countries have no corresponding protective measures for the time being. This is like we know the rifle, but our opponent is still using a large sword and spear. They do n’t have a tank or bulletproof jacket that can block bullets. They can only use hard tops, and of course they will suffer heavy losses. As long as they can create magnetic energy protectors, this problem can be solved. Think of a new way. Don't weapons and protective weapons grow up in such competition? "

"Good. So we should be one step ahead so we can be invincible." Dad pointed at the entrance. "Today we have so many old guys. In addition to introducing you to Han Wei and Major General Wu, there are also your new subordinates."

"New subordinate?" I looked at Dad doubtfully, not knowing what he meant.

Dad shouted at the door: "Come in."

There was a sound of neat steps outside the gate. The unified pace shows that this is a well-trained team, and ordinary miscellaneous army will not have such discipline. Soon, the forefront of the team appeared at the gate, and they entered the weapon test area at a very neat pace.

The team was very long, and it took a long time for the Seal of Throne to enter all. No team is needed. They automatically stood in a hundred teams and a hundred regional arrays. For a total of 10,000 people, this is already a regular army of a considerable size. If it weren't for the large weapons test area, so many people wouldn't stand well!

I glanced at the entire team. If it weren't for their uniforms and neat queues, most of them would think of this as a men's model team. All 10,000 people are uniformly one meter and seventy-five in height, and none of them are crooked and inferior. They all have handsome faces and a handsome figure. I know there are many Chinese, but it is impossible to pick such a team. Coupled with the unique scent from them, I can only draw one conclusion-these are all biochemicals.

When I went offline last time, my dad said he would support me, but this time there were so many biochemical people. Dad's meaning is self-evident, he just wants to create a fait accompli. And deter those conservatives with force. Once our team grows, the sectarians will quickly fall to our side, so the pressure of the conservatives will increase. Furthermore, if our strength is strong enough, even if they insist on dealing with us, they will inevitably take conservative measures against our strength and will not take the risk. This will give us the time to seal the throne of God. Once our regular army has formed a combat force, it will not be so easy for them to do anything more.

Major General Wu did not seem to know that there was such a troop, and his face was full of surprise. "General God, is this ...?"

"The newly formed Longyuan Biochemical Corps directly under the army, all the establishment is here. In addition to them, my son and these people are in the establishment."

Major General Wu asked in surprise: "An army made entirely of biochemicals? Isn't it necessary to have an infantry division with a population of 10,000?"

"No, no," Dad shook his head. "This is a fully bio-technical army, not a division."

"Group army? Just this 10,000 people?" Colonel Major General Wu asked almost with a mocking voice.

Dad rang his finger to the army over there: "First row, let them see the use of those big guys." Said Dad and said to me again: "After these are your team, you Also learn, you must learn to use these things. "

I smiled and said, "I have learned how to use that big ball before you guys come. The effect is really good."

Dad nodded and said nothing.

The soldiers in front jumped on the nearby giants, and the big guys moved immediately. A gate was opened at the gate opposite the experimental battlefield, and a large number of mechanized troops opened out from it. Dad proposed to watch it. The following is not very safe, so we all moved to the second-tier platform to watch.

The mechanized troops on the opposite side of the battlefield are all the latest US military equipment as imaginary enemies. Their actual combat effectiveness is higher than that of the active US military, because these sophisticated equipment have not yet been popularized in the US military. Dad assured Major General Wu that all mechanized troops used live ammunition. Of course, they are all remotely controlled, because the combat effectiveness of the biochemical forces is not weak.

The experimental battlefield was selected as hilly terrain with a large number of trees and shrubs. The biochemical unit sent only one large-scale biochemical beast and a few soldiers on foot, while the mechanized group over there was a full mechanized division, not only a large number of tanks, but also helicopters.

The troops on both sides approached quickly, and the division's own artillery regiment assumed to fire first. Long Yuan's weapon experts stated: "These are the latest 195mm self-propelled howitzers of the US military. The shooting range is the ring snake three cluster artillery shells, which can easily penetrate the top armor of our military main battle tanks.

Upon hearing this, Major General Wu immediately looked at the situation on the side of the biochemical forces. I saw all the big beasts stopped, and then the ball I just test-run ran to the center of the team. Other creatures gathered around him in a circular array. The enemy's shells flew up like raindrops. American artillery has automatic loaders and forced retreats. The artillery rate almost catches up to the ground with a single rifle. The artillery of a regiment is almost stormy. But just at the moment of the torrential rain. The kind of blue light curtain I used suddenly appeared again above the meatball ground, but this time it was hemispherical. The cannonball hit the light curtain like a raindrop, and the exploding fire flame instantly covered the entire hemisphere.

