Starting from Zero

Vol 13 Chapter 52: Mysterious country

Volume XV Chapter 52 The crowd in the mysterious country automatically made a seam, and a middle-aged man who looked quite strong appeared behind the wall. This guy didn't wear any gorgeous king costume, but instead wore a set of luxurious armor. He should be a king who likes to fight, or something like martial arts. The middle-aged man wanted to walk forward, but was stopped by the guards around him, probably worried about his safety. He didn't care, he just stood there and said to me, "Isn't your kid brave? The king's daughter dares to peek."

"Misunderstanding and misunderstanding. I just made a transmission error and fell into the bath. It was really an accident."

"I believe in you." The king's words stopped me.


"I said I believe you." The King repeated it funnyly.

This one! Thank you so much for your trust! "

The king suddenly gave an evil smile. "Hey, although I believe you accidentally fell in, you saw the princess taking a bath after all, so ..."

"No, no, no, I didn't see anything at the time. When I fell in, I turned my back to the princess. Then your guards rushed in and pressed me to the bottom of the water. When I got up, the princess was no longer there. In fact, I didn't even see what the princess looked like. "

The king shook his head and said, "Even if I believe you are useless, after all, you fell into the bath. Where do you put my face once you pass it? So you have to take responsibility. I decided to assign the princess to you, you come Be my son-in-law! "

"Ah?" There was a short circuit in my head. Why did the king push the princess so aggressively? Does the king have a problem?

Just when I was wondering. A female voice suddenly appeared. "Thank your father!"

Yep? Is this the princess? I immediately followed the voice, and immediately appeared behind the crowd. I felt like I was smashed by a sledgehammer, and almost didn't faint. Now I know why the king wanted to throw the princess so aggressively! This princess looks like a snowman. And it's the type of Halloween version. Her lower body and upper body are exactly two balls, her head looks like a pumpkin head for Halloween, and a whole monster. Most people have a limit even if they are ugly. The appearance of this princess makes me doubt her race. Maybe this is a pumpkin monster, not a human race.

The space around me was fluctuating, and Fenglong Space opened by itself. Ling jumped out of Fenglong Space first. "Who wants to grab my master? Even if the master can't be with me, he must never marry that monster."

The king froze for a moment, but immediately understood. He gestured to the guard. "Catch her."

The soldiers rushed forward immediately, and Ling pointed his staff forward: "Dark Guard Switch." A dozen black **** flew out and hit a dozen guards, respectively, and beat them. The other soldiers ignored these people and continued to charge forward. But those people suddenly got up and started attacking their own people. Suddenly the guards who were attacked suddenly were caught off guard, and immediately retreated and reorganized the encirclement. The soldiers hit by the black ball retreated to us and formed a line of defense. All of these soldiers had a faint dark magic power on them, and their eyes were all blood red, apparently controlled by magic.

The king seemed to have something to do, but Ling stepped the staff to the ground first. "Secondary liberation."

There was a loud noise from the surrounding soldiers, and the muscle tissue began to swell frantically, as the muscles increased. The armor on their bodies was no longer able to adapt to their figure. After a burst of crackling sound, their armors burst apart. Falling from them. Now these soldiers have all turned into two and three meters tall, with extremely strong muscles and horrible monsters with bat-like heads, and all of them have wings and are obviously able to fly.

The soldiers who had not been hit were taken aback by the sudden monster and stepped back a little. Although loyal to the king, there is no problem. But fear still exists. These things are too scary, and everyone will be scared.

"What did you do to them?" The king asked loudly.