The ten-minute shelling soon ended. But when the fire light disappeared, the blue water curtain-like protective cover was still wavy peacefully there. Major General Wu's mouth has not been closed since the first shell fell to the ground, and now the ground is even larger. "This ... this shield can stop such an attack?"

Dad didn't answer. Instead, I took the walkie-talkie. "Protective ball to report loss."

"The full defensive hood is operating normally, and energy has dropped by 23 percent. It takes ten minutes to recharge."

Major General Wu's eyes were almost staring out. "Is that so? Doesn't that mean he can withstand the blast of an artillery brigade?"

"Almost! But today I show you, under normal circumstances they will choose to shift positions, rather than hard-top shells."

With the end of the first round of long-range bombardment, the second group of rockets started to prepare for the second round of firepower, but the results were basically the same. With the exception of knocking out some shield energy, it was almost completely ineffective. When the group of rocket launchers was over, a large number of planes flew over. Of course, the base experimental ground was underground, so there was no way to get the jet plane, only some laser projections could be used instead. But the bombs used by the plane were real, those were real missiles and bombs dropped from the ceiling of the experimental area.

The dome as a defensive weapon once again raised its protective cover. At the same time a giant insect like a scorpion came out. I saw it erected its tail up to the sky, and then shot a string of green ammunition like an anti-aircraft machine gun in the general's surprised eyes. The targets of these green ammunition are not aircraft, but bomb hunting and bombs. The amazing thing is that its interception rate is as high as 100%. Hundreds of bombs and search bombs flew in the sky, but none of them were missed, and no ammunition was wasted. Just one green ammunition and one search bomb, no more, no less.

Long Yuan's weapon expert explained: "This uses the dragonfly's compound eye response nerve, which is three thousand times faster than the artificial radar. And you can also see the accuracy. The advance calculation is absolutely amazing."

While they were talking, the bombs and search bombs hit by the green slime all exploded in the air. This terrible interception weapon was really scary.

After the fleet has passed, it is assumed that the enemy main tank unit is advancing forward under the cover of the armed helicopter. This is a standard tactical advancement method, and it can be said that there are almost no loopholes. Suddenly, troops on both sides made contact. The helicopter fired an anti-tank missile first, and then the giant insect, like a spider, that was targeted suddenly bounced off its original position. The missile ground tracking system cannot track a target that moves so fast, it loses its target in one fell swoop. The big spider not only flew away from the attack. A row of white regiments was hit in mid-air.

A squadron of helicopters began to scatter, but three were still hit. As soon as the white ground hit the plane, the plane immediately dispersed, and then the helicopter's propeller was entangled. Those white things are actually spider silk, and they are sticky. Once the helicopter propeller is entangled. Even if it doesn't stop immediately, it won't reach the turn required for flight. After that, the aircraft can only crash. The fleeing plane couldn't be caught, and the big scorpion turned its tail to the helicopter again. It shoots green liquid much faster than spider silk, and the helicopter has no time to dodge. These green slimes were basically liquid explosives, which exploded at the touch, and most of those helicopters were shot down.

The remaining helicopters wanted to rush up, and as a result, the spider spewed a white silk thread to catch the aircraft, and then yanked it to the side, and the aircraft was directly thrown out. One slammed into another helicopter beside him and exploded. Dozens of helicopters were shot down like a fly in front of Major General Wu, and almost no maneuvering and defense methods worked. Major General Wu looked for a long time before all large creatures had that kind of protective cover. It's just not as big and thick as the dome's protective cover, but the single defense is definitely not a problem. As soon as they touched the shells and searched for them, they activated the shield, and these missiles could not penetrate the shield at all. The giants do not activate protection when weapons such as machine guns fire, but all monsters have hard exoskeleton or scales, and are not afraid of machine gun bullets.

After the helicopter was annihilated, a dragon flew over the biological legion. The ground anti-aircraft search bombs on the tanks are all heat-tracking types. Although the dragon is warm-blooded, the animal's body temperature is not enough to allow the thermal bomb search to change direction. You should know that the original targets of these missiles were aircraft exhausts that injected thousands of degrees of high-temperature exhaust gas. Of course, there is no response to animals with only a few degrees. As for the laser search, it goes without saying that you have to be able to aim accurately. With the dragon's flexibility, flying at low altitude is the same as playing. From time to time, they can also half-fly and half-run to toss some distance on the ground. In fact, even if it is hit, it is useless. Fortunately, I had hit an anti-tank missile in the first place, only to rupture the scales, and the air defense missile search power was even less, let alone expect.

The dragon flew quickly over the tank cluster. He was immediately cordially received by the anti-aircraft machine guns and missiles. As a result, the missiles were completely hidden, and the machine guns were of no use except to hit a row of Mars on him. The dragon landed directly in the center of the cluster, swept away a tank with one claw, and then smashed a nearby tank into the ground with its tail. When the back of the tank turned around and the muzzle was about to attack, the dragon had taken off again, and the elevation angle of the tank gun was insufficient to aim.

With such a harassment by the dragon, other monsters in front of it also came. Rushing to the front is an iron beetle made in the shape of my magic pet tank. This guy looks very scary, and his combat power is even better than his appearance. The opposite tank had noticed him when the giant iron beetle appeared, but they could not hit the enclave dragon in the sky, but they could hit the beetle that ran on the ground, so they immediately opened fire to suppress it. As a result, the iron beetle completely inherited the characteristics of the tank in the game, and its defense was really speechless. Except that the covering area can only include itself, the iron beetle's protective cover and the dome's protective cover are actually one level. The shell hit Mars and splashed on the shield, but it was not injured.

Suddenly, the elytra on the back of the iron beetle opened a little to both sides, and a strange object stuck out. Major General Wu can roughly see that this is a weapon. Its basic part is composed of bones and muscles, but there is a horizontal thing like a gun barrel on it. However, the barrel is solid, and is divided into three forks only at the tip, two of which are on the top and the other is below, forming an inverted equilateral triangle. Suddenly, a faint vibration sound appeared around us, and this sound was often heard under the high-voltage wires. This is the sound caused by excessive concentration of electrical energy. At the same time, a sparkling blue light sphere appeared in the gap formed by the three forks, and it continued to grow.

Major General Wu pointed at the light ball in surprise and asked, "What's that?"

Before Dad came to answer, Wei Na said first: "It's a plasma cloud, or you can call it a ball lightning."

This side is talking, the electric ball suddenly broke away from the center of the trige and flew forward. The tank over there quickly turned to escape. Even the dragon responsible for containment immediately flew up. The electric ball fell into the middle of the tank cluster and did not hit any tank, but a miracle was born. There was a loud noise, and the tanks near the electric ball exploded together. The reach range is over 500 meters.

This time without asking Major-General Wu to explain to Wei Na: "Although the electric ball did not directly hit the target, the electric field generated by the induction electricity was enough to cause the shells and gasoline in the tank to explode physiologically. These are remote-control tanks. If it really goes to the battlefield, In fact, the power will be greater, because people within a radius of 1,300 meters will be electrocuted. After that, the tank will become an iron coffin and there will be no threat. "

Wu Major has never heard of such a weapon. It was the first time he saw it today, and it was still on the back of a large worm, which really surprised him. But today Major General Wu has been surprised since he entered the base. There is more or less resistance now. "Really powerful weapon, but what about ammunition? It takes electricity to shoot that thing?"

"You have to ask him this." Wei Na pushed the technical engineer out again.

The researcher in the technical department explained: "These fighting beasts are actually the same vehicles used by the military. But they are made of protein instead of steel. So? Energy consumption must be supplemented by some alternative methods. First, they store energy in the cells and blood of the body like ordinary living things, but we strengthened this system to get a new circulation system. Inside these bugs is a blood sac, which stores their blood. This blood itself is a high-energy substance that can carry a large amount of energy to provide the body for use. Although bombardment like the previous one is very energy-intensive. However, it can be fired at least 300 times in a row depending on the energy in the blood, which is more than the average military artillery ammunition Be plenty. "

"What if the three hundred artillery runs out, then?" Major General Wu asked.

"There are three methods of supplementation. First. When the ambient temperature exceeds thirty degrees, they can absorb environmental thermal energy to supplement physical energy. Of course, this degree is very slow. Second, directly fuel. This fuel is a mixed nutrient solution, as long as If you drink it directly, you can quickly add energy. This is the main supplement method we designed. In addition, there is a backup plan. These big guys actually have a digestive system, so eating directly when necessary can also add energy. "

"Eat?" Major Colonel Wu asked, "How do you eat such a big thing? Where can I find food for them on the battlefield?"