Ling replied: "It's nothing. It just put the soul of my close guard into their body temporarily, and burned their vitality for a temporary strong combat power. You better think about it before you decide to fight with us Although these people are dead, their lives are enough to burn for seven or eight hours. During this time, the fighting power of the Throne of Seals will reach more than thirty times as usual, and they are not afraid of pain and are injured. They can also recover quickly. And their souls have been eaten by my guards. Now it is my guards who control these. They are immortal, even if they are damaged, they just return to me, so they all Is the most fearless soldier. Do you really think that you, the trembling soldiers, have ever beaten my undead guards? "

"Dare you say I'm a monster, you have to die even if you're strong." The monster princess shouted at me: "Guards, don't be scared by her, rush up to kill her. If she is really powerful, she won't be at peace We've said so much, she will attack us directly, and she won't do it because she knows that she can't beat us, but she's just bluffing. "

After listening to the princess' words, the king immediately said, "Yes, punch me."

The soldiers rushed up regardless of the danger immediately after receiving the direct order, but Ling's guard was really not covered. He rushed up to block all the soldiers, but only more soldiers ran outside. This place is so large that it is not surprising that there are a large number of guards.

It seems that today cannot simply negotiate, it is impossible to talk to these guys without persuading them! I touched the guardian ring of the evil dragon in my hand, and a layer of purple mist immediately pervaded the surrounding area. A teacher immediately covered his nose and shouted, "It's suffocating! Hurry up with your Majesty!"

The king and princess were protected from the fog, but more guards rushed up. I opened Fenglong Space again and released the ghost lamp. Although this guy has no attack power, when he is there, the area where the evil dragon guard releases his breath can expand the area several times. And the conversion rate of undead will also increase exponentially, which can greatly strengthen my dark power.

Sha Yezi, the King and King Land were also brought out. These four were undead creatures. All have dark power enhancement effects. According to my observation, the power of this air country seems to be dominated by the light system and the nature system. The dark and undead attributes of our land and these magic attributes are just hostile attributes.

The beautiful little princess also threw out her little fairy Luna from Fenglong Space, but she did not follow her. She majored in life and didn't like the feeling of the undead spirit everywhere, but the elf is a sub-type creature, and he is unwilling to come to any magic system.

With so many dark amplifiers, the surrounding fog of death began to gather more and more, not only the concentration rose sharply, the area also began to expand wildly without limit, and soon covered the entire king city, the king Both the family and the royal family had to hide in the room to prevent the invasion of the mist.

The entire palace guards were concentrated around me. However, the blockbuster fog blocked the sight, and they would not be able to participate in the battle for a short while, and the longer the Seal of Time, the more difficult it was to form combat effectiveness. As for the reason ... look at the little animals in the palace to understand.

The enhanced version of Death Fog not only allows dead bodies to rise up to fight for me, it also allows living creatures to directly undead. Although this process is slow, after all, it is alive, and the first unlucky creature is the lower creature. There are many small animals in the palace as pets. These non-attack creatures have almost no resistance. It was only a matter of ten seconds before the mist spread and they started to be in trouble.

The king, who was in the palace hall, was leading his ministers and his family to discuss what to do, and the doors and windows of the hall were now sealed. Although temporarily safe, the fog still infiltrated in small amounts, and sooner or later it would invade. A group of court mages constantly added magic protection to these important figures, but they ignored the parrot standing on the doorway shelf. That was originally a King's Land pet. Although it didn't have attack power, it was very smart. The king likes it very much.

Everyone was discussing things, and no one noticed that the parrot walked nervously back and forth on the shelf. It can feel the martial arts. The sacred king created the sacred king to kill the **** of the night. The throne of the gods and the pride of the world is the strongest. Qiankun will kill the God of the Seal of the Night and ask the demon to be proud of the world Nine Emperor ’s strongest to abandon the Shaozhou royal family. But it was locked on the shelf and couldn't fly, so it could only walk back and forth anxiously. Suddenly, the parrot calmed down without warning. Its eyes closed slowly, and flapping wings stopped. After stopping for a few seconds, the parrot's eyes suddenly opened again, but at this time there was already a red blood there.

All creatures in the mist are in direct contact with me, and this parrot is no exception. I could feel it. Under my guidance, the parrot easily opened the lock that was complicated for it. Silently, the parrot flew up, and then flew towards a mage.

Feeling the wind behind him, the mage turned back hastily, but saw a ball of color crash into his arms.

"Ah!" The scream of the mage caught everyone's attention. The parrot had flew up again, and the mage staggered from the ground, covering her neck. He took his hand down and looked at it, but only saw blood on his hands. Look at the parrot eating a piece of meat while standing on top of a statue in the distance. The king looked at this cute parrot in surprise, and now it is no longer cute. The parrot that is eating meat is like a hungry ghost from hell. It should eat human flesh, which should not eat it. This change is too exciting.

"Catch it," the waiter beside the king suddenly called.

"Slow." A division stopped everyone. He looked around the bitten mage's neck, and quickly applied a healing technique to the mage. "This parrot is dead. It is now an undead creature, very dangerous."

The mage who was bitten suddenly started screaming. People around him wanted to go to the rescue, but was stopped by the mage. "Retreat, it seems late!"

The mage screamed in pain, and fell down. He had a cramp on the ground for a while and then he didn't move. After a few seconds, he suddenly resumed his activities, but felt that his movements were stiff. He stood up again in everyone's surprised eyes, but his eyes were closed. A guard who had a good relationship with him wanted to help him. But was pulled again. The bitten mage suddenly opened his eyes. There were no pupils in his eyes. Instead, there was blood red. His mouth suddenly opened. The mouth was full of fangs, which was no longer human teeth. With a strange scream, the mage rushed at the nearest person.

A swift response from a soldier pierced the mage's heart, but the mage bit his neck as if nothing had happened. No matter how he was chopped by others, he wouldn't let up. In the end, everyone almost chopped the mage into minced meat before removing him from the soldier, but the soldier was out of breath. But before everyone could regret him, the soldier's eyes suddenly opened again. Those blood-red eyes made the people around them jump like an electric shock. The soldier stood upright from the ground, then turned and rushed towards a former colleague.

Finally, the soldier was leveled, and three more were injured. This time, everyone just chopped the injured person directly into pieces, lest it be more troublesome. The king and the others shrank in horror, and had no idea what to do. Death fog doesn't seem to hurt much. It's actually better than any magic, especially when there are many enemies. The more crowded it is, the more powerful it is.

In fact, compared to the situation outside the room, the problem here is not a problem at all. The entire palace complex is now covered by a dense fog of death that is invisible three steps away. Soldiers without any magic defense are directly exposed to the dense fog of death in this way. The results can be imagined.

At first, the small animals raised in the palace bit the breeder and the maid, and then these maids and staff turned into zombies and began to bite the guards, plus all the less resistant guards were directly dead. Soon, the number of my ghost army will almost be able to fight against the surviving regular army chamber, and the more people on my side are killing more. The other person is constantly falling down.

To be honest, the so-called fog of death is similar to a virus. Once this thing spreads, it is very annoying. Without adequate protection from spell guards, the soldiers will not only be unable to complete the task, but will in turn threaten their own safety. Like

That's it now. In fact, with the number of court mages here, a team of 40,000 to 50,000 people attacked me. Can completely mess me up, even if I release the evil spirit knight and the magic pet together. Definitely a fierce battle. But just because they were too many, the mage group couldn't take care of so many soldiers, and the result was that the extra number constantly added to my forces, which in turn offset their advantage. Speaking of them, I have hardly participated in the war just after the fog was released, all of them are fighting, and there is actually a situation where my side is about to win.

The battle ended after a few hours. The fog of death has gradually dissipated, but the transformed undead will not fall until it is killed or I actively release it. When I surrounded the palace with a team of more than 200,000 people, the royals and ministers inside were almost crazy. Speaking of which, my army of 200,000 undeads is actually mostly maids and some small animals. There are not many undeads who become real soldiers. But all of these things have a powerful characteristic-contagion. It is dangerous to be bitten or scratched, so they have a headache even if they are not fighting.