"There are a lot of them! They don't have to eat the food we eat! The enemy's carcasses, animal carcasses on the battlefield, and nearby plants can basically digest them. But this is only a backup plan, and it is usually directly supplemented Energy-based fluids. "

After listening to the commentary, Major General Wu looked at the court again. The beasts were completely one-sided and gave mechanized troops no fight back. Many of the special abilities of the Biology Corps are completely gone before they can show off the imaginary enemy on the opposite side. In fact, this is not to say that the mechanical legion's combat effectiveness is low, but because they do not have proper weapons. The active duty equipment of the Mechanical Corps cannot wear magnetic shields, and most of the current weapons can not keep up with the flexibility of the giants. Such an asymmetric war, it is a matter of course that the victory and defeat can be divided so quickly.

After watching the show, Major General Wu told me: "Your large biological combat effectiveness is very good, and the individual strength should be very powerful. It is not an exaggeration to establish a group army with such a unit."

At first, the colonel who felt we were too brave now does not speak. Such an army is said to be a group army. In fact, the combat effectiveness of the army is much higher than that of a group army. Major General Wu took the two colonels and Dad to discuss the specific arrangements and then left, Dad took us back to the experimental center. That 10,000-strong army regrouped before us. Dad patted my shoulder and said, "It's all your old ministry, isn't it a problem to direct?"

"Old Ministry?" I stunned for a moment before I was surprised. "They are my evil spirit knights?"

Dad's smiley has answered my question. The 10,000 regular troops are all my evil spirit knights, and they obviously already have the human body, and even the basic knowledge has been trained, otherwise they would not stand here neatly.

"How's that?" Dad flaunted, "I built the Biochemical Corps for you, and then your safety will be guaranteed. If those old **** trouble us again, I will confront them directly. There are troops Squeeze your hands and speak louder! Hahahaha! "

"Dad, you better not be too publicistic." I was a little worried: "Ordinary people have limited ability to accept us, and really want to get into trouble, I worry about unpredictable consequences. People are not suffering from poverty And unevenness, ordinary people only have normal physical strength, but we have such a powerful ability, they will feel this is unfair. This jealousy will turn into a cry of opposition, which is very passive for us. "

Dad patted me with a smile: "Good boy, now also learn to think before and after? Don't worry! You all know cautiously, can I do anything out of place? I won't do it until I have to do so Let irrelevant people know about it. Now they are your class. In case something goes wrong in the future, do you have basic self-insurance measures? "

"So is it. But it's better to keep a low profile."

"Relax! Well, you are familiar with the new body first, I will take them to talk about our old men." Said the dad beckoned the heads of all branches together to leave the experimental area.

Han Wei came to us and said, "You should be familiar with it first, and you can ask me if you don't understand. Frost and Snow are also your group, please familiarize yourself."

I reached out to Shuangxue and said, "Although we are enemies in the game, in reality you are still my subordinates, so don't be emotional?"

Frost Xue glanced at Han Wei reluctantly, and then twisted and shook hands with me after being glared.

Wei Na came over and asked, "Since you can freeze objects, should it be heated in reverse?"

"Of course, can't you do it?"

"We can also, but the energy required for heating is too large and not cost-effective. The ultimate goal of changing the temperature of a substance is to break it and be easily attacked. The method with the lowest energy consumption is the most suitable method. Since you are I will learn to cooperate with you in this respect. "

"I will try to adapt."

"It's not as much as possible, but you must adapt." I said to Frost Xue: "After you go online, do you simply become my magic pet? Training is too slow in reality. We fight together in the game, and the cooperation is natural Just went up. Do you think that ’s okay? ”Hee hee, am I considered power for personal gain?

Frost was stunned by my proposal. To be honest, she doesn't want to be my magic pet, otherwise she won't react so much in the game. But she had to admit that my proposal was correct. Our time in the game is obviously more than the time of the Seal of the Seal of God, and there are more actual battles in the game ~ ~ If this kind of environment can fight side by side, the coordination will definitely be Soaring. Although you can actually train in reality, training on training equipment is no better than actual training.

Seeing her indecision, I plan to push her again. "If you find it a bit uncomfortable to be my magic pet, we can slowly cultivate a sense of familiarity. What do you think?"

"Is there a pet trial option in the game?"

"The rules are dead, but are people alive?"

Frost's eyes dripped for a long time, and finally he said, "I refuse."


"Because I don't like you."

"Being a magic pet doesn't mean you want to marry me. Does this have anything to do with whether you like it?"

"I don't do it anyway."

OMG! When encountering such a hard and hard master, it seems that the plan to seduce the iceberg beauty has to work harder.

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