"Open the door, I want to talk to you." Standing in front of the hall door, I shouted inwardly as a winner.

After waiting a few minutes, the door finally opened slowly. The environment in the hall is not very good, the ground is covered with minced meat and blood. Although the door was closed, the mist created considerable confusion in it.

"What are you going to talk about?" The king stood looking at me in the door calmly. Although there are many troops in his army, they are all outside the palace. I have 200,000 zombies, and blocking the hours is no problem. And these people can stop me for a few minutes is a miracle.


"Do we have anything to trade? Or do you just use the excuse of trading to carry out robbery?"

"Shut your stink mouth. I said that a transaction is a transaction, and the loser has no right to object. You can only choose to either trade with me or die."

"Are you threatening us?" The King asked angrily.

I nodded no shyly: "You're right, I'm threatening you." When I was surrounded before, if they were polite, I wouldn't mind dealing with them fairly. I don't think this is necessary. "What if we agree to a different position?"

"Okay!" The king finally gave in.

Ten minutes later we sat down in the hall and started our negotiations. A long table sat with the king and me on each end. Ling and Xiaochun, two experts in magic, sat on my left and right, and Yeyue and the little princess sat beside them as special staffs. There were no less than ten people sitting beside the king, all of them national elites, but in my opinion they are useless now, because the leadership of the negotiation is entirely with me.

"Well, I will ask some questions before talking about the transaction, and I suggest you best answer my questions truthfully to maximize the efficiency of the negotiation. I do not want accidental casualties." I said this is threatening the other party, The other person clearly understood his situation and did not refute me. I tapped on the table and continued, "Okay, now I want to know, how did you get the lance here?"

"Long gun? Of course it was cast out of iron. How else could it come?" The king replied.

"Sorry, it was my negligence. You call this creature called a jet dragon, the mount of the air cavalry who chased me before. I want to know the origin of those creatures."

"Oh, you are talking about a jet dragon!" Said the mage next to the king. "That is a synthetic creature, an advanced product of biological alchemy."

"You mean a synthetic creature like Kimeira?" (Kimera I am referring to is a synthetic creature commonly known in the magic age, not the two-headed dragon in Warcraft. Don't make a mistake.)

The mage looked very angry at what I said. "How can Kimela be compared with the Jet Wyvern? Kimela is just the primary product of biosynthetic alchemy technology. The difference between it and the Jet Wyvern is like the difference between a sand castle built by a child and a real castle. That's not a level thing at all. All Kimeiras are the lowest-level synthetic toys, and they can't compare with the jet dragon. "

"So can I know where the Jet Wyvern is strong?" Although I used a very polite tone of inquiry, I was constantly warning the other side with my eyes, this is not a question that can be rejected.

Probably the special feature of the Jet Wyvern is not an undiscloseable secret. The king answered my question without much struggle. It was the mage who spoke, and he knew a little bit about it. "In fact, there are many characteristics. But the most important one is the soul. Since you can make the undead, you should have spiritual vision, that is, do you see the soul?"

"Of course ~ ~ So can you see the look of its soul after seeing the jet dragon?"

"Yes. Their soul and body are exactly the same."

"That's the difference." The mage explained: "When you look at a Chimera, their souls are actually fragmented, and you can even see sutures in their bodies that are forcibly connected by magic. And from these souls you can find their previous ontological characteristics. Although most of Kimela's appearance can't see what was originally, but from the soul you can recognize how many creatures they are composed of You can also see the stitching effect and soul strength. All of this is because the fusion of Kimela is too low. The alchemy of Kimela is actually a common fusion, it only fuses. Appearance, but unable to fuse the soul, so a monster like Kimela was produced. When blending the Jet Wyvern, another more perfect fusion technology was used, and we also improved on this basis to produce a kind of The technology that fuses non-biological matter and living things together, so the jet dragon is born. "

Gosh! I did not expect that the spear was actually a fusion of ordinary creatures and inanimate machinery through alchemy. This news is really shocking!

